2020-06-16 CC Agenda SPC - Public Communication related to Item #A1 - Citizens ProtestShilling, Mona
From: Mitnick, Scott
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2020 12:44 PM
To: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk); Shilling, Mona
Subject: Citizens Protest Agenda Item
Believe this needs to be part of the record.
From: Roxi Smith <roxi3@vt.edu>
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 10:49 AM
To: "Mitnick, Scott" <smitnick@elsegundo.org>
Subject: Re: Citizens Protest Agenda Item
Hi Scott,
Thanks for your response and action. Yes please feel free to keep me in your contact list. If you need my phone let me
know. I would be happy to speak live during this week (however I can't attend council meeting be of work). I don't only
want the name changed but to consider how EI Segundo is looking to the future to serve the community outside from
funding the police. Thank you for your response.
As a public leader, I understand it's very difficult to make these changes and listen to opinions from a multitude of
opinions. Thank you for your response and effort. I look forward to hearing from Council more frequently.
Roxi S.
On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 9:50 AM Mitnick, Scott <smitnickPelseeundo.org> wrote:
Ms. Smith —
Thank you for your email to EI Segundo City Council. Upon reflection, the agenda item description will be changed
from "Civil Unrest Update" to "Citizens Protest Update." Also, the staff presentation will come from both the City
Manager and Police Chief. As we move forward on diversity and inclusion issues, your voice will be important and we
would like to encourage you to stay engaged with the City. That said, would you object to my adding your name to our
evolving list of residents for us to stay in contact with? It is important for all voices and perspectives to be heard.
I would be happy to talk with you live during the week, if you like.
Scott Mitnick
City Manager
Cite of El Segundo
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From: Roxi Smith <roxi3@vt.edu>
Date: June 12, 2020 at 2:38:36 PM PDT
To: Councilmember
Subject: City Council Meeting: "Civil Unrest"
Good afternoon,
My name is Roxi Smith and I'm a fairly new EI Segundo resident, originally from the state of Virginia. I
work and live in the township. This area has been known for leaning conservatively, but driving home
from work and seeing the Black Lives Matter protest that the high school set up gave me hope for the
acceptance that could come from EI Segundo.
I think this town is a great place to live and work, but I'm writing in concern about the 6/16/2020 City
Council agenda. In the agenda, you will be having Police Chief Whalen talk about "Civil Unrest". That
word choice to me seems like you are not defining what you really want to talk about, and since it is
the most recent upcoming meeting, it makes me believe you are going to not define what's going on in
our town and in the world. This is about Black Lives. It's about keeping all citizens safe - especially our
black citizens. Having a police chief speak about "Civil Unrest" as the only way to address this local and
global issue at a city council meeting reads to me as neglectful and hypocritical, considering Mayor
Boyles' well-meaning ears and promises during the BLM march. It seems outwardly tone deaf when
there are calls from local, city, and global citizens to begin defunding the police in order to stop
assigning policemen who are wildly unfit to serve their community from solving issues like domestic
abuse, racial violence, and basic robbery. These are all issues the police are assigned to work on, yet
from anecdotal and statistical evidence, many people feel undermined when police get involved.
I strongly urge you to represent black voices in this meeting. Do not call this "Civil Unrest" and sweep it
under the rug. Defund the police. Keep this town safe.
Roxi Smith
Roxanne Smith
Virginia Tech '19
Food Science and Technology
Roxanne Smith
Virginia Tech '19
Food Science and Technology
Shilling, Mona
From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 10:41 AM
Subject: FW: Civil Unrest/Citizens Protest Agenda Item
Council received over the weekend.
From: Mitnick, Scott
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2020 12:45 PM
To: Shilling, Mona; Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Subject: FW: Civil Unrest/Citizens Protest Agenda Item
From: "Mitnick, Scott" <smitnick@elseRundo.org>
Date: Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 9:56 AM
To: "Mitnick, Scott" <smitnickPelsepundo.org>
Subject: Civil Unrest/Citizens Protest Agenda Item
City Council —
In response to the below resident (Ms. Roxi Smith) email and a Councilmember request, staff will be happy to revise the
agenda item description from "Civil Unrest Update" to "Citizens Protest Update." Also, the staff presentation will come
from both City Manager and Police Chief. The City Manager will provide follow-up from Thursday's closed session with
recommendations (based on direction provided in closed session). I will work with City Clerk to revise the agenda first
thing on Monday morning.
Happy to discuss further with each of you in our upcoming one-on-one meetings. In addition, I will also inform Ms.
Smith of the agenda item title change.
Thank you,
Scott Mitnick
City Manager
From: Councilmember
Date: Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 7:04 AM
To: "Mitnick, Scott" <smitnick(@elseRundo.org>
Subject: Fwd: City Council Meeting: "Civil Unrest"
Hi Scott I do agree that at we should change the wording. Thanks
Begin forwarded message:
From: Roxi Smith <roxi3(@vt.edu>
Date: June 12, 2020 at 2:38:36 PM PDT
To: Councilmember
Subject: City Council Meeting: "Civil Unrest"
Good afternoon,
My name is Roxi Smith and I'm a fairly new EI Segundo resident, originally from the state of Virginia. I
work and live in the township. This area has been known for leaning conservatively, but driving home
from work and seeing the Black Lives Matter protest that the high school set up gave me hope for the
acceptance that could come from EI Segundo.
I think this town is a great place to live and work, but I'm writing in concern about the 6/16/2020 City
Council agenda. In the agenda, you will be having Police Chief Whalen talk about "Civil Unrest". That
word choice to me seems like you are not defining what you really want to talk about, and since it is the
most recent upcoming meeting, it makes me believe you are going to not define what's going on in our
town and in the world. This is about Black Lives. It's about keeping all citizens safe - especially our black
citizens. Having a police chief speak about "Civil Unrest" as the only way to address this local and global
issue at a city council meeting reads to me as neglectful and hypocritical, considering Mayor Boyles'
well-meaning ears and promises during the BLM march. It seems outwardly tone deaf when there are
calls from local, city, and global citizens to begin defunding the police in order to stop assigning
policemen who are wildly unfit to serve their community from solving issues like domestic abuse, racial
violence, and basic robbery. These are all issues the police are assigned to work on, yet from anecdotal
and statistical evidence, many people feel undermined when police get involved.
I strongly urge you to represent black voices in this meeting. Do not call this "Civil Unrest" and sweep it
under the rug. Defund the police. Keep this town safe.
Roxi Smith
Roxanne Smith
Virginia Tech '19
Food Science and Technology
Shillinq, Mona
From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2020 11:53 AM
Subject: FW: Lack of leadership bad judgement.
Council received email below.
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S10+. an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: Steve Mossman <skmossman@me.com>
Date: 6/11/20 11:24 AM (GMT -08:00)
Subject: Fwd: Lack of leadership bad judgement.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Steve Mossman <skmossman@ne.com>
Date: June 11, 2020 at 10:12:38 PDT
To: Smitnick@elsegundo.org
Subject: Fwd: Lack of leadership bad judgement.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Steve Mossman <skmossman@me.com>
Date: June 9, 2020 at 21:29:57 PDT
To: bwhalen@elsegundo.org
Subject: Lack of leadership bad judgement.
I am a along time resident of El Segundo & a 30 + year retired, veteran Of
LASD. I was just shown a picture of you holding a political sign obviously
representing your Personal, political beliefs. I find It unbelievable that a chief of
police and supposed leader of police officers would do such a thing!! What you
did is an embarrassment to all law enforcement officers & particular to the
officers of ESPD whom you represent & are suppose to set an example for. When
you are at work Representing ESPD as a law enforcement officer & in uniform,
you must absolutely remain impartial & neutral in your political views,
representations & beliefs. You obviously don't follow this philosophy. What you
did should be a violation of your own Department policy & Ethics. Your
behavior should be Condemned ! ! Based on your leadership & actions, you have
given your on duty, uniform, Department members the OK to verbally and
physically express their political views & opinions by displaying political signs in
uniform In front of the police station while on duty & in their patrol cars. Make
sure you convey this to your troops ! ! Assure them ( officers) that its OK to
conduct this type of behavior ! ! Very disappointed in your leadership, character
and decision making. Sometimes as a leader the correct decision is difficult to
make. You absolutely have to remain neutral & impartial, regarding Your
personal Political views. Your job is to keep the peace & enforce the law. You
took the easy way out & made a bad decision in not remaining neutral & un
bias. Shocked & disappointed.
Sent from my iPhone
Shilling, Mona
Tracy Weaver
City Clerk
Begin forwarded message:
Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Friday, June 05, 2020 10:31 AM
Fwd: Inform the Community
From: Bob Turnbull <rturnbu11361 @me.com>
Date: June 5, 2020 at 8:50:55 AM PDT
To: "Whalen, Bill (Chief of Police)" <bwhalen@elsegundo.org>
Cc: "Mitnick, Scott" <smitnick@elsegundo.org>, ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS
Subject: Inform the Community
Good morning Bill,
I'm sure you are well aware of this, but in case you are not, click on the attached link directed at
your department and my City police force.
httDs://www.chanee.orplt)lto-the-mavor-and-city-counci 1 -of -el -scRundo-defund-esi)d-and-a-
blm?recruiter=71157225&utm source=share petition&utm medium=facebook&utm campaign
=psf combo share initial&utm term=nsf combo share abi&recruited bv_id=90db8d40-5798-
IIe3-9555-95d47c534b99&utm content=fht-22570116-en-us%3Av10
I think your time would be best served for our community by informing this group and our
citizenry that it is unlawful to go around our beautiful City and tape up posters or papers, of any
kind, on public property or in the public right of way. It's a misdemeanor.
The poor citizen depicted in the video, who is a twin sister of a council person, did the right thing
by cleaning up our City and removing litter.
For years, I too walked those same sidewalks and removed political signs, lost dog signs, for sale
signs, etc. because it's against the law to litter and post these types of documents and it's the
right thing to do. I still do this today.
Now, because this goes unaddressed, you have a group in the community that is misinformed.
They are leveraging this anti -police movement to get signatures to de -fund policing in El
Segundo. This is one of the narratives of Black Lives Matter (BLM) that you supported in our
Civic Center on duty and in uniform by holding up two signs and posing for a photo that has
gone viral on Instagram and Facebook.
I think it's time for your next community message to apologize to the community and not justify
and rationalize your story like you did to me yesterday. Every mistake has a
story. Unfortunately, that does not make the mistake or lapse of sound decision making
Please do the right thing for our community and police force as I would hate to see the BLM
pressure our Council like they did in the City of Los Angeles and many Cities across our great
Nation to de -fund our great police force.
Respectfully watching and listening,
Bob Turnbull
d D V W
jlcederblom photo EI Segundo's police chief Bill
Whalen out with a group of peaceful protesters today
showing his support V* He was answering questions
and offered his office to speak anytime to anyone
who wanted to talk. I love our little town more
View all 2 comments
elsegundopd Can you DM us this photo please?
Thank you!
Shilling, Mona
Received today
Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Wednesday, June 03, 2020 5:10 PM
FW: IMG_1708 jpeg
IMG_1708 jpeg; ATT00001.txt
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy 510+_ an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: Bob Turnbull <rtumbu11361 @me.com>
Date: 6/3/20 4:40 PM (GMT -08:00)
Cc: "Whalen, Bill (Chief of Police)" <bwhalen@elsegundo.org>
Subject: IMG_1708.jpeg
Dear Mayor and Council Members,
This is extremely unfortunate that El Segundo Police Chief Bill Whalen felt it was appropriate to hold up a BLM sign while in
uniform and on duty in our Civic Center.
This type of political bias, when all lives matter, serves only to fuel divisiveness between races and community members.
It's one thing if he wants to get undressed from that uniform and remove the badge that many officers take great pride in and express
his support and first amendment rights for BLM, but not on duty and in uniform.
Thank you in advance for addressing this inappropriate behavior.