CC RESOLUTION 5204RESOLUTION NO. 5204 A RESOLUTION APPROVING COMMUNITY BENEFIT PLAN NO. 19-01 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA -1254 FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A 14,119 SQUARE -FOOT OFFICE BUILDING AT 212 EUCALYPTUS STREET. The City Council of the City of EI Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Council finds and declares that: A. On May 28, 2019, Drew Boyles filed an application for Community Benefit Plan (CBP) No. 19-01, Lot Line Adjustment (SUB) No. 19-02, and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254 for development of a 14,119 square -foot office building and merger of two lots at 212 Eucalyptus Street; B, The application was reviewed by the City's Planning and Building Safety Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the EI Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"); C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA"), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"); D. On January 16, 2020, the Director of Planning and Building Safety Department made the required findings for the approval of a Lot Line Adjustment in accordance with ES MC §14-4-4 for the merger of two lots; E, On February 13, 2020, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including information provided to the Commission by the applicant; F. On February 13, 2020, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2871 recommending that the City Council approve Community Benefit Plan (CBP) No. 19-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254; G. The City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on March 3, 2020, to review and consider the staff report prepared for the project, receive public testimony, and review all correspondence received on the project; and H. This resolution and its findings are made based upon the evidence presented to the City Council at its March 3, 2020, hearing including the totality of the evidence in the administrative record. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The City Council finds as follows: A. The subject site is located in the Smoky Hollow -West (SH -W) district of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan at 212 Eucalyptus Drive. B. The subject site is developed with a single -story, 5,350 square -foot warehouse building with accessory office space. C. The applicant proposes to demolish the existing building and construct a 3 -story, 14,119 square -foot office building, including a 634 -square foot office/meeting space and 35 parking spaces on the ground level. D. The project will deviate from the Specific Plan development standards as follows: 1. Its building height is 50 feet, which exceeds the permitted building height of 35 feet. 2. Its floor area ratio (FAR) is 1.32:1, which exceeds the permitted FAR or .75:1. 3. The rear setback is zero feet, which is less than the minimum setback of 10 feet. E. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan authorizes specified deviations from development standards in exchange for developer -provided incentives that benefit the larger community. In return for the above deviations from the Specific Plan standards, the applicant offers a community benefits plan, which is attached as Exhibit B to this resolution. SECTION 3: Environmental Assessment. The project is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15332 as a Class 32 exemption (Infill Development) for the following reasons: 1. The General Plan designation for the property is Smoky Hollow Specific Plan and the zoning designation is Smoky Hollow -West, both of which permit the proposed office use. 2. The site is 10,685 square feet, and it is in an urban area, surrounded by offices, light industrial uses, and retail/restaurant uses. 3. The site has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. The site is currently developed with an existing building and an asphalt -paved parking lot and has no landscaped planters or vegetation of any kind. In addition, on September 18, 2018, the City Council certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The project is consistent with the EIR build -out projections and subject to the certified MMRP, which is incorporated as conditions of approval in the draft resolution. The EIR concluded that development in the Plan area would have no impact on special -status species, sensitive habitats, wetlands, or wildlife movement or nursery sites (Chapter 7 —Biological Resources). However, the EIR included Mitigation Measures 7-1 and 7-2 to reduce potential impacts to migratory nesting birds to a less than significant level. Those mitigation measures are incorporated in the draft resolution as conditions of approval. As a result, the project will not have a significant impact on habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 2 of 15 4. The project would not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR anticipated an additional 517,094 square feet of development in the Plan area, including projects that may exceed the base development density limits, such as the subject project. The subject project would add a net 8,769 square feet of office, which represents less than 1.7 percent of the potential additional development in the Plan area and therefore not result in a substantial increase in traffic. The EIR analyzed the potential traffic impacts in Chapter 18. With regard to Traffic, the EIR included Mitigation Measures 18-1 and 18-2 to reduce impacts to two intersections of Pacific Coast Highway at Grand Avenue and at EI Segundo Boulevard. Additional impacts to 105 freeway on -ramps with local streets and conflict with the Congestion management Program (CMP) were determined to be significant are unavoidable in the EIR and the City Council adopted a statement of overriding considerations for those impacts. In addition, the project is subject to the City's Traffic Mitigation Impact Fee. Therefore, the project's traffic impact is anticipated to be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential noise impacts in Chapter 15. The EIR found that noise levels in the plan area would increase due to an increase in traffic generally and would have a significant impact and unavoidable impact. The City Council adopted a statement of overriding considerations for these impacts. Impacts during construction and operation were determined to be less than significant, because projects are expected to comply with the City's General Plan Noise Element policies and the EI Segundo Municipal Code Noise and construction hour limitations. As a result, the project's noise impact is anticipated to be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential air quality impacts in Chapter 6. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant air quality impacts. In addition, the subject project would comply with South Coast Air Quality District rules regarding emissions, the General Plan Air Quality Element Policies, and the ESMC limitations on dust and particulate matter emissions during construction and operations. As a result, the project's air quality impact will be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential water quality impacts in Chapter 12. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on water quality. The project would comply with the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board permit regulations, the General Plan Conservation Element policies, and the ESMC limitations on emissions into the City's storm drain system during construction and operation. As a result, the project's water quality impact is anticipated to be less than significant. 5. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on utility services in Chapter 19. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on utilities, including water, waste water, and solid waste. As mentioned above, the EIR accounted for all RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 3 of 15 development in the plan area. Therefore, the subject project's impact on utility services is anticipated to be less than significant. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on public services in Chapter 17. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on services including Police, Fire, Parks and Recreation, and public schools. The subject project will be constructed in compliance with the latest applicable Fire codes and Police security requirements, which will help limit demand for those services. In addition, the project is subject to the City's Development Impact Mitigation Fees, including Police, Fire, and Parks fees. As a result, the project's public services impact is anticipated to be less than significant. 6. Historic resource assessment In addition to the above, the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on Cultural Resources in the plan area (Chapter 8), including older potentially historic buildings. To address the potential impacts, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) included Mitigation Monitoring Measure (MM) CULT MM 8-1 that requires an assessment of buildings older than 50 years prior to demolition to determine whether they have potential value as a historic resource for CEQA purposes. Pursuant to Mitigation Monitoring Measure CULT MM 8-1, staff conducted an assessment of the existing building onsite to determine whether the structure meets the criteria for inclusion on a historic register. The assessment, incorporated herein by reference, concluded that the structure does not merit inclusion on a historic register and, thus, need not be treated as a historic resource under CEQA and may be demolished without any further environmental review. SECTION 4: General Plan Findings. Considering all of its aspects, the proposed project will further the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan and not obstruct their attainment. More specifically: A. The EI Segundo General Plan Land Use designation of the property is Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. This designation is intended to permit a range of incubator businesses, small and medium size industrial uses, research and development, and creative office uses. The designation also permits public facilities, parking facilities, and limited restaurant and retail uses. The proposed office building is consistent with this designation. B. The project is consistent with Land Use Element Goal LU4, Objective LU4- 3 in that it provides a stable tax base for EI Segundo through construction of new office space. C. The proposed use is consistent with Land Use Element Objective LU4-4 in that it adds office space to the mixture of industrial, commercial, and residential uses in the Smoky Hollow and Downtown areas, which has the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impacts, and encourage pedestrian environment. RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 4 of 15 D. Policies ED1-2.1 and ED1-2.2, both seek to promote land uses, which improve the City's commercial tax base. The proposed office building would increase tax revenue and financially benefit the City. E. The project will meet relevant goals and policies with regard to the Land Use Element. The project will help increase the tax base through the proposed expansion of office uses in the area without adversely affecting the viability of downtown (Goal LU4). SECTION 5: Specific Plan Community Benefit Plan Findings. After considering the above facts, the Commission finds as follows: A. The proposed additional building height, intensity, or deviation from development standards would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; The project height is compatible with the neighborhood in that several two and three story buildings are located in the immediate vicinity. The additional floor area is not anticipated to be detrimental, in that the project provides sufficient on-site vehicle parking and bicycle parking in excess of the minimum code requirements. As a result, the project is not anticipated to have significant off-site parking impacts. The project is located in developed area where all utilities and public infrastructure is in place. Furthermore, before the City issues building permits for the project, the applicant will submit detailed plans to the City for review for compliance with all applicable Building and Fire safety codes. Therefore, the project overall is not anticipated to be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. B. The proposed community benefits provide an exemplary project and/or streetscape design; The Specific Plan contains 32 design guidelines in five categories including, building character, open space, landscaping, connectivity, and signage and art. The proposed project incorporates 20 out of 32 guidelines as indicated in Exhibit B of this resolution. C. The proposed community benefits directly implement objectives of the Specific Plan. 1. Part of the proposed community benefits consist of compliance with the Smoky Hollow design guidelines. Compliance with the guidelines directly implements the Smoky Hollow Design Objectives in Specific Plan Section 2.4.1 as follows: a. The project design helps preserve Smoky Hollow's existing character by incorporating materials and colors that are consistent with existing buildings in the area and with the neighborhood's industrial character. RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 5 of 15 b. The project offers sidewalk oriented entries, in that the ground floor office space has direct access from the public sidewalk, which assists in activating the Eucalyptus Drive frontage. c. The project facilitates pedestrian activity and access to several transit modes, in that it incorporates a pedestrian connection from Eucalyptus Drive to the alley at the rear of the property and it provides bicycle parking above the minimum requirements along the property frontage, which will enhance access to the property by alternative means. d. The project encourages active and passive design to conserve natural resources, in that its design incorporates floor to ceiling windows on the front and multiple large windows along the north and east sides. This will provide a lot of natural light in the new building, thereby reducing use of electricity for lighting purposes. In addition, the project will make use of drought tolerant plant species in the landscaped areas, which will reduce the use of water for landscaping. 2. The proposed community benefits implement the goals and objectives of Specific Plan Chapter 3 regarding publicly owned rights-of-way and publicly accessible open spaces. The proposed community benefits plan includes a monetary contribution of $14,214, by the applicant to a fund designated for Smoky Hollow Specific Plan public infrastructure improvements. Funds accumulated in this fund are dedicated toward future improvements to streets, sidewalks, public landscaping and open space in Smoky Hollow, which will in turn help provide for a transportation network that successfully integrates bicyclists, walkers, and transit users with people in cars, while creating a unique backdrop for businesses to flourish in Smoky Hollow. D. The value of the community benefits bear a relationship to the value generated by the project; The City hired Kosmont and Associates, Inc. (Kosmont) to evaluate the added value generated by the project. Kosmont prepared a report, incorporated herein by reference, which determined that the added value from the additional height and floor area is equal to $1,200,000. The combined value of implementing abundant design guidelines and the contribution for public improvements is equal to about $360,000 or 30 percent of project's added value. E. The community benefits proposed do not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project, but rather provide a district or area -wide benefit to the larger Smoky Hollow Plan area. The applicant is providing two community benefit types: implementation of Smoky Hollow design guidelines beyond a level of considered exemplary and a monetary contribution to a fund designated for public improvements. The first benefit involves project architectural and site design features and amenities primarily on the subject property. These features and amenities RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 6 of 15 have substantial value to the community in that they improve the appearance of the neighborhood, they help activate the street frontage and encourage pedestrian activity, and offer amenities that can be used by the public, such as extra bicycle parking. However, only part of the cost of providing those features and amenities can be treated as a community benefit since some of the value is to the property itself. The monetary contribution to the public improvements fund will be expended to make improvements to public streets, sidewalks, landscaping and open space. Thus, the contribution will clearly benefit the district or wider area. SECTION : Approvals. Subject to the conditions listed on the attached Exhibit A, of this Resolution, the City Council approves of Community Benefits Plan CBP 19-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254. SECTION 7: Reliance on Record. Each and every one of the findings and determination in this Resolution are based on the competent and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the City Council in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole. SECTION 8: Limitations. The City Council's analysis and evaluation of the project is based on information available at the time of the decision. It is inevitable that in evaluating a project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the project will not exist. In all instances, best efforts have been made to form accurate assumptions. SECTION 9: Summaries of Information. All summaries of information in the findings, which precede this section, are based on the substantial evidence in the record. The absence of any particular fact from any such summary is not an indication that a particular finding is not based in part on that fact. SECTION 10: This Resolution will remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. SECTION 11: A copy of this Resolution must be mailed to Drew Boyles, and to any other person requesting a copy. RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 7 of 15 SECTION 12: This Resolution is the City Council's final decision and will become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd of March, 1 0. /Carol P tuk�7i �r-�ro em ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is four; that the foregoing Resolution No. 5204 was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor Pro Tem, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 31d day of March, 2020, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk, Council Member Pimentel, and Council Member Nicol NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Mayor Boyles Tra"Wear, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ma D. 4HHensley,Ztorney�x RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 8 of 15 RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Exhibit A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC), Drew Boyles agrees to comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of El Segundo's approval of Community Benefit Plan (CBP 19-01) and Environmental Assessment EA -1254: Zoning Conditions This approval is for the project as shown on the plans and renderings dated December 16, 2019, and on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must submit plans, showing that the project substantially complies with the plans and conditions of approval on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. Any subsequent modification to the approved design must be referred to the Director for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review and approval of the proposed modification. 2, The applicant must complete a lot line adjustment process to merge the two existing lots into one as required by the Director's approval letter dated January 17, 2020, and the conditions therein. 3. All development impact fees imposed pursuant to ESMC Chapter 15-27 of for the additional building floor area must be paid before the City issues a building permit. 4. To avoid impacts to nesting birds, construction activities and construction noise should occur outside the avian nesting season (prior to February 1 or after September 1). If construction and construction noise occurs within the avian nesting season (during the period from February 1 to September 1), areas within 100 feet of a development site shall be thoroughly surveyed for the presence of nests by a qualified biologist no more than five days before commencement of any vegetation removal. If it is determined that the Project Site is occupied by nesting birds covered under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, condition No. 6 shall apply. 5. If pre -construction nesting bird surveys result in the location of active nests, no grading, vegetation removal, or heavy equipment activity shall take place within an appropriate setback from occupied nests as determined by a qualified biologist. Protective measures (e.g., established setbacks) shall be required to ensure compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and California Fish and Game Code requirements. The qualified biologist shall serve as a construction monitor during those periods when construction activities occur near active nest areas to ensure that no inadvertent impacts occur. A report of the findings, prepared by a qualified biologist, shall be submitted to the CDFW prior to construction -related activities that have the potential to disturb any active nests during the nesting season. RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 9 of 15 6. Prior to the commencement of grading or demolition of subsurface structures, a professional archaeologist who meets U.S. Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications and Standards, shall conduct a brief archaeological and paleontological informational session for construction personnel. The training session may consist of an in-person meeting or a written handout describing: (1) how to identify archaeological and paleontological resources that may be encountered during earth -moving activities and (2) the procedures to be followed in such an event, including contact information for the appropriate entities if archaeological or paleontological resources are discovered. 7. In the event that archaeological or paleontological resources are unearthed during ground -disturbing activities, the ground -disturbing activities shall be halted or diverted away from the vicinity of the find so that the find can be evaluated. A buffer area of at least 50 feet shall be established around the find, where construction activities will not be allowed to continue until a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist has examined the newly discovered artifact(s) and has evaluated the area of the find. Work shall be allowed to continue outside the buffer area. If the archaeologist identifies the find as a tribal cultural resource or suspects it to be a tribal cultural resource, the City will contact the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) to report the discovery, and will contact local Native American tribal representatives as directed by the NAHC. Should the newly discovered artifact(s) be determined to be a tribal cultural resource, Native American construction monitoring will be initiated. The City shall coordinate with the archaeologist and tribal representative (s) to develop an appropriate treatment plan. 8. The applicant must provide all the community benefits as stated in Exhibit B (Community Benefits Plan). If the project does not provide a proposed benefit or ceases to provide it, the owner must submit a revised CBP including equivalent replacement benefit of an equal value to the Planning and Building Safety Director for review and approval. At the Director's discretion, the revised CBP may be transmitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for review and approval. 9. Before installation of a mural on the building fagade, the applicant must submit plans and renderings to the City for Arts Committee review and approval. 10. The applicant must install and maintain six bike racks in the front yard of the property as shown on the approved plans. Before installation of the bike racks, the applicant must submit plans and specifications to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval, including a reverse "U" bike rack design or an equivalent design that provides two points of attachment. 11. The applicant must make a monetary contribution of $14,214 to the City's fund dedicated toward public improvements within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area. RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 10 of 15 Fire Department Conditions 12. The applicant must comply with the applicable requirements of the 2016 California Building and Fire Codes and the 2015 International Fire Code as adopted by the City of EI Segundo and EI Segundo Fire Department Regulations. 13. The applicant must submit and obtain approval by the Fire Department of a Fire/Life Safety Plan identifying fire safety precautions during demolition and construction, emergency site access during construction, permanent fire department access, fire hydrant locations and any existing or proposed fire sprinkler systems and fire alarm systems prior to issuance of the building permit. 14. The applicant must provide the following conditions for all fire features: a. A barrier must be provided around the fire feature to prevent accidental access into the fire feature. b. The distance between the fire feature and combustible material and furnishings must meet the fire feature's listing and manufacturer's requirements. C. If the fire feature's protective barrier exceeds ambient temperatures, all exit paths and occupant seating must be a minimum 36 inches from the fire feature. 15. If the proposed "Park Plus" high density vehicle storage system is an automated - type system, the applicant must comply with the 2021 International Building and Fire Code requirements for Mechanical -Access enclosed parking garages. Public Works Department Conditions General "City Engineer" = City Engineer or his/her designee throughout this document. 16. All work in the City's right-of-way or on City -owned and maintained facilities shall require review and approval of the City Engineer or his/her designee. 17. The applicant shall ensure that encroachment permits are secured from the Public Works Department/Engineering Division before commencing any and all work in the City's public right-of-way, including lane closures 18. Construction inspection shall be coordinated with the Public Works Inspector and no construction shall deviate from the approved plans without approval of the City Engineer. If plan deviations are necessary, the applicant shall provide a revised plan or details of the proposed change for review and approval of the City Engineer prior to construction. 19. Prior to issuing of the Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall ensure installation of all improvements required by the Public Works Department are inspected and approved by the City Engineer. RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 11 of 15 20. All construction -related parking shall be accommodated on-site. No construction related parking shall be permitted off-site. 21. A grading and drainage plan shall be provided and stamped by a California State - licensed civil engineer as part of the Building Permit process. 22. A utility plan shall be provided that shows all existing and proposed utility lines and their sizes (sewer, water, gas, storm drain, electrical, etc.), including easements, within 200 feet of the project site boundary. Street Improvements & Traffic Control 21 All new sidewalk, curb & gutter, driveway approaches, and curb ramps shall be constructed per the latest Standard Plans for Public Works Construction (SPPWC) "Greenbook" and City standards. 24. All existing sidewalk, curb & gutter, driveway approaches, and curb ramps that are broken or not in conformance with the latest SPPWC or City standards shall be removed and constructed per the latest SPPWC and City standards. 25. All unused driveways shall be removed and replaced with full -height curb, gutter and sidewalk per SPPWC standards and City standards. 2& The applicant shall provide a minimum 4 foot sidewalk clearance around any obstruction in the sidewalk i.e. posts, power poles, etc. 27. The applicant shall slurry seal the entire alley width from the property to Franklin Avenue. The slurry mix design shall be submitted to the City Engineer or his/her designee for approval. 2& The applicant shall provide traffic control plans for all work requiring a lane closure. 29. During construction, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide safe pedestrian traffic control around the site. A pedestrian protection plan shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval by the City Engineer. This may include but not be limited to signs, flashing lights, barricades and flag persons. Water 30. Any existing water meters, potable water service connections, fire backflow devices and potable water backflow devices must be upgraded to current City Water Division standards. These devices shall be placed or relocated onto private property. 31. The applicant must submit plans for water system upgrades to the City of EI Segundo Public Works Department for review and approval. RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 12 of 15 32. Any unused water laterals shall be abandoned and properly capped at the City main. The Contractor is to obtain necessary permits and licenses, and provide traffic control plans and shoring plans. Sewer 33. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the sewer connection fee for this project must be paid to the City of EI Segundo Public Works Department. 34. Any unused sanitary sewer laterals shall be abandoned and properly capped at the City main. The Contractor is to obtain necessary permits and licenses, and provide traffic control plans and shoring plans. Storm Drain 35. The applicant shall remove and replace an existing broken storm drain manhole behind the property. The manhole is broken and open to illicit drainage and needs to be closed to any surface drainage. 36. Hydrologic and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to size appropriate storm drain facilities to control on-site drainage and mitigate off-site impacts. Refer to the most recent Los Angeles County Hydrology Manual. Instructions and the manual are available at the County website at http://dpw.lacounty.gov/wrd/Publication/index.cfm. Calculations shall be signed by a registered civil engineer. 37. The project shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements and shall provide Best Management Practices (BMPs) for sediment control, construction material control and erosion control. Landscaping & Irrigation 38. All public landscape improvements shall be designed to City standards and approved by the Parks & Recreation Department. Waste Management 39. The applicant shall comply with Title 5, Chapter 2 (Garbage and Rubbish), of the EI Segundo Municipal Code. Collection/disposal/storage systems and areas must be provided in the plans that ensure compliance with State and City regulations. RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 13 of 15 Miscellaneous Conditions 40. Drew Boyles (Applicant) agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Community Benefit Plan CBP No. 19-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of this Community Benefit Plan or Environmental Assessment, the Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of EI Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. By signing this document, Drew Boyles certifies that he has read, understood, and agrees to the Project Conditions listed in this document. Drew 86byles�,-: f If Corporation or similar entity, needs two officer signatures or evidence that one signature binds the companyl RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 14 of 15 RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Exhibit B COMMUNITY BENEFIT PLAN Proiect description: The development project at 212 Eucalyptus Drive is subject to the following applications: Community Benefits Plan No. CBP 19-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA 1254. The development project deviates from the following Smoky Hollow Specific Plan (Specific Plan) development standards in Section 2.3: 1. Building Height. The permitted building height is 35 feet. The proposed building height is 50 feet to the top of the roofline. 2. Allowable gross floor area ratio (FAR). The permitted FAR is 0.75. The proposed FAR is 1.32. 3. Setback adjoining alley. The required setback is 10 feet. The proposed setback is zero feet. The above deviations are clearly illustrated in the attached plans. Community benefits: In exchange for the above deviations, the applicant offers the following community benefits pursuant to Specific Plan Section 4.5.2: 1. Consistency with design guidelines above requirements. The development project complies with 20 of the 32 design guidelines in Section 2.4 of the Specific Plan. 2. Six bicycle parking spaces above requirements. The required number of bicycle spaces in Section 2.3 is two short-term bike racks and two long-term bike lockers. The development project provides eight short-term bike racks and two long-term bike lockers. 3. Public art above City requirements. The development project is not subject to the City's public art or in -lieu fee requirements of Ordinance No. 1594. However, the development project proposes to incorporate artwork visible to the public, subject to review and approval by the City. 4. Monetary contribution for public infrastructure. The applicant shall make a monetary contribution of $14,214 to a City fund designated for planned Smoky Hollow public infrastructure improvements in Chapter 3 of the Specific Plan. The above community benefits are more clearly illustrated in the attached plans. Attachment: 1. Plans dated December 16, 2019 RESOLUTION NO. 5204 Page 15 of 15 ENDLESS PURSUIT EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA CREATIVE OFFICE DEVELOPMENT 212 EUCALYPTUS AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16.2019 1'=100-0' PROJECTt 16042 QFC; °PEE SHEET NAME ':_- TH FUV. _ 1 74 fl—IFFUL-B&I €a�E�v-Ee[P.4 1 c. jPS$=E`er XMUv14 i a WA. ENDLESS PURSUIT EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA CREATIVE OFFICE DEVELOPMENT 212 EUCALYPTUS AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16.2019 1'=100-0' PROJECTt 16042 V45T ELEVAT ':_- TH FUV. _ 1 74 fl—IFFUL-B&I ENDLESS PURSUIT EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA CREATIVE OFFICE DEVELOPMENT 212 EUCALYPTUS AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16.2019 1'=100-0' PROJECTt 16042 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GENERAL OVERVIEW AND GRAND VISION THE 3 STORY PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AT 212 EUCALYPTUS INTENDS TO BE A SIGNATURE DEVELOPMENT FOR SMOKY HOLLOW AND THE ENTIRE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WITH A STRIKING ARCHITECTURAL EXPRESSION THAT PAYS HOMAGE TO THE SITE AND THE HISTORY OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD WITH THE USE OF EXISTING CONTEMPORARY INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS INCLUDING EXPOSED STEEL, METAL SIDING INCLUDEING RE -USE OF EXISTING METAL SIDING AND EXPRESSIVE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ENTIRELY EXPOSED CIRCULATION STAIRS SHOWCASING THE VERTICAL MOVEMENT TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THE DEVELOPMENT WILL INCLUDE 3 LEVELS OF CREATIVE OFFICE SPACE TOTALING APPROXIMATELY 14,119 SQUARE FEET. THE ROOFTOP INCLUDES AN ACCESSIBLE DECKAREA FOR TENANTS AND VISITORS TO - - - - HOLD IMPROMPTU OR FORMAL MEETINGS OR TO TAKE A BREAK FROM THE OFFICE AND ENJOY VIEWS OF THE CITY AND GET SOME FRESH AIR. THE GROUND FLOOR SPACE INCLUDES A LARGE FOLDING DOOR TO ALLOW FOR THE USE IN THAT SPACE TO CONNECT TO AND EXTEND THE PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY ON THE SIDEWALK INTO THE SPACE. USE THE CURRENT USES OF THE EXISTING SINGLE -STORY STRUCTURE IS WAREHOUSE WITH A SMALL PORTION OF GENERAL OFFICE. THE PROPOSED FLOOR AREA SHALL BE CREATIVE OFFICE AND R&D. THE PROPOSED PROJECT USE IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE APPROVED USES AND REGULATIONS PRESCRIBED FOR IN THE ZONING DISTRICT FOR SH -W. ALL THE PROPOSED USES ARE ALLOWED BY -RIGHT. FLOOR AREA - - - AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT THE SITE WILL CONTAIN A FLOOR AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 14,119 SF WHICH IS A RATIO OF APPROXIMATELY 1.32 WHICH IS 0-57 ABOVE THE BASE ALLOWED 0.75 BUT SHORT OF THE ALLOWED 1.5 FAR CONSISTENT WITH COMMUNITY BENEFIT TIER II PROGRAM. PARIONG THE DEVELOPMENT WILL INCLUDE A VERY CREATIVE SOLUTION TO THE PARKING CHALLENGE BY UTILIZING A STACKED PARKING SYSTEM WITH SEVERAL ON -GRADE SPACES INCLUDING 2 ACCESSIBLE AND 2 COMPACT SPACES. - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLEASE SEE PLOT PLAN ON SHEET 17, A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO UNIFY TWO EXISTING LOTS MISCELLANEOUS ENDLESS PURSUIL THE HOURS OF OPERATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT ARE STANDARD BUSINESS HOURS FIVE DAYS A WEEK WITH OCCASIONAL WEEKEND HOURS. r� THE EXISTING STRUCTURE DEEMED TO BE ENTIRELY REMOVED IS A SINGLE -STORY STUCCO STRUCTURE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION WITH A PITCHED ROOF AND 2 PARKING SPACES OFF OF EUCALYPTUS. THE Z 1 2 EXISTING METAL SIDING AND FACADE ART PANELS WILL BE DELICATELY REMOVED AND REPLACED IN THE NEW BUILDING FACADES. PLEASE SEE SHEET 14 IN THE PROJECT DRAWING PACKAGE- EUCALYPTUS CONCLUSION EL SEGUNDO THE PROPOSED PROJECT DESIGN IS COMPATIBLE AND INTEGRATED WITH, AND NOT DETRIMENTAL TO, THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ON ADJACENT AND SURROUNDING NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES AND CALIFORNIA, 90245 FURTHERMORE PAYS HOMAGE TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD'S INDUSTRIAL PAST AND ENCOURAGES LOOKING FORWARD TO THE FUTURE OF WHAT THE NEIGHBORHOOD WILL TRANSFORM INTO IN THE NEAR FUTURE. COMMUNITY BENEFITS PLAN CONSISTENT WITH TIER II THE DEVELOPMENT REQUESTS THE FOLLOWING DISCRETIONARY APPROVALS WHICH ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE SPECIFIC PLAN: 1, AN INCREASE IN PERMITTED HEIGHT OF 15'-0" FROM 35' TO 50'-0" IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIER II COMMUNITY BENEFITS PLAN. 2- AN INCREASE IN FLOOR AREA RATIO OF 0.57 ABOVE THE BASE RATIO OF 0.75 TO 1.32 IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIER II COMMUNITY BENEFITS. 3 REQUESTED VARIANCE (1 DEVIATION TO STANDARDS OF 3 ALLOWED CONSISTENT WITH TIER 11 COMMUNITY BENEFITS PLAN). 4 ALLOW SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON TRANSFORMER & SWITCHGEAR STRUCTURES AND ASSOCIATED BOLLARDS IN THE REAR SETBACK DEC. 16, 2019 PROJECT! 16042 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019 PROJECT♦ 16042 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019 PROJECT• 16042 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019 PROJECTS 16692 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019 PROJECT > 16002 ASRI U-1 k IM -0-12 Elm I [!fill Illllllllll IIHI`�: i■� yell 0 .\.... e� ■■�� u� iitiY�;-` giY19 Airn MIME,�� M _ _ 1 rat - ASRI U-1 k IM -0-12 Elm I [!fill Illllllllll IIHI`�: i■� yell 0 .\.... e� ■■�� 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019 PROJECT- 16042 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019 PROJECTS 16042 C. LOT STANDARDS ZONING ANALYSIS REQUIRED PROVIDED JURISDICTION: = CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, COUNTY OF LOS ANGE-LES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 MINIMUM LOT AREA _ 5,600 SF 10,685 SF GENERAL PLAN: SMOKY HOLLOW 2. MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE 50' -_ 7V -W SPECIFIC PLAN: _ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN _ D. BUILDING DESIGN STANDARDS ZONING: SH -W (SMOKY HOLLOW WEST) REQUIRED PROVIDED PREVIOUS USE: GENERAL OFFICE & WAREHOUSE & STORAGE 1. BUILDING ORIENTATION LOTS ADJOINING FRANKLIN AVENUE PROPOSED USE: COMMERCIAL OFFICE & CAFE FRANKLIN AVENUE SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF ONE OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: B (GENERAL OFFICE, R&D) & A2 CAFE/FOOD TO -GO - PRIMARY ENTRY FACING FRANKLIN N/A AVENUE PRIMARY ENTRY DOORS SHALL CHANGE OF USE: i YES - - - - BE VISIBLE AND ACCESSIBLE FROM THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: NO 2, BUILDING TRANSPARENCY: = FOR NEW BUILDINGS OR NEW ADDITIONS ZONING MAP �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII m FRANKLIN AVENUE FRONTAGE ; FRONTING FRANKLIN AVENUE, A MINIMUM�urez-a:zoua� as�acts 15% FACADE TRANSPARENCY SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE GROUND LEVEL OR = N/A a - _FIRST 12 FEET OF HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE, — — WHICHEVER IS LESS, THROUGH THE UTILIZATION OF WINDOWS, ENTRIES, OR SIMILAR OPENINGS- ENDLESS PURSUIT_ _ E. SETBACK STANDARDS REQUIRED PROVIDED _ - - 12 II FII 2 2 C' LYPTUS 1. FRONTYARD NONE '" 0` 3 - - "' - __ _ Sue ` ELSEGUNDO 2 SIDE YARD (NORTHERLY) NONE 5'-0F _' _ _ -- - CALIFORNIA, 90245 SIDE YARD (SOUTHERLY) NONE 0' - 0'• m�EON - - � � � 3. REAR YARD (EASTERLY) =ALLEY -SEE BELOW _ 10'- 0" PROVIDED FOR � � � EE BUILDING. - —' — - — -- - — -� — e - — - - "�a�ren REQUESTING THE rterrrr FOLLOWING ITEMS TO BE PROJECT ALLOWED IN THE REAR LOCATION ALLEY SETBACK: • SCE TRANSFORMER WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 6'-0" 1 SCE EQUIPMENT CABINET WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT- • BOLLARDS WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 4' - - LOT AREA __ LOT 11 7,123 SQ. FT 5- ADJOINING ALLEY MIN, 10' _ 101-01, LOT 10 PARTIAL 3,562 SO. FT- F. OPEN SPACE & LANDSCAPING STANDARDS TOTAL AREA 10,685 SF DEC 16,2019 12-,-o PROJECTa IC OG2 REQUIRED PROVIDED A. ALLOWABLE GROSS FLOOR AREA — — 1. OPEN SPACE, GENERAL 3% OF LOT, REQUIRED OPEN SPACE 800 SF AT GROUND LEVEL ALLOWED: 0.75 (BASE) _ 10,685 SF x 0.75 = 8,013.75 SF MAY BE PROVIDED ON BUILDING (SEE SHEET 16) ALLOWED: 1.5 (TIER 1) 10,685 SF x 1 5 = 16,027.50 SF - ROOFTOPS; HOWEVER, AT LEAST 50% i - OF REQUIRED OPEN SPACE SHALL HAVE PROVIDED 14,119 SF (1.32 FAR) DIRECT ACCESS FROM THE EXISTING - GROUND ELEVATION. B. HEIGHT STANDARDS 10,725 SF x 0.03 = 322 SF COMMUNITY BENEFITS (TIER 2)1 50'-0" ALLOWED 50'-0" PROVIDED 3. IRRIGATION ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS, INCLUDING IRRIGATION SHALL BE _ -- TREES AT SURFACE PARKING LOTS, PROVIDED AS A DEFERRED HEIGHT EXCEPTIONS ELEVATOR SHAFT HOUSING IS EXEMPT FROM HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH APPROPRIATE ' SUBMITTAL IN COMPLIANCE WITH ESMC 15-15A 3 - PARAPET HEIGHT MAY EXCEED MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT BY 5'-0" PERMANENT WATERING FACILITIES. _ G. ACCi_SS, LOADING AND TRASH STANDARDS -- ...-... ............. H. PRIVATE PARKING STANDARDS PROVIDED 1 VEHICULAR ACCESS A- LOTS ADJOINING AN ALLEY ARE REQUIRED PROVIDED 1- NEW CONSTRUCTION & = 2.5 / 1,000 GROSS SF REMOVED CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY 14,119 / 400 = 35 j 35 3. TANDEM PARKING =TANDEM SPACES SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM ( N/A BE CONTRACTED WITH AN APPROVED s LENGTH OF 40 FEET (PARKING FOR 2 LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDER. REFUSE ACCESS FROM ALLEY =VEHICLES MAXIMUM)_ - BE SCREENED PER ESMC SECTION MAX 85% OF REQUIRED _ 30 :35'0.85 = 30 i 4. BICYCLE PARKING CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 5.106.4 OF REQUIRED THE 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING 35 NEW SPACES x 5% = 2 STANDARDS CODE: PROVIDED NEW PROJECTS ANTICIPATED TO 2 SHORT TERM GENERATE VISITOR TRAFFIC SHALL 2 LONGTERM PROVIDE ONE 2 -BIKE CAPACITY RACK FOR 5% OF NEW VISITOR MOTORIZED BIKE SHARE PROGRAM VEHICLE PARKING SPACES BEING 6 PROVIDED, SEE LEVEL 01 -ADDED, WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE 2 -BIKE PLAN CAPACITY RACK. ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS THAT ADD 9 OR FEWER - VISITOR VEHICLE PARKING SPACES ARE EXCLUDED NEW BUILDINGS WITH 10 OR MORE TENANT -OCCUPANTS OR ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS THAT ADD 10 OR MORE TENANT VEHICLE PARKING SPACES SHALL PROVIDE SECURE BICYCLE PARKING FOR 5% OF THE TENANT VEHICLE PARKING SPACES BEING ADDED, WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE _SECURE BICYCLE PARKING SPACE. _ACCEPTABLE PARKING FACILITIES SHALL BE CONVENIENT FROM THE STREET AND =SHALL MEET ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: =A- COVERED, LOCKABLE ENCLOSURES WITH PERMANENTLY ANCHORED RACKS FOR BICYCLES; B. LOCKABLE BICYCLE ROOMS WITH PERMANENTLY ANCHORED RACKS, OR C. LOCKABLE, PERMANENTLY ANCHORED BICYCLE LOCKERS. 5 OTHER PARKING AREA _ REFER TO ESMC SECTION 15-15-1 PROVIDED, SEE SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS -THROUGH 15-15-5. G. ACCi_SS, LOADING AND TRASH STANDARDS -- ...-... ............. REQUIRED PROVIDED 1 VEHICULAR ACCESS A- LOTS ADJOINING AN ALLEY ARE NONE PROPOSED, PROHIBITED FROM PROVIDING CURB EXISTING CURB CUT TO BE CUTS ALONG STREET FRONTAGES. REMOVED 2- LOADING = A- NOT REQUIRED IF GROSS BUILDING N/A AREA < 50,000 SF. 3 REFUSE COLLECTION A, REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE SHALL FULLY SCREENED TRASH & BE CONTRACTED WITH AN APPROVED RECYCLING AREA NEEDED LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDER. REFUSE ACCESS FROM ALLEY COLLECTION AREAS SHALL - BE SCREENED PER ESMC SECTION 15-2-8 D. B. ON LOTS ADJOINING AN ALLEY, REFUSE COLLECTION STORAGE AREAS AT ALLEY SHALL BE ORIENTED TO AND ACCESSED FROM THE ALLEY 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16, 2019 12' = 1'-0' PROJECT- 16042 EXISTING AERIAL PLAN � I 1" = 4V-0" 0. 20' 40' 80' 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019 1'=40-0' PROJECT16 M2 VIEW OF SOUTH PROPERTY LINE FROM EUCALYPTUS 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019��_ PROJECTS 16042 L ED 62 WEST ELEVATION 1"=20'-O" EXISTING CORRUGATED FINISH TO BE REUSED IN PROPOSED DESIGN - .�AoLry—li%P ILL SOUTH ELEVATION 1 20'-g' LEVEL 1 EXISTING PLAN 1" = 217-0" 0. 10, 20. (E) CURB TO REMAIN (E) DRIVEWAY TO REMIOMN 143'- 0" (E) GATE TO BE REMOVE C ul 0- --MONT YARD 134'-5' (E) WALL TO BE REMOVED (E) STEPS TO BE REMOVEC W Ni U) IL IL EXISTING 1 STORY BUILDING TO BE ENTIRELY REMOVED APROX 5,350 SF Lu (E) PARKING TO BE RE -MOVED (E) -DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED Li L (E) LOW WALL TO BE REMOVEG — 12`_S 122'-2" SITE PLAN - EXISTING - 1" = 20'-0" 40' allll 0. 10, 20' 40, ENDLESS PURSUIT 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC. 16, 2019 1' =20-0' PROJECTS 16 Od2 EDGE OFem CURB �`" , WALK DRIVEWAY y"`¢ DRIVEWAY $ \ I / i �#Y PLANTER WALL AC STAIRS ate. ......,.�. , RETAINING WALL APN:4135-012-006 - tAC )irP r.1 APP OWNER: VASAK FAMILY TRUST; OWN VASAK MILTON AND NATHALIE TRS CONC WALL PROPERTY UNE -�, : )- RETAINING nE a f WALL APN: 4135-012-007 CEEB BUW AC ; \ a 7 � OWNER: VASAK FAMILY TRUST- '@ VASAK MILTON AND NATHALIE TRS —8! .,.,. / PROPERTY LINE X88- \ APN: s �p� €_ -� -' �,. OWNER: - OWNER: ROOTS ON EUCALYPTUS LLC30011 �- 3 RETAINING '•,- - - - PROPERTY LINE r, s WALL APN: 4135-012.008 h \ OWNER: ROOTS ON EUCALYPTUS LLC. �5 .. AC FM ff SHED PLANTER WALL I AC APN: 4135-012-M j ) OWNER: VASAK RICHARD C (CO -TR); ) ) VAW FAMLY TRUST I I § g AC DRtVEWA r ` f� VIII � z —I s EDGE OF - \ WALK CURB I \ DRIVEWAY —.� CURB I i a. a. I J Q I U LU 30-W ) ) A anm a — 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC. 16,2019 - -� PROJECT£ _ - 16042 a U s ^$ 1 o ORNEWAY 12 SID �as _ 0NL€T C t / EDGE OF SO \ SD ..INLET WALK e ` � IR�"Ir-3� D�WAY � RETAINING WALL APN:4135-012-006 - tAC )irP r.1 APP OWNER: VASAK FAMILY TRUST; OWN VASAK MILTON AND NATHALIE TRS CONC WALL PROPERTY UNE -�, : )- RETAINING nE a f WALL APN: 4135-012-007 CEEB BUW AC ; \ a 7 � OWNER: VASAK FAMILY TRUST- '@ VASAK MILTON AND NATHALIE TRS —8! .,.,. / PROPERTY LINE X88- \ APN: s �p� €_ -� -' �,. OWNER: - OWNER: ROOTS ON EUCALYPTUS LLC30011 �- 3 RETAINING '•,- - - - PROPERTY LINE r, s WALL APN: 4135-012.008 h \ OWNER: ROOTS ON EUCALYPTUS LLC. �5 .. AC FM ff SHED PLANTER WALL I AC APN: 4135-012-M j ) OWNER: VASAK RICHARD C (CO -TR); ) ) VAW FAMLY TRUST I I § g AC DRtVEWA r ` f� VIII � z —I s EDGE OF - \ WALK CURB I \ DRIVEWAY —.� CURB I i a. a. I J Q I U LU 30-W ) ) A anm a — 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC. 16,2019 - -� PROJECT£ _ - 16042 LANDSCAMNG & PLANTtNGS—g—VERTICf--C VINES, TYP - 236 SF TOTAL a n LEVEL 1 - LANDSCAPING DIAGRAM L J 1 " = 40'-0" -OPEN SPACE: 940 SF (322 SF REQUIRED) J h�� i n LEVEL 1 - OPEN SPACE DIAGRAM_ U 1"=40'-O" FLOOR AREA (GROSS): The area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion thereof, exclusive of garages, vent shafts and courts - The floor area of a building, or portion thereof, not provided with surrounding exterior walls shall be the usable area under the horizontal projection of the roof orfloor above - LEVEL 01 - GENERAL OFFICE 634 SF LEVEL 02 - GENERAL OFFICE 6,576 SF LEVEL 03 - GENERAL OFFICE 6.911 SF 14,119 SF r. -- — — — ——— I LEVEL 03 6,576 SF I L- - - - - - _ - - - J n LEVEL 3 U 1 " = 40'-0" LEVEL 02 6,911 SF � I I L- -------- /1 LEVEL 2 1"=40'4 - LE jEL „=40'_0” LEVEL 01 L 634 SF LEVEL 1 1 11" = 40'-0" ENDLESS PURSUIT. -- 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16.2019 1' = 40'-D' PROJECTS - _ 16042 J 30._W HALF ROW I 60' 0' RA - - W Z I a 'HALF POS'_%' Q w LOT 10 I P w0 [ [ � OF IN€ — v:IDE LOT LINE— -- _-_-- - DRAIN fEj STORM €3RA[N €NLET SOUTHERLY 1= l< _ PORTION OF LOT U - APPROX LOCATION OF (E), - a - _ ABANDONED STORM DRAIN --10 m CONNECTIONS TO BE REMOVED _3,562 SF_ - w ----- ----- f€) MANHOLE W o J Q O Luw 7 F U) w m 0`I J O JQZ U Q O J U J X LOT 11 Q U w 0 7,123 SF O c � n TOTAL SITE AREA LOT 11 - 7,123 SF LOT 10 - 3.562 SF TOTAL 10,685 SF - SIDE LOT LINE I 1 EXACT = 142.49' 10 -0!' 20'- 0- % 20' 0" 10' - 0' - HALF WIDTH LOT 12 01 T0" `rl'i-H � PLOT PLAN 1 1716" = 1'-o" L co Q Z 7 w a �uuumuuuuuuu u 0' 8' 16' 31 ! !22 ENDLESS PURSUIT- - 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16, 2019 1/16' = 1'-0' PROJECTS 16042 BIKE LOCKERS - - (2) SHORT TERM BIKE RACKS CONDUIT& PaVER-- FOR FUTURE BIKE SHARE KIOSK 4- - 2V - 6- 7 ,&-4' 22,-13' 22,_0.. ol X- T -FULLY SCREENED FENCING I ENDLESS PURSUIT 212 EUCALYPTUS D EL SEGUNDO -j CALIFORNIA, 90245 B LEVEL 01 1116" = V-0" 0. EV 16' 32- DEC 16,2019 1/16' 1W PROJECT 1 16042 R z CUB-ir FOLDING DOOR —TRANSFORMER G&iaUL OFFICE ! . I ON CONC ;If -URB LANDSCAPING- r- - A-PAILTPAVIN -G ------- k - THR017 LIGHOUT 2 MIN AUTOMATED PARKING LIFTS -- 1 I --- AUTOLIFT = 16x' = 30 COMPACT V DITCH ENHANCED TOTAL36 PANG :z (2) LONG TERM --VL`HEEL STOPS, TYP —v,mEEl STOPS, TYP TIT= w EL�C EQUIF BIKE LOCKERS - - (2) SHORT TERM BIKE RACKS CONDUIT& PaVER-- FOR FUTURE BIKE SHARE KIOSK 4- - 2V - 6- 7 ,&-4' 22,-13' 22,_0.. ol X- T -FULLY SCREENED FENCING I ENDLESS PURSUIT 212 EUCALYPTUS D EL SEGUNDO -j CALIFORNIA, 90245 B LEVEL 01 1116" = V-0" 0. EV 16' 32- DEC 16,2019 1/16' 1W PROJECT 1 16042 R z CUB-ir FOLDING DOOR —TRANSFORMER G&iaUL OFFICE ! . I ON CONC ;If -URB LANDSCAPING- r- - 2 MIN AUTOMATED PARKING LIFTS -- 1 I --- AUTOLIFT = 16x' = 30 COMPACT ENHANCED TOTAL36 PANG :z (2) LONG TERM --VL`HEEL STOPS, TYP BIKE LOCKERS - - (2) SHORT TERM BIKE RACKS CONDUIT& PaVER-- FOR FUTURE BIKE SHARE KIOSK 4- - 2V - 6- 7 ,&-4' 22,-13' 22,_0.. ol X- T -FULLY SCREENED FENCING I ENDLESS PURSUIT 212 EUCALYPTUS D EL SEGUNDO -j CALIFORNIA, 90245 B LEVEL 01 1116" = V-0" 0. EV 16' 32- DEC 16,2019 1/16' 1W PROJECT 1 16042 Z W 1 2 OJ 1n a W �n BALCONY 3 1 I GENERAL OFFICE I DN e I I I MSULDW Y m w ENDLESS PURSUIT 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 26 G LEVEL 02 1/16" = V-0" of 61 16, 3Z DEC 16,2019 1/16'=1'-0' PROJECT i 16042 AM LEVEL 3 1116" V-0„ 0. B. 16' z ENDLESS PURSUIT - 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019 1/16'=V-0' PROJECT! 16012 I 3 i AM LEVEL 3 1116" V-0„ 0. B. 16' z ENDLESS PURSUIT - 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019 1/16'=V-0' PROJECT! 16012 ON F - z A A V) Lu -R-ODF-PLAN 111 IT, = 1'-o„ 0. 8' 16' !I ENDLESS PURSUIT- 212 URSUIT212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC26 11, 2.111 PROJE Ti _ 16042 vo st Of " OE)BULDIMG -R-ODF-PLAN 111 IT, = 1'-o„ 0. 8' 16' !I ENDLESS PURSUIT- 212 URSUIT212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC26 11, 2.111 PROJE Ti _ 16042 um COOPER PATINA ➢A.1Ns€u`1VF2`.1L�GitT 3R9M Ati1Ski VERTICAL VINESAPE WEATHERED OE RI`s PAINTEO STEEL S-1 MRS 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16 2019 Asldl—ted PROJECT > - 10042 EXPOSED PREc:.Sli);a fzED cORRtP-ATED TEi STOREFRONT tY.J W GLAZED SYSTEM AU L'�'K STAG BOND BE PANELS ION 41 WEST ELEVATION 3132°, y, o„ um COOPER PATINA ➢A.1Ns€u`1VF2`.1L�GitT 3R9M Ati1Ski VERTICAL VINESAPE WEATHERED OE RI`s PAINTEO STEEL S-1 MRS 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16 2019 Asldl—ted PROJECT > - 10042 —TO P. HIGH _ 11 140' H V �TOPLO. VJ ll 128-9" 1 _ ROOF ll 125'125'-3" 1 110'110'-6" 1 CARKER REGIONS DENOTE"PATCHWORK" - ` OF CORRUGATED PANELS FROM EXISTING BUILDING -� INCORPORATED INTO NEW DESIGN, REFER TO PAGE 14 FOR IMAGES OF EXISTING FACADE FINISH _ LEVEL2 Il 9d-9" 1 .r EAST ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0" ENDLESS PURSUIT___ 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16, 2019 As Indicated PROJECT �_ 16042 0 1 �I y� gff - w— I. r y 12 .r EAST ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0" ENDLESS PURSUIT___ 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16, 2019 As Indicated PROJECT �_ 16042 PARTIAL BUILDING ELEVATION 114" = 1'-9' EXISTING ART TO BE REPURPOSED ON NEW BUILDING DESIGN '4 ENDLESS PURSUIT 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 w w I llrl� PARKING DEC 16,2019 114'=1-0' PROJECT♦ 16042 sf l £4 5 ROOF PATIO I J crr+rstL ,. I OFFEiAi 3 1 5 EMORAL A VFFE SECTION 1/16" = 1'-0" HIGH n i � � ROOF Il LEVEL3 I\ 5K LEVEL? n gG _ g•� -Z -Fl 72 ENDLESS PURSUIT- - 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16,2019 1/16'=1'-0' PROJECTt IO112 PARKING SPACES L1101[PARKPLUS Al HIGH DENSITY VEH Pt-E-STO RAGE HPS-3P1 COMMERCIAL 8640 TAMARACK AVENUE, LOS ANGELES, CA 91352 HYDRAULIC POWER SYSTEM T: 1.800.459.2604 o 0 C -5� STANDARD COMPACT C -J MODEL WIDTH PARALLEL 7�-1 V g -1.Z. --'uy 0 8 oLs BICYCLE £ rnT 0 lM5 rUSTOM MOTORCYCLE Wiz. 1-8 PARKING STALL TANDEM (9--0l. x 6-0") 14'_0" Ti - or,12•-0, 8- - 6- =L==fW- r P L VAN ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE VAN COMPACT LOADING ACCESSIBLE PARKING PER CBC TABLE E i 10-4208 2 1 FUTURE ELEC. PARKING STALL 1 (8'-6" x 16'-6") (18'-0" x 8'-6" MIN) TOTAL PARKING SPACES 51-75 3 ACCESSIBLE STALLS REQUIRED MIN. ISLES: 25'-0" MIN ISLES: 26-0" I VAN: 6 ACCESSIBLE [OR FRACTION THEREOF) Space Type j minimum wdui Minimum Lang in r ill—e convi—ciai standard 18 5 feet X is feet a, HI R-ocinval Standa'd r. fee, f 20 feel c W� by CONCRETE TIRE STOP Gm Re iaenvaj - nan-ow lots' 18 5 feel 20 feet ANCHORED TO THE GROUND lWhIdefflit Iii feet -21 feet 4'WIDE PAINTED 0—pact 85L.1 15 ft MITE STRIPES — Ak Paraijc, Is5iei j 24 feet Rich cyv. 5 leea 9 feelTH fl.ycle t 2 feet 5 feet MMIIMUMfi Notes- - i Lom undef 40 feet in mom 2The d,—l-llIllcf-abIepaMnq,pac, must coi"wththe A=ncansinthd!sahIt� act (ADA), tille III and Calftmia Code of Regula—(CCR) Calffomia access code fine 24 ENDLESS PURSUIT 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16 2019 1/16- l' -O' PROJECT' __ _ _ _ — 16012 _ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN (SECTION 4) TRANSFORMATIVE PROJECT COMMUNITY BENEFITS CREATIVE IDEAS AND FURTHER SUPPORT THE SPECIFIC VISION OF SMOKY HOLLOW. CATALYZE FUTURE CHANGE ADDRESS KEY ISSUES SUCH AS PARKING AND MOBILITY WITH A COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION TO PARKING. FACILITATE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE OFFICE AND FLEXIBLE RESEARCH SPACE PROMOTE ARTISTIC INDUSTRIAL VIBE WITH A RELAXED BEACH COMMUNITY FEEL CREATE AN INTERESTING DESTINATION NEW INFRASTRUCTURE FOR FIBER OPTIC NETWORK THAT MAINTAINS THE DESIRABILITY OF THE AREA TO CREATIVE AND TECH -BASED BUSINESSES THE PROPOSED PROJECT MEETS EVERY ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A "TRANSFORMATIVE PROJECT" AND EXCEED THESE BASE STANDARDS BY RAISING THE BAR FOR EACH CHARACTERISTIC WITH THE PROPOSED VERY EXPRESSIVE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN. BEYOND THE BASE STANDARDS THAT DO NOT PRINCIPALLY BENEFIT THE PROJECT 1, A 12' LONG BY S WIDE SPACE ALONGSIDE THE SIDEWALK FOR PUBLIC/CITY BIKE SHARE PROGRAM. � a � 2- LARGE SCALE PUBLIC ART. 3 FEATURE TREE AT STREET FRONTAGE. 4. SIGNIFICANT INITIAL INVESTMENT FOR A TRANSFORMATIVE PROJECT WITH ARCHITECTURALLY EXPRESSIVE AND STRIKING DESIGN THAT WILL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME A LANDMARK FOR THE - NEIGHBORHOOD AND POSSIBLY THE CITY. THE SIGNIFICANT INITIAL COST AND INVESTMENT FOR = STRIKING ARCHITECTURE WITH THE ELEMENTS LISTED BELOW ARE AN OWNER'S EXPENSE AND INVESTMENT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD TO BUILD CHARACTER ALONG THE STREETSCAPE AND INSPIRE - -_ - EQUALLY STRIKING DESIGNS BY OTHER DEVELOPERS. a. INTERESTING OVERALL MASSING WITH THE ENTIRE BUILDING LIFTED OFF THE GROUND AND PITCHED ROOF. b- EXPRESSIVE VERTICAL CIRCULATION WITH EXTERIOR STAIRS CREATING MOVEMENT AND INTEREST. THE EXPRESSIVE EXTERIOR CIRCULATION ELEMENTS ALLOW FOR UN -OBSTRUCTED INTERIOR SPACE AND EXPRESSIVE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. FROM THE EXTERIOR THE BUILDING'S CIRCULATION WILL =_ BE COMPLETELY VISIBLE WHICH ADDS MOVEMENT TO THE BUILDING AND THE STREET. c- STRONG VISUAL CONNECTION BETWEEN EUCALYPTUS AND THE BACK OF THE BUILDINGS ACROSS THE - ALLEY TO CONNECT THE ALLEY USES TO EUCALYPTUS PHYSICALLY AND VISUALLY AND FOR SAFETY, d- EXPRESSIVE EXTERIOR ELEVATOR TOWER MASS PROVIDING A CANVAS FOR PUBLIC ART BUT ALSO A LITERAL BEACON FOR A MEETING PLACE. -1 wffriiuu e. FULL HEIGHT GLAZING ALONG THE WEST ELEVATION PROVIDING VISIBILITY INWARD AND OUTWARD- ENDLESS PURSUIT - - f. NEI GHCORHOOD APPROPRIATE CREATIVE, CONTEMPORARY YET INDUSTRIAL DESIGN WITH INDUSTRIAL ESTHETIC AND CONTEMPORARY €INIShES. THE METAL SIDING WILL REFLECT AND CHANGE COLORS IN RESPONSE TO THE WEATHER AND THE SKY CREATING AN EVER-CHANGING FACADE- 212 g_ VERTICAL LANDSCAPING AT NORTH AND EAST FACING ELEVATIONS TO SCREEN PARKING. VERTICAL LANDSCAPING AT THE PARKING LEVEL SERVES TO SHIELD THE PARKING BUT ALSO ALLOW VIEWS EUCALYPTUS INTO THE PARKING AREA TO SHOWCASE THE CREATIVE STACKED PARKING SYSTEM. h LOW LANDSCAPING ON THE WEST, NORTH AND EAST SIDE WILL PROVIDE A PHYSICAL, VISUAL AND EL SEGUNDO SENSUAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK AND THE PARKING AREAS. CALIFORNIA, 90245 CONSISTENT WITH THE BASE STANDARDS 1. TWO PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION BETWEEN EUCALYPTUS AND THE ALLEY. a- PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ALONG THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE AND, b. FREE AND OPEN PEDESTRIAN ACCESS THROUGH THE SITE ENTRY AREA AND THROUGH THE PARKING AREA TOWARD THE ALLEY. 1 REMOVAL OF A CURB CUT ALONG EUCALYPTUS 2. ROOFTOP AMENITIES WHICH WILL ADD VIBRANCY TO THE STREETSCAPE BY SHOWCASING EVENTS AND ACTIVITY. 3- TRANSITIONAL HEIGHT AND MASSING BUFFER - THE HEIGHT AND PITCHED MASSING OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING SERVES AS A BUFFER BETWEEN THE ABNORMALLY TALL BLOCKY AND UNARTICULATED FACADES OF 2 STRUCTURES TO THE SOUTH AND ACROSS THE STREET TO THE WEST AND THE LOWER SCALE STRUCTURES TO THE NORTH AND EAST 4 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT TO JOIN 2 ADJACENT LOTS. 5 REMOVAL OF EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE ACROSS THE ALLEY. -NEW UNDERGROUND POWER FEEDS WILL BE PROVIDED. 6. ABANDONMENT OF POLE MOUNTED TRANSFORMERS ACROSS THE ALLEY, -NEW PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMERS WILL BE INSTALLED ON-SITE 7- REMOVING/REPLACING BROKEN CONCRETE AT THE EUCALYPTUS ROW. 6. THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL ELIMINATE AN EXISTING LOW VOLTAGE CABLE RUNNING NORTH -SOUTH ALONG THE ENTIRE STREET FRONTAGE BETWEEN NEIGHBORING STRUCTURES. - 9. ENHANCED STREETSCAPE LANDSCAPING. DEC 16.2019 12'= V-0• 10- ADDITIONAL ON -STREET PARKING OPPORTUNITY FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD DUE TO REMOVAL OF CURB PROJECTS 160x2 CUT. 11- RE -SLURRY HALF OF THE ALLEY LENGTH TO FRANKLIN, - ENDLESS PURSUIT 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16, 2019 3/64 = PROJECT♦ - - 16042 PUBLIC ART - --- - - I_ANOSCAPING LARGE CORNER--- - - - ' OFFSET FOLDING DOOR AT ENTRY OFFICE WIDER SID€WALE'} ') FEATURETREE- REUSE EXISTING ART - _ ETRE€ T SCAP _ - - - J#SUAL CONNEGTtO LANDSCAPING 4` - PEDESTRIAN CONNECTtOt;-- - (N) PUBLIC ART ON-- �I - ELEVATOR SHAFT- ul a BIKE SHARE— N PROGRAM 3P PUBLIC BENEFITS DIAGRAM - 3/64" = T-0" ENDLESS PURSUIT 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 DEC 16, 2019 3/64 = PROJECT♦ - - 16042 SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS TABULATION WORKSHEET SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS FINDINGS WORKSHEET Project Name: 212 Eucalyptus Project Name: 212 Eucalyptus GroupA €=x=old-c'hr(eaz�vaVn3trqur=vii - -I a n/a Step 1 S ohm, tx rzirsr ic»a- Heal -E -se -r F-;a=t.rder.;uy, ve 3�rz:€,n tv,:.r tr�z tic:s.d fs'aetes€na�rd-. w-h€ter -_- - - Cnsey a sense of old and new j lCWd .gmn *'+Hing, context - >II finding is mel, proceed to Step 2. IF finding cannot be mel, slap, the project d°es not quality - 11 1 il—nd relain the character -defining features =j1 lira ,x ad Sdcr that complement existing charac[erdefining features SUP irI 1 I 1rauftoars small, medium, and large scales It d,m.l €€sc pr-rico rrr-;1a,a, I.-tz_fv or r'rcL�emar-c+ can 'er r ts�s�dc n m I i j Houi,­ design at the pedestrian level gl 2 I-4—y360°archtecture Number of criteria this project mcorp°ra[es: ® - - - } €.dwxsaexiemrassirin - , f ­ the use of roll -up doers and sliding walls atsteet homages If 17 or more, proceed to Step 3, otherwise slop, the project does not qualify_ _ _ - 1 rq- entries to alleys �I j j rrrort�ra;e diflerentmatedals, colors, and textures Step3 - nna�r.¢-r-c�oosco cum-= II7 :r `--cV_ nrt. sr -;a o4: €.ese4;t-v; €19 e .afit fir= GmupB Facilitate Ewrl'.r.-sy�nru�arni: r€Gede i —iF[ no I co. I€tlf a 3 if none of the proposed community bnefits meet this finding, stop, project does not qualify. -1 !fat leas1,neprgp,,d1 comim tybenelltmee[sthlsgndingandpr°)ectdoes notquallfyfor7ter2, proceed to Planning Commission � rov.€c stree[comerplazas �Ifat least ane proposed communityhenefitmeels this findingand project qualifies for Ter 2, proceed to Step I€a•�pq�1�r 1osios alley -facing gathering spaces EY _ Phare ease of access Only Tier 2 projects must meet Findings 4&5 E t JE - d—, surface parking step ENDLESS P U R 5 U I T_csxdb-� qualityp paving materials --f'i-mcrs•=. massa L rP_ E cmc-;s*l:z �wi ttl-€G41 z,f rrprsctr<s —1-1-r, of the tu�7' =u€ ratTin 111—s d=a[-o€F �.�ea-r• cs izebe rc E jF4c.sasxrt furn[tu re P 212 c 1 e-st ,s gjtwg no ac:c-±a- a safety and design �Irfinding is met, proceed to Step 5.IFfiMingcanno[he me[, stop, the does hot —�[f.,n��=f h°ts°°ts EUCALYPTUS 3 Step 5 Group C tI iu mate L3'tiitsaaP€=+atm 4twa'eve'ae 4 Design (minimum 3 required) fln4ue:j s x n€€ftt cC.€r�s-lf:E ==ar='ri�3-� +tn th-'F: s 3tso t; it m14'ci I --EL SEGUNDO I g I ;rdamd h4 Iry-ter —vcr _'—un'tr.- 'by groups- Community Mueofproposed a,�rF,.=r: h CALIFORNIA, 90245 'I s €:n„�i€,c4-an€and natwe plants Gr ,:p S 874.361 n`-�rl<s'INumberaf met criteria In Group A>6•933%) - M11 -GroupB Open Space f_=i:rlumrmp'yfld&e planters and pots m provide greenery > - - Ia ldndsedping In pa kingareas S[ Group C' Landscaping EU 1s5 °? Ea lNumberof,crcrhedalmGmnpC>3' 1667%.•)t,e fnces and walls as an exlertsion of Me architecture E Group O: C.—tunty�''r bYloumberofsurplusbikespaces'St,750) natural fight GroupE Other Public Rri 5 93,525 .�-tyy by lNumber or me[crnenavGrs A•3333%I C-rhs and c�kr :s�,;i 1 _ _ -_ se"r Seleclone GroupDtrc aafaaslecu..ts- _�srGeu ua,r; S - er--1•4.-Fs` - I, jno [( rs<a lcrit-a a `2 Appr°ved public Infrastructure 15 it m-n'+q by 110% I 1€1 1 II..,I bike facilities f'yes."mealbke slora ge spa es praNded. L2 1 Requlredd 81 g Proje nwith more 52 milon ormare value addeda z_ Vim. r : °rs�e�_J'Gc �h a _ 1 Other proposed benefits dr- s le-Ths.v t's. P=. - a_`4rc'--4�F+-.sa,.s-a carr �`ixrsr-.€r ma=r <-,•>-SII Group Db5 .bw-SrAg_=Ctae'-= t 3'sg Public Art Na Total cost forcommunky benefits to developer MS 103d 2451 Other SMSP public project '•� rr� component Estimated added project value 111) I?rc } a his -,rd tr�D=-r=rirat eE --r= liranv� publican Community value of proposed henefrts I$ 360 B1 Comm uNtyvalue share ofadded value soxI 11 CV/AV ss <30%, recommendad dltonal community henefils and recalculatn 4 II CV/AV is >30%, go to Planning Commission for recommendation to City Council x ova auov.r JAN 16, 2020 PROJECT ♦ 16042 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION DESIGN S. THE PLANT PALETTE CONSISTS OF DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS THAT ADHERE TO THE SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN. 2. PLANTING AND IRRIGATION WILL ADHERE TO THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE AND CURRENT WATER EFFICIENT ORDINANCES. SAWCUT CONCRETE LINES. 12" SPACING. EVERY OTHER SECTION OF CONCRETE DISTICTUS RECEIVES STRONG BUCCINATORIA RETARDANT FINISH. VINE, TYP. PAVING PER PILOSECEREUS STAIR ENTRANCE PACHYCLADUS WITH TO DECK PHORMIUM TENAX 'AMAZING RED' ARCHITECT CEIBA INSIGNIS TREE PHORMIUM 1 'AMAZING RED WITH SEDUM NUSSBAUMERANIUM PILOSECEREUS PACHYCLADUS WITH PHORMIUM TENAX 'AMAZING RED _ CERCIDUM'DESERT --- _ MUSEM WITH CAREX FLACCAAND SEDUM NUSSBAUMERANIUM, IN RAISED PLANTER, TVP. -= - LOBELIA LAXIFLORA - IN RAISED PLANTER TP ' ROOF DECK GROUND FLOOR DECK COATING WITH SCORE LINES. SR VALUE ABOVE .30, TYP. ELEVATOR STAIR ENTRANCE ENTRANCE TO DECK TO DECK SITE FURNITURE 212 EUCALYPTUS IL 'Nl i 4`A PCi 96 WW Ceiba insignis White Floss Silk Tree 30'h x 30'w Full sun to light shade. Low water. Distictis buccinatoria Red Trumpet Vine Climbing vine Sun or shade. Moderate water. Sedum nussbaumeranium Coppertone sedum 1'-2'h x some Full sun to light shade. Low water. Phormium tenax 'Amazing Red' Fiesta New Zealand Flax 3'-4'h x 3'-4'w Full sun- light shade. Low water. Pilosocereus pachycladus Blue Torch Cactus 15'-20' x 10'-15' Full sun to partial sun. Low -mod water. DRAFT w�aECT � Tree Planter 60" box With self watering inserts Cercidium 'Desert Museum' Palo Verde 25'h x 25'w Full Sun. Low Water. Burnished Metal Planter 60"x24"x24" Lobelia laxitlora With self watering inserts Mexican lobelia Carex Flacca Blue Sedge 1'h x spreading Sun or shade. Low water Sedum nussbaumeranium Coppertone sedum l' -2'h x same Full sun to light shade. Low water. DRAFT