2020 Feb 18 - CC MINMEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2020 — 4:00 PM CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Boyles at 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Pimentel - Present Council Member Nicol - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) None SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Interview candidates of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee and announce appointments at the March 3, 2020 regular City Council meeting. Interviews conducted Council selected Samantha Smith-Strassner to the Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee. Adjourned at 5:25 PM MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2020 PAGE 1 OF 8 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2020 - 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Boyles at 6:01 PM INVOCATION — Tracy Weaver, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Pimentel SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a) Police Chief Whalen introduced three (3) new EI Segundo Police Officers; Brandon Mendoza, Joanna Ramirez and Michael Drohan. b) Recognition by Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager and Charles Mallory, IT Director, Margaret Chu, IT Consultant, Kristen Bergevin, IT Consultant, commending the Citywide Website Team. Proclamation read by Mayor Boyles, recognizing Kristina Kora-Beckman, Amy McDaniels and Brenna Wengert for their outstanding work on the website. ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Pimentel - Present Council Member Nicol - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Chris Cagle, SBWIB (South Bay Workforce Investment Board) gave the quarterly report. For more information, call 310.970.7700 or visit www.SBWIB.org. Jack Axelrod, resident, commented on various items of concern. Gary Schmunk, resident, not in favor of item #10 (Short -Term Rentals) and thanked the Council for their hard work regarding the Short -Term Rental Ordinance. Kathy Wishard, resident, not in favor of item #10 (Short -Term Rentals). Leila Schuh, resident, not in favor of item #10 (Short -Term Rentals). CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS — (Related to Public Communications) A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOTION by Council Member Nicol, SECONDED by Council Member Pimentel to read all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2020 PAGE 2OF8 B. CONSENT CALENDAR Approve Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of February 4, 2020, 2, Approve Warrant Numbers 3029786 through 3029921 on Register No. 9a in the total amount of $349,019.26 and Wire Transfers from 1/27/20 through 2/02/20 in the total amount of $495,733.75. Approve Warrant Numbers 3029922 through 3030016 and 9001282 through 9001323 on Register No. 9b in the total amount of $382,025.94 and Wire Transfers from 2/3/20 through 2/9/20 in the total amount of $561,015.04. Ratified Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreement; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and wire transfers 3. Approve 2020 Annual Budget for the EI Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board; Park Vista. (Fiscal Impact: None) 4. Approve Amendment No. 1888C to Agreement No. 1888 between the City of EI Segundo and the EI Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Corporation for management of the Park Vista Housing Facility; increase the maximum allowable unbudgeted disbursement from a dollar amount from of ten thousand ($10,000) to twenty-five thousand ($25,000). (Fiscal Impact: None) 5. Authorize City Manager to execute Professional Services Agreement No.5858 with Kosmont and Associates, Inc. to provide funding strategy services for the Park Place Gap Closure and, Grade Separation Project. (Fiscal Impact: $62,500.00) 6. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM PIRSZTUK 7, Adopt Resolution No. 5200 approving the Plans and Specifications for the Roller Hockey Rink Improvements Project. The rink is located on the EI Segundo Recreation and Park site, 401 Sheldon Street. Project No. PW 19-13. (Fiscal Impact: $155,000.00) 8. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM PIRSZTUK 9. Waive formal bidding process and authorize the City Manager to issue a blanket purchase order to Metron Farnier LLC to purchase automatic meter reading water meters. (Fiscal Impact: Not to Exceed $300,000.00) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2020 PAGE 3OF8 10. PULLED BY COUNCIL MEMBER NICOL. 11. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM PIRSZTUK 12. Receive and file FY 2019-20 1st Quarter Financial Review. (Fiscal Impact: None) MOTION by Council Member Pimentel, SECONDED by Council Member Nicol approving Consent Agenda items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 12. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 PULLED ITEMS: 6. Authorize City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Kosmont and Associates, Inc. to provide general real estate advisory and project funding consulting services for development citywide. (Fiscal Impact: $44,000.00) Scott Mitnick, City Manager, answered Council questions. Council Discussion MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Pimentel authorizing City Manager to execute Professional Services Agreement No. 5859 with Kosmont and Associates, Inc. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 8. Award a Contract to Insight through the County of Riverside Cooperative Purchasing Agreement through an exemption to the City's formal bidding requirements pursuant to EI Segundo Municipal Code § 1- 7-9(C) and authorize the City Manager to execute a three year software licenses agreement with Insight; to provide Microsoft licenses and Office 365. (Fiscal Impact: $172,760.50 for FY 2019-2020; $518,281.50 total over the three-year (3) agreement. Charles Mallory, IT Director, answered Council questions. Council Discussion MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Nicol to award Contract No. 5860 to Insight; to provide Microsoft licenses and Office 365. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 10. Waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 1614 for Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 17-01) and Environmental Assessment No. EA - 1180, creating a pilot program to allow and regulate Short -Term Rentals in the City's residential zoning districts. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2020 PAGE 4 OF 8 (Fiscal Impact: Potential Revenue; $37,000.00 from permits and business license and $125,000.00 from Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT). [The proposed project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Class 6 (Information Collection) (14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15306), because it involves creating a regulatory process for a use in the Residential zoning districts for a limited time.] Council Discussion; Council directed staff to limit the number of bookings allowed per year and requested tightening up the success criteria before bringing the item back to Council. Council consensus to continue the item to the regular City Council meeting on March 3, 2020. 11. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with RIESTER Pacific, Inc. (dba Riester) economic development and hospitality/tourism marketing services. (Fiscal Impact: $350,000.00) Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager, answered Council questions. Cristina Reveles, Economic Development Coordinator, introduced the RIESTER team to Council. Council Discussion MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Nicol authorizing the City Manager to execute Contract No. 5861 with RIESTER Pacific, Inc. (dba Riester). MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 Item #D14 moved up on the agenda per Council consensus. 14. Treasury Departments Quarterly Investment Portfolio (Fiscal Impact: None) Crista Binder, City Treasurer and Dino Marsocci, Deputy City Treasurer II and LaTonya, Deputy City Treasurer I, gave a presentation regarding the Quarterly Investment Portfolio. Council Discussion Council consensus to receive and file the presentation. Recessed at 8:17 PM MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2020 PAGE 5OF8 Reconvened at 8:29 PM C. PUBLIC HEARINGS 13. Conduct a public hearing and adopt a Resolution approving fees to cover the costs associated with the donation of a tree ($500) or bench ($1,400) per the guidelines of the Memory Row Tree & Bench Donation Program. (Fiscal Impact: None) Mayor Boyles stated this was the time and place to conduct a Public Hearing regarding adopt a Resolution approving fees to cover the costs associated with the donation of a tree ($500) or bench ($1,400) per the guidelines of the Memory Row Tree & Bench Donation Program. City Clerk Weaver stated that proper notice had been given in a timely manner and that no written communication had been received in the City Clerk's office. Meredith Petit, Recreation and Parks Director, gave a presentation and answered questions on the item. Public Comments: None MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk, SECONDED Council Member Nicol to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 Council Discussion Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5201 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING NEW FEES FOR THE MEMORY ROW TREE AND BENCH DONATION PROGRAM MOTION by Council Member Nicol, SECONDED by Council Member Pimentel approving Resolution No. 5201. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 D. STAFF PRESENTATIONS 14. Moved up on the agenda. 15. 2019 Year -End Crime Summary (Fiscal Impact: None) Bill Whalen, Police Chief, gave a presentation on the item. Council Discussion MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2020 PAGE 6OF8 Council consensus to receive and file the presentation. 16. Authorization to conduct a Parks & Recreation Needs Assessment prior to renovating the EI Segundo Teen Center, 405 E Grand Ave. (Fiscal Impact: Estimated cost $50,000.00. Funding from FY2019-2020 General Fund Capital Improvement Program, CIP). Meredith Petit, Recreation and Parks Director, reported on the item. Council Discussion MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Pimentel authorizing Recreation and Parks Department to conduct a Needs Assessment. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 410 17. Discussion and review to establish policy objectives for the FY 2020-2024 rate study of the Water and Wastewater operations. Joe Lillio, Finance Manager and Sanjay Gaur, Vice President, Raftelis, gave a presentation on the item. Council Discussion Council consensus to receive and file the report. E. COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS: None F, REPORTS — CITY CLERK — Stated one (1) Voting Center will open February 22, 2020 (Center St. School), the other six (6) will open February 26, 2020 and March 3, 2020 Election Day. G. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — Gave a presentation earlier. H. REPORTS — COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember Pimentel — No report Councilmember Nicol — Mentioned five (5) applicants were interviewed for one position and feels this speaks volumes to where our City is in regards to those wishing to volunteer and commented on the Treasury Report and where the City stands today with Crista's leadership as City Treasurer. Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk — Reminded the Community the Dog Licensing Clinic will be held Wednesday, February 26 at 5:00 PM at the City Yard. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2020 PAGE 7OF8 Mayor Boyles — Mentioned the annual State of the City will be held on March 11, 2020 at 777 Aviation Blvd. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — No report J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP — CITY MANAGER — Followed up on the Police Chief's report and mentioned upcoming items for the next City Council meeting on March 3, 2020. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) None MEMORIAL — None ADJOURNMENT at 10:02 PM Tracy Weav , �MWO City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2020 PAGE 8OF8