2020-03-03 CC Agenda Packet - ITEM #C10 - PRESENTATION - EA 1254212 EUCALYPTUS DR. - COMMUNITY BENEFITS PLAN xfrr-fix r..r ra:r��w 4 k t. Ivl.e p�`'0 MAPLE AVE _ ,..`af _y T � .. -_ r F p Z r _ Z -{ 7 T ~Z ❑ L Z .alp o IAK AVE~ ....'Gc.-�_`°Z'OAKR11K�L7OAK AVE-�r❑ Il r -� ''J - •PALM iAVE - -- PALM��l AVE M f.l FRn vtw �, ` `1 r•�'4 w o ! , r� � r � �: it - �E LM AVE ; JF �x _'�`,, , _L 'Lz ELM AVE � S + 4 w4..- •� r' r � � , t F nTa 1¢ Z •�Q•¢p� •0 4c ..� 4 0 Z - F � � �. i r AVE g.. - - w SINE AVE --w.i PINEV �E i=�F: a � �.•. �,:.y •: r•�t. _ y - .0 .Z 0 p 'O_ •�: 1 Y4, J �.. 4- �.+w �dl t7 ack .: � HDLLY �-�A • y yi HOLLY � l- � � ~- r �~ Q p Z ra I � �v -I�•r-ter i_ 5�' as.4 � �L.- J �rV rf % � .1:w' : 3;.� J. ��' m ' � - r w Z �I•- �. � i HOLLY -AVE :� .z a J•.HDLLY AV •� J e ,. �'r�a �i,� 0. "J T".'w' ...-��p Til j ,� � � _. GRAN❑ AVE ¢ � � �. p Fe• a - � - � '+'..r � e.. 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Rear setback so feet min o feet PROPOSED BENEFITS • Public Art • Design Guideline compliance • Public Bicycle Parking • Contribution to Smoky Hollow infrastructure 4A Egg E ��II II ,S• 4A Egg E 4A PROPOSED BENEFIT WI • Public Art Design Guideline compliance � s90,00o toward public art zo out of 32guidelines Public Bicycle Parking Six bike racks above requirement Contribution to Smoky Hollow infrastructure � $14,214 BENEFIT EVALUATION AND FINDINGS z. The project will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare 2. The proposed benefits provide exemplary project design 3. The proposed benefits directly implement Specific Plan objectives 4. The value of the benefits bear a relationship to the value generated by the project 5. The benefits do not principally benefit the project, but rather the district or the Specific Plan area SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS TABULATION WORKSHEET Project Name: 212 Eucalyptus GroupA Enhance Bulldi Character(mrnlmum4requ0ed) I Yes no n/a crieeia I 1 Build on the quality industrlalcharactes I Convey a sense of old and new 1 uid upon eekl1.gccod.1 1 Cornserve andretain the cherxler-definingfelvicu- 5 1 Encourage additions that complement existing[haractei-defielingfealuies I Incorpo,ale Smll, medium, and Urge scales I} 1 mphasde design at the ped",lass level 6 1 SPettily 160' arrhiecture E 1 Lnhare:e entry exjoe"io 1 Encourage The use of roll up doors arid slidingwalkat dwel fronlages 1 Orem secondary emries to alleys 1 Incoiporale di"erenl materials. rotors. and lectures Group Faclgtate Gatteingjminrmum2 requYedj I yes no Na criteria 1 Form anactive sheet wad 1 rovide street crone, plans 1 Develop outdoor garhering spares 5 1 roNdealley-lac ilg gathering spaces 1 rovide ease.,acceu 1 ohance surface par king E 1 Use endwing yuatity paving materiak 1' 1 Mcnvde street ewelitwe T ' 1Use euterwr kghringlo xcemnale sately anddesign 5 1 Provide Wi-Fit hotspots Group I Incrl fate landscape and Fndronn toldl Design lminrmum 3 reyuireell 1 yes no n/a criteria 1 40esign layered and lush 4lndscaping 1 Select drought -tolerant and native plants 1 I Uliize pliente—.6 potsto provide greenery C II 1' Improve tandscapingin parkingareas C Use haresand walls as an utension of the aichheclure a 1 Mule naluml light Group!) tncourage Connecteiy I yes I aro n!a criteria I 1 Install hole facile, dyes` total bike storage spacesprovided:1 2 I Repuknl:L Group f Deli .for Sin ,logy -Finding. and Puhln int yes no ./a It re—a 1Design siAnsasan integral component 1 1 Incorporate way finding through mleg,aldesign 1 1 rrcrurage public an SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS FINDINGS WORKSHEET Project Name: 212 Eucalyptus Supt indrre:IThe proposed hullImA heighl, intensily. or deviation from the develnpment standardswould not he detrimental to the Public heath, sately or 4 If finding Is met, proceed to step 2. If finding cannot be met, slap, the project dues not quality. Step 2 +111111:'The proposed community benefits provide exemplary project and/or streetscape design Number ofcrhetla this projecl lncorporales; 20 4 It 17 or more, proceed to Step 3, otherlklse stop,the project does not quality. step s lndrog:IThe Drorosed community benefit directly Imoliments obectives of the %mcific Dian. project does not quality. Project does nor G uakty for Tier 2, Proceed to Planning Commission project qualifies for Fier 2, proceed to Step must Fhd Ings 4 S S or orcunanls of the Project, but rather provides a dktlnct or are—ide project does not quality. ue generated by the project, s by groups: Community value of pro nosed improvements: Group A: All hitectute rc'1, u., �nnitipdr by lNumbPr of mel nirerla In Group A>6-1.33%1 - S 291,337 Group B: Open Space - mwtipv by ,Number of mel mrleda rn Group B:S•1o%i = - e Group C: landscaping 34,145 murtipiv bY(Numher of mer uheria In Group C>3116.67%) = SL394 �t Group P: Connealvity 18,000 multiple MlNumber of elrplu sbike spxee•s47sP1 $ 30,506 Group E: Other _ 43,525 multiply by (Number Onto criteria in Group A e 33.33%1 �i 3LI44 Cafes and coffee shops distance to nearest simila, r l 4/8 into I = $ - 4 Undergrounddg ulilities $ - multiply by 13o% Approved public lnfrairuc lure $ 14,214 mPdtldu by l00% Projects with more V million or more value added must —tribute al leas to% elvalue ,added to public infremucrure Other proposed be neirts l5 j( -These benefits are not considered for gt,Airyimirpurp —untess accepted by City Council Totalcost for communty beneftsto developer IS 1.034,245Other SMSP public project Estimated added project wale Is 1,200,000' Carnmanttyvalue of proposed Peneths Is 360,000' Community aloe shale of added value I 30%I Acvgd.nhk 4 If CV/AV is <309k recommend additional community benefits and recalculate. --) If CV/AV Is x30% go to Planningt ommission for recommendation to City Crunc d BENEFIT EVALUATION AND FINDINGS I z. The project will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare 2. The proposed benefits provide exemplary project design 3. The proposed benefits directly implement Specific Plan obiectives 4. The value of the benefits bear a relationship to the value generated by the project 5. The benefits do not principally benefit -the project, but rather the district or the Specific Plan area RECOMMENDATION approving the proposed community benefits plan. Adopt draft resolution app g p SMOKY HOLLOW DESIGN GUIDELINES Not all of the design guidelines will be applicable to each project but each project team shouid be able to explain how the guidelines shaped their project design and work with City staff to incorporate as many of the ideas as possible. Enhance Building Character QBuild on the quality industrial character of architecture currently in Smoky Hollow Convey a sense of old and new through conservation of existing materials and details and selection Private Realm Strategies QConserve and retain the character - defining features of an existing building, minimize the removal of older components, materials, and details. Repair such features rather than replace them, to the maximum extent feasible QEncourage additions that complement existing character -defining features and are differentiated and secondary to the bulk and massing of existing buildings. © Incorporate small, medium, and large scales through design of differentiated massing and a variety of components, proportions, and details of new building components that Emphasize design at the pedestrian complement existing conditions level through expressed forms, shapes, without mimicking an older masses, materials, and details at first - architectural character floor frontages Build upon existing context through Specify 360° architecture through use of similar forms, heights, extension of the character -defining proportions, building materials, and elements and materials, level of detail, details observed in the surrounds and architectural consistency at all building facades City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 57 WEnhance entry expression through use of color, forms, materials, details, orientation to sidewalks, landscaping, and place -making to create a sense of arrival OEncourage the use of roll -up doors and sliding walls at street frontages to add visual interest at the pedestrian level and enhance indoor -outdoor interactions. Orient secondary entries to alleys to create a sense of arrival and increase pedestrian presence in alleys QIncorporate different materials, colors, and textures at a building's exterior to create visual interest, avoid monotonous or repetitive building frontages. Facilitate Gathering Form an active street wall through design of building frontages with material and detail interest at or near sidewalks and use of sidewalk - oriented entries Provide street corner plazas through setbacks from street corners or through conversion of front yard surface parking Develop outdoor gathering spaces at entries, along sidewalks, at patios, and on rooftops to invite activity Provide alley -facing gathering spaces through setbacks and modulations at rear property lines that invite safe use and activity. Provide ease of access along and across sites through leveling outdoor and indoor height differences, provision of accessible ramps and handrails, removal of obstacles on sidewalks, and minimization of curb cuts Enhance surface parking through use of enduring quality paving materials that create visual interest, use permeable paving materials consistent with City building codes Use enduring, quality paving materials or street painting to realize visual interest and differentiate the defined 58 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / CityofElSegundo pedestrian zone from traffic lanes. Provide street furniture of enduring quality and aesthetic value, examples include benches, information posts, trash cans, etc Use exterior lighting to accentuate safety and design elements of public and private outdoor areas and sidewalks. Provide Wi-Fi hotspots to attract pedestrians and encourage gathering at specified locations Incorporate Landscape and Environmental Design Design layered and lush landscaping through selection of plant materials that display a variety of shapes, textures, and colors. Select drought -tolerant and native plants to reduce irrigation and conserve water. Utilize planters and pots to provide greenery along sidewalks where street trees are not permitted QImprove landscaping in parking areas through the use of tree canopies, landscape planters, and design of walls and fences that create visual interest, and reduce the heat island effect AN Use fences and walls as an extension of the architecture and character of the building QUtilize natural light through use of large window expanses, clearstories, skylights, etc to enhance working spaces and reduce lighting energy consumption Encourage Connectivity ® Install bike facilities consistent with City building code requirements - such as bike racks, bike storage, bike sharing stations, dedicated shower rooms, and lockers - to encourage biking. Private Realm Strategies Design for Sign age, Way -Finding, and PublicArt , Design signs as an integral component of the architectural program Consider channel letter signs, projecting signs, and flag signs Avoid box signs with plastic covers, © Incorporate way -finding through integral design of identity .and directional signage and on-site lighting to guide and enhance circulations © Encourage public art, including murals, street paintings, outdoor installation art, and light -based art installations, to create visual interest along alleys City ofEl Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 59