2020-02-18 CC Agenda Packet - PRESENTATION B - WebsiteCITY OF ELSEGUNDO City of EI Segundo Website CITY OF EL SE GUNDO Vision CITY OF EL SE GUNDO Goals CITY OF EL SE GUNDO Features ..................... ............... ......... ..... ........... ......�."'...�_...�,F,.,......,.....,..m...,..�� �.�..w,..,...�.,��._„ .mea ... Launched August 16, 2005 NEWS ....... --- I a] PIIKDIrj 4114 W-1*411 � I BIG] Launched January 28, 2020 Flre Oeparlmad ELSEGUN•DO nr•Prw.nsmn Lnalmnmenbl sarrtr sPprw,�on Admmlasraewa rto ..,, R emrhe El yew rre o9ld[ment-ne mis�e"MIM EI segurde Flre peroren[cm�ivre mx ah e(Eksegurde Mlro[xliig wes, pryer[y,aM[M elrvirumnera -pully and eaellerce In amstlre. The Lity was I T , day : aled In t91i, and at Thal Ilene, B men and a fire ohkJ lurmed a vdr.rteer fne dYaM1ment. Un November M, ]997 a aW wW file tlepatrnenr was established,otheHre d®plrxM Nmmprlsetl m49 swan empbyceaaM 5cIVIINn erroI-e The tlepartrnerd arwMss seMces oN of mars wah arier'9e"rY reW se rapahMde. e.El Wezwre res,xy h.,T Wwd .a ao5•IdL IadEn vrekatmtlelan ry hrn,W vehNp.aM acypr-1 Mary mrd. ane r�.ve urn. FPr dose n too rears Me a sagurdP rre 1)v+FerEneN has pledRut I¢ enure ro me mmmu,lh. kk'ins pride h ov fetpy and kre cny we ssve. "COURTESY R SERVICE" Weknme to El S.gunda Fire GeparlmaPt we ere arnml Mra pro[enngwrrorcm�mryrrom aii nays. m -ICA) fflff L ABOUT uS DISASTERCERT COMMUNITY CODES& PREPAREDNESS OUTREACH REG UTIDNS EVENTS ea:5 Ncumno aiSNcuNno sa:Sscu Hua 1a w11 212 Fire Pien Cheek Revlew Fl, e Pie. Cheek Review Flre Plan Check Revlew 9.00 AIA-10WAM 9.00AM-430 PM 9'.00AM-1]'.09PM YERY M. ZLSEGUNUO ee.a a,=ta ©��® ,mag a riGm Nmasp Llirrary Homepage. xen x.l... ff,lr;e uek>, Worhliq aq•meraa Lawa.a s.dm Latest News . Ile. Booxs . Below ere seleaetl new [isles at rM1e li4rary. Come In end cbcN out Nese antl Omer books recemty etldedmthe Nhrery cdkcrlon. ,he asmrredettar, tryaprese Frak mtldragetl arch10.HIMig in Copenhagen, k'n thealmhdsoaketl Mmes d a rrme-damcz when he marcs an unegntetl wll Pram M1h grca[-urrck Anton. N es and nlll avag wIN ka Kromer m Myr wrJ Jutlantl IamFa Plata Jxab hzsnt sesru6 srec xre wmmer d la,e-wrtpn remain; haumetl Fry a smglaquesnwr aaopmedm Dlenp To fed oW,Ja¢bmut rannm Mefann ab confrmk what rode plxe Mat svmrw-ane tlexmd by M1n teenage rbsezaon.wM Elko, abewtlfix ,. � - .Pµel�mm�brN mlmm+�m. aM xre rmwMtl tlkappearerce dataaf gYl.mrevlslp,g dd lMrrt9 aM rNals.lxol dlstor¢rs rhe bagatllea tha[N.e Faulted � L t[rmw Mmpvw asr4 aYNke 9eeneT ndalr, the amen P+awe xrnlamev loivri Ld can r marernLs. now. LQept oe Persr, c�amre 6wvrs timse vay wee. mei tlow vow stc Is are mev the 0.d. wNn tanree rsee home ark els<awn I,v husband rs mbang, elle abesn'r seem mWrew wtat m m a taw 1a xT the Isdke shin[ sbek hkurg ;: I.,g antl breyre ngM, 9re k -hu PnhaPa nok what they Nought. Nmre has a zeas[ she's nerersharetl, antl yet sfie s Mat someone Immrs. As she xugglee .. Iyer career arW sanlh INace, her pM Domes beh m hew[ hn=n was mwe Gegeran tlun sM could have erer Imagined. --atm Ilw tlust lackx. ,hewLaepm w toasty wa shoot. M tmm rwgn - etl, nrkymama.wman wrtnarebenious creak ataJ,a's tae xe5lorererrtrargee bye tra�pc sumo hvetm years ago. anode moa goof tpr gaef, she rtes Ln her lanhlul onlre rrnmanien Naeum are Pexe in me quiet Ixret rf ter tam4 fwimmlrg peel. assts[ wlrl,00t her mallelrrg it, per kfe nus shrtlEered m a haft. ".vhen ma4a 4eglr¢ unliMety fnxezhlP wM Ne mystemus SaFy Retl clees,abag lady wlNa pomgousvora ardapemhmtfirsaYlrg patwhat she mem. ,a nworld of po56idliiiez open up'new fiientlships, mry c.portsnitex aM esm a charKe M rlew Iwe, Fa the Fret Gra In years, Wsha has aha choose toskd , x'R I'al as rnasN doses m Imaglre,he NNe, M lam cordes marlrlg oak. -Flmr xe xm[1adwL Fab Llxe M4 LY 9amva xwdra0. - - rgsrnmrprha ldr, tlemqlr9,hes<"e�dAmartlsls pa,hrry n®mfu-ha 9r9 ma]�etlaNhvyayavy pa�n¢.rs4#wlMan lml»Ie,a9�Pm� ammrFa n ltist mr« maths soma[ 9mtiM o'aghc-a run her xebgling onset. amrcefetn ere xarperem, eta bags her way Irrma Rre Gh. an ea�ruhre rmat In - raew york remmm� kr duce Casgs. ovaaanus revelrcs, 9kmwws amps. end Ne spaMlrg bbd klx wtare bnlllam tao0.gy taray legan tlrowne0 herseN. .... A resEmce m CareWs Mon zLWiw the painter wares wxd ohzearre, tldnous Imu, But rdran 5re begun m rercosn straige secrek at Rne 4ty ant /alk haetl M .:'r>,Mwlws bv,TrNrH, a k'4o tlmnghF 9,atlmvs hx ovary move' YAlat rs¢ly halspvwd M Cary Lagan�Tawa q,e tivA wdeL CtvrtVrt Ox000-M39 GVNxewtlw leo alrnsa.c 6• GfUStl 3sPliW3WIW[bautn+av Rkv [y.t.¢p bf tl>ti",I ELSEGUNDO x tLh n .t, B� amour �r.n.. aa> U, Kids Teens Adults Arts &Culture Lotal Hlslory EVENTS �]Pr n Hon arh� EL MGIINUO PunuB L[xRARY ClefxwMau eNf ;q�'PwdT�se�. Preach-Istgryiime Sahy slarytilne M.,.i Vaetim nAo _ �..a rei.ih.z4[ .s� ; f Wm Oub eury PAtmdl ,eryaas AA. mLe Bim11Y5IDptlae ni.w�w.e feu smm ra,.r aura.. ab.. [... fnw.m e.esa.. c.�r..nn as pool[s..rve.w�d,i rra.. eioo.w azio¢w.irw.. aF s.m>w xwmm fkh lost xA unpd A hk aM Latest News . Ile. Booxs . Below ere seleaetl new [isles at rM1e li4rary. Come In end cbcN out Nese antl Omer books recemty etldedmthe Nhrery cdkcrlon. ,he asmrredettar, tryaprese Frak mtldragetl arch10.HIMig in Copenhagen, k'n thealmhdsoaketl Mmes d a rrme-damcz when he marcs an unegntetl wll Pram M1h grca[-urrck Anton. N es and nlll avag wIN ka Kromer m Myr wrJ Jutlantl IamFa Plata Jxab hzsnt sesru6 srec xre wmmer d la,e-wrtpn remain; haumetl Fry a smglaquesnwr aaopmedm Dlenp To fed oW,Ja¢bmut rannm Mefann ab confrmk what rode plxe Mat svmrw-ane tlexmd by M1n teenage rbsezaon.wM Elko, abewtlfix ,. � - .Pµel�mm�brN mlmm+�m. aM xre rmwMtl tlkappearerce dataaf gYl.mrevlslp,g dd lMrrt9 aM rNals.lxol dlstor¢rs rhe bagatllea tha[N.e Faulted � L t[rmw Mmpvw asr4 aYNke 9eeneT ndalr, the amen P+awe xrnlamev loivri Ld can r marernLs. now. LQept oe Persr, c�amre 6wvrs timse vay wee. mei tlow vow stc Is are mev the 0.d. wNn tanree rsee home ark els<awn I,v husband rs mbang, elle abesn'r seem mWrew wtat m m a taw 1a xT the Isdke shin[ sbek hkurg ;: I.,g antl breyre ngM, 9re k -hu PnhaPa nok what they Nought. Nmre has a zeas[ she's nerersharetl, antl yet sfie s Mat someone Immrs. As she xugglee .. Iyer career arW sanlh INace, her pM Domes beh m hew[ hn=n was mwe Gegeran tlun sM could have erer Imagined. --atm Ilw tlust lackx. ,hewLaepm w toasty wa shoot. M tmm rwgn - etl, nrkymama.wman wrtnarebenious creak ataJ,a's tae xe5lorererrtrargee bye tra�pc sumo hvetm years ago. anode moa goof tpr gaef, she rtes Ln her lanhlul onlre rrnmanien Naeum are Pexe in me quiet Ixret rf ter tam4 fwimmlrg peel. assts[ wlrl,00t her mallelrrg it, per kfe nus shrtlEered m a haft. ".vhen ma4a 4eglr¢ unliMety fnxezhlP wM Ne mystemus SaFy Retl clees,abag lady wlNa pomgousvora ardapemhmtfirsaYlrg patwhat she mem. ,a nworld of po56idliiiez open up'new fiientlships, mry c.portsnitex aM esm a charKe M rlew Iwe, Fa the Fret Gra In years, Wsha has aha choose toskd , x'R I'al as rnasN doses m Imaglre,he NNe, M lam cordes marlrlg oak. -Flmr xe xm[1adwL Fab Llxe M4 LY 9amva xwdra0. - - rgsrnmrprha ldr, tlemqlr9,hes<"e�dAmartlsls pa,hrry n®mfu-ha 9r9 ma]�etlaNhvyayavy pa�n¢.rs4#wlMan lml»Ie,a9�Pm� ammrFa n ltist mr« maths soma[ 9mtiM o'aghc-a run her xebgling onset. amrcefetn ere xarperem, eta bags her way Irrma Rre Gh. an ea�ruhre rmat In - raew york remmm� kr duce Casgs. ovaaanus revelrcs, 9kmwws amps. end Ne spaMlrg bbd klx wtare bnlllam tao0.gy taray legan tlrowne0 herseN. .... A resEmce m CareWs Mon zLWiw the painter wares wxd ohzearre, tldnous Imu, But rdran 5re begun m rercosn straige secrek at Rne 4ty ant /alk haetl M .:'r>,Mwlws bv,TrNrH, a k'4o tlmnghF 9,atlmvs hx ovary move' YAlat rs¢ly halspvwd M Cary Lagan�Tawa q,e tivA wdeL CtvrtVrt Ox000-M39 GVNxewtlw leo alrnsa.c 6• GfUStl 3sPliW3WIW[bautn+av Rkv [y.t.¢p bf tl>ti",I ELSEGUNDO x tLh n .t, B� amour �r.n.. aa> U, Kids Teens Adults Arts &Culture Lotal Hlslory EVENTS BY THE NUMBERS 233,131 162,599 2,333 54,136 45,257 LIMary Ylsas In x019 Rema Borrowed Cumnure.y "ro9"arts Eacnl Atlentlante Pcquctla ltrlMolmabbn v 0®O ELSEGUNIDO fo�re��a�eAa P - Polley Ibre Mar _poor.[. amsxaxnx o-ana, 9nemws<�.ve®a.meo,..wna Toddler Storyllme Middle School Teen Preach-Istgryiime Sahy slarytilne CU BY THE NUMBERS 233,131 162,599 2,333 54,136 45,257 LIMary Ylsas In x019 Rema Borrowed Cumnure.y "ro9"arts Eacnl Atlentlante Pcquctla ltrlMolmabbn v 0®O ELSEGUNIDO fo�re��a�eAa P - Polley Ibre Mar _poor.[. amsxaxnx o-ana, 9nemws<�.ve®a.meo,..wna -,Io El Segundo, Califomia PAYFOR PARKING TICKETS HERE B STAY CONNECTED Twitter QO 9nstagram Facobo.k o-0) ■ 'c...•.na.��,,:.u, �® �.nF �o .� r sw ..ate.. aa.A...� fi ca i..� —11— RIC&PAMS 163, . "ll I U U wl NEWS 0 e'�SEGUNDO • Google Analytics was implemented for all 7 sites • Data can be pulled by site or department 0 All Users 100.004 Pageviews Overview Pageviews + Y5. Select a metric * Pageviews d, 000 Jan 30 Jan 31 Feb 1 Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb d Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 7 Feb 8 Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 13 Feb 14 Feb 15 Feb 16 Feb 17 2, 000 + Add Segment Jan 29, 2020 - Feb 17, 2020 - Hourly Dar Week Month Pageviews Unique Pageviews Avg. Time on Page Bounce Rate % Exit 33,306 26, 33 00:01:12 50.42% 33,92% Page view: an instance of a page being loaded (or reloaded) in a browser. Page views is a metric defined as the total number of pages viewed. • Website content is governed by the City's "Website Governance" document o Identifies website department representatives o Defines policy and procedures for website content o Managed by the City's Communication team • January 301h — 12pm PT: Project kick-off • January 281h — 1030am PT: website launch • 8,710 hours • 522,630 minutes • 31357,800 seconds • -70 online submittable forms Received 1St online dog license application on January 29th w/payment 877 pages 1,339 calendar events 2,431 images in the image library • 560 documents in document central • 197 FAQs CITY OF EL SE GUNDO Recognitions & Commendations