2020-02-18 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Item #B10 - Short-Term RentalShilling, Mona From: Sent: To: Subject: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Tuesday, February 18, 2020 12:58 PM *ALL CITY CLERKS FW: Mona Eisman Public Comments STR 2-18-2020 From: Mona Eisman [mailto:eismanmona@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 12:36 PM To: Boyles,Drew (Mayor); Scot Nicol; Pimentel, Chris (Council member); Igiroux@elsegundo.org; Pirsztuk, Carol (Mayor pro tem); Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Cc: Gary Schmunk Subject: Mona Eisman Public Comments STR 2-18-2020 Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tem Pirsztuk, Council Member Nicol and Council Member Pimentel, Council Member Lance Giroux The Short Term Rental Ordinance is scheduled to move forward, tonight, the second reading is on the agenda. I watched the last City Council Meeting on Feb 4t" and it seemed that there were still concerns, reservations about the potential impact on our community and many questions to be answered by the Professional Staff. I thank you for continuing to ask, challenge the Professional Staff to provide the information needed to make decisions for our city on these important, often new economy issues facing El Segundo and so many other cities here in California and around the country. I hope that the City Council waits to enact new ordinances, municipal laws, regulations until the Professional Staff has completed their work, answered the important questions, provided the data, research required to make the best decision for our City. The Planning Staff has been involved in this issue for almost Five years, certainly enough time to provide a more comprehensive, more complete understanding of the potential real impact of this regulation. The residents have not seen the final proposed ordinance, knowing the language that will regulate, provide the rules by which the City can enforce, monitor and manage Short Term Rentals could either ease our concerns or raise questions we could ask of the Council and the City Planning Staff. We have been living the Beta test, we have lived next door to Short Term Rental and been frustrated by the lack of enforcement, the limitations of the city's ability to protect us from disruption, noise, traffic, trash and ensure our safety. Comments were made at the last meeting and other meetings over the past four years that a few residents with two isolated problems were to blame for the all the time invested by the city. It doesn't matter what a few elected City officials and professional staff say about me, my husband and my neighbors, but we have been following the rules, seeking the city's help in resolving a nightmare, dangerous daily situation that could easily be next door to your family. We are also speaking for many neighbors, residents we have met who have concerns about STR properties next door to them, but do not want to speak in public. Most important is how the City is prepared to respond, support the next group of neighbors who find themselves living next to a STR, full time de -factor Hotel with check -ins at all times of the day and night, 365 days a year without a resident, owner. manager. responsible person present. Checking in with a keypad, maybe reading the required rules or not... These visitors may not have a big, noisy party, but do you want to live next to, trust your family to play outside to a "Hotel" with constant comings, goings. strangers, traffic, visitors, some welcome and many not who have no concern on how their behavior impacts our community. STR and Homesharing and all the problems that are associated is not a El Segundo, only two house issue. Shootings, Sex Crimes, Theft and major neighborhood, traffic, noise, trash, disruption has been cited in the Airbnb IPO as part of the problems facing the company. What I think are the most important Questions for our City Council and Professional Staff. Will the Ordinance have specific, black and white regulations with substantial financial fines that will provide the legal framework and regulation tools for our City to proactively enforce STR bad actors and protect the neighbors? The Homesharing Platforms, STR Hosts, Property Owners are only motivated by their individual financial gain, asking them to be a better neighbor is very Mayberry, 1950's and not a realistic enforcement strategy in 2020. Will the City support, believe the neighbors or make allowances, excuses for the STR Hosts and their paying guests? 2. Is the City prepared to invest Taxpayer dollars to Police, Enforce STR properties? While the Homesharing platforms, few residents, homeowners. investor hosts are the only financial winners? What is the Financial Impact on our city? 3. Are we comfortable welcoming Short Term Rental, providing financial incentives, transforming our small R1/R2 neighborhoods into commercial Hotel zones? Are we prepared for the investor interest and onslaught of promotion by Homesharing platforms, being the only city near the airport and the beach, welcoming STR? 4. Does this reflect the values, priorities, longer vision, plans for El Segundo? How does the STR regulation relate to the new ADU housing initiatives led by Sacramento? Does the City have a plan to provide more housing, attract more residents, neighbors, families or is the plan to increase Tourist/Visitor Commercial zones beyond the many hotels that already call El Segundo home? Please remember, Responsible, Limited Homesharing is an option to provide extra income for homeowners and bringing visitors to communities everywhere. Also, any homeowner looking to provide extra income all year can do a wonderful service of providing desperately needed long term rental housing. Unlimited STR ordinance, as written, has been voted down and has been shown to provide significant problems, demonstrated negative impact on cities, neighbors across the nation. I hope we can remember that this is not a limited El Segundo issue, but learn from what has been happening in our communities due to this new disruptive business model. My interest is not focused on our horrific situation, but preserving the city, community I became a part of in 1993. Again, I am so sorry I cannot deliver this message in person, but I work Tuesday nights, thank you for taking the time to read my comments and understand that this issue is real. personal, but also based on extensive research on STR, Homesharing around the country. Hoping that the questions asked and reservations voiced can result in slowing down the STR ordinance until we are comfortable that neighbors, community best interest is protected and the City is prepared to execute, proactively enforce the new program. Thank you for your time, Mona Eisman 415 Concord Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Harada, Patricia From: Sent: To: Subject: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Monday, February 17, 2020 10:39 PM *ALL CITY CLERKS FW: Short term rentals Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S10+. an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: leila schuh <leilahelena5@gmail.com> Date: 2/17/20 9:07 PM (GMT -08:00) To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Subject: Short term rentals I hereby request that all planning commission members, and city council members their close family members own, operate, or manage any short term rentals. I have requested this before verbally but have not received any response. Sincerely, Leila k. Schuh 411 Concord st. El Segundo Sent from my iPhone abstain from voting regarding this issue if they, or