2020-02-04 CC Agenda Packet - ITEM #D8 - PRESENTATION - Community Benefit PlanCOMMUNITY BENEFIT PLANS
4.5.2 Community Benefits Plan
Community benefits are based on the principle that
in exchange for allowing incremental increases in
development intensity, the community should, in
return, receive certain benefits...
1. Develop a process that allows Staff to score submittals
2. Assure PC and CC findings can be supported
3. Provide guidance to developers, architects, and owners
4. Avoid unintentionally enforcing uniformity
Tier 1
P r 0i ects that i n cI u de a ny of the fol I owi ng
components shall be considered under
the Tier I review process:
A. FAIL devi ad on up to 1.5
B. 0 ne a r mo re devi ati o ns to sta nd a r -ds
(neither of which is height or FAIL)
that exceed the minor d iation
the res hold 0 0%) al I owed by Secti on
4, 5,1 Ad rn i n i stmt ive Ada ustment
Tier 2
P roj ects that i n cI u de a ny of the fol I o f ng
components shall be considered under
the Tier- II review process;
A. Building height d iation up to
50 feet
B. FAIL > 1,5
C Thi ree a r mo re devi at io ns to
standards (one of which is height
or FA R) the at exceed t he rm i nor
deviation threshold (10%) allowed
by Section 4.5.1 Administrative
Tier I Findings
A Com mu n ity Be nefi is PIa n for Ti e r I may be ap proved
if the following findings are made:
A. The proposed additional buiISIirig height, intensity,
o r devi ati o n from deve lopment sta nda rd s wou Id
not be detr-i menta I to the pu b I is h ea Ith , safety o r-
e Ifa re. a r- rate ria I Iy i n j u rious to p roperti es o r
improvements i n the vicinity:
B. The p ro posed com mu n ity be refit p ri des
exe m pI a ry project an or- st reetsca pe deli g r; an d
C. The proposed community benefit directly
i rr pI e meets obj ectives of th e Sped f c P la n,
New worksheet to
help Staff evaluate
community benefits
P jest Name:
Step 1
Yrai, ITh, proposed holding height, intensity, or deviationfrom thedevelopment standards would not be detrimental tothe public health, safety m
wedare, or materially injurious to propertiesor improvelrhaats in the vicinity
4 dfiMing is met, proceed m step 2. If finding cannot be met, stop, the projeadoes -tqualify.
Rep 2
Kna^F IThe proposed community benefits provide exemplary proiert and/or ftne tscape design
Number of criteria this project incorppratPs: 0
4 IF 17 or more, proceed to Step 3, offs—i. stop, the project does not qualify.
Step 3
anis ITheproposedcommurvty benefrcdirectlyimplementsobie tiresofthespedficplan.
4 "none of the proposed commninity benefits meet this finding, stop, project does not qualify.
3 dot leastone proposed community benefit meets the finding and project does not qualify for Tier 2, proceed to Planning cammission
� d a[ least one proposed community benefit meets this finding and project qual ifiu for Tier 2, proceed to Step 4
Croy Yet 2 projects must meet Findings 4 & 5
step 4
ITh. community b-Orts proposed do not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project, but rather prwidu a distinct or area -wide
' benefit to the larger Smoky Hollohr planarea.
4 "finding is met, proceed w Step 5. If finding cannot be met, stop, the project does not qualify.
Step 5
5 int; IThe value of the co—fty benefits beam relationship wthe value generated by the project.
Suns of developer costs for qualified proposed community benefit by groups: Camm"unitysalue dpi ed improvements:
GroupA:A hR Tum $ multiply by[Numbe•of +e-cri-cria'n GragA a 6.8.33%) = $
Group B: Open Spare $ m.ldply by [Numbe•af +e� cmeda 'n Gra,,Bs 5 e IMI = $
Ce Group C: tandicaping $ - multiply by [Nu.s" +e-cri-cHa'n Grv,,Ca3-IG.j = $ -
N 6 Group D: Connectivity $ multiply by [Numbe-f ZL'p us b'ce spaces'
Group E: Other $ - multiply by (Numbe•af re- cri:erio in Grvup E' 33.339[]
Cafesand coffee shops $ - dis n—m nearer s'm ar
e underarounding utilities re $ - multiply by
S Approred pudic Infia.strinctu $ - multiply by 110"6 _ $ -
13rujenswithmore$2 millionor movevalue added mort oontrbuxxImsx 1096 orv�lueadded m puhlc inFastrr —
Otherproposedbenefits �$ FTh«benefits xervt considered forqualilyinypirpoas uNessaooephed by City Coundl
Twalcostfwcp munityberhefiuwdeveloper
Btimated added project value
Community value uF proposed benefit
Community value share of added value 0
4 tLYIAV e�30%, recommend additional community benefitsand re lculate.
� IfCV1AV is>30%, go to Planning Commission for rem—daton to Cny Council
proposed hrilding Freight, intEmi y. or deriattiou from the development =ndards wi3uW not be detrimental to the public health, safety or
Ifarer or material hl injtwbis t -D properties -Dr improrerrrents in the vicinity{
If finding is mets proreed to %ap Z. If fi rrding cannot be met, stop, the Rrojer# does not qualify.
step 7
-ffndiW. IThe propc-sed rommunity bene -Fits provide exemplary, projert angor streetsrape desion
Number of i iteria this prq;ert incorporates:
Not aff of the design gurdehhes will be
applicable to eaa i project ,but each project
team should be able to explain how the
guidelines shaped their project design and
work with City staff to incorporate as many
of the ideas as possible.
Enhance Building Character
Build on the quality industrial
character of architecture currently in
Smoky Hollow.
Convey a sense of old and new
through conservation of existing
materials and details and selection
of new building components that
complement existing conditions
without mimicking an older
architectural character.
i Build upon existing context through
use of similarforms, heights,
proportions, building materials, and
details observed in the surrounds.
Conserve and retain the character -
defining features of an existing
w Sp
Enhance entry expression through
use of color, forms, materials, details.
orientation to sidewalks, landscaping,
and place making to create a sense of
Encourage the use of roll -up doors
and sliding walls at street frontages
to add visual interest at the pedestrian
level and enhance indoor -outdoor
Orient secondary entries to alleys to
create a sense of arrival and increase
pedestrian presence in alleys.
Incorporate different materials, colors,
and textures at a building's exterior to
create visual interest, avoid monotonous
or repetitive building frontages.
Facilitate Gathering
Farm an active street wall through
design of building frontages with
material and detail interest at or
near sidewalks and use of sidewalk -
oriented entries.
Provide street corner plazas through
setbacks from street comers or through
pedestrian zone from traffic lanes_
Provide strpnt furniture of Pnft Irinn
0 Develol
Improve landscaping in parking areas
on roof
through the use of tree canopies.
LB Provide
landscape planters, and design of walls
and fences that create visual interest,
and reduce the heat island effect.
rear pro
and act
1101 Use fences and walls as an extension
of the architecture and character of
the building.
and ind
►ON Utilize natural light through use of
of aece
large window expanses, clearstories,
skylights, etc. to enhance working
spaces and reduce lighting energy
Encourage Connecfio"
create x
Install bi ke faci lities consistent with
City building code requirements - such
Use ent
as bike racks, bike storage, bike sharing
stations, dedicated shower roams, and
or stree
lockers - to encourage biking.
Design for Signage, Way -Finding,
and Public A rt
Design signs as an integral
component of the architectural
program, Consider channel letter signs,
projecting signs, and flag signs. Avoid
box signs with plastic covers.
Incorporate way -finding through
integral design of identity and
directional signage and on-site lighting
to guide and enhance circulations.
Encourage public art, including murals,
street paintings, outdoor installation
art, and light -based art installations, to
create visual interest along alleys.
32 Examples in the
Design Guidelines
Project Name:
Group A Enhance Build i CharaERv Iminimum a FequiFedl
yes no n/a kriteria
Build on the quality -
Convey a sense of old and Fnex
Build upone istingcorr A
Conserve and . - - � - lefining features
i Encoun ige additions . - - ,character -defining features
Incorporate small, medium, and largescales
E nphas¢e desgn at he pedestnan level
Specify 36W architecture
.. Ilupdoorsand slidingmlls atATmtfmmages
odentsecondary entriesto alleys
Inmrpnome d'dfemm materials, Edors, andnAures
G-oup 3 Fadlrtm�e Gathering [minYnun 2 required]
yes no lya Icn6ena
g Forman active rtree[svall
g provide meet corner pians
Provide alley facing gathering spaces
Provide ease oF—ess
e En -
use enduring, qua my paves materia Is
Provide =eetfurn@ure
to—entate safetyand design
Provide W if i hotsp=
Group C Incorporate lanscape and EAMrunelhtal Design {minwrruln 3 mquied]
rio iya kriteria
Design layered and lwh la Muaping
ig select drought -tolerant and native plants
VN¢e plarzB, and pots to provide greenery
use forces and vrdlts m an a#ensium of the architecture
uN'ae natural light
Group p
Install bikefacilities If'yc mhal hiMe mai spacepwided:LJ erauir -I
Group EIoespnfor9gnage, wayfind�, and Public Art
ye no n(a Icnbena
oeng,hsig - a, irrceg. component
.,I design
Encourage public art
Exemplary = %2+1 = 17
Step 2
proposed hrilding Freight, intEmi y. or de+: iation from the development =ndards would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or
Ifarer or material hl injiuhaus to properties or improvements in the vicinity{
4 If fi riding is rnetr proceed to %ep Z. If fi riding canr►ot be met, stop, the project does not -qualify,.
ITM proposed community beriefrts provide exemplary project aFW-Dr streetscape desion
Number of criteria this pro'ect incorporates:
-c pos=_d comrrmurritV benefit dirertlf implements ohj ctr es of the specific pl@n.
7 of the proposed commrmity benefits meet this finding, stip, project does riot qualify,.
ast one proposed community, benefit mem this finding and project does not qualify, for Tier 7, proceed to Pla raring commission
ast one proposed comnvunityv benefit nvmts this finding and proort qual ifres for Tier 2. proceed to Step 4
If all 3 findings are supported, Staff will
recommend approval to Planning Commission
A Com mu n ity Be nefi is PIa n for Ti e r I I may be a pp roved
if the following findings are made:
A. All findings in Tisa I; and
B. The value of the community benefits bear a
re labors h i p to th e va Iu a generated by t he p roj t;
C. The corms m u ni ty keen efits propo sed do not
pri nci pa I Iy be nefi t the project or occu pa rets of the
project, but rath e r- p ri de a d i stri ct or a rea-w ide
ben efi t to t he I a rger S rooky Hol I ow PI an a r ea.
This communky beneft proposed do not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project, but rather provides a disti rrct or area -wide
art to the lamer smoker Hollcfkv plan am -
4 If finding is cruet, proceed to Step 5. If fi riding cannon be rnet,, swp, the project does not qualify.
Step .5
firrd:W IThe -,ralue of the cownunity benefits hear a relationship to the value generated b -y the project_
Suns of dL-,ielo� costs for quaiirRo prop el community{ 6�rrefrts hFr g1 %Mr m- un�t�} of pr osed improvements:
Group A: Architecture $ - multiph by (Number of met crit7eri2 im iGraW A } 6 + S 33%) -
Group 5: open space $ - mulhPflf by (Number of met criteria in iGraW B } 5 10%) _
Group c: Landscape ng - multiply by (Number sof met criteria in iGroW C r 3 ` 16.30 _
Group a: connectivity- multiply by (Number of surplus bike spaces ' $1,7501 -
Group E: ether rnultipFy by(Number of met criteria ',1GnoW E 33.3T%) -
Gaffes and coffee shops - di -stance tD rxanest iimilar�
Underg-Dundrrg uti ities - mulapFy+ by 13M-
mul4pFy' bV Jd0%
,approved puhl K IrrfranTuctUre :;7 -
Projects with rnDre $2 milliDn or mDre value added rn ust contribute at least 10% cYF v;ilue added to public Aft-i:a-urture
other proposed bewfrts I $ - I <-These benefits are not cD-isidered for qualifying purposes unless amepttd bn� �it+� Council I,
Total cost for community benefts to developer � -
Estimated added project value $ -
Communitf value cf proposed benefrts -
Communi ry va lue share c f added value
Dollars applicant will spend to provide public benefit
Rep 5
.ffndk .IThe value af the community benefru
Group 9: Open Space
x E Group C: LancLicaPirg
Group a: Corrrrectiyiy
Group E: other
cafes and roff--e shoo
undergroUndi N utilities
rrrr r n- Sari n i i W it rvFr= ri-r
0th►er proposed berwfrts
p to tM value gerwyafted by tfry projea.
ialifred ro Wommunit beirw s bar Eraupc. cxmmuniy Va lurs Qf PF013osed im prcr
U14phr by (Number of n -ret criteria in gaup A f 15 * .0. 93%�
1 U14phy bey (Number of met criteria in Gn3up i � 5' 1 �
1 U14phy by (Number of met critcria in Grain C r 3' 16.67%)
1 U14phy by (Number of s rplus bike spaces ' $1,7501
1 ultiply by (Number c f rrxt cribcria in Graup E' 13.33'W)
1 n2nce to newest sbM2r? 112 mile =
1 ultiply b' 13M _
1 ultip� b' 11CF.�
0- _ - Yo le2z . IV; a+f tiralue added to public inftrs>rirture
I- I <—TI-resye benefits : -e nrA co-nsidered for qu2lifI ing purposes unless aampted b -y City 0Duncil
Total i L -or communi-. ; _ iefits to developer
Estimated added R ,oj ect wal-i e
Comirrwaryvalue o--ropcsac b---nefrks
community va lue share Gf added value
Discount factor
Rep 5
-ffndir . IThe value of the commmity benefits bear- a relationship to the value gerwN ated
5wris c f developer costs for qualified Dropped cammun'
bm fits h ro 1W arnmun' Ya lua Qf Pia
abed im provernents:
Group A: Architecture
Group 9: Open Space
1 -
U14ply b' (Numbe r of met criteria in Group a � 5' 1 � _
Group C: Landscaping
1 -
U14phy by (hlumbe r of met criteria in Grain C3. 3' 16. � _
2 Group a: CorrrrectR'ky
1 -
14phy by (Number of surplus bike spaces ' $1,7501 _
Group E: other
1 -
ul4phr b (Number �f in -Pet rribcria in gaup E * 93.333d) _
cafes anbd coffer shops
1 -
in2nce to nearest mar? F7 112 mile-_
� -
'� 1r Underrounding ut1 ities
1 -
ulaply b' iW.4 _
Approved public IriffTastmct i -e
r -
Prajects: with mare �2 � ' 'o- -• o -e wslue ;Pdded rn ust con4iute art e:s- 6 Df wa ue : c to public infrastructure
Daher propo5ed bewFrts
15 - I
<—Thwesse benefts : -e nrA co-nsidered for qualifI ing purposes unless aaoepted b -y Cit•y 0Duncil
Total cost for -.ommuni-. ; _ iefils to developer
Estrmatf-d added p ,oj ect wal-i c-
Comirmirirf value o--ropcse.L refits
community va lue share Gf ad& -d value
Value of benefit to the larger community
Rep 5
.ffr,d:w. IThe value of the commmity L _ :F-. her a relationship to the value f,:. _ c s _ J Tv tlr! project.
5iurns orf developer costs for qualifrrsd r
_ r � � : J community L _ _.- -" by groom cxmmunky value Qf pro
osed irn
Group A: architecture
multiply by (Number o+f met criteria in gaup A f 6 * .0. 93% _
Group 9: Open Space
multiply by (Number c f met criteria in Gn3up 5-- 5' 1 �
Group C: Lanchoaping
multiply by (plumber of met critcria in Group C3. 3' 16.67%)
2 Group D: Corrrrectjyky
multiply by (plumber of s rplus bike spaces ' $1,7501
Group E: other
multiply by (Number c f n -Pet criteria in Group E * 333Bi)
cafes and coffer shops
din2nce to newest mar? I :� 112 mile I =
y, Underroundiirg ut1 ities
multiply by 13M
Approved public Irrf strurt e
multiply by 11CP,� _
Projects: with mare �Z million or nD,e
walue madded rn ust cont ibute; t le2z- IDI; a+f tiralue added to public infts-rirture
Other proposed hewFrLs
- I <—Theim benefits : -e ncrt _ . .�' _ _ 3 for qu2RFjinl; purposes unless accepted b -y City 0Duncil
Tonal cost for rommuni-. ; _ iefts to developer I �. - I
Estimated added p ,oj ert wal-i c-
Comrmrirty value of proposed L - _^i,
community va lue share c f added value
400 Sum goes here
Rep 5
.ffndk .IThe value of the community benefru
P to the vaIue ffeMwatEd
sums c f developer costs for qualifred promse'Z :--wimunity benefiru by groups czrr muniy Ya lue Qf proposed im provernents:
Group A: Architecture
500,000 -
multiply by (Number of met criteria in Graup A f 15 * .0. 93%
Group 9: Open Space
multiply by (Number of met criteria in Graup i 5' 1 �
_ � -
Group C: LancLioaping
multiply by (Number of met critcria in Group C3. 3.16.67%)
_ � -
2 Group D: CorrrkectNky
multiph by (Number of s rplus bike spaces ' $1,7501
_ -
Group E: other
multiply by (Number a+f rrxt criteria in Graup E * 333Bi)
_ � -
cafes arbd coffer 5hoK
din2nce to newest s:Mar? I :� 112 mile-
'� 1r UrWffgouncing wN itis
multiply by 0M
Approved public frGi asir urtu re
$ -
fnUl4ply by 11CP,�
Prajects: with mare �2 nilliDr o, ma,e wslue madded rn ust cont ibute; t lees- IDI; a+f tiralue added to public infts>rirture
other proposed b,.- FrU � � - I <—Threse he ief=ts : -e ncrt co-nsidered for qu2RFjing purposes unless aampted by City 0Duncil
Total rant for -.ommuni-. ; _ iefits to developer I - 500,000 • I
Estrmatf-d adde d p roj C -rt Waly C- I= I
Comirmir ryvalue o--ropcse.L bi-refrki I
community va lue share of ad& -d value
Project Name:
Group p
no .11 cntena
Install bikefaciliti If'ye 'y ' —I bile m ale space p.ided:" n,„ir d:l
GroupEIoespnor9gnage, wayfindkw, and public Art
ye no n(a Icnbena
oeng,hsigm a, irrceg. component
. J design
Encourage public art
Group A Enhance Build i CharacRv Iminimum a FequiFedl
yah' no I n/a critena
Build on the quahry
Convey a sense of old and new
Build uponexirtir�g mrrce#
/ \
Conserve and . lefining feanres
Encourage addrtions ,character -defining features
Incorporate small, me3um, and la -sea les
Empn.s a desgnatthe pedestrian level
3War-hi ec use
o s s i b l e
rolFupdeorsand slidingwalls at meetfmuhtages
nnentsecondary entries to alleys
Incorporate different materials, -dors, and tetures
roup 6 Fadlrtate Gathering (minIMM 2 required)
Foran a n active street wall
$ provide meet corner plans
i Provide alley -facing gathenng spaces
Provide ease cf a—s
e En --..
Use mdunng, qua @y paves mat-ia Is
Provide sneetfurniture
.. ,to—entmatesafetyanddedgn
Provide W if i hotsp=
Swup C I—pu�rate Lartimape and Envirnnmeutal Design {minwmum 3 mquied]
yo no n/a IcnOena
y oesgn layered and lwh la Muaping
ig select drought-taleram and native plants
VN¢e plane, and paK to provide greenery
use fences and walls m an etensium of the architecture
udd m natural light
Group p
no .11 cntena
Install bikefaciliti If'ye 'y ' —I bile m ale space p.ided:" n,„ir d:l
GroupEIoespnor9gnage, wayfindkw, and public Art
ye no n(a Icnbena
oeng,hsigm a, irrceg. component
. J design
Encourage public art
Rep 5
-ffndir . IThe value of the commmity benefits bear- a relationship to the value germwatEd
5wris orf developer costs for qualified pro d :--wimunity beirwhs by grooms Cz m mLinity Va ILI2 Qf Pira 13 osed irtrp?'o%%erue nts:
Group A: Architecture 1 500,000 - multiphy by (Number of rrxt criteria in Graup A f 15 * .0. 93% _ 5 124,950 -
Group 9: Open Space 1 - multiphy by (Number of met criteria in Gn3up i --- 5' 1 � _ 5 -
-Group C: Landscaping 1 - multiphy by (plumber of met critcria in Groin C r 3' 16.67%) _ -
2 -Group D: Corrrrectiyky 1 - multiph by (plumber of s rplus bike spaces ' $1,7501 _ -
Group E: other 1 - multiphy by (Number c f rrxt rriberia in gaup E' 13.33'A) _ � -
cafes anbd coffer shops 1 - dinarxe to newest mar? F7 112 mile-
1r Unciffgroundiing ut1 ities 1 - mulaph by 0M
Approved public Irrfi astmct i le 1 multiphy by 11CP,ir = �
Projects: with mare �2 'o- -• o -e wslue madded rn ust rant ibute; t le2z- ID'; a+f tiralue added to public inft;.s-rjrtL-e
Other proposed berwFrts 15 - I <—Thrroe be -lefts : -e nrA co-nsidered for qualifI ing purposes csr amepted Ery C&y 0Duncil
Total cost for -.ommur7i-ti � _ iefits to developer 500,000- g checks i Group A
Estimat�-d added p ,o; e� ��aI-i c-� - - 6 (Y2of m a x i m u m 1
�m�rwary value o- - rop�.saL b---refiks � 124,950 -
communi=ty va lue share Gf ad& -d value
Rep 5
.ffrodirw. IThe value of the commmity benefits bear- a relationship to the value germwatEd by the project.
sus c f developer costs for qualified prod :--wimunity beirwhs by grooms czrr muniy Ya lue Qf proposed irn provernents:
Group A: architecture 500,000 -
multiply by (Number of rrPet cribcria in Graup A f 15 * .0. 33%� 124,950 -
Group 9: Open Space -
multiply by (Number of met criteria in Grc up i 5' 1 � _ � -
Group C: LancLioaping
multiply by (plumber of met critcria in Group C r 3.16.67%) _ � -
2 Group D: CorrrrectR'4 -
multiph by (plumber of s rplus bike spaces ' $1,7501 _ -
Group E: other
multiply by (Number c f rrxt criteria in Group E * 933Bi) _ � -
cafes anbd [offer 5hoK dinarxe to newest mar? I :� 112 mile-
1r Undergoundirg ut1 ities -
multiply by 0M _ -
Approved pu61 io frGi a it urtu re
multiply by 11CP.� _ � -
Prajects: with mare �2 nilliDr o, ma,e wslue madded rn ust cont ibute;t lees- IDI; a+f tiralue added to public infts-rirture
Other proposed bewFrts
I <—These be -lef=ts :-e ncrt co-nsidered for qu2lif�ing purposes unless aaceptrd by City 0Duncil
Total cost for -.ommuni-. ; _ iefits to developer
� = 500,000 I
If less than 30%,
Estimated added p roj C_Ct Waly a
Staff will not
Comirmir ryvalue o--ropcsac b---refrki
� 124,950 -
community v a lue share Gf added value
12.5% recommend
Rep 5
-ffrodirw.ITbe value of the commun ity henefrts bear a relationship to the value germwatEd by the projea.
sus c f developer costs for qualified proposed community{ benefits by grooms czrr munky va lue Qf propomed irn provernents:
Group A: Architecture
5 500,000 -
multiply by (Number of rroet crritzria i, Graup A f 6 * .0. 33%�
_ 5 124,950 -
Group 9: Open Space
$ -
multiply by (Number of met; cHftria in Graup i 5' 1 �
_ 5 -
Group C: Landscaping
$ -
multiply by (plumber of met critzria in Group C r 3' X6.67%)
_ 5 -
2 Group D: Coririectj'ky
$ -
multiph by (plumber of s rplus bike spaces ' $1,7501
_ 5 -
Group E: other
$ -
multiply by (Number a+f n -Pet rribcria 'n Graup E * 933Bi)
_ 5 -
Cates and [offer shops
5 - dinarrce to mmest mar? I :� 112 mile-
'� y, Undergoundirg ut1 ities
5 -
multiph by 0M
_ -
Approved publ io frGi a it urtu re
5 200,000 -
multiply by nee.�
220,000 -
Prajert!; with mare �2 nilliDr
o, ma -e wslue madded rn ust cont ibute; t le2z- IV; a+f tiralue added to public inftrs>Mjrtu-tie
other proposed b,.-wFrU
<—Thrim beriefts : -e ncrt co-nsidered for qu2ff ong purposes ur els- accepted b -y C&y 0Duncil
Total cost for -.ommuni-. ; _ iefits to developer I � 700,000 - I
Btrmate-d added p ,oj est wal-i c- I 1,000,000 - I
Comirmir ny value o- - ropcsac b--- refits I � 344,950 - I If a t least 30%,
communk# value share of ad& -d value 34.5% i Staff will recommend
The communky beneft proposed do not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project, but rather provides a disti rrct or area -wide
art to the lamer smoker Hollcfkv plan area -
4 If finding is met, proceed to Step 5. If fi riding cannon be rnet,, swp, the project does not qualify.
The-,ralue of the cownu►ity benefits hear a relationship to the value generated b -y the project-
Suns of dL-,ieloper costs for qualified proposed community benefrrs by groups: communky walua of pr
Group A: Architecture $ - rnultipF by (Number of met criteria in iGraW A:- 6 + S 33%) _
Group 5: open Space $ - multiply by (Number of met criteria in iGraW B } 3' 10%) _
Group c: Landscapi ng $ - multiply by (Number sof met criteria � iGroW C r 3 ` M.11537%) _
Group a: Connectivity- multiply by (Number of surplus bike spaces - $1,7501 -
roup E: ether - rnulrip[y� by (Number of met criteria in GroW E' 33.33%) -
d inn proerrnents:
Gaffes and coffee shops $ - distance tD meanest iimilar� � � 1R file
undergoundirg util hies $ - multiply by 13+0° _ $
Approved puhi is : iiFi aAF acture $ - 1. multiply by 110 - $
Projects with rnDre $2 milliDn or mDre value added rn ust contribute at least 10% c F value added to pub"c -JrtL re
curer proposed herrrfefrts I $ - I These benefits are not cDgsidered for qualifyrinc- pL 'pe;es urAess accepted bryt City C PUncil
Total cost for community benefts to developer
Estimated added project value
communitf value of proposed benefits
community -ealue share of ad&ad value 1 1.
If Staff determines all S Findings can be supported, the applicant's
Community Benefits Plan and their request for development standards
adjustments are sent to the Planning Commission with Staff's
recommendation of support.
Planning Commission may recommend City Council approve as is or
modify in some fashion.
Decision is made by City Council.
Review of Objectives:
1. Develop a process that allows Staff to score submittals
? Assure PC and CC that findings can be supported
? Provide guidance to developers, architects, and owners
4 Avoid unintentionally enforcing uniformity