2019-01-08 Library Board MinutesI EI Segundo Public Library Rose Garden Room 111 West Mariposa Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 Tuesday, January 8, 2019 Board President Sara Whelan called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Board Members Present: Carol Ericson, David Jonta, Kristie Sherrill and Sara Whelan Board Member Absent: Janice Merva City Staff: Melissa McCollum, Library Director Jessie LeMay, Executive Assistant Other: Sari Brann, History Committee Chair Joanne Gen, EI Segundo School District Librarian C. PRESENTATIONS — None D. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS —None 1. Approval of the minutes of the Library Board Meeting of November 13, 2018: MOTIONED by Kristie Sherrill and SECONDED by David Jonta to approve the minutes. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. F. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS — None 1. Fines and Fees Discussion At the last meeting, Kristie recommended looking into the possibility of eliminating overdue book fines due to concerns voiced by parents in the school community. Before the discussion, Melissa presented background about the library's fines and fees policy and reasons why the library should consider eliminating fines for overdue books. Recent statistics showed that 73 percent of the total 1,229 blocked library cards (children and adults) have been expired for more than one year and many patrons are likely not coming back to check out materials. Page 1 of 5 Melissa reached out to the school library staff for input. She said they are interested in eliminating fines to improve access to library books and services—especially since many children are unable to check out books during library visits if they have overdue fines. She shared an email from School Library Assistant Penny Armstrong highlighting cost savings and environmental benefits that would result from elimination of overdue fees. Melissa noted that fines for damaged or lost library items would not change. Melissa said that the library currently collects approximately $20,000 per year from overdue fees. Melissa reported what is trending at other public libraries. Several of them, including San Diego Public Library, Denver Public Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library, and Anythink Libraries, have eliminated all overdue fees to remove barriers to access, give local libraries a friendlier image, increase circulation, and save money. Other strategies employed include "fine forgiveness weeks or months," "read away programs," "food for fines," and fine reduction. In the discussion, Melissa presented some options and asked the Board to make recommendations. Among the options: 1) Raise the blocked -card threshold to $20 for all library cards. Children's cards are currently blocked at $5. Adult cards are blocked at $20. 2) Raise the threshold for sending accounts to the collection agency to $50 or higher. The threshold is currently $25. 3) Introduce automatic renewals and increase the number of renewals to at least three as long as there are no holds on items. The change will be dependent on the capabilities of the library's current Integrated Library System. 4) Offer a fine forgiveness week (or month) in April to coincide with National Library Week. Overdue books could be returned, fines waived, and customers reinstated. Melissa informed the Board about the steps to be taken after their recommendations are made: 1) Library Director will meet with the School Superintendent and the City Manager. 2) City staff will seek a potential community sponsor/donor to cover the $20,000 per year of revenue normally received from overdue fees. 3) Prepare a staff report and present to City Council in February or March for consideration of implementation of a Fine Forgiveness Month in April 2019. It was noted that Kristie and Melissa will make the presentation. MOTIONED by Sara that the Board of Trustees make the month of April—starting April 8— "Fine Forgiveness Month," which will allow patrons to return their overdue books no questions asked; that the threshold of notifying the collection agency of late fees be raised to $50; and that the Board revisit the possibility of eliminating library late fees in Spring 2019. SECONDED by Kristie. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. Page 2 of 5 H. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Teen Space Melissa reported that the teen space pilot program was a success. She said that Adult Services Manager Julie Todd reported that five to ten teens use the Rose Garden Room on average each day it's open and that Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are busier than Mondays and Fridays. Except for occasional noise and crumbs in the room, the teens have behaved well during the pilot program, she said. Melissa said that staff members would like to see a dedicated space for teens with teen - friendly furniture, decor and book collections. However, they recognize that the Rose Garden Room is rented regularly for community meetings as well. A decision to convert the room completely would require Board support and City Council approval. Melissa recommended that the Board approve continued use of the Rose Garden Room as a teen space during the following hours: Mondays (2 to 6 p.m.), Tuesdays through Thursdays (3 to 6 p.m.), and Fridays (3 to 5 p.m.). The Board discussed and supported Melissa's recommendation. MOTIONED by Carol that the teen room hours continue at the current level. SECONDED by Sara. Motion carried 4-0. 1. REPORTS — LIBRARY DIRECTOR (No Board Action Required) 1. Discussion of Library Proarams. Services. Budget. Material Collections, Facilitv Maintenance, Personnel Chances, and Other Items Related to the Administration of the EI Seaundo Public Library. Melissa reported that the library remodel project will begin on Monday, January 14. The library will be closed for three days, from January 14 to 16, for interior demolition work. The project is expected to be completed within six weeks, she said. As service may be impacted due to noise, patrons may be directed downstairs for assistance by library staff and to the Friends Room for extra space. Library staff members will try to keep the community updated about the remodel throughout the project via announcements in the library, around town, and online, Melissa said. Taking advantage of the library's closure, there is a plan to have a staff training day for full- time and part-time staff on January 15 at Da Vinci High School. The all -day training includes sessions on strategic planning, equity and inclusion, community conversations, early literacy, emergency preparedness, and more. Mobile printing and public scanning were introduced in December, but self -checkout implementation is still in progress. Holiday Programming Highlights: Santa's Mailbox sponsored by the EI Segundo Woman's Club, Santa's Visit, and Craft -making were very well attended and so were the Holiday Caroling, Card -making, Dreidel-making, and Candyland Scavenger Hunt programs. Because of multiple requests, we are adding indoor yoga and meditation classes on weekends beginning this Saturday, January 12, at 10:15 a.m. All adults are welcome to attend. Staff will share program calendars with the Board. Page 3 of 5 DVD rental checkouts have increased from 735 during the previous quarter to 1,739 this last quarter (October to December 2018), which is attributable to the elimination of DVD rental fees. The Friends of the Library voted to support the 2019 Book to Action plan, including the Nanibah Chacon mural on the exterior of the library. Sara and Melissa will move forward on fundraising and planning. If anyone else is interested in assisting with the project, please let Melissa know. The City Council at their December 18 meeting directed the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee to develop a Percent for Arts proposal for consideration by the Council in Spring 2019. Percent for Arts refers to a fee for new commercial developments with a valuation of $500,000 or more. The money—potentially $1 million per year for EI Segundo—would support public art and programming in the community. Melissa and Julie are the library liaisons for the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee. J. REPORTS — SCHOOL DISTRICT (No Board Action Required) 1. Report on the School Libraries. Includina those at EI Seaundo Hiah School. Center Street Elementary School. Richmond Street Elementary School. and the Middle School. a. Library Director's Report Due to the recent holiday break, Joanne and Melissa do not have reports about the school libraries. b. School District Librarian's Report K. REPORTS — PRESIDENT, FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY (No Board Action Required) 1. Report on Book Sales. Donations. Historical Committee Activities. Special Events. and Other Matters Related to Friends of the Library Business. a. President's Report Melissa invited the Board to attend the Friends of the Library's next meeting on Thursday, January 24, at 4 p.m. b. History Committee Report Sari Brann, History Committee Chair, thanked the Board for sanctioning the renaming of the Friends Room for Sue Carter. A dedication event is being planned and as soon as a date is confirmed, she will let everyone know. The public is invited to come in and help identify all or some of the photos without identification in the History Room on Friday and Saturday, March 1 and 2, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. At the same time, they are also invited to bring their own historic photos for possible identification. Page 4 of 5 An "oversize photo sale" will be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 4, 5 and 6, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Friends Room. Most of these photos depict the history of EI Segundo. Prices of photos range from $5 to $20. The History Room will be getting a new laptop computer with a grant funded by Chevron. Files of genealogy, obituaries, photos, and the Herald can be accessed on this computer. Sari invited everyone to come in or drop by for these upcoming events. Carol announced the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books will be held on April 13 and 14 at the University of Southern California. The Los Angeles Romance Author's group, to which she belongs, will have a booth for book signing on both days, she said. M. ADJOURNMENT 1. Motion to adiourn Sara adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m. The next meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12, in the Rose Garden Room. Page 5 of 5