2019-03-12 Library Board MinutesA. CALL TO ORDER
T111 [ 111
El Segundo Public Library
Rose Garden Room
111 West Mariposa Avenue
EI Segundo, CA 90245
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Board President Sara Whelan called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Carol Ericson, David Jonta, Janice Merva, Kristie Sherrill, and Sara Whelan
City Staff:
Melissa McCollum, Library Director, and Jessie LeMay, Executive Assistant
Joanne Gen, EI Segundo School District Librarian, and Natalie Strong, Arts and Culture
Advisory Committee Member
1. Approval of the Minutes of the Library Board Meeting of January 8, 2019:
MOTIONED by David Jonta and SECONDED by Carol Ericson to approve the minutes.
Melissa addressed David's comments on the fines and fees element of the minutes.
1. National Library Week: April 7-13. 2019
Melissa announced that the Library is hosting its first National Library Week Breakfast on
Thursday, April 11, from 8 to 9 a.m. We will celebrate library highlights—new reading
lounge, volunteers, new children's furniture, and debut of the first artist series library card. A
continental breakfast will be served and the Loyola Guitar Ensemble will provide musical
entertainment. We will also highlight, as part of the celebration, "Fine Forgiveness Month" if
it is approved by City Council at their March 19 meeting. If the event goes well, we will want
to do it every year as a reason to celebrate, Melissa said. She added that if anyone has any
ideas for next years' event, to please contact her. Melissa shared the printed invitation and
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mentioned that an email has gone out as well. Invitation was extended to the community,
City Council, Library Board and Committee members, and other volunteers, as well as city
personnel, and the school Superintendent. School administrators and teachers will also be
invited—Joanne will provide names to Jessie or will extend the invitation to them on behalf
of the library.
1. Book to Action
Melissa reported that fundraising has started for the Book to Action mural and programming.
Total amount raised so far is $4,500 ($2,000 from grants, $2,000 from the Girl Scouts via
Sara and $500 from ESMoA, the EI Segundo Museum of Art). Solicitation letters on behalf
of the Friends of the Library, Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, and Library Board of
Trustees were sent out on Friday, March 8.
Melissa and Sara talked about other fundraising strategies. The goal is to raise $13,000
and the focus is on service organizations and women -owned businesses first, and general
donors second if the goal is not met.
For the event programming, the plan is to have a series of events in May, which include a
book discussion of There There, a talk about Tongva history and a display of Tongva
artifacts. The mural artist, Nanibah Chacon, will reach out to the community and will have a
series of "listening sessions" to gather information about EI Segundo and to create the
design for the mural. During the mural creation, the community is invited to come and paint
on the wall with the artist.
David inquired about the Book to Action program. Melissa gave a background of the
statewide program sponsored by the California State Library. The idea behind the program
is to encourage the community to read a book and do a collaborative community service as
part of the program, she said. Grants are given out to about 20 to 25 libraries each year.
The EI Segundo Library received a $2,000 grant—$1,000 for books that will be given away
and the other $1,000 is for the interactive community workshops. The book selected is
There, There by Tommy Orange.
Sara reported on her solicitation efforts which are positive so far. She will pursue the other
names on her list. Janice also suggested other women -owned businesses in EI Segundo.
Melissa asked that if anyone has any personal connections or has any other ideas to please
reach out to Sara after the meeting.
2. Fine Foraiveness Month
Kristie reported that she met with parents to further discuss the Board's proposed new policy
to forgive fines and fees for overdue books during April 2019.
Fine Forgiveness Month is on the agenda for the City Council's March 19 meeting. Melissa
and Kristie will give a presentation and will seek approval to implement the new program
from April 1 until April 30. The Board discussed the details of the program and, after their
discussions, recommended that the presentation should (1) highlight the goal of the
program, which is to eliminate barriers, and to improve access to library materials and
services, (2) explain that Fine Forgiveness Month is a one-time program that will forgive past
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and present overdue fines upon request, and (3) explain that the Board plans to evaluate
the program's effectiveness and may recommend additional examination of the costs and
benefits of overdue library fees in the future.
The Library plans to advertise Fine Forgiveness Month in the local papers as well as on
social media if approved.
Melissa invited everyone to the City Council meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19.
I. REPORTS — LIBRARY DIRECTOR (No Board Action Required)
1. Discussion of Library Proarams. Services. Budaet. Material Collections. Facilitv
Maintenance, Personnel Chanaes. and Other Items Related to the Administration of
the EI Seaundo Public Librarv.
Melissa reported that the Library's new reading lounge is almost complete—new furniture
and carpet installed and walls painted. The addition of electrical outlets with expanded
capability have been installed. However, the adaptors to connect the floor with the furniture
and library users' devices need to be completed. Melissa encouraged everyone to have a
peek at the lounge after the meeting. The remodel has received great positive responses,
she said.
The children's room also had a makeover. New wooden furniture, including wooden chairs
with laser cutouts of animals on the backrests, and curved lounge chairs in cool blue and
green tones, provide a comfortable and spacious area for children and families, Melissa
said. Everyone is pleased with the makeover, she said.
Since the remodel project was under budget, City Council approved the use of the
remaining funds to paint the interior of the library. The upstairs and downstairs areas of the
library will be impacted due to painting for the rest of March.
Online booking of meeting rooms via CivicRec has been implemented. It is now possible to
check availability, reserve a room and pay online with a credit card. Melissa explained that
the software was originally purchased by the Recreation and Parks Department and that the
department was able to extend use of the software to the Library at no cost. We will look into
adding the study rooms in the future.
The living reef aquarium of the children's library has two new residents: a Lemon Tang and
a red sea Sailfin Tang. After a successful "Name the New Fish" campaign, children and
parents voted to name them Lemony (after a well-known children's author, Lemony Snicket)
and Finn.
The State of the City event is scheduled for March 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Los
Angeles Air Force Base. This event is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and tickets
are for sale at $60.
Melissa shared the March event calendars for adults and children.
An offer was made to a candidate for the vacant Librarian 1 position. If all goes as planned,
we anticipate an April start date, Melissa said.
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J. REPORTS — SCHOOL DISTRICT (No Board Action Required)
1. Report on the School Libraries. Includinq those at EI Sequndo Hiqh School. Center
Street Elementary School. Richmond Street Elementary School, and the Middle
a. Library Director's Report
School Library Assistant Jasmine Rahman has resigned.
b. School District Librarian's Report
Joanne reported that the EI Segundo High School library is being used as a testing room
for two weeks by students taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
online test.
The High School library remodel is moving forward. Meetings are scheduled between
the EI Segundo Unified School District Board and parent groups to discuss approval to
use the CSDA Design Group, an EI Segundo -based architectural firm. Joanne invited
Melissa and Library staff member Sindee Pickens to the meeting, and also invited
anyone else who is interested. The Center Street Library remodel project is a separate
project and will be coming up in the future. Both projects are funded by bonds fund.
Report on Book Sales, Donations. Historical Committee Activities, Special Events.
and Other Matters Related to Friends of the Library Business.
a. President's Report
On behalf of Brenda Ross, Friends' President, Melissa announced that the next Friends
of the Library meeting will be held on Thursday, March 28, at 4 p.m. All are welcome to
b. History Committee Report
Melissa also reminded everyone that the "oversize photo sale" will be held on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, April 4, 5 and 6, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Community
Room. Prices of photos range from $5 to $20. Melissa said that History Committee
Chair Sari Brann plans to publicize the special event.
Referring to the January 8 meeting minutes, David asked if eating is permitted in the Rose
Garden Room. Melissa explained that the Library doesn't ban it completely, but will address the
issue when needed (smelly food or large meals). She added that the room has been in use by
teens after school since November 2018.
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Per Sara's request, Melissa will update the Board via email regarding Fine Forgiveness Month
agenda item after the City Council meeting.
Janice and Sara commented that the activities and events being held at the library are exciting.
Kristie commented about an increase in the library's online presence. Melissa credits the social
media project team—Kristina Kora-Beckman (project leader), Adriana Muro, and Roz Templin.
The website redesign project is moving forward as well.
1. Motion to adiourn
The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m. The next meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on
Tuesday, May 14, in the Rose Garden Room,
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