2020-01-23 Planning Commission AgendaFps — PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA DATE: Thursday, January 23, 2020 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, City Hall 350 Main Street EI Segundo, California 90245-0989 VIDEO: El Segundo Cable Channel 3 (Live). Replayed Friday following Thursday's meeting at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Channel 3. (Schedule subject to change) All files related to this agenda are available for public review in the Planning Division office, Monday through Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm and alternating Fridays until 4:00 pm beginning at 7:00 am Monday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject -matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission and items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the meeting. Additionally, the public can comment on any public hearing item on the Agenda during the public hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is generally five minutes per person. Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the Planning and Building Safety Director a minimum of two working days before the meeting and they do not exceed five minutes in length. Written materials distributed to the Planning Commission within 72 hours of the Planning Commission meeting are available for public inspection immediately upon distribution in the City Clerk's office and on the City's website, www.elsequndo.orq. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, (310) 524-2307. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. A. Call to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call D. Public Communications (Related to City Business only and for which the Planning Commission is responsible -5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total). Individuals who received value of $50 or more to communicate to the Planning Commission on another's behalf, and employees speaking on their employer's behalf, must so identify themselves before addressing the Commission. Failure to do so is a misdemeanor. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow the Commission to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Commission may respond to comments after public communications is closed. E. Consent Calendar All items are to be adopted by one motion without discussion. If a request for discussion of an item is made, the items should be considered individually under the next Agenda heading. None. F. Call items from Consent Calendar G. Written Communications (other than what is included in Agenda packets) H. New Business—Public Hearing 1. 212 Eucalyptus Smoky Hollow Community Benefits Plan - EA 1254 Project Address: 212 Eucalyptus Drive Applicant: Drew Boyles Project Description: The project involves demolition of an existing 5,350 square - foot warehouse/office building and construction of a 3 -story, 14,119 square -foot office building, including a 634 -square foot office/meeting space and 35 parking spaces on the ground level. The request includes deviations from the permitted building height, floor area ratio (FAR), and rear setback standards, which requires review and approval of a Community Benefits Plan pursuant to the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. Environmental Determination: The project is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15332 as a Class 32 exemption (Infill Development). RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Planning Commission. (1) open the public hearing and take documentary and testimonial evidence; (2) after considering the evidence adopt Resolution No. 2871; and/or (3) discuss and take any other action related to this item. 2. Tier II Community Benefits Plan - EA -1233 Project Address: 140 Oregon Street Applicant: Smoky Hollow Industries, LLC. 2 Project Description: The applicant requests a Variance and Tier II Community Benefits Plan approval to allow the construction of an addition to exceed the maximum permitted height of 50 feet by 5 feet in the Smoky Hollow East (SHE) zone. The Tier II Community Benefits Plan will be considered by the City Council at a later date Environmental Determination: The City Council certified a Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) on September 18, 2018 for the development of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The project is consistent with the EIR build -out projections and subject to the certified MMRP. Accordingly, no further environmental review is required. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Planning Commission: (1) open the public hearing and take documentary and testimonial evidence; (2) after considering the evidence adopt Resolution No. 2882; and/or (3) discuss and take any other action related to this item. 1. Continued Business --Public Hearing. 3. Appeal by Karen Wolcott and Christopher McPherson of the Planning and Building Safety Director's decision relating to an application for a building permit to construct an accessory dwelling unit within an existing garage at 945 Sheldon Street. (continued from September 12, 2019 and October 10, 2019 meetings). Address: 945 Sheldon Street Appellants: Karen Wolcott and Christopher McPherson Project Description: On September 12, 2019, the Planning Commission heard an appeal by Karen Wolcott and Christopher McPherson of the denial of their application for a building permit to construct an accessory dwelling unit within an existing garage at 945 Sheldon Street. As discussed during the hearing, there is pending state legislation that addresses this particular issue. As a result, the Planning Commission continued the hearing to October 10, 2019 and later to January 23, 2020. Staff and appellants' attorney have agreed to continue the hearing to resolve the issues in light of the new ADL! law taking effect on January 1, 2020. Environmental Determination: The project is statutorily exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code Regulations § 15270 (Projects Which Are Disapproved) since CEQA does not apply to projects which a public agency rejects or disapproves. This project is also categorically exempt from further review under CEQA, pursuant to Class 1 (Additions to existing structures) (14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15301). In addition, with regard to the Planning Commission's review of the Director's decision, such action does not have the potential to cause significant effects on the environment and, therefore, the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to 14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15061(b)(3). RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Planning Commission continue the public hearing to April 9. 2020. 3 J. Election of Officers for 2020 K. Report from Planning and Building Safety Director or designee L. Planning Commissioners' Comments M. Adjour ment next meeting scheduled for February 13, 2020, 5.30 pm. POSTED: MI/�} (Signature) (Date and �e) / 19 EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: January 23, 2020 AGENDA HEADING: Public Hearing A Community Benefits Plan (CBF (19-01) to permit exceptions to height, floor area ratio, and rear setback standards pursuant to Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, and Environmental Assessment (EA - 1254) related to construction of a new 14,119 square -foot office building at 212 Eucalyptus Street, in the Smoky Hollow -West (SH -W) district. Applicant: Drew Boyles The project is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15332 as a Class 32 exemption (Infill Development). ORIGINATED BY: Paul Samaras, AICP, Principal Planner 4� REVIEWED BY: Gregg McClain, Planning Manager (04� APPROVED BY: Sam Lee, Director of Planning and Building Safety I. BACKGROUND Site description The subject property is located on the east side of Eucalyptus Street on the block bounded by Franklin Avenue to the south and Grand Avenue to the north, and abuts a 14 -foot alley on the east side. The property is rectangular and measures 75 feet by 142.5 feet, or approximately 10,700 square feet in area. It consists of two parcels which measure 25 and 50 feet in width. The site is currently developed with a single -story, 5,350 square -foot warehouse building with accessory office space. The building sits in the southern portion of the property. Along the northern portion of the site is a shared driveway with the neighboring property, which runs through to the alley at the rear. There is an access easement along the northern 5 feet of the subject property. N1 Figure 1 Aerial view of vroiect area F_ Development proposal The proposed development consists of the demolition of the existing building on-site and construction of a 3 -story, 14,119 square -foot office building, including a 634 -square foot office/meeting space and 35 parking spaces on the ground level. Vehicular access to the site will be provided from the alley at the rear. Bicycle parking will be provided at the front adjacent to the public sidewalk. Primary pedestrian access will be provided at the front along Eucalyptus Drive. Secondary pedestrian access for the upper levels will be provided via an exterior stairway at the rear. The building is set back approximately four feet from the front property line on the ground level, between five and nine feet from the north side property line, 10'-8" from the rear property line, and zero feet from the south side property line. The proposal complies with the development standards of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, with the exception of height, floor area ratio (FAR), and rear setback standards. However, these deviations are permitted by the Specific Plan in exchange for community benefits and subject to approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. The applicant's community benefits plan is attached to this report as an exhibit to the draft resolution. A lot line adjustment to merge the two existing parcels into one was required to allow the proposed building to be constructed without crossing lot lines. On January 17, 2020, the Planning and Building Safety Director made the necessary findings and approved the lot line adjustment request administratively pursuant to ESMC Chapter 14-4. 2 M �I 0 w r FiEure 2 Site plan (e) 6wLDING �tiL)ASPOHAI- YI F TPAfiA1/INq- - z THRT -�_- rt WDTeH I 1VNIEELS TOPS,TYF' �I = y iii iii �iil �Il ii II �I' w EL TRIC L .�� EO PMEN NC FOLDING 'I 21 cage ISI DOOR ( fes OFF1 TR SFO ER r' ON ONG RE -ANDSCARN _ \l a, -„ rl PAVING 12) LONG TERNr�. BIKE LOCKERS (2) SRT TERM EI HOKF_ I RACKS CONDUIT &POWER FOR FUTURE EKE SHARE KIOSK X12" hNN AU MATED PPRG LI S -======--------- ----~ UTOLKIN I FT -15x2 = 30 _1 MP�ACT- I! - __� - - CO EEL STOP$', TYP � L w I - e r (E) CO ROU NG SET&AC (EP� KING) � FULLYSCREENED 4 Dom. 21'-6" 18'-4" 22• D.. 22• D.. 22•2'-0" D.. 22'_D" 101-3 FENCING II. DISCUSSION Applicant's requested exceptions 1) Building height. The permitted height in the SH -W district is 35 feet and the proposed building height is 50 feet, which exceeds the permitted height by 15. The elevator shaft at the front of the building extends to a height of 65 feet, 30 feet above the permitted height. However, this is a permitted exception to the building height requirement. 2) FAR. The permitted FAR in the SH -W district is .75 and the proposed building FAR is 1.32. Thus, the proposed building exceeds the permitted building area by 6,105 square feet. 3) Rear alley setback. The required rear setback adjoining alleys is 10 feet and the proposed setback is zero feet. The building is set back 10 feet, but the development project includes a transformer, related bollards and equipment cabinets in required setback area on the north side of the garage. On the south side of the garage, there is an open parking space that covers most of the rear setback. As a result, the project does not provide a rear setback along the alley. 3 7 Community benefits generally Section 4.5.2 of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan provides a general definition and examples of community benefits, which are quoted below: "Community benefits are based on the principle that in exchange for allowing incremental increases in development intensity, the community should, in return, receive certain benefits, including beneficial design features such as publicly accessible open space and other development requirements that serve the community's needs." (SHSP p.102) "The community benefits plan shall outline the request for flexibility from strict interpretation of the development standards and regulations of this Specific Plan, as well as the proposed public amenities, features, and improvements prioritized in this Specific Plan that would be provided." (SHSP p.102) "Examples of potential community benefits include, but are not limited to, publicly accessible open space, publicly accessible parking, enhanced accessibility improvements, and implementation and/or funding of streetscape improvements identified in this Specific Plan." (SHSP p.102) In summary, community benefits must be either onsite design features or improvements, off-site improvements, or funding for such off-site improvements. In addition, the benefits must serve the community's needs, be priorities in the Specific Plan, and off-site improvements must be identified in the Specific Plan. Furthermore, the community benefits must meet certain findings of approval based on two tiers or levels of review, which are described in Table 1. The project falls under Tier II level of review due to the number and types of deviations for the development standards, so the evaluation of the proposed community benefits is based on all six findings in Table 1. 4 Rl Table 1 Specific Plan Communitv Benefit Plan Tiers and Findings Community Review Applicable Projects Findings Benefits Tiers Authority Community Planning Projects that include any of the following A Community Benefits Plan for Tier I may be approved Benefits Tier I Commission components shall be considered under the if the following findings are made: Tier I review process: Community City Council Projects that include any of the following A Community Benefits Plan for Tier II may be Benefits Tier components shall be considered under the approved if the following findings are made: II Tier II review process: A. Building height deviation up to 50 feet B. FAR > 1.5 C. Three or more deviations to standards (one of which is height or FAR) that exceed the minor deviation threshold (10%) allowed by Section 4.5.1 Administrative Adjustment Source: Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, page 103. 5 A. All findings in Tier I; and B. The value of the community benefits bear a relationship to the value generated by the project; and C. The community benefits proposed do not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project, but rather provide a district or area -wide benefit to the larger Smoky Hollow Plan area. 0 A. The proposed additional building height, intensity, A. FAR deviation up to 1.5 or deviation from development standards would not B. One or more deviations to standards be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, (neither of which is height or FAR) or materially injurious to properties or that exceed the minor deviation improvements in the vicinity; threshold (10%) allowed by Section B. The proposed community benefit provides 4.5.1 Administrative Adjustment exemplary project and/or streetscape design; and C. The proposed community benefit directly implements objectives of the Specific Plan. Community City Council Projects that include any of the following A Community Benefits Plan for Tier II may be Benefits Tier components shall be considered under the approved if the following findings are made: II Tier II review process: A. Building height deviation up to 50 feet B. FAR > 1.5 C. Three or more deviations to standards (one of which is height or FAR) that exceed the minor deviation threshold (10%) allowed by Section 4.5.1 Administrative Adjustment Source: Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, page 103. 5 A. All findings in Tier I; and B. The value of the community benefits bear a relationship to the value generated by the project; and C. The community benefits proposed do not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project, but rather provide a district or area -wide benefit to the larger Smoky Hollow Plan area. 0 Proposed community benefits. In return for the requested exceptions, the applicant proposed certain amenities, improvements, and enhanced design features as community benefits. The proposed benefits are: 1. Public art. The applicant proposed a painted mural on the elevator tower located on the building's front fagade. The mural will cover the entire surface of the tower on the west and north sides and reflect the style of the mural painted on the existing building. The existing mural and a sample of the proposed mural are shown in Attachment No. 2, sheets 13 and 28. The resolution of approval requires the City's Arts Committee review prior to installation. 2. Compliance with Specific Plan design guidelines. Although compliance with the guidelines is voluntary, it has a significant impact the appearance of individual buildings and on the character of Smoky Hollow. As such, the required findings state that a project must at a minimum provide exemplary project and/or streetscape design. In addition, the proposed community benefit must not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project to qualify as a community benefit. As a result, while the project design complies with 20 of the 32 design guidelines, it cannot receive full credit as a community benefit, because it benefits the project as well as the district or the neighborhood. 3. Additional public bicycle parking. In the setback area along Eucalyptus Drive, the plans show six bicycle racks/spaces above the minimum code requirements to help promote cycling to and from the project area and to assist with a potential future City bike share program. The resolution of approval requires signs stating the area is public bicycle parking. 4. Pedestrian passageway to the alley behind the project site. The project plans identify a 4.5 - foot wide passageway along the north side of the building. This passageway could add a new direct pedestrian connection from Eucalyptus Drive to properties that front on Arena Street, without having to go around the block. The last 30 feet of the passageway conflict with a vehicular easement and a parking lot driveway on the adjacent property. In addition, the applicant is unwilling to grant a public access easement across this passageway. For these reasons, staff does not recommend acceptance of this as a community benefit. 5. Monetary contribution for public infrastructure. The applicant has also agreed to make a monetary contribution of $14,214 to a City fund designated for Smoky Hollow public infrastructure improvements specified in Chapter 3 of the Specific Plan. Community benefits evaluation Staff evaluated the value of the community benefits being offered and the financial gain to the applicant by allowing additional FAR and height. The results are presented in the attached worksheet (Attachment No. 5). Although the Planning Commission should evaluate the appropriateness of the community benefits in relation to the applicant's requested exceptions, Commissioners should not make their assessment on monetary value alone. This information was provided to support Finding B in Tier 2 that requires the evaluation of these values. Presently the proposed benefits are deemed by Staff to be adequate and we recommend that the Commission, should they agree with Staff's view, consider Finding B in Tier 2 to be met. 0 10 III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt from the environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15332 as a Class 32 exemption (Infill Development) for the following reasons: 1. The General Plan designation for the property is Smoky Hollow Specific Plan and the zoning designation is Smoky Hollow -West, both of which permit the proposed office use. 2. The site is small, approximately 10,685 square feet, and it is in an urban area, surrounded by offices, light industrial uses, and retail/restaurant uses. 3. The site has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. The site is currently developed with an existing building and an asphalt -paved parking lot and has no landscaped planters or vegetation of any kind. In addition, on September 18, 2018, the City Council certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The project is consistent with the EIR build -out projections and subject to the certified MMRP (Attachment No. 7), which is incorporated as conditions of approval in the draft resolution. 4. The project would not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR anticipated an additional 517,094 square feet of development in the Plan area, including projects that may exceed the base development density limits, such as the subject project. The subject project would add a net 8,769 square feet of building area, which represents less than 1.7 percent of the potential additional development in the Plan area and therefore not result in a substantial increase in traffic. The EIR analyzed the potential noise impacts in Chapter 15. The EIR found that noise levels in the plan area would increase due to an increase in traffic generally and would have a significant impact and unavoidable impact. The City Council adopted a statement of overriding considerations for these impacts. The EIR analyzed the potential air quality impacts in Chapter 6. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant air quality impacts. The EIR analyzed the potential water quality impacts in Chapter 12. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on water quality. 5. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on utility services in Chapter 19. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on utilities, including water, waste water, and solid waste. 7 11 The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on public services in Chapter 17. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on services including Police, Fire, Parks and Recreation, and public schools. In conclusion, based on the evidence presented above and in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR the project is exempt from further environmental review. IV. CONCLUSION / RECOMMENDATION The proposed development project and community benefits, as conditioned, meet the findings in Section 4.5.2 of the Specific Plan. In addition, the development project and community benefits are exempt from further environmental review. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2871, recommending approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254 and Community Benefits Plan No. CBP 19-01 for development of a 14,119 square - foot office building at 212 Eucalyptus Street in the SH -W district of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. Attached Documents 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2871 Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval Exhibit B - Community Benefits Plan 2. Plans/Exhibits 3. Kosmont financial feasibility report dated January 7, 2020 4. Smoky Hollow Specific Plan design guidelines 5. Community benefit plan worksheet 6. Lot line adjustment approval letter dated January 17, 2020 0 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2871 A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA -1254 FOR COMMUNITY BENEFIT PLAN NO. 19-01 AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 19-02 FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A 14,119 SQUARE - FOOT OFFICE BUILDING AND MERGER OF TWO LOTS AT 212 EUCALYPTUS STREET. The Planning Commission of the City of EI Segundo does resolve as follows: A. On May 28, 2019, Drew Boyles filed an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254 for Community Benefit Plan (CBP) No. 19-01 and Lot Line Adjustment (SUB) No. 19-02 for development of a 14,119 square -foot office building and merger of two lots at 212 Eucalyptus Street; B. The application was reviewed by the City's Planning and Building Safety Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the EI Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"); C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA"), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"); D. On January 16, 2020, the Director of Planning and Building Safety Department made the required findings for the approval of a Lot Line Adjustment in accordance with ESMC §14-4-4 for the merger of two lots; E. On January 23, 2020, the Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including information provided to the Commission by the applicant; and F. The Commission considered the information provided by City staff, public testimony, and the applicant. This Resolution, and its findings, are made based upon the totality of the evidence in the administrative record before the Commission at its January 23, 2020, public hearing. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The Commission finds that the following facts exist: A. The subject site is located in the Smoky Hollow -West (SH -W) district of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan at 212 Eucalyptus Drive. B. The subject site is developed with a single -story, 5,350 square -foot warehouse building with accessory office space. 13 C. The applicant proposes to demolish the existing building and construct a 3 -story, 14,119 square -foot office building, including a 634 -square foot office/meeting space and 35 parking spaces on the ground level. D. The project will deviate from the Specific Plan development standards as follows: 1. Its building height is 50 feet, which exceeds the permitted building height of 35 feet. 2. Its floor area ratio (FAR) is 1.32:1, which exceeds the permitted FAR or .75:1. 3. The rear setback is zero feet, which is less than the minimum setback of 10 feet. E. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan authorizes specified deviations from development standards in exchange for developer -provided incentives that benefit the larger community. In return for the above deviations from the Specific Plan standards, the applicant offers a community benefits plan, which is attached as Exhibit B to this resolution. SECTION 3: Environmental Assessment. The project is categorically exempt from the environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15332 as a Class 32 exemption (Infill Development) for the following reasons: 1. The General Plan designation for the property is Smoky Hollow Specific Plan and the zoning designation is Smoky Hollow -West, both of which permit the proposed office use. 2. The site is 10,685 square feet, and it is in an urban area, surrounded by offices, light industrial uses, and retail/restaurant uses. 3. The site has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. The site is currently developed with an existing building and an asphalt -paved parking lot and has no landscaped planters or vegetation of any kind. In addition, on September 18, 2018, the City Council certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The project is consistent with the EIR build -out projections and subject to the certified MMRP, which is incorporated as conditions of approval in the draft resolution. The EIR concluded that development in the Plan area would have no impact on special -status species, sensitive habitats, wetlands, or wildlife movement or nursery sites (Chapter 7 —Biological Resources). However, the EIR included Mitigation Measures 7-1 and 7-2 to reduce potential impacts to migratory nesting birds to a less than significant level. Those mitigation measures are incorporated in the draft resolution as conditions of approval. As a result, the project will not have a significant impact on habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. 4. The project would not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR anticipated an additional 517,094 square feet of development in the Plan area, including projects that may exceed the base development density limits, such as the subject project. The subject project would add a net 8,769 square feet of office, which represents less 2 14 than 1.7 percent of the potential additional development in the Plan area and therefore not result in a substantial increase in traffic. The EIR analyzed the potential traffic impacts in Chapter 18. With regard to Traffic, the EIR included Mitigation Measures 18-1 and 18-2 to reduce impacts to two intersections of Pacific Coast Highway at Grand Avenue and at EI Segundo Boulevard. Additional impacts to 105 freeway on -ramps with local streets and conflict with the Congestion management Program (CMP) were determined to be significant are unavoidable in the EIR and the City Council adopted a statement of overriding considerations for those impacts. In addition, the project is subject to the City's Traffic Mitigation Impact Fee. Therefore, the project's traffic impact is anticipated to be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential noise impacts in Chapter 15. The EIR found that noise levels in the plan area would increase due to an increase in traffic generally and would have a significant impact and unavoidable impact. The City Council adopted a statement of overriding considerations for these impacts. Impacts during construction and operation were determined to be less than significant, because projects are expected to comply with the City's General Plan Noise Element policies and the EI Segundo Municipal Code Noise and construction hour limitations. As a result, the project's noise impact is anticipated to be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential air quality impacts in Chapter 6. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant air quality impacts. In addition, the subject project would comply with South Coast Air Quality District rules regarding emissions, the General Plan Air Quality Element Policies, and the ESMC limitations on dust and particulate matter emissions during construction and operations. As a result, the project's air quality impact will be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential water quality impacts in Chapter 12. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on water quality. The project would comply with the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board permit regulations, the General Plan Conservation Element policies, and the ESMC limitations on emissions into the City's storm drain system during construction and operation. As a result, the project's water quality impact is anticipated to be less than significant. 5. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on utility services in Chapter 19. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on utilities, including water, waste water, and solid waste. As mentioned above, the EIR accounted for all development in the plan area. Therefore, the subject project's impact on utility services is anticipated to be less than significant. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on public services in Chapter 17. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on services including Police, 3 15 Fire, Parks and Recreation, and public schools. The subject project will be constructed in compliance with the latest applicable Fire codes and Police security requirements, which will help limit demand for those services. In addition, the project is subject to the City's Development Impact Mitigation Fees, including Police, Fire, and Parks fees. As a result, the project's public services impact is anticipated to be less than significant. 6. Historic resource assessment In addition to the above, the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on Cultural Resources in the plan area (Chapter 8), including older potentially historic buildings. To address the potential impacts, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) included Mitigation Monitoring Measure (MM) CULT MM 8-1 that requires an assessment of buildings older than 50 years prior to demolition to determine whether they have potential value as a historic resource for CEQA purposes. Pursuant to Mitigation Monitoring Measure CULT MM 8-1, staff conducted an assessment of the existing building onsite to determine whether the structure meets the criteria for inclusion on a historic register. The assessment, incorporated herein by reference, concluded that the structure does not merit inclusion on a historic register and, thus, need not be treated as a historic resource under CEQA and may be demolished without any further environmental review. SECTION 4: General Plan Findings. Considering all of its aspects, the proposed project will further the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan and not obstruct their attainment. More specifically: A. The EI Segundo General Plan Land Use designation of the property is Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. This designation is intended to permit a range of incubator businesses, small and medium size industrial uses, research and development, and creative office uses. The designation also permits public facilities, parking facilities, and limited restaurant and retail uses. The proposed office building is consistent with this designation. B. The project is consistent with Land Use Element Goal LU4, Objective LU4- 3 in that it provides a stable tax base for EI Segundo through construction of new office space. C. The proposed use is consistent with Land Use Element Objective LU4-4 in that it adds office space to the mixture of industrial, commercial, and residential uses in the Smoky Hollow and Downtown areas, which has the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impacts, and encourage pedestrian environment. D. Policies ED1-2.1 and ED1-2.2, both seek to promote land uses, which improve the City's commercial tax base. The proposed office building would increase tax revenue and financially benefit the City. 4 16 E. The project will meet relevant goals and policies with regard to the Land Use Element. The project will help increase the tax base through the proposed expansion of office uses in the area without adversely affecting the viability of downtown (Goal LU4). SECTION 5: Specific Plan Community Benefit Plan Findings. After considering the above facts, the Commission finds as follows: A. The proposed additional building height, intensity, or deviation from development standards would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; The project height is compatible with the neighborhood in that several two and three story buildings are located in the immediate vicinity. The additional floor area is not anticipated to be detrimental, in that the project provides sufficient on-site vehicle parking and bicycle parking in excess of the minimum code requirements. As a result, the project is not anticipated to have significant off-site parking impacts. The project is located in developed area where all utilities and public infrastructure is in place. Furthermore, before the City issues building permits for the project, the applicant will submit detailed plans to the City for review for compliance with all applicable Building and Fire safety codes. Therefore, the project overall is not anticipated to be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. B. The proposed community benefits provide an exemplary project and/or streetscape design; The Specific Plan contains 32 design guidelines in five categories including, building character, open space, landscaping, connectivity, and signage and art. The proposed project incorporates 20 out of 32 guidelines as indicated in Exhibit B of this resolution. C. The proposed community benefits directly implement objectives of the Specific Plan. 1. Part of the proposed community benefits consist of compliance with the Smoky Hollow design guidelines. Compliance with the guidelines directly implements the Smoky Hollow Design Objectives in Specific Plan Section 2.4.1 as follows: a. The project design helps preserve Smoky Hollow's existing character by incorporating materials and colors that are consistent with existing buildings in the area and with the neighborhood's industrial character. b. The project offers sidewalk oriented entries, in that the ground floor office space has direct access from the public sidewalk, which assists in activating the Eucalyptus Drive frontage. c. The project facilitates pedestrian activity and access to several transit modes, in that it incorporates a pedestrian connection from 5 17 Eucalyptus Drive to the alley at the rear of the property and it provides bicycle parking above the minimum requirements along the property frontage, which will enhance access to the property by alternative means. d. The project encourages active and passive design to conserve natural resources, in that its design incorporates floor to ceiling windows on the front and multiple large windows along the north and east sides. This will provide a lot of natural light in the new building, thereby reducing use of electricity for lighting purposes. In addition, the project will make use of drought tolerant plant species in the landscaped areas, which will reduce the use of water for landscaping. 2. The proposed community benefits implement the goals and objectives of Specific Plan Chapter 3 regarding publicly owned rights-of-way and publicly accessible open spaces. The proposed community benefits plan includes a monetary contribution of $14,214, by the applicant to a fund designated for Smoky Hollow Specific Plan public infrastructure improvements. Funds accumulated in this fund are dedicated toward future improvements to streets, sidewalks, public landscaping and open space in Smoky Hollow, which will in turn help provide for a transportation network that successfully integrates bicyclists, walkers, and transit users with people in cars, while creating a unique backdrop for businesses to flourish in Smoky Hollow. D. The value of the community benefits bear a relationship to the value generated by the project; The City hired Kosmont and Associates, Inc. (Kosmont) to evaluate the added value generated by the project. Kosmont prepared a report, incorporated herein by reference, which determined that the added value from the additional height and floor area is equal to $1,200,000. The combined value of implementing abundant design guidelines and the contribution for public improvements is equal to about $360,000 or 30 percent of project's added value. E. The community benefits proposed do not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project, but rather provide a district or area -wide benefit to the larger Smoky Hollow Plan area. The applicant is providing two community benefit types: implementation of Smoky Hollow design guidelines beyond a level of considered exemplary and a monetary contribution to a fund designated for public improvements. The first benefit involves project architectural and site design features and amenities primarily on the subject property. These features and amenities have substantial value to the community in that they improve the appearance of the neighborhood, they help activate the street frontage and encourage pedestrian activity, and offer amenities that can be used by the public, such as extra bicycle parking. However, only part of the cost of providing those 6 18 features and amenities can be treated as a community benefit since some of the value is to the property itself. The monetary contribution to the public improvements fund will be expended to make improvements to public streets, sidewalks, landscaping and open space. Thus, the contribution will clearly benefit the district or wider area. SECTION 7: Recommendation. Subject to the conditions listed on the attached Exhibit A, of this Resolution, the Planning Commission recommends City Council approval of Community Benefits Plan CBP 19-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254. SECTION 8: Reliance on Record. Each and every one of the findings and determination in this Resolution are based on the competent and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the Planning Commission in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole. SECTION 9: Limitations. The Planning Commission's analysis and evaluation of the project is based on information available at the time of the decision. It is inevitable that in evaluating a project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the project will not exist. In all instances, best efforts have been made to form accurate assumptions. SECTION 10: This Resolution will remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. SECTION 11: The Commission Secretary is directed to mail a copy of this Resolution to Drew Boyles and to any other person requesting a copy. 7 19 SECTION 12: This Resolution may be appealed within 10 calendar days after its adoption. All appeals must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk within this time period. Failure to file a timely written appeal will constitute a waiver of any right of appeal. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of January, 2020. Ryan Baldino, Chair City of EI Segundo Planning Commission ATTEST: Sam Lee, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney David King, Assistant City Attorney Baldino Newman Nicol Nisley Wingate 8 20 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2871 Exhibit A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC), Drew Boyles agrees to comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of EI Segundo's approval of Community Benefit Plan (CBP 19-01) and Environmental Assessment EA -1254: Zoninq Conditions This approval is for the project as shown on the plans and renderings dated December 19, 2019, and on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must submit plans, showing that the project substantially complies with the plans and conditions of approval on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. Any subsequent modification to the approved design must be referred to the Director for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review and approval of the proposed modification. 2. The applicant must complete a lot line adjustment process to merge the two existing lots into one as required by the Director's approval letter dated January 17, 2020, and the conditions therein. 3. All development impact fees imposed pursuant to ESMC Chapter 15-27 of for the additional building floor area must be paid before the City issues a building permit. 4. Before the City issues building permits, the applicant must submit detailed plans in substantial compliance with the plans approved by the City Council to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval. 5. To avoid impacts to nesting birds, construction activities and construction noise should occur outside the avian nesting season (prior to February 1 or after September 1). If construction and construction noise occurs within the avian nesting season (during the period from February 1 to September 1), areas within 100 feet of a development site shall be thoroughly surveyed for the presence of nests by a qualified biologist no more than five days before commencement of any vegetation removal. If it is determined that the Project Site is occupied by nesting birds covered under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, condition No. 6 shall apply. 6. If pre -construction nesting bird surveys result in the location of active nests, no grading, vegetation removal, or heavy equipment activity shall take place within an appropriate setback from occupied nests as determined by a qualified biologist. Protective measures (e.g., established setbacks) shall be required to ensure compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and California Fish and Game Code requirements. The qualified biologist shall serve as a construction monitor during 9 21 those periods when construction activities occur near active nest areas to ensure that no inadvertent impacts occur. A report of the findings, prepared by a qualified biologist, shall be submitted to the CDFW prior to construction -related activities that have the potential to disturb any active nests during the nesting season. 7. Prior to the commencement of grading or demolition of subsurface structures, a professional archaeologist who meets U.S. Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications and Standards, shall conduct a brief archaeological and paleontological informational session for construction personnel. The training session may consist of an in-person meeting or a written handout describing: (1) how to identify archaeological and paleontological resources that may be encountered during earth -moving activities and (2) the procedures to be followed in such an event, including contact information for the appropriate entities if archaeological or paleontological resources are discovered. 8. In the event that archaeological or paleontological resources are unearthed during ground -disturbing activities, the ground -disturbing activities shall be halted or diverted away from the vicinity of the find so that the find can be evaluated. A buffer area of at least 50 feet shall be established around the find, where construction activities will not be allowed to continue until a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist has examined the newly discovered artifact(s) and has evaluated the area of the find. Work shall be allowed to continue outside the buffer area. If the archaeologist identifies the find as a tribal cultural resource or suspects it to be a tribal cultural resource, the City will contact the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) to report the discovery, and will contact local Native American tribal representatives as directed by the NAHC. Should the newly discovered artifact(s) be determined to be a tribal cultural resource, Native American construction monitoring will be initiated. The City shall coordinate with the archaeologist and tribal representative (s) to develop an appropriate treatment plan. Communitv Benefits Plan 9. The applicant must provide all the community benefits as stated in Exhibit B (Community Benefits Plan). If the project does not provide a proposed benefit or ceases to provide it, the owner must submit a revised CBP including equivalent replacement benefit of an equal value to the Planning and Building Safety Director for review and approval. At the Director's discretion, the revised CBP may be transmitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for review and approval. 10. The applicant must make a monetary contribution of $14,214 to the City's fund dedicated toward public improvements within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area. Fire Department Conditions 11. The applicant must comply with the applicable requirements of the 2016 California Building and Fire Codes and the 2015 International Fire Code as adopted by the City of EI Segundo and EI Segundo Fire Department Regulations. 10 22 12. The applicant must submit and obtain approval by the Fire Department of a Fire/Life Safety Plan identifying fire safety precautions during demolition and construction, emergency site access during construction, permanent fire department access, fire hydrant locations and any existing or proposed fire sprinkler systems and fire alarm systems prior to issuance of the building permit. 13. The applicant must provide the following conditions for all fire features: a. A barrier must be provided around the fire feature to prevent accidental access into the fire feature. b. The distance between the fire feature and combustible material and furnishings must meet the fire feature's listing and manufacturer's requirements. C. If the fire feature's protective barrier exceeds ambient temperatures, all exit paths and occupant seating must be a minimum 36 inches from the fire feature. 14. If the proposed "Park Plus" high density vehicle storage system is an automated - type system, the applicant must comply with the 2021 International Building and Fire Code requirements for Mechanical -Access enclosed parking garages. Public Works Department Conditions General "City Engineer" = City Engineer or his/her designee throughout this document. 15. All work in the City's right-of-way or on City -owned and maintained facilities shall require review and approval of the City Engineer or his/her designee. 16. The applicant shall ensure that encroachment permits are secured from the Public Works Department/Engineering Division before commencing any and all work in the City's public right-of-way, including lane closures 17. Construction inspection shall be coordinated with the Public Works Inspector and no construction shall deviate from the approved plans without approval of the City Engineer. If plan deviations are necessary, the applicant shall provide a revised plan or details of the proposed change for review and approval of the City Engineer prior to construction. 18. Prior to issuing of the Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall ensure installation of all improvements required by the Public Works Department are inspected and approved by the City Engineer. 19. All construction -related parking shall be accommodated on-site. No construction related parking shall be permitted off-site. 20. A grading and drainage plan shall be provided and stamped by a California State - licensed civil engineer as part of the Building Permit process. 11 23 21. A utility plan shall be provided that shows all existing and proposed utility lines and their sizes (sewer, water, gas, storm drain, electrical, etc.), including easements, within 200 feet of the project site boundary. Street Improvements & Traffic Control 22. All new sidewalk, curb & gutter, driveway approaches, and curb ramps shall be constructed per the latest Standard Plans for Public Works Construction (SPPWC) "Greenbook" and City standards. 23. All existing sidewalk, curb & gutter, driveway approaches, and curb ramps that are broken or not in conformance with the latest SPPWC or City standards shall be removed and constructed per the latest SPPWC and City standards. 24. All unused driveways shall be removed and replaced with full -height curb, gutter and sidewalk per SPPWC standards and City standards. 25. The applicant shall provide a minimum 4 foot sidewalk clearance around any obstruction in the sidewalk i.e. posts, power poles, etc. 26. The applicant shall slurry seal the entire alley width from the property to Franklin Avenue. The slurry mix design shall be submitted to the City Engineer or his/her designee for approval. 27. The applicant shall provide traffic control plans for all work requiring a lane closure. 28. During construction, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide safe pedestrian traffic control around the site. A pedestrian protection plan shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval by the City Engineer. This may include but not be limited to signs, flashing lights, barricades and flag persons. Water 29. Any existing water meters, potable water service connections, fire backflow devices and potable water backflow devices must be upgraded to current City Water Division standards. These devices shall be placed or relocated onto private property. 30. The applicant must submit plans for water system upgrades to the City of EI Segundo Public Works Department for review and approval. 31. Any unused water laterals shall be abandoned and properly capped at the City main. The Contractor is to obtain necessary permits and licenses, and provide traffic control plans and shoring plans. Sewer 32. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the sewer connection fee for this project must be paid to the City of EI Segundo Public Works Department. 12 24 33. Any unused sanitary sewer laterals shall be abandoned and properly capped at the City main. The Contractor is to obtain necessary permits and licenses, and provide traffic control plans and shoring plans. Storm Drain 34. The applicant shall remove and replace an existing broken storm drain manhole behind the property. The manhole is broken and open to illicit drainage and needs to be closed to any surface drainage. 35. Hydrologic and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to size appropriate storm drain facilities to control on-site drainage and mitigate off-site impacts. Refer to the most recent Los Angeles County Hydrology Manual. Instructions and the manual are available at the County website at http://dpw.lacounty.gov/wrd/Publication/index.cfm. Calculations shall be signed by a registered civil engineer. 36. The project shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements and shall provide Best Management Practices (BMPs) for sediment control, construction material control and erosion control. Landscaping & Irrigation 37. All public landscape improvements shall be designed to City standards and approved by the Parks & Recreation Department. Waste Management 38. The applicant shall comply with Title 5, Chapter 2 (Garbage and Rubbish), of the EI Segundo Municipal Code. Collection/disposal/storage systems and areas must be provided in the plans that ensure compliance with State and City regulations. 13 25 Miscellaneous Conditions 39. Drew Boyles (Applicant) agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Community Benefit Plan CBP No. 19-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of this Community Benefit Plan or Environmental Assessment, the Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of EI Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. By signing this document, Drew Boyles certifies that he has read, understood, and agrees to the Project Conditions listed in this document. Drew Boyles {If Corporation or similar entity, needs two officer signatures or evidence that one signature binds the company} 14 26 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2871 Exhibit B COMMUNITY BENEFIT PLAN Proiect description: The development project at 212 Eucalyptus Drive is subject to the following applications: Community Benefits Plan No. CBP 19-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA 1254. The development project deviates from the following Smoky Hollow Specific Plan (Specific Plan) development standards in Section 2.3: 1. Building Height. The permitted building height is 35 feet the top of the roofline. The proposed building height is 50 feet to 2. Allowable gross floor area ratio (FAR). The permitted FAR is 0.75. The proposed FAR is 1.32. 3. Setback adjoining alley. The required setback is 10 feet. The proposed setback is zero feet. The above deviations are clearly illustrated in the attached plans. Communitv benefits: In exchange for the above deviations, the applicant offers the following community benefits pursuant to Specific Plan Section 4.5.2: 1. Consistency with design guidelines above requirements. The development project complies with 20 of the 32 design guidelines in Section 2.4 of the Specific Plan. 2. Six bicycle parking spaces above requirements. The required number of bicycle spaces in Section 2.3 is two short-term bike racks and two long-term bike lockers. The development project provides eight short-term bike racks and two long-term bike lockers. 3. Public art above City requirements. The development project is not subject to the City's public art or in -lieu fee requirements of Ordinance No. 1594. However, the development project proposes to incorporate artwork visible to the public, subject to review and approval by the City. 4. Monetary contribution for public infrastructure. The applicant shall make a monetary contribution of $14,214 to a City fund designated for planned Smoky Hollow public infrastructure improvements in Chapter 3 of the Specific Plan. The above community benefits are more clearly illustrated in the attached plans. Attachment: 1. Plans dated December 16, 2019 15 27 SHEETINDEX SHEET NUMBER SHEET NAME 01 COVER SHEET 02 EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY 03 PERSPECTIVE 04 PERSPECTIVE 05 PERSPECTIVE 06 PERSPECTIVE 07 PERSPECTIVE 08 PERSPECTIVE 09 PERSPECTIVE 10 SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING ANALYSIS 11 SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING ANALYSIS 12 EXISTING AERIAL PLAN 13 SITE PHOTOS 14 EXISTING DRAWINGS 15 TOPOGRAPHY & GRADE PLANE 16 "FLOOR AREA' DIAGRAMS 17 PLOT PLAN 18 FLOOR PLAN LEVEL 01 19 FLOOR PLAN LEVEL 02 20 FLOOR PLAN LEVEL 03 21 ROOF PLAN 22 WEST ELEVATION 23 NORTH ELEVATION 24 EAST ELEVATION 25 ART ELEVATION 26 SECTION 27 PARKING LEGEND 28 COMMUNITY BENEFITS ANALYSIS 29 COMMUNITY BENEFITS DIAGRAM 30 COMMUNITY BENEFITS WORKSHEET L1 LANDSCAPE CONCEPTUAL PLAN L2 GROUND FLOOR MATERIALS L3 ROOF DECK MATERIALS ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 ` BA W N AFCVF@15 Au riGHs .. EA: D LE P R IT AFCFFFLI$ W. MD AFEFWEIFD B/FIFll�IIY�LRUFHdY "sm"Tomms"m FOIfDNLLSCOOEl 17.A NAUFIFIM O}g:19W COFMIVO, OISFHIIpµ FSWIXGIONOROFFiAVOFANYF%HI OFHSFF�JPIpF{ NAFd1fFEFJFii�Nfi11UJ CON93J�OF BVYJJ AFCHF�I$ CON9IMFS fYNJOBABJ� MD B EL SEG UNDO, CALIFORNIA C REA 11 V E OFFICE D EV ELO PM ENT 212 EUCALYPTUS AVENUE EL SEG UN DO , CA 90245 DEC. 16, 2019 1" = 100'-0" PROJECT# 16.042 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GENERAL OVERVIEW AND GRAND VISION THE 3 STORY PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AT 212 EUCALYPTUS INTENDS TO BE A SIGNATURE DEVELOPMENT FOR SMOKY HOLLOW AND THE ENTIRE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WITH A STRIKING ARCHITECTURAL EXPRESSION THAT PAYS HOMAGE TO THE SITE AND THE HISTORY OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD WITH THE USE OF EXISTING CONTEMPORARY INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS INCLUDING EXPOSED STEEL, METAL SIDING INCLUDEING RE -USE OF EXISTING METAL SIDING AND EXPRESSIVE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND ENTIRELY EXPOSED CIRCULATION STAIRS SHOWCASING THE VERTICAL MOVEMENT TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THE DEVELOPMENT WILL INCLUDE 3 LEVELS OF CREATIVE OFFICE SPACE TOTALING APPROXIMATELY 14,119 SQUARE FEET. THE ROOFTOP INCLUDES AN ACCESSIBLE DECK AREA FOR TENANTS AND VISITORS TO HOLD IMPROMPTU OR FORMAL MEETINGS OR TO TAKE A BREAK FROM THE OFFICE AND ENJOY VIEWS OF THE CITY AND GET SOME FRESH AIR. THE GROUND FLOOR SPACE INCLUDES A LARGE FOLDING DOOR TO ALLOW FOR THE USE IN THAT SPACE TO CONNECT TO AND EXTEND THE PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY ON THE SIDEWALK INTO THE SPACE. USE THE CURRENT USES OF THE EXISTING SINGLE -STORY STRUCTURE IS WAREHOUSE WITH A SMALL PORTION OF GENERAL OFFICE. THE PROPOSED FLOOR AREA SHALL BE CREATIVE OFFICE AND R&D. THE PROPOSED PROJECT USE IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE APPROVED USES AND REGULATIONS PRESCRIBED FOR IN THE ZONING DISTRICT FOR SH -W. ALL THE PROPOSED USES ARE ALLOWED BY -RIGHT. FLOOR AREA AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT THE SITE WILL CONTAIN A FLOOR AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 14,119 SF WHICH IS A RATIO OF APPROXIMATELY 1.32 WHICH IS 0.57 ABOVE THE BASE ALLOWED 0.75 BUT SHORT OF THE ALLOWED 1.5 FAR CONSISTENT WITH COMMUNITY BENEFIT TIER II PROGRAM. PARKING THE DEVELOPMENT WILL INCLUDE A VERY CREATIVE SOLUTION TO THE PARKING CHALLENGE BY UTILIZING A STACKED PARKING SYSTEM WITH SEVERAL ON -GRADE SPACES INCLUDING 2 ACCESSIBLE AND 2 COMPACT SPACES. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLEASE SEE PLOT PLAN ON SHEET 17, A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO UNIFY TWO EXISTING LOTS. MISCELLANEOUS THE HOURS OF OPERATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT ARE STANDARD BUSINESS HOURS FIVE DAYS A WEEK WITH OCCASIONAL WEEKEND HOURS THE EXISTING STRUCTURE DEEMED TO BE ENTIRELY REMOVED IS A SINGLE -STORY STUCCO STRUCTURE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION WITH A PITCHED ROOF AND 2 PARKING SPACES OFF OF EUCALYPTUS. THE EXISTING METAL SIDING AND FACADE ART PANELS WILL BE DELICATELY REMOVED AND REPLACED IN THE NEW BUILDING FACADES. PLEASE SEE SHEET 14 IN THE PROJECT DRAWING PACKAGE. CONCLUSION THE PROPOSED PROJECT DESIGN IS COMPATIBLE AND INTEGRATED WITH, AND NOT DETRIMENTAL TO, THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ON ADJACENT AND SURROUNDING NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES AND FURTHERMORE PAYS HOMAGE TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD'S INDUSTRIAL PAST AND ENCOURAGES LOOKING FORWARD TO THE FUTURE OF WHAT THE NEIGHBORHOOD WILL TRANSFORM INTO IN THE NEAR FUTURE. COMMUNITY BENEFITS PLAN CONSISTENT WITH TIER II THE DEVELOPMENT REQUESTS THE FOLLOWING DISCRETIONARY APPROVALS WHICH ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE SPECIFIC PLAN: 1. AN INCREASE IN PERMITTED HEIGHT OF 15-0" FROM 35' TO 50'-0" IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIER II COMMUNITY BENEFITS PLAN. 2. AN INCREASE IN FLOOR AREA RATIO OF 0.57 ABOVE THE BASE RATIO OF 0.75 TO 1.32 IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIER II COMMUNITY BENEFITS. 3. REQUESTED VARIANCE (1 DEVIATION TO STANDARDS OF 3 ALLOWED CONSISTENT WITH TIER II COMMUNITY BENEFITS PLAN). 4. ALLOW SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON TRANSFORMER & SWITCHGEAR STRUCTURES AND ASSOCIATED BOLLARDS IN THE REAR SETBACK. ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYF RB EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=a RAUARAFC.WS AURCRBrE93!/Ffl. AIL o MGS SE:;NCATOW EDS RAN$ ARWJOBMSM COWEM M OS" CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ AFE APD SWLfBMN if BCMEfWi9SVO B4LL4fd ARMS W. MD AFEfWEIfD S/NB1fCIlY�LFWR3dY IAWS NCLLDfC NAFCUf mmmR w COHAOHf I m RXfDNLLSCOOR ECT FORV WIFWW O}g:1HN FOR lE SWNC f WET WR`M1CH1161%SBHJ COPFTIG, 89811Cµ fSWIXGIONOR09iAVOFANYPAW OFHSRi HmlN VYilCLLf�EfVi�4MfIBl CONBJf 0 FL WJ P1CH�S CO LEST BC NFRNOFAIBJf W B RMRfaBE A VE fW!$f B(BJf AIIDYWHE tH FAW. DEC.16,2019 PROJECT# 16.042 THE ART DEPICTED HERE IS A PLACEHOLDER I IL �I rA4?�+�'"'4��� i�► anti � � � `I . 6Z+wi cAIY"''F iJ `r..f�`"+^� �'rt� I _—• �i�`41� 5 i l+` 1p i * � ■ I 1 I ` --- )T.. i B A L I A N ARCHITECTS 515 S FlGLEROA ST.. SIE 1970 LOS ANGEES CA 90071 + 1.213.377.5500 www. balianarchitects. com ki PERSPEC 11V E ow Aw ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=a FmuARAFC.WS-GFMrE93Z/Ffl. AIL IX SE:;WATOW EDS RAN$ ARWJOBMSM COWEM M M" CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ AFE AID SWLFBMN if BCMEFWi9SVO B4LL4fd ARMS W. MD AFEFWEIfD S/NBIWILL,LFWR3dY IAW$ NCLLDfC MFCUf FMMMK w COH WFAWS RXfDNLLSCO HCECT FORV LLFWW O}g:1HN FOR lE SWNC f WET WR`M1CH1161%SBHJ COPFTIG, g5f811Cµ fSWIXGIONOR09iAVOFANYPAW OFHSRN MHJLLf�EDFi�Mi11BJ CONBJ� AFUHIM$ 0 MASS1BE A lE WESr BCBJf AIIDVPaE tH FAW. DEC. 16, 2019 PROJECT# 16.042 mm prAM- i Y B A L I A N ARCHITECTS 515 S RG LINDA ST STE 1970 LOS ANGLE$ CA 90071 + 1.213.377.5500 www. balianarchitects. com k) PERSPEC 11V E 05 I T -W A4, OEM" Wwt ri zmtt 1 wr -0 B A L I A N ARCHITECTS 515 S FIGLERDA Sr. SE 1970 LOS ANGBJE$ CA 90071 + 1.213.377.5500 www. balianarchitects. com PBRSPEC11VE x 4 fag J. wr -0 B A L I A N ARCHITECTS 515 S FIGLERDA Sr. SE 1970 LOS ANGBJE$ CA 90071 + 1.213.377.5500 www. balianarchitects. com PBRSPEC11VE x !■■ ti - �'���: � � �� I ■ ill■�� _ _ _ � - r _ � ' 'til ' S rl ■_ � � ■i B A L I A N ARCHITECTS 515 S RGLERDA Sr.. SIE 1970 LOS ANG9JE$ CA 90071 + 1.213.377.5500 www. balianarchitects. com n PERSPEC 11V E On% ap I pea, B A L I A N ARCHITECTS 515 S RGLERDA Sr.. SIE 1970 LOS ANG9JE$ CA 90071 + 1.213.377.5500 www. balianarchitects. com PERSPEC 11V E ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYF RB EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=a FmuARAFC.WS-GFMrE93Z/Ffl. AIL IX SE:;WATOW EDS RAN$ ARWJOBMSM COWEM M M" CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ AFE AID SWLFBMN if BCMEFWi9SVO B4LL4fd ARMS W. MD AFEFWEIfD S/NB1WIlY�LFWR3dY IAW$ NCLLDfC NiFCUf FMMMK w COH WFAWS RXfDNLLSCO HCECT FORV WIFWW O}g:1HN FOR lE SWNC f WET WR`M1CH1161%SBHJ COPFTIG, g5f811Cµ fSWIXGIONOR09iAVOFANYPAW OFHSRi�JP1CN MHJLLf�EDFi�Mi11BJ CONBJ�OF FL WJ PfCH�S CO LEST BC NFRNOFVPa W B RM41aBE A VE fW83f B(BJf AIIDW^HE tH FAW. DEC. 16, 2019 PROJECT# 16.042 2. BUILDING TRANSPARENCY: FRANKLIN AVENUE FRONTAGE 1. FRONT YARD 2. SIDE YARD (NORTHERLY) SIDE YARD (SOUTHERLY) 3. REAR YARD (EASTERLY) FOR NEW BUILDINGS OR NEW ADDITIONS FRONTING FRANKLIN AVENUE, A MINIMUM 15% FACADE TRANSPARENCY SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE GROUND LEVEL OR N/A FIRST 12 FEET OF HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE, WHICHEVER IS LESS, THROUGH THE UTILIZATION OF WINDOWS, ENTRIES, OR SIMILAR OPENINGS. E. SETBACK STANDARDS REQUIRED NONE NONE NONE ALLEY - SEE BELOW PROVIDED 0'-0" 5'-0" 0'-0" 10'- 0" PROVIDED FOR BUILDING. REQUESTING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS TO BE ALLOWED IN THE REAR ALLEY SETBACK: • SCE TRANSFORMER WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 6'-0" • SCE EQUIPMENT CABINET WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 7'-6" • BOLLARDS WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 4' 5. ADJOINING ALLEY MIN. 10' C. LOT STANDARDS F. OPEN SPACE & LANDSCAPING STANDARDS REQUIRED REQUIRED PROVIDED 1. MINIMUM LOT AREA 5,600 SF 10,685 SF 2. MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE 50' 75'-0" D. BUILDING DESIGN STANDARDS GROUND ELEVATION. REQUIRED PROVIDED 1. BUILDING ORIENTATION LOTS ADJOINING FRANKLIN AVENUE IRRIGATION SHALL BE FRANKLIN AVENUE SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF ONE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH APPROPRIATE SUBMITTAL IN COMPLIANCE PRIMARY ENTRY FACING FRANKLIN N/A AVENUE. PRIMARY ENTRY DOORS SHALL BE VISIBLE AND ACCESSIBLE FROM THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK 2. BUILDING TRANSPARENCY: FRANKLIN AVENUE FRONTAGE 1. FRONT YARD 2. SIDE YARD (NORTHERLY) SIDE YARD (SOUTHERLY) 3. REAR YARD (EASTERLY) FOR NEW BUILDINGS OR NEW ADDITIONS FRONTING FRANKLIN AVENUE, A MINIMUM 15% FACADE TRANSPARENCY SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE GROUND LEVEL OR N/A FIRST 12 FEET OF HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE, WHICHEVER IS LESS, THROUGH THE UTILIZATION OF WINDOWS, ENTRIES, OR SIMILAR OPENINGS. E. SETBACK STANDARDS REQUIRED NONE NONE NONE ALLEY - SEE BELOW PROVIDED 0'-0" 5'-0" 0'-0" 10'- 0" PROVIDED FOR BUILDING. REQUESTING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS TO BE ALLOWED IN THE REAR ALLEY SETBACK: • SCE TRANSFORMER WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 6'-0" • SCE EQUIPMENT CABINET WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 7'-6" • BOLLARDS WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 4' 5. ADJOINING ALLEY MIN. 10' 10' -0" F. OPEN SPACE & LANDSCAPING STANDARDS REQUIRED PROVIDED 1. OPEN SPACE, GENERAL 3% OF LOT, REQUIRED OPEN SPACE 800 SF AT GROUND LEVEL MAY BE PROVIDED ON BUILDING (SEE SHEET 16) ROOFTOPS; HOWEVER, AT LEAST 50% OF REQUIRED OPEN SPACE SHALL HAVE DIRECT ACCESS FROM THE EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION. 10,725 SF x 0.03 = 322 SF 3. IRRIGATION ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS, INCLUDING IRRIGATION SHALL BE TREES AT SURFACE PARKING LOTS, PROVIDED AS A DEFERRED SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH APPROPRIATE SUBMITTAL IN COMPLIANCE PERMANENT WATERING FACILITIES. WITH ESMC 15-15A JURISDICTION: GENERAL PLAN: SPECIFIC PLAN: ZONING: PREVIOUS USE: PROPOSED USE: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION CHANGE OF USE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: Figure 2.1: Zoning 171atrfcla q 7' x ZONING ANALYSIS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SMOKY HOLLOW SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN SH -W (SMOKY HOLLOW WEST) GENERAL OFFICE & WAREHOUSE & STORAGE COMMERCIAL OFFICE & CAFE B (GENERAL OFFICE, R&D) & A2 CAFE/FOOD TO -GO YES NO ZONING MAP , �L. � 'er illi Null PROJECT LOCATION rte. aftap�, sox. LOT 11 LOT 10 PARTIAL INITA616ranMur 5p&ckNaA.n10ft1W vharctr 5nrikK Hc4x East LOT AREA 7,123 SQ. FT. 3,562 SQ. FT. TOTAL AREA 10,685 SF A. ALLOWABLE GROSS FLOOR AREA ALLOWED: 0.75 (BASE) 10,685 SF x 0.75 = 8,013.75 SF ALLOWED: 1.5 (TIER 1) 10,685 SF x 1.5 = 16,027.50 SF PROVIDED 14,119 SF (1.32 FAR) B. HEIGHT STANDARDS COMMUNITY BENEFITS (TIER 2) 50'-0" ALLOWED I 50'-0" PROVIDED so HEIGHT EXCEPTIONS ELEVATOR SHAFT HOUSING IS EXEMPT FROM HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS PARAPET HEIGHT MAY EXCEED MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT BY 5-0" ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYF RB EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=a r1nuAKAfCH@1S—.GH61E�!/fD. AIL �MGS SE:NCAlm mri R m COWMIS AFO DMM CO� N i1S FfiS81P�1KKJ A A 3 W IauN if ®Cus.E FfOF9ar OF 84U4K AFCMEaIS W. MO AFEfTOEI®S/NB1fCIlY�LFWFHdY IAWS NGIDNC NAFOUf I mmR w COHAOHf I m f NLLSCOOE 17.AKYUI4UFO UFO}g: FOR lE SYNC FiOET FORYA1CKlF{5140. RS ' COPFTIG, DWM Cµ FWK IXW KORO YOFAKYPARf oFtuFr�wnooi wiwlmeea�vwneaCor�rOF SV14N PfCH�S RCOFlrmJcenear W 6 M4W9E A VE fl�iW 8FiC BJf A"fJNW9E BI IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 12" = 1'-0" PROJECT16.042 1. NEW CONSTRUCTION & CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY rd0r_l04I.»•IWT-Al V:Iilk Eel 4. BICYCLE PARKING H. PRIVATE PARKING STANDARDS REQUIRED PROVIDED 2.5 / 1,000 GROSS SF 14,119 / 400 = 35 35 TANDEM SPACES SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM N/A LENGTH OF 40 FEET (PARKING FOR 2 VEHICLES MAXIMUM). MAX 85% OF REQUIRED 350.85 = 30 CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 5.106.4 OF THE 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE: NEW PROJECTS ANTICIPATED TO GENERATE VISITOR TRAFFIC SHALL PROVIDE ONE 2 -BIKE CAPACITY RACK FOR 5% OF NEW VISITOR MOTORIZED VEHICLE PARKING SPACES BEING ADDED, WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE 2 -BIKE CAPACITY RACK. ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS THAT ADD 9 OR FEWER VISITOR VEHICLE PARKING SPACES ARE EXCLUDED. NEW BUILDINGS WITH 10 OR MORE TENANT -OCCUPANTS OR ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS THAT ADD 10 OR MORE TENANT VEHICLE PARKING SPACES SHALL PROVIDE SECURE BICYCLE PARKING FOR 5% OF THE TENANT VEHICLE PARKING SPACES BEING ADDED, WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE SECURE BICYCLE PARKING SPACE. ACCEPTABLE PARKING FACILITIES SHALL BE CONVENIENT FROM THE STREET AND SHALL MEET ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: A. COVERED, LOCKABLE ENCLOSURES WITH PERMANENTLY ANCHORED RACKS FOR BICYCLES; B. LOCKABLE BICYCLE ROOMS WITH PERMANENTLY ANCHORED RACKS; OR C. LOCKABLE, PERMANENTLY ANCHORED BICYCLE LOCKERS. 30 REQUIRED 35 NEW SPACES x 5% = 2 PROVIDED 2 SHORT TERM 2 LONG TERM BIKE SHARE PROGRAM 6 PROVIDED, SEE LEVEL 01 PLAN 5. OTHER PARKING AREA REFER TO ESMC SECTION 15-15-1 PROVIDED, SEE SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS THROUGH 15-15-5. G. ACCESS, LOADING AND TRASH STANDARDS REQUIRED PROVIDED 1. VEHICULAR ACCESS A. LOTS ADJOINING AN ALLEY ARE NONE PROPOSED, PROHIBITED FROM PROVIDING CURB EXISTING CURB CUT TO BE CUTS ALONG STREET FRONTAGES. REMOVED 2. LOADING A. NOT REQUIRED IF GROSS BUILDING N/A AREA < 50,000 SF. 3. REFUSE COLLECTION A. REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE SHALL FULLY SCREENED TRASH & BE CONTRACTED WITH AN APPROVED RECYCLING AREA NEEDED LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDER. REFUSE ACCESS FROM ALLEY COLLECTION AREAS SHALL BE SCREENED PER ESMC SECTION 15-2-8 D. B. ON LOTS ADJOINING AN ALLEY, REFUSE COLLECTION STORAGE AREAS AT ALLEY SHALL BE ORIENTED TO AND ACCESSED FROM THE ALLEY. ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYF RB EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 C=a RnuARAfC-CIS AURGRBFE$d/Ffl. AIL IX ffWgCATOW EDS RAN$ ARWJOBMSM COWEM M M" CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ AFE APD S fBMN if BC ME fWi9LV O B4LL4fd AR I$ W. MD NEFWEIB)B,NB18;IlY�LRUFHdY IAWS NGIDNC NAFCUf I mmK w COHAOHf I m RXfDNLLSCOOR ECT FORV WIFWW O}g:1HN FOR lE 3WNCfWETWR`M1CH1161% Y RS�N� COPFTIG, 89811Cµ fSWIXGIONOR09iAVOFANYPAW OFHSRi�JP1CN VYilCOf�EfVi�4MfIBl CONBJfOF A fWBJf W R FLM4WBE WJ P1CH�S CON91MFfi NFRNGBAFNf B VE !$f BAIIfJNWBE IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 12" = 1'-0" PROJECT16.042 OEXISTING AERIAL PLAN 1 if = 401-011 w — ' a 0' 27=740' 80' ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYF RB EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=aBUKNA C.WS—GFM.E /H). ALL orrai GS SE:;WATOW Ens RANS ARYNOBMBM COWEM ArD M" CONNrID N TiS R�IP�IKKJ A AW 9YllL BARN T BrAIME RORTY OF BAIYW ART7 W. MO AFEROEIB]B/NB1fCIlY�LROBTY IAW$ NCLLDrC NiFOUf UMMIDR, T COHAOHf IAWS fOlfp 3NLLSCOOWOEi].PNYUWUIFiDfi�U Ol5il4W RM if WRC f WET RN2Vr}1CHTiSINSBHJ RB�Ni� COPfTIG, OISISPION, R3TOIX1CM1N ORp93AVOFANYfTHI OFHSR�JWTOH NAIfDUfT£E6iEiWHfIBi CON93if C 6VWJ PfOH1�1S ONSIfUl6 s INRiNGBABVf W B Rl14gBE A T£ RL$f BBJf ALLDWABE by IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 1" = 40'-0" PROJECT# 16.042 110114 p VIEW F US VIEW OF SOUTH PROPERTY LINE FROM EUCALYPTUS VIEW FROM NORTH EAST ALLEY SIDE VIEW FROM NORTH WEST EUCALYPTUS ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYF RB EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=a RAUARAFC.WS AURCRBrE93!/Ffl. AIL o MGS SE:;NCATOW EDS RAN$ ARWJOBMSM COWEM M OS" CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ AFE APD SWLfBMN if BCMEfWi9SVO B4LL4fd ARMS W. MD AFEfWEIfD S/NB1fCIlY�LFWR3dY IAWS NCLLDfC NiFCUf FMMMK w COHAOHf I m RXfDNLLSCOOR ECT FORV WIFWW O}g:1HN FOR lE SWNC f WET WR`M1CH1161%SBHJ COPFTIG, 89811Cµ fSWIXGIONOR09iAVOFANYPAW OFHSRi�JP1CN MHJLLf�EDFi�4MfIBJ CONBJfOF FL WJ P1CH�S CO LEST BC NFRNOFAIBJf W B RMRfaBE A VE fW!$f B(BJf AIIDYWHE tH FAW. DEC.16,2019 PROJECT# 16.042 40 EXISTING CORRUGATED FINISH TO BE REUSED IN PROPOSED DESIGN (E) CURB TO REMAIN (E) DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN (E) GATE TO BE REMOVED (E) WALL TO BE REMOVED (E) STEPS TO BE REMOVED (E) PARKING TO BE REMOVED (E) DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED (E) LOW WALL TO BE REMOVED OSITE PLAN - EXISTING 1 if = 20'-011 CSOUTH ELEVATION 1 If = 20'-0" Q WORNBXOP 2bbtl CLEVEL 1 - EXISTING PLAN 1'f = 20'-011 Io : N 30'-0" Z G Jr Lu a 0 4'- 1 " \ ,�O NT YARD w T L H _ U^ B,THROOA i 0 co R001,f lbftl ibtq EU �FFILE aI fE) OFFlLE w lbitl � ib]tl 0' 10' 20' 40' 143- 0" 134'- 5" ---A - EXISTING 1 STORY BUILDING ;p TO BE ENTIRELY REMOVED APROX 5,350 SF I� I I' I I� I 12'-3" ,p �I 122'- 2" r�i� 4'-6" Q REAR YA} �� i o 0' 10' 20' ,L 40' 0 I 0 u) N ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS v� EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=aBAWNAR:XI@TSALLRGFW.E /B). AIL IX MMS SE:;WAT OW CBIS RM -AS ARYNOB.AIlM COWEM Affil M" COI� N lHS R>SBIP�IKKJ A A 31 BRAN THE BC ME ROBUY OF BAIYW AFC" W. ANDAFERaEIB)B/NB1�IlY�LR�BdY IAWS NC"DfC NiFCUf IMmmR w COHAORf IAWS fOlfDNLLSCOOEl111ECT FORV WOFCRW O}SiIHN RM lHEB�NCUKFOFORWfkMTXBl Y corms, olsranlo" rswolc>to"onoauvoFA"rR+ra OF1f15R7�NAld1fEEDFi�WrifIBJ CONBNfOF 8M1JJ AfCHILIS B RNHBE 10 IFE RIiESr SB1f AB0VORE IN NW. DEC. 16, 2019 1" = 20'-0" PROJECT# 16.042 p �oaev ebaq �I sTY]ItAC£ laeztl �10p"BICE �181'ORApE 0 co R001,f lbftl ibtq EU �FFILE aI fE) OFFlLE w lbitl � ib]tl 0' 10' 20' 40' 143- 0" 134'- 5" ---A - EXISTING 1 STORY BUILDING ;p TO BE ENTIRELY REMOVED APROX 5,350 SF I� I I' I I� I 12'-3" ,p �I 122'- 2" r�i� 4'-6" Q REAR YA} �� i o 0' 10' 20' ,L 40' 0 I 0 u) N ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS v� EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=aBAWNAR:XI@TSALLRGFW.E /B). AIL IX MMS SE:;WAT OW CBIS RM -AS ARYNOB.AIlM COWEM Affil M" COI� N lHS R>SBIP�IKKJ A A 31 BRAN THE BC ME ROBUY OF BAIYW AFC" W. ANDAFERaEIB)B/NB1�IlY�LR�BdY IAWS NC"DfC NiFCUf IMmmR w COHAORf IAWS fOlfDNLLSCOOEl111ECT FORV WOFCRW O}SiIHN RM lHEB�NCUKFOFORWfkMTXBl Y corms, olsranlo" rswolc>to"onoauvoFA"rR+ra OF1f15R7�NAld1fEEDFi�WrifIBJ CONBNfOF 8M1JJ AfCHILIS B RNHBE 10 IFE RIiESr SB1f AB0VORE IN NW. DEC. 16, 2019 1" = 20'-0" PROJECT# 16.042 82.1482.60 x.15 : 82.8, 62.9E W B2.OB f,,j 79 60 , . 90.89 - 1 69.73 U 3 90.52 ` x 91.28 EDGE OF ] CURB S2 1 6454 ^(p9 WALK I 'ICY DRIVEWAY k19, RETAINING LJ 81,01 ^� -xea -' WALL 81,77 x 8141 81-02„ 1 {I Bg� Ada �� 91.33 81.40 82.12 V �W .81.38 83.1 - H2 I APN: 4135-012-006 v 697°'�ea66 APN 1.40 ' 6,.94 80.62 `g,.77 x 87.35 y 87.09 � B7 -5T l OWN DRIVEWAY \ ` r� -W � PLANTER OWNER: VASAK FAMILY TRUST; I/ `'873, {1 I✓ z 'A WALL VASAK MILTON AND NATHALIE TRS o 61,02 -� [ 80,91 �,U�,y 87.911 �,9 AC aa79 (K 81,30 &3 ° CONC 80.28 ' 80-25 x 60.73 80,33 r 61 91.1Tx C 83 0 I ` 86.73 STAIRS WALL 1 I ` 1 1 3aa PROPERTY LINE " I 1 RETAINING i 7969 esus Bens WALL 79.78 8020 I r x- 83.t2 63.78 n7S 64.8° 88.26 � � I. �S'.: '� kk 84.21 80.98 `80\ x80/B / 79.52 BOOB 81 12 81.48 '� 81.04 6, 2a -- �, 30 81 66 �R .50 V r x 62 og 63 78 1_64 23 r� r 84.18 x 9925 x 83.17 8 79.51 SPEED B6l�1AP �063.64 3004 AC APN: 4135-012-007 82 ,8.76 92+81 9.76 9001 .78 OWNER: VASAK FAMILY TRUST; _ 62.53 \ x 6x34 l 83.,5 \ T� 798 VASAK MILTON AND NATHALIE TRS 8� k62.3B x62.501 78.28.:, � 61,58 79.5: 79.64 Z 79 09 I 79.24~iT 79.97 x79.92 x 79.89 x 7989 x 60,7fi 82.28 62.43 a 1 111 O x78,88 x 78.68 - x 80.16 81.88 82.Sd I F -82.72 �y DRIVEWAY le6 PROPERTY LINE X80. ` \1,� 81.35 �`' 79.77 Mee 79 48 - 7956 - 79.42 79.37 79.24 79.35 79-68 ac.Oz � � 1" 81.92 � 333 APN: 80.53 x St B5 79.r1 r9.6o x 7928 GT Y 0}� �,r1 C�� C,TX�1� .. C�Tt T c,.2,�x 6,.43 , B1.3a a1.54x alas x az.,o 79.71 82 78.77 " ^ 25 79.39 79.31 - 79-2>� 79.24 1 7928 78.36 7949 79 96 81.92 I OWNER: INDLET , is 4 ss wF`�1. I OPT Al n1R a 79 49 964 79.d1 I ,74 I 78'ou • - ; I. OWNER: ROOTS ON EUCALYPTUS LLC 69 rsoz D c M 7934 9.1z 9.00 / / �7g jr 30071 7:ya2 ff 3006 / / i 1 l 79 E2 79-1) ` , SID I ..76.66 7e.71 76.72 �F7a.62 ,,,78.65 „78.44 70.77 ! -I� \" 0,.16 .7x RETAINING EDGE OF SD x le.oe 79.19 - f INLET PROPERTY LINE 78 eoaa erss WALL WALK INLET 79.69 -� 7s14i 7801_ �711 �'�'� 7956 7928 79.02 79.18 7914 9.10 76.96 78.48 iB 5l /i6 9.74 J '' 62,08 79.68 7918 79-' / % 1.61 D .79.601 ti M /_1, ,�' `1 '^ �J<.g[ !%10 79.13 ' J �71C Ate] 40 79 69 79.86 79.84 / !1?7,i9A4 79% 7.58 . 79.d4 r r4u687'8.66 I \ I \ K 6141 179.18 78.87 �Teeo 79.30 + 80.0 / 2 = 79.75 � I r 79.66, 7879 . 79.65 GRADE PLANE = 78'-9" 80.00 �61.1a x 61 A7 78.80 9.90 r x 81.81 78.32 GRADE PLANE DIFFERENTIAL = 2.85 < 8'-0" OK! 78.63 , 76.56 76.91 79.7, 79.91 800, 6 4B APN: 4135-012-008 76.09 6 i DRIVEWAYI 79.92 i x 80 66 `ay 20 1 7983 7985 e399� FAN 80 OWNER: ROOTS ON EUCALYPTUS LLC B62a x 06.59 79M 76.47 79.%-y 79.55 en,s I I 7875 �1 a, 06 - (9 79.47 " 7997 79,11 7:x.99 AC X8005 Q 1. xao0a ` .80.52 79.66 79.50 �SO AC \` 86.56 7692' ❑RIVEWAY 76- ra.ea x I I 80.29 { :7 7s. • 1 ( 7e.3o /x n.ea x9,26 79.37 \ 80.9304 - 1,18.79 97 x 76,74 fe 76.35 78.34 x 02 p AR A9 f y8869Bx ^ I I B 24 x 79- ; 9 22 61.88 f 81.84 BO BS I 60.48. 1-/��^`8 F 63,97 ... l] 86.38 1 79.q,\.) 61.31 3005-a, 12 U 83.5 84.,8 9327 8278 76,7 79.92 d Z Sri( 82.62 62.47 _A10Y7��ile x�i 79.00 U 1 0 83.89G 83.12 x 86.4fi81V d, 76.78 78.92 g 9242 1.80 r 78,70,` 1 Z PLANTER SHED 79.fa ; 77901 x 7a 38 175�I O ra 64 x EDGEWALK i U , CURB^I` WALL 6,.76 ` f I 7799 7 e, �a 78826,,5 PLANTER l f 78.62 -� 1 c 70.88 x135 -a1 78.56 66.67 633Q 83.30 62ra 82.09 .. x120 62.77 8256 'r -2. a0. o WALL 81.71, DRIVEWAY �; x2 6 1 a�.67 77.97 3'78.96 �80.P e° 11 22 78.10 + 77.64 794 78.50 76,14 /'�p p 76r+,4If1 70.61 84.30 x 63.80 CUI\B 1 83.74,; 1.- 8424 64.17 AG111,4414,17 x 7 1 63.92 Id -31X 7 x 71.1111 Bz.21 71.06 �g�-7a9- 6556 - 87 8.05 844 85.52 " . 87 65-8, WALL I915.32 85'40 _ aL 5'. 94.91 ' od46 �. APN: 4135-012-020 I I CL I OWNER: VASAK RICHARD C (CO -TR); II J I _ VASAK FAMILY TRUST J J � Q LI,.I - 7.50' 30.00' 30.00' 7.50' - ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 021,91 MMMCHEM PILH+MRMf ,W AIL OMMMO$ 9MFICAIM MA RMF Xq*M EM C011CFP13 MD MCM CONWI4FD N 1HS FSi'$4N1fIX4 a MD 31 BARN 1B F3CBHvE RDBdY aF 64LL4R MCH�I$ NC. MD MERDEI®FHNN1�119LR uw6 NG1DN0 exrDllr HArNUR, 11E cay.,Ic11r um fOI,D N LLS COOE111161].ANYLL44UFDf�U3; 01F5i1FW1 FOR lE 9USNC RDFT FORVA1CR MDIM6$4 Rim, COPFTIG. OISfi011Dµ FSW.CIONOROL4iIXAVOFANYFYM OFHSRi 6Vw4 CKUM ENCONWILER,I�Nfi1B4 CONB4fO5 RN9RA fU64r BCBJT F MIDYWHE FN NW. DEC. 16, 2019 PROJECTX16.042 W LANDSCAPING & PLANTINGS 236 SF TOTAL I I I i i t —VERTICAL VINES, TYP I LEVEL 1 — LANDSCAPING DIAGRAM 1 " = 40'-0" JEDJ L OPEN SPACE: 940 SF (322 SF REQUIRED) FLIo I I I I q�I +7JAL i i i i 'd �4V LEVEL 1 — OPEN SPACE DIAGRAM \—J 1 11 = 40'-0" FLOOR AREA (GROSS): The area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion thereof, exclusive of garages, vent shafts and courts. The floor area of a building, or portion thereof, not provided with surrounding exterior walls shall be the usable area under the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above. LEVEL 01 - GENERAL OFFICE 634 SF LEVEL 02 - GENERAL OFFICE 6,576 SF LEVEL 03 - GENERAL OFFICE 6,911 SF 14,119 SF �IIIl. � �Ilnnnnnnnllnnnm�nnnnnnnnllnnnll LEVEL 03 6,576 SF p p � 0LEVEL 3 1 " = 40'-0" r - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I LEVEL 02 6,911 SF i LEVEL 2 1 If = 40'-0" LEVEL 01 ��� BEVEL 1 \'\1 " = 40'-0" ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=aFNWNAfCRIWSA fGFW.E /FD. ��MGS SE:;WATOW NODS RM -r �BAI�M COWEM MD OS" CONNIID N i1S R88JP�1KKJ AFE AW 9YllL f if BCIU4VE fWi9LV OF B4LL4N ARTS W. MD AFEfWEI®FS/NB1fCIlY�LFWR3a5' I m NCFIDIC W"OOf NMFNICN, l COHAGHf FAWS R NLLSCOOEl 17.ANYIWUIN LEEO}g: FOR lE SERC fWET FORWHCNI"SINS R ,� COPFTIG, DSIS M R}WIX MNORp3iAVOFANYPPHI OF115fi�JWlpN, NARDUIIFEf�\M1WfIBJCON Is PLN PfCHl�li CON Sr INRiNGBv1FNf AW B RPI9WBE A hE fW$f BBJf AIIDNWBE fN IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 1" = 40'-0" PROJECT# 16.042 J 60'0" 30'-0" RI- W 30'-0" HALF ROW HALF ROI�, o 10 N w w w �J a rn F— U) tl ? II L) UZ a X wU w O o O Lf) `I 10'-0" 20'-0" 20'-0" 10'-0" I HALF �• WIDTH I 40'- o" I WI[1TH OPLOT PLAN 1/16 l'—O" z W liQ W Q w LOT 10 w o° H ic> GIDE LOT LINT (E) STORM DRAIN INLET w SOUTHERLY Z< PORTION OF LOT APPROX LOCATION OF (E) w > ABANDONED STORM DRAIN 10 `' < w am —� CONNECTIONS TO BE REMOVED _3,562 SF_ – w 0– – – – – (E) MANHOLE w a 02 Q LJ � w Z_ J w m H O O ~ LOT 11 ° 7,123 SF L GIDE LOT LINE EXACT = 142.49' LOT 12 TOTAL SITE AREA— LOT 11 - 7,123 SF LOT 10 - 3,562 SF TOTAL 10,685 SF o' � ' I0 z :�0 t A z 32' ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=aFNWNAfC.WS—GFW.E Z/FD. AIL IX SE:;WATOW EDS RAN$ ARWJGBMSM CONCE9 M OS" CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ AFE APD 31 fBMN if MIME fiCFHUY OF R4u4N ARTS W. MD NEffOEI®B/NB16:IlY�LRUFHdY Wm � NiFOUf ummim, l COHAGHf FAWS R NLLSCOOEl 17.ANYUWUN LEEO}g: FOR lE S -RC WOET FOR`M1CNlHSRSS R ,, COPFTIG, gSIS M R}WIX MNORp3iAVOFANYPPHI OF115fi�JWlpN, Vr11fCUfhEf WftfIRJ CONBJf s PLN PfCHl�li CON Sr INRiNGRv1FNf W B RP19W9E A hE fW$f f3(BJf AIlDNW9E fN IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 1/16"= 1'-0" PROJECT# umem enz�0e��` 16.042 ml J Q U W -�- \ ---- \ -�-- CO y y Lo Z i -V DITCH LANDSCAPING —,\\ f 5„ c6 (12" MIN. ' --4 ENHANCED PAVING (2) LONG TERM — BIKE LOCKERS (2) SHORT- TERM BIKE RACKS CONDUIT & POWER FOR FUTURE BIKE SHARE KIOSK CLEVEL 01 1/16" = 1'-0" v - (E) ASP HALT15AVINO THROUGHOUT WR vvnCCL J I Ur -0, I T r F ' I - w SC `° �r177777 " - - - Q ELECTRIC L o Viiiiii w i , EO IPMEN UNUNC. E E5 e a 2' - i„I CURB u T /o TRANSFORMER Fzo ON CONCi URB OD „ Aa a I __— P� AUTOMATED PARKING LIFTS = - - - - - - - ie) UTOLIFT = 15x2 = 30 _ COMPACT = 3� o ACCESSIBLE N fi TOTAL35=____--____------- EEL STOPS, TYP �Y CB) 06 I I I cf) > I co F I (E) CONCRETE PAVING �SETBAC THROUGHOUT (SURFACE PA�RKING) 22'-0" 22'-0" 10'-8" FULLY SCREENED FENCING 0' 8' 16' 32' ENDLESS PURSUIT... [] 21 �j EUC AL \2/ I f� I US EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 UHVI U *BAJAN G33779 Q n REN 10-31-2019 �/r O=aHAUAHNCH@1SA GFWFE9!/®. AIL IX MGS STCWAIM EDS RAN$ AFiWJOBMNr CONCEM AFO OF9rM CO� N i1S R88JP•1KKJ A A 9YllL f if F3C"14•E RCFHUY OF 84U4H AFCMN:IS W. MO NEfTOEI®S/NB1fCIlY�LFWF9dY IAW$ NCUDfC YNF1011f IMmmR w COHAOHf FANS f NLLSCOOEl 17.AHNUI4UFO OF O}g: FW21E SM -M FiOET F W-rHlF{SW0. Ri31 ,, COPITIG, 89811pµ FOVOMClONOH09iAVOFMIYF%HI OFHSfiAFUH1 15 NAld1f�EDFii�N.FifISJ CONSNf 6 FYUNfd LE 10 IF CONS11ME9 4T AU VOR W L S F5PlSL19E A lE iW!$f Fa(BJf AIIDNNHE FN NW. DEC 16, 2019 1/ 16" = 1'-0" PROJECT!__.6.__••_ _.l!.042 I � 120 a I� I I I l3nq .. ._ v - (E) ASP HALT15AVINO THROUGHOUT WR vvnCCL J I Ur -0, I T r F ' I - w SC `° �r177777 " - - - Q ELECTRIC L o Viiiiii w i , EO IPMEN UNUNC. E E5 e a 2' - i„I CURB u T /o TRANSFORMER Fzo ON CONCi URB OD „ Aa a I __— P� AUTOMATED PARKING LIFTS = - - - - - - - ie) UTOLIFT = 15x2 = 30 _ COMPACT = 3� o ACCESSIBLE N fi TOTAL35=____--____------- EEL STOPS, TYP �Y CB) 06 I I I cf) > I co F I (E) CONCRETE PAVING �SETBAC THROUGHOUT (SURFACE PA�RKING) 22'-0" 22'-0" 10'-8" FULLY SCREENED FENCING 0' 8' 16' 32' ENDLESS PURSUIT... [] 21 �j EUC AL \2/ I f� I US EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 UHVI U *BAJAN G33779 Q n REN 10-31-2019 �/r O=aHAUAHNCH@1SA GFWFE9!/®. AIL IX MGS STCWAIM EDS RAN$ AFiWJOBMNr CONCEM AFO OF9rM CO� N i1S R88JP•1KKJ A A 9YllL f if F3C"14•E RCFHUY OF 84U4H AFCMN:IS W. MO NEfTOEI®S/NB1fCIlY�LFWF9dY IAW$ NCUDfC YNF1011f IMmmR w COHAOHf FANS f NLLSCOOEl 17.AHNUI4UFO OF O}g: FW21E SM -M FiOET F W-rHlF{SW0. Ri31 ,, COPITIG, 89811pµ FOVOMClONOH09iAVOFMIYF%HI OFHSfiAFUH1 15 NAld1f�EDFii�N.FifISJ CONSNf 6 FYUNfd LE 10 IF CONS11ME9 4T AU VOR W L S F5PlSL19E A lE iW!$f Fa(BJf AIIDNNHE FN NW. DEC 16, 2019 1/ 16" = 1'-0" PROJECT!__.6.__••_ _.l!.042 CLEVEL 02 1/16" = V-0" z w 23 73 w U) Q 1 w -- -- -- -- R--- --CD -- -- Lo UP DN III BALCONY I I I 1 26 GENERAL zz OFFICE DN I I I T\ 7 rL 10' - 0" SETBACK 0' 8' 16' 32' ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 C=a RnuARAfC-CIS AURGRBFE$d/Ffl. AIL IX ffWgCATOW EDS RAN$ ARWJOBMSM COWEM M M" CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ AFE APD S fBMN if BC ME fWi9LV O B4LL4fd AR I$ W. MD AFEfWEIfD B/NB1fCIlY�LFWR3dY IAWS NCIIDfC NAFCUf mmmK w COHAOHf I m RXfDNLLSCOOR ECT FORV OFWW O}g:1HN FOR lE 3WNCfWETWR`M1CH1161% Y RS�N� COPFTIG, 89811Cµ fSWIXGIONOR09iAVOFANYPAW OFHSRAFUHIMN VYilCOf�EfVi�4MfIBl CONBJf 6 RM AFC ID IF CON91MFfi ff AUDVVR W L B f5PlBL1BE A lE fW!$f B(BJf AIIDYWHE M NW. DEC. 16, 2019 1/ 16" = 1'-0" PROJECT# 16.042 CCLEVEL 3 1/16" = V-0" BALCONY 23 1 � U DN BALCONY z w 75 w a w T T T 32' ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO 1 CALIFORNIA, 90245 26 1 24 O=a HAMNAFCFMIS—GFMFES3aim. ALL IX MHGS STCWAIM EDS RAN$ ARYNGBMNr COWEM AFD MGM CO� N i1S R�IPGKKJ A A 9ML FFMAN if BCW4rE FR]FHUY OF 94U4H AFCH W. MD AFEFWEI®S/NB1F�IlY�LFWFHdY IAWS NCUDfC MFOUf IMMUH, w COH WI m f NLLSCOOEl 17.A U14UFO ISF:O}g: FOR lE SB -M WOET RMNHCHT{SWri R ,, COPFTIG, OIS MMK FOVOM IOHOR09iAVOFAHYPARf OFHSif�MHJOf�EEJ)Fi�Mi113J CONSM H1015 M 6 RMHHE 10 IE FIL EN SBf ADWME B/ NW. DEC. 16, 2019 1/ 16" = 1'-0" PROJECT# 16.042 ROOF PLAN 1/16" = V-0" -7117111 u F - z w W U) Q W o Y aco LLJ U) .II F.�. � ��� M 4 ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=aBAWNAfC.WS-GFM.E Z/FD. ��MGS,OW EDS RM -r �BM�M COWEM MD OS" CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ AFE AW 9YllL f if BrAIME fWi9LV OF B4LL4N AR T$ W. MD AFEfWEI®FS/NB1fCIlY�LFWR3dY I m � WiFOOf ummi N, l COHAOHf FAWS R NLLSCOOEl 17.ANYIWUIN LEEO}g: FOR lE SERC fWET FOR`M1CNlH51N5 R ,� COPFTIG, gSIS M R}WIX MNORp3iAVOFANYPPHI OF115fi�JWlpN, NAIfDUIIFEf WftfIBJ CONBJf fW$r C PLM PiOHl�li ON s SINRiNGBv1FNf AW B RPI9WBE A hE BBJf AIIDNWBE fN IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 1/16"= V-0" PROJECT16.042 T.O.P. HIGH _ P O ID T. 8'P LOWS �t � pp io v M 125'-3" LEljoVEL 3 _ �� yLEVEL 2 94' - 9" DATUM 78' - 9" �78LEVEL 1 ipm EXPOSED PRECISION E RED CORRUGATED BLOCK STACKED BOND PANELS WEST ELEVATION 3/32" = l'-0" GLAZED SYSOTEM UA( '� COOPER PATINA 9 PAINTEDIRON FINIS WROUGHT VERTICAL VINES m WDECK NG EATHERED NT CORRUGATED METAL PAINTED STEEL SIDING STAIRS ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=a FKUANAfC.WS—GFIBFE93Z/fD. ALL oraMGS SE:;WATOW EDS RAPS ARYJJGBMSM COMEM AND OS" CO� N TiS R88JP�1KKJ APE AW 3Y BRAN if MIME RpFHUY aF FNLLAPI AFCMmTS W. APDAFEfWEIFD FHN81fCIlY�LFWF60Y I m � NiFDUf NMFNTON, T COHAGHf FAWS f011DNLLSCOOE 17.ANYlWUN LEEOTSi FOR l£SERC fWET FOR`M1CNTi51N R ,� COPFTIG. gSIS M BWIX MNORp9TAVOFANYF%HI OFT15iS�JWlDP1 Vr11WUfTfF�WftfISJ CONBJfOF PL NM AfOHI�I$ COP&IIM6 INANGFMFM AW 6 RP19W9E A T£ RLETT FXBJI AIlDNW9E fN IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 Asindicated PROJECT# 16.042 8 —DARKER REGIONS DENOTE "PATCHWORK" OF CORRUGATED PANELS FROM EXISTING BUILDING INCORPORATED INTO NEW DESIGN, REFER TO PAGE 14 FOR IMAGES OF EXISTING FACADE FINISH 77 t I y r Fl *- BLOC EXPOK STACKEDED ISIONBOND RED PO NELSATED UTE GLAZOED SYSOTEM NT UA(� COOPER PATINA u PAINTEDIRON FIND HGHT VERTICAL VINES ONORTH ELEVATION 3/32fV-0" 0 _ LEVELL 110-6" 1 ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 LEVEL2 94' DATUM 78' - 9" r LEVELV 78' - 41 V C�IIII �II��� NEATHERED CORRUGATED METAL PAINTED STEEL DECKING u SIDING STAIRS O=aBWANNCFnMlSA GFWFE8 H). ALL orrai rS SE:;WAIM Ens RAP1S ARYNOB.6J9 COMEM APD DB9GH3 CO� N i1S R�IP�IKKJ A A 3 W FBAAN if BCASRDF9UY aF BAIYW AFCHN:r$ W. APDAfERDEIB)B/NB1fCIlY�LR�F9dY uN6 NGIDNC NAFCUf mmmR w COHAOHf um R NLLSCOOEl 17.ANYUI4UF OF O}Si RM lE SWNC fWET RM`M1CHT6HIS R8 ,� COPrT1G. CISi811101'1 FSWIXGIONOR09iAVOFANYfTHI oFtuR�fwDPi vaw�meea�HnnBlcoH�froF BVLW E M V CONa1T S ff AUD R AN] B RNSNBE A VE RD�f B(BJf AIIDYWHE B/ IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 Asindicated PROJECT# umem en�Le3�16^042 50 T.O.P. 140 0 o LOW �T.O.P 128' - 9" `1 M OF � 0 _ LEVELL 110-6" 1 ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 LEVEL2 94' DATUM 78' - 9" r LEVELV 78' - 41 V C�IIII �II��� NEATHERED CORRUGATED METAL PAINTED STEEL DECKING u SIDING STAIRS O=aBWANNCFnMlSA GFWFE8 H). ALL orrai rS SE:;WAIM Ens RAP1S ARYNOB.6J9 COMEM APD DB9GH3 CO� N i1S R�IP�IKKJ A A 3 W FBAAN if BCASRDF9UY aF BAIYW AFCHN:r$ W. APDAfERDEIB)B/NB1fCIlY�LR�F9dY uN6 NGIDNC NAFCUf mmmR w COHAOHf um R NLLSCOOEl 17.ANYUI4UF OF O}Si RM lE SWNC fWET RM`M1CHT6HIS R8 ,� COPrT1G. CISi811101'1 FSWIXGIONOR09iAVOFANYfTHI oFtuR�fwDPi vaw�meea�HnnBlcoH�froF BVLW E M V CONa1T S ff AUD R AN] B RNSNBE A VE RD�f B(BJf AIIDYWHE B/ IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 Asindicated PROJECT# umem en�Le3�16^042 50 EXPOSED PRECISION' RED CORRUGATED BLOCK STACKED BOND PANELS EAST ELEVATION 3/3211 = 1 f-011 � yI —_- m +. ! �TE GLAZED SYO NT EM UA(N COOPER PATINA u PAINTEDIRON FINIGHT SH ib VERTICAL VINES WEATHERED DECKING T.O.P. HIGH 140'- 3" V .OLOW 1 ` 128'- 9" 1 _ ROOF 125'125' LEVEL 3 110'-6" V DARKER REGIONS DENOTE "PATCHWORK" OF CORRUGATED PANELS FROM EXISTING BUILDING INCORPORATED INTO NEW DESIGN, REFER TO PAGE 14 FOR IMAGES OF EXISTING FACADE FINISH LEVEL 2 94' - 9" DATUM 78' - 9" N. LE Vn V f �Niiillll'I�I �� CORRUGATED METAL SIDING PAINTED STEEL STAIRS ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=aFKWNAfC.WS—GFW.i /®. ALL oraMGS SEwcATOW EDS RANS ARYJJGBMSM COMEM A OS" CO� N TiS R88JP�1KKJ A AW SWLfBAAN Tf MIMEfWFgar of H4u4N AR>nm ; W. AW NEffOEIFD FHN81fCIlY�LFWFHdY Wm � NiFOUf uMFNTON, T COHAGHf FAWS f011DNLLSCOOE 17.ANYUWUN LEEOTSi FOR l£SERC 'WET FOR`M1CNTi51N R ,� COPFTIG. gSISPM F&WIX MNORp9TAVOFANYF%HI �lm Vr11WUfTfFAi�WftfISJ CONBJfOF PL NM PiOHl�1S COf�11M6 INRiNGFMFM PfD 6 RP19W9E A T£ RL�T FXBJI AIlDNW9E fN IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 Asindicated PROJECT# umem en�0ea�16.042 51 6 5 4 a— CPARTIAL BUILDING ELEVATION 1/4" = 1 F—Off p EXISTING ART TO BE REPURPOSED ON NEW BUILDING DESIGN PARKING j j - j� ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=aFKMNAfC.WS-GFM.E ®. ALL or MGS SE:;WA OW OSA$ RM -r ASAWOBM6M COWEM ASO OBSOMS CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ A APD 3M fBMN if BCA SSE ROFHUY OF H4LL4R AR MEEIS M. MD NEFWEIB)B/NB18;IlY�LRUFHdY IAM% NCLLDfC MFOUf FMMMK w COHAOMf I m fOUDNLLS COOR ECT FORV LLFW U�O}g:1HN FOR lE SWfiC fWETFOR`M1CHlM5M1 Y RS�N� COPFTIG. flSfellOf{ FBiDIX.CIONOR09iAVOFANYF%HI OFHSiS�JP16N MHJLLf�EBFi�MifIBJ CONBJfOF CONSS AN] B RMLBE 10 IFE iWESr BB4T AUDVORE FN IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 1/4" = 1'-0" PROJECT# 16.042 W J J Q SECTION 1/16" = 1'-0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I ROOF PATIO IIi r �nr,KKnr(Kin4fnn 5rir, _ � aaof�0000000a000000000a000[ .�,........_.... {, . ......L. ............. ......... ..L ............ ,�........, .Iw� R i 1 4, Ji = I GENERAL { OFFPCE k i I 1, -v fl r% L:' .r/ fit 1 1-; : 4 A l,; 1 1 1 l l 1 I 1 I 1 l 'di -- fGEN IAL I { OFF CE L � I ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=aenuARArC.WS-GFW.E /H). ALL IX MWGS sE:;wcATOW Ens RANS ARYJJOBMBM COWEM M OS" CO� N TiS R�IP�IKKJ A A SWL BARN Tf BC ME RCBTV O 84LL4R ART1 W. AFEfWEl®B/NB1WIlY�LRaBdY IAW$ NCLLDfC MFCUf rMMMK w COH W r m fOlfDNLLSCO R ECT FORV LLFWW OlSiTHN FORif BWNCfWETFOR`M1CHT61ri Y RB�N� COPrTIG, g5iB11CN FSWOIGIONOR09iAVOFANYPARf OFHSR�HIMS MHJLLf�EBFi�Mi11BJ CON93J� 6 8M1JJ AFC 10 IF CON91MBi ff AUDV R W L B RNBHBE A 7£ RL83f B(BJf ABDN!^HE tN NW. DEC. 16, 2019 1/16" = V-0" PROJECT# 16.042 53 T.O.P. HIGH 140'-3" T.O P LOW n 124 3� ROOF 125-3" LEVEL 3 110'-6" V cf) n� H D_ J LEVEL 2 94'-9" W Ln io DATUM 711'- 9 _ LEVEL 1" 78'-4" V ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=aenuARArC.WS-GFW.E /H). ALL IX MWGS sE:;wcATOW Ens RANS ARYJJOBMBM COWEM M OS" CO� N TiS R�IP�IKKJ A A SWL BARN Tf BC ME RCBTV O 84LL4R ART1 W. AFEfWEl®B/NB1WIlY�LRaBdY IAW$ NCLLDfC MFCUf rMMMK w COH W r m fOlfDNLLSCO R ECT FORV LLFWW OlSiTHN FORif BWNCfWETFOR`M1CHT61ri Y RB�N� COPrTIG, g5iB11CN FSWOIGIONOR09iAVOFANYPARf OFHSR�HIMS MHJLLf�EBFi�Mi11BJ CON93J� 6 8M1JJ AFC 10 IF CON91MBi ff AUDV R W L B RNBHBE A 7£ RL83f B(BJf ABDN!^HE tN NW. DEC. 16, 2019 1/16" = V-0" PROJECT# 16.042 53 *J69 FARKPLUS l I 'Al 1*9 WGH DEUISFY VEHI-E'STORAGE 8640 TAMARACK AVENUE, LOS ANGELES, CA 91352 T: 1.800.459.2604 0 Q CRADLE FRAME ASSEMBLY O HYDRAULIC CYLINDER < PARALLEL ARM ASSEMBLY < ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT ASSEMBLY 0 SAFETY LOCKS ASSEMBLY < END LEG ASSEMBLY 0' SEISMIC BEAM ASSEMBLY 0° PLATFORM ASSEMBLY Q CONTROLS PARKING SPACES 8'-6" 8'-661 R 1 p 00 ' r � r c STANDARD COMPACT 1 MIrmmin Width HPS-3P10 COMMERCIAL 5'-0" HYDRAULIC POWER SYSTEM NIDTH Q CRADLE FRAME ASSEMBLY O HYDRAULIC CYLINDER < PARALLEL ARM ASSEMBLY < ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT ASSEMBLY 0 SAFETY LOCKS ASSEMBLY < END LEG ASSEMBLY 0' SEISMIC BEAM ASSEMBLY 0° PLATFORM ASSEMBLY Q CONTROLS PARKING SPACES 8'-6" 8'-661 R 1 p 00 ' r � r c STANDARD COMPACT NOTE TALLOS ANGELES REQUIRES 6'-0' CLR HEIGHT FOR COMPACT NOGGLF HEIGHT FOR STANDARD STALLS _1AN REI 2 8'-6" WIDE DOUBLE CAR STACKERS � COMPACT OVER STANDARD �aIREo aim C, ssAEo","AE DOUBLE CAR STACKERS ¢¢ STANDARD OVER STANDARD d$ TYPICAL GARAGE PLAN DPO03-WO1 DPO03-WO2 DPO03-WO3 DPD03-W04 ��II IIr,ll �I� °= If fII °e ISI IB- e__ *Mom *imam J1 TYPICAL LIN J $ 5 14'-0" 17'-0" i If i 9'-0" 5'-0' 9'-0" 8'-0" OO DD 60 - VAN ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING PER CBC TABLE 11 B-208.2 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 51-75 3 ACCESSIBLE STALLS REQUIRED 1 VAN: 6 ACCESSIBLE (OR FRACTION THEREOF) -gpi a TWU 1 MIrmmin Width MIrilmulfl Lx'IgtlI 5'-0" MODEL NIDTH CD 5'- 0" >� W01 W02 7'-11' T-3" N o ' W03 T-6" 2t feet Culp xL W04 a' -o"5' BICYCLE 9'I III W05 CUSTOM O Aceess'le 1 3 MOTORCYCLE 191eet I BlcyclL. PARKING STALL � R Ir�t (9'-0" x 5'-0") NOTE TALLOS ANGELES REQUIRES 6'-0' CLR HEIGHT FOR COMPACT NOGGLF HEIGHT FOR STANDARD STALLS _1AN REI 2 8'-6" WIDE DOUBLE CAR STACKERS � COMPACT OVER STANDARD �aIREo aim C, ssAEo","AE DOUBLE CAR STACKERS ¢¢ STANDARD OVER STANDARD d$ TYPICAL GARAGE PLAN DPO03-WO1 DPO03-WO2 DPO03-WO3 DPD03-W04 ��II IIr,ll �I� °= If fII °e ISI IB- e__ *Mom *imam J1 TYPICAL LIN J $ 5 14'-0" 17'-0" i If i 9'-0" 5'-0' 9'-0" 8'-0" OO DD 60 - VAN ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING PER CBC TABLE 11 B-208.2 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 51-75 3 ACCESSIBLE STALLS REQUIRED 1 VAN: 6 ACCESSIBLE (OR FRACTION THEREOF) -gpi a TWU 1 MIrmmin Width MIrilmulfl Lx'IgtlI Comnre.xlal slarioard a ; I re .r 1 R Feel ReWentlal standard 9 reet 20 feet Ftes.rlenual narrow Infs1 9 5 N L - 20 fL'UC Vehlcle IIF JJ f 11 lee1 2t feet Culp xL a7+85rI I5ktik Fjaralwd 9'I III 74 Feat O Aceess'le 1 3 himc}+Ile 191eet I BlcyclL. JI � rb[,� � R Ir�t 2 z Z J g z 3 91-01, } 8'-6" N ~ Y O ' O O 1 N � N PARALLEL O 0 N T —7 MINIMUM WIDTH q N4t4�a. 1. I_Q uno r 40 TCCA In WK M. 1 I rw�T.�tlxI`1I1�IL.IDRS M A[CF'- 1P f+anWq Spaces FMAJ LOnhl4 WAh the Arra lfaJBswith 171sahlhtk.s art �I'Y++ . tdk*. i aw C.allrpmla L.CAle d Regulallnns (C.C.k) Cahroml.a a[r.e_ss [We. lithe PS 4" WIDE PAINTED WHITE STRIPES. 6^ T i 54 4m ENDLESS PURSUIT... TANDEM 212 8'- 666 12'- 0" [] /[� jj EUCALYPTUS I r IUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O O 1 1 In N L COMPACT LOADING FUTURE ELEC. PARKING STALL (8'-6" x 16'-6") (18'-0" x 8'-6" M IN) MIN. ISLES: 25'-0" MIN. ISLES: 25'-0" O=aBAUANAfC.I ALL RGHSFEE i./®. 2. -Ow AIL IXiW. GS SEWA11G61$ � RAN$ XRRANGEMINIS COWEM AND OMM CO� N HS HFI MN ARE A 31 BRAN l BCW4RE RCBBY OF 84LLAN AFCHELI$ W. MD NEf4CEl®BYNB1�IlY.LRWBdY IANS � NAFCUf NMMICN, THE COHAGHf IAm R NUSCO MLIRV ANYLNAU R[MLEEO} R1 FOR THE 3 -NC RtIET FORV.}1CHlFI5145S®J Ra36Ni,�, C , g5ISP10N, R}WIX1CiCN ORp9RAVOFANYPAI7< I" cl OF`IHS AENM1 E IBJCON HSfI�JWl10N, Vr116CUII1EF Am I IiV14N iCHIICI$ oNSIINBs rJRNGBv1LNr fD IS B c RN9W9E A 4 RLBT E— A— BY LAW. &" WIDE BY 6" HIGH CONCRETE TIRE STOP DEC. 16, 2019 1/ 16" = 1'-0" ANCHORED TO THE GROUND. PROJECT# 16.042 —7 MINIMUM WIDTH q N4t4�a. 1. I_Q uno r 40 TCCA In WK M. 1 I rw�T.�tlxI`1I1�IL.IDRS M A[CF'- 1P f+anWq Spaces FMAJ LOnhl4 WAh the Arra lfaJBswith 171sahlhtk.s art �I'Y++ . tdk*. i aw C.allrpmla L.CAle d Regulallnns (C.C.k) Cahroml.a a[r.e_ss [We. lithe PS 4" WIDE PAINTED WHITE STRIPES. 6^ T i 54 4m SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN (SECTION 4) TRANSFORMATIVE PROJECT COMMUNITY BENEFITS • CREATIVE IDEAS AND FURTHER SUPPORT THE SPECIFIC VISION OF SMOKY HOLLOW. • CATALYZE FUTURE CHANGE • ADDRESS KEY ISSUES SUCH AS PARKING AND MOBILITY WITH A COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION TO PARKING • FACILITATE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE OFFICE AND FLEXIBLE RESEARCH SPACE • PROMOTE ARTISTIC INDUSTRIAL VIBE WITH A RELAXED BEACH COMMUNITY FEEL • CREATE AN INTERESTING DESTINATION • NEW INFRASTRUCTURE FOR FIBER OPTIC NETWORK THAT MAINTAINS THE DESIRABILITY OF THE AREA TC CREATIVE AND TECH -BASED BUSINESSES THE PROPOSED PROJECT MEETS EVERY ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A "TRANSFORMATIVE PROJECT" AND EXCEED THESE BASE STANDARDS BY RAISING THE BAR FOR EACH CHARACTERISTIC WITH THE PROPOSED VERY EXPRESSIVE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN. BEYOND THE BASE STANDARDS THAT DO NOT PRINCIPALLY BENEFIT THE PROJECT 1. A 12' LONG BY 5' WIDE SPACE ALONGSIDE THE SIDEWALK FOR PUBLIC/CITY BIKE SHARE PROGRAM. 2. LARGE SCALE PUBLIC ART. 3. FEATURE TREE AT STREET FRONTAGE. 4. SIGNIFICANT INITIAL INVESTMENT FOR A TRANSFORMATIVE PROJECT WITH ARCHITECTURALLY EXPRESSIVE AND STRIKING DESIGN THAT WILL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME A LANDMARK FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND POSSIBLY THE CITY. THE SIGNIFICANT INITIAL COST AND INVESTMENT FOR STRIKING ARCHITECTURE WITH THE ELEMENTS LISTED BELOW ARE AN OWNER'S EXPENSE AND INVESTMENT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD TO BUILD CHARACTER ALONG THE STREETSCAPE AND INSPIRE EQUALLY STRIKING DESIGNS BY OTHER DEVELOPERS. a. INTERESTING OVERALL MASSING WITH THE ENTIRE BUILDING LIFTED OFF THE GROUND AND PITCHED ROOF. b. EXPRESSIVE VERTICAL CIRCULATION WITH EXTERIOR STAIRS CREATING MOVEMENT AND INTEREST. THE EXPRESSIVE EXTERIOR CIRCULATION ELEMENTS ALLOW FOR UN -OBSTRUCTED INTERIOR SPACE AND EXPRESSIVE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. FROM THE EXTERIOR THE BUILDING'S CIRCULATION WILL BE COMPLETELY VISIBLE WHICH ADDS MOVEMENT TO THE BUILDING AND THE STREET. c. STRONG VISUAL CONNECTION BETWEEN EUCALYPTUS AND THE BACK OF THE BUILDINGS ACROSS THE ALLEY TO CONNECT THE ALLEY USES TO EUCALYPTUS PHYSICALLY AND VISUALLY AND FOR SAFETY. d. EXPRESSIVE EXTERIOR ELEVATOR TOWER MASS PROVIDING A CANVAS FOR PUBLIC ART BUT ALSO A LITERAL BEACON FOR A MEETING PLACE. e. FULL HEIGHT GLAZING ALONG THE WEST ELEVATION PROVIDING VISIBILITY INWARD AND OUTWARD. f. NEIGHBORHOOD APPROPRIATE CREATIVE, CONTEMPORARY YET INDUSTRIAL DESIGN WITH INDUSTRIAL ESTHETIC AND CONTEMPORARY FINISHES. THE METAL SIDING WILL REFLECT AND CHANGE COLORS IN RESPONSE TO THE WEATHER AND THE SKY CREATING AN EVER-CHANGING FACADE. g. VERTICAL LANDSCAPING AT NORTH AND EAST FACING ELEVATIONS TO SCREEN PARKING. VERTICAL LANDSCAPING AT THE PARKING LEVEL SERVES TO SHIELD THE PARKING BUT ALSO ALLOW VIEWS INTO THE PARKING AREA TO SHOWCASE THE CREATIVE STACKED PARKING SYSTEM. h. LOW LANDSCAPING ON THE WEST, NORTH AND EAST SIDE WILL PROVIDE A PHYSICAL, VISUAL AND SENSUAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK AND THE PARKING AREAS. CONSISTENT WITH THE BASE STANDARDS 1. TWO PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION BETWEEN EUCALYPTUS AND THE ALLEY. a. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ALONG THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE AND, b. FREE AND OPEN PEDESTRIAN ACCESS THROUGH THE SITE ENTRY AREA AND THROUGH THE PARKING AREA TOWARD THE ALLEY. 1. REMOVAL OF A CURB CUT ALONG EUCALYPTUS 2. ROOFTOP AMENITIES WHICH WILL ADD VIBRANCY TO THE STREETSCAPE BY SHOWCASING EVENTS AND ACTIVITY. 3. TRANSITIONAL HEIGHT AND MASSING BUFFER - THE HEIGHT AND PITCHED MASSING OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING SERVES AS A BUFFER BETWEEN THE ABNORMALLY TALL BLOCKY AND UNARTICULATED FACADES OF 2 STRUCTURES TO THE SOUTH AND ACROSS THE STREET TO THE WEST AND THE LOWER SCALE STRUCTURES TO THE NORTH AND EAST. 4. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT TO JOIN 2 ADJACENT LOTS. 5. REMOVAL OF EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE ACROSS THE ALLEY. -NEW UNDERGROUND POWER FEEDS WILL BE PROVIDED. 6. ABANDONMENT OF POLE MOUNTED TRANSFORMERS ACROSS THE ALLEY. -NEW PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMERS WILL BE INSTALLED ON-SITE. 7. REMOVING/REPLACING BROKEN CONCRETE AT THE EUCALYPTUS ROW. 8. THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL ELIMINATE AN EXISTING LOW VOLTAGE CABLE RUNNING NORTH -SOUTH ALONG THE ENTIRE STREET FRONTAGE BETWEEN NEIGHBORING STRUCTURES. 9. ENHANCED STREETSCAPE LANDSCAPING. 10. ADDITIONAL ON -STREET PARKING OPPORTUNITY FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD DUE TO REMOVAL OF CURB CUT. 11. RE -SLURRY HALF OF THE ALLEY LENGTH TO FRANKLIN. ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYP RB EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 C=a —C -CIS AURGFW.i Salm. AIL IX MGS SE:;WAVOW EDS RANS ARYJJOB.M dM COWEM M M" CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ A APD S fBAAN if BC ME fSCFHUY O B AFCH W. MD AFEfiaElB)B/NB1fCIlY�LRUFHdY IAW$ NGIDNC NAFCUf I mmK w COHAOHf I m fOlfDNLLSCOOR ECT FORV WIFCfOB)U�O}g:1HN Corms, nsranon rswMcMonofsuvoFANrrwa ortu�wnori wfw�meea�W�nBacorf�froF WJ PfCH�S CON91MBi r yr B FLM- A VE fU83f BBJALLOWW DEC. 16, 2019 12" = 1'-0" PROJECT# 16.042 LARGE CORNER OFFSET FOLDING DOOR AT ENTRY WIDER SIDEWALK FEATURE TREE STREETSCAPE _ LANDSCAPING (N) PUBLIC ART ON ELEVATOR SHAFT 0 BIKE SHARE — N PROGRAM CPUBLIC BENEFITS DIAGRAM 3/64" = l'-0" OFFICE all 31[d ff-A:ir LANDSCAPING L REUSE EXISTING ART VISUAL CONNECTION PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION TrrmT aaaaa ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYF RB EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 O=a RAUARAFC.WS-GFWrE93!/Ffl. AIL o MGS SE:;NCATOW EDS RAN$ ARWJOBMSM COWEM M OS" CO� N i1S R88JP�1KKJ AFE APD SWL fBAAN ■E ®C ME fnoFear O S4LL4fd ARI$ W. MD NEFWEI®B/NB1�IlY�LRUFHdY IAWS NGIDNC NAFCUf I mmR w COHAOHf I m RXfDNLLSCOOR ECT FORV WIFWW O}g:1HN FOR lE 9D%W UKFOFORWICHT{SI Y COPFTIG, 89811Cµ R3WOLClONOR09iAVOFANYPAW oFtuR�wnooi wiw�meFx�vwneaCor�rOF FL WJ P1 10 CO" 8C ALLO fFNr W 6 RM4W9E A lE RL" fD(BJf ALLD4W9E fN IAW. DEC. 16, 2019 3/64" = 1'-0" PROJECT16.042 SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS TABULATION WORKSHEET Pfir,im Har"' 212 Eucalyptus ?AoupA EriharvAw1dingciarader{rniinimom4requited) ;`iruUP lI EnrnurAw Ci m17R:CRFylity _ YES na Ria raiterla 1 install bike lacirWes >L Ir'Ws. mi.l Wks MriW spacci dM oyie d -LJ Requked;l ill Grpup E bmlg rk For Signage. Win-FInEki-R. and Public An M no n/a triceria Wsipn iigm a5 aIi lnteKral oomWTIeht -; Irrcorpdrrate ways-Nnding through integral deslgf► Encuura�e public art SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS FINDINGS WORKSHEET Project Name- 212 EuCalyptUS Step 1 _ I,-m.rt.The prcpased buildn>R h.Wg 1, Into SILV, or OewldUon Frain ttne dewerbpment ntaildards Would mi be detnmental to thcr public health, saFety ar *dFare, or a I f FI„u1I1g 11 nsrC. praered to St Pp Z. I f F110IrA d arwot bP r-.er- Oap. rrir pI bject dues tai qualrfV, n.larrie�7�le olr�osed�olmr),unity trattalks woytdarerrelrlad>tr11yra;ect endlar sua daciert Number of oiwiia rht5 project lntorparalrs!: a - 117 i pr nx re, ;cures to 51dI3 I, atherwua stop, Ile project doeA not q Id triFV. SSFP 3 find-rWl The Vaposed tt}MMtlt11tV bSMFltdlractlyrmpllrmoits ab]t{i w oFdib %vecIfo tdbr4. 4 1 r none nT the proposed comahu ty bnefi[s meet this finding, stop, pru;edt does not Ruafily- 4 If at least one proposed nomnounitp huollt meets this fm6ng and project docs not quallfV for Ther 2, proceed to Planning CoemnisAcin -3p If at lent ant prvr4mcl Gaminumly benellt meeu Thu flnctIrlii and paojecl qua1lFiel, for 111v 7, rm med W SIg7 d 0rrly Ilei 2 pro]ects mu€t rneel Flnciings 4$ 3 Seep 4 i,mi-hvj Fl-mrin—nity h -At, wvmed On-,[Prkw!PAl bUWRGthff_p- xt or poCu�Cfd1t pr9]iext: hot rathEF prt>tllf* P dis*a Or$fea-1-4ndt heneRtW 4 if IWk4 B mm, proceed to 5tap 5 lrlindlrg carom be mN, stbp, the ptojact dopa not quolldyr. SSS fe,&rVJ1hle'ValUeQf1hea MMf0tV1batefltsbearAMJA"Whb%6the Yafireome?atffidbyShebi` IRCI- Sums ofaleslelaawcostsfor e) MmIliiedprWesedc=pFtybMfltsbyegroups. Carmrutltywrlueofprq:i bnedrmprowarnenla vft on W111 ttitrrri_ - (Fu114pa4 tYr 1hWMtmff ar mol itch* * In Grpup 0 55 JQW1 Group1: Landicarping 'K10 WN1110'NlJ4umbWnrnrr4CM01*+nGtNl)'[ 3'14i` -67x1 = 5 11,3BA DrAdi m the quality industrial ch4Tacter g Gawp F. 01fiet Public ATT $ X Convey a sense oFold and ruww 4 1 _ -Imwf4ply tw :30% _ g 9uMd upon tndstlrlg co ntewt Y;.n4 mwrlipty Ov #10% + $ 155635 1_ other pdopmtd berms koo"rw ekild retain tfetllaraClOr•delutiing reaaurrs T4Tal tint tar comrY vMtV demerits to cievAWer ' $ g*CtSW gubk prig Caa 1 fnrourageadditions. Mar rompkNwntmisting charatter-definingleawres Cammun5lyvaluFnf proposee bsnehts I CorwimmtV wah.e Awl it cf Sddad Niue 1r¢orporate small- mediurn, and large males 1 4IFCV/hYls<30%,recommrandaddilhonalaimtnun1Wb,et IlIftAndtEC49culrtn, Emph&slrr rihi:gn at I I Fr lxdl`gri4un l+-I+d - 1 5PWIyr3W'WCNiftWilt 1 - - - �nhanrr envy eeNpresslon 1 Erxouragb 11 t1seofroll-updaasand 34bdlrgwfalh,atszrertfronl:AV5 1� 01it411 stcandarw entf04 tit" 1 - Jncappratediffiwenl materLldkralor%and texqu¢ ta farbaupB W1111irltrGathrrtr rallr,artum redtuRed� xrz M neo clItErla I _ Form anaciiimstreetwall 2 Pro4ldes11reetcorrler plazas r I D&W40p ouaiidmr gattvr1%%porn 3 Pritwick alWacing galNwrang sl;Hx4 • 1_ Prawide ease op access f fnhanrr surface parking Use enduring, q wNLy pawing malenah Et T'roNdrSlreaihxnlUuro WeegertbilightingroACCentwarryArrty aitrdrup.n 1 Froyldie YVr-Fd flotspnts r4toupir Irimi Iandsc, eandEmVvi *r"Irk-Iii nimirrmurihaxequlrcdl yes I tto t11a srileflA _ I Design layered and hlsh Iandscapmg 1 Woo drought -Tolerant and naliar planes ry i uullrr plpntors iind PDD to pribW& iveeneiv 1 T Jmprmm IandS caphlR in park" dress c 1 Use fences and walls as an exibensbn of the architecture 1 Willie naturbr light S ;`iruUP lI EnrnurAw Ci m17R:CRFylity _ YES na Ria raiterla 1 install bike lacirWes >L Ir'Ws. mi.l Wks MriW spacci dM oyie d -LJ Requked;l ill Grpup E bmlg rk For Signage. Win-FInEki-R. and Public An M no n/a triceria Wsipn iigm a5 aIi lnteKral oomWTIeht -; Irrcorpdrrate ways-Nnding through integral deslgf► Encuura�e public art SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS FINDINGS WORKSHEET Project Name- 212 EuCalyptUS Step 1 _ I,-m.rt.The prcpased buildn>R h.Wg 1, Into SILV, or OewldUon Frain ttne dewerbpment ntaildards Would mi be detnmental to thcr public health, saFety ar *dFare, or a I f FI„u1I1g 11 nsrC. praered to St Pp Z. I f F110IrA d arwot bP r-.er- Oap. rrir pI bject dues tai qualrfV, n.larrie�7�le olr�osed�olmr),unity trattalks woytdarerrelrlad>tr11yra;ect endlar sua daciert Number of oiwiia rht5 project lntorparalrs!: a - 117 i pr nx re, ;cures to 51dI3 I, atherwua stop, Ile project doeA not q Id triFV. SSFP 3 find-rWl The Vaposed tt}MMtlt11tV bSMFltdlractlyrmpllrmoits ab]t{i w oFdib %vecIfo tdbr4. 4 1 r none nT the proposed comahu ty bnefi[s meet this finding, stop, pru;edt does not Ruafily- 4 If at least one proposed nomnounitp huollt meets this fm6ng and project docs not quallfV for Ther 2, proceed to Planning CoemnisAcin -3p If at lent ant prvr4mcl Gaminumly benellt meeu Thu flnctIrlii and paojecl qua1lFiel, for 111v 7, rm med W SIg7 d 0rrly Ilei 2 pro]ects mu€t rneel Flnciings 4$ 3 Seep 4 i,mi-hvj Fl-mrin—nity h -At, wvmed On-,[Prkw!PAl bUWRGthff_p- xt or poCu�Cfd1t pr9]iext: hot rathEF prt>tllf* P dis*a Or$fea-1-4ndt heneRtW 4 if IWk4 B mm, proceed to 5tap 5 lrlindlrg carom be mN, stbp, the ptojact dopa not quolldyr. SSS fe,&rVJ1hle'ValUeQf1hea MMf0tV1batefltsbearAMJA"Whb%6the Yafireome?atffidbyShebi` IRCI- Sums ofaleslelaawcostsfor e) MmIliiedprWesedc=pFtybMfltsbyegroups. Carmrutltywrlueofprq:i bnedrmprowarnenla Grwpl4! AnNitectum $. 87MSIrilliph bwINumber arn�taerllenelnGrmpA36 9.33Y d S 191,337 Group R- Open Spare $ - (Fu114pa4 tYr 1hWMtmff ar mol itch* * In Grpup 0 55 JQW1 Group1: Landicarping 'K10 WN1110'NlJ4umbWnrnrr4CM01*+nGtNl)'[ 3'14i` -67x1 = 5 11,3BA f Grpup p; ConrwxlMlV 7_9,M_n1ulliPly by {44LJR1ber of surpibu b& spaces * 51,iSIij Gawp F. 01fiet Public ATT $ S3,5;is multiply hyr {flurarber ar nim crftna in Gro.rpA ` 33.0 M 37 1 4 CaFes and tatfea~- $ ersiaihee m nealesl aitm ayl I sww ON- N- I ,$ 0 3 UndalraidnWng wtINP A -$ 01 3 _ -Imwf4ply tw :30% _ g Approyed public InfiraS"cfuie $ Y;.n4 mwrlipty Ov #10% + $ 155635 PTojeebs wltn more 52 rrwfl" ot nwrie value added MmtedmJMwTeattleasi- 10% of walux MW O W publK mfrptlnsttww other pdopmtd berms 14-7heie bffmIilsape- W c6mkiered rorauRAFVirulPW MUrrlm acceptad bgbty Cdrurkip � T4Tal tint tar comrY vMtV demerits to cievAWer ' $ g*CtSW gubk prig Caa Estimated addrd pwim v41U 4 1 tP0 0041 Cammun5lyvaluFnf proposee bsnehts �+ uh- CorwimmtV wah.e Awl it cf Sddad Niue � _ WWI OL I ITrA4111- 4IFCV/hYls<30%,recommrandaddilhonalaimtnun1Wb,et IlIftAndtEC49culrtn, � Ir CVfAVfs>X%. it to I lmrvi l*Curnrrm1w for racommendatlon to City CimineN ENDLESS PURSUIT... 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEG UN DO CALIFORNIA, 90245 ALL OMG serWATOW NENS RNS WOB$ COWERS M" CO8 N i1S R�IPOKKJ if fBMN AR ND 9WL BCIIBrE N�fiOFHrY OF fWYW M�I$ W. NDNEfiOEI®0/NB1�rY�LFff 3m TAW$ NCIS W1 17 OMM U lhE COPRiGHf TAWS RXfD N LLS COO WOE1].PNYUWUIFiDf�U� O}SiIHN FOR lE 9DM Ai)ET FOR MNlH51N5 Y Ra3hN�, COFMNO, OI'ASIIION, R}WIX1C1pN ORp3iAVOFMlYFWII OFHSrr�wnoN. Vr11hDUl-NEFAi�Wd110J CON8J�OF FUW PiCHl�1S CON91M1 ALL Ov19Jr W 1 S RN4WFfE A hE R.II$r f3(BJ� NIDNNFIE fN 1— JAN. 16, 2020 PROJECT# 16.042 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION DESIGN 1. THE PLANT PALETTE CONSISTS OF DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS THAT ADHERE TO THE SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN. 2. PLANTING AND IRRIGATION WILL ADHERE TO THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE AND CURRENT WATER EFFICIENT ORDINANCES. SAWCUT CONCRETE LINES. 12" SPACING. EVERY OTHER SECTION OF CONCRETE RECEIVES STRONG RETARDANT FINISH. PAVING PER - ARCHITECT CEIBA - INSIGNIS TREE PHORMIUM T' 'AMAZING RED SE NUSSBAUMERA PILOSECE PACHYCLADUS PHORMIUM T 'AMAZIN( 1V� I I1 -L- /II 1 %-; /II xI I V III V/I1\ L P -P- F -A,R P.� i �Z P T )SECEREUS HYCLADUS WITH lRMIUM TENAX \ZING RED' DESERT -1 CAREX SEDUM RANIUM, IN \ITER, TYP. A LAXI FLORA QED PLANTER, L 212 EUCALYPTUS a lum mm CXFXDM96 WW I h4��P1,4ll1'� DRAt- i i j Ceiba insignis White Floss Silk Tree 30'h x 30'w Full sun to light shade. Low water Distictis buccinatoria Red Trumpet Vine Climbing vine Sun or shade. Moderate water. Sedum nussbaumeranium Coppertone sedum l' -2'h x same Full sun to light shade. Low water Phormium tenax `Amazing Red' Fiesta New Zealand Flax 3'-4'h x 3'-4'w Full sun- light shade. Low water. Pilosocereus pachycladus Blue Torch Cactus 15'-20' x 10'- 15' Full sun to partial sun. Low -mod water. 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 (ANDIMAGISAII f60`F-1 yrwiF I rk"l L 51dl. 2!E 191400, CA91019 DRAFT Q2017. BALIAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS, PLANS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS. INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN U.S. CODE TITLE 17. ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF BALIAN ARCHITECTS, CONSTITUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST E X T E N T A L L O W A B L E B Y L A W. PROJECT # Tree Planter 60" box With self watering inserts Cercidium `Desert Museum' Palo Verde 25'h x 25'w Full Sun. Low Water. 1 .. Burnished Metal Planter 60"x24"x24" Lobelia laxiflora With self watering inserts Mexican lobelia Carex Flacca Blue Sedge 1 'h x spreading Sun or shade. Low water Sedum nussbaumeranium Coppertone sedum l' -2'h x same Full sun to light shade. Low water. 212 EUCALYPTUS EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA, 90245 (ANDIMAGIS II f68`F-1 yrwiFrJ�aiL Sldl, 2!E Io,Aop.4, CA 9[079 DRAFT Q2017. BALIAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS, PLANS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS. INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN U.S. CODE TITLE 17. ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF BALIAN ARCHITECTS, CONSTITUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST E X T E N T A L L O W A B L E B Y L A W. PROJECT # CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Community Benefits Analysis 212 Eucalyptus Drive Prepared By: Kosmont Companies 1601 N. Sepulveda Blvd. #382 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 www.kosmont.com Jan. 7, 2020 61 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 2 of 18 Background and Methodology Kosmont & Associates, Inc. doing business as Kosmont Companies ("Consultant" or "Kosmont"), operating under the master consulting agreement with the City of EI Segundo ("City") for Smoky Hollow Community Benefit Analysis is pleased to submit this draft report on the comprehensive community benefits as required by the Tier 1 and Tier 2 application process for the proposed redevelopment application at 212 Eucalyptus Drive in EI Segundo ("Site") Kosmont was asked to review the Site development application site plan, floor plan and building design and preliminary community benefit proposal. The proposed project is a 14,119 square foot office building with mechanical lift parking system onsite ("Project"). Kosmont reviewed the City's Smoky Hollow Specific Plan ("Specific Plan") to identify planned district wide public improvements and met with City staff to understand: 1. the City's perspective on how the Project design components address those improvements, 2. what other improvements that the City considered community benefits, as opposed to standard development requirements. The Project has 14,119 gross new building area and exceeds the 0.75 FAR limit of 8,013 square feet. Applicant is requesting a lot line adjustment to merge Lot 11 and southern half of Lot 10. Applicant is also proposing to locate an electric transformer within the the required 10 -foot setback. The Project also exceeds the 35 -foot height limit with a proposed height of 50 feet. Project Value Add Analysis Kosmont gathered construction cost data from the Project Applicant and its architect. Kosmont performed high level market research to estimate current land value and baseline rent for "as is" use, future market rent for the proposed new tenant spaces, and building valuation assumptions. This will inform a financial pro forma model that Kosmont developed to analyze the incremental development profit above the estimated profit from the "by right" permitted development. For example, an increase in gross building area would require an analysis of the marginal increase in operating income and stabilized investment value. Marginal costs of construction would be deducted to derive the incremental profit. Community Benefits Analysis Kosmont reviewed proposed Project components with City staff to confirm project elements that are eligible as a community benefit. The community benefits are based on information provided by the Applicant. The value indicated is based on cost estimates derived from information provided by Applicant and the architect, and was reviewed for reasonableness by Kosmont. It is 62 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 3 of 18 important to recognize that the Applicant will realize some financial benefits from many of these items. Kosmont makes no determination that the community benefits are sufficient to balance the increased development profit from the requested variances. Fiscal/Economic Benefits Analysis Kosmont also analyzed the proposed Project to estimate construction period jobs, as well as stabilized operation jobs, and incremental City General Fund tax revenues (i.e. increase in property tax, sales tax, business taxes) above current use, as well as the incremental value of benefits above a permitted 8,000 square foot development. In order to estimate the value of economic benefits for comparison to the development profit added, Kosmont used a financial cash flow approach assuming a 25 -year life. The attached report analyzes the increased financial benefits received from exceeding the Specific Plan limits, compared against the estimated the value of proposed community benefits, as well as fiscal/economic benefits. We are available to answer any questions regarding our methodology and conclusions. 63 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 4 of 18 Executive Summary The City Planning Division received an application to allow the construction of a 14,119 square - foot office and parking facility on the Site. The Applicant is requesting to exceed the maximum 0.75 FAR through the Specific Plan Community Benefit process. The Applicant is also requesting to place an electrical transformer within the 10 -foot setback area. The Project also exceeds the 35 -foot height limit with a proposed height of 50 feet. As shown in the following report, the Project is expected to generate significant economic and community benefits close to the Project value added accruing to the Applicant from the requested variances. Per the City's request, Kosmont has illustrated the fiscal and economic benefits from the incremental development, as well as for the entire Project as proposed. Summary of Value Add / City Benefits Proposed Project Value Added Community Benefits Fiscal Benefits Economic Benefits $1,200,000 $1,180,000 $204,000 40+40 jobs Incremental above 0.75 FAR limit $118,000 17+20 jobs Source: Kosmont Companies Project Value Add Kosmont has prepared an illustrative development pro forma to show the stabilized value under three scenarios: • As Is Building (5,350 Sq. Ft.) • As Proposed (14,119 Sq. Ft.) • As Permitted by Specific Plan (8,013 Sq. Ft.) Based on the estimated land value and development costs, the proforma analysis indicates a Project value add of approximately $1.2 million over a similar building within the allowable FAR. Community Benefits Kosmont estimated the marginal cost associated with the following community benefit items to be approximately $1.18 million, with the vast majority coming from the transformative architecture treatments, as summarized below: 0 Bike Share Docking Station along sidewalk ($18,000) Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 5 of 18 • Large Scale Public Art piece ($90,000) • Transformative architectural treatments ($840,000) • Mid -block pedestrian passageway at the side of the building ($50,000) • Small food -to -go cafe ($200,000) • Offset for 100 square foot setback encroachment (negative $20,000) It is important to note that many of these items also provide value to the project by making the building more attractive to new tenants. Fiscal Benefits The existing building has a current assessed value of $1,300,000 and houses a small tenant and a storage facility. Following redevelopment, Kosmont estimates the assessed value will increase by $4 million based on the construction budget, yielding $2,400 per year to the City General Fund. The incremental assessed value from building above the 35 -foot limit and the 0.75 FAR would be $1.4 million, yielding $800 in annual taxes. The new building is expected to house 40 professional office/design employees. These employees are estimated to generate approximately $200,000 in retail sales at City establishments, generating $2,000 in annual sales taxes. In addition to sales taxes, the Project will generate additional business license taxes from the office tenancy, estimated at almost $6,400 per year for a total annual surplus of $12,200. The incremental business license revenue from building above 35 -foot limit and the 0.75 FAR would be approximately $3,800 in annual taxes. Over a 25 -year period with 3% inflation, the Project will generate an estimated $434,000 in City tax revenue, with a net present value of approximately $204,000. The incremental fiscal benefit generated by building above the 35 -foot limit and 0.75 FAR limit is estimated to be $252,000 over the 25 -year period with an NPV of approximately $118,000. Economic Benefits Development of the new creative office/commercial building will generate an estimated 40 full time equivalent ("FTE") jobs during construction period, generating $3.2 million in labor income. At stabilized occupancy, the Project tenants are expected to employ 40 full time positions. The incremental economic benefit generated by building above FAR limit is estimated to be 17 FTE jobs during construction period, providing $1.3 million in labor income 65 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 6 of 18 Project Description The Planning Division received an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254 to allow the construction of a 14,119 square -foot office building. The project site is located at mid - block between Franklin Ave and EI Segundo Blvd, in the Smoky Hollow West (SHW) zone within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The 10,685 square foot site contains a 5,350 square foot storage/office building. The currenl building uses at the site are light industrial with warehouse, general office, and research and development. The property was purchased by the current owner in 2013. Exhibit 1 — Site Plan Parking The Specific Plan requires one parking space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area. The completed Project will contain 5 surface parking spaces and 30 spaces in a mechanical lift parking system. Variance Request The City Planning Division received an application to allow the construction of a 14,119 square - foot office and parking facility on the Site. The Applicant is requesting to exceed the maximum 0.75 FAR through the Specific Plan Community Benefit process. The Applicant is also requesting Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 7 of 18 to place an electrical transformer within the 10 -foot setback area. The Project also exceeds the 35 -foot height limit, with a proposed height of 50 feet. Exhibit 2 South Elevation 67 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 8 of 18 Floor Plan The proposed new building is 14,119 square feet. The floor area is for creative office uses that engage in research, with some accessory retail, and a cafe containing a small outdoor seating area on the ground floor facing Eucalyptus. See ground floor plan and pedestrian walkway in Exhibit 3. The Level 2 floor plan is illustrated in Exhibit 4 on the following page. k I I I F1INING - I ""mum A Exhibit 3 Ground Floor Plan { r r I I i I I re E4 -1 . I r I i 981175 - AiR_. 6OLSd.N CONWEL7 • S WL Ire jf rtn _ 64 E 1_L 46i r I — — r, a I i {F09G i060 rnxFavr} , ' 1rs.���qgF09 UH nN ¢d,tcRa a IAN9CC►P14 ` �� f1S rAIH.� A11TC w57E]]7AAKWG LRT" '�--•••-._-_.FF ` _ F�l'{T/f }I` I I' F• ATTWfr•7W2. ]Q •9 J I' = n r ,t e�srorsrP I I� q'I��]�c}/- r Wr T I to CCNC�1rtaPGWER r IEY T7YtO1XihP U�� SFT6Ac `. f" ip,t ku1-u8 F eKE I I I4L4tF1lCF pAfiKiN61 SWARF IdOSN �'•8'a. 71••P' 11'. a' ]T •P- 7J'=P' ]T -G ]7=U' 1n'-9' uv9CT1w. 'MCTN0 =oi 111 b- = S' -0- • • Exhibit 4 2nd Floor Q Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 9 of 18 LLAV- V-111 A fr, Level 2 contains approximately 7,000 square feet of useable area. Level 3 is similar to Level 2. In addition there is a rooftop deck for building tenants for use as an amenity space. .• Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 10 of 18 Project Value Add Capital investment in real estate development is a high-risk private sector venture. In order to obtain financing commitments, developers must be able to demonstrate sufficient financial returns to offset the risks related to construction cost overruns and changes in the local economy during the construction period that could affect market rents and occupancy following construction. The key development cost components include land, site development, building construction, permits and fees, design and other soft costs, and financing costs. The Net Operating Income (NOI) calculation accounts for gross rents, vacancy factor, and all operating expenses. To estimate the Project value added, as a result of the Specific Plan variance requested, Kosmont developed a financial feasibility simulation model in Excel for this Analysis to provide a reasonable estimate of expected development costs and annual net operating income a project would earn. It also shows the value at completion, which after deducting the total development costs, yields the developer profit. Kosmont's analysis shows the stabilized value under three scenarios: • As Is Building (5,350 Sq. Ft.) • As Proposed (14,119 Sq. Ft.) • As Permitted by Specific Plan (8,013 Sq. Ft.) Key Assumptions Rental Income Kosmont surveyed local real estate brokers to estimate market rents for the new creative office space planned. Unimproved mezzanine levels are primarily used as amenity space: • Monthly rent of $2.50 psf triple net are most likely for high quality office space • Mechanical Lift parking estimated net rent of $75 per month per space Development Costs Kosmont reviewed development cost estimates provided by Applicant and architect. Construction costs for the new building are estimated at $4.2 million. Capitalization Rates Capitalization rate is an economic measure of the average annual return on total costs expected by investors. It varies by type of property and geographic location. In order to estimate value of 70 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 11 of 18 the new Project at completion, the estimated stabilized net operating income is divided by the capitalization rate. For this analysis the capitalization rate was estimated at 5%. Development Value As shown in the pro forma in Exhibit 5 on the following page, the As Is value for existing building is estimated at $1.67 million. This establishes the opportunity cost of land for the redevelopment analysis. The Project "as proposed" has an estimated value of $7.9 million at stabilized occupancy. Reducing that value by the estimated "as is" land value and the total development costs totaling $5.9 million yields a development profit of $2.0 million, or 34.4% of costs. A hypothetical project using the same architectural style and materials, but subject to the 0.75 FAR limit has an estimated value of $4.5 million, reflecting the loss of 6,100 square feet. The total development costs are reduced by $2.2 million, down to $3.7 million, resulting in a development profit of $0.8 million, or 22.6% of costs. Project Value Add Conclusion Based on the land value and development costs, the proforma analysis indicates the Project has a value add of approximately $1.2 million over a similar building within the allowable 0.75 FAR. ($2.0 million less $0.8 million). Disclaimer This Analysis is confidential and client privileged and is not to be used for any purpose other than for negotiating an acceptable Community Benefit Agreement. This Analysis is based on estimated figures and Kosmont's professional opinion, using available market and development cost information. Given the economic, market and financial risks associated with such real estate development, there is no assurance that these results will be achieved. 71 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 12 of 18 Exhibit 5 212 Eucalyptus Pro Forma Comparison Source: Kosmont Companies, Applicant 72 As Is As Proposed Per SP Gross SF 5,350 14,119 8,013 Industrial SF 3,850 - - Office Rentable SF @ 90% 1,500 12,707 7,212 Mezzanine Rentable SF - - - Industrial Rent PSF $1.50 $0.00 $0.00 Office rent $2.00 $2.50 $2.50 Mthly Parking Income $0 $2,700 $1,500 Net Operating Income $100,035 $394,550 $223,542 Cap Rate 6.0% 5.0% 5.0% Stabilized value $1,670,000 $7,890,000 $4,470,000 Land Value Contribution n/a $1,670,000 $1,670,000 Soft Cost n/a $600,000 $341,000 Hard Costs n/a $3,600,000 $1.635.000 Total Development Costs n/a $5,870,000 $3,646,000 Development Profit n/a $2,020,000 $824,000 Profit as % of Costs 34.4% 22.6% Source: Kosmont Companies, Applicant 72 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 13 of 18 Community Benefits The Specific Plan requires new development to provide 3% of the lot as open space and if the lot exceeds 22,400 square feet, a minimum of 10% of the lot. The proposed front and side yard setbacks contain soft landscaping areas, which complies with the minimum required open space and number of trees. List of Benefits As part of the Applicant's submittal package, they identified numerous physical improvements that were considered eligible Community Benefits. Kosmont met with the Applicant and the architect to gather data to estimate the marginal cost (i.e. value) of each item. • Bike Share Docking Station along sidewalk • Large Scale Public Art piece • Transformative architectural treatments • Mid -block pedestrian passageway • Small food -to -go cafe • Offset for 100 square foot setback encroachment Bike Share Station and Land Dedication The cost of a dedicated bike sharing station is estimated at $500 for concrete pad plus 87 square feet of land valued at $200 psf, or $18,000 in total. Public Art A large mural inspired by existing art at an estimated cost of $90,000 including skim coat and permanent lighting. Transformative Architectural Treatments The architectural design incorporates exposed steel, glazing, corrugated material, exposed stairs, exterior balconies and rooftop deck. The architect's initial cost premium was $1.3 million. Based on Kosmont's review of the plans and discussions with the architect, Kosmont estimates these features represent a 20% increase in the direct construction costs (as compared to a standard wood frame or concrete construction of the same size), or $840,000. Mid -block Pedestrian Passageway The architectural design provides a pedestrian walkway alongside the side of the building. The approximate area of the pedestrian walkway is 710 square feet. To value this component, Kosmont used the cost of improvements as estimated by the architect at $14,500 plus easement valuation at 25% of land value or $50 per square foot, or $35,500. Thus, the net value lost by adding pedestrian passage is estimated at $50,000. 73 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 14 of 18 Small food -to -go cafe Applicant indicates providing a 630 square foot cafe with limited outdoor seating to serve the business community. Kosmont estimates that such space will rent for less than half of the market rent for office space, indicating an annual operating subsidy of $10,000 with a capitalized value of $200,000. Offset for 10 -Foot Setback Encroachment It is not clear if the setback violation creates a major hardship to the City, and this mandates a redesign of the building. Since it is beyond the scope of our assignment to redesign the building and parking layout to accommodate the electrical transformer, Kosmont suggests that the City create an offset to the community benefit package equal to the land value involved. (i.e. 100 square feet area times $200 per square foot equals a $20,000 deduction). Total Value of Community Benefits Combining the value of each building component listed above, results in a combined marginal cost increase of approximately $1.18 million. It is important to note that many of the community benefit items also add value to the Project by making the building more attractive to tenants. Disclaimer This Analysis is confidential and client privileged and is not to be used for any purpose other than for negotiating an acceptable Community Benefit Agreement. This Analysis is based on estimated values and Kosmont's professional opinion, using available market and development cost information. 74 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 15 of 18 Fiscal Benefits In addition to the Project -specific Community Benefits, the City has requested an analysis of the incremental fiscal revenues expected from the stabilized operation of the Project. In order to quantify the value of economic benefits for comparison to the development profit added, Kosmont used a discounted financial cash flow approach assuming a 25 -year life. This Analysis is based on information provided by the Applicant, the City, Los Angeles County ("County") Property Tax Auditor -Controller's Office, California Department of Finance ("DOF"), California Board of Equalization ("BOE"), U.S. Census, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ("BLS"), and ESRI. General Assumptions Unless otherwise noted, the subsequent analysis maintains the following assumptions. • Dollar amounts are expressed in 2019 dollars. • Fiscal impacts are estimated at stabilized occupancy. • Employment figures are permanent FTE jobs. Fiscal Revenue Analysis Property Tax Secured property tax revenues are estimated based on the anticipated assessed value of the Project upon full build -out and the applicable property tax rates for the City. Existing value was not included as part of the analysis, as the subject property is already on the tax rolls. The City general fund receives an approximate 6% share of the annual 1.0% secured property tax general levy placed by the County on the assessed value of the property ($0.06 of each $1.00 of secured property tax revenue). Unsecured property taxes are collected based on the assessed value of real property not affixed to the underlying land, such as business fixtures, and some types of vehicles. The rate of taxation and apportionment is generally the same as for secured property taxes. The current assessed value of the Site is $1.3 million. Market value of the property is significantly higher, but until there is a change in ownership no reassessment is likely to occur. The total development cost for the building is approximately $4.2 million. Assuming a 95% assessed value taxable factor, there will be a $4 million increase in assessed value, for which the City would receive approximately $2,400 in additional annual property taxes. (Incremental property taxes from the excess building size are estimated at $800 per year). 75 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 16 of 18 If at some point in the future, the Site is sold, the estimated market value would be approximately $50 million in 2019 $. Sales Tax (On -Site /Direct) None of the new business tenants are expected to generate taxable retail sales, except for the approximate 600 square foot cafe designed to provide takeout food. Based on annual sales of $300 psf, Kosmont estimates annual sales of $180,000, yielding $1,800 in sales taxes to the City General Fund. Offsite Sales Tax (Indirect) In addition to onsite sales, employees and business owners will generate off-site / indirect sales. Kosmont utilized ICSC surveys of employee spending near places of work to estimate $5,000 in annual sales per employee. At stabilized occupancy the Project is expected to result in approximately $200,000 in annual offsite taxable sales, which would result in $2,000 in annual sales tax revenues for the City. (Incremental offsite sales taxes from the increased building are estimated at $900 per year). Business Taxes Current business tax rates are assessed based on the number of employees and square footage. The first 10 employees and initial 5,000 SF are charged a flat fee base tax of $104.40. The business is then charged for each additional employee over 10, at a rate of $129.35 per employee. Additionally, the employer is charged $0.25 for each square foot over 5,000 SF. Assuming one main tenants and a total of 40 employees and 12,700 SF of rentable square footage for the proposed office use, Kosmont projects an annual increase in business tax of approximately $6,000. (Incremental offsite business taxes from the increased building are estimated at $3,800 per year). Incremental General Fund Tax Revenues In summary the full Project will likely result in a total increase of $12,200 per year above the existing baseline. The incremental benefit by building above 35 -foot height limit and 0.75 FAR limit is estimated to be $7,300. Over a 25 -year period with 3% inflation, as shown in Exhibit 6, the Project will generate $434,000 in revenue, with a net present value of $204,000. The incremental fiscal benefit generated by building above height limit and 0.75 FAR limit is estimated to be $252,000 over the 25 -year period with an NPV of approximately $118,000. 76 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 17 of 18 Exhibit 6 212 Eucalyptus Drive Public Revenue Projection Incremental City Share erect n it Business Total City Incremental Project Year Assessed Property ect Sales Tax Revenues Revenues/1 r___ r__ Const 2021 $4,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 2022 $2,400 $3,800 $6,000 $12,200 $7,300 2 2023 $2,448 $3,914 $6,180 $12,542 $7,274 3 2024 $2,497 $4,031 $6,365 $12,894 $7,478 4 2025 $2,547 $4,152 $6,556 $13,256 $7,688 5 2026 $2,598 $4,277 $6,753 $13,628 $7,904 6 2027 $2,650 $4,405 $6,956 $14,011 $8,126 7 2028 $2,703 $4,537 $7,164 $14,405 $8,355 8 2029 $2,757 $4,674 $7,379 $14,810 $8,590 9 2030 $2,812 $4,814 $7,601 $15,226 $8,831 10 2031 $2,868 $4,958 $7,829 $15,655 $9,080 11 2032 $2,926 $5,107 $8,063 $16,096 $9,336 12 2033 $2,984 $5,260 $8,305 $16,550 $9,599 13 2034 $3,044 $5,418 $8,555 $17,016 $9,869 14 2035 $3,105 $5,580 $8,811 $17,496 $10,148 15 2036 $3,167 $5,748 $9,076 $17,990 $10,434 16 2037 $3,230 $5,920 $9,348 $18,498 $10,729 17 2038 $3,295 $6,098 $9,628 $19,021 $11,032 18 2039 $3,361 $6,281 $9,917 $19,558 $11,344 19 2040 $3,428 $6,469 $10,215 $20,112 $11,665 20 2041 $3,496 $6,663 $10,521 $20,681 $11,995 21 2042 $3,566 $6,863 $10,837 $21,266 $12,334 22 2043 $3,638 $7,069 $11,162 $21,868 $12,684 23 2044 $3,710 $7,281 $11,497 $22,488 $13,043 24 2045 $3,785 $7,500 $11,842 $23,126 $13,413 25 2046 $3,860 $7,725 $12,197 $23,782 $13,793 Total $76,873 $138,545 $218,756 $434,174 $252,045 NPV @ 6% $36,888 $64,965 $102,576 $204,430 $118,569 /1 Incremental revenues above a similar project within 0.75 FAR limit Source: Kosmont Companies 77 Community Benefit Analysis 212 Eucalyptus, EI Segundo January 7, 2020 Page 18 of 18 Economic Benefits Construction Budget The total development costs for the construction of the approximately 14,119 square foot of creative office and 35 onsite parking spaces is estimated at $4.2 million, including soft and hard costs. IMPLAN Modeling This analysis uses the IMPLAN (IMpact analysis for PLANning) econometric input/output model developed by the IMPLAN Group to quantify the economic impact to the local region from Project construction / renovation and ongoing operations. This proprietary model estimates the economic benefits on the industries in a given geographic area based on known economic inputs, such as construction costs. The model estimates direct, indirect, and induced benefits expressed in terms of increased economic activity, earnings ("labor income"), and job creation. Direct Economic Benefits: Direct benefits refer to the short-term business activity of general contractors involved in Project construction and the ongoing business activities of Project tenants. Indirect Economic Benefits: Indirect benefits will result when local firms directly impacted by the Project purchase materials, supplies or services from other firms. Induced Economic Benefits: Induced benefits relate to the consumption spending of employees of firms that are directly or indirectly affected by the Project. These would include all of the goods and services normally associated with household consumption (e.g. retail purchases, services). Inputs for the IMPLAN economic benefit analysis include the development budget provided by the Developer and permanent on-site employment information estimated by Kosmont. The permanent full-time employment estimates were derived from similar projects and industry standard per -square -foot employment densities for corresponding land use types. Construction Related Economic Benefits During the construction period, the Project is expected to produce approximately 40 Full Time Equivalent jobs and $3.2 million in labor income across Los Angeles County, including direct, indirect and induced impacts. The incremental economic benefit generated by building above 0.75 FAR limit is estimated to be 17 FTE jobs during construction period, providing $1.3 million in labor income 2.4 PRIVATE REALM DESIGN GUIDELINES Smoky Hollow represents a unique World War II -era industrial district. Once home to traditional manufacturing, machining, and aerospace industries, the Smoky Hollow district—with its one- and two- story brick, metal, and stucco exteriors, curved ceilings, high roof lines and light -filled interiors— is attractive to new media, technology, incubator, and creative business endeavors. The repurposing of existing space will inform future development in a manner that retains the district's authenticity and character. Smoky Hollow generally consists of two sub - districts: Smoky Hollow East and Smoky Hollow West. Smoky Hollow East includes larger, free-standing buildings on spacious parcels. This configuration allows campus - style, business park settings that integrate landscape and communal outdoor space into site design. Conversely, smaller closely -packed structures and lot configurations line the streets of Smoky Hollow West. Tighter blocks create a more intricate, urban, and sidewalk -oriented work district. The Specific Plan's objective is to preserve the district's unique characteristics while allowing the emergence of design innovation and creative use of space. 2.4.1 Smoky Hollow Design Objectives The overarching design goal for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan is to provide a development framework that maintains the district's unique setting and character while promoting adaptive design features that integrate well-designed architecture; enhanced, viable public space; and accessible pedestrian and transit linkages. These design objectives are broad policy statements intended to guide development throughout Smoky Hollow. ► Preserve Smoky Hollow's existing character through the use of compatible architectural features, materials, and details. ► Insist upon streetscape and landscape amenities that allow for small-scale, informal gathering, both within sites and along public rights-of-way, especially sidewalks, street corners, and along Franklin Avenue ► Develop more accessible and street -side public open space. Buildings fronting public sidewalks, and specifically buildings fronting Franklin Avenue, shall provide sidewalk -oriented entries and small-scale gathering opportunities. ► Project designs, orientation, and spaces should anticipate and facilitate emerging sidewalk and pedestrian activity, reuse of alleys, and access to all transit modes. ► Encourage active and passive design strategies that conserve natural resources. 46 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo 79 WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES? Standards Development standards are measurable criteria for building elements such as setbacks, building heights, open space requirements, and floor area ratio (FAR). Standards are prescriptive and quantitative and are applied consistently to all properties in each zoning district. Development standards are mandatory, and projects may only be approved if the proposed improvements are consistent with the development standards, unless otherwise allowed by a Variance or Administrative Adjustment. Guidelines Design guidelines are discretionary and qualitative. They are intended to serve as criteria for reviewing projects during the application and approval process. Design Private Realm Strategies ' guidelines address elements that cannot easily be measured or quantified, but are important aspects of the design and quality of a building or development. The design guidelines contain recommendations on design aspects that are more open to interpretation, such as texture, materials, style, and overall design character. In certain circumstances, design guidelines are mandatory—these are indicated with clear terminology such as "shall" and "must". When used in conjunction, the development standards and design guidelines will shape future development to achieve the community's vision of Smoky Hollow as an iconic and innovative employment zone. IL City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 47 80 URBAN DESIGN GUDEDNES HOW TO USE THE SMOKY HOLLOW DESIGN GUIDELINES This section presents guidelines to assist applicants in developing high-quality building rehabilitation, additions, and new construction projects in Smoky Hollow. Guideline concepts are noted over photographic examples of project types; these concepts are further described in the written design guidelines that follow the photographic examples. Applicants and their design teams should utilize the following design guidelines to the maximum extent for all construction projects. The design guidelines are organized into five key themes: ► Enhance Building Character ► Facilitate Gathering ► Provide Landscape ► Encourage Connectivity ► Design for Signage, Wayfinding, and Public Art Each theme is represented by a color - and individual guidelines by an icon - to visually cross-reference the themes and ideas of the guidelines to the illustrative examples shown on the previous pages. owl im..llimp- !U FFallll r■ 1 l� H - ..' � -- • • • • • • - • •. - - - : r■ pit aia. I siwri ' _ E It i 5 MIM■ it Allf�rirL I' ��, _ i u�Mlrr�M■rrl ##v##r UK r rr i i•r"MiAMl l iIM. / ■ uM iol A# #r - _ _ : �: "� 7 w�ra■■r 4ai�i�ii 'W! lArri � �[ _ +w ■r a �r +r 31 Select Drought -To- - Plants ,�``;i■.���;.��� =vie!* iOw W1,41 _ Figure 2-5: Design for Infill Buildings 1 Utilize Natural Light Design Creative Signs Private Realm Strategies , Build on the Industrial Character 0) Use Fences and Walls as an Extension of the Architecture f �V Enhance Parking -Sur n : dW y � City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 51 84 Figure 2-6: Design for Building Additions 52 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo 85 Private Realm Strategies ' Figure 2-7: Design for Campus Projects City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 53 86 w 7117 it A , x 'Aa ,� r -Air -77. Private Realm Strategies ' Figure 2-9: Design for Street Corners City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 55 88 Figure 2-10: Design for Alleyways Orient Secondary Entries to Alleys ;,. Utilize Planters and Plant Pots Design Creative Signs Provide Alley -Facing Gathering Spaces Specify 360° Architecture 11 -Im 56 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo 89 SMOKY HOLLOW DESIGN GUIDELINES Not all of the design guidelines will be applicable to each project, but each project team should be able to explain how the guidelines shaped their project design and work with City staff to incorporate as many of the ideas as possible. Enhance Building Character O Build on the quality industrial character of architecture currently in Smoky Hollow. Oj Convey a sense of old and new through conservation of existing materials and details and selection of new building components that complement existing conditions without mimicking an older architectural character. ® Build upon existing context through use of similar forms, heights, proportions, building materials, and details observed in the surrounds. Private Realm Strategies ® Conserve and retain the character - defining features of an existing building; minimize the removal of older components, materials, and details. Repair such features rather than replace them, to the maximum extent feasible. 0 Encourage additions that complement existing character -defining features and are differentiated and secondary to the bulk and massing of existing buildings. © Incorporate small, medium, and large scales through design of differentiated massing and a variety of components, proportions, and details. eEmphasize design at the pedestrian level through expressed forms, shapes, masses, materials, and details at first - floor frontages. Specify 3600 architecture through extension of the character -defining elements and materials, level of detail, and architectural consistency at all building fapades. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 57 go QEnhance entry expression through use of color, forms, materials, details, orientation to sidewalks, landscaping, and place -making to create a sense of arrival. ® Encourage the use of roll -up doors and sliding walls at street frontages to add visual interest at the pedestrian level and enhance indoor -outdoor interactions. OOrient secondary entries to alleys to create a sense of arrival and increase pedestrian presence in alleys. Incorporate different materials, colors, and textures at a building's exterior to create visual interest, avoid monotonous or repetitive building frontages. Facilitate Gathering .1. Form an active street wall through design of building frontages with material and detail interest at or near sidewalks and use of sidewalk - oriented entries. 0 Provide street corner plazas through setbacks from street corners or through conversion of front yard surface parking ® Develop outdoor gathering spaces at entries, along sidewalks, at patios, and on rooftops to invite activity. ® Provide alley -facing gathering spaces through setbacks and modulations at rear property lines that invite safe use and activity. © Provide ease of access along and across sites through leveling outdoor and indoor height differences, provision of accessible ramps and handrails, removal of obstacles on sidewalks, and minimization of curb cuts. OEnhance surface parking through use of enduring quality paving materials that create visual interest; use permeable paving materials consistent with City building codes. ® Use enduring, quality paving materials or street painting to realize visual interest and differentiate the defined pedestrian zone from traffic lanes. QProvide street furniture of enduring quality and aesthetic value; examples include benches, information posts, trash cans, etc. ® Use exterior lighting to accentuate safety and design elements of public and private outdoor areas and sidewalks. ® Provide Wi-Fi hotspots to attract pedestrians and encourage gathering at specified locations. Incorporate Landscape and Environmental Design Design layered and lush landscaping through selection of plant materials that display a variety of shapes, textures, and colors. ® Select drought -tolerant and native plants to reduce irrigation and conserve water. © Utilize planters and pots to provide greenery along sidewalks where street trees are not permitted. 58 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo 91 Improve landscaping in parking areas through the use of tree canopies, landscape planters, and design of walls and fences that create visual interest, and reduce the heat island effect. 1111 Use fences and walls as an extension of the architecture and character of the building. Utilize natural light through use of large window expanses, clearstories, skylights, etc. to enhance working spaces and reduce lighting energy consumption. Encourage Connectivity Install bike facilities consistent with City building code requirements - such as bike racks, bike storage, bike sharing stations, dedicated shower rooms, and lockers - to encourage biking. Private Realm Strategies ' Design for Signage, Way -Finding, and Public Art QDesign signs as an integral component of the architectural program. Consider channel letter signs, projecting signs, and flag signs. Avoid box signs with plastic covers. © Incorporate way -finding through integral design of identity and directional signage and on-site lighting to guide and enhance circulations. © Encourage public art, including murals, street paintings, outdoor installation art, and light -based art installations, to create visual interest along alleys. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 59 92 SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS TABULATION WORKSHEET Project Name: 212 Eucalyptus Group A Enhance Building Character (minimum 4 required) yes I no I n/a Icriteria 1 Build on the quality industrial character a 1 Convey a sense of old and new 2 1 Build upon existing context m Z 1 Conserve and retain the character -defining features 1 Encourage additions that complement existing character -defining features v 1 Incorporate small, medium, and large scales v 1 Emphasize design at the pedestrian level v 1 Specify 360° architecture E 1 Enhance entry expression 1 Encourage the use of roll -up doors and sliding walls at street frontages 1 Orient secondary entries to alleys 1 Incorporate different materials, colors, and textures Group B Facilitate Gathering (minimum 2 required) yes I no I n/a Icriteria a 1 Form an active street wall m 1 Provide street corner plazas Z 1 Develop outdoor gathering spaces 1 Provide alley -facing gathering spaces v 1 Provide ease of access v 1 Enhance surface parking 1 Use enduring, quality paving materials E 1 Provide street furniture 1 Use exterior lighting to accentuate safety and design 1 Provide Wi-Fi hotspots Group C Incorporate Landscape and Environmental Design (minimum 3 required) yes I no I n/a Icriteria v 1 Design layered and lush landscaping Q1 Select drought -tolerant and native plants 1 Utilize planters and pots to provide greenery 1 Improve landscaping in parking areas E 1 Use fences and walls as an extension of the architecture 1 Utilize natural light Group D Encourage Connectivity yes I no I n/a Icriteria 1 Install bike facilities If "yes," total bike storage spaces provided:1 2 1 Required:1 J Group E Design for Signage, Way -Finding, and Public Art yes I no I n/a Icriteria 1 Design signs as an integral component 1 Incorporate way -finding through integral design 1 Encourage public art 93 SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS FINDINGS WORKSHEET Project Name: 212 Eucalyptus Step 1 finding:lThe proposed building height, intensity, or deviation from the development standards would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or 4 If finding is met, proceed to Step 2. If finding cannot be met, stop, the project does not qualify. Step 2 finding:lThe proposed community benefits provide exemplary project and/or streetscape design Number of criteria this project incorporates: 20 4 If 17 or more, proceed to Step 3, otherwise stop, the project does not qualify. Step 3 findin flThe proposed community benefit directly impliments objectives of the specific plan. --> If none of the proposed community bnefits meet this finding, stop, project does not qualify. 4 If at least one proposed community benefit meets this finding and project does not qualify for Tier 2, proceed to Planning Commission --> If at least one proposed community benefit meets this finding and project qualifies for Tier 2, proceed to Step 4 Only Tier 2 projects must meet Findings 4 & 5 Step 4 findin fl The community benefits proposed do not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project, but rather provides a distinct or area -wide --> If finding is met, proceed to Step 5. If finding cannot be met, stop, the project does not qualify. Step 5 finding:lThe value of the community benefits bear a relationship to the value generated by the project. Sums of developer costs for qualifieI Group A: Architecture Group B: Open Space E Group C: Landscaping a Group D: Connectivity Group E: Other Cafes and coffee shops e Undergrounding utilities a Approved public Infrastructure Projects with more $2 million or Other proposed benefits proposed community $ 874,361 benefits by groups: Community value of proposed improvements multiply by (Number of met criteria in Group A> 6 * 8.33%) _ $ 291,337 multiply by (Number of met criteria in Group B> 5 * 10%) _ $ - multiply by (Number of met criteria in Group C> 3 * 16.67%) _ $ 11,384 multiply by (Number of surplus bike spaces * $1,750) _ $ 10,500 multiply by (Number of met criteria in Group A * 33.33%) _ $ 31,144 distance to nearest similar? <1/8 mile = $ - multiply by 130% _ $ multiply by 110% _ $ 15,635 contribute at least 10% of value added to public infrastructure I FThese benefits are not considered for qualifying purposes unless accepted by City Council $ - $ 34,145 $ 18,000 $ 93,525 $ - $ 14,214 more value added must I $ - Total cost for community benefits to developer $ 1,034,245 Other SMSP public project Estimated added project value $ 1,200,000 Community value of proposed benefits $ 360,000 Community value share of added value 030% Acceptable If CV/AV is <30%, recommend additional community benefits and recalculate. If CV/AV is >30%, go to Planning Commission for recommendation to City Council 0 January 17, 2020 Drew Boyles 212 Eucalyptus Drive EI Segundo, CA 90245 'Ji(y mwexo Planning & Building Safety Department Subject: Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254; Lot Line Adjustment No. SUB 19-02 Address: 212 Eucalyptus Drive, EI Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr. Boyles: On May 28, 2019, a Lot Line Adjustment request was submitted to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and consideration of the merging of the two adjoining parcels into one at 212 Eucalyptus Drive. The Lot Line Adjustment has been reviewed, and is hereby APPROVED in accordance with EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) Chapter 14-4, and subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A_ Further, Exhibit B contains the project description, environmental determination, and findings in support of the approval. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Principal Planner Paul Samaras at (310) 524-2340, or via email at nsania2-as(iz�elseQundo.ors-,. Director of Planning and Building Safety 95 EXHIBIT A Conditions of Approval In addition to all applicable provisions of the EI Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"), the owner (Drew Boyles) agrees to comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of EI Segundo's approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1254 and Lot Line Adjustment No. SUB 19-02: Applicant shall record all necessary Agreements and Easements, such as, but not limited to Lot Line Adjustment Map, Legal Descriptions, Certificates of Compliance, Reciprocal Access and Parking Agreements, utility easements, and cross -lot surface drainage easements. Said documents shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior to recordation of the grand deed. 2. The Final Map must be recorded and filed with the City Engineer of the City of EI Segundo and Los Angeles County Recorder's Office. 3. The property owner must record a "Certificate of Compliance" and provide the City with a copy of the recorded document. 4. The property owner must record a new "Grant Deed" which reflects the approved lot line adjustment and provide the City with a copy. 5. The Applicant agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No. 1254 and Lot Line Adjustment No. 19-02. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of EA -1254 or SUB 19-02, the Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of EI Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. By signing this document, Drew Boyles, certifies that he has read, understands, and agrees to the Project Conditions listed in this document. Drew Boyles Owner I*A, :IN19:1 Project Addresses: 212 Eucalyptus Drive, EI Segundo, CA 90245 Zoning: Smoky Hollow West (SH -W) district of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Proiect Description: The existing property at 212 Eucalyptus Drive consists of two parcels in the Smoky Hollow West (SH -W) district of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, Parcel 1 (0.09 acre) and Parcel 2 (0.15 acre). Parcel 1 is improved with an asphalt paved driveway and Parcel 2 is improved with a 5,350 square -foot warehouse building with accessory office space. It is proposed to combine parcels 1 and 2 into a single 0.25 acre parcel. Environmental Assessment: After considering the above facts and the findings listed below, the Director finds this project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations §15305 as a Class 5 (a) categorical exemption — Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations. The project involves a lot line adjustment that does not result in any change in land use or density of the project site. Findings: The following are facts in support of each finding for this decision: Finding 1: The proposed lot line adjustment will comply with Government Code § 66412(d) and ESMC § 14-4-4 that allow lot line adjustments between four or fewer existing adjacent parcels where a greater number of parcels are not created. Fact(s) in support of Finding 1: • The proposed project will merge two existing parcels to create one parcel. Finding 2: The proposed lot line adjustment complies with the existing zoning code requirements. The requirements include the minimum lot size, lot frontage, setbacks, and building floor area or Floor Area Ratio (FAR). Fact(s) in support of Finding 2: • The use of the existing building as a warehouse with accessory office space are permitted uses in the SH -W district. 3 97 • The minimum lot area in the SH -W district is 5,600 square feet and the proposed parcel A is 10,685 square feet, which meets the minimum requirement. • The existing building's height of 17 feet does not exceed the allowed 35 feet. • Further, the existing building complies with setbacks. The required front and side setbacks are zero feet and the required rear setback is 10 feet. The existing building has a front yard of 4 feet, side yards of 3.5 and 5 feet, and a rear yard of 4.5 feet, which is an existing non -conformity. The merging of the parcels will not increase the rear yard nonconformity and will increase one of the side yards from 5 feet to 30 feet. • The minimum lot frontage is 50 feet and the proposed parcel would provide a minimum frontage of 75 feet. 4 98 EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 23, 2020 AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business A Community Benefits Plan (CBP 1801) and Environmental Assessment (EA -1233) to allow the construction of 70,000 square -foot addition that exceeds the maximum permitted building height in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area at 140 Oregon Street. Applicant is: Mark Telesz on behalf ofSmoky Hollow Industries, LLC. The project is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15332 as a Class 32 exemption (Infill Development). ORIGINATED BY: Maria Baldenegro, Assistant Planner REVIEWED BY: Gregg McClain, Planning Manager APPROVED BY: Sam Lee, Director of Planning and Building Safety BACKGROUND The site is located on the southeast corner of Oregon and Franklin Avenue at 140 Oregon Street. It has 456.75 feet of frontage on Franklin .Avenue, 279 feet of frontage on Oregon Street, and 200.46 feet of frontage on East E1 Segundo :boulevard. The site is 191,896 square feet and slopes down toward the southeast. The highest grade level is located near the intersection of Oregon Street and Franklin Avenue, and the lowest grade level drops in elevation by 34 feet near the intersection of Kansas Street and El Segundo Boulevard. The site contains three mid-century Industrial brick buildings with a combined total gross floor area of 75,353 square feet. The current building uses are light industrial with associated accessory general office, research and development, and warehouse. The property was previously owned by Standard Oil until 1957 and was purchased by the current owner in 2015. we Figure 1 Aerial View of Site The uses surrounding the project site are summarized in the following table below: SURROUNDING LAND USES Land Uses Aircraft equipment parts, Machine Shop, and Research and North Development. Industrial Machine Shop, Warehouse, and Dog Daycare with Overnight Fast Kennel Services. South Oil Refinery (Chevron), Parking Lot, and Chevron Park. West Wholesale, Warehouse, Printing, and Industrial Machine Shop, DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS LJ Zones SHE SHE SHE and M-2 SHE The applicant requests a Community Benefits Plan approval to exceed the permitted building height in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area by 20 feet. The "base development standards" for the specific plan listed in Table 2-2 allows a building height of 35 feet and a maximum FAR of 1.0. Pursuant to Table 4-1, projects that include a maximum building height of 50 feet and an FAR greater than 1.5 require a Tier II Community Benefits Plan approval from the City Council. During the approval of the Specific Plan the City Council indicated that height above 50 feet will also be permitted. 2 100 Proposed Prviect Descriotion The project involves the demolition of an existing southern building located at the site that is 8,204 square feet. The proposed addition to the building is mostly creative office use, limited accessory retail, and a cafd containing a small outdoor seating area on the ground floor facing Oregon Street. The combined total proposed gross floor area for the site is 143,611 square feet. If the Variance is approved by the Planning Commission, this parcel will have a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.75, which is less than the maximum permitted 1.5 FAR with a Tier II Community Benefits Plan. Figure 2 Project Site Plan I = �j rro-lawc ii FiWI�W iYi I I ol.Eaoa ss 1 I tlC.CLMO �+ •L,FS}11tWvd Lzw1! q �+F4�44W '. ryeGc �wnRM ANf .twr�•�uKwaoAlr.oe I 1 731E FRXNM PIAYFI �I Propoigpd Design ,�i IV#ii117 ST. 4 I I low I � NPS IL FF.& iLWA%%J The project is a two-story addition to an existing single -story brick building. The design enhances the industrial aesthetic of the Smoky Hollow neighborhood by preserving and protecting the existing 1950s era red -brick facades for the first floor and utilizing a compatible industrial gray block and exposed steel design for the upper levels. The first floor will be 13 feet tall and the two upper floors will have mezzanine --levels. Each of the upper floors will be 18 feet tall in order to let in natural light and meet the user demand for tall open space ceilings. This mix of the old brick together with the other modern industrial building design elements is highly desirable to prospective creative and knowledge-based businesses across many industries. The design is in compliance with the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan design guidelines. 101 Figure 1 Western Building Elevation f F Communitv Benefits Plan No. CBP 18-01 In order to approve the project, the City Council must find the value of the proposed Tier II Community Benefits Plan is adequate in implementing the objectives of the Specific Plan in exchange for the approval of the additional height for the project. A Tier Il Community Benefits Plan may be approved if the following findings are made: 1, The proposed additional building height, intensity, or deviation from development standards would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; 2. The proposed community benefit provides exemplary project and/or streetscape design; and 3. The proposed community benefit directly implements objectives of the Specific Pian; 4. The value of the community benefits bear a relationship to the value generated by the project; and 5. The community benefits proposed do not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project, but rather provide a district or area -wide benefit to the larger Smoky Hollow Plan area. The following list of items are amenities intended to benefit directly the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area and not principally the occupants of the project: 1. Public art - large scale public art along the envisioned re -imagined Franklin Avenue inspired by John D. Rockefeller (former property owner). 2. Transformative project - significant investment for an architecturally expressive design that rehabilitates the original 1950s mid-century fagade rather than demolishing. The unique striking design will become a landmark for the neighborhood and possibly the city. The cost for striking architectural elements such as exposed structural steel, large scale balconies and exterior decks, massive mid-century like steel windows and other period materials will build upon the character of the smoky hollow neighborhood and inspire equally striking designs by other developers. 3. Public seating - architectural seating along the sidewalk area within the public right-of-way facing Franklin Avenue and Oregon Street. 4 102 4. public art - large scale motivational public art visible from Pacific Coast Highway on the cast face of the garage to encourage leadership and economic development. 5. Preservation and rehabilitation -preservation and rehabilitation of the existing brick facade. 6. Streetscape improvements - new public sidewalk segment adjacent to Oregon Street where there is currently no sidewalk. 7. Mid -block pedestrian passageway - interesting overall. massing with a pedestrian and vehicular mid -block passageway through the building creating a free and open raid -block access through the site to a small park at the site. S. Sidewalk widening and utility improvements - removal of 2 existing power poles and associated guy -wires at the sidewalk facing Oregon Street which remove barriers for wheelchair and pedestrian accessibility. Additionally, several low voltage and high voltage overhead lines on Oregon Street and East Franklin Avenue will be removed and placed underground to beautify the streetscape views. 9. Lighting and wayfinding - period appropriate exterior lighting for the site and adjacent to East Franklin Avenue and Oregon Street. Staff evaluated the value of the community benefits being offered and the financial gain to the applicant by allowing additional building height of 20 feet. The results are presented in the attached warksheet. Although the Planning Commission should evaluate the appropriateness of the community benefits in relation to the applicant's requested exceptions, Commissioners should not make their assessment on monetary value alone_. This information was provided in support of Finding B in Tier II that requires the evaluation of these values. Presently the proposed benefits are deemed by Staff to be adequate and we recommend that the Commission, should they agree with Staff's view, consider Finding B in Tier I1 to be met. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The City Council certified a Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) on September 18, 2018 for the development of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area was analyzed to allow 517,094 square feet of building area for office, commercial, and industrial uses. No new significant effects previously analyzed in the FEIR will result from a minor increase in building height within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area. The site has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species_ The site is currently developed with an existing building and an asphalt -paved parking lot and has no landscaped planters or vegetation of any kind. In addition, on September 18, 2018, the City Council certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The project is consistent with the EIR build -out projections and subject to the certified MMRP, which is incorporated as conditions of approval in the draft resolution. The EIR concluded that development in the Plan area would have no impact on special - status species, sensitive habitats, wetlands, or wildlife movement or nursery sites (Chapter 7 —Biological Resources). However, the EIR included Mitigation Measures 7-1 and 7-2 to reduce potential impacts to migratory nesting birds to a less than significant level. Those mitigation measures are incorporated in the draft resolution as conditions of approval. As 5 103 a result, the project will not have a significant impact on habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. 2. The project would not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR anticipated an additional 517,094 square feet of development in the Plan area, including projects that may exceed the base development density limits, such as the subject project. The subject project would add a net 8,769 square feet of office, which represents less than 1.7 percent of the potential additional development its the Plan area and therefore not result in a substantial increase in traffic. The EIR analyzed the potential traffic impacts in Chapter 18. With regard to Traffic, the EIR included Mitigation Measures 18-1 and 18-2 to reduce impacts to two intersections of Pacific Coast Highway at Grand Avenue and at El Segundo Boulevard. Additional impacts to 105 freeway on -ramps with local streets and conflict with the Congestion management Program (CMP) were determined to be significant are unavoidable in the EIR and the City Council adopted a statement of overriding considerations for those impacts. In addition, the project is subject to the City's Traffic Mitigation .Impact Fee. Therefore, the project's traffic impact is anticipated to be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential noise impacts in Chapter 15. The EIR found that noise levels in the plan area would increase due to an increase in traffic generally and would have a significant impact and unavoidable impact. The City Council adopted a statement of overriding considerations for these impacts. Impacts during construction and operation were determined to be less than significant, because projects are expected to comply with the City's General Plan Noise Element policies and the El Segundo Municipal Code Noise and construction hour limitations. As a result, the project's noise impact is anticipated to be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential air quality impacts in Chapter 6. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant air duality impacts. In addition, the subject project would comply with South Coast Air Quality District rules regarding emissions, the General Plan Air Quality Element Policies, and the ESMC limitations on dust and particulate matter emissions during construction and operations. As a result, the project's air quality impact will be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential water quality impacts in Chapter 12. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on water quality. The project would comply with the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board permit regulations, the General Plan Conservation Element policies, and the ESMC limitations on emissions into the City's storm drain system during construction and operation. As a result, the project's water quality impact is anticipated to be less than significant. 3. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on utility services in Chapter 19. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on utilities, including water, waste water, and solid waste. As 6 104 mentioned above, the EIR accounted for all development in the plan area, Therefore, the subject project's impact on utility services is anticipated to be less than. significant. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on public services in Chapter 17. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on services including Police, Fire, Parks and Recreation, and public schools. The subject project will be constructed in compliance with the latest applicable hire codes and Police security requirements, which will help limit demand for those services. In addition, the project is subject to the City's Development Impact Mitigation Fees, including Police, Fire, and Parks fees. As a result, the project's public services impact is anticipated to be less than significant. 4. Historic resource assessment In addition to the above, the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on Cultural Resources in the plan area (Chapter 8), including older potentially historic buildings. To address the potential impacts, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) included ]Mitigation Monitoring Measure (MM) CULT MM 8-1 that requires an assessment of buildings older than 50 years prior to demolition to determine whether they have potential value as a historic resource for CEQA purposes. Pursuant to Mitigation Monitoring Measure CULT MM 8-1, staff conducted an assessment of the existing building onsite to determine whether the structure meets the criteria for inclusion on a historic register. The assessment, incorporated herein by reference, concluded that the structure does not merit inclusion on a historic register and, thus, need not be treated as a historic resource under CEQA and may be demolished without any Further environmental review. In conclusion, based on the evidence presented above and in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR the project is exempt from further environmental review. CONCLUSION! RECOMMENDATION The proposed development project and community benefits, as conditioned, meet the findings in Section 4.5.2 of the Specific Plan. In addition, the development project and community benefits are exempt from further environmental review. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2882, recommending approval of Community Benefits Plan No. CBP 18-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1233 for the construction of a 70,000 square -foot addition that exceeds the maximum permitted building height in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area at 140 Oregon Street. Attached Documents I. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2882 Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval Exhibit B - Community Benefits Plan 2. flans and Exhibits 3. Kosmont financial feasibility report dated October 31, 2019 4. Community benefit plan worksheet 7 105 RESOLUTION NO. 2882 A RESOLUTION APPROVING COMMUNITY BENEFIT PLAN NO. 18-01 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA -1233 TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION THAT EXCEEDS THE PERMITTED BUILDING HEIGHT IN THE SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, AND LOCATED AT 140 OREGON STREET. The Planning Commission of the City of EI Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission finds and declares that: A. On December 14, 2018, Mark Telesz on behalf of Smoky Hollow Industries LLC, filed an application for Community Benefits Plan No. CBP 18-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1233 to allow a 70,000 square -foot addition that exceeds permitted building height in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area; B. The application was reviewed by the City's Planning and Building Safety Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the EI Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") and the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan; C. The City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., CEQA) and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq., CEQA Guidelines; D. On January 23, 2020, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including, information provided to the Planning Commission by city staff; and, adopted the resolution recommending that the City Council approve the proposed Tier II Community Benefit Plan for the project; and E. This Resolution and its findings are made based upon the evidence presented to the Planning Commission at its January 23, 2020, hearing including the staff report submitted by the Planning and Building Safety Department. SECTION 2: Factual Findings. The Commission finds that the following facts exist: A. On September 18, 2018, the City Council approved General Plan Amendment No. GPA 13-01, Zone Change No. ZC 13-01, Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 13-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1011 for the comprehensive update of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan covers 94.3 acres and is located in the northwest quadrant of the City, generally bounded by Standard Street to the west, EI Segundo Boulevard to the south, Pacific Coast -1- 106 Highway to the east and Grand Avenue and Holly Avenue to the north. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15161. The Specific Plan was analyzed to support a total net increase of 517,094 square feet of building area by 2040. B. The subject site is located in the Smoky Hollow East (SH -E) zone within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. C. The surrounding land uses consist of: Aircraft equipment parts, Machine Shop, and Research and Development to the north; Industrial Machine Shop, Warehouse, and Dog Daycare with Overnight Kennel Services to the east; Oil Refinery (Chevron), Parking Lot, and Chevron Park to the south; and Wholesale, Warehouse, Printing, and Industrial Machine Shop to the west. D. The project site is a corner lot with 456.75 feet of frontage on Franklin Avenue, 279 feet of frontage on Oregon Street, and 200.46 feet of frontage on East EI Segundo Boulevard. The site is 191,896 square feet and slopes down toward the southeast. The highest grade level is located near the intersection of Oregon Street and Franklin Avenue, and the lowest grade level drops in elevation by 34 feet near the intersection of Kansas Street and EI Segundo Boulevard. E. The site contains three mid-century Industrial brick buildings with a combined total gross floor area of 76,353 square feet. The current building uses are light industrial with associated accessory general office, research and development, and warehouse. The property was previously owned by Standard Oil until 1957 it was purchased by the current owner in 2015. F. The applicant requests the approval to exceed the permitted building height in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area by 20 feet. The "base development standards" for the specific plan listed in Table 2-2 allows a building height of 35 feet and a maximum FAR of 1.0. Pursuant to Table 4-1, projects that include a building height of 50 feet or more, and an FAR greater than 1.5 requires a Tier II Community Benefits Plan approval from the City Council. G. The project is in compliance with the Smoky Hollow East (SH -E) zoning district development standards with the exception to the building height. The proposed building addition will reach a height of 55 feet. H. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan allows certain deviations from the development standards if the applicant offers, and the City accepts, a community benefit plan. In order to approve the project, the City Council must find the value of the proposed Tier II Community Benefits Plan is adequate in implementing the objectives of the Specific Plan in exchange for the approval of the additional building height for the project. -2- 107 SECTION 3: Environmental Assessment. The City Council certified a Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) on September 18, 2018 for the development of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area was analyzed to allow 517,094 square feet of building area for office, commercial, and industrial uses. No new significant effects previously analyzed in the FEIR will result from a minor increase in building height within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area. 1. The site has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. The site is currently developed with an existing building and an asphalt -paved parking lot and has no landscaped planters or vegetation of any kind. In addition, on September 18, 2018, the City Council certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. The project is consistent with the EIR build -out projections and subject to the certified MMRP, which is incorporated as conditions of approval in the draft resolution. The EIR concluded that development in the Plan area would have no impact on special -status species, sensitive habitats, wetlands, or wildlife movement or nursery sites (Chapter 7 —Biological Resources). However, the EIR included Mitigation Measures 7-1 and 7-2 to reduce potential impacts to migratory nesting birds to a less than significant level. Those mitigation measures are incorporated in the draft resolution as conditions of approval. As a result, the project will not have a significant impact on habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. 2. The project would not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR anticipated an additional 517,094 square feet of development in the Plan area, including projects that may exceed the base development density limits, such as the subject project. The subject project would add a net 8,769 square feet of office, which represents less than 1.7 percent of the potential additional development in the Plan area and therefore not result in a substantial increase in traffic. The EIR analyzed the potential traffic impacts in Chapter 18. With regard to Traffic, the EIR included Mitigation Measures 18-1 and 18-2 to reduce impacts to two intersections of Pacific Coast Highway at Grand Avenue and at EI Segundo Boulevard. Additional impacts to 105 freeway on -ramps with local streets and conflict with the Congestion management Program (CMP) were determined to be significant are unavoidable in the EIR and the City Council adopted a statement of overriding considerations for those impacts. In addition, the project is subject to the City's Traffic Mitigation Impact Fee. Therefore, the project's traffic impact is anticipated to be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential noise impacts in Chapter 15. The EIR found that noise levels in the plan area would increase due to an increase in traffic generally and would have a significant impact and unavoidable impact. The City Council -3- 1: adopted a statement of overriding considerations for these impacts. Impacts during construction and operation were determined to be less than significant, because projects are expected to comply with the City's General Plan Noise Element policies and the EI Segundo Municipal Code Noise and construction hour limitations. As a result, the project's noise impact is anticipated to be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential air quality impacts in Chapter 6. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant air quality impacts. In addition, the subject project would comply with South Coast Air Quality District rules regarding emissions, the General Plan Air Quality Element Policies, and the ESMC limitations on dust and particulate matter emissions during construction and operations. As a result, the project's air quality impact will be less than significant. The EIR analyzed the potential water quality impacts in Chapter 12. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on water quality. The project would comply with the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board permit regulations, the General Plan Conservation Element policies, and the ESMC limitations on emissions into the City's storm drain system during construction and operation. As a result, the project's water quality impact is anticipated to be less than significant. 3. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on utility services in Chapter 19. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on utilities, including water, waste water, and solid waste. As mentioned above, the EIR accounted for all development in the plan area. Therefore, the subject project's impact on utility services is anticipated to be less than significant. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on public services in Chapter 17. The analysis concluded that development anticipated in the plan area would have less than significant impacts on services including Police, Fire, Parks and Recreation, and public schools. The subject project will be constructed in compliance with the latest applicable Fire codes and Police security requirements, which will help limit demand for those services. In addition, the project is subject to the City's Development Impact Mitigation Fees, including Police, Fire, and Parks fees. As a result, the project's public services impact is anticipated to be less than significant. 4. Historic resource assessment In addition to the above, the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR analyzed the potential impacts on Cultural Resources in the plan area (Chapter 8), including -4- 109 older potentially historic buildings. To address the potential impacts, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) included Mitigation Monitoring Measure (MM) CULT MM 8-1 that requires an assessment of buildings older than 50 years prior to demolition to determine whether they have potential value as a historic resource for CEQA purposes. Pursuant to Mitigation Monitoring Measure CULT MM 8-1, staff conducted an assessment of the existing building onsite to determine whether the structure meets the criteria for inclusion on a historic register. The assessment, incorporated herein by reference, concluded that the structure does not merit inclusion on a historic register and, thus, need not be treated as a historic resource under CEQA and may be demolished without any further environmental review. In conclusion, based on the evidence presented above and in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan EIR the project is exempt from further environmental review. SECTION 4: General Plan Findings. The project will further the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan as follows: A. The EI Segundo General Plan land use designation of the site is Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. This land use designation is intended to permit a range of incubator businesses, small and medium size industrial uses, research and development, and creative office uses. The designation also permits public facilities, parking facilities, and limited restaurant and retail uses. B. The project site is located in the Smoky Hollow East (SH -E) zone within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. This zoning district provides a transitional land use area between higher density office uses east of Pacific Coast Highway and the smaller, single -parcel industrial and creative businesses of the western portion of the Smoky Hollow area. The SHE zoning district accommodates development of incubator industrial, research, and technology uses; medium sized light industrial and manufacturing; and creative office activities. The proposed building addition for office use is consistent with the purpose of the district. C. The proposed use is consistent with Land Use Element Objective LU44 in that it adds office space to the mixture of industrial, commercial, and residential uses in the Smoky Hollow and Downtown areas, which has the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impacts, and encourage pedestrian environment. D. The General Plan contains a number of relevant Goals, Objectives, and Policies in the Economic Development Element. The goal of Objective ED1-1 is building "support and cooperation among the City of EI Segundo and its businesses and residential communities for the mutual benefits derived from the maintenance and expansion of EI Segundo's economic base." The proposed development will -5- 110 expand office use area in the City. The development will provide significant fiscal benefit to the City by generating additional business license fees. E. According to Policy ED1-1.2, long -run efforts for economic development should focus on "diversification of EI Segundo's economic base in order to meet quality of life goals." The proposed office building expansion will benefit the residential community and further economic growth efforts. F. Policies ED1-2.1 and ED1-2.2, both seek to promote land uses, which improve the City's commercial tax base. The proposed office building expansion will provide this opportunity in the City. G. Any new development in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area is required to meet all health and safety and environmental regulations and would be built to meet all current seismic safety standards, as overseen by the Building Safety Division. The proposed project will be consistent with Policy LU4-1.2 and Policy LU4-1.4. SECTION 6: Community Benefits Findings. After considering the above facts, the Planning Commission finds as follows: A. The proposed additional building height, intensity, or deviation from the development standards would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The proposed building height for the project is compatible with the neighborhood in that two-story buildings, tall petroleum storage drums, and 200 -foot tall distillation columns are located in the immediate vicinity. The additional 20 -foot building height is not anticipated to be detrimental, in that the project provides excess on-site parking and bike racks. As a result, the project is not anticipated to have significant off-site parking impacts. The project is located in a developed area which contains all utilities and public infrastructure. Additionally, before the City issues building permits for the project, the applicant will submit detailed plans to the City for review for compliance with all applicable Building and Fire safety codes. Therefore, the project overall is not anticipated to be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. B. The proposed community benefit provides exemplary project and/or streetscape design. The Specific Plan contains 32 specific design guidelines in five categories including, building character, open space, landscaping, connectivity, and signage and art. Compliance with at least 17 of the guidelines is required to consider a project exemplary in building and/or streetscape design. The proposed project incorporates 21 of the 32 guidelines. S.1 111 C. The proposed community benefits directly implements objectives of the Specific Plan. 1. Part of the proposed community benefit consists of compliance with the Smoky Hollow design guidelines. Compliance with the guidelines directly implements the Smoky Hollow Design Objectives in Specific Plan Section 2.4.1 as follows: a. The project design helps preserve Smoky Hollow's existing character by incorporating materials and colors that are consistent with existing buildings in the area and with the neighborhood's industrial character. b. The project offers sidewalk oriented entries, in that the ground floor office space has direct access from the public sidewalk, which assists in activating the Oregon Street frontage. c. The project facilitates pedestrian activity and access to all transit modes, in that it incorporates a pedestrian connection from Oregon Street to Franklin Avenue and provides bicycle parking above the minimum requirements along the property frontage, which will enhance access to the property by alternative means. d. The project encourages active and passive design to conserve natural resources, in that its design incorporates floor to ceiling windows on the front elevation and multiple large windows along the north and east elevations, which will provide a lot of natural light in the new building, thereby reducing use of electricity for lighting purposes. In addition, the project will make use of drought tolerant plant species in the landscaped areas, which will reduce the use of water for landscaping. 2. The proposed community benefit plan implements the goals and objectives of Specific Plan Chapter 3 regarding publicly owner rights-of-way and publicly accessible open spaces. The proposed community benefits plan includes public improvements to utilities in the public right-of-way, sidewalks, landscaping adjacent to the street, and open space, which will in turn help integrate cyclists, pedestrians, and transit users for businesses to flourish. D. The value of the proposed community benefits bear a relationship to the value generated by the project. The City contracted Kosmont and Associates, Inc (Kosmont) to prepare a comprehensive financial report of the proposed Tier II Community Benefits Plan for the project. Staff evaluated the value of the community benefits being offered and the financial gain to the applicant by allowing additional building height of 20 feet. The results are presented in the attached (Exhibit B) worksheet. Although the Planning Commission should evaluate the appropriateness of the community benefits in relation to the applicant's requested exceptions, Commissioners should not make their assessment on monetary value alone. This information was provided in support of Finding B in Tier II that requires the evaluation of these -7- 112 values. Presently the proposed benefits are deemed by Staff to be adequate and we recommend that the Commission, should they agree with Staff's view, consider Finding B in Tier II to be met. E. The proposed community benefits do not principally benefit the project occupants of the project, but rather provide a district or area -wide benefit to the larger Smoky Hollow Plan area. The applicant is providing the following list of items intended to benefit directly the public and not principally the occupants of the project: 1. Public art - large scale public art along the envisioned re -imagined Franklin Avenue inspired by John D. Rockefeller (former property owner). 2. Transformative project - significant investment for an architecturally expressive design that rehabilitates the original 1950s mid-century fagade rather than demolishing. The unique striking design will become a landmark for the neighborhood and possibly the city. The cost for striking architectural elements such as exposed structural steel, large scale balconies and exterior decks, massive mid-century like steel windows and other period materials will build upon the character of the smoky hollow neighborhood and inspire equally striking designs by other developers. 3. Public seating - architectural seating along the sidewalk area within the public right-of-way facing Franklin Avenue and Oregon Street. 4. Public art - large scale motivational public art visible from Pacific Coast Highway on the east face of the garage to encourage leadership and economic development. 5. Preservation and rehabilitation - preservation and rehabilitation of the existing brick facade. 6. Streetscape improvements - new public sidewalk segment adjacent to Oregon Street where there is currently no sidewalk. 7. Mid -block pedestrian passageway - interesting overall massing with a pedestrian and vehicular mid -block passageway from Oregon Street providing mid -block access through the site to a parklet facing Franklin Avenue. 8. Sidewalk widening and utility improvements - removal of 2 existing power poles and associated guy -wires at the sidewalk facing Oregon Street which remove barriers for wheelchair and pedestrian access. Additionally, several low voltage and high voltage overhead lines on Oregon Street and East Franklin Avenue will be removed and placed underground to beautify the streetscape views. 9. Lighting and wayfinding - period appropriate exterior lighting and directional signage for the project will be provided adjacent to the sidewalks facing Franklin Avenue and Oregon Street. 113 Staff evaluated the value of the community benefits being offered and the financial gain to the applicant by allowing additional building height of 20 feet. The results are presented in the attached worksheet. Although the Planning Commission should evaluate the appropriateness of the community benefits in relation to the applicant's requested exceptions, Commissioners should not make their assessment on monetary value alone. This information was provided in support of Finding B in Tier II that requires the evaluation of these values. Presently the proposed benefits are deemed by Staff to be adequate and we recommend that the Commission, should they agree with Staff's view, consider Finding B in Tier II to be met. SECTION 7: Recommendation. Subject to the conditions listed on the attached Exhibit "A," which are incorporated into this Resolution by reference, the Planning Commission recommends City Council approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1233 and Community Benefits Plan No. CBP 18-01. SECTION 8: Reliance On Record. Each and every one of the findings and determination in this Resolution are based on the competent and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the Planning Commission in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole. SECTION 9: Limitations. The Planning Commission's analysis and evaluation of the project is based on information available at the time of the decision. It is inevitable that in evaluating a project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the project will not exist. In all instances, best efforts have been made to form accurate assumptions. SECTION 10: This Resolution will remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. SECTION 11: The Commission Secretary is directed to mail a copy of this Resolution to Mark Telesz on behalf of Smoky Hollow Industries LLC and to any other person requesting a copy. SECTION 12: This Resolution may be appealed within ten (10) calendar days after its adoption. All appeals must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk within this time period. Failure to file a timely written appeal will constitute a waiver of any right of appeal. W 114 SECTION 13: Except as provided in Section 12, this Resolution is the Planning Commission's final decision and will become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of January 2020. ATTEST: Sam Lee, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney As Ryan Baldino, Chairperson City of EI Segundo Planning Commission David King, Assistant City Attorney -10- Baldino - Newman - Wingate - Hoeschler - Keldorf - 115 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2882 Exhibit A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the EI Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"), Mark Telesz on behalf of Smoky Hollow Industries, LLC agrees to comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of EI Segundo's approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1233 and Community Benefit Plan No. CBP 18-01, ("Project Conditions"): Zoning Conditions 1. This approval is for the project as shown on the plans, renderings, and materials board dated -stamped received on August 21, 2019 and on file with the Planning and Building Department. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must submit plans, showing that the project substantially complies with the plans and conditions of approval on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. Any subsequent modification to the approved design must be referred to the Planning and Building Safety Director for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review and approval of the proposed modification. 2. All development impact mitigation fees imposed pursuant to ESMC Chapter 15-27 of for the additional building floor area must be paid before the City issues a building permit. 3. Before the City issues building permits, the applicant must submit detailed plans in substantial compliance with the plans approved by the City Council to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval. The submitted plans must comply with the screening requirements in ESMC Section 15-2-8 for mechanical equipment. 4. To avoid impacts to nesting birds, construction activities and construction noise should occur outside the avian nesting season (prior to February 1 or after September 1). If construction and construction noise occurs within the avian nesting season (during the period from February 1 to September 1), areas within 100 feet of a development site shall be thoroughly surveyed for the presence of nests by a qualified biologist no more than five days before commencement of any vegetation removal. If it is determined that the Project Site is occupied by nesting birds covered under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, condition No. 6 shall apply. 5. If pre -construction nesting bird surveys result in the location of active nests, no grading, vegetation removal, or heavy equipment activity shall take place within an -11- 116 appropriate setback from occupied nests as determined by a qualified biologist. Protective measures (e.g., established setbacks) shall be required to ensure compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and California Fish and Game Code requirements. The qualified biologist shall serve as a construction monitor during those periods when construction activities occur near active nest areas to ensure that no inadvertent impacts occur. A report of the findings, prepared by a qualified biologist, shall be submitted to the CDFW prior to construction -related activities that have the potential to disturb any active nests during the nesting season. 6. Prior to the commencement of grading or demolition of subsurface structures, a professional archaeologist who meets U.S. Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications and Standards, shall conduct a brief archaeological and paleontological informational session for construction personnel. The training session may consist of an in-person meeting or a written handout describing: (1) how to identify archaeological and paleontological resources that may be encountered during earth -moving activities and (2) the procedures to be followed in such an event, including contact information for the appropriate entities if archaeological or paleontological resources are discovered. 7. In the event that archaeological or paleontological resources are unearthed during ground -disturbing activities, the ground -disturbing activities shall be halted or diverted away from the vicinity of the find so that the find can be evaluated. A buffer area of at least 50 feet shall be established around the find, where construction activities will not be allowed to continue until a qualified archaeologist or paleontologist has examined the newly discovered artifact(s) and has evaluated the area of the find. Work shall be allowed to continue outside the buffer area. If the archaeologist identifies the find as a tribal cultural resource or suspects it to be a tribal cultural resource, the City will contact the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) to report the discovery, and will contact local Native American tribal representatives as directed by the NAHC. Should the newly discovered artifact(s) be determined to be a tribal cultural resource, Native American construction monitoring will be initiated. The City shall coordinate with the archaeologist and tribal representative(s) to develop an appropriate treatment plan. Communitv Benefits Plan 8. Must provide all the community benefits as stated in Exhibit B (Community Benefits Plan). If the project does not provide a benefit or ceases to provide one, the owner must submit a revised CBP including equivalent replacement benefit of an equal value to the Planning and Building Safety Director for review and approval. The Director may at his discretion refer the revised CBP to the Planning Commission and City Council for review and approval. 9. The applicant must construct the public improvements indicated in the Community -12- 117 Benefits Plan, including, but not limited to, sidewalk, streetscape, landscaping, parking, open space, and other improvements in the public right-of-way. Fire Department Conditions 10. The applicant must comply with the applicable requirements of the 2016 California Building and Fire Codes and the 2015 International Fire Code as adopted by the City of EI Segundo and EI Segundo Fire Department Regulations. 11. The applicant must submit and have approved by the Fire Department a Fire/Life Safety Plan, identifying fire safety precautions during demolition and construction, emergency site access during construction, permanent fire department access, fire hydrant locations and any existing or proposed fire sprinkler systems and fire alarm systems prior to issuance of the building permit. Public Works Department Conditions General 12. All work in the City's right-of-way or on City -owned and maintained facilities shall require review and approval of the City Engineer or his/her designee. "City Engineer" = City Engineer or his/her designee throughout this document. 13. The applicant shall ensure that encroachment permits are secured from the Public Works Department/Engineering Division before commencing any and all work in the City's public right-of-way (ROW), including lane closures 14. Construction inspection shall be coordinated with the Public Works Inspector and no construction shall deviate from the approved plans without approval of the City Engineer. If plan deviations are necessary, the applicant shall provide a revised plan or details of the proposed change for review and approval of the City Engineer prior to construction. 15. Prior to issuing of the Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall ensure installation of all improvements required by the Public Works Department are inspected and approved by the City Engineer. 16. All construction -related parking shall be accommodated on-site. No construction related parking shall be permitted off-site. 17. A grading and drainage plan shall be provided and stamped by a California (CA) State -licensed civil engineer as part of the Building Permit process. -13- 118 18. A utility plan shall be provided that shows all existing and proposed utility lines and their sizes (sewer, water, gas, storm drain, electrical, etc.), including easements, within 200 feet of the project site boundary. Street Improvements & Traffic Control 19. All new sidewalk, curb & gutter, driveway approaches, and curb ramps shall be constructed per the latest Standard Plans for Public Works Construction (SPPWC) "Greenbook" and City standards. 20. All existing sidewalk, curb & gutter, driveway approaches, and curb ramps that are broken or not in conformance with the latest SPPWC or City standards shall be removed and constructed per the latest SPPWC and City standards. 21. All unused driveways shall be removed and replaced with full -height curb, gutter and sidewalk per SPPWC standards and City standards. 22. The applicant shall provide a minimum 4' sidewalk clearance around any obstruction in the sidewalk i.e. posts, power poles, etc. 23. The applicant shall provide traffic control plans for all work requiring a lane closure. 24. During construction, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide safe pedestrian traffic control around the site. A pedestrian protection plan shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval by the City Engineer. This may include but not be limited to signs, flashing lights, barricades and flag persons. Water 25. Any existing water meters, potable water service connections, fire backflow devices and potable water backflow devices must be upgraded to current City Water Division standards. These devices shall be placed or relocated onto private property. 26. The applicant must submit plans for water system upgrades to the City of EI Segundo Public Works Department for review and approval. 27. Any unused water laterals shall be abandoned and properly capped at the City main. The Contractor is to obtain necessary permits and licenses, and provide traffic control plans and shoring plans. Sewer 28. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the sewer connection fee for this project must be paid to the City of EI Segundo Public Works Department. -14- 119 29. Any unused sanitary sewer laterals shall be abandoned and properly capped at the City main. The Contractor is to obtain necessary permits and licenses, and provide traffic control plans and shoring plans. Storm Drain 30. The applicant shall remove and replace an existing broken storm drain manhole behind the property. The manhole is broken and open to illicit drainage and needs to be closed to any surface drainage. 31. Hydrologic and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to size appropriate storm drain facilities to control on-site drainage and mitigate off-site impacts. Refer to the most recent Los Angeles County Hydrology Manual. Instructions and the manual are available at the County website at http://dpw.lacounty.gov/wrd/Publication/index.cfm. Calculations shall be signed by a registered civil engineer. 32. The project shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements and shall provide Best Management Practices (BMPs) for sediment control, construction material control and erosion control. Landscaping & Irrigation 33. All public landscape improvements shall be designed to City standards and approved by the Parks & Recreation Department. 34. Projects involving more than 500 square feet of new landscaping will require a 3 - month Water Audit Report before Final. Waste Management 35. The applicant shall comply with Title 5, Chapter 2 (Garbage and Rubbish), of the EI Segundo Municipal Code. Collection/disposal/storage systems and areas must be provided in the plans that ensure compliance with State and City regulations. Miscellaneous Conditions Mark Telesz on behalf of Smoky Hollow Industries, LLC agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1233 and Community Benefit Plan CBP No. 18-01. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1233 and Community Benefit Plan CBP No. 18-01, the Applicant and Property Owner agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section -15- 120 "the City" includes the City of EI Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. By signing this document, Mark Telesz on behalf of Smoky Hollow Industries, LLC certifies that he has read, understood, and agrees to the Project Conditions listed in this document. Mark Telesz, President Smoky Hollow Industries, a Limited Liability Corporation {If Corporation or similar entity, needs two officer signatures or evidence that one signature binds the company} \\chclusterfs\Dept\Planning & Building Safety\_Planning\Projects\1226-1250\1233 SHSP LLA 1325 E EI Segundo Blvd\1233 SHSP LLA 1325 E EI Segundo Blvd\EA-1233 DA and 55 FT Building Height Request\Pc January 23, 2020\EA 1233 PC Community Benefits Reso 2020.docx -16- 121 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2882 Exhibit B COMMUNITY BENEFIT PLAN Proiect description: The development project at 140 Oregon Street is subject to the following applications: Community Benefits Plan No. CBP 18-01 and Environmental Assessment No. EA 1233. The development project deviates from the following Smoky Hollow Specific Plan (Specific Plan) development standards in Section 2.3: Building Height. The permitted building height is 35 feet. The proposed building height is 55 feet to the top of the roofline. The above deviation is clearly illustrated in the attached plans. Communitv benefits: In exchange for the above deviations, the applicant offers the following community benefits pursuant to Specific Plan Section 4.5.2: Consistency with design guidelines above requirements. The development project complies with 21 of the 32 design guidelines in Section 2.4 of the Specific Plan. The following list of items are intended to benefit the directly the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area and not principally the occupants of the project: A. Public Art - Large scale public art along the envisioned re -imagined franklin avenue inspired by John D. Rockefeller (former property owner). See page 26. B. Transformative Project - Significant investment for an architecturally expressive design that rehabilitates the original 1950s mid-century fagade rather than demolishing. The unique striking design will become a landmark for the neighborhood and possibly the city. The cost for striking architectural elements such as exposed structural steel, large scale balconies and exterior decks, massive mid-century like steel windows and other period materials will build upon the character of the smoky hollow neighborhood and inspire equally striking designs by other developers. C. Public Art - large scale motivational public art visible from PCH on the east face of the garage meant to encourage leadership and business in the area and embrace the city and the neighborhood. D. Preservation and Rehabilitation - preservation and rehabilitation of the existing brick facade and structure. -17- 122 E. Street -space Improvements - new portion of new sidewalk connecting and continuing the public sidewalk along Oregon street where there is no sidewalk currently. F. Sidewalk widening and utility improvements - removal of 2 existing power poles and associated guy -wires and underground utility low voltage vault at the sidewalk at Oregon street which remove barriers along the sidewalks for increased accessible access. Additionally, several associated low voltage and high voltage overhead lines on Oregon street and e. Franklin avenue will also be removed, beautifying the streetscape and improving utilities along the streets. New underground power and low voltage will be provided. The following list of improvements are consistent with the base standards: 1. Removal of a curb cut along Oregon Street. 2. Removal of a curb cut along E. Franklin Avenue. 3. Rooftop amenities which will add vibrancy to the streetscape by showcasing events and activity. 4. Enhanced streetscape landscaping 5. 30-40 feet tall vertical landscaping at the north and south facing garage sheer walls will include large scale publicly visible greenery from EI Segundo Boulevard, Franklin Avenue and Oregon and Kansas Streets. 6. Massing that steps back along E. Franklin and Oregon streets above the first level. 7. Clearly identifiable entries 8. Parking demand provided entirely on-site. The above community benefits are more clearly illustrated in the attached plans. Attachment: 1. Plans dated October 30, 2019 aN 123 SHEETINDEX SHEET � UMBER SHEET NAME DEVELOPITENT AGREEMENT 01 COVER 02 EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY 03 PERSPECTIVE 04 PERSPECTIVE 05 PERSPECTIVE 06 PERSPECTIVE 07 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING ANALYSIS 08 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING ANALYSIS 09 EXISTING AREAL PLAN 10 SITE PHOTOS 11 EXISTING SURVEY & GRADE PLANE 12 EXISTING SITE PLAN 13 "FLOOR AREA" DIAGRAMS 14 PROPOSED SITE PLAN 15 FLOOR PLAN LEVEL 01 16 FLOOR PLANS LEVELS 02 & MEZZANINE 17 FLOOR PLANS LEVELS 03 & MEZZANINE 18 ROOF FLOOR PLAN 19 ELEVATION - WEST (OREGON STREET) 20 ELEVATION - NORTH (FRANKLIN AVE.) 21 ELEVATION - SOUTH 22 ELEVATION - EAST 23 HEIGHT VARIANCE - 10 24 COMMUNITY BENEFITS 25 COMMUNITY BENEFITS DIAGRAM 26 PUBLIC ART CONCEPTS 27 OPEN SPACE/ LANDSCAPING 28 PERSPECTIVE 29 PERSPECTIVE 30 PERSPECTIVE 31 PERSPECTIVE 32 PERSPECTIVE 33 PERSPECTIVE 34 PERSPECTIVE 35 PERSPECTIVE 36 PERSPECTIVE L100 LANDSCAPE CONCEPTUAL PLAN L200 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS L220 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS L230 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS STANDARD WORKS SMOKY HOUCTIN SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON E L S E G U N D O, C A L I F O R N I A CONCEPTS DDESIGYSHCONTANED IN THIS PRESEN AION AFE AND SHALL REMNN THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECB, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INTELLLCTUAL FROMM LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPMC41T HAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TRE 17. ANY UNAUIHORIMD USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WRHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRRIENCONSENTOF EAU AN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST EVENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. 140 OREGON STREET EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 OCTOBER 30, 2019 l`=400'-0-' PROJECT # 17.019 124 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GENERAL OVERVIEW AND GRAND VISION THE "STANDARD WORKS" PROJECT IS A 191,896 SF PARCEL BOUND BY EAST EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD ON THE SOUTH, EAST FRANKLIN AVENUE ON THE NORTH AND OREGON STREET ON THE WEST. THE GRAND VISION OF THE DEVELOPMENT IS A DESIGN THAT ENHANCES THE EXISTING INDUSTRIAL AESTHETIC OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD BY PRESERVING ALL MID-CENTURY FACADES AND UTILIZING SIMILAR INDUSTRIAL BUILDING MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES TO CREATE A COHESIVE ARCHITECTURAL EXPRESSION BETWEEN THE EXISTING AND THE PROPOSED. PRESERVATION OF THE EXISTING 1950'S MID-CENTURY RED BRICK FACADE IS AN OBJECTIVE OF THE DESIGN AND THE SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN. THIS MIX OF UNIQUE OLD AND NEW ECLECTIC BUILDINGS IS ENTICING TO PROSPECTIVE CREATIVE AND KNOWLEDGE-BASED BUSINESSES ACROSS MANY INDUSTRIES. THE LIVELY AND PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY CREATIVE ATMOSPHERE OF STANDARD WORKS WILL CONTRIBUTE TO THE ONGOING SMOKY HOLLOW TRANSFORMATION TO AN INCUBATOR DISTRICT AND MAJOR ECONOMIC FORCE IN THE CITY. USE THE CURRENT USES OF ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES IS LIGHT INDUSTRIAL WITH ASSOCIATED ACCESSORY GENERAL OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. THE MAJORITY OF THE EXISTING FLOOR AREA SHALL REMAIN AS CURRENTLY APPROVED. THE PROPOSED NEW FLOOR AREA SHALL BE A COMBINATION OF LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL USES INCLUDING R&D WITH SMALL POTENTIAL FUTURE PORTIONS OF CAFE, RESTAURANT, RETAIL AND OTHER SIMILAR USES TO SUPPORT THE DAYTIME DENSITY OF THE SITE AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THE DEMAND FOR THESE TYPES OF USES IS GROWING AND THIS PROJECT WILL PROVIDE A RELATIVELY LARGE AREA IN EFFORTS TO MEET THE GOALS OF THE SMOKY HOLLOW EAST TRANSITIONAL LAND USE ZONING. ADDITIONALLY THE PROJECT IS REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO ALLOW AN ACCESSORY FITNESS STUDIO ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF THE BUILDING. FLOOR AREA AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT THE SITE WILL REMAIN SIGNIFICANTLY UNDERDEVELOPED WITH THE FLOOR AREA RATIO OF 0.47 WHICH IS MUCH LESS THAN THE BY -RIGHT ALLOWED 1.0 FAR IN THE BASE STANDARDS. PARKING THE COMPLETED PROJECT WILL CONTAIN APPROXIMATELY 59 ON GRADE PARKING AND 398 SPACES IN THE PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION ON THE LOT. THE APPROXIMATE TOTAL OF 457 PARKING SPACES WILL BE MORE THAN ADEQUATE TO SERVE THE TOTAL PROPOSED FLOOR AREA. MISCELLANEOUS THE HOURS OF OPERATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT ARE STANDARD BUSINESS HOURS FIVE DAYS A WEEK WITH OCCASIONAL WEEKEND HOURS. THE EXISTING BRICK STRUCTURE of 19,007 SF ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE PROPERTY SHALL BE ENTIRELY PRESERVED AND REHABILITATED WITH LARGER OPENINGS FOR WINDOWS AND ACCESSIBLE ENTRANCES. THE EXISTING NON MID-CENTURY PERIOD BENEFICIAL TILT UP CONCRETE STRUCTURE of 8,204 SF ON THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF THE PROPERTY WILL BE ENTIRELY DEMOLISHED. PLEASE SEE EXISTING SITE PLAN ON SHEET 12. CONCLUSION THE PROPOSED PROJECT DESIGN IS COMPATIBLE AND INTEGRATED WITH, AND NOT DETRIMENTAL TO, THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ON ADJACENT AND SURROUNDING NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES AND FURTHERMORE PAYS HOMAGE TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD'S INDUSTRIAL PAST AND ENCOURAGES LOOKING FORWARD TO THE FUTURE OF WHAT THE NEIGHBORHOOD WILL TRANSFORM INTO IN THE NEAR FUTURE. COMMUNITY BENEFITS PLAN CONSISTENT WITH TIER II THE DEVELOPMENT REQUESTS THE FOLLOWING DISCRETIONARY APPROVALS WHICH ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE SPECIFIC PLAN: 1. AN INCREASE IN PERMITTED HEIGHT OF 15-0" FROM 35' TO 50'-0" IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIER II COMMUNITY BENEFITS PLAN. REQUESTED VARIANCE 1. PLEASE SEEPAGE 23 -SEEKING AN ADDITIONAL 5'-0" IN BUILDING HEIGHT FROM 50' TO 55'-0", WHICH IS SIMILAR TO THE 10% ADMINISTRATOR'S ADJUSTMENT FOR "MINOR DEVIATIONS" TO ALLOW CREATIVE MEZZANINE FLOOR AREA WITHIN THE BUILDING. 2. TO ALLOW AN ACCESSORY FITNESS STUDIO OF 3,931 SQUARE FEET ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE BUILDING AT LEVEL 1. MANY CLASS A TENANTS HAVE REQUESTED THE ABILITY TO ADD AN ACCFSSnRY FITNESS CFNTFR- FLOOR AREA AND PARKING CALCULATIONS GROSS LOT AREA (PRE DEDICATIONS) FLOOR AREA ALLOWED (1:1.5) FLOOR ARLA BY USE USE EXISTING PROPOSED EXISTING PROPOSED EXISTING INDUSTRIAL 12,514 5F 19,007 5F 10,428 5F GENERAL OFFICE 17,135 SF 8,204 SF 23,243 SF 9,065 SF 21,022 SF 9,149 SF 21,784 5F 9,688 Sr FLOOR AREA EXISTING 29,649 SF 27,211 SF 19,493 SF FLOOR AREA PROPOSER 84,886 5F PARKING REQUIREDI 56 * I 212 PROVIDED PROPOSED 76,353 SF EXISTING FLOOR AREA 57,675 SF ADDITIONAL FLOOR AREA 33 s * 301 PROPOSED TOTAL FLC OR AREA TOTAL FAR BASED ON TIER II (1:1.5) SMOKY HO LL TIN zsNDUSTRTES SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHBECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMBATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST D ENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 PROJECT # 17.019 Aw SMOKY HO LLtTIN zsNDUSTRTEs SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WM40UT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, CONSUMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE HALEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 PROJECT # 17.019 b --.a �- WN7 -#e ide Wr i„ _ til- — - �.� PA � � = Jlril�rl B i;� ..q s !41 At 1,: .�- '' L. _ ,? .:�.`; -t ;•-fir B A L I A N r:\:zal:I1194a9 515 S. FIGUEROA ST. STE 1970 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 + 1 .213.377.5500 WWW. balianarchilects . com A T PERSPECTIVE 11 ,a oi iI lip j i IIN� III .;1 I us — f x 1 5 list, B A L I A N U11.041II1194a90 515 S. FIGUEROA ST. STE 1970 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 + 1 .213.377.5500 www. balianarchilects . com Ir T PERSPECTIVE 0 Iv►+ I`I f� , � � � !/may � I / � x44 tIT Z sNDU STRTE 8 SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC • 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 E -J OREGON 'i - `lr 1. - RIGHTS SERVED. 02018. BPLANICATIONS, IDEAS ALL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEA£ RAW, , _ S PRESS ION, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS E EXCUUED IN BITS PROF RA80N CO ARE AND SHALL THE CLUSNE PROPERTY OF B4UAH - - ARCHREINCLINC. ANDREVANARE _, WTHOUTPROTECTEDUMITBYIMENECNPLPROPEATYS UMRABON, THE TAWS TAWB, INCLUDING TITLE ANY USE, OTE FOUND IN US. CODE RATE 17. USE, OEHEPA ED, gimo, ' FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, CT WHICH HE HAS HON OR DRPIAYOFANY PART COPYING, UIION,M40UT TUC OFTHRP ARCHPRESENTATION, E EXPfNEN CO S BAL ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AN I IT THE PUNISHABLEFULLEST F ENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 Y_ PROJECT # 17.019 ZONING ANALYSIS (SHSP TABLE 2-3) C. LOT STANDARDS REQUIRED PROVIDED 1. MINIMUM LOT AREA 11,200 SF 191,896 SF 2. MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE 50' 198' (SHSP TABLE 2-3) D. BUILDING DESIGN STANDARDS REQUIRED PROVIDED 1. BUILDING ORIENTATION LOTS ADJOINING FRANKLIN AVENUE EXISTING NON CONFORMING FRANKLIN AVENUE SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF ONE HOWEVER, THE PROJECT PRIMARY ENTRY FACING FRANKLIN PROPOSES A ROLL UP DOOR AVENUE. PRIMARY ENTRY DOORS SHALL THAT OPENS TO THE FLOOR BE VISIBLE AND ACCESSIBLE FROM THE LEVEL AS LOW AS POSSIBLE. PUBLIC SIDEWALK (SEE NORTH ELEVATION SHEET 21) 2. BUILDING TRANSPARENCY: FOR NEW BUILDINGS OR NEW ADDITIONS 28% PROVIDED FRANKLIN AVENUE FRONTAGE FRONTING FRANKLIN AVENUE, A MINIMUM (SEE SHEET 21) 15% FACADE TRANSPARENCY SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE GROUND LEVEL OR FIRST 12 FEET OF HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE, WHICHEVER IS LESS, THROUGH THE UTILIZATION OF WINDOWS, ENTRIES, OR SIMILAR OPENINGS. 1. FRONT YARD (SHSP TABLE 2-3) E. SETBACK STANDARDS REQUIREDI PROVIDED NONE 2'- 8" 2. SIDE YARD (NORTHERLY) N/A SEE ITEM 4 BELOW SIDE YARD (SOUTHERLY) NONE 67'- 11" (TO PL) 3. REAR YARD (EASTERLY) NONE 22'- 11" (TO FACE OF ADJACENT BUILDING) 4. SIDE YARD (FRANKLIN AVE.) MIN 0', MAX 5' 5'- 0" (TO FACE OF CURB) 5. ADJOINING ALLEY MIN. 10' N/A 6. ALL STRUCTURES COMPLY WITH CORNER, DRIVEWAY, & EXISTING NON CONFORMING ALLEY VISIBILITY REQUIREMENTS IN ESMC SECTIONS 15-2-6 (CORNER CLEARANCE) &I 15-2-11 DRIVEWAY VISIBILITY). (SHSP TABLE 2-4) F. OPEN SPACE & LANDSCAPING STANDARDS REQUIRED E PROVIDED 1. OPEN SPACE, 10% OF LOT, REQUIRED OPEN SPACE MAY BE PROVIDED ON BUILDING ROOFTOPS- HOWEVER, AT LEAST 50%'6F REQUIRED OPEN SPACE SHALL HAVE DIRECT ACCESS FROM THE EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION. 2. SURFACE PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING. ON SITES LARGER THAN 22,400 SF, A MINIMUM OF 1 TREE SHALL BE PROVIDED ON SITE FOR EVERY 4 AT -GRADE, OPEN - TO -THE -SKY SURFACE PARKING SPACES 3. IRRIGATION 191,863 x 0.1 = 19,190 SF 59 SURFACE PARKING SPACES / 4 = 15 191,896 SF x 0.1 = 19,189 SF (SEE PAGE 28) 15 PROVIDED (SEE PAGE 28) ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS, INCLUDING IRRIGATION SHALL BE TREES AT SURFACE PARKING LOTS, PROVIDED AS A DEFERRED SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH APPROPRIATE SUBMITTAL PERMANENT WATERING FACILITIES. JURISDICTION: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFIC PLAN: SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING: SH -E (SMOKY HOLLOW EAST) PREVIOUS USE: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PROPOSED USE: GENERAL OFFICE / ACCESSORY RETAIL / TAKE OUT RESTAURANT / EXTERIOR DINING / LIGHT INDUSTRIAL / RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: B (GENERAL OFFICE, R&D) / A2 (TAKE OUT RESTAURANT) CHANGE OF USE: YES, (PORTIONS OF EXISTING FLOOR AREA) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: NO ZONING MAP Figure 2-1: Zoning Districts I.N. AVE s f PinF AVE a nDEik AV - . rp%9 P a -ii CHEVRON REFINERY PROJECT LOCATION r } Smoky Hollow Spenfic Plan Boundary Specific Plan Zoning Districts 1 � 1 ;zD W TO YY4F'' Parks and Open Space ® Smoky Hollow West - Smoky Hollow fast ® Public Fac TEty - Pack NEg (SHSP TABLE 2-2) A. ALLOWABLE GROSS FLOOR AREA ALLOWED PROVIDED BASE ALLOWED: 1:0 = 191,896 x 1.0 = 191,863 SF 29,649 SF (1325 E. EL SEGUNDO) COMMUNITY BENEFITS TIER II: 1.5 = 191,896 x 1.5 = 287,844 SF 19,493 SF (1320 E. FRANKLIN) 84.886 SF (140 OREGON) 134,028 SF (0.47 FAR) B. HEIGHT STANDARDS ALLOWED I PROVIDED BASE ZONING 35-0" COMMUNITY BENEFITS TIER II ADDITIONAL 15'= 50'-0" REQUESTED VARIENCE ADDITIONAL 5'= 50'-0" + 5'-0" = 55'-0" 54'-11" (SEE SHEET 24) HEIGHT EXCEPTIONS ELEVATOR SHAFT HOUSING IS EXEMPT FROM HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS PARAPET HEIGHT MAY EXCEED MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT BY 5'-0" SMOKY HOLLUIN zsNDUSTRTES SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS, RAW, AIaWJGEMENIS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INTELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMITATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TITLE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX7'f SSSS WRITTEN CONSENTOF EAU AN ARCHITECTS, COM MES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST EXTENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 12" = 1'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 ZONING ANALYSIS (SHSP TABLE 2-6) H. PRIVATE PARKING STANDARDS NEW BUILDINGS WITH 10 OR MORE TENANT -OCCUPANTS OR ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS THAT ADD 10 OR MORE TENANT VEHICLE PARKING SPACES SHALL PROVIDE SECURE BICYCLE PARKING FOR 5% OF THE TENANT VEHICLE PARKING SPACES BEING ADDED, WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE SECURE BICYCLE PARKING SPACE. ACCEPTABLE PARKING FACILITIES SHALL BE CONVENIENT FROM THE STREET AND SHALL MEET ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: A. COVERED, LOCKABLE ENCLOSURES WITH PERMANENTLY ANCHORED RACKS FOR BICYCLES; B. LOCKABLE BICYCLE ROOMS WITH PERMANENTLY ANCHORED RACKS; OR C. LOCKABLE, PERMANENTLY ANCHORED BICYCLE LOCKERS. 5. OTHER PARKING AREA REFER TO ESMC SECTION 15-15-1 PROVIDED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS THROUGH 15-15-5. (SHSP TABLE 2-5) G. ACCESS, LOADING AND TRASH STANDARDS 1. VEHICULAR ACCESS 2. LOADING REQUIRED PROVIDED A. LOTS ADJOINING AN ALLEY ARE PROHIBITED FROM PROVIDING CURB N/A (NO ALLEY) CUTS ALONG STREET FRONTAGES. B. FOR LOTS NOT ADJOINING AN ALLEY, A MAXIMUM OF 1 CURB CUT IS ALLOWED PROVIDED, SEE SITE PLAN FOR EACH 150 FT OF LOT FRONTAGE ALONG A PUBLIC STREET. C. NEW CURB CUTS ALONG FRANKLIN AVENUE ARE PROHIBITED. D. CURB CUTS SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 25 FT IN WIDTH EXCEPT WHERE REQUIRED BY THE CITY TO BE LARGER FOR SAFETY PURPOSES. A. NOT REQUIRED IF GROSS BUILDING AREA < 50,000 SF. NO NEW CURB CUTS PROPOSED ON FRANKLIN AVENUE N/A SEE B BELOW B. REQUIRED IF GROSS BUILDING AREA >_ 50,000 SF AND/OR REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING USES WHEN THE USE PROVIDED, SEE EXCEEDS 2,500 SF IN SIZE: RESTAURANT LEVEL 01 SHEET 16 OR OTHER FOOD SALES AND SERVICE. C. ON-SITE LOADING AREAS SHALL BE AT LEAST 18 FT LONG AND 10 FT WIDE. FOR PROVIDED, SEE LOTS ADJOINING AN ALLEY, LOADING LEVEL 01 SHEET 16 AREAS SHALL ADJOIN OR HAVE ACCESS FROM THE ALLEY. LOADING SPACES MAY ENCROACH INTO ANY REQUIRED ALLEY SETBACK. 3. REFUSE COLLECTION A. REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE SHALL REQUIRED PROVIDED 1. NEW CONSTRUCTION & (2.5 / 1,000 GROSS SF) BEING CONSTRUCTED AS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY CHANGE OF USE: 27,211 SF BE SCREENED PER ESMC SECTION / 400 = 68 SPACES 2. ADDITIONS TO BUILDINGS (2.5 / 1,000 GROSS SF) NEW CONSTRUCTION: 57,675 SF / 400 = 144 SUB -TOTAL REQUIRED 68 + 144 = 212 SPACES 457 SPACES NOTE: ALSO SEE ZONING 1325 E. EL SEGUNDO BLVD. = 56* ANALYSIS CHART ON PAGE 2 FOR EXISTING PARKING 1320-133 E. FRANKLIN AVE. = 33* REQUIREMENTS FOR 1325 E. EL SEGUNDO BUILDING AN D 1320-1330 E. FRANKLIN AVE. BUILDING TOTAL REQUIRED 212 + 56 + 33 = 301 SPACES 3. TANDEM PARKING TANDEM SPACES SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM N/A (NONE PROPOSED) LENGTH OF 40 FEET (PARKING FOR 2 VEHICLES MAXIMUM). 4. BICYCLE PARKING CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 5.106.4 OF ALL LONG TERM AND THE 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING SHORT TERM BICYCLE STANDARDS CODE: PARKING IS PROVIDED IN SECURE AND ACCESSIBLE NEW PROJECTS ANTICIPATED TO AREAS IN THE GARAGE GENERATE VISITOR TRAFFIC SHALL PERMITTED SEPARATELY. PROVIDE ONE 2 -BIKE CAPACITY RACK FOR 5% OF NEW VISITOR MOTORIZED VEHICLE PARKING SPACES BEING ADDED, WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE 2 -BIKE CAPACITY RACK. ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS THAT ADD 9 OR FEWER VISITOR VEHICLE PARKING SPACES ARE EXCLUDED. NEW BUILDINGS WITH 10 OR MORE TENANT -OCCUPANTS OR ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS THAT ADD 10 OR MORE TENANT VEHICLE PARKING SPACES SHALL PROVIDE SECURE BICYCLE PARKING FOR 5% OF THE TENANT VEHICLE PARKING SPACES BEING ADDED, WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE SECURE BICYCLE PARKING SPACE. ACCEPTABLE PARKING FACILITIES SHALL BE CONVENIENT FROM THE STREET AND SHALL MEET ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: A. COVERED, LOCKABLE ENCLOSURES WITH PERMANENTLY ANCHORED RACKS FOR BICYCLES; B. LOCKABLE BICYCLE ROOMS WITH PERMANENTLY ANCHORED RACKS; OR C. LOCKABLE, PERMANENTLY ANCHORED BICYCLE LOCKERS. 5. OTHER PARKING AREA REFER TO ESMC SECTION 15-15-1 PROVIDED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS THROUGH 15-15-5. (SHSP TABLE 2-5) G. ACCESS, LOADING AND TRASH STANDARDS 1. VEHICULAR ACCESS 2. LOADING REQUIRED PROVIDED A. LOTS ADJOINING AN ALLEY ARE PROHIBITED FROM PROVIDING CURB N/A (NO ALLEY) CUTS ALONG STREET FRONTAGES. B. FOR LOTS NOT ADJOINING AN ALLEY, A MAXIMUM OF 1 CURB CUT IS ALLOWED PROVIDED, SEE SITE PLAN FOR EACH 150 FT OF LOT FRONTAGE ALONG A PUBLIC STREET. C. NEW CURB CUTS ALONG FRANKLIN AVENUE ARE PROHIBITED. D. CURB CUTS SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 25 FT IN WIDTH EXCEPT WHERE REQUIRED BY THE CITY TO BE LARGER FOR SAFETY PURPOSES. A. NOT REQUIRED IF GROSS BUILDING AREA < 50,000 SF. NO NEW CURB CUTS PROPOSED ON FRANKLIN AVENUE N/A SEE B BELOW B. REQUIRED IF GROSS BUILDING AREA >_ 50,000 SF AND/OR REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING USES WHEN THE USE PROVIDED, SEE EXCEEDS 2,500 SF IN SIZE: RESTAURANT LEVEL 01 SHEET 16 OR OTHER FOOD SALES AND SERVICE. C. ON-SITE LOADING AREAS SHALL BE AT LEAST 18 FT LONG AND 10 FT WIDE. FOR PROVIDED, SEE LOTS ADJOINING AN ALLEY, LOADING LEVEL 01 SHEET 16 AREAS SHALL ADJOIN OR HAVE ACCESS FROM THE ALLEY. LOADING SPACES MAY ENCROACH INTO ANY REQUIRED ALLEY SETBACK. 3. REFUSE COLLECTION A. REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE SHALL FULLY SCREENED 200 SF BE CONTRACTED WITH AN APPROVED TRASH & RECYCLING AREA LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDER. REFUSE BEING CONSTRUCTED AS A COLLECTION AREAS SHALL PART OF THE GARAGE BE SCREENED PER ESMC SECTION 15-2-8 D. B. ON LOTS ADJOINING AN ALLEY, N/A (NO ALLEY) REFUSE COLLECTION STORAGE AREAS SHALL BE ORIENTED TO AND ACCESSED FROM THE ALLEY. E FULLY E=NCLAOSED gY � i SMOKY HOLLU IN zsNDUSTRTEs SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMBATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST IXENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 12" = 1'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 e p 4\u;S F .l, : y 11A, 16 i a i I i IL A TTT -M 11 EAST FRANKLIN AVE ,. ------------------,.- L,OT AREA 191,896 SF ' LIL IL •., --- ----� F ' Y tp w 'jqk Y ' EAST EL SEGUNDO BLVD 11-1119' FINERY ALLOWABLE HEIGT 200 FEET � - :i «C LAr �7. •yl. Ml r. '41 B A L I A N U1\.041111IIr194a90 515 S. FIGUEROA ST. STE 1970 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 + 1 .213.377.5500 www. balianarchilects . com Ir T EXISTING AREAL PLAN NORTHEAST r-----------------------------------� NORTHWEST SOUTHEAST SOUTHWEST ------------ APROXIMATE OUTLINE OF PROPOSED BUILDING STANDARD WORKS SMOKY HO LLtTIN z sNDUS'TRTE S SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIORIMD USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WRHOUT THE EXR7ESS WRRIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, CONSTRUES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 12" = V-0" PROJECT # 17.019 T i I x ti rt % PN M/H PER PWFB 8161 81. ASPHALT ACT' A5 INT OF FRANK . AVE &OREGON ST. o CONCRETE FRANKLIN ' AN NVJ RDF 127 7 3 ; BLK 123, R�428 6 N 89`_53'52" BOB 9,1 1 8.7 L �- 44.00' {R4} crn ' CONIC N - 25.0 WALM ai WALK NI \, STREET E SEMENT UYE DWY y� --------- Tp / N 0 0.53 - 5 / 18 jNC / 128. 1.25 F. 'VAl / 19 / S 81 . / .20 ASPHALT ¢ ?LISTING BUILDING SPEED CONCR E . 2 / 140 OREGON STRE / BUMP 9.80 / n`3���• EL SEGUNDO BLDG. OOT PA 9T 45 3�o j I EXIS CONIC. LOAF ING / 1320 133 A {129 9ry1 / 19,0$7 S ±} (131.60] DOCK 18 / EL SES 8 5 DNC. STAIRS FF / 130.5 / rl V Q 128 .00 20' m �ny0 f LSC. x 19 BLDG 12 . + 1 / 2 = 131.75 (1F.F6) R / 1 AD R'LANE = 131'-9" / RADE PLANE IFF ENETIAL IS 7.5' WHICH / V IS LESS THAN THE 18 L�JT - 4ALLAN A / J Lu 19 a. 00 z � 1 / ¢ 0 I� 12-1.4 p5 ' / 5t7 (135.27) / x / S �J F.F. / EXISTING BUIL G /' w 18 / 136 OREGON STR T /- U) 19 129. p 5 0 CA 9024 /- O � _ BLDG. FO RINT= 82.22 �i JJ FS 6,358 S.F.± �r3S w BUMP l 0 18 �CONC. PAD Il b 19 { - F HE 3 / ". - /'v l / VV11 . LV11J11 .� `7 - 147.E3 ,�y Sa L 135.8 I N3c,G:71EN LSC. � 90 NE F 4) . �. • 5„� INGRESS & 113 ( 4 cj� (moo F[+��19 ] SS \t ASPHALT _ ASPHA_T f� avt=F CONCRETE v x ON RETE x BUMP134.8 136.9 1316 _ r 10 18 19 '8 19 S P97 0 W (f t4)- ' 257.301(R4) �- ASP HALT ----- SMOKY X �'dDU STRTE S SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUAL PROPERTY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUIHONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WRHOUT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, CONSUMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 6" = 1'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 6 REMOVING EXISTING CURB CUTS ON EAST FRANKLING AVE AND OREGON STREET IN ACCORDANCE WITH SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN NORTH BUILDING TO BE ENTIRELY PRSERVED & REHABILITATED T_ ARCHITECTURALLY INSIGNIFICANT SOUTH BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED (E) CURBCUT TO BE REMOVED (E) LOW VOLTAGE UTILITY POLE TO BE REMOVED (E) CURBCUT TO BE REMOVED (E) LOW VOLTAGE UTILITY POLE TO BE REMOVED (E) CURBCUT TO BE REMOVED (E) OVERHEAD UTILITY TO BE REMOVED, TYP. tJ EAST FRANKLIN AVE 7 7 l � i L__y / R' II / 0 / ' I / z NORTH BUILDINQ' / F- SHALL BE ENTJRELY / V) PRESERVED O 19 147 SF R / C7 B B / w � C / o / I / B / � o SOUTH BUILDING i 17S BE ENTIRELY DEMOLISHED � L 0 8,204 ar — ' q --- j- 1 O DIAGRAM SUMMARY: 1. 2 EXISTING CURB CUTS ARE BEING ELIMINATED 2. 1 EXISTING CURB CUT IS BEING RELOCATED 3. SEVERAL OVERHEAD POWER LINES ARE BEING ELIMINATED 4. 1 EXISTING UTILITY POLE IS BEING ELIMINATED CCSITE PLAN — EXISTING 1 FF = 401-011 0' 20' 40' 80' moi/ SMOKY HOUCTIN XsND STRTE SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE ELSEGUNDO,CA90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION PEE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. Ab ATE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCNPLPROPERP/ LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TITLE 17. ANY UNAUIHOf�D USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FCR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THISPRESENTATION, WM40UT THE EX7'f SSSS WRRTEN CONSENTOF MAN ARCHITECTS COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST IXENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 1" = 40'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 ❑C ROOF - FLOOR AREA 1 = 601-011 LEVEL 03 — MEZZ 9,688 SF I II II I CLEVEL 03,E MEZZ — FLOOR AREA 1 = 601-011 LEVEL 03 21,784 SF — - I I (—, LEVEL 03 — FLOOR AREA 1 " = 60'-0" LEVEL 02 FLOOR AREA SCHEDULE 21,022 NAME AREA r LEVEL 01 NORTH 18,715 SF LEVEL 01 SOUTH 4,529 SF LEVEL 02 21,022 SF LEVEL 02 - MEZZ 9,149 SF L _ LEVEL 03 21,784 SF LEVEL 03 - MEZZ 9,688 SF - Grand total 84,886 SF F il L �it FLOOR AREA (GROSS): The area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion thereof, exclusive of garages, vent shafts and courts. The floor area of -_ -• a building, or portion thereof, not provided with surrounding CO exterior walls shall be the usable area under the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above. LEVEL 02 — MEZZ 9,149 SF OLEVEL 02,E MEZZ — FLOOR AREA 1 = 601-011 LEVEL 02 — FLOOR AREA `—) 1 " = 60'-0" LEVEL 01 NORTH 18,715 SF I I F-1 F LEVEL 01 SOUTH 4,529 SF OLEVEL 01 — FLOOR AREA 1 if = 60'-011 SMOKY HO LLCTIN zsNDUS'TRTE SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHBECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMBATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WRHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST D ENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 1" = 60'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 136 3'-2" 122,-0" 22'-11" 000000000000000000 �� �, �� m o 0 o o EAST FRANKLIN AVE � � 000000000000000000 � u 1320-1330 E. FRANKLIN AVE o7 136 140 142 OREGON ST. Q000pO��N AlI r PEDESTRIAN/VEHICULARIL PASSAGEWAY oLU� O TRASH & RECYCLING AREA 1310 E. FRANKLIN AVE 4 LEVEL PARKING GARAGE 396 SPACES 0 CSITE PLAN — PROPOSED 1 if = 60'-011 1325 E. FRANKLIN AVE EAST EL SEGUNDO BLVD 145 KANSAS ST. SATCO I 0' 30' 60' L N 120' lgmc)-Ky M L CTIN z sNDUS'TRTE S SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF RADIAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TIME 17. ANY UNAUNIORIMD USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WM40UT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHRECTS, CONSTRUES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE HALEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 1 " = 60'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 E FRANKLIN AVE I I :AF H M I I I I' SUITE 1B F I 7,084 SF wC wC WC _ 64 SF 64 SFR .64 SF I� P STAIR 1 EXIT / 248 SF - l 277 SF _- r I I I - WC ELEC r�WC WC = SF 96 SF _64 SF 64S I f' — C WCW' I. 69 SF 96S 59 SF - .M 96 S �' LEV.1 ELE 2 .. SUITE 1A I SF ILa 2,462 SF SUITE IC 3,921 SF r LOBBY + 343 SF FITNESS STUDIO ❑ F— I (n STAIR 2 Z c'�,61 SF ° ;�wD . _`- ...............J JANITOR W sa sF. s1 sF - Lu O LOBBY 1,572 SF fO 'T7 � DROP,'OFF I r. EXIT 4 236 SF +STAIR 3 f II LjP248 SFMAIN ELEC 274 SF z 19 C jl He L4S C-�SF T `IIVI` (POTENTIAL FUTURE RESTAURANT, FOOD -TO -GO) ! SUITE iD 3,385 SF I LILILi 9 4 LEVEL 01 1 ' 1 FI = 301-011 NOTE: THE DIMISING WALLS BETWEEN TENANT SPACES ARE FOR N DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY �T 0' 15' 30' 60' SMOKY HO L CTIN zsND STRTEs SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. SAUANARCHIIECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE EXCLUSWE PROPERTY OF SAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIEUECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TIME 17. ANY UNAUNIOR[ZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WM40UT THE EXWESS WRI6ENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHRECTS, CONSTRUES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE HALEST EXTENT ALLOWAM BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 1 " = 30'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 138 H - r� CLEVEL 02 MEZZ 1 11 = 301-011 NOTE: THE DIMISING WALLS BETWEEN TENANT SPACES ARE FOR DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY N 60' LEVEL 02 111 = 301-011 _ SMOKY HO LLtTIN zsNDUSTRTEs SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 NOTE: THE DIMISING WALLS BETWEEN TENANT SPACES ARE FOR DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY N 60' 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, CONSUMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 1 " = 30'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 DASH LINE DENOTES MEZZANINE STRUCTURE ABOVE NOTE: THE DIMISING WALLS NOTE: THE DIMISING WALLS BETWEEN TENANT SPACES ARE FOR BETWEEN TENANT SPACES ARE FOR DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY N N CLEVEL 031— MEZZ LEVEL 03 1 — 301-011 0' 15' 30' 60' 1 F1 _ 301-011 0' 15' 30' 60' SMOKY HO 1L JIN Z sNDU STRTE 8 SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, CONSMMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 1 " = 30'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 LANDSCAPING, TYP. i E 248 SF Lil IL1 I _73�F F.l3 �-y 4 3SF y - C LOBBY �W k 340 SF T �, c - M ROOF�- M DECK zs, SF Ll • rl •1 ROOF 1/32" = 1'—O" N (1 60' SMOKY HO L CTIN zsNDUSTRTEs SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, CONSUMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE HALEST DaENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 1/32" = 1'-O" PROJECT # 17.019 w� e rrrrrm r roof�� 1111 1111 L■u■�r�! ���a��!!. rrrrrr■r ■rn■■■■ �1���i:: ���i��:Q^,r ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ rr■r■rr■ rr■rrr■■ rrr■r■rr ■r■r rrr■ ln<tMEEK ■■■■i■i■ ■■■■■■■■ r■■■■■■■ ■■f■■■■[ ■■■■■■■[ 1111.111 111135 X111 G■.� .■:. �..� r■rrrr■■ I■■r■�.. r��i0��i ��01•i�� i■■rrr[ ■r•rr■r■� ■■■■■■■■ ■n■■■■ r■rrr■■■ r■■rrrr■ ■i■i■■■[ ■■■■rr■■, 1111■■■r ■■■r■rr r■r■r■■■ r■■■■■■■ r■r■■■■[ ■■■rr■■i■ ■■■■■r■r rrr■■r r■rrr■■■ ■■■■■■■i r■■■■■■[ ■■■rr ■■■■■■■■��■■■■■■ MEN No ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ N:::0:::: ■■■r rrr[ [ra■ ■■1•■ 1111■■cw■[■■■ 1111 1111 1111 1-.....^. .Mon--waa faw�.w.aw+=.g...o.�i oiw0.00.5 moonN r s■ wrier FL -1 GL -1 M MT -2 ■ CMU -1 M WD -1 FLA .A= 11EMEmM Nn'ne ON No ��i1,11" ■lii■._ ,1111 111M1l 111■ ■■■!■M.Jt■■■■■■■ ■■'1�■1 1'■■ .r■■r 1■■■■■■■ 01110 1111.1111 - - IIIC■:■■11 IC■■■■II ■�1■ ■■il ■E�®� ■■■■■■■■■■ i■■■■■■I ■u ■■■ 1111 OEMM■ EOlOM O ...■..�■■■ ■■■■.■� ■�■MI �.M __■_. ■■■■■■■■■■ 1■■■■■■I n■®!■ EE■■■■■1■■ �1�■M■ � 101 GL -1 MT-2BM-1 FLA ilmll qlMTr-2GL-2 riRI.ni i 1-1, i URAL IiLC/1r' V 101U111LJFIRR VRAT rVVV VCR liVA l DV/1RLJ rvRiww TNEMEC COATING WOOD PLANKS CMU BLOCK CONCRETE GLAZING SPANDREL FINISH CONCRETE ■■ BALIAN' ARCHITECTS 515 S. FIGUEROA ST. STE 1970 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 + 1 .213.377.5500 www . balianarchBects . com STANDARD .• i t�. ELEVATION - WEST ( OREGON STREET) FL -1 WD -1 GL -1 MT -2 CMU -1 MT -2 � I - E is � iii iw �'si a. �i1s��>' l�Hle�i!l�9�EtlE �R-^c'��^:1 �!lf�k��: �=i�srr•'iia a= FLA BM -1 GLA MT -2 NORTH ELEVATION (FRANKLIN AVENUE) �J 1/16" = V-0° Lil fir ARCHITECTURAL GRADE VIRACON INSULATING GLASS - 1" VIRACON GLASS - 1/4" EXPOSED CONCRETE VRE1-46 CLEAR VIRASPAN V901 ® ARCONCRETEPL CLGLAZI OEAR N DSPANDREL GRAY® POWFIIN SHDER OAT BOCONCRETEARD ED TNEMEC COATING WOOD PLANKS CMU BLOCK (E) BRICK TOP (LOW) 200'- 8" ROOF 186'-8" LEVEL 03 MEZZ 176'-6" r LEVEL 03 1 166'-4" STANDARD 1 WORKS J LEVEL 02 MEZZ 156'- 2" ` LEVEL 02 146'- 0" SMOKY HOUCTI,7 DATUM IND STRl.Eu 131'- 9" SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC LEVEL 01 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 31'- 6" CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WRHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF EAU AN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST FXIENT ALLOWABLE BY TAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019As indicated PROJECT # 17.019 1� SOUTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0" GL -1 GL -2 MT -71 T 11 TOP (LOW) 200'- 8" i� cfl DATUM 131'- 9" LEVEL 01 T 131'-6" M ROOF I] - 186'-8" v O N ® N O LEVEL 03 MEZZ V 176'-6" N O N O LEVEL 03 y _ 166'- 4" N O LEVEL 02 MEZZ CV ON 0 r LEVEL 02 146' - 0" y i� cfl DATUM 131'- 9" LEVEL 01 T 131'-6" M WL VIRACON GLASS - 1/4" VIRASPAN V901 DARK GRAY SPANDREL ® POWFIIN SHDER OAT = BOCONCRETEARD ED TNEMEC COATING WOOD PLANKS CMU BLOCK (E) BRICK SMOKY HIDUCTIN SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIORIMD USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF EAU AN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST FXIENT ALLOWABLE BY TAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019As indicated PROJECT # 17.019 144 ARCHITECTURAL GRADE VIRACON INSULATING GLASS - 1" EXPOSED CONCRETE VRE1-46 CLEAR ARCHITECTURALCLEAR ® GLA NON WL VIRACON GLASS - 1/4" VIRASPAN V901 DARK GRAY SPANDREL ® POWFIIN SHDER OAT = BOCONCRETEARD ED TNEMEC COATING WOOD PLANKS CMU BLOCK (E) BRICK SMOKY HIDUCTIN SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIORIMD USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF EAU AN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST FXIENT ALLOWABLE BY TAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019As indicated PROJECT # 17.019 144 GL -1 ■ WD -1 ■ MT -2 ■ FL -1 -CMU-10 MT -2 lwT ■mommom ■RRRURR ummRRr rrmrmrri ■rurmrR rRRRur■ �j�f ull 0 �i::::::: ■rmmmmrr rrrrrrrr M1"1 i room rrrrmrri ■urrrrr rmrmrrrr ■■■■■■Rr ■■■■■■rr rrrrrrrr ■urrrrr. {�■ ■rrnn Rrmrm0ono rmrrrroo rmrrrrrr minium ■rmrrmoo ■r■rmrrm ■ommonom ■ ■rrrr ■rrrrrrrr ■■■rrrrr rr■■rrr■ ■1111111 m■■rrrrr rrrr■mRIm RIrmrmMEN ■RIRIRIrRIRIa ■onamom ■■■rrrrr ■rRIrRImmi ■rrrrr■i rRIrRIiRIRRI lrrRImmRIr rrrrrrrr allam■mi rrrrrrrr annommo RI■RIr■■on ■r®■rrr®r®rr� ■rr■rr.�rr■i !■rrr■■m rrr■rrrrr rRIRIrRIrmmi *RIRIRI■■■rm■ iirmrrrr ■r■R�rrrrri �IrN@ :ri 111011 u1r A�::::: 0oOo::: ��r:@ p:N: ®::1 9:alr - : WME 12 No OMER r� x:10:::: lite:::: 1�' milmilk:1000HUM :::10:::99 E IME 1011::::: ■rrrrrri irrrrrmi irrrnrr rrrrrrri rrrrrrri a rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrri ■rrrrrri rrrrrrrr rrrrrrri irW irrrrRrr rrrrrrri rrrrrri■ rrrrur■ rru ■rrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr ■■rrr■Rr ■rrrrrri maim.■ rrr rrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrri rrrrrri■ rrrrrrrm rrrrrrrr rrrrrrri ■rrrrrri rrrrrri ��iiiii:, --- -- --_ loommom iiiiiii iiiiiiii i i iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiii: ■rrrrrr , ' ' , ■oar ■rrr "No gong oam ■rrr RIME■ ■OMR ■mmm ■ori EOM■ ■rrr iRIMR mRIEr Momm Rmar rrr■ ■®oar rrr■ ROME QRIRRI rRIril ■-rrr rrrr@ RImmv 9mmi rrrrr iRI■i rRIRIRI R■rr rrrr mmir� RIRIRRI QrRIm lie No RiRIQ rRIrRI ROME !!! „ 11111111 Im !!! !!mmI -1 '60 !!! !!moi NGL-2MT-2 MT -2 BM -1 7 MRl.,fll I U-1, I URML I�LCMR V1011,101 UMR IN 1,1 r" CONCRETE GLAZING SPANDREL AC -2 ■ m TNEMEC COATING WOOD PLANKS CMU BLOCK m BALIAN' r:\:zel:IIsME429► 515 S. FIGUEROA ST. STE 1970 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 + 1 .213.377.5500 www. balianarchBects . com T STANDARD WORKS L ELEVATION - EAST 22 HEIGHT JUSTIFICATION DIAGRAM & STATEMENT �T.O.P. 214' - 8" ■ z 2~ Qw o ~ o NOTE: THE REQUESTED I - ADJUSTMENT IS 4'-11"r° - w °O 0 0IT o 0 N , Q ' q 04 D_ O ROOF 6'-F' U) N CO W LEVEL 03 MEZZ z — 176' -6" o m - — } (V z ' � Z O I I LEVEL 03 CV O _ I U , I LEVEL 02 MEZZ Lo \/ 156' - 2" N o I e LE6 EL002 DATUM -v 131'-9" LEVEL 01 [ III T=1�' II I�" JII I' III" 131'-6" o II(II =111 � ELEVATOR PIT �n� v 126'-6" 0 111 I( I(=11 II II JII�III II II( I(�IIII�IIIII Lu II II ISI JII III III I( I(=IIIII�I JII III III II( I( II II III III lf�lll—II n SII n �In II Ilf�lll—n(�II II II III III III 0 THE DIAGRAM ABOVE AND THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF JUSTIFICATIONS FOR THE REQUESTED 4'-11" OF ADDITIONAL FEET IN BUILDING HEIGHT: Illblllbll ■■0000■■ 0000■■■■ ------■■■ ■■■■■■■■ L�L�L�L�I ■ee■ m-2 ■■■ ��I�I�I�II 0000 -- ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ I�I�I�I� 0000 ■■0000■■ I�I�I�I� ■■■■ ■■m■■■■�I 0000 ■■■■ 0000 1 . THE INCREASE IN HEIGHT FACILITATES THE PRESERVATION OF THE EXISTING INDUSTRIAL FACADES, WHICH IS A STRONG DESIRE OF THE SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN INSTEAD OF DEMOLISHING THE EXISTING STRUCTURE WHICH WOULD NOT REQUIRE THE ADDITIONAL HEIGHT REQUESTED BECUASE THE EXISTING DOCK HEIGHT SLAB OF THE FIRST LEVEL IS MAINTAINED IN EFFORTS TO PRESERVE THE FACADES IN LIEU OF DEMOLISHING THE EXISTING BUILDING AND LOWERING THE FIRST FLOOR SLAB ELEVATION. 2. IN THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS ON PAGE 02 OF THIS DOCUMENT THE FLOOR AREA SUMMARY CHART SHOWS THAT AT THE CURRENT FAR OF 0.5 THE SITE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACHIEVE THE BY -RIGHT ALLOWED FLOOR AREA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BASE STANDARDS OF 1.0, AND CERTAINLY NOT THAT OF THE ALLOWED FAR OF 1.5 IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIER 1 COMMUNITY BENEFITS PLAN. THE MAXIMUM TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF THE ENTIRE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE 0.5 WHICH IS SIGNIFICANTLY LESS THAN WHAT IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THE REQUESTED MINOR INCREASE IN HEIGHT. THE INCREASE IN HEIGHT AND THE INCREASE IN FLOOR AREA IN THE SPECIFIC PLAN WERE ALWAYS TIED TOGETHER THEREFORE TO ACHIEVE ANY ADDITIONAL FLOOR AREA IN THE SPECIFIC PLAN AREA A HEIGHT INCREASE IS ALSO AN ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT AND WITHOUT THE INCREASE THE MEZZANINE LEVELS WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE DUE TO CODE MINIMUM HEIGHT CLEARANCES IN WHICH CASE THE DEVELOPMENT WOULD BE SIGNIFICANTLY SHY OF THE BY -RIGHT ALLOWED FLOOR AREA FOR THE SITE WHICH WOULD BE BELOW AN FAR OF 0.5. 3. THIS PROPERTY IS ONE OF ONLY A FEW PROPERTIES IN THE SPECIFIC PLAN AREA THAT IS LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE ONE OF THE LARGEST PERCENTAGES OF FLOOR AREA IN THE SPECIFIC PLAN AND WITHOUT THIS HEIGHT THE SPECIFIC PLAN AREA WILL NOT BE ABLE TO UTILIZE A LARGE PERCENTAGE OF THE ADDITIONAL FLOOR AREA ENVISIONED BY THE CITY. EVEN WITH THIS HEIGHT INCREASE THE FLOOR AREA WILL BE FAR LESS THAN THE 1.0 THAT IS ALLOWED BY RIGHT. 4. THE PROPOSED MEZZANINES AT LEVELS 2 AND 3 PROVIDE ACCESSORY FLOOR AREA INCLUDING RESTROOMS, KITCHENETTES AND REST AREAS WHICH ARE HIGHLY DESIRABLE IN THE CREATIVE OFFICE LANDSCAPE ALLOWING FOR UN -INTERRUPTED USABLE FLOOR AREA ON THE PRIMARY LEVELS AND ACCESSORY USES ON THE MEZZANINE LEVELS. THE MEZZANINE LEVELS ARE LIMITED BY THE BUILDING CODE IN SIZE TO 50% OF IT'S PRIMARY LEVEL THEREFORE, THEY DO NOT GROSSLY ADD FLOOR AREA OR MUCH DENSITY AS THEY ARE PRIMARILY ACCESSORY USES ON THE MEZZANINES. 5. SUCCESSFUL CREATIVE OFFICE DESIGN HAS BEEN ENTIRELY REDEFINED IN THE PAST DECADE. TALL OPEN SPACES WITH LARGE WINDOWS ALLOWING FOR NATURAL LIGHT TO REACH THE DEPTHS OF THE FLOOR IS CRITICAL FOR AN INSPIRING AND CREATIVE OFFICE ENVIRONMENT. COUPLED WITH THESE DESIGN FEATURES A MEZZANINE IS ALSO A LARGE PART OF THE CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT ALLOWING FOR THE SEPARATION OF ACCESSORY USES FROM THE MAIN FLOOR LIKE RESTROOMS AND KITCHENETTES AS WELL AS PROVIDING A VISUAL INTEREST IN TALL OPEN SPACES. MEZZANINES ALSO SERVE AS AREAS FOR IMPROMPTU GATHERING AND REFLECTIVE SPACES AND ADD A LOT OF VALUE TO POTENTIAL CREATIVE OFFICE TENANTS IN MANY RESPECTS. A DESIGN AS THE ONE PROPOSED HEREIN WITHOUT MEZZANINES WOULD BE A GREATLY MISSED OPPORTUNITY TO ATTRACT CLASS A TENANTS TO THE CITY. 6. THE MINIMUM OCCUPIED HEIGHT PER THE BUILDING CODE IS T-0" AND AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THE DIAGRAM ABOVE WE ARE PROPOSING JUST A FEW INCHES MORE PER LEVEL TO ALLOW FOR SPRINKLERS, LIGHTING, DUCTING ET CETERA. THE REQUESTED INCREASE IS NOT GROSSLY ADD TO THE MINIMUM HEIGHT REQUIREMENT, RATHER ITS JUST ENOUGH TO ALLOW FOR USABLE SPACE THAT MEETS THE MINIMUM HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS OF THE BUILDING CODE. Aim STANDARD WORKS 1w LIMO, LP 2221 S. BARRY AVE, SUITE 200 LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 CONTACT: LEE SEGAL 310.748.5777 ti iv1U�Y *' H01ilo IU' WD STRFE$ SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 136 140 142 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Al DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE EXCLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELTECTUALPROPFIM LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRAMON, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, FEPRODUCMON OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF EAU AN ARCHITECTS, CONSTMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. NOV. 26, 2018 1/16" = 1'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN (SECTION 4) PROPOSED COMMUNITY BENEFIT AMENITIES (BEYOND THE BASE STANDARDS THAT DO NOT PRINCIPALLY BENEFIT THE PROJECT) A. PUBLIC ART - LARGE SCALE PUBLIC ART ALONG THE ENVISIONED RE -IMAGINED FRANKLIN AVENUE INSPIRED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER (FORMER PROPERTY OWNER). B. TRANSFORMATIVE PROJECT - SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENT FOR AN ARCHITECTURALLY EXPRESSIVE DESIGN THAT REHABILITATES THE ORIGINAL 1950S MID-CENTURY FAQADE RATHER THAN DEMOLISHING. THE UNIQUE STRIKING DESIGN WILL BECOME A LANDMARK FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND POSSIBLY THE CITY. THE COST FOR STRIKING ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS SUCH AS EXPOSED STRUCTURAL STEEL, LARGE SCALE BALCONIES AND EXTERIOR DECKS, MASSIVE MID-CENTURY LIKE STEEL WINDOWS AND OTHER PERIOD MATERIALS WILL BUILD UPON THE CHARACTER OF THE SMOKY HOLLOW NEIGHBORHOOD AND INSPIRE EQUALLY STRIKING DESIGNS BY OTHER DEVELOPERS. C. PUBLIC SEATING - ARCHITECTURAL SEATING ALONG THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. D. PUBLIC ART - LARGE SCALE MOTIVATIONAL PUBLIC ART VISIBLE FROM PCH ON THE EAST FACE OF THE GARAGE MEANT TO ENCOURAGE LEADERSHIP AND BUSINESS IN THE AREA AND EMBRACE THE CITY AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD. E. PRESERVATION AND REHABILITATION - PRESERVATION AND REHABILITATION OF THE EXISTING BRICK FACADE AND STRUCTURE. F. STREETSPACE IMPROVEMENTS - NEW PORTION OF NEW SIDEWALK CONNECTING AND CONTINUING THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK ALONG OREGON STREET WHERE THERE IS NO SIDEWALK CURRENTLY. G. MID -BLOCK PEDESTRIAN PASSAGEWAY - INTERESTING OVERALL MASSING WITH A PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR MID -BLOCK PASSAGEWAY THROUGH THE BUILDING CREATING A FREE AND OPEN MID -BLOCK ACCESS THROUGH THE SITE TO THE POCKET PARK BEYOND. H. SIDEWALK WIDENING AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS - REMOVAL OF 2 EXISTING POWER POLES AND ASSOCIATED GUY -WIRES AT THE SIDEWALK AT OREGON STREET WHICH REMOVE BARRIERS ALONG THE SIDEWALKS FOR INCREASED ACCESSIBLE ACCESS. ADDITIONALLY, SEVERAL ASSOCIATED LOW VOLTAGE AND HIGH VOLTAGE OVERHEAD LINES ON OREGON STREET AND E. FRANKLIN AVENUE WILL ALSO BE REMOVED, BEAUTIFYING THE STREETSCAPE AND IMPROVING UTILITIES ALONG THE STREETS. NEW UNDERGROUND POWER AND LOW VOLTAGE WILL BE PROVIDED. (CONSISTENT WITH THE BASE STANDARDS) REMOVAL OF A CURB CUT ALONG OREGON STREET. REMOVAL OF A CURB CUT ALONG E. FRANKLIN AVENUE. PROMINENT CORNER CAFE WITH MAXIMUM 8 EXTERIOR SEATING. ROOFTOP AMENITIES WHICH WILL ADD VIBRANCY TO THE STREETSCAPE BY SHOWCASING EVENTS AND ACTIVITY. ENHANCED STREETSCAPE LANDSCAPING 30-40 FEET TALL VERTICAL LANDSCAPING AT THE NORTH AND SOUTH FACING GARAGE SHEER WALLS WILL INCLUDE LARGE SCALE PUBLICLY VISIBLE GREENERY FROM EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD, FRANKLIN AVENUE AND OREGON AND KANSAS STREETS. MASSING THAT STEPS BACK ALONG E. FRANKLIN AND OREGON STREETS ABOVE THE FIRST LEVEL CLEARLY IDENTIFIABLE ENTRIES PARKING DEMAND PROVIDED ENTIRELY ON-SITE. * ITEMS ABOVE CORRESPOND TO COMMUNITY BENEFITS DIAGRAMS ON SHEET 25. TRANSFORMATIVE PROJECT • CREATIVE IDEAS AND FURTHER SUPPORT THE SPECIFIC VISION OF SMOKY HOLLOW. • CATALYZE FUTURE CHANGE • ADDRESS KEY ISSUES SUCH AS PARKING AND MOBILITY WITH A COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION TO PARKING. • FACILITATE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE OFFICE AND FLEXIBLE RESEARCH SPACE • PROMOTE ARTISTIC INDUSTRIAL VIBE WITH A RELAXED BEACH COMMUNITY FEEL • CREATE AN INTERESTING DESTINATION • NEW INFRASTRUCTURE FOR FIBER OPTIC NETWORK THAT MAINTAINS THE DESIRABILITY OF THE AREA TO CREATIVE AND TECH -BASED BUSINESSES THE PROPOSED PROJECT MEETS EVERY ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A "TRANSFORMATIVE PROJECT" AND EXCEED THESE BASE STANDARDS BY RAISING THE BAR FOR EACH CHARACTERISTIC WITH THE PROPOSED VERY EXPRESSIVE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN. r_q SMOKY HOLLU IN zsNDUSTRTES SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF EAU AN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST IXENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 12" = 1'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 [A PUBLIC ART ON E. FRANKLIN FB]STRIKING ARCHITECTURE 000000000000000000 To Q Q o COMMUNITY BENEFITS DIAGRAM C PUBLIC SEATING FD]LARGE SCALE INSPIRATIONAL PUBLIC ART JAI EAST FRANKLIN AVE 000000000000000�0� O � it........ _ is N.I.C. n NA 6 3 — 616 y� fl0000000ao of G 10 H I, NAI �� ee C 5 z p 11T T T I I T T T— 6 N.I.C. 17 I N.I.C. I EAST EL SEGUNDO BLVD SITE PLAN - PROPOSED LIGHTING PLAN `-� 1 " = 80'-0" i STANDARD WORKS �16, ' \ . N.I.C. N.I.C. U) U) Q U) z Y U PRESERVATION OF EXISTING 1950s FACADES ■w [F NEW SIDEWALK © MID -BLOCK PASSAGEWAY SMOKY HOUCTIN SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECNALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMBATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WM40UT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST D ENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 1" = 80'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 •b, ��,o �M ,per �u�,� PUBLIC ART CONCEPT: JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER'S STANDARD OIL WAS THE PREVIOUS OWNER OF THIS PROPERTY, TO HARNESS THIS HISTORY AND PROVIDE PUBLIC ART, WE PROPOSE A MURAL WITH ONE OF JDR'S QUOTES: "DON'T BE AFRAID TO GIVE UP THE GOOD TO GO FOR THE GREAT." CONCEPT 1: THEME• TranVefNnmom, r-eMfage TlilE rlw.r [W "T. An arderly roan pp[im;snraHy neadlny to an hi e.wew after the day ahUL lis.y'{-�P �l4IP aluy'l�°{l�.ID iO (p+VIG �R(q,I=_ li - .IPft - • rr 'r' . 4. xT In — JW Newspaper knowlodge, Saeki growth. Folded hat on hack pocket: hi blue-collar worker. The bucket: l Fear behind Flowsr growing from a Crack on tho WeN. Hopa. passlan, strength, resilience. Caterpillar reaching for the hucket. Tho start of the IoLinnoy- • i _ 1 IV CONCEPT 2: IIIu�LVgl�un hot n��:hed THEME ExcwL•s. 711e Gna[or A man wim ,mselr And lift Iha IPCYnIy of ., i:. Ir uW Itlb and I*oe*mv Ah an fie, • •� M ane'l n arr.An s. kim vy ate jeed eo ge fee n Fe..l R' -.Rana i. aaar..r.urr y r'• �j �j Z7 1n' ART DETAIL: NOT FINISHED lA •�1� r.Ga1 Ti•+' 'a f xpressk:n. -the-go. p0nm9, you l 3 1 flan, becoming a reormation. �I FONTS: Dont be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. — TDR Port �e 0.CY0.1el to 91ve tT the 9994 to 99 for tale great. - JPR Dim be a f acid to 1r'e up tkegaad to go fvr ikegreat. -JDA Dant 6e afraid togive up the good togo-f-0r the great. - JDR is, SMOKY HO I CTIN z'NDU STR TE s SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAW, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INTELLLCNALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRAHON, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TITLE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUDON, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WITHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHA&F TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 PROJECT # 17.019 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN (SECTION 2) (SHSP TABLE 2-4) F1 & F2. LANDSCAPING (SHSP TABLE 2-4) F3. TREES REQUIRED REQUIRED PROVIDED REQUIRED PROVIDED MIN 10% OF LOT AREA 191,896 SF x.1 = 19,186 1. HORIZONTAL LANDSCAPING AT GRADE 5,883 SF 1:4 ON GRADE PARKING. LOT 1 = 27 2. VERTICAL LANDCAPING 5,032 SF 27 ON GRADE PARKING LOT 1 = 6 4 = 15 REQUIRED 3. ROOFTOP OPEN SPACE AREA 6,800 SF LOT 1 = 28 4. ROOFTOP LANDSCAPING AREA 1,618 SF TOTAL 27 ON GRADE 19,333 SF 15 TREES PROVIDED 000000000000000000 1 00000000000001100 '' `I E� 0 �� I 6 SPACES 145 KANSAS ST. f i 1320-1330 E. SATCO FRANKLIN AVE sPAC F®� ❑� i III C I� SEE LANDSCAPE L] Ll � ON L100 - 40000000 gyp. - Ll��7 = �F �I 1310 E. FRANKLIN AVE --.I L I�E�EIe�e�=�s�s�s� 4 LEVEL PARKING GARAGE L l 396 SPACES Q LOT 1 27 SPACES 7� 1,1111111,111111 IT 1325 E. FRANKLIN AVE 1301 E. FRANKLIN AVE OLANDSCAPING AREA PLAN 1 FF = 801-011 1475 E. FRANKLIN AVE SMOKY HO F71tTIN zsND STR,r.E SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHIIECB, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF EAU AN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST FXIENT ALLOWABLE BY TAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019As indicated PROJECT # 17.019 150 11 ■ Ir 'lc A BALIAN' U11.041:11194a9 515 S. FIGUEROA ST. STE 1970 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 + 1 .213.377.5500 WWW. balianarchilects . com Ir T PERSPECTIVE SMOKY HO LLtTIN zsNDUSTRTEs SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WM40UT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, CONSUMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE HALEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 PROJECT # 17.019 STANDARD WORKS SMOKY HO LLtTIN SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHBECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMBATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST D ENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 PROJECT # 17.019 r e! .......... now Ron __- yY .*R AL 1 t SMOKY HO LLtTIN SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHBECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF RADIAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMBATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TIME 17. ANY UNAUNIORIMD USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EXR7ESS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST D ENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 PROJECT # 17.019 m 154 SipIll or NONE ■OMS■ fr :j -- j 40. B A L I A N r:\04l:11194a9 515 S. FIGUEROA ST. STE 1970 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 + 1 .213.377.5500 www. balianarchilects . com Ir T PERSPECTIVE 32 H ilii ■111 k=—_-- Haim 40. B A L I A N r:\04l:11194a9 515 S. FIGUEROA ST. STE 1970 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 + 1 .213.377.5500 www. balianarchilects . com Ir T PERSPECTIVE 32 SMOKY HO LLtTIN zsNDUSTRTEs SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WM40UT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, CONSUMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE HALEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 PROJECT # 17.019 SMOKY HO LLtTIN zsNDUSTRTEs SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WM40UT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, CONSUMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE HALEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 PROJECT # 17.019 -adslv re SMOKY HO LLtTIN SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHBECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMBATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST D ENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 PROJECT # 17.019 SMOKY HO LLtTIN zsNDUSTRTEs SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIENECTUALPROPEAIY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THE HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WM40UT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHITECTS, CONSUMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE HALEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 PROJECT # 17.019 ACCESS POINTS FROM 2ND FLOOR, TYP. 3 + 2 GARAGE DOORS OUTDOOR �. CONFERENCE ROOMS 3 LOCATIONS, TYP. I ROOF PAVING INTEGRALCOLOR TOPPING SLAB / SCORED 2ND FLOOR PEDESTAL PAVING MOVEABLE SHADE UMBRELLAS j I 1 I TREES IN SQUARE PLANTERS 36" - 42" H 2ND FLOOR BALCONY INSET -.- I I I I I � I I OUTLINE OF 2ND FLOOR BALCONY BELOW, SEE INSET GAME AREA - TYP. 12" HIGH - PLANTER AREAS r Lu [J Lu rn z a w X ]" 0 wagla s■ 1 r• j f s I a■ PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY UNDER RAMP OUTLINE OF ENTRY PARKINGRAMP OVERHEAD i� I ti l ii 1 II 1 Il 1 Ii i II I 4 FRANKLIN AVENUE s lgmo-Ky HOTLLCTIN z�'dDUSTRTES SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIORIMD USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WRHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF EAU AN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST IXENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 12" = 1'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 MATERIALS Old ¢e Driveable Grass, packet park paving BIKE AMENITIES [1]TI111,111111114 W Oki a9F:11III►10 FURNITURE Low profile planters Colorful metal and wood commercial pieces to complement custom items WjW ir i ir If [AND IMAGIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 5595H@IIyao68uuIPard,SuIIe219I Us11ugdes,GN11% 823 456 01 1 Irodlmian al SMOKY HOLUJIN XsNDUSTRTE8 SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLAN ARCHITECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Al DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATION, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EX]'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF EAU AN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST IXENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 12" = 1'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 PLANT PALETTE - TREES GRASS AND GRASS -LIKE 515 S. FIGUEROA ST. STE 1970 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 e s• l• i r. a - y a� c i 1 ti Bouteloua gradlis'Blond Ambition 2omaradra longifolia'Breeze' Bland Ambition Grama Grass Dwarf Mat Rush Agonisflexuosa Peppermint WillowEvergreen/2'-THx2'-4'W Evergreen/]'-2'HxW � STANDARD I Evergreen 25'-35'H x 15'-30'W red bloom spring -summer red bloom spring -summer WORKS _ �►� ZsNDUSTRTE8 SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 ;r f CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 Washingtonia robusta Ginkgo biloba'Autumn Gold' Cotinus coggygria Smoke TreeNassella tenuissima Muhlen6ergiacapillaris [endca Mexican Fan Palm Autumn Gold MaidenhairTree Deciduous 10'-15'H x 10'-18' W Regal Mist Pink Mulhy Grass Mexican Feather Grass Evergreen to 100'H x 10'W Deciduous40'H x30'W EvergreenI CH x 3 W Evergreen 11'-2'HxW 140 golden fall color pink flowers late summer- fall golden summer- fall OREGON SHRUBS 02018. -qtr ��' 4 i • .1 f,� A-�r ' �' . •1' - �• AlGHTS RESERVED. DRAWINGS, SIARCHITECTS ALLPo FICATIIONS, IDEAS RAW, ARRANGEMENTS, -T,."+�Ig+ CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIEUECTUAL PROPERTY ' F• 4 _ a LAWS, INCLUDING WTTHHOUT UMUATON, THE COPYRIGHT HAWS 1 _f•� -E FOUND IN US. CODE TITLE 17. ANY UNAUIHORIMD USE, OTHER THAN ' R FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART - OF THIS PRESENTATION, WMHOUT THE EXWESS WRIRENCONSENTOF A;i • EAU AN ARCHITECTS, COMMUTES INFRINGEMENT AND IS "' Z .,PUNISHABLE TO THE FUUEST IX ENT ALLOWABLE B LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 12" = 1'-0" PROJECT # 17.019 4 Asdepiascurassavica'Silky deep Red' Red Butterflyweed LANDSCAPE Evergreen /3'-4'H x 2'-3'W MATERIALS --' — gW red -orange flowers Summer- attracts butterflies Pitto spo r u m 'S if ver Sheen' (op rosma repens'PacifrcSunset Rhaphiolepis umbellata'Minor' BrakelBesperaloe'Red Y i((a Silver Sheen Kohuhu Pacific Sunset Mirror Plant Dwarf Yeddo Hawthorn Evergreen Red Yucca Evergreen 112'H x 6'W Evergreen 15'H x 3'W Evergreen 14'- 6'H x 2'-3'W Evergreen spring 3' H x W redblaomspring-summer [AND IMAGIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE red foliage white flowers spring 6605 Hellywaed 9ouleaetd,Suite 1101 Loskoeles.CA WN L220 373+f6AW 1I2IINI:6Qb kI PLANT PALETTE -VINES SOUTH FACING/ SUNNY Wisteria sinensis. CHINESEWISTERIA Deciduous, Climbing NORTH FACING l SHADY Dlsti(tus buccinatoria, BLOOD REQ TRUMPET VINE Evergreen, 20-30 ft Stephanotisfloribunda, MADAGASCAR JASMINE IoniCerahildebrandiana,Gl ANT BURMESE HONEYSUCKLE Evergreen, 15-30 ft Evergreen, 30ft Akebiaquinata, CHOCOLATE VINE Semi -Evergreen, 15-30 ft Akebiaquinata, CHOCOLATE VINE Semi -Evergreen, 15-30 ft [AND IMAGIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 9615 Hallymod 8uu1nard, Suhe 2101 los Aepeles, CA INN 3U4116 A Itll 1 Ian dnrwes M SMO—KY HOT LLf-I'lli z�'aDUSTRTEs SMOKY HOLLOW INDUSTRIES, LLC 612 E. FRANKLIN AVENUE EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 CONTACT: MARK TELESZ OFFICE 310.616.5040 140 OREGON 02018. BPLANARCHRECTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, IDEAS RAMS, ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS PRESENTATION ARE AND SHALL REMNN THE E%CLUSWE PROPERTY OF BAUAN ARCHITECTS, INC. AND ARE PROTECTED BY INIELLLCTUALFROPERPY LAWS, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMRATON, THE COPYRIGHT LAWS FOUND IN US. CODE TATE 17. ANY UNAUNIONZED USE, OTHER THAN FOR THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION OR DISPLAY OF ANY PART OF THIS PRESENTATION, WRHOUT THE EX7'f SSSS WRIFIENCONSENTOF BALAN ARCHRECTS, CONSRMES INFRINGEMENT AND IS PUNDIABE TO THE FULLEST DUENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW. OCTOBER 30, 2019 12" = V-0" PROJECT # 17.019 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Community Benefits Analysis 140 Oregon St. Prepared By: Kosmont Companies 1601 N. Sepulveda Blvd. #382 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 www.kosmont.com Oct. 31, 2019 164 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 2 of 19 Background and Methodology Kosmont & Associates, Inc. doing business as Kosmont Companies ("Consultant" or "Kosmont"), operating under the master consulting agreement with the City of EI Segundo ("City") for Smoky Hollow Community Benefit Analysis is pleased to submit this draft report on the comprehensive community benefits as required by the Tier 1 and Tier 2 application process for the proposed redevelopment application at 140 Oregon St. in EI Segundo ("Site") Kosmont was asked to review the Site development application site plan, floor plan and building design and preliminary community benefit proposal. The proposed project is a 91,000 square foot office building that retains the historic integrity of the existing brick building ("Project"). Kosmont reviewed the City's Smoky Hollow Specific Plan ("Specific Plan") to identify planned district wide public improvements and met with City staff to understand: 1. the City's perspective on how the Project design components address those improvements, 2. what other improvements that the City considered community benefits, as opposed to standard development requirements. The Project has 91,000 gross new building area and remains within the 1.5 FAR limit. However, the design exceeds the Specific Plan height limits by approximately 5 feet, due in part to the decision to retain the historic integrity of the existing brick building. Project Value Add Analysis Kosmont gathered construction cost data from the Project Applicant and its architect. Kosmont performed high level market research to estimate current land value and baseline rent for "as is" use, future market rent for the proposed new tenant spaces, and building valuation assumptions. This will inform a financial pro forma model that Kosmont developed to analyze the incremental development profit above the estimated profit from the "by right" permitted development. For example, an increase in gross building area would require an analysis of the marginal increase in operating income and stabilized investment value. Marginal costs of construction would be deducted to derive the incremental profit. Community Benefits Analysis Kosmont reviewed proposed Project components with City staff to confirm project elements that are eligible as a community benefit. The community benefits are based on information provided by the Applicant. The value indicated is based on cost estimates derived from information provided by Applicant and the architect, and was reviewed for reasonableness by Kosmont. It is important to recognize that the Applicant will realize some financial benefits from many of these 165 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 3 of 19 items. Kosmont makes no determination that the community benefits are sufficient to balance the increased development profit from the requested variances Fiscal/Economic Benefits Analysis Kosmont also analyzed the proposed Project to estimate construction period jobs, as well as stabilized operation jobs, and incremental City General Fund tax revenues (i.e. increase in property tax, sales tax, business taxes) above current use. In order to estimate the value of economic benefits for comparison to the development profit added, Kosmont used a financial cash flow approach assuming a 25 -year life. The attached report analyzes the increased financial benefits received from exceeding the Specific Plan limits, compared against the estimated the value of proposed community benefits, as well as fiscal/economic benefits. We are available to answer any questions regarding our methodology and conclusions. Disclaimer This Analysis is confidential and client privileged and is not to be used for any purpose other than for negotiating an acceptable Community Benefit Agreement. This Analysis is based on estimated values and Kosmont's professional opinion, using available market and development cost information. 166 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 4 of 19 Executive Summary The City Planning Division received an application to allow the construction of a 70,000 square - foot addition on the Site. The Applicant is requesting to exceed the maximum height of 35 feet up to 50 feet through the Specific Plan Community Benefit process. The Applicant is also requesting a variance for 5 additional feet to build mezzanine levels within the 2nd and 3rd building levels to help attract creative office tenants. As shown in the following report, the Project is expected to generate significant economic and community benefits in excess of the Project value added accruing to the Applicant resulting from the requested height variance. Per the City's request Kosmont has illustrated the fiscal and economic benefits from the incremental development, as well as for the entire Project as proposed. Summary of Value Add / City Benefits Proposed Project Value Added Community Benefits Fiscal Benefits Economic Benefits $2,750,000 $5,400,000 $919,000 190+220 jobs Incremental above 35 foot height limit $328,000 70+75 jobs Source: Kosmont Companies Project Value Add Kosmont has prepared an illustrative development pro forma to show the stabilized value under three scenarios: 1. As Is Building (25,400 Sq. Ft.) 2. As Proposed (91,000 Sq. Ft. — 63,600 Sq. Ft. rentable) 3. As Permitted by Specific Plan (58,700 Sq. Ft. — 37,900 Sq. Ft. rentable) Based on the estimated land value and development costs, the proforma analysis indicates a Project value add of approximately $2.75 million over a similar building within the allowable 35 -foot height. Community Benefits Kosmont estimated the marginal cost associated with the following community benefit items to be $5.4 million, with the vast majority coming from the transformative architecture treatments, as summarized below: 167 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 5 of 19 • Bike Share Docking Station along sidewalk ($16,000) • Large Scale Public Art piece inspired by John D. Rockefeller ($60,000) • Transformative architectural treatments ($3,800,000) • Preservation of the existing brick fagade ($8,200) • Public seating on Franklin and Oregon St. ($14,000) • New sidewalk along Oregon St. ($18,000) • Mid -block pedestrian passageway through the building ($640,000) • Sidewalk widening and utility relocation ($110,000) • Public use of rooftop parking deck ($490,000) • Small Food to -go cafe ($200,000) It is important to note that many of these items also provide value to the project by making the building more attractive to new tenants. Fiscal Benefits The existing 140 Oregon St. office/industrial building has a current assessed value of $1,180,000 and houses three different tenants with approximately 20 employees. Following redevelopment, Kosmont estimates the assessed value will increase by $20 million based on the construction budget, yielding $12,000 per year to the City General Fund. The incremental assessed value from building above the 35 foot would be $7 million, yielding $4,000 in annual taxes. The new building is expected to house 225 professional office/design employees, for a net increase of 205 employees. These employees are estimated to generate approximately $1,000,000 in annual retail sales at City establishments. In addition to retail sales taxes, the Project will generate additional business license taxes from the office tenancy, estimated at almost $33,000 per year for a total annual surplus of $55,000. Over a 25 -year period with 3% inflation, the Project will generate an estimated $1,950,000 in City tax revenue, with a net present value of approximately $919,000. The incremental fiscal benefit generated by building above 35 -foot height limit is estimated to be $680,000 over the 25 -year period with an NPV of approximately $328,000. Economic Benefits Development of the new creative office/commercial building will generate an estimated 190 full time equivalent ("FTE") jobs during construction period, generating $16 million in labor income. At stabilized occupancy, the Project tenants are expected to employ 225 full time positions. The incremental economic benefit generated by building above 35 foot height limit is estimated to be 70 FTE jobs during construction period, providing $6 million in labor income. .: Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 6 of 19 169 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 7 of 19 Project Description The City Planning Division received an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA -1233 and Variance No. 18-01 to allow the construction of a 70,000 square -foot addition to exceed the maximum permitted building height of 50 feet by 5 feet. The Site is located at 140 Oregon Street, in the Smoky Hollow East (SHE) zone within the Specific Plan. The 191,000 square foot (4.4 acres) Site contains three mid-century Industrial brick buildings. The current building uses at the Site are light industrial with warehouse, general office, and research and development. The existing combined total gross building floor area on the lot is 76,353 square feet. The Site was purchased by the current owner in 2015. Exhibit 1 — Site Plan Off -Street Parking Vehicular access to a new five -story parking structure currently under construction is provided from a 28 -foot wide driveway facing Franklin Avenue. The Specific Plan requires one parking space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area. The completed Project will contain 59 surface parking spaces and 398 spaces in a new parking structure. A total of 457 parking spaces are proposed and complies with the minimum number of parking spaces and dimensions required in the ESMC. The new building requires 208 spaces in the structure, with an allocated cost of $3.8 million. 170 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 8 of 19 Variance Request The Applicant is requesting a Variance to exceed the maximum height of 50 feet in the Specific Plan. The Applicant is requesting 5 additional feet in order to build mezzanine levels within the 2nd and 3rd building levels. The Project will not exceed the FAR of 1.5. Projects proposed at a building height of 50 feet must in return provide a Community Benefits Plan which is reviewed through a Development Agreement process. It is important to note that the reason for the height variance is due to the decision to retain the brick fagade on the corner of Franklin and Oregon. As shown in Exhibit 2, the floor slab of the existing building is four feet above street level. If Applicant demolished the building, they may have been able to construct the entire 91,000 square feet within a 50 -foot height. Exhibit 2 North Elevation b f Environmental Review A Historic Resource Evaluation Report was prepared by a qualified professional to assess the building located at 140 Oregon Street, since the existing one-story industrial brick building was constructed in the 1950's and is greater than 50 years of age. None of the three buildings on the property are listed under the national historic, state or local landmark programs. City Staff concluded that none of the buildings appear eligible for individual listing in any Historic Register or eligible for local designation as a cultural resource. 171 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 9 of 19 Floor Plan The proposed addition to the building is 70,000 square feet for a gross building area of 91,000 square feet. The additional floor area is for creative office uses that engage in research, with some accessory retail, and a cafe containing a small outdoor seating area on the ground floor facing Oregon Street. See ground floor plan and pedestrian walkway in Exhibit 3. Level 2 floor plan and mezzanine level are illustrated in Exhibit 4 on the following page. Exhibit 3 Ground Floor Plan i E FRANKGIM 4,"E 1 form 'up _ 1 1 I Y�r IWO FRNESS ST -UM I 2. �; l ,if, 11. ]L'I:Y _ . o� "��C°" ILLIL _It - I - Il. , I I.. IJDMP:Y� LEVE�(l� c Isw ea 172 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 10 of 19 The City rules for mezzanine space limits total area to less than 50% of the 22,600 square foot main floor area, or 10,000 square feet. However, due to the extensive vertical penetration for stairways, elevators and restrooms the net rentable area is only 7,600 square feet. Exhibit 4 2nd Floor & Mezzanine I I NOTETHE DSIISMG WALLS BETWEEN TENANT SPACES ARE FOR DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY N LEVEL 02 ME72 r LEVEL (j t 1i 0 11 1 PI• — T. Ja: -•- T ;nr Ir arA I l EEjou : NOTES THE DIM USING "'ALL 5 BETWEEN TENANT 5PACES ARE FOR DLAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY C 1Y 70• 60' 173 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 11 of 19 Project Value Add Capital investment in real estate development is a high-risk private sector venture. In order to obtain financing commitments, developers must be able to demonstrate sufficient financial returns to offset the risks related to construction cost overruns and changes in the local economy during the construction period that could affect market rents and occupancy following construction. The key development cost components include land, site development, building construction, permits and fees, design and other soft costs, and financing costs. The Net Operating Income (NOI) calculation accounts for gross rents, vacancy factor, and all operating expenses. To estimate the Project value added, as a result of the Specific Plan variance requested, Kosmont developed a financial feasibility simulation model in Excel for this Analysis to provide a reasonable estimate of expected development costs and annual net operating income a project would earn. It also shows the value at completion, which after deducting the total development costs, yields the developer profit. Kosmont's analysis shows the stabilized value under three scenarios: • As Is Building (25,400 Sq. Ft.) • As Proposed (91,000 Sq. Ft. — 63,600 Sq. Ft. rentable) • As Permitted by Specific Plan (58,700 Sq. Ft. — 37,900 Sq. Ft. rentable) Key Assumptions Rental Income Kosmont surveyed local real estate brokers to estimate market rents for the new creative office space planned. Unimproved mezzanine levels are primarily used as amenity space: • Monthly rent of $2.50 psf triple net are most likely for high quality office space • Monthly rent for mezzanine space would be $0.80 to $0.90 psf triple net • Structured parking rent of $100 per month To determine potential rental income, we calculated the net rentable area for each level from the detailed floor plans as summarized below: • Ground floor - 12,828 sq. ft. (excludes 4,000 sq. ft. fitness space) • Level 2 — 17,713 sq.ft. (plus Mezzanine 7,330 sq.ft.) • Level 3 — 17,839 sq.ft. (plus Mezzanine 7,863 sq.ft.) 174 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 12 of 19 Development Costs Kosmont reviewed development cost estimates provided by Applicant and architect. Construction costs for the new building are estimated at $19.1 million, plus $3.8 million for the 200 allocated parking structure spaces. Capitalization Rates Capitalization rate is an economic measure of the average annual return on total costs expected by investors. It varies by type of property and geographic location. In order to estimate value of the new Project at completion, the estimated stabilized net operating income is divided by the capitalization rate. For this analysis the capitalization rate was estimated at 5%. Development Value As shown in the pro forma in Exhibit 5 on the following page, the As Is value for existing building is estimated at $6.0 million. This establishes the opportunity cost of land for the redevelopment analysis. The Project "as proposed" has an estimated value of $35.3 million at stabilized occupancy. Reducing that value by the estimated "as is" land value and the total development costs totaling $29.2 million, yields an estimated development profit of $6.47 million, or 22.4% of costs. A hypothetical project subject to the 35 -foot height limit has an estimated value of $22.1 million, reflecting the loss of 25,600 square feet from the 3rd level. The development costs are reduced by $10.5 million, reflecting the loss of rentable area and a reduction in the community benefits, resulting in an estimated development profit of $3.72 million, or 20.3% of costs. Project Value Add Conclusion Based on the land value and development costs, the proforma analysis indicates the Project has a value add of approximately $2.75 million over a similar building within the allowable 35 -foot height ($6.47 million - $3.72 million) Disclaimer This Analysis is confidential and client privileged and is not to be used for any purpose other than for negotiating an acceptable Community Benefit Agreement. This Analysis is based on estimated figures and Kosmont's professional opinion, using available market and development cost information. Given the economic, market and financial risks associated with such real estate development, there is no assurance that these results will be achieved. 175 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 13 of 19 Exhibit 5 140 Oregon Street Pro Forma Comparison Source: Kosmont Companies, Applicant 176 As Is As Proposed Per SP Gross SF 25,400 91,000 58,700 Industrial SF 19,100 - - Office Rentable SF 6,360 48,400 30,600 Mezzanine Rentable SF - 15,200 7,300 Industrial Rent PSF $1.50 $0.00 $0.00 Office rent $2.00 $2.50 $2.50 Mezzanine Rent $0.00 $0.85 $0.85 Mthly Parking Income $0 $20,000 $13,400 Net Operating Income $446,796 $1,766,688 $1,103,637 Cap Rate 7.5% 5.0% 5.0% Stabilized value $5,960,000 $35,330,000 $22,070,000 Land Value Contribution n/a $5,960,000 $5,960,000 Parking Structure Pro Rata % n/a $3,800,000 $2,280,000 Soft Cost n/a $3,000,000 $1,800,000 Hard Costs n/a $16,100,000 $8,308,308 Total Development Costs n/a $28,860,000 $18,348,308 Development Profit n/a $6,470,000 $3,721,692 Profit as % of Costs 22.4% 20.3% Source: Kosmont Companies, Applicant 176 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 14 of 19 Community Benefits The Specific Plan requires new development to provide 3% of the lot as open space and if the lot exceeds 22,400 square feet, a minimum of 10% of the lot. Lots greater than 22,400 square feet must provide a minimum of 1 tree for every 4 at grade surface parking spaces open -to -the -sky and each tree must be a minimum of 24 -inch box tree. The proposed front and side yard setbacks contain soft landscaping areas, which complies with the minimum required open space and number of trees. List of Benefits As part of the Applicant's submittal package, they identified numerous physical improvements that were considered eligible Community Benefits. Kosmont met with the Applicant and the architect to gather data to estimate the marginal cost (i.e. value) of each item. • Bike Share Docking Station along sidewalk • Large Scale Public Art piece inspired by John D. Rockefeller • Transformative architectural treatments • Preservation of the existing brick fagade • Public seating on Franklin and Oregon St. • New sidewalk along Oregon St. • Mid -block pedestrian passageway through the building • Sidewalk widening and utility relocation • Public use of rooftop parking deck • Small Food to -go cafe Bike Share Station and Land Dedication The cost of a dedicated bike sharing station is estimated at $500 for concrete pad plus 80 square feet of land valued at $200 psf or $16,000. Public Art A large mural is planned for the east side of the parking structure at an estimated cost of $60,000. Transformative Architectural Treatments The architectural design incorporates 1950's era materials, large scale steel windows, exterior balconies and exposed steel structural systems. Based on Kosmont's review of the plans and discussions with the architect, Kosmont estimates these features represent 20% of the direct construction costs, or $3.8 million. 177 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 15 of 19 Preservation of Brick Fagade In order to retain the existing brick fagade, temporary underground shoring is required. Offsetting this are cost savings from a replacement facade not required. The net cost is estimated at $8,200. Public Seating Exterior grade bench seating on concrete pad on both Oregon St. and Franklin Ave, is estimated to cost $14,000. New Sidewalk and Streetscape Improvements Cost for design, demo and concrete forming of new curb, gutter and handicap access is estimated by developer at $18,000. (May be required) Sidewalk Widening/ Utility Pole Removal Cost to remove the two low voltage wooden poles on Oregon St and replace with underground lines and rebuilding sidewalk is estimated by the Utility Company to cost $110,000. Mid -block Pedestrian Passageway The architectural design provides a pedestrian walkway alongside the vehicle loading/unloading zone beneath the building. The approximate area of the pedestrian walkway is 1,600 square feet. To value this component, Kosmont assumed the rentable building area could have been increased by 1,600 square feet, yielding $48,000 in annual income, with a capitalized value add of $980,000. Offsetting this is the $320,000 in marginal construction costs to improve the space for tenant use. Thus, the net value lost by adding pedestrian passage is estimated at $640,000. Public Use of Parking Structure Rooftop In order to utilize the rooftop parking deck for public events, the Applicant made substantial structural improvements to carry the increase live load, as well as enlarging exit staircase. The marginal cost for the improvements is estimated at $490,000, or $16 per square foot. Small Food -to -go Cafe Applicant indicates providing a 630 square foot cafe with limited outdoor seating to serve the business community. Kosmont estimates that such space will rent for less than half of the market rent for office space, indicating an annual operating subsidy of $10,000 with a capitalized value of $200,000. Total Value of Community Benefits Combining the value of each building component listed above, results in a combined marginal cost increase of approximately $5.4 million. It is important to note that many of the community benefit items also add value to the Project by making the building more attractive to tenants. 178 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 16 of 19 Fiscal Benefits In addition to the Project -specific Community Benefits, the City has requested an analysis of the incremental fiscal revenues expected from the stabilized operation of the Project. In order to quantify the value of economic benefits for comparison to the development profit added, Kosmont used a discounted financial cash flow approach assuming a 25 -year life. This Analysis is based on information provided by the Applicant, the City, Los Angeles County ("County") Property Tax Auditor -Controller's Office, California Department of Finance ("DOF"), California Board of Equalization ("BOE"), U.S. Census, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ("BLS"), and ESRI. General Assumptions Unless otherwise noted, the subsequent analysis maintains the following assumptions. • Dollar amounts are expressed in 2019 dollars. • Fiscal impacts are estimated at stabilized occupancy. • Employment figures are permanent FTE jobs. Fiscal Revenue Analysis Property Tax Secured property tax revenues are estimated based on the anticipated assessed value of the Project upon full build -out and the applicable property tax rates for the City. Existing value was not included as part of the analysis, as the subject property is already on the tax rolls. The City general fund receives an approximate 6% share of the annual 1.0% secured property tax general levy placed by the County on the assessed value of the property ($0.06 of each $1.00 of secured property tax revenue). Unsecured property taxes are collected based on the assessed value of real property not affixed to the underlying land, such as business fixtures, and some types of vehicles. The rate of taxation and apportionment is generally the same as for secured property taxes. The current assessed value of the Site is $1.18 million. Market value of the property is significantly higher, but until there is a change in ownership no reassessment is likely to occur. The total development cost for the building and the pro rata allocated cost of the parking structure totals approximately $22 million. Assuming a 90% assessed value taxable factor, there will be a $20 million increase in assessed value, for which the City would receive approximately $12,000 in additional annual property taxes. (Incremental property taxes from the larger building are estimated at $4,000 per year). 179 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 17 of 19 If at some point in the future, the Site is sold, the estimated market value would be approximately $50 million in 2019 $. Sales Tax (On -Site /Direct) None of the new business tenants are expected to generate taxable retail sales, except for the approximate 600 square foot cafe designed to provide takeout food. Based on annual sales of $400 psf, Kosmont estimates annual sales of $240,000, yielding $2,400 in sales taxes to the City General Fund. Offsite Sales Tax (Indirect) In addition to onsite sales, employees and business owners will generate off-site / indirect sales. Kosmont utilized ICSC surveys of employee spending near places of work to estimate $5,000 in annual sales per employee. At stabilized occupancy the Project is expected to result in approximately $1,000,000 in annual offsite taxable sales, which would result in $10,000 in annual sales tax revenues for the City. (Incremental offsite sales taxes from the larger building are estimated at $3,500 per year). Business Taxes Current business tax rates are assessed based on the number of employees and square footage. The first 10 employees and initial 5,000 SF are charged a flat fee base tax of $104.40. The business is then charged for each additional employee over 10, at a rate of $129.35 per employee. Additionally, the employer is charged $0.25 for each square foot over 5,000 SF. Assuming three different tenants and a total of 225 employees and 65,000 SF of rentable square footage for the proposed office use (less existing 20 employees), Kosmont projects an annual increase in business tax of approximately $33,000. (Incremental offsite sales taxes from the larger building are estimated at $11,700 per year). Incremental General Fund Tax Revenues In summary the full Project will likely result in a total increase of $55,000 per year above the existing baseline. The incremental benefit by building above 35 foot is estimated to be $19,200. Over a 25 -year period with 3% inflation, as shown in Exhibit 6, the Project will generate $1,950,000 in revenue, with a net present value of $919,000. The incremental fiscal benefit generated by building above 35 -foot height limit is estimated to be $700,000 over the 25 -year period with an NPV of approximately $328,000. Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 18 of 19 Exhibit 6 140 Oregon St. Public Revenue Projection Project Year Incremental City Share Assessed Property Tax Direct/Indirec t Sales Tax Business Tax Total City Revenues Incremental Revenues /1 Const 2021 $20,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 2022 $12,000 $10,000 $33,000 $55,000 $19,200 2 2023 $12,240 $10,300 $33,990 $56,530 $19,786 3 2024 $12,485 $10,609 $35,010 $58,104 $20,379 4 2025 $12,734 $10,927 $36,060 $59,722 $20,990 5 2026 $12,989 $11,255 $37,142 $61,386 $21,620 6 2027 $13,249 $11,593 $38,256 $63,098 $22,269 7 2028 $13,514 $11,941 $39,404 $64,858 $22,937 8 2029 $13,784 $12,299 $40,586 $66,669 $23,625 9 2030 $14,060 $12,668 $41,803 $68,531 $24,334 10 2031 $14,341 $13,048 $43,058 $70,446 $25,064 11 2032 $14,628 $13,439 $44,349 $72,416 $25,816 12 2033 $14,920 $13,842 $45,680 $74,443 $26,590 13 2034 $15,219 $14,258 $47,050 $76,527 $27,388 14 2035 $15,523 $14,685 $48,462 $78,670 $28,209 15 2036 $15,834 $15,126 $49,915 $80,875 $29,056 16 2037 $16,150 $15,580 $51,413 $83,143 $29,927 17 2038 $16,473 $16,047 $52,955 $85,476 $30,825 18 2039 $16,803 $16,528 $54,544 $87,875 $31,750 19 2040 $17,139 $17,024 $56,180 $90,344 $32,702 20 2041 $17,482 $17,535 $57,866 $92,882 $33,683 21 2042 $17,831 $18,061 $59,602 $95,494 $34,694 22 2043 $18,188 $18,603 $61,390 $98,181 $35,735 23 2044 $18,552 $19,161 $63,231 $100,944 $36,807 24 2045 $18,923 $19,736 $65,128 $103,787 $37,911 25 2046 $19,301 $20,328 $67,082 $106,711 $39,048 Total $384,364 $364,593 $1,203,156 $1,952,112 $700,345 NPV @ 6% $185,322 $170,718 $563,368 $919,408 $327,926 /1 Incremental revenues above a similar project with 35 foot height limit Source: Kosmont Companies 181 Community Benefit Analysis 140 Oregon St., EI Segundo October, 2019 Page 19 of 19 Economic Benefits Construction Budget The total development costs for the construction of the approximately 90,000 square foot of creative office and the allocated cost for 200 parking spaces within the new parking structure is estimated at $22 million, including soft and hard costs. IMPLAN Modeling This analysis uses the IMPLAN (IMpact analysis for PLANning) econometric input/output model developed by the IMPLAN Group to quantify the economic impact to the local region from Project construction / renovation and ongoing operations. This proprietary model estimates the economic benefits on the industries in a given geographic area based on known economic inputs, such as construction costs. The model estimates direct, indirect, and induced benefits expressed in terms of increased economic activity, earnings ("labor income"), and job creation. Direct Economic Benefits: Direct benefits refer to the short-term business activity of general contractors involved in Project construction and the ongoing business activities of Project tenants. Indirect Economic Benefits: Indirect benefits will result when local firms directly impacted by the Project purchase materials, supplies or services from other firms. Induced Economic Benefits: Induced benefits relate to the consumption spending of employees of firms that are directly or indirectly affected by the Project. These would include all of the goods and services normally associated with household consumption (e.g. retail purchases, services). Inputs for the IMPLAN economic benefit analysis include the development budget provided by the Developer and permanent on-site employment information estimated by Kosmont. The permanent full-time employment estimates were derived from similar projects and industry standard per -square -foot employment densities for corresponding land use types. Construction Related Economic Benefits During the construction period, the Project is expected to produce approximately 190 Full Time Equivalent jobs and $16 million in labor income across Los Angeles County, including direct, indirect and induced impacts. The incremental economic benefit generated by building above 35 foot height limit is estimated to be 70 FTE jobs during construction period, providing $6 million in labor income 182 SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS TABULATION WORKSHEET Project Name: 140 ❑regon Group A Enhance Buliding Character (minimum 4 required) I yes no n criteria I Buifd on the quallty industrial character a 1 _ Convey a sense of old and new 1 Build upon extsting context i conserve and retain the character-deflning features 1 Encourage additions that complement existing character -defining features .1 3 Incorporate small, medium, and large scales I —JEmphasIm design at the pedestrian level * I 1 15pecify 360° archltectu(e 1 Enhance entry expression g 1 I Encourage the use of roll -up doors and sliding walls at street frontages 1 10rent secondary emtries to alleys 1 Incorporate different materials, colors, and textures Group B Facilitate Gathering (minimum 2 required) I yes no n/a criteria a� 1 Form an active street wall 4 C 1 provide street corner plazas u 1 develop outdoor gatherings paces 1 Provide alley -facing gathering spaces ti e 1 Provide ease of access 1. lUse Enhance surface parking ^ 1 enduring, quality paving materials E E 1 (Provide street furniture - 1 JUse exterior lighting to accentuate safety and design 3 I 1 IProvide Wi-Fi hotspots Group G Intor)orate Landscape and Environmental Design (minimum 3 required) Yes no n/a criteria _ I 1 Design layered and lush landscaping 21 1 Select drought -tolerant and native plants 1 Utilize planters and pots to provide greenery 1 Improve landscaping in parking areas R 1 use fences and walls as an extension of the architecture ;F i utilize natural light Group D Encourage Connectivlty yes:f no I n/a kriteria I I i Install bike facllltles If °yes,"total bike storage spaces provlded: 32 Required: 32 Group E Resign for 51 nage, Way -Finding, and Public Art _yes no n/a criteria 1 design signs as an integral component 1 lincorporate way -finding through integral design 1 (Encourage public art 183 SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS FINDINGS WORKSHEFT Project Name: 140 Oregon Step 1 finding:IThe proposed building height, intensity, or deviation from the development standards would not be detrimental to the pub lle health, safety or -) ff finding Is met, proceed to Step 2 If finding cannot be met, stop, the project does not qualify. Step 2 findmg:The proposed community benefits provide_exempiary proiect and/pr streetscape design Number of criteria this project Incorporates: 21 -> If 17 or more, proceed to Step 3, otherwise stop, the project does not qualify. Step d findlrt:jThe proposed community benefit directly Impiiments objectives of the specific plan. --) If none of the proposed community bnefits meet this finding, stop, project does not quality. 4 K at least one proposed community benefit meets this finding and project does not qualify for Tier 2, proceed to Planning Commission -) If at least one proposed community benefit meets this finding and project qualifies forTler2, proceed to Step 4 Only 71er 2 projects must meet Findings 4 $r 5 Step 4 finding:IThe community benefits proposed do not principally benefit the project or occupants of the project, but rather provides a distinct of area -wide 4 If finding Is met, proceed to Step 5. If finding cannot be met, stop, the project does not quallfy. Step 5 findinClThe value of the community benefits bear a relationship to the value generated by the project. Sums of developer costs for qualified proposed Community benefits by groups: Community value ofproposed improvements; Group A: Architecture 1 $ 3,808,200 I nwltlply by (Number of met criteria In Group A �, 6.9.33%) = $ 1,586,115 Group B: Open Space I $ 14,004 multiply by lNumber of mec criteria In Group b > 5 * 10951 $ Group C' Landscaping I $ 56,500 multiply by (Number of met criteria in Group C:3' 16.67%1 = I $ 26,256 I a - Group l?: Connectivity $ - rnuhiply by (Number of surplus bike $pate$' $1,7501 = I $ - I Group E: Other $ 60,000 muhipiy by (Number of met criteria in Group A * 33.33%) = I $ 19,980 Cafesand coffee shops $ . distancetonearestsimYlar7 FSelectone I = iJndergrounding utilities S326,444��multiplyby multiplybyI.XIA = I $ 426,400 Approved public Infrastructure $ 33,004 120% I $ 36,300 I Projects with more $2 million or more value added most Contribute at least 10% of value added to public Infrastructure Other proposed benefits I $ IL -These benefits are not considered forqual3fying purposes unless accepted by City Counr€I Total cost for community benefits to developer $ 4,299,700 Estimated added project value I $ 2,700,004 I Community vaiue of proposed benefits $ x.497,051 Community value share of added value 78% Acceptable * If CV/AV Is 40%, recommend additional community benefits and reca;culate- * If CV/AV Is >30%, g4 to Planning Commission for recommendation to City Council .E