2019-11-14 Planning Agenda PacketPLANNING COMMISSION ELS UNoo AGENDA DATE: Thursday, November 14, 2019 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245-0989 VIDEO: EI Segundo Cable Channel 3 (Live). Replayed Friday following Thursday's meeting at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Channel 3. (Schedule subject to change) All files related to this agenda are available for public review in the Planning Division office, Monday through Thursday 7:00 am to 0:00 pm and alternating Fridays until 4:00 pm beginning at 7:00 am Monday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject -matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission and items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the meeting. Additionally, the public can comment on any public hearing item on the Agenda during the public hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is generally five minutes per person. Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the Planning and Building Safety Director a minimum of two working days before the meeting and they do not exceed five minutes in length. Written materials distributed to the Planning Commission within 72 hours of the Planning Commission meeting are available for public inspection immediately upon distribution in the City Clerk's office and on the City's website, www.elsegundo.org. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, (310) 524-2307. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting wi[I enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. A. Call to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call D. Public Communications (Related to City Business only and for which the Planning Commission is responsible -5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total). Individuals who received value of $50 or more to communicate to the Planning Commission on another's behalf, and employees speaking on their employer's behalf, must so identify themselves before addressing the Commission. Failure to do so is a misdemeanor. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow the Commission to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Commission may respond to comments after public communications is closed. E. Consent Calendar None. F. Call items from Consent Calendar G. Written Communications (other than what is included in Agenda packets) H. New Business – Public Hearing. 1. Conditional Use Permit for New Wireless Communications Facility. (EA - 1265) Address: 1904 E. EI Segundo Boulevard Applicant: Josh Halminski, Smartlink LLC Project Description: A request to install a new pole -mounted wireless communications facility in a SCE transition line right-of-way. (Environmental Assessment No. EA -1265 and Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 19-01) Environmental Determination: The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 3 categorical exemption (new construction of small structures). RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Planning Commission: (1) open the public hearing and take documentary and testimonial evidence; (2) after considering the evidence adopt Resolution No. 2877; or (3) discuss and take any other action related to this item. 2. Municipal Code Amendment Related to Wireless Facilities in the Public Rights -of -Way. (EA -1189) Address: Citywide Applicant: City of EI Segundo Project Description: An ordinance adding Chapter 9 of Title 9 of the EI Segundo Municipal Code to establish regulations for wireless communication facilities in the public right-of-way. KA If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the regulations, the City Council will consider the proposed ordinance at an upcoming meeting. (Environmental Assessment No. EA -1189 and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 17- 03) Environmental Determination: The project is categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301, 15302, 15303, 15304, and 15061(b)(3), because it establishes regulations rather than development of actual facilities. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Planning Commission: (1) open the public hearing and take documentary and testimonial evidence; (2) after considering the evidence adopt Resolution No. 2878; or (3) discuss and take any other action related to this item. I. Continued Business—Public Hearing. None. J. Report from Planning and Building Safety Director or designee K. Upcoming Agenda Items and Schedule L. Planning Commissioners' Comments M. Adjournm t—next meeting scheduled for December 12, 2019, 5:30 pm. POSTED: (_Qfl (Ao� tA;Q Ar7l (Signature) y (Date and time) 3 EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: November 14, 2019 AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Public Hearing A conditional use permit to allow construction and operation of a new wireless facility at 1904 E. EI Segundo Boulevard. (Environmental Assessment No. EA -1265 and Conditional Use Permit 19- 01) 14:141011 IL6Ia►U7_1% 1150 1L I Adopt resolution approving conditional use permit 19-01 for a new wireless communication facility at 1904 E. EI Segundo Boulevard, with conditions. PREPARED BY: Gregg McClain, Planning Manager APPROVED BY: Sam Lee, Planning and Building Safety Director BACKGROUND In the EI Segundo Municipal Code wireless communications facilities on private property are regulated in Chapter 19 of Title 15 (zoning code). The chapter serves two often competing purposes—to protect the public safety, general welfare, and quality of life on one hand, and to facilitate the deployment of wireless infrastructure in the city on the other. Since federal and state laws prohibit considering the safety of radio equipment that complies with FCC standards, and the technological requirements of wireless networks severely limits their location options, cities rely on their ability to regulate the design of new sites to mitigate visual impacts that these sites can have. In California, it is rare to see a new tower application that is not preemptively proposed to be disguised as a tree or embedded into a building's architecture. The various providers of wireless service expect it will be a condition of approval. However, there are occasionally applications that are so remote from public access that the need to disguise the facility is not easily justified. This is one of those applications. LOCATION Although the address of the site provided by the applicant for this facility is 1904 E. EI Segundo Boulevard, the location is actually approximately 1/2 mile south of EI Segundo Boulevard. In fact, the site is also about the same distance from Pacific Coast Highway, Rosecrans Avenue, and Aviation Boulevard. The nearest publically accessible street is Hughes Way near the Raytheon gate, and that is over 300 feet from the proposed tower. The site is within a Southern California Edison right-of-way that is fully paved with gravel. The area is sparsely used for storage, but is mostly empty except for the base of transmission line towers. The proposed wireless tower is to be along the south edge of the gravel area (see diagrams below). Surrounding uses are a catchment basin, railroad land (mostly undeveloped), RV storage, equipment storage, and parking lot for Raytheon. There are two existing antenna poles to the east and close to Pacific Coast Highway, neither of which is camouflaged. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 2 �- See below n i R�sa„3 Street Map _ } CA 31hL a!3 t Lt Vr r PROJECT DESCRIPTION This proposed wireless facility will include a 60 foot tower with 12 eight -foot panel antennas mounted at the top and a 4 foot diameter microwave dish antenna mounted on the pole beneath the panel antennas. At the base of the pole will be an enclosure that is surrounded by a chain-link fence and will house up to 4 equipment cabinets, one of which is a backup DC power generator, as well as utility boxes and other necessary equipment. 3 The height of the tower exceeds the Open Space zone limit of 32 feet, but pursuant to ESMC Section 15-2-3, radio antennas are exempt from this standard. Staff believes that 60 feet is reasonable and is consistent with other wireless towers in the vicinity. DISCUSSION This proposed site is not visible from any residence in the city or surrounding cities. It will be visible from some office or retail vantages, but the nearest will be about 1/4 mile away. Raytheon has facilities that are closer but the site will only be visible from a few locations there except the southern parking lots. There is no reason to propose disguising the tower or even upgrading the equipment enclosure to a block wall. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations §15301 as a Class 3 categorical exemption (New construction of small structures). ATTACHMENTS: A. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2877, approving CUP 19-1. B. Plans C. Applicant supplied photo simulations 4 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2799 A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA -1265, AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 19-01 TO LOCATE A WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY ON A SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON TRANSMISSION RIGHT-OF-WAY AT 1904 E. EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD The Planning Commission of the City of EI Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Commission finds and declares that: A. On August 26, 2019, Smartlink LLC, representing Verizon Wireless, filed an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA -1265, Conditional Use Permit No. 19-1 and Variance 19-1, requesting approval for a new wireless communications facility on an existing Southern California Edison right-of-way, on property located at 1904 E. EI Segundo Boulevard; B. The project applications reviewed by staff, which determined that a variance was not required pursuant to ESMC 15-2-3, which exempts antennas from zoning height limitations; C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA"), and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"); D. On November 14, 2019, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including information provided to the Commission by Smartlink, LLC on behalf of Verizon Wireless; and, E. The Commission considered the information provided at the hearing and this resolution, and its findings, are made, in part, based upon the evidence presented. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The Commission finds that the following facts exist: A. The subject site is located in the Open Space (OS) Zone, at 1904 E. EI Segundo Boulevard. The subject property is an 11.5 -acre parcel located at the southeast corner of EI Segundo Boulevard and Pacific Coast Highway and running southeast toward the midpoint of a square enclosed by Pacific Coast Highway, EI Segundo Boulevard, Aviation Boulevard, and Rosecrans Avenue. B. The property is owned by Southern California Edison (SCE) and is currently developed with several lattice transmission towers. C. The subject site is bounded on the south and west by a drainage water retention basin owned by the City of EI Segundo and by the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way, on the north and east by the Raytheon campus. D. The proposed project includes installing a wireless facility on a new 60 foot pole, consisting of 12 eight -foot antenna panels, one microwave dish, and supporting equipment near the base of the tower. SECTION 3: Environmental Assessment. The proposed project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 as a Class 3 categorical exemption (New construction of small structures). SECTION 4: Zoning Code Findings. The proposed project conforms to the City's the development standards for wireless facilities projects as specified in Chapter 15-19 of the City's Municipal Code, as follows: A. The underlying zoning for the site is Open Space (OS), which conditionally permits utility facilities and other similar uses. The property is currently improved with SCE transmission towers, and the proposed project would result in the placement of a wireless communications facility as an accessory to the existing electrical transmission use. B. The purpose of the OS zone is "to provide adequate recreational opportunities and to preserve open space for the anticipated needs of both present and future residents and employees in the city" (ESMC §15-8-1). The wireless facility will not reduce the recreational opportunities in the City, nor will it develop open space since the facility would be located on an existing restricted right-of-way easement. C. The subject site is surrounded by a variety of commercial, recreational, and light industrial uses, and no residential uses are located in the vicinity. SECTION 5: Conditional Use Permit/ Wireless Communications Facility Permit (Major) Findings. After considering the above facts, the Commission finds as follows: A. The proposed location of the conditional use is in accord with the objectives of this Title and the purposes of the zone in which the site is located. The zoning designation for the subject site is Open Space (OS). The purpose of this zone is "to provide adequate recreational opportunities and to preserve open space for the anticipated needs of both present and future residents and employees in the city" (ESMC 15-8-1). The wireless facility will not reduce the recreational opportunities in the City, nor will it develop open space since the facility would be located on an existing transmission tower on the subject property. B. That the proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The 2 9 proposed location of the conditional use is surrounded by a variety of commercial, recreational, and light industrial uses, and no sensitive land uses are adjacent to or near the proposed wireless communications facility that could be impacted by the operation of the facility. The use is also subject to certain conditions in the attached Exhibit A. Accordingly, given the nature of the surrounding uses and immediate area, and the absence of any residential uses in the vicinity, the proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions under which it would be operated and maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. C. That the proposed conditional use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of Chapter 15-19 of the Zoning Code. The proposed project is consistent with Chapter 15-19 of the Zoning Code, which requires a major facility to obtain approval of a conditional use permit. D. The proposed major wireless communication facility complies with all additional or different requirements made applicable by Chapter 15-19. The underlying OS Zoning designation allows utility facilities, which the subject property already supports, and the proposed wireless facility would be ancillary to such use. There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located. SECTION 6: Approval. Subject to the conditions listed on the attached Exhibit A, which are incorporated into this Resolution by reference, the Planning Commission approves Environmental Assessment No. EA -1265 and Conditional Use Permit No. 19-1. SECTION 7: This Resolution will remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. SECTION 8: The Commission Secretary is directed to mail a copy of this Resolution to Synergy Development Services and to any other person requesting a copy. SECTION 9: This Resolution may be appealed within 10 calendar days after its adoption. All appeals must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk within this time period. Failure to file a timely written appeal will constitute a waiver of any right of appeal. SECTION 10: Except as provided in Section 9, this Resolution is the Commission's final decision and will become effective immediately upon adoption. 3 10 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of November, 2019. ATTEST: Sam Lee, Secretary /e]1a109ID/119Z37r61to] NLTA I Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney David King, Assistant City Attorney Ryan Baldino, Chair City of EI Segundo Planning Commission Baldino Newman Hoeschler Keldorf Wingate n PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2877 Exhibit A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the EI Segundo Municipal Code, Verizon Wireless agrees to comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of EI Segundo's approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1265 and Conditional Use Permit No. 19-1: Zoning Conditions 1. This approval is for the project as shown on the plans reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission on November 14, 2019, and on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. Before the City issues a building permit for the wireless facility, the applicant must submit plans, showing that the project substantially complies with the plans and conditions of approval on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. Any subsequent modification must be referred to the Planning and Building Safety Director for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review and approval of the proposed modification. 2. This approval allows for a new wireless communications facility comprised of the following: • A new monopole with up to 12 eight -foot antennas mounted at the top, and a 4 - foot diameter microwave dish also mounted near the top of the pole, all of which shall not exceed a height of 60 feet; • A 400 square foot enclosure around the equipment area at the base of the monopole, with accompanying equipment cabinets and utility hardware; • Underground electrical and telco connections to the equipment enclosure from the sources of these services near Hughes Way. 3. The facility must not bear any signs or advertising devices other than required signs, such as certifications, warnings, or other seals or safety related signs. 4. The applicant must promptly remove any graffiti on the facility. The applicant must provide the Planning and Building Safety Director the name and contact information for an individual or individuals who are available 24 hours for the removal of any graffiti from the facility. If graffiti is reported to this contact person by the City and not removed within 24 hours of such notification, the City may remove the graffiti at the applicant's expense. An invoice for any such expenses shall be provided by the City to the applicant, and the applicant must pay any such invoice within 10 days of receipt. 5. In the event that any of these conditions conflict with the recommendations or requirements of another permitting agency or City department, the stricter shall apply. 5 6. Cables must be installed on the inside of the monopole. All cabling, trays, and antenna panels must be painted to match the monopole to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building Safety Director prior to building permit final. 7. The maximum height of the enclosure fence must not exceed 8 feet in height. 8. No wireless communications facility or accessory equipment installed or operated as part of a Verizon Wireless facility shall interfere with any City emergency transmission signal or form of communication. 9. The wireless facility must be maintained in good condition at all times, to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building Safety Director. Building Safety Conditions 10. Plans must be submitted to the Building and Safety Division for review and approval prior to issuance of a permit. 11. The plans must include all applicable calculations, which may include wind and seismic anchorage requirement for all equipment and must be designed and approved by a licensed Engineer. 12. The plans must include all required attachment methods for all equipment and antenna panels located within the enclosure or mounted on the monopole. 13. The facility must be erected, located, operated and maintained at all times in compliance with ESMC Chapter 15-19 and all applicable laws, regulations and requirements of the building code, and every other code and regulation imposed or enforced by the City, the State, and the United States Federal Government. The applicant must obtain all applicable building and construction permits that may be required prior to erecting or installing the facility. Miscellaneous Conditions 14. Approval of this permit shall not be construed as a waiver of applicable and appropriate zoning regulations, or any Federal, State, County and/or City laws and regulations. Unless otherwise expressly specified, all other requirements of the EI Segundo Municipal Code shall apply. 15. Failure to comply with and adhere to all of these conditions of approval may be cause to revoke the approval of the project by the Planning Commission, pursuant to the provisions of the EI Segundo Municipal Code. 16. In the event that any of these conditions conflict with the recommendations or requirements of another permitting agency or City Department, the stricter standard shall apply. 6 13 17. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1265 and Conditional Use Permit No. 19-1. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1265 and Conditional Use Permit No. 19-1, the Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of EI Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. By signing this document, Smartlink, LLC, on behalf of Verizon Wireless, certifies that it has read, understood, and agree to the Project Conditions listed in this document. 14 ' rISSUE STATUSI REV DATEDESCRIPTON BY ■ 0 03"6!19 I'll ZONING EG 1 05"'2119 90%ZONING EG 2 65"0;19 1009LZON'NG EG 3 06815118 100% ZONING EG verizon%,/ < DTAS119 FINAL SURVEY EG r -I UTAH iNFINIGY8 ENGINEERING, LLP 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SO LrrH LAKE FOREST, CALIFORNIA "32 MCE499-0, PROJECT ADDRESS: lPROPRIETARYJNFORMATION TICFITSnNATIOIr"A.FiCWTNIFIED ACIII TIIISSET T DM1v111G51s FR`.RVOF A FI A CONFDEMIAI TO SS 1904 E. EL SEGUNDO BLVD iSURFOTHER TII NIY USE dr OL8ao5URE OTHER TIINL AS R RELATES EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 VER ON 1vRE Fss Lss RlcnYFxox16REG SCE EL NIDD-SEPULVEDA -SPACE-WESBASIN 66KV ROW ALL DIGHT O PROJECT TEAM PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET DESCRIPTION REV THIS PROJECT IS A NEW VER40N WIRELESS UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATION WIRELESS APPLICANTILESSEE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER T-1 TITLE SHEET 4 N taJ SITE ACQUISITION PLANNING rADLITY IT WILL CONSIST or .HE rOLLOWING n➢N 413a Gu 914 ¢ LLj INSTALLATION OF 1114'0 MICROWAVE ANTENNAmbmt/ SMARTLINK, LLC SMARTL INK. LLC . INSTALLA70NOF 12 BrrTTALLPANELANTENNAS LSI SITE SURVEY 2 ■— C% z 33301RV.NE BLVD, SUITE 300 3303 IRVINE BLVD. SUITE 300 J ) IRVINE CA 928NYON AVENUE. D7 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92600 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92670 INSThLlAT10N OF S12j RRUS HEH'�NO ANTENNhS IRVINE. CA 92618 NEWPORT BEACH WILDER CONTACT JOHNHA 492630SKI : INSTALLATION Or {31 SURGE SUPPRESSORS OFFICE$¢91286-7900 LS SIiESURVEY 2 Q PHONE 714�ANEE 30 PHONE 62&241JDHN2f17 INSTALLATION OF (37 MCC EOUIPMEWT CA13INCTS. 07 INSTALLATION Or SIIISKW STAND BY DC GENERA70RWI SIG DIESEL FUEL TANK APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVE Ir', d—i,Aild.,@... NiF Ile mm Jchn hAlmi.11dQsmarrllnNM.raA INSTALLATION OF (t) OPS ANTENNA LS -3 SITE SURVEY 2 pp 53001 NK. LLC Ln • INSTALLATION OF INTCGRA7ED LOAD CENTER, TELCO LABIFlCT AND WORK LIGHT ON lr3 3IEWPO INE BLVD. SUITE 700 INSTALHrRAME al SITE PLAN • INSTALLATION OF POWER AND TELCO RUN$ FROM EXISTING UTILITY P O C Tp NL-WPORT HEACH, CA 92600 PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS EOUIPMENTB CONTACT JOAN HALMINSKI PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER: SURVEYOR: INssnLLATION aFhIGB'HIGH MONOPOLE PHONE 625.241-2117 all ENLARGED AREA PLAN 4 INRMOY ENGINEERING, LLP PLOYD SURVEYING INSTALLATION OF 6'HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE ENCLOSURE John h2lminshi- smartlildJlc ran! DANIELM CONHELL.PE 34006 GALLERON STREET • INSTALLATION OF 131112%241 HYDRIFLCX CABLES PROPERTY OWNER: A-2 EOU;PMENT 6 ANTENNA PLANS < 26055 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH, TEMECULA, CA 92592 LAKE FOREST, CA 92620 CONTACT. DAVID FLOYD SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEOISON rt3 ELEVATIONS < 2INNOVATION WAY, 1ST FLOOR CONTACT bAN CO60 PHONE.)8- y20Dllg 626 VICINITY MAP POMONA. CA 91768 d 44 FINE 1949) T$3-8807 isi 6oydslttveyin9 pm CONTACT PH LLIP HLCKERSON Ad ELEVATIONS dronnNl�Infinigy.eam 4 PHONE 1626)695sass PROPERTY JNFORMATION; D.1 DETAIL STYE NAME UTAH SITE ADDRESS 1934 E E: SEGUNDO D2 OCTAL. - U� EL SEGUNDO CA 902=5 VERIZON WIRELESS REDS pVT�E EJj JURISDICTION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO N1 BATTERY MSD$ U N-11 BATTERY MSDS 4 CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION SITE NAME: 96 N 2 EQUIPMENT CABINETS - 5 POSITION OF GEODETIC COORDINATES 4 _ LATITUDE 33. 5E' 31 3Y N3 909103' I NOrrrH SUAD831 LONGiTVOE i18. 23' 20 10•r119389817')W,^STINAD631 N 3 STAND BY GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS 4 DATE: m GROUND FLEVATION @ 116 7' 1NAVDBSI N4 GENERATOR TANK SPEmnCATION DRAWINGS 4 Vi AREA OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AREA c 4OD SO FT TOTAL =005 S0 rT a• (OCCUPANCYU O CVTYPE Or CONSTRUCTION V B Zn ZONING O S (OPEN SPACE) VERIZON WIRELESS SIGNATURE BLOCK ADA COMPLIANCE FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMIN HABITATION = U MACHINERY SPACES ARE EXEMPT rROM ACCESSIBILITY ILL]LL1 r'y NOT TO SCALE NORTH REOU;RCMCNTS PERTHC CDC SECTION 110.2035. " c O OVSCIPLNE � SIGNATURE GATE 1cJ J ❑ C LU Z RE VENDOR DRIVING DIRECTIONS GENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTES Uj D A&EVENDOR FROM VERIZON OFFICE TO 2060SOIrtHHUGHCS WAY DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS CD W CD 5 EL SEGUNDO. CA 911246 U) CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANSAND EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB ZONING DRAWINGS ASE COORprNgTOR, I GET ON I405 N FROM VALLEY OAK DR. BARRAI'CA PKWY AND SANG CANYON AVE r J 2 HEAD NORTHEAST TOWARO VALLEY OAK DR SITE AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT 1N WRITING Or ANYDISCREPANCIES BEFORE 3 TURN LEFT TOWARD VALLEY OAK DR PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAME 9 ITILI7Y VENDOR 4 TURN LEFT AT THE 1S7 CROSS STREET ONTO VALLEY OAK DR 5 TURN LEFT ONTO SARRANCA PKWY 5TURN RIGHT ONTO SAND CANYON AVE 3 AF 7. USETHERIGHT 2 LANES 70 TAKE THE RAMP ONTO 1405 N SHEET TITLE: 4 B FOLLOW 1405 N TO ROSECRANS AVE IN HAW THORNE TAKEEKIT43 FROM 1405 N TD OBTAIN IO TION OF PARTICIPANTS RE 9. MERGE ONTO 1405 N UND; You DIG rnb FOM SOUTPEs E CALL ORE 10 KEEP LEFT ATTFIEFORKTOSTAYON14DSIN CODE COMPLIANCE f dFORAA TITLE SHEET 'j 71 TAKE EXIT 40 FOR ROSECRANS AVE TOLL FREE: 1-600.227-2600 OR F CE 12 CONTINUE ON ROSECRANS AVE DRIVE TO S HUGHES WAY IN EL SEGUNDO 2016 CALIFORNIA ENCRGY CODE 2016 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE vAxw dgnlnn,Glg 13 USE THE LEFT ZLANES TO TURN LEFT ONTO ROSECRBNSAVE 6 I< TURN RIGHITONTO CA -1 N 2016 CALIFORNIABUILDING COOK 2015 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE CALIFORNIA STATUTE EE 15 TURN RIGHT bNTOPMKPt • 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE RFOLIFES MIN OF 16 CONTINUE ONTO S ALLIED WAY 2016 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE Know what'$ I>II=1QW. WOSKIM OAY5 NOTICE 17 TURNRIGHTON7O SHUGHE-SWAY 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILOING CODE Call before you dig. BEFORE YOU EXCAVATE �� I TRANSPORT. 1S DESTINATION WILL BE ONTHE RIGHT 15 SURVEY DATE 03/12/2019 BASIS OF BEARING BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON U.S. STATE PLANE NAD83 COORDINATE SYSTEM CAUFCRNIA STATE PLANE COORDINATE ZONE FIVE, DETERMINED BY GPS OBSERVATIONS, BENCHMARK PROJECT ELEVATIONS ESTABLISHED FROM GPS DERIVED ORTHOVETRIC HEIGHTS BY APPLICATION OF NGS 'GEDID 12B' MODELED SEPARATIONS TO ELLIPSOID HEIGHTS DETERMINED BY OBSERVATIONS OF THE 'SMARTNEI' 1 REAL TIME NETWORK. ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO NAVD8B. inilriiil�� THIS PROJECT APPEARS TO BE LOCATED WTHIN FLOOD ZONE 'X". ACCORDING TO FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(S), MAP ID #D6637C1770F, DATED 69/26/2008 UTILITY NOTES SURVEYOR ODES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ALL UTILITIES ARE SHOWN OR THEIR LOCATIONS ARE DEFINITE. IT IS THE RESPDNSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND DEVELOPER TO CONTACT BLUE STAKE AND ANY OTHER INVOLVED AGENCIES TO LOCATE ALL U11LIlIES PRIOR TD CONSTRUCTION. REMOVAL, RELOCATION AND/ OR REPLACEMENT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. SURVEYOR'S NOTES THE BOUNDARY SHOWN HEREON 15 PLOTTED FROM RECORD INFORMATION AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A BOUNDARY SURVEY OF THE PROPERTY. ALL DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE GRID DISTANCES. CONTOURS DERIVED FROM DIRECT FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND FOLLOWS THE CURRENT NATIONAL MAP STANDARDS FOR VERTICAL ACCURACY. SCHEDULE "B" NOTE REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE TITLE REPORT GIRDER (09209310-920-CMM-CM13, ISSUED BY COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, DATED MARCH 14, 2019. ALL EASEMENTS CONTAINED WITHIN SAID TITLE REPORT AFFECTING THE IMMEDIATE AREA SURROUNDING THE LEASE HAVE BEEN PLOTTED. ITEMS k0. 1 AND 15 ARE NOT A SURVEY MATTER AND ARE NOT PLOTTED OR LISTED. ITEMIZED NOTES: 2. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO. AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED TO: COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES PURPOSE: PUBLIC ROAD AND HIGHWAY RECORDING DATE: DECEMBER 9, 1913 RECORDING N0: IN BOOK 5670 PAGE 48 OF DEEDS AFFECTS: THE NORTHERLY 20 FEET OF SAID LAND (DOES NOT AFFECT -NOT PLOTTED) 3- AN INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE AND DEED OF TRUST DATED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 1923, EXECUTED BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, TO HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, A CORPORATION AND WELLS FAR GO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, A NA71DNAL BANKING ASSOCIATION (SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES. FORMERLY NAMED SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND SECURITY -FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES. SUCCESSOR. BY CONSOLIDATION AND MERCER TO PACIFIC -SOUTHWEST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK), AS TRUSTEES TO SECURE A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $250,DOD,ODO.00, AND OTHER TERMS AND AMOUNTS AS THEREIN PROVIDED, AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INDENTURE RECORDED NDVEM13ER 15, 1923 IN BOOK 2953 PAGE 1 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE TO SAID DOCUMENT FOR FULL PARTICULARS. (DOES NOT AFFECT -NOT PLOTTED) 4. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSES) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS RESERVED IN A DOCUMENT; RESERVED BY: SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL BANS( OF LOS ANGELES PURPOSE: PIPELINES, PUBLIC UTILITIES, SPUR TRACKS. GAS PIPES, STREETS, ROADS AND ALLEYS RECORDING DATE: MARCH 6, 193D RECORDING NO: IN BOOK 9840 PAGE 33 OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN. (EASEMENTS NOT DEFINED -NOT PLOTTED) O5. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO. AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED 70: SHELL DIL COMPANY. INCORPORATED, A CORPORATION PURPOSE: PIPELINES RECORDING DATE: AUGUST 6, 1941 RECORDING NO: IN BOOK 1RSJ4 PAGE 32D OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN. (PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) O6. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSES) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRAN ED TO; CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION PURPOSE: PUBLIC ROAD AND HIGHWAY RECORDING DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 1953 RECOROENG NO: 3692, IN 800K 41667 PAGE 370 OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN. (PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) Q �■�/� 6 14 30' ROADWAY ! LEGEND V@I kon EASEMENT Ali m ROADWAY 14 7 SLOPE CLF CHAIN LINK FENCE �' UTILITY MANHOLESRAYTHEON COWPLEK ' 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE EASEMENT - _7VEASEMENT GONG CONCRETE J5 UTILITY POLE 4 D/W ACCESS DRIVEWAY 0 LIGHT POLE BUILDING "D"; FIRST FLOOR ROADWAY EASEMENT 14 6 1 NG NATURAL GRADE 0 POSITION OF � IRVINE, CA 92618 LP LIGHT POLE GEODETIC COORDINATES PP POWER POLE SPOT ELEVATION w 1 I@ TREES 51yNY 1=PROJECT INFORMATION: FIRE HYDRANT DO WATER CONTROL VALVE S. ,1 VICINITY A(AP -W-W- W - W - WATER LINES N7'.5.UTAH GAS - GAS - GAS ---- GAS LINES - E E - E - E_- ELECTRIC LINES 1904 E. EL SEGUNDO BLVD CHAIN LINK FENCE EL SEGUNDO, CA, 90245 CURBLINE5 LOS ANGELES COUNTY O/H- O/H- O/H OVERHEAD LINES LESSOR'S CERTAIN R DESCRIPTION TY SITUATED ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY ED RI THE COUNTY STREET CENTERLINES OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA.NIh, DESCRIBED AS RIGHT OF WAY LINES FOLLOWS: I =ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE: SUBJECT PROPERTY LINE I H A 4 PROPERTY THAT PORTION OF SECTION 18 TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 1 \, EASEMENT LINES TY LINE WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE RANCHO SAUSAL POSITION OF GEODETIC COORDINAES `-------------� - EASEMENT SINES REDONDO, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, COUNTY OF LOS 03/18/19 LATITUDE 33' 54' 31.40" (33.908722-) NORTH (NADBJ) LEASE AREA LIMITS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LONGITUDE 110' 23' 20.14- (118.368926')WEST(NAD83) -- MAJOR CONTOUR INTERVAL GROUND ELEVATION O 116.8' (NAVD86) ` _ - - - - - - MINOR CONTOUR INTERVAL BEGINNING AT A POINT 1N THE NORTHERLY CURVED BOUNDARY =REV.; DATE: DESCRIPTION: BY- LINE OF THE 00 FOOT RIGHT -OF WAY OF THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY, AS DESCRIBED UNDER "PARCEL 1", IN THE A 03/1 B/19 PRELIMINARY mw DATED MAY 19, 1913 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 5750 PAGE 43 OF DEEDS. RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, WHICH POINT IS NORTH 53' 35' 05" WEST, 58.58 FEET, MORE CR LESS, TITLE C DESIGNPD FROM A POINT IN THE SOUTHWESTERLY PROLONGATION OF 05/03/19 I THAT CERTAIN COURSE SHOWN IN THE CENTERLINE �j DESCRIPTION OF SAID "PARCEL 1" IN SAID DEED, AS HAVING A 2 07/02/1 FINAL PD 1` BEARING 0, SOUTH 62'18' 25" WEST, AND A LENGTH OF 2591.42 FEET, SAID LAST MENTIONED POINT BEING SOUTH 62' `21' 45" WEST, 2784.21 FEET. MEASURED ALONG SAID CERTAIN ` COURSE AND SAID PROLONGATION, FROM THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING, NORTH 53' 36' 05" WEST 136,38 FEET TO A POINT; SCHEDULE "B" NOTE ` THENCE NORTH 75- 12' 56' WEST 737.20 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 44' 22' 25' WEST 1393.47 FEET TO THE O7. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND ` BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A HAVING A RADIUS OF '264.69 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, DOCUMENT; ` ALONG SAID CURVE. 451.98 FEET TO THE END GRANTED TO: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO OF SAME; THENCE NORTH 23' 53' 50" WEST 1290.93 FEET TO PURPOSE: PUBLIC ROAD AND HIGHWAY A POINT IN THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 18. WHICH RECORDING DATE: JANUARY 27, 1958 POINT IS SOUTH 89' 59' 50" EAST" 204.22 FEET, MEASURED RECORDING NO: 2431 OFFICIAL RECORDS \ ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND AS MORE SAID SECTION IB: THENCE NORTH 89' 59' 50" WEST, ALONG PARDCULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN.SAID NORTH LINE, 131.26 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT IN (PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) \\ THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID ABOVE MENTIONED PACIFIC O EASEMENT(5) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND \� ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE SOUTH =PI -ANS PREPARED B`,. RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT; \ LIN ,1' 50" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT SAID WAY GRANTED TO: STATE OF CALIFORNIA LINE, 1344,11 FEET TO THE BEGINNINGIN OF A CURVE IN SEID PURPOSE: PUBLIC HIGHWAY \ RICHT OF WAY LINE, SAID CURVE BEING 304.69CONCAVE ET THE RECORDING DATE: OCTOBER 7, 1971 NORTHEAST AND HAVING A RADIUS , 4.84.69 FEET; THENCE \ SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, FEET TO THE END RECORDING NO: 317 OFFICIAL RECORDS PARK AND RECREATION OF SAID CURVE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG ALONG 50.10 I AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND AS MORE 15 CONDEMNATION NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, SOUTH 44' 22' 25" EAST, i' S m a rt k (n k PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN. 1255.97 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE IN SAID RIGHT (PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) OF WAY LINE; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG O EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(5) SHOWN BELOW AND SAID CURVE. 1101.09 FEET, MORE DR LESS, TO THE POINT OF 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A BEGINNING. SUITE400 DOCUMENT: IRVINE CA W612 GRANTED TO: THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SAID LAND 15 SHOWN AS PARCEL 12 AND A PORTION OF EL TEL(9491861.2201 PURPOSE: SLOPES SEGUNDO BOULEVARD ON MAP NO. 8 PROPERTY OF SOUTHERN FAN: 1949)387-1275 RECORDING CAE: OCTOBER 10. 1972 SCHEDULE "R" NOTE CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, LTO.. FILED IN BOOK 3 PAGES 1 RECORDING N0: 4419 OFFICIAL RECORDS THROUGH 6, INCLUSIVE, OFFICIAL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF SAID AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND AS MORE 14 MATTERS CONTAINED IN THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENT \ RECORDER. PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN. ENTITLED: JOINT USE AGREEMENT \ -CONSULTANT[ (PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) DATED: JUNE 15, 1981 EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL MINERALS, OILS, GAS AND OTHER 10 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSES) SHOWN BELOW AND EXECUTED BY; SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY \ HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCES AND WATER IN, ON OR UNDER RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ANY OR ALL DF' THE LAND HEREINBEFORE DESCRIBED, DOCUMENT: RECORDING DATE: JANUARY 12. 1982 PROVIDEO, HOWEVER, THAT THE PROSPECTING THEREFOR AND 410L50UTHERNAVE. GRANTED TO; THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECORDING NO: 82-33873 OFFICIAL RECORDS \ THE DEVELOPING THEREOF SHALL BE DONE BY MEANS OF TEMPE, ARIZONA 81 REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE TO SAID DOCUMENT FOR PURPOSE: SEWER AND STORM DRAINAGE WELLS SUNK AND MAINTAINED ON ADJACENT LAND AND IN PH.(480)659-4077 RECORDING DATE: NOVEMBER 25, 1980 FULL PARTICULARS. SUCH MANNER AS NOT TO DAMAGE OR INTERFERE WITH THE SAID INSTRUMENT PROVIDES OR ESTABLISHES[ www.:m6urnnsuKinB•us RECORDING N0: 80-1192121 OFFICIAL RECORDS \ TRANSMISSION LINES FOR ELECTRIC ENERGY AND STRUCTURES AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND AS MORE THE RELOCATION OF THE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF WHICH THE GRANTEE, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS MAY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY RECORDED PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIk. LOCATE UPCN THE PROPERTY HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, IT PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY OCTOBER 76, 1912 IN BOOK 5203, PAGE 157 OF DEEDS. BEING UNDERSTOOD THAT SUCH RESERVATION SHALL NOT GIVE ( ) ambit consulting 11. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND (PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) RI THE GRANTOR, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, ANY SURFACE RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED INA 15 A PENDING COURT ACTION AS DISCLOSED BY A RECORDED \ RIGHTS WHATEVER UPON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND, AS DOCUMENT: NDRCE: RESERVED IN THE DEED FROM SECURITY -FIRST NATIONAL BANK =DRAWN BY:- -CHK.:-APV.; GRANTED TO: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY PLAINTIFF: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO OF LOS ANGELES TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, DEFENDANT: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, RECORDED IN BOOK 9840 PAGE J3, OFFICIAL RECORDS. PURPOSE: CAS PIPELINES LTD.; SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY; TY \ MW SR PD RECORDING DOE: DECEMBER OF CIAL NURSERY, A CORPORATION: STATE OF CALIFORNIA; REGORGING NO, TION 06253 OFFICIAL RECORDS �� =LICENSER: AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND A5 MORE SECURITY -FIRST HEPTANAL BANK OF L65 _ PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN. ANGELES, A CORPORATION; SHELL OIL COMPANY, ` 5 10PIPELINE INCORPORATED, A CORPORATION; HARRIS TRUST ANDEASEMENT (PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) SAVINGS BANK, A CORPORATION, COUNTY OF LOS \ 12 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(5) SHOWN BELOW AND ANGELES, A BODY CORPORATE AND POLITIC: DOES 1 13 115' ROADWAY 5 U LAND 6 RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO. AS GRANTED W A THROUGH 100, INCLUSIVE, AND ALL PERSONS UNKNOWN EASEMENT } PATRICK B. DOCUMENT: CLAIMING ANY TITLE OR INTEREST IN OR TO THE _ OhNCHOF GRANTED TO: THE CITY OF EL SEEGUNDO--- --- PARENT PABCEL PURPOSE: WATERLINE PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE CONDEMNED HEREIN 7 COUNTY: LOS ANGELES LP Ple EPN: 4178-014-806 1► RECORDING DATE: MAY 4, 1981 COURT: SUPERIOR COURT ZONING: OPEN SPACE �3 RECORDING NO: 81-445501 OFFICIAL RECORDSCASE NO.: 0697257 I -18 3 OP -165.4 SORFHBRN CAUYORNIA 4Nn. 9332 \ AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LANA AS MORE NATURE OF ACTION; ACQUIRE THE FEE INTEREST IN AND � D 2fL�' »� rBCP )' F PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN. TO CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. TO NORTH�4.� TOP -174'1 -159.6 (PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) WIT: FOR PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATION PURPOSES AND SCh' P • 15C'i 1 P I __P8.=L jgFE 12 WATER LINE Q3 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND ALL USES APPURTENANT THERETO. OVERALL DETAIL �I5`y] EASEMENT RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A RECORDING DATE: AUGUST 31, 1968 ,{F� ---- P°-- --0 139 SIGN DOCUMENT: RECORDING NO: 88-1369205 OFFICIAL RECORDS I PP =SHEET 'Fffl F GRANTED TO: THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AN UNRECORDED INTERLOCUTORY JUDGMENT IN / SEE SURVEY ETAILpp RECORDING ROAD DA DATE: MAY 4. 1981 NUMBER WAY) CONDEMNUMBERNATION UNDER WAS ENTERED NEABOVE SUPE ION COURT MENTIONED NCASEMARCH ' / / ON SHEET I Rf i PP P� O4p�i RECORDING N0: 81-445502 OFFICIAL RECORDS 27, 1991, WHEREBY THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WASA(�I' / TIE -UNE I ���]'_�� pnf x AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND AS MORE AWARDED POSSESSION OF A PORTION OF THE LAND N86 -25722"E L _ Pr SITE SURVEY PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED THEREIN. UNDER AN UNRECORDED LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND UNDER 866.36' (PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN UNRECORDED 10' PIPELINE +SEWER AND STIPULATION FOR JUDGMENT, BEESURVIFY PETAILj 17 10 STORMDRAIN (PLOTTED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) '23'35"W EASEMENT ON THIS SHEET L AP EASEMENT .58' � J ADH: 4178-014-911 -SHEET NUMBED•F0. SPKIKE AND WASHER 15, 8231INT. OF ALLIED WAY AND HUGHSPKIKE AND WASHER YS 8231"��IPER PWFB 471BC OF CURVE OF ALLIED WAY PWFB 0716/3505 16 49 - GRAPHIC SCALE I %nh- 15 fL ELFCTRICAL IRRIGATION \ O CABINET CONTROL VALVE \ \ \ \ O tBOLLARDS ' \ \ (TMP) i/ . ELECTRICAL CABINET J \ \ NATURAL GROUND/ \ \ G/ \ \ GRAVEL-alkom OEM 01 \ \ • SEE SUAVEY \ \ DETAIL LS -3 \ \ \ \ � � o \\ \\ PP : N cPP\ verizon,/ 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILDING "D"; FIRST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 PROJECT INFORMATION: UTAH 1904 E. EL SEGUNDO BLVD, EL SEGUNDO, GA, 90245 LOS ANGELES COUNTY -ORIGINAL ISSUE GATE: - 03/18/19 REV„DATE: DESCRIPTION: 9Y:= A 03/18/19 PRELIMINARY MW 1 05/03/19 DESIGN/TITLE(C) PD 2 07/02/19 FINAL PD -PLANS PREPARED BY smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE. CA 92612 TEt 04%BS1-2201 FA(94% 387-1275 -CONSULTA I: 610 E. 50VTHERN AVE. _ TEMPE, ARIZONA BS292 PH. (/80) 6594072 115YW.MINI6IXIN10I ambit consulting LDRAWN BY: CHK.: -=APV.: CMIN l 5R I PD LICENSER: PARICf DONOHO32 CAJ LSHEET TIT' F� SITE SURVEY ,ISHEET NUMBER 17 LEGEND CLF CHAIN LINK FENCE 0– UTILITY MANHOLES CDNC CONCRETE jY UTIUITY POLE D/W ACCESS DRIVEWAY# LIGHT POLE NG NATURAL GRADE POSITION OF LP LJGHT POLE, µ„ GEODETIC COORDINATES PP POWER POLE SPOT ELEVATION 49 TREES .Jx ZE FIRE HYDRANT D-0 WATER CONTROL VALVE — W— W— W W WATER LINES GAS — GAS -- GAS GAS LINES — E — E — E — E ELECTRIC LINES CHAIN LINK FENCE CURBLINES O/H— 0/1+- - O/H OVERHEAD ONES — – – – — STREET CENTERUNES – – – – R+GHT OF WAY UNES – – – – SUBJECT PROPERTY LINE – – – – ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – EASEMENT LINES – – – – LEASE AREA LIMITS – — — — — -- — -- – MAJOR CONTOUR INTERVAL T - MINOR CONTOUR INTERVAL 49 - GRAPHIC SCALE I %nh- 15 fL ELFCTRICAL IRRIGATION \ O CABINET CONTROL VALVE \ \ \ \ O tBOLLARDS ' \ \ (TMP) i/ . ELECTRICAL CABINET J \ \ NATURAL GROUND/ \ \ G/ \ \ GRAVEL-alkom OEM 01 \ \ • SEE SUAVEY \ \ DETAIL LS -3 \ \ \ \ � � o \\ \\ PP : N cPP\ verizon,/ 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILDING "D"; FIRST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 PROJECT INFORMATION: UTAH 1904 E. EL SEGUNDO BLVD, EL SEGUNDO, GA, 90245 LOS ANGELES COUNTY -ORIGINAL ISSUE GATE: - 03/18/19 REV„DATE: DESCRIPTION: 9Y:= A 03/18/19 PRELIMINARY MW 1 05/03/19 DESIGN/TITLE(C) PD 2 07/02/19 FINAL PD -PLANS PREPARED BY smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE SUITE 400 IRVINE. CA 92612 TEt 04%BS1-2201 FA(94% 387-1275 -CONSULTA I: 610 E. 50VTHERN AVE. _ TEMPE, ARIZONA BS292 PH. (/80) 6594072 115YW.MINI6IXIN10I ambit consulting LDRAWN BY: CHK.: -=APV.: CMIN l 5R I PD LICENSER: PARICf DONOHO32 CAJ LSHEET TIT' F� SITE SURVEY ,ISHEET NUMBER 17 verizon✓ 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILDING "D": FIRST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 =PROJECT INFORMATION: UTAH 1904 E. EL SEGUNDO BLVD EL SEGUNDO, CA, 90245 LOS ANGELES COUNTY —ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE: 03/18/19 =REV. =DATE: DESCRIPTION: 9Y:= A 03/1B/19 PRELIMINARY MW 1 05/03/191 DESIGN/T}TLF(C) PD 2 07/02/19 FINAL PD LEASE AREA LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF PARCEL 12 AS SHOWN ON MAP N0. 8, PROPERTIES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, FILED IN BOOK 3, PAGES 1 THROUGH 5, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, LYING WITHIN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 14 WEST, SAN REP NARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE RANCHO SAUSAL REDONDO, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CCMMENCING AT A FOUND SPIKE AND WASHER STAMPED p �' \ �\ '�✓ "LS 8231" AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF HUGHES �� \ 0 \ PP WAY AND ALLIED WAY AS SHOWN ON PUBLIC WORKS SIE SURVEY PLANS PREPARED BY:— F1ELD BOOK 0716. PAGE 3503, SAID POINT REARS NORTH �` O/7y \ \ 0 16-23'35" WEST, 206.58 FEET FROM A FOUND SPIKE AND �r DETAIL.LS-2 WASHER STAMPED "LS 6231" ON THE CFNTFRLINF OF - 1 �" ALLIED WAY AT THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE AS SHOWN , Glx_ 0 \ \ ON PUBLIC WORKS FIELD BOOK 0716, PAGE 3505; O/H \ \ THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF COMMENCEMENT, NORTH 0/ \ 12' WIDE NON-EXCLUSIVE { _ s m a rt C i n k 86-25'22" EAST, 866.36 FEET TO THE POINT OF ACC£$$ PATH BEGINNING: ""�� THENCE NORTH 14'23'30" EAST, 20.00 FLET; m \O/FI \ \ THENCE SOUTH 75'36'31' EAST. 20.00 FEET; \ 0/y \ 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE THENCE SOUTH 14'23'30" WEST, 20.00 FEET;SUITE 400 THENCE NORTH 75636'31" WEST. 213.00 FEET 70 THE � IRVINE,CA92612 POINT OF BEGINNING, \ ,'\ °M� TEL 1949)Sfi1-2201 FA%: 19491387-1275 CONTAINING 40D SQUARE FEET (0.009 ACRES) OF LAND, ' \ \ 0/�' MORE OR LESS. =CONSULTANT: OA—_ 410 E. 50HERN AVE, O/H TEMPE,ARI2ANA 85782 on PH.14 8 016594072 - — 5Rwww.amMlconsuhl,Ij.us \ 0 \ ttR.7 \ ` PAREN'E PARCEL ENG °v ambit consulting APN� 4130-014-900 0NING, OPER SPACB� \ \ ' 7'HERN CAOF I EDISON C ` 1 NATURAL -DRAWN BY: CHK. APV.: S00 \GROUND/ _�I I GRAVELI I Mw I SR I PD LICENSER: \ 1 4 NC \ ',JPP I l �L 20'%20' VERiZON LEASE AREA AT DON0E 1400 SO. FT.). .moi 575.36'31 No. 9332 to - ` _ ` 70 00' 4 POSITION OF GEODETIC COORDINATES J LSHEET TIP P` — t N NG I NC TIE -LINE _ v — 20 DD T m �NBfi'25'22"E MAINTENANCE PARKING SALL 1 SIT` SURVEY GRAPHIC SCALE 866.36' P.09 LEASE AREA �PlP.9 —SHEET NUMBER' = 1s ct '-1x71 LEGEND CLF CHAIN LINK FENCE 0- UTILITY MANHOLES CONC CONCRETE UTILITY POLE O/W ACCESS DR€VEWAY 7} LIGHT POLE NG NATURAL GRADE $ POSITION OF LP LIGHT POLE GEODETIC COORDINATES PP POWER POLE SPOT ELEVATION ® TREES FIRE HYDRANT D4 WATER CONTROL VALVE —W—W W — w—WATERLINES GAS GAS GAS GAS LINES — E — E — E — E — ELECTRIC LINES ' CHAIN LINK FENCE CUR8UNES CAI 01 DA OVERHEAD LINES — - - - STREET CENTERLINLS - - - - RIGHT OF WAY LINES - - - SUBJECT PROPERTY LINE - - - - ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE -------------------- EASEMENT LINES - - - LEASE AREA LIMITS - — — — — — — — — - MAJOR CONTOUR INTLRVAL - — — — — - MINOR CONTOUR INTERVAL verizon✓ 15505 SAND CANYON AVENUE BUILDING "D": FIRST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 =PROJECT INFORMATION: UTAH 1904 E. EL SEGUNDO BLVD EL SEGUNDO, CA, 90245 LOS ANGELES COUNTY —ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE: 03/18/19 =REV. =DATE: DESCRIPTION: 9Y:= A 03/1B/19 PRELIMINARY MW 1 05/03/191 DESIGN/T}TLF(C) PD 2 07/02/19 FINAL PD LEASE AREA LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF PARCEL 12 AS SHOWN ON MAP N0. 8, PROPERTIES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, FILED IN BOOK 3, PAGES 1 THROUGH 5, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, LYING WITHIN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 14 WEST, SAN REP NARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE RANCHO SAUSAL REDONDO, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CCMMENCING AT A FOUND SPIKE AND WASHER STAMPED p �' \ �\ '�✓ "LS 8231" AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF HUGHES �� \ 0 \ PP WAY AND ALLIED WAY AS SHOWN ON PUBLIC WORKS SIE SURVEY PLANS PREPARED BY:— F1ELD BOOK 0716. PAGE 3503, SAID POINT REARS NORTH �` O/7y \ \ 0 16-23'35" WEST, 206.58 FEET FROM A FOUND SPIKE AND �r DETAIL.LS-2 WASHER STAMPED "LS 6231" ON THE CFNTFRLINF OF - 1 �" ALLIED WAY AT THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE AS SHOWN , Glx_ 0 \ \ ON PUBLIC WORKS FIELD BOOK 0716, PAGE 3505; O/H \ \ THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF COMMENCEMENT, NORTH 0/ \ 12' WIDE NON-EXCLUSIVE { _ s m a rt C i n k 86-25'22" EAST, 866.36 FEET TO THE POINT OF ACC£$$ PATH BEGINNING: ""�� THENCE NORTH 14'23'30" EAST, 20.00 FLET; m \O/FI \ \ THENCE SOUTH 75'36'31' EAST. 20.00 FEET; \ 0/y \ 18401 VON KARMAN AVENUE THENCE SOUTH 14'23'30" WEST, 20.00 FEET;SUITE 400 THENCE NORTH 75636'31" WEST. 213.00 FEET 70 THE � IRVINE,CA92612 POINT OF BEGINNING, \ ,'\ °M� TEL 1949)Sfi1-2201 FA%: 19491387-1275 CONTAINING 40D SQUARE FEET (0.009 ACRES) OF LAND, ' \ \ 0/�' MORE OR LESS. =CONSULTANT: OA—_ 410 E. 50HERN AVE, O/H TEMPE,ARI2ANA 85782 on PH.14 8 016594072 - — 5Rwww.amMlconsuhl,Ij.us \ 0 \ ttR.7 \ ` PAREN'E PARCEL ENG °v ambit consulting APN� 4130-014-900 0NING, OPER SPACB� \ \ ' 7'HERN CAOF I EDISON C ` 1 NATURAL -DRAWN BY: CHK. APV.: S00 \GROUND/ _�I I GRAVELI I Mw I SR I PD LICENSER: \ 1 4 NC \ ',JPP I l �L 20'%20' VERiZON LEASE AREA AT DON0E 1400 SO. FT.). .moi 575.36'31 No. 9332 to - ` _ ` 70 00' 4 POSITION OF GEODETIC COORDINATES J LSHEET TIP P` — t N NG I NC TIE -LINE _ v — 20 DD T m �NBfi'25'22"E MAINTENANCE PARKING SALL 1 SIT` SURVEY GRAPHIC SCALE 866.36' P.09 LEASE AREA �PlP.9 —SHEET NUMBER' = 1s ct '-1x71 T NDTF: 'I r ISSUE STATUS 1 ♦ ALL HAND HOLES SHALL BE -RAFRC REV. OAT=_DESCRIPTIONDr • • RATTED WITH BOTH PLACEMENT AND 0 03128"9 90%ZONING =G • \ QUAN-11Y 10 BL DETLRMINED BY i 05MJ19 90% ZONING EG SCE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. 2 0512019 tZONING (r) WATcR LINO M4 TO RCN EG 3 OG(0&DO% '9 +00%ZONING EG (F) 11/0 POWFA LINE TO RFTWN \ F� 4 D7108't9 FINAL SJRVEY EG \ KONG D/W APRON • TREE / ACCESS • -tis. TREEINFINIGYB ENGINEERING LLP .r .�� TREE ChT `x 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH • `//�� -,`�`!, 7REE LAKEFOREST CAEIFORNln 92630 '� �/�� .1D3 YUMBR .199-001 ,/��PROPRIETARY INFORMATION IRR'AATIOH ~,///... I 4Q TI IF I IFORVATION CONFAIIED IN TII'�5 SETOF CONTROL VALVE `r ORA5wNGS ISPRDPR� TANI 6 CONFIDEN tTO 7I.ELE55 r1 MV 115E OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAM AS IT REIATES / �O YERIZDH t'xRELE5515 GTRICiI.Y PRDI 16 TPD (N) VERIZON WIRE�SS 17X30 fIBQF NIIO IVWD ' HOLE OL SIDE OF SCE / (F) iRANSFORMFR `CC/�0pEn„– PAOPLTifY LINES Pxso513 P.D.C. ` PROPOSED V?RIZON WIRELESS � ACCESS 12* E PAar E%L1151VE p♦ry�Z � iEJ p1� �. _ MiZON WIREM TO TAKEOVER (E) �. Lu O � � /El z AMNWNED METER - - 0LU S f34HtDEL ST, PWI—� Q c�*I '4 •.tel&F ) L7 - _ N_ } L) Ld L) 7: -\ PROPOiD VL-RI20N K7RRL_S Mi- I �H_ ILsn / AINTENANCE PARKING \ r&e P yy i Z / UNDERGROlW PP0OM/PROPOSED VMZON FMM R-IF[M r. _ SECTOR TRENCH (s' 6EL011f GWE FROM `--?%,%: 100• PONT OF POC TO LEIS£ ARF4J...- (t412'} D-2 h a . r � •8• I / A P N ■ ■ 4138-014-806 I 4 a� z \ I Z G w � U �O \ �+� -6 w a a I `SITE PLAN �CD w o CD J W L 14 SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN D 4' 6' 116' I SCALE: 1/16'-= 1'-0" (24175) I A-1 19 I (OR) 1132•• = 1'•0" (11x17) I , A r PROPOSED VERIZON VARELESS 12' WOE NON—EICLUSIVE ACCESS PATH PROPOSED VERIZON 'MRELESS MAINTENANCE / PARKING STALL PROPOSED VERZON WIRELESS — qH0--fiiGIMIND POWER/ RBER TRENCH (5' FROM IOP F BERRQ (t+12) w s! „ =`ENLARGED AREA PLAN ref_ 7. J E) BORi- -7 _ (7 CKNN-UNK � �7VC_ TYP, 77! J ! 1 , 1 ;1 1700. � - r � r I r I rr! FA 1 ,NOTE: ALL AND HOLES SHALL BE TRAFFIC RATTED WITH BOTH PLACEMENT AND QUANTITY TO BE DETERMINED BY SCE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. L tl t.5' T fi' I SCALE: 3l1fi".1'•0" (24x851 (OR) 8182"=1'-0"(11x77] "ISSUE STATUS 1 REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 0 031261/9 909E ZONING EG 1 D5102Jt9 90% ZONING EG 2 051201/9 100%ZONING EG 3 06105119 100%ZONING EG 4 97108119 FINALSURVEY EG I I INFINIGY9 ENGINEERING, LLP 26155 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LASE FOREST, CALIFORNIA 92630 JR3 NWB':R 09 -Dot PROPRIETARY INFORMATIOI THF IWMMATION COWA1N:01N THIS SETO DRAWINGS rS PROPRIETARY B CONFIDENTIAL VERQONWRFLFSS ANY OSE OR DSOLOSURE OTHER THAN AS 1T REL VVER2ON WRFIFSSISSTRCTL1 PR—Iil L� V-) d � d Z � 2 c) W Z> —j 0 Lu Z Z) Lu W �I/'S J W SHEET TITLE. A ENLARGED AREA PLAN 'AL A-1.1 A T EQUIPMENT KEYNOTES: OPROPOSED VLRZON W.RHFSS FOUPMEW IFAS. MFA (400 SO. FT,) O PROPOSED WILZON WIRHISS (3) MCL EQUIPMENT CAENEIS. 5 - - 02 N-1 -1.1 N-2 OPROPOSED Y_RZON WIRELESS 150 STMO-8Y OC GENERATOR W/ 54G ORSEL FUEL TANK N-3 N 4 OPROPOSED VELZON WREI Fcc OPS ANT -ANA MAL OF 1). 7 D-2 OPROPOSED VERZDN WIESS RELT`LCO BCX MOUNTED ON PROPOSED 4 -FRAME /O PROPOSED wxm WRaE55 6' dGI CNAW-UN✓< i]NC£ EOUIPMT3T ❑NCLDSURC < 7� PROPOSED VIRZON W Rn r 4'-0' WCC CHNN-LINK ACCESS GATE OPROPOSED VrR;ZON VARELFS5 NEL TRUCK GROUNDING PONT ROD W/ LID OPROPOSED V:RIZON WI'RLLESS 6"N CONCRiE PAD. 1 0 PROPOSED VERZON WIRELESS UNDERGROUND POWFA/ rR-R IR --NCA (5' BELOW GRACE FROM POC TO LEASE AREA) (1412') 4 D-2 1 1 (E) GRAVEL INSIDE ENCLOSURE 10 R=4WN. IPROPOSED VHEZDN WRELESS 17' X 30' 7rLCO PULL BOX z O2 13 PROPOSED VEEff7DN WRELf55 INTWRA71 LOAD CDM MOON -ED ON PROPOSED H -FRAME 14 PROPOSED wIZDN WAaM SERVCE LiGiF 1 RJ NOF USED I>IOrAlON OF FUTURE MC -1 CABINET QPROPOSED VERION W -RECESS U/G DOAK CAI TRW14 W/ (4) 4'0 LXI MII FROM MCI CARNET Td POLE r3'Y 5 o -z o -z SB PROPOSED VMZDN WRELE55 (4) 4'4 CDNDU4 SNIT -UPS fi D-2 <0> PROMED VERZON WRaCSS PRVACY SLAT NSCItS (IF REQ) 1 l 10 1s 14 tiG. races T>tE r&E �ra�E �I T u I� I` r 18 w 6NIENNl1A KFYNOTFS: OPROPOSED VEAIZCN WIRELESS 6011 NONDPD�E W/ GALVANIZED FINISH OPROPOSED V::RIZCN WR:LESS NHH-BSC-1128 6-11 H,GN PANEL ANI -OMS. (2) Pi7R SECTOR. (6) 70TAL 1 9 VUA-,--,J OPROPOSED V-MZDN WIRELESS R RU'S (4) PER SECTOR. (12) TOTAL, STACKED IF REQUIRED 5 6 10 1 D-1 D-1 D-1 o-2 OPROPOSLO VLRZON WRFIFSS 6600 WCAP SURGE SUPPRESSOR (7) PLR SECTOR, (3 Ta;u 7 6 0 D-1 D-1 G-1 OPROPOSED VE1170N W.RELLSS (N) (12124) HYBRIFLEX CQLEs CONCEALED WR -IN (N) MONOPOLE PER SECTOR (3) TOTAL 6 b-2 OPROPOSED VERIZON W.RaESS Co MICROWAVE ANFENA ON (N) M/W PIPE MW (1) TOTAL 12 O-1 OPROPOI VRZON WR -LESS X7CW-FRO-845-Y N wo'l PANEL ANTENNAS ON (NJ) DUAL MOUNT XFIS. (2 PER S'CIOR 5 TOTAL) 0000 7 /M, x € x r m I.EQUIPMENT PLAN J ' (N) YN DICING. PAD '- (N) YZW LEASE AREA 0`T�2' I (QR) 3116" = 1'-0" (11:17) r r ISSUE STATUS, REV. DATE DESCRIPTION 6T R 03126119 90%ZONING EG 1 05102119 9D%ZONING EG 2 05120/19 100% ZONING EG 3 061091+9 '00% ZONING EG 4 07100119 FINAL SJRVEY EG INFINI GY9 8 ENGINEERING, LLP 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LAXE FORE$', CALFORNIAR263O J63 NUM&R 499-001 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TIIE4FORMATIONCOHTAI MANS SET OF DRAWINGS IS PROPRETARY 6 CONFIDFWIA TO VERQON W.RELESS ANY USE OR O15CLOSURE OTHER TFNN AST RELATES �TO VFRIZflII W IRElE5515 STRIORY PROIi'9TE0 '-x 11 PROPOSED ANTENNA SCHEDULE ANTENNA ANTENNA CENTER + RRUS RAYCAP CABLE SECTOR TECHNOLOGY MODEL SZE {t�) AZIMUTH LINE I MODEL LIGHT MODEL 'uh SAB; TYPE DIPLEXER LENGTH Al SPARE NHH-65C-R20 96' 151.6 20' 56'-O' I(1)(N)RRUSEIM =105 - � ' 700/850/PCS-LTE X7CQAP-LRD-845-V 96" 185.0 20' 56'-0" (1)(N)RRU5444s ±105 ( 6 0 6600 - SUYRGE 137.5 ;1)(HNBRD%24 172' A3 700/850/AWS/AWS3X7COAP-fRO-845-V 96' 1-85.0 20 56'-0" (1)(N)RRL]SM49 +105 - v A4 I SPARESUPPRESSOR 650 R2B 96" ±51.6 2D 56'-O" (I)(N}RRl)SBB43 1105 Liz 'IT I � O B1 SPARE NI1H-65C-13213 96' ±51.6 100' 56'-0" (1)(N)RRUSEIW ±105 - Z m B2 700/850/PCS-1 IT =QAP-FRO-845-V 96" ±85.0 100' 58'-0' i(1)(N)RRus— ±105 I ( 600) ;1)(N)12X24 - u a B3 700/850/AWS/AWS3 X7CQAP-FRO-845--V 96' ±85.0 100' 56'-0" I(1)(N)RRU54449 =105 RAYCAP SURGE 137.5 HYBRID +72' - U 0 v"i 84 SPARE NHH-650-R28 96" 151.6 14Q56' -o' (1)(N)RRUS8643 x105 CUPPRESSOR J Z LLJ Z LLJ C1 SPARE NHH-65C-R2B 196' ±51.6 220' 56'-0" (1)(N)RRUSEIM ±105 - (6600) Jp C2 700/850/PCS-LTE X7COAP-FRO-845-VI 96' 185.0 220' 56'-0' (1)(N)MUS4449 ±105 ;1}(N}121124 I - J 0 C3 700/850/AWS/AWS3 X7CQAP-FRO-845-VI 96" 185.0 220' 56'-0- (1)(N)RRUS4449 ±105 SURGE RAYCAP 137.5 HYBRID =72' - Lu C4 SPARE 96" NHH-650-R28 151.6 220' 55'-0" (1)(N)RRU56B43 1105 SUPPRESSOR - L - MSW 4'0 ±71 TBD 0-0" I - - - ) 7/6'+ can) =62 ' - SHEET TITLE: vHLPX4-18-1WH/C EQUIPMENT NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO TAG HYBRIFLEX k CDAX CABLES AT BOTH ENDS WITH ANTENNAS DESIGNATION AS PER COLOR CODING SHEET PROVIDED BY VERIZON WIRELESS. & ANTENNAS PLANS A-2 21 1 ANTENNA PLAN 10 2' SCALE: 112"_1'-8^(24a36)� (OR) 1/4 -=I' -O' (11x17] 2 L A `NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED V7i1ZON WREIFSS NPH -MC -I III TALL PANEL ANI]AST,S (2) PER kLIOR, (6) TOTAL PROPOSED VEHiZON WIRELESS HHF-65C-RZB III PROPOSED Y IION WIRELESS X7CQAP-FRO-845--V 8' TALL PANEL ARTI (2) PER SECTOR. (6) TOTAL PROPOSED V02ON W IRRM X7CQAP-FRO-845-V W WDH PAW- ANTENNAS F -XC PANFL ANIENNAS ON (N) DIAL' MOUNT Kfi S. (2 ON (N) DIYIL DDUNT TOTS (2 PER SECTOR 6 TOTAL) PER SECTOR 6 TOTAL) PROPOSED VERRDM WIRELESS 4449/8843 PROPOSED VEARON NTRF.!ISS 1449/6647 FRRUS (4) PER SCCEDR, (12} TOTAL RRUS (4) Pat SECTOR, (12) TOTAL PROPOSED VJUON WIRE ZS - on WE" PROPOSED VER:ZIAI WINE, (3) MCE EQUIPMENT CABUIES -WISH UWE. PROPOSES VERIZON WIRELESS 4'f MGRDEI ANI -NRA PROPOSED VERRCN WIRE''',-S� (3) �NCABI CONCEALEDWITHIN MOtE _ PROPOSED�V-MON VIIIRLE4 60'H MONOPI W/ GAO"INIZED RI 2 PROPOSED VER-ZON MRO.ESS 8' HIGH CFNN-UNK FENCE WITH fKLOSURE ..'ROPOSED WRQON WIRFUSS TECO BOK, DI PANEL, AND WORK LIGHT MOUNTED ON PROPOSED H-FRWE PROPOSED VFR2DN VORELE55 PRIVACY SLAT INSERTS (IF REP.) .m PROPOSED V31QON WRR SS - 0 I6CROWhVE AHEE'14h PROPOSED VE iIZON WRELESS (3) j (12x24) NYBRIOFtEK CJIt3-FS� COHCTALID WRH91 MDNDPO'.� PROPOSED VERQON W.RE-ESS 60`H MONOPOLE W/ Gk.VAN ZED FWSI � PROPOSED VERIZON WRF1E55 B' HIGH GFVITHJNK FENCE FNC'.A56RE PROPOSED VORZON VARIN Tr1TA 10)L DSTRIBUIION PANEL, AND WORK T MOI.►Tfp ON PROPOSED H-IRAME Mc; W, I T 1_ --- RNISH rMAF 0 ,' SCALE; 1!4"=1'-0"(24x36)1 1 SOUTH ELEVATION I (0114)uR.._1'-0"(11.1711 —PROPOSED VERQON WIRELESS GPS ME" PROPOSED VaRZON WREI (3) MCC f0111PMM CASiLiS PROPOSED VER!ZDN MTRRFSS PRIVACY SLAT IRIS (IF REO.) .I D ,' 2' 4' 1 SCALE: 114 -=l' -0"(24x36) ^ Icy EI L )ISSUE STATUS REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 0 03!2&,9 111 ZONING EG , 0r.19 9"' ZONING -0 2 051 100%ZONING EG 3 06!05!79 )00% ZONING EG 4 07108!19 FINAL SURVEY EG v IIA INFINIGYB ENGINEERING, LLP 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LAKE FOREST, CAL'TORNIA 92630 JO7 VUVER 499 -WI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TME IIFOIUI AT;ON CONTAV4M IN THS SET(IF ORAYING5',5 PROM ETARY 4 CONPIDENTIALTO VFRIZON INRELESS ANY USE OR DISCLOSUREOTHER TMNA5 R RELATES �O VER20N WIRELESS IS STR-'CTLY PROHi6REp c o� z z wm N 0" o a z U �- UZ Z Ix OUl LID o ❑ CD Z � (9 U W❑ Z Z) uj lqr CD ui r J w , SHEET TITLE: ELEVATIONS T 8 PROPOSED VER;ZON MMF1 55 %7COAP-1RD-&I5-V W 14IG-1 PANEL MREMJ,IS ON (N) DUAL MOUNT KqS. (2 PER SECTOR 6 TDTAW to I PROPOS-31 VFRIZON GPS PROPOSED VERIZO! o� (7) ME FMFLIEN oCD S 3 e Z U vi 0w •1 R A � z a f F 6 LEAST ELEVATION PROPOSED VERIZON W.RFIZS NNH-65C-1120 6 -FT TALL PANEL ANTET806 (2) PER SFUM (6) Wk PROPOSED YOWON WRFI.FS 4449/BW RRUS (4) PER SFCIOR, (12) 'TOTAL PROPOSED VERIZON WREITSS (5) � I (C1111 fDM9117L ' PROPOSED VERIZON WREJM 6011 MONOPOLE W/ GALVANIZED ROSH VERIZON MESS 'AN-IJNK �ENCf VERI7.ON W.AEI 9 IBUM IDUTIDN PANEL AND WORK NIED ON PROPOSED H4FMIE VERIZON WIRELESS PR:VACf ITS (IF REO.) 0 2' 4' 8' ( SCALE: 1B"n V-0-(24a36j l8� I fORS 1/1fi"-T'-0"0Sx771I Is PROPOSED VERMN WRELL" — 8' 111GH CHAN-LNK FENCES ENCLOSURE PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS TELCO BOLL DISTRIBUTION PANEL, AND WORN LIGIr MDUWrED OR PROPOSED k-FRMIE q m r WEST ELEVATION ':➢POS® VER.iON WIRELESS 6600 NAr SURGE SUPPN�ORS, (I) PIR SECAIR, (� TOTAL PROPOSED VMZDN W,RLLM A7COAP—TRO-845—V 6' RIGH PANEL ANIT:NFNS ON (N) DURL MOLHT TUTS. (2 PER SECTOR 6 TOTAL) PROPOSED VERZON WVRc1.FSS 4449/8813 (4) PER SMICK (12) TOTAL PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS NNH-65C4213 8—FT ,ALL PANG ANTEHWS (2) PER SECTOR, (6) 17k Ll POSED VER-ZDN WIRELESS M CROWAVE ANTUM PROPOSED VERIZON N7R'=1lSS (S) (121124) hf WTHN I DNOP S COYCFJLLEO WT�iIN MOHOPOEE I I PROPDS-M VERZON WIRT i 6O'H ------MGNOPOLE W/ GALVANIZED FNISH PROPOSED VFRRON WRELES —75 ANTNNA PROPOSID VERZON WIRELESS �(3) MCE EOUPIIFRT USNklS PROPOSED VRIZDN WRELES PRWACf SIM UISTRIS (Iw ED.) TISSUE STATUS( REV. DATE OESCRI�TION BY 0 03:26119 110°6701 EG 1 M0211q MY 2CNING EG Z 05!20119 100X, ZONING EG 3 06105/19 oU%ZONING EG 4 07/08119 FINAL6URVEY EG I' INFINIGYB ENGINEERING, LLP 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LAKE FOREST 0AL7MRNIA 92M .IDB NUMBER 499-001 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TRE ITFORMAT1O0 CONTANEO IN THIS SET OF DRAMMGS'S FROPF FTARY R CONFIDENTN. TO VERIZON V4IRELESS ANY USE OR DSCLOSURE OTHER TITAN AS R RELATES �O —11,11 WIRELESS IS MICTLY PROI LRITEO oz LLI Deo NaN z� o ¢ �— U Z Z 0 r f 0 2- a' D' I SCALE: I (OR) 2 j 6,v16.. _ ,.,D.: („a1n l A-4 23 J o� oCD Z Z U vi 0w z W W CD O Q7 (n r J Lu SHEET TITLE: ELEVATIONS f 0 2- a' D' I SCALE: I (OR) 2 j 6,v16.. _ ,.,D.: („a1n l A-4 23 J T SYMBOL LEGEND EXOTHERMIC CONNECTION MECHANICAL CONNECTION (F) WCER GROUND BAR LOCATED NFAR _DUIPN7IT AREA I I� (E) GROUND MIS AWG %6 GROUND WIRE () SECTOR GROUND BAR I � Soo � I e$o J (N) Yl M! RRU PAN_ A (N) vzw RAYCAP ANTENNA / RRU GROUNDING SCALE: 10 NTS. san i vAIAATICRNIFE: Aw v J - DIIGN Ip 9 RW 2 NT: 111 -113 0. DY]60@ DAO' R R R rRroua�m Ic'Ioe TO r umA su¢r um Aw NI 6,L OONNIILT �r —L OTO¢ ANTENNA DETAIL &GALE: 11 PARABOLIC ANTENNA_ MICROWAVE ANTENNA MICROWIZIMMICROWAVE MICROWAVE UIH STATUS RAD MAKE/MODEL NEW TBD' TBD I TIBET 6,MICROWAVE ANTENNA 4 — 0 2'0-0 CALVAHRED POLE _ (F) 5HEILER "LL 10.31 I(ry[� I �L➢ I in III f� Al/ FRONT VILW NEW P10DD UNTSTRUI _ 15.73" _ SFE MANUFACTURE SPECS PR MOUKFNG 'rIA ARE AND HDL' PATTFm15 3/B' BOLT (6: LORI000 OA . NUT h LOL!SN'ISHEq - t GLV. STL. TYP. OF (2) 1 1/Y x 1' x 3/16' e e PIPE CLAMP-GA1.V. STL WALL T ALL AITACHUM: TVOF (2) POLL CONCRETE USE 1/2' HIL, I2-12 1MOUNT BOTTOM VIEW MOUNT a 16' B.C. WITH 3.25' WN EM9EDMX, WOOD DISE /2' LAG SCREWS WITH 3' EMBED 0 16.O.C. INTO (E) STUDS Olt NEW BLOCKNO RAYCAP SURGE SUPPRESSOR DETAIL NTASE' 7 1/8' x 3/4' PUTS OLV. STL TVP. Or (2) LOWER/ UPPER ANTENNA MOUNTING BRACKET RCM DC -6600-P F-48 NUMBER OF RADIOS PROTECTED: 12 SUPPRESSION CONNECTION METHOD: COMPRESSION LUG, /14-12/0 AWG COPPER 112-12/0 AAF A-UMINUM ENVIRONMENTAL RATING: IP 67 WEIGHT; 31.5 LBS MOUNT 5.5 LBS TOTAL• 37.0 LBS I4z1 _I 153 xEW TENS IRwNTm BEHIND 7 (x) rx¢ox PAN2 rrrtNNA jtlp� IUgj I (se s) NOTE; SEE SURGE MANUFACTURERS MANUAL FOR MOUNTING. 6600 RAYCAP SPECIFICATIONS MECRUI 11.9 OOWNTILTCAL MANUFACTURER: ANDREW .--�'r BRACKET —. MODEL' HHH-65C-R23 '" WEIGHT: 61-6 LBS DIMENSIONS: 96.0' % 11.90' K 7.1' EtilG FREQUENCY: REFER TO RF DATA SHEET pp� 11V, ICE 11.85 S RF CONNECTOR, IVP w SOTIOM 1—I�.F RF CONNECTOR, TYP FRO O AIDTE: PAINT TO AJ TpT [W57M AS AEOTRRCO. 9CALEc 12 ANTENNA SPECIFICATIONS "MNTLT MOENNA NG BRACKET AND LRE BY ANTEWi4 WWI .RNA MOUNT PIP= VERI(RI AWOM 3/8' BOLT (1-1/4' LONG). 3/8' BOLI (1-1/4' LONG). J NOTE: 170 FATE PRAAC OFY&Wl 10 JIA[Of TEOISE UAE NIYF.RE MPUCA& r.. NUT 3 LOCKWASHER - NUT d LOCOASHER 3/8' EG 1 BALs. STI- TYP, OF (2) BOLI (1-1/4' LONG). NUT REMOTE RA (O UNNS 'SECURE TO :&ALL USING. 0&120+19 h LOCKWASHTA WOOD STUDOUT S: 1/4-0 x 3-1/2' LAG B 3 (N) PIPE SUPPORT PROPOSED ANTENNA 11/2' x 1' x 3/16' PIPE C[Al�-CAGY. STL -WEIGHT: 105 LES (EXCLUORG MOUN'TINO HARCAW) W/ HIL7! HY 150 EPDXY W/ MIN. 3-1/4' FINAL SURVEY EG TYP. OF (2} SPR NG NUT bom RA CAN 2U BE AAHIEO ON SOWSHIELD. 1 1/2" x 1' x 3/16' RAIL MOi3NT 'SECURE TO RPE ^+1 PIPE CSP-GTIIV. ST.. 3/13" BOLT. UNISTRUT I{WNITVC,� CC WHA OCCURS PER ST AS PER STRUCTUC1UPfA. MANUFACTURER SPfOFlCNCAT TSINS TVP. OF (2) LOCNWASHER & FIAT % MACHINE BO:1 WASHER �- STAINLESS SIZE AS NI STC. - IVP. OF (2) 3/8' BOLT (8' LONG). O NUT 3 LOCKWlSHER - RlUS POLE CLAMP GALY. STI. TYP. OF (2) PER MANUFACTURER SOS POLECLAMP SPECIFICATIONS (N) PIPE SUPPORT 3/8' BOLT (6; LONG). NUT h LOCKWASI - —1/8' x 3/4' PLATE KAY. STL M. Of (2) 1/8' BRAG(E[ Gov. STL STAINLESS STL TVP. OF (2) LOWER ANTENNA MOUNTING BRACKET DIPPER ANTENNA LOWER/ UPPER ANTENNA MOUNTING BRACKET RCM DC -6600-P F-48 NUMBER OF RADIOS PROTECTED: 12 SUPPRESSION CONNECTION METHOD: COMPRESSION LUG, /14-12/0 AWG COPPER 112-12/0 AAF A-UMINUM ENVIRONMENTAL RATING: IP 67 WEIGHT; 31.5 LBS MOUNT 5.5 LBS TOTAL• 37.0 LBS I4z1 _I 153 xEW TENS IRwNTm BEHIND 7 (x) rx¢ox PAN2 rrrtNNA jtlp� IUgj I (se s) NOTE; SEE SURGE MANUFACTURERS MANUAL FOR MOUNTING. 6600 RAYCAP SPECIFICATIONS MECRUI 11.9 OOWNTILTCAL MANUFACTURER: ANDREW .--�'r BRACKET —. MODEL' HHH-65C-R23 '" WEIGHT: 61-6 LBS DIMENSIONS: 96.0' % 11.90' K 7.1' EtilG FREQUENCY: REFER TO RF DATA SHEET pp� 11V, ICE 11.85 S RF CONNECTOR, IVP w SOTIOM 1—I�.F RF CONNECTOR, TYP FRO O AIDTE: PAINT TO AJ TpT [W57M AS AEOTRRCO. 9CALEc 12 ANTENNA SPECIFICATIONS "MNTLT MOENNA NG BRACKET AND LRE BY ANTEWi4 WWI .RNA MOUNT PIP= VERI(RI AWOM NLT .R. 9 TYPICAL RRU DETAIL N.T NOES: -T.- TO US3' A. PIPE ON QUAL NAS 3/8' BOLT (1-1/4' LONG). NUT k LOCKWASHLR -CALM TVP. OF (2) —PROPOS: D AN' NNA BRACKET LESS SIL 1 r ISSUE STATUS, REV. W SCG ATTACHMENT NOTES _ Q (N) JUMPER CABLE J NOTE: 170 FATE PRAAC OFY&Wl 10 JIA[Of TEOISE UAE NIYF.RE MPUCA& r.. SCALE: 8 LE 5 ANTENNA / RRU MOUNTING DETAIL GALE 5 NC EG 1 0SMZ7 E 90%ZONING REMOTE RA (O UNNS 'SECURE TO :&ALL USING. 0&120+19 -O'MENSIONS (H x W I O): 28' It 19' x U'O WOOD STUDOUT S: 1/4-0 x 3-1/2' LAG B 3 (INCLUDES SUNSHIELD AND HANDI O 50JO GROUTEU CMU: 1/4b THEADED ROD EG -WEIGHT: 105 LES (EXCLUORG MOUN'TINO HARCAW) W/ HIL7! HY 150 EPDXY W/ MIN. 3-1/4' FINAL SURVEY EG EMB (ICAO/5193) SPR NG NUT bom RA CAN 2U BE AAHIEO ON SOWSHIELD. 0 HOLLOW CMU: HILTT HH C20 EPDXY W/ NIN. 6' FMB (ICBOJ4916) RAIL MOi3NT 'SECURE TO RPE ^+1 = a 2' 6' O.D. PIPE. C,ALVARQED UNISTRUT I{WNITVC,� CC WHA OCCURS PER ST AS PER STRUCTUC1UPfA. MANUFACTURER SPfOFlCNCAT TSINS NLT .R. 9 TYPICAL RRU DETAIL N.T NOES: -T.- TO US3' A. PIPE ON QUAL NAS 3/8' BOLT (1-1/4' LONG). NUT k LOCKWASHLR -CALM TVP. OF (2) —PROPOS: D AN' NNA BRACKET LESS SIL 1 r ISSUE STATUS, REV. W SCG ATTACHMENT NOTES g J . 03!26!19 90%ZONING EG 1 0SMZ7 E 90%ZONING EG 2 0&120+19 100% ZONING EG 3 0ld05119 100% ZONING EG 4 ry FINAL SURVEY EG SPR NG NUT 0 F -F1 [p 4 O(+ RAIL MOi3NT ^+1 = ERMIPM7 % MACHINE BO:1 SIZE AS NI _TICK WA4HER O RlUS POLE CLAMP PER MANUFACTURER SOS POLECLAMP SPECIFICATIONS NLT .R. 9 TYPICAL RRU DETAIL N.T NOES: -T.- TO US3' A. PIPE ON QUAL NAS 3/8' BOLT (1-1/4' LONG). NUT k LOCKWASHLR -CALM TVP. OF (2) —PROPOS: D AN' NNA BRACKET LESS SIL 1 r ISSUE STATUS, REV. DATEDESCRIPTION BY 0 03!26!19 90%ZONING EG 1 0SMZ7 E 90%ZONING EG 2 0&120+19 100% ZONING EG 3 0ld05119 100% ZONING EG 4 OT1ON19 FINAL SURVEY EG 12 GAGE BRACKET GAI. ST 3/8' BOLI (1 -1/2 - LONG). NUT k LOC"KWASHER - GII STI, IIP. OF (2) SCALE: N.T.S \ M1I � - 5 0', BRACKETS :IPE MOUNT BRACKETS _ ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILSCALE: PLT.& G :HNA MOON TNG (T'�) NNA (TYP) ;ANA MOUNTING {lYP) 0 HEX FB NUT LOCK WASHER M00NTNC PATE MOUNTING BRACKET SfXILW MMO p ® MOUNTING BACKEf - TOP VIEW SCALE: 6 MOUNTING BRACKET DETAIL N.T.S F INFINIGY9 ENGINEERING, LLP 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LAKE FOREST, rAI IFORNIA97030 J09 NUMBER 199-001 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ME INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SETOF ONANANGS is PROPRIETARY a coN Fn HTIAI TO VER70N WIRELESS ANY USE OR DIMOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATES �O VER,20N AWRELESS IS STRICT!, PROI,,,TE0 SCALE: N.7.5 us L Lo o 'IT CNc Z Z (D U Wz Z D Lu Lu o m U) _j Lu SHEET TITLE: ELEVATIONS D-1 2J T NOT USED NOT USED PS ANTENNA REPLACE SOD AND/0R TOP SOIL X7,1/4'0 PIPE PER PLAN TO MATCH EXISTING /2 AWG BTCW (PYP. 3 PLACES) -I -I �(E) SMAND/OR TOP 50EL CABLE TO PIPE CONNECTOR I _ UNDISTURBED SOIL BURNDY TYPE CAR - \�',\ - - BACKFILL EARTH TO 9070 RELATIVIZ SILICONE SE LANb OF COMPACTION PER ASTM PI557 SILICONE SEALANT tl I TOP OF UNISTRUT, TYP. UTILITY WARNING TAPE NEW VERIZON WIRELESS— _-_ -T-_ GALVANIZED POLE 1 CONDUIT CLAMP PVC SCH 40 TELEPHONE CONDUIT MOUNTED TO CABINET o - W,4ERE APPLICABLE iEF v PVC LLAL CONDUIT WHEREE APPLPLICnBLE BLE PER PLAN O BACKFILL (SAND OR NATIVE SOIL) NEOPRENE WASHER O - TO 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION SECURE TO CABINET THREADED ROD, T -P. PER ASTM 57557 USING 1/4' DIA x� 3-1/2` MACHINE BOLTS 4' rte' 12.4. �7s nwG cRauINDINc *_::�:_C0PP7R CABKIT 1/2"e HYBRID CART L I NOTE; PLACE UTILITY CONDUIT AT CENTER FOR SINGLE UTILITY. ISOLATED cROUNO Bus SALE i0 GPS ANTENNA MOUNTING 9CALE: 7 UTILITY TRENCH DETAIL N.T.S. REFER TO DATA SHEET FOR FULL. SPECIFICATIONS. �3 aaxe 24 Hy" Ma,tdem Wu* 16 AWG 16 6 AWG Snighl Sra:gM SI S'.ndard DLC PLC MIS 0mm 1400 in SCALE: N.T.S. NEW MCS CAB NET E ! NEW MC_ CABINET BASE— NEW CONCRETE SLAB a PROVIDE) 4' DIAMETER, SCHEDU W PVC CONDUITS MCE CONDUIT DETAIL I POLE SHAFT k BASE PLATE Tr ISSUE STATUS N Radio 8843 & 4449 HFT2406-48SV3-175 REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY HELI FlberFeedI1) Hybrid Cable Assembly, 12X24, Low Inductance, UL r Construction Materials General Specifirations AarAo 1811 I We 4U9 I -:der type G 657 A2 C.nd tmm. quan!Ity 1 051021199D% ZONING EG Zl Fibera. quamiry 48 Ca..Im n Type J-1cM COO, BIa:I M. M"Gauge a-R7o- Nlaaslaw AIarM Wire. quantity 3 DS105f19 10ft ZONING EG Dimensions C.Meremd.=, Gauge Preliminary 1ire11em BDdy Slyle, ...=,A t l,r raw mw uw nw let ulec Card Lengd� 53 34 m 1 175 00t IMenace S7'le, COAr,e B 4 0710809 FINAL SURVEY EG Cade Weight 4.6 kglm 1 21 Z11, A FOE :rua,face Feature, =.e=A ��- Oiame:er Ora, Jack.: 50 60 mm 12 D0 n, Imerlam i` a; e, mnneemr e IwET.1rwN< aHrer,JrenhAW eNrnrban Ynerw :menace, canneem,A Environmental Specifications Medao., — el. a I OpeNung Temp.lallr. 40'Cm•75-C(40'Fm=1137-F) Minim,lm Bend Rari SCALE: 11 (N) (12X24) HYBRIFLEX CABLE N.T.S. RI1weM 1,er�.eUhf4 INSMtlI>. 1pY IH .41dNN6il�tll4 I 24 Hy" Ma,tdem Wu* 16 AWG 16 6 AWG Snighl Sra:gM SI S'.ndard DLC PLC MIS 0mm 1400 in SCALE: N.T.S. NEW MCS CAB NET E ! NEW MC_ CABINET BASE— NEW CONCRETE SLAB a PROVIDE) 4' DIAMETER, SCHEDU W PVC CONDUITS MCE CONDUIT DETAIL I POLE SHAFT k BASE PLATE Tr ISSUE STATUS N Radio 8843 & 4449 REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY r 0 03f2Rl:9 Aft 20NING EG AarAo 1811 I We 4U9 I • � � 1 051021199D% ZONING EG W !% I— Mdlu — rumY.S 2 0&20n9 100°; ZONING EG a-R7o- Nlaaslaw 3 DS105f19 10ft ZONING EG m.lmn>db w<.-e»rtN.av .77Y}Ttwt � nr.er.: ! I I m ! Preliminary t l,r raw mw uw nw let ulec 4 0710809 FINAL SURVEY EG [wrlw�,Y 4uuntn IIw iNtS.7aW ��- IwET.1rwN< aHrer,JrenhAW eNrnrban Ynerw 11 �fY. H,(7rylged'x ra,wNM -„ mrIM1FAw'bd,� I I•a.n.As,.e � u:r � wrr RI1weM 1,er�.eUhf4 INSMtlI>. 1pY IH .41dNN6il�tll4 I ',' i„ � NrM,1e. lW r�rNS1 �WWdyCGD, I'ne 6,.u'Cej0lpw,).y50�r I ,�.[.�. Im7x,�rare,tlla�>,s:.[m.�U.rlrW.q.1tFM7Yn4l,mra 1r�walr i H•�r,;r I N F I N I G Y9 �Ia,-yrcD,rne.. .� sst:wrr�. ENGINEERING, LLP 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LAKEFOREST, CAUFORNIA92g30 I 7[mwa. iscic auu[ca. Ina ssdsc Nd:uW, I I YwT I y[o-wo"7Nyoa r.,:ra,a�mwau¢ s�a.arsrrarprye�ar,yarvrsv�e .LOB NUMBER 499 -WI I I PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THE INFORMATION COWAVIEO IN THIS SFT OF ORA'.NNGS s PROPRIETARY d CONFOErJTAL TO •.,,.r. '<� VERQONWRELESS AP�u ;u[7 rWY USE OR D'�SCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT REUTES TO VERRON IV, RF-- IS STRICTLY PROH R:TEO SCALL 4 DUAL BAND RRUS SPECIFICATIONS N. A 4' DIAMETER PULL BOX TF.1.00 PO" A 36' 3(1' 13 1 2'V N A B TOP VIEW QVTIONAL 1/4- STEEL PLATE BOLT -DOWN COVER (342 LBS)` SOLO CONCRETE m COVER (E47 LBS-) SOLD CONCRETE UnuTY PULL Boz (f97 L.S. SCALE: 1 N.T.S. �n NOTE: FUTURE (2) 4- ALL HAND HOLES SHALL BE TRAFFIC DIAMETER CAPPEDRATTED WITH BOTH PLACEMENT AND CONDUITS SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW OUANTITY TO BE DETERMINED BY SCE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. FINISH GRADE . T UIOT USED KTALEt 12 NOT USED 50ALE: 9 CABLE ENTRY AT POLE rL.T. 50Aj 5 PULL BOX DETAIL N.T.S. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM NUMBER. SCHEDULE. AND SIZE Or CONDUITS REQUIRED AND INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWER CAISSON DETAIL ANY CONFLICT IN NUMBER OR SZE SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. seal Ls: 12 .� 2'-7- REPLACE SOD h/OR -'� TOP SOIL TO MATCH EXISTING (E) SOD A:/OR 7OP SOIL 1.0 UNDISTURBED SOIL Q Q i ---- �� = = = = = BACKFILL NATIVE SOILS z CF) TO 9OX RELATIVE - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ Y COMPACTION Q --- -- - -� - PER ASTM 51557 0 » UTILITY WARNING TAPE c' w LU Vj O 4R O,DE IAME(4) CONTRACTOR TER " THE REQUIRED SHALL J TYPES AND FOR HYBRID, I ! :./ QUANTITIES OF ANTL7NNA/RRU W SCHEDULE BO %\ / CABLES AND PROVIDE D Lf PVC,_ SUFFICIENT DUCT CAPACITY (� CONDUITS .. _ BETWEEN THE EQUIPMENT AREA It W AND THE TOWER TO O () ACCOMMODATE THE REQUIRED 0) CABLING. r ..J 'ra ✓ _ BAC7(FlLL (SAND OR CLEAN LU FILL) TO 90% RELATIVE I COMPACTION PER ASTM D1557 PROVIDE (2) 4' DIAMETER 3 FOR MCE CABINET, T n y�i.e (-)=CONDUITS FOR FUTURE USE WILL BE SHEET TITLE' SCHEDULE 60 PVC CONDUITS TERMINATED NEAR/INSDE VERIZON FUTURE (2) 4- DIAMETER WIRELESS EQUIPMENT AREA, DETAILS CAPPED CONDUITS SCALE: .T.S. B COAX TRENCH DETAIL N SCALE: D-2 N.T.S 4 14 J T 1 HT200ET - - ■Neiga`ArNpllw uadueas treat currant up l075ti anhancN� high f enper.fie. Ise is TH7" Pr4aUc aproNlcely farrnufated heel reahtunl phuf6c cane and cavo, opilailms-Prerstnn ■ I4kroeat" carlidi I- haxt comm!,.114c a thermal buildup and 11 drloul ■ Excluii IPF•TechnefoW oplanleee power enpacity.celi cr nxtclency-fund long•linn rolrablliy e 7 i Alloy lahibaa corwaion under the hrgif Ilimpenlura er1[emca ■ Advanced AGM lechnotopy for superior power a PunubllY rant lain nicru-purvuv gluey mxl wpwulura uxlund h!u _ Y Front aoi design fel easy Installallon and maintenance - - a Rai. pi cese, ries butting and meets sernlyre d unuv JUL 94 V-07 ■ Case 8 cover Met seared and 10D".elesled to prevent leaks Epoxy -1 culed porta cimnalc Icalrx re Trams anatng Inca Par. re, ren -sealing M-are 100, • Compute -aided design and manufacturing ,armlet procesxs and slandardc to onsurequally products ■ Athatteller meal ar ee�ed lckmmls E remendad praetic e 9aaerydesig. and eansdvdlaa mac! UL maurfoiilen requirements SPFCfFfCATfOHS ' Nominal V tri 124o11s Calai IAcrccat, patina; 190 Ahnpwe-Houu N 0 hr, tale Safely Vont: Law pcalllve pleasure. I. 1.75 V.P.0 sell .aalinnwi'llamtahestm PaiiiLl- Plata: :'i Plan lead e4m In -r Icin o ny float Voltage: 225 VAC -.C.61 VRG, w 7i F i25 C) Negative Plate: Pure lead, calesrm stay Range' II_'."V 10 1356V per pantry! Poet Seal: EpoW soarad Design life: 12 years In Wi apph:relom4 V 771F (251C) Torminel• Fiesta1,V"-20 thmsite IrlseH Oynonegns: Ecnglh-24.15",613.4 mm1 CAraarCav4F. Flame-Ietardant.THT ^'- nl4m•4.9T (126.3 rami UL 04 1K01 -di LD -I Height -1274" (329 5 rami Weight: t5i lbs, (68.511D) DISCHARGE RAANGS IN AMPS @ 77-F (25-C)l Ne pt GB 1 0R. t MR. Y P -C 3 RR, a NR. i HR. It" . T2 NR. w NR. 21 RR. 1.7R 1K BLO.T 4te 0.B11"10.1 IL4 IA0 196 79.1.4 13.1 35.4 A.2 IE 160 8.11.05 t71 73.1.9 40.5 33.522.1 15.7 9A T.9 .t8 t13 08.0.7 .10.3 31.1 I 21.0 14.5 9.0 7b1.1p las W9-2 30.4 30.1 2OL 13.9 •nea-� n rnrSt,.,+nen o- aye J 0C.T. '•a..r r rr-r-n - nnrrrr .w �i1 •. r 1 n t-1 INSTAIL4TiON AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS •hop f.-4 easpenrmarurac[unng WmwPtark;eau,pgaasfFah•enrlarf-l0-rtanua121CR. rd, isomm Fab M1N16rYAamrLq Ze. Ina, sura in llRYrulli yM1»F1p frlriLvu laeplpyp+j�l tlnaf-yrwr-*Pr•�nxY. tnok,rgRlaa r.'r-I ErIA rural Nv.7201 a"• ::201/6y ERA Pi f W1.115A BATTERY MSDS (MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET) CO I � TolamaYlr vane gsr7plm� STATIONARY BATTERY INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS DANGERL«eu111nrRm+molar.wl.nrrrerlrerw+n.i.mernl�: GO •i-'u - =aro .�.a..w•s (., �,�syr,.r�i�i��� � iwr`Y+�` wu�rp.ernc raaeerwrlrai4ar'��ve:ro'w s .+IbYw..r,.r.,.. •....e 1i�il Yns.w.+ma_r.,r+e>•rr ,._ �cn'mJYee.r`.-"wti,n.w�`w�iR° }��frr.or>o�rrwrw fewwErYwYr rw•Iwamlrar>wrb ww±� IA.treelrahaelYvrn � ��'M1� •arrow liner, Y�alr=.�ar�+:.tea IYtl1111YtW■!�„�,wrrrr rrrwre..erwrr.v wrrew \ rat. YrIYY IwneN■map�rrYY Yw•fYMMrnViW Ya erlxlwraru6.rarrlrneaarw�YFhr YliaaYrne•nrtl fW yxalnrrwwaud- ■IYlee NAtlAn.erYYlvarr.OaallrurrxYrlrr.ur aarreaYl M1lwrrkl w.ItlreArrYgry Y.d... an alaye"Yaeet D,tl be �\� Yslsan! kf• FUS►!e Yelaxblba C� nsorb rlr,trral nxtl•., re lmaeuaa the�Idaan L.w axld eAl.ry e.�nrp (suau.4enelal IN REFERENCE TO THIS MANUAL: -'Sallei is defined as an yndifidual 12-voll unit, - 1aflery string' is defined as a series senneeted efeclricaf syslem comprised albaileries (individual 12 -roll uaiti SAFETY PRECAUTIONS VRLA(Vatvo Rogulolad Load-10kll tateriee have 1ne elednoyle �mmahlged x:tA. ,tie oannry; however. eleC4KdI hrndi assnpaled nitn borers sUl erlrLg N(ik praialnlred m ohms barturim should be done write told lade and the protective acrid ml lWtod betui. VRLA baliery:nslal .,ikons should ne �upelu ed Ur pa•sonnal loefirrar aim Lansros and ballr;ry solely fxsrar ii WARNING: Risk of lira, explosion or buena. Do not dianesomble, head above e5"C, an Incinerate. Procedures The frlpalrrg s,3fmy plrerrm• knmruld Inn tntnwM_ during IrnlOi len. lAlrrays wee eatery glasaes or lace aMdd when warring an ar new bMrwim 1 1. These batteries are sealed and contain ria bee elm. 'i Under normal opexeling crndillans 111ey do opt prcc4nl any crud danyor. Ilowwmr, it slat rnuery case or cover is damaged. add cold ho Present Sulfuric acd is harmful lathe slin and eyes. Flush affected area with grater immediately and consult a pphyaciln it splashed In the eyes Cancan SOS for additional preca Liana and first aid meamme. 9O5 sheets canbe obtained at wWw.restr ennmmutaeturing.00ra 2. Prohibit emaking and open lanes, and ovoid dng in the Immadlate vicinity of the battery. 3- Do nm vena: me;altic Ch)eds, such as taxi while vmddllg an batteries Do no: stag -insuieed fears In pr 'T,rr nr tss:l hal[>rnro,-- working n 61inity nl haarl v d. Keep 1ha IDVOl Ihobatery dry and dear cd 'me; and shed lorvign ebiotts 5, rronac Wvlurre -rdarse 4w le£Enlmded 1167 and/or lord ted sl end ldl wnramrmndrrd e. N ren nvr a 1w, flow %1tI arc pmt U n:ueI valvd,•y Warranty void it van: vttve is re nrved. 7. Inspvel all IF+tairtg anal liking equgpmem Irr IactanY nacc ncy. B. Adear+melyseo,m lnElnli ryatus, racks. cmii rbrIto t1g liar 9. Coined suppm sohnures a gmurtd Syron in an cudanee wrh applorible cadet. 10. The below IEEE Standards ennahin addillenal inclination. Other standards rosy be relela m to your speelic apphrnliol- IEEE 119d - Cuirin far &mriies Im LIPS Rysi IEEE 1187 - Rcoomrmcndod Pmctim lar ahsWlant n De!Jgn of VFI A, Bawrieti IEEE Itoo- Prootic x Id Mahiamoce. Ti or VRL4 Battens IEEE Itag- seridd s•1 or VRILA •p If.:: •rias Irx Slcul a nary Appincr a RECEIVING & STORAGE Recelving Inspection Upon rtcrlp[- and al the cmc c naval unlooding, each package should be = visually inspected llx any possible , dartragO or Modus c d leakage. t olher is c 'derv, a nwrc detailed Insfxctgn of he cnliro shipment should be .educed 1, Wd naled on the WI at IeYnp. Record receipt dare. inspection dole and r i tamer a! any damage. r Protective Equipment A4haIgh VRLA betlhries con vm4 M kuk sma:I amal.nrls of e'e+dm:yle. r=' ynradsaiey rs t,a pi ma nn the tory mcT,sn Sar sada hall y Per IEEE liter -•rnam- d4loms.81e lothrw,I'D mir:rrn,m Sat d equinrnenl Ira vile barterng coil,h,ee,yarc:}rmledurldpW.w .9la•Ia9 be alah'e� I Safety glasam with side ohl or goggles, far fooe ehi.hk appmpridua (General appltenlbn spoi roqurro nems) 2 Electncaly c 1snmd gloves, aaprgo•Iate iof the hS1.1a1irn- 3. Prolec"aprors and safrtysraea 4- Porla6W V ,valrnary Water ii ties in the bai viersty far d�serrgg ayes aril dt�n a r' of "lad wile aced .,mewls 5 Clow CIiaaa"guruher- B Ac rel+4a'Irrg ag" Adeyualely Ineularerr 106n (as darned by IEEE 1188). 9 LA'ng dw crc of ado -lose mPztiry,',i mgLi,*d- Unpacking IAlways Wert eye protection. 2. Check dl taenias ler mails a delecrs such ael Hacked m1!raners. Imse lam pass, or eller utrepafrate pr..Nmhs. Bndund .R wkuh th- deltas must be rep:acra 3. Cher, the contents at orapackagas against the packaging MI. Ronan any missirg pans or shipping damage to your Ear: Penn agunr or Eos! Pana Mfg Co. hmm"Tateiy T Nein lift teens oY the lenrind piss. Storage 1. Gaaeftes should be stoned Indoom in a damn, level, �card { £8ecmmmmnded u.orapa !antp-rue. I•Fm 0'F C 2. Bared lead-oc!d badories rail discharge and muel be given n hops. charge In pevehl pernnllem peNormauuce dngmdmipn. 0'F to TTF(•IB"C 1o25'0 ator Je: Batledes gncWd he mellarged s#x mmi Imm dram cl n ariutac:um. >TrF (25'C) storage! Use the clan bebw Its redurpo mlinvaas Whale readings rhmrld be tdcen an a monhy basis. Baltedes :hat reach 12.60V pfrbetuery siheuld be iadlargeC MaIrdlCss at Stlledulad imCrvd. Reccd dales grid cm611" IR al c anti during sLorage. 3IT a hcen dherge is reopite l: :lie rec lm,mlded ergo is 24 flour of a cul5anl rd:age equal to 14.411V per harery. A , Da ncl stere beyond 12 maxi Recharge bhtrvel Chan 2 .I rte u n .• n Q INSTALLATION General Cru i m should be Inti whenm5 ta15n, baf.:aln" fi Insula nn damage piThe Irn!lery suing sahiaet, "a Y. rack. vie shelf be inspected ten nlvp adrles that could cause damage in the balimy casing. Mluorl s andl no; be. dropped, slid, placed rough or ,moven suI!mces such 0. varya I¢Is oonr gI a[dd-!tearhg- fAlsharl ing of banerios could regvll ui e:luipnnenl namap ar human irluy. 1: St Penn will nci be liable for damage nr injury ns a result of rrishand ng nr Irisusv vi the raodrupt- Grounding When poundim+the badery strap, rxopm le h lques rhouH M apPhecl pec. e!cetdcal s:rndalis surri a1 NEC Wei Fcdeaal, sn:e soil tater codes, An wry es U.w Mantra n1 sprla"it applerdbn. Cabinets Cabinet systema come !ocory a95ombled rind p rnahad. Do not tip al tum cabirlels on !heir sides when rfl1oslldNrg sham m :heir intended ImMil aton are. Cahinns rnu9l he used n w upuiph: p�titian. In" systems ace pre -carni red Only in!er-she!;, Inlercahira: and-mnr'ons to the land an mquimd See the cWheednn rheum inside !ho ,chine[. Inter canine! and mad eanneclivn cables tae nal rnchuded Racks Assemble racks in accordance vnih She imenaed ouangeni align wllh a level and hob io the hoar See Irick a asembly Inshucgers. DEKA FAHRENHEIT BATTERIES ARE TESTED AND APPROVED TO BE INSTALLED AND OPERATED IN THEIR UPRIGHT POSITION. FROUT TERMINAL BATTERY Termfnale - Upright r Frantd Position FOR ANY OTHER INSTALLATION ORIENTATION, THE PRODUCT WILL NOT BE WARRANTED. BATTERY ASSEMBLY (ALWAYS WEAR EYE PROTECTION.) I, Set up the batlery string SO trial lee PWIM pan 111 at one ballery s eanrr go a the nepa4ve pan the next battery retail serves YnlnrlcchorLS. The mlerbal• troy connector conlacl suriiii shall he cleaned try rubbing gunlly will, a n n-melalllc brush or pad before installing cdnnedurs. Only approved axlde Inoi611or■ (No -0i "A" team Saneham, Inc.) may be aFailed so connactlono or bbttery pace. 2 Far flava d nUr licvt indrdual We— should be numbered In clodi connedm s cduerte. bei 'rlr-. with nrmber oneI1) at the posi end or the bade, sMng, a hxdall all interbclery eonnoclars i sng id, vasnar arld Ihdls basely to allow for Final algnnx-nl cl b dkpoos, then io ri.e to 100 in b # ra After torquing the re nnectons en racks! boltedes, read Ota voltage el the battery string to assure the indh'idlWr batted, are connected correctly. The lohl voltage should be approximately equal to Ire number d Wtivrivs braes Iho measured vetage of ane battery !ulnen rxmnected in sadesl. 0 the measurement it less. m chhecv the connections for proper vdlaae aria polamy, 4. Read and record lydarhallery mnredun fesislanCe ane ode the method d measwement. The haps dceNn;ne a mlarladory In ial Irgilditi en eco can he used as a reference for Ili mairdanande regraremert9. Sao g1sa Mdudene - Report. Mg. 7 - Appendix C } Clean, remake a.d.o-awasum any mnnedlon having a resiafa,oe measurernriA greater than 10% al the average ad all The same lypa d mnneirbi limemot- 1ery, inlet -1121 Or Shat, Icer -rack Or nterrablrer. 5. UaSlery p!vdortnarxc 5 based an tea a,dpul at the batery 1e,mnra,s TheMare, the shodass c.4d'aaft crinnecions WhInien LW barely Shing and ane operating equ[iri mi in maximum total bartery alung pent ciente Do not eled cable see on current ranyli g capadlly only. Cable a.. should ra pmviea a gfeater voltage orae betw,enn the baltey system and opolaling equtprnem Ile. specified. Excess w1hi a cimp,eill+eduee the cowled sups time or the battery system. SYSTEM OPERATIONS Charger Voltage These oalleres are daegned 1w continuities Ileal aPp:lcalpro- FLOAYr STANDBY (par battery) 13,5oV +i- 0.06 Y;y 7r•F (25'C) when Setting One lacut "'page on the charge!, 1M batary skimp should be sen b [but a1 me nominal bal. lary Ileal wlage nmss the number at batteries in the string. The Charger mual W able to maintain the system vdInga "w" s 0.5" OI the a sired Wirer al a I times, The desilad Boat wlag4 varies w.th lampaatue. Consut Vallego Campensolion Chad 4e -Appendix A), 4 9 Charger Voltage (continued) TErdPERATURE COMPENSATION 8anory village ahmuid he ated djusfor amimmpe wo variations. 12mV per 'C 11,s F) Per 12V battery Consult Voltage Compensation Chari (P¢ 8 - Append 14 A) for IemperaWre compensallon mnmm vollaoe auand mmtrni limits. Charger Current Cherge current shoed ad euBed the rocr mmendad min. and max. requirements. Consul Appnndk 8 far Inn, and max- charge murrnnt limits. Bantry Vantage Plihouoh the charger rrwsl marital the system vollage w4hln e0i ndh6dua battery votlages may vary by a 0.30V per battery of the average lately lately string roil voltage. Equalizing Upon insrellalon ld the bad" string, an optbnal cnarge of 14.40V per bagory s R06'077'F C25"C) for 24 hours (rat to exceed 24 hours) can be applied, (NOTE: Vent' tear 1ho Ngdx)r h lqy vuipa :snl nil adversary amu arose emoteeqpmagT Il Ihta Ia donor be sum 10 rend oho ehcharginggoqulpmald to the propLr, floor vallogo. Battery Operation Battery operating Lampamlure u:III eflecl napery deny capady and opendirg Ole. Te"Iperarums greater Inan RVF 131 r a reduce ere eperaing Ne W the battery. For avery 19.8'F (11'Cl maease !n oParaI ng lemperehne above 9S'P 135'C)4 Via waI rang period will be pre podignaly reduced W 501e as Shawn bamvs Bpelalpp Temperature Propmlarral Percentage IF 'C S%) d Life 05' W tail'. 10_04' Sri' 804: 1611` 43r 60% 114,8' -i- ml,. Tire bah,vz erg aappearatrg lecnI-alum stnuld riot r:yared 140'F IB0'Cl. Ir operating tompv+■hre■ are arpeeled to be In aefxee.1141rF(WCL cordae! Eael Penn far moommandetiom. Olscharging al IwnperaWrOs lass than 77"F l25'CI Will ruduce the capacity at the ballary, t operating lemparmuroe anampeciad to be kee than W F (10'Cl itorri Elr0 Penn for mcmnmardr timre. The byte• 5lrilg mod be located in a man neraral the hilt ,diel baS.-oo nil way by mate Ir- WE 2grG bel ,;ae, the laves! and If chest indvid!d battery lerneeralnes. FOR REFERENCE ONLY I TISSUE STATUS"I REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 0 03261.9 90%ZDNING EG 1 05M211 90%2014 NG EG 2 05120119 100%ZONING EG 3 015105il9 itti ZONING EG 4 07r0Br19 FINAL SURVEY EG 9 INFINIGY9 V ENGINEERING, LLP 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LANE FOREST, CALIFORNIA 92630 JOB NUMBER 499 -Cpl PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THE IWOR1.lATON CONTAINED IN TICS 5111 OF ORAwaim ismorRtTARY a cDNFIDENTAL TO VER!ZON WIRELEss ANY VSE OR D4SCLOSURE OTHER TTIM AS IT RELATES VVER2OlA W1REIEW IS STRIC7Ev -116-111 I'9 E to 0 ❑ O Z (7) = wU LU O LLI D LU CD J LU r 4 SHEET TITLE: BATTERY MSDS SAL N-1 A r Rectifier Ripple Valtage FREQUENCY Ripple that has A frequency greater than 6VHZ (duralim less than 1.6msl is acceptable. unless g Is calafng addl,onal battery floating. Rlpple that has a lmquuncy less than 667Hz (durallon greater thanl.5ms), must meet the :allowing Yolaga specibcallon to be acceptable. VOLTAGE SPECIFICATION Ripidu voltage Mall W lass the 1215 peak b peal, at the manufeclurers ,somirrunded batery string WARge. Falae fo comply can vod The w rtwty RECORD KEEPING Voltages, Temperatures & Ohmic READINGS Record keeping Is an Important part ed slaliona, battery maintenance and warranty sol arago. *1 Information will help In eslabl:shing a life hislory of The battery string and Inform the user II and when conecgve .ellen needs to be ]aken- Conaun [loamy Idalithime eco Report. (Pg. 7 -Appendix C). NTL' il :s woeplable to operale at temperatures less than 77'F I25r), It will (evil larger, charging Law lo become fully rechsrgctid. Also. Lie caParAtS' %IB be less al operaimg tomperalures beth,, 77`1'(25`C) - Ana 8h518llalon and wfia, the ball" sting has been an III c'ha,W for ane week. the Mewing dela shoed be recorded: 1. Uallery sing tallage al battery lennlna's whole oatlery Is &a15 an l'aale 2, Charger vo" a1 charger panel meta. 3. ladh4dual battery float vollagn a.Amtrar4 lemperalure5 lvilh:n area d ballet' string. S Terminal con -liens should be then W lordly :hat the Installer did torque all canneclk- properly to 100 In Ib +t-5. MiaroMm readings Should be lakes across every ao rl ioa. Refer to meter manuiae7urer`s Inslrusumns lot per p1we"arl oI poi,es. It any leading diners by mare Ilwn 2P!i Imm '18 initial installf len ver ns, re UZU,e Il rOlrna4jinrl to 100 n, Ib+! -5. II Ie efing remeiree high, efean confect le rheas according to Step T under Banary Amomtrty. Faiturel to malreoin pprrooper lecarele including inlonl, dien m datafierd= omoy maul1 in voiding ally applicable v,, ly. °fahre�heir MAINTENANCE Always wear eye prbled;on when walking on ar iter Datiorres.Ke sparks and open flames away Ilam 17 III al A'I limes. Revlaw'Safety Procaldiom" (Pg. 1} Annual Inspection" 1. Conduct a visual inspection of cath baMry. 2 Record the battery string voltage at bakery lamlrals wile battery Is on goal charge. 3. Rasrd"charger collage at charger papal meW.. 4. Record the rldr+dual be" vo0agas. The acaracy a1 the DIAD (DIgbI fdultmeler) must be 0.0516 Jim do scala) or beflen The MMM muss be Calibrated 10 N61 Lacco le standards. Ucrca115o Ilaal real are akecl- ec by discharge and rccharge5, ttese,eadings.mlad be tenon vier, Ine battery slnrgl hat been on mdala5us, unnlem Pled If" 101 al least ore matfh Ratla V Shedd be winin> 0.30 Yells el the average henery string volrage. 5, Rcamd the -blem fe'perawres. 6. kenord the battery slang Waltman- al me negative terminal. 7. Re vel riChvdLW beaey OI1mc readings, 8. Pecerd ell lrtarbaltery and laminal camnacan reslslances. Nflcmbhm readings should be taken during Ihls inspection. It any reading dlyeu by mute leen 20°,6 Imm inil:wl reaQ,rgS ukw. relarqua the ca nether. Reluurrl_ value is equal to In:lial torque rue as indiraled in BATTERY ASSEM13L.Y sauiI q heck Iha Irr'crouhm -ding' It the leafing remains high, clean the contact suria rx according to Inslalalioi poftn of this mar 1. Other Mointoraneo Inspection Intorvolo fellow IEEE 1108 Battery Cleaning Do not use ashy clement compounds to clean ballenes. eattelas. cablrels. and racks. 0VI only be cleaned Wish: dear W.1w, a nlLft a or balI sada and water or East Penn h.Ig battery dearwr (Pad r 063211. Any other typos of chemical compounds or solvents other -than listed above, to clean the heal may damage rho bellary ca4III and! or cover musing poaeibia sap -as, to aulturn acid. Capacity Testing Per IEEE 1186'Capactty tesntp Is used lolrend battery aging. The resat of a capacity Lml is a calculation of !rte caWV of the batt Y Tie calculated rapacity is also, e N used to determinthe battery requires replacenenl.' When p0larm're C pWity Ie.lna o'md recording data corer In IEEE 1185 recon-ndmons, NOTE: When diachMing at htghc7 relft. extra comnock ra may need to be added to prevent excea- aim voltage deep andow emoozim temperature dee. Should 4 be determined Iha+enly Individual lasery(lies) ee nd to be replaced. earned East Penn. 1hpATTERY MSDS (MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET) APPENDIX A APPENDIX 8 VOLTAGE COMPENSATION CHARGE VOLTAGE LIMITS CHART CHART aC 05 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 26 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 Float Max. Voltage per rF Baltery Charge 13-38 L35 13.39 932 13.40 91.4 13.42 89.6 13.43 87.8 13.44 86,0 13.45 84.2 13.46 82.4 13.48 80,6 13.49 78.8 13.50 77.0 13.51 75.2 13.52 _ 73A 13.54 71.6 13.55 69.8 13.56 68.0 13.57 66.2 13,58 64A 13.60 62.6 13.6! 60.8 13.62 59.0 13.63 572 13.64 55.4 13.66 53.6 11 13.67 51.8 510 13.68 550 12mV per'C per battery a Battery Max. Min. Type Charge Charge 9G%ZONING Gurrenl (A� Currenl (A)" HT145ET 26.0 7.8 HT170ET 30.4 9.1 HT200ET 36.4 10.9 NT750DET 35.4 10,6 = Dang mmimun dhmge calm.! ,vol extend recharge time and Inereese risk at battery being undercharged I -r ISSUE STATUS REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY D 03!25119 9G%ZONING EG 1 05107/19 90% ZONING EG 2 05!20!19 10096ZONING EG 5 06105119 100kZONING EG 4 07/001/9 FINAL SURVEY EG BATTERY MAINTENANCE REPORT Fmm>'rc; � Type_ AMrn'm --- Dau Hew Enda-; Irra err arbor ,writer _._ WN I,uaaed Individual cna:9v, oupal AmP An T..rwnrdvre •F Battery Readings ToDidatlaYSknRldaRa ParcMeW`AHs W baa bleu u u a owl tw 0 Ir A n Y -Ill. w k r W a0 xo vat, naw I �. YeYr Mier I Ya. Yekr NMr r Nets 1 Nhtls I ytl. Yard Ill I ke. I YeYf I MEnt I tri 2 I a^. I s2 ..la '� in I era - i7 I+d . ,1.21 163 2a4 I _ I =a R4 ;7; 1a. �n, z U 5 a8 Aa _ _ lea 165 2q9 I . _ (� LLr z 6 ad A6 178 1� Aga 03.. +II e� s8 Ra ea IN �1 � z 0-1 a Q .99 'z9 les 2a9 Q m So, -9d as +ro _ z+.a m I1 9^ - Al 191 111 _ E1, L[] Iz �Lz L1a 2121 U11 a t0 93 127 1Ta 213 LA IS I 5 1 PS 135 174 215 I in se ore tae tTe �:257 97 ,at 17i' Sl I �Tr9_ to Aa 13a 1TA 20 to 10Dtea 1y11 tab. 21 81101 + _ 1st 241 27 - is,I +@ 1-2 192 227 I zs re I Ire 1xa .ore 2M I 24 S= 04 , ,sb ,8a 224 1 25 RS 1a5 145 165 � I 225 2d aH ;0E 118 I 188 e 27 _ se p7 _ ,at I 167 21S I _ 26 r,8 rise r4a 1811 2:9. 2e 181 1" ' 148 1R9 227 ser - 72 11to 110 15r 1R0 :31 I 1 181 I 1911 2a1 I I ! 32 n 1W I in1h4 Z IRS t�2nd n s's es11 I[3I I 34 _]- 114 151 19. 234 ]E3___ 75 115 _ _ 1S 11 195 _ 235 39 m 118 '.cry ;Ba Zai II,d7 >] 117 5t aT I 2'Tl 231 _ 1 13R 60 11R trip I1RP 2:i460 :i4 r 4d e1 I ,2a ,0 I Ito I 2<a tiD. Yehaga Ave Vrnaga Avg 1rdLlpa Ate. VNrigri I Avg Vrfapr Ave VNlwy, LO nga,n, LW, er Ilmnraali,r4awlvrrbWrn Q ❑ C:) T Z 07 2 0 U Qw Lu w ui Z) �FAISRNN 0, w vwaMhhalMu.can O `Cf) FarIANtl NrNrrPlir+Ffh iN.sSV,r,, I'n 14.Y, rlltr 11nnc 61111aJ MI 1.01,4rr4,91nqutl�i. nwb'an. ltlb'Iy�.U�t _j LU LPh4 lslnt.mM ei1S =2016Gy EPM Rntedial15A car 1 1 L SHEET TITLE: BATTERY MSDS FOR REFERENCE ONLY J N-1.1 J INFINIGY$ ENGINEERING, LLP 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LAKE FOREST. CALIFORNIA 92639 JOB I'll 499-903 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TIIEIIFD SET OF aRAwINOg IS PROpAi 5 LSINFiDEfIf`AL TO 19PAONCANTAY& ONTN:ENTAS N WIRELESS VERQON WIRELESS APPENDIX C ANY USE OR DSCLOSURE OTHER T {AN AS m RELATES 'Tr, VERG!r WIRELESS IS STRIO11.Y 1R01eaITEd BATTERY MAINTENANCE REPORT Fmm>'rc; � Type_ AMrn'm --- Dau Hew Enda-; Irra err arbor ,writer _._ WN I,uaaed Individual cna:9v, oupal AmP An T..rwnrdvre •F Battery Readings ToDidatlaYSknRldaRa ParcMeW`AHs W baa bleu u u a owl tw 0 Ir A n Y -Ill. w k r W a0 xo vat, naw I �. YeYr Mier I Ya. Yekr NMr r Nets 1 Nhtls I ytl. Yard Ill I ke. I YeYf I MEnt I tri 2 I a^. I s2 ..la '� in I era - i7 I+d . ,1.21 163 2a4 I _ I =a R4 ;7; 1a. �n, z U 5 a8 Aa _ _ lea 165 2q9 I . _ (� LLr z 6 ad A6 178 1� Aga 03.. +II e� s8 Ra ea IN �1 � z 0-1 a Q .99 'z9 les 2a9 Q m So, -9d as +ro _ z+.a m I1 9^ - Al 191 111 _ E1, L[] Iz �Lz L1a 2121 U11 a t0 93 127 1Ta 213 LA IS I 5 1 PS 135 174 215 I in se ore tae tTe �:257 97 ,at 17i' Sl I �Tr9_ to Aa 13a 1TA 20 to 10Dtea 1y11 tab. 21 81101 + _ 1st 241 27 - is,I +@ 1-2 192 227 I zs re I Ire 1xa .ore 2M I 24 S= 04 , ,sb ,8a 224 1 25 RS 1a5 145 165 � I 225 2d aH ;0E 118 I 188 e 27 _ se p7 _ ,at I 167 21S I _ 26 r,8 rise r4a 1811 2:9. 2e 181 1" ' 148 1R9 227 ser - 72 11to 110 15r 1R0 :31 I 1 181 I 1911 2a1 I I ! 32 n 1W I in1h4 Z IRS t�2nd n s's es11 I[3I I 34 _]- 114 151 19. 234 ]E3___ 75 115 _ _ 1S 11 195 _ 235 39 m 118 '.cry ;Ba Zai II,d7 >] 117 5t aT I 2'Tl 231 _ 1 13R 60 11R trip I1RP 2:i460 :i4 r 4d e1 I ,2a ,0 I Ito I 2<a tiD. Yehaga Ave Vrnaga Avg 1rdLlpa Ate. VNrigri I Avg Vrfapr Ave VNlwy, LO nga,n, LW, er Ilmnraali,r4awlvrrbWrn Q ❑ C:) T Z 07 2 0 U Qw Lu w ui Z) �FAISRNN 0, w vwaMhhalMu.can O `Cf) FarIANtl NrNrrPlir+Ffh iN.sSV,r,, I'n 14.Y, rlltr 11nnc 61111aJ MI 1.01,4rr4,91nqutl�i. nwb'an. ltlb'Iy�.U�t _j LU LPh4 lslnt.mM ei1S =2016Gy EPM Rntedial15A car 1 1 L SHEET TITLE: BATTERY MSDS FOR REFERENCE ONLY J N-1.1 J T A B — -� -- Z --'- -- -- 3 4 wails Door swing out layouts and clearance (2 the back for air flow drawing Gcr!Imcn el hT[e iM y'.,n [!!!d PA .1 T I �Ifi E; L71 it O0a1.9aiE0iLlsrallr „,1 ___T_ FG Par � ®AELTA O LTALE� 1iN1 APL I � UM J1 m Uw C. 9e�a1 v.v 0.:..�l.,r^ - PHYSICAL DIMENSION - - n -M�..x �•_...IP�nc _-_ XFV rt_• ' A31 ESOF016-ECE01 00 .rr IT tee, r, I W",alrro' Kin SIZE ,. f~ SIM n w�iv�i+":4i11 2 S �.._ _ .4'...,�� FWPMENT CABINET PART NO. ESOF"016—ECE01 1 2 �- IEE1.:ra18r:M 4 DOOT Win 1 I�.Li` 0 1FeCarrrc Pec:f and mounting hole layout and eye -bolt layout EG 1 05702719 A A -ACEau1 129.71 g ;3A 7PI41 05!20!19 100. ZONING �� Le .�n•ghwe'�,sraaarsroe, Cm'cnlr - Y2 -E' -- ker - 4 OW08719 FINAL SURVEY EO t rs�nl e1 3 , _ _ _ 7dl S"=/•'�'ed lm+il A 1FcrAC° 1y M 7• ��; I �f • (s' -,R L s'lVelm TemdlW g41,q B` l _ _ _ 1J P.0 B. A24 TwYcw �ri •" fiA�,' FG Par � ®AELTA O LTALE� 1iN1 APL I � UM J1 m Uw C. 9e�a1 v.v 0.:..�l.,r^ - PHYSICAL DIMENSION - - n -M�..x �•_...IP�nc _-_ XFV rt_• ' A31 ESOF016-ECE01 00 .rr IT tee, r, I W",alrro' Kin SIZE ,. f~ SIM n w�iv�i+":4i11 2 S �.._ _ .4'...,�� FWPMENT CABINET PART NO. ESOF"016—ECE01 1 2 3 4 DOOT Win 1 I�.Li` 0 Outline dimension and mounting hole layout and eye -bolt layout EG 1 05702719 90% ZONING EG 129.71 g ;3A 7PI41 05!20!19 100. ZONING A :. T Le .�n•ghwe'�,sraaarsroe, J !!C A - Y2 -E' -- ker - 4 OW08719 FINAL SURVEY EO t I f---.. -���-UE.CflO S/1 _ _ _ 7dl S"=/•'�'ed lm+il A _ -7EC WoG1oi 3 M 7• ��; I �f • (s' -,R - B B` l _ _ _ 1J A24 TwYcw ILk7INGTEB51ypli, )781, - r I . 1 ScCT'4NN r<n _ Sc;LE 1:20 I G giti�LECTRO IA J40 � .. �. T I Fran View ICS TA DE�TnELecrapNlcs.INc Terencevertg rLTenraYang cea: s w'r m�`.'ai`TmlaiuzOPF �'inu �•� r-.� 111..nrm" _ I Battery Cabinet )_t _�nC' NTA, 1770 ,+`•�1Tny�rtini0i ...w., T._. _,..•' M. rcx E`I N• �� r mSa A3 �ESOF024•ECS01 Bp� 817E ��:[Gs�CE La24ML Q- 1 2 LBATTERY CABINET PART NO. ESOF024—ECB01 B G 1 2 3 4 0 Outline dimension and mounting hole layout and eye -bolt layout EG 1 05702719 90% ZONING EG 129.71 g ;3A 7PI41 05!20!19 100. ZONING _ YaE6 Le .�n•ghwe'�,sraaarsroe, 05!057,9 - Y2 -E' -- ker - 4 OW08719 FINAL SURVEY EO t , f---.. -���-UE.CflO S/1 _ _ _ 7dl S"=/•'�'ed lm+il A l _ _ _ A24 TwYcw ILk7INGTEB51ypli, )781, - i IIEC iR?J. 451.2 10M -"4v _ I ffl�vrn ii B6 :rna mm,'. 50.21 & 9: cea: s 1 I (1x6'= tQF.r )_t _�nC' NTA, 1770 ,+`•�1Tny�rtini0i / '_�'(-�1�e.� Ir 415.01 L -T7 1 . I r Ad /�I ApI.HuRng Jana LIU G G OELTn LLECTRONICS,IkC- Fo 7Fn :oil 1192B PHY5IALOIMENSON_716Invwts,-5 -rt p__ A3I ESOF016-ECf01 l]Q 1...; vn t�lA . ,I -m I. tJv1i[i.l � Slg F..Ee• 1 nc--= 144x MiF 2 3 4 W.,... "IT ISSUE STATUS"ll FEV. DATEDESCRIPTION SHEET TITLE: BY 0 03!26119 90-A ZONING EG 1 05702719 90% ZONING EG 2 05!20!19 100. ZONING EG 3 05!057,9 t0O%ZONING EG 4 OW08719 FINAL SURVEY EO INFINIGY9 ENGINEERING, LLP 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LAKE FOREST. CALTOANIA 92630 JO3 NUMBER 199-0 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TI,E RWORAIATION C074TAINED IN TILS SET OF DRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARv S CONF1bEf1TmL TO VERIZON WIRELESS ANY USE OF OGCLOSURE OTHER TIJM AS IT RELATES VVFR-NW,R-1S11.1-1C—PRCII1R1 1) 1- 2 3 4 (31 ?., d7R0 12? ,C) I]E) L'T1IAG TABS t,P Izel -!4I _ � .S,B v' !tette lEuvt�R��e 1 A,� ME -VER v M0iINTIN6 HOLE L4YOLFT$ �3 xnnla-wlpmca � - If T� .. i B e yyh 1 • I I =.� a4 ti-'� YKSAtB FRONT VIEW LS G T.a.. YIGs,e Tom= KM TA ELTA ELECTRONICS, Y611g SIDMEW :d �' "*`. • .'� na _�. ImPr ••rTlwrro '�r_� Battery Cabinet ....•,. �..,-,.. ..•.. �.. ryl van Ko pcv A3 ESOF024-ECB01 00 ~r�53-w jV•m enr '�' SIM ¢�-an,[ci.'lSS:. 1 2 34V FOR REFERENCE ONLY I 2.A' 6. T 44 L!) 0 ❑ m z 2 U H w° Z O r J w A SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT CABINETS N-2 J r H1I=U131C Ei�, O( GENERATOR-DIESE1 Model: DC-GEN-I5-W-ACEF Order Cade: 1 H V -HC 15D 14.5 kW. variable speed, DC Generator with adjustable Start and stop voltage The Ascrl H -Cubic is the smallest bot prim variable Speed DC Genset opera ling at -48 V and sparNraly designed to supply power 10 cell Sias. Ths product' is designed to awls the cuslamers demand or a high quality long life prod -at, anglneered keeping In mind space epalz lRalion. simplicity in htstallailonend lual-efficient power generation. W rrkJng ndncnla The core of tha system is the Anatol Ifybrid Control Logic that e{laws the H -Cubic to work as a bed[ -up to a primary power source (Mains 1 PV easy 1 Windt oras a primary Source generating power with engine conning 2417 (tiff gad application) In rase of hack up applicabon, lha embedded Ascot Hybrid Logicslar's the engine when the voitege In the DC bus reaches a low set value (primary sears faid"I'l. The engine aulomaJcally stops when the voltage location the se: value and the primary source is fostered - Sorel ports with nmdbus prnmeel an, available for remote mpni!Pmm�vDl :ha: can be connected to existing SCADA system, An integri Web based remote control system Is avaeable as an option SNMP is available as well. All these leatums make the Ascot WCubic the best reliable power solution allowing the supply of lot.— sites wilhlha lowest CapE. and OpL. www.u:rcoanturnatlonal.corn � . _9 , 1 Order Code Configuration DATE - DQ generating se DlApat rated power .145 kW - GC Output nominal voli .31.5 Yea - Sound and weather proof canopy is 66 d0(A) @7mt (iolaranot z 3 dB) - Integrated mn0til panel with Hybrid Login and GC Output protection for Is Short drouil /Overload LCD - Remote Control r-acililles . 056, RS405 or R5232wt1h Modbus RTU protocol, ' C.I., rade (Sutp . RJ45 Ethernet, SNMP 5.2 Central Module Readings is NA Voltage free contacts fm mmol" maim signaling - Integnti Ifni until fuel tank .55 U.S. Galore (208 iters} - Wamanly comf4inrls . )8mordhs 11000 engine "ming hours whmhover • DG vdlnnFY jVdn comes first ■ Standard - haltery whope - Charalno vollaoe - Fud Iced in tank (n %J 2 Optlona I Order Code _ Weh based remote control system with 313 nim card or LAN port. WHA-WESRM54-3GSNMP SNMP protocol available - Hiah slsnino bollery voliaee shove 15 Volts battery below 8 Complete System: ETLIUL Listed to moo: UL STD 2200 and NFPA 30-37- fuel lank is double wall UL '42 listed Meets EPA Emission Ro9ufa9nns far Cellfomra R is tested and traded by Kubols Aswl Industdol sit reserves the right to modify any characteristic without notice. Copyright ® ASCOT i Au Ir.lw d I � •. ,' .. )nrmek tel _. I',. f I.-.. r.v:vunir..miwuelram s S 4 IS 'i E" STAND-BY GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS J Ascot.e Energy Evcryvlhcre 3 Engine specifications no mene mM3retrrrar no Fud - Mox Gm- Engine Paver (kWmI S.I Interval (hours) Governor typo acemen. Suet Num rofC coder Intake system Camino sVsle n ripe staring ba:lery w Pluo 3.1 Fuel Consumption (fuel density 3.2 kglgal) 25% df load 5056 of load 75% of load I III of Load 4 DC Generator SpecifiotEons AO,emotor=1a lure, A emptor mods( Paverili l I ISO 31346 conditions Dos�p� Insuflaation Class Rotor lupe Allarmili codna 5 Control Panel composition - N°i DSE electronic central card N -I HyjYjd Cental Loaic I•l�� Lnad Ciretit Breaker [LC www. a scot icor, ten aupnal.com Kubota Ascot customized D1305-E4B Diesel 18.5 kWm IF 2600 FIRM =one one manufacturersoeclfdnlon Ck�krmio 1.261 3 vertical NoldraBVAtinraled Waley 12V Included 0.26 a.Uh 0.52 gaflh 0.78/�etlh 1.134 aaVh Ascot: APMG 15151 15 kW Brushfess he beano B PUG Direct drive centiri blower ran al DATE 5.1 Control Module BY - Etdemal Interface Dri Sea card otstomized for Ascot • Inteal Core Hybrid Cori Locic m ASCOT -ASH • Serial Pons Include USB. RS232 or RS485, R.uS Chi pons DisqIm, LCD - ConZyauni IIiptoou:s Avaiebla ' C.I., rade (Sutp . Aveiable 5.2 Central Module Readings Ownig • FJ'rmw �r �y�r�on On.no Aq``(jAumlNlanunll I -DGenerpv-Curtlueovelkwh - DG S',=u - DG run lima -Cumulative Ihrsl • DG vdlnnFY jVdn Ling. Arced (rpml dG - DG orrm. on"" - OG Pv..r Ikw) - haltery whope - Charalno vollaoe - Fud Iced in tank (n %J - DG energy' Daily (kwh) - Fuel volume in tAn (in haffil 5.3 Control Module Alarms - Ovoreant (fad to start) - - Hiah slsnino bollery voliaee shove 15 Volts battery below 8 Hiah I cine temocrature shutdown - Low a orassum - Low slardnp valtage volts - Fan fail - Over speed - Fuel level below lav fuel level (45%1 - Not in auto mode - mnrrno vanoble - E -Slat rossed Fu Ira`or u ea - Nor, enone demo. rp-olarm lamp. above Ri tle�essed or not in auto - Low fuel below 18% -Fuel leZZg09. - Low eaten level - Door Dues 6 Weights and dimensions - Tmnl dimersmns Lanoth. Width x Heti 1=1 411.4x34.205.2 m 1123xB7x191 cm Ory weiahL lkal 1059th 1485 ko vrvew. o u ea On lD r n D l io nat.com Outline Orawing of the Genset ISS C ANSA %.J 1 �[uJO:T lura hcLt I rtl: trA l-' '19N9@E'u�'8ir TYPIC0181.0114 014(OAM Cmrlr4lPakel --- - - '' - - V LCB - -- �® I Coco - - - to the battery t<g.n4 JJ lw6 _vr,xt ww.�1 7.0 CertSJ�yfons at�4 Harms tS0 9007 226600 The omwre,m set Is I..51onc antl mal1lIufacwmd in the Aswt faoary renifled to ISO 9001.200B ;SO 8526 The generator set is designed io mmpfy with ISO 8525 regulation and the sound level pressure of the.—.py is tested and cenilli armrdmgla I$G R528 madaion CEI EN regulation The generator set Is designed to comply with CEI EN regulations to gueranlee the safety of the opDnRor aodlhe cerci functionally of wtl Die syslvm CE Thopeacm: t meets CE comfiramn rNTERTEK EZL UL Conforms to UL STD 2200, NEPA 30 -37 -54 -55 -t0 -70E and is ranifded by !none Usled Comomem Meets EPA Emission Reaulativts for Callomla d is tested and ceNled by Kubota I TISSUE STATUSI REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 0 03126"9 90%ZONING EG 1 051 90% ZONING EG 2 0512Cf19 100%ZONING EG 3 Ownig 100%2CNING EG 4 071011"9 FINAL SURVEY EG r 'I INFINIGYB ENGINEERING, LLE' 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LANE FOREST. CALIFORNIA 971130 M Nu i 429-001 01111' PROPRIETARY INFORMATIO n* Ii,FORh'ATION CONTAMD IN THIS Si ORAtW IIGs'.S FROPRIErARY 6 COW DENTAL VF.RQON WRFlEsa ANY USE OR oSCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT R ON 0; VER21YINELEs9113 STRCTI v P-.11=1- C IS 0 w � W C7 Q z N z UL R m_ ' h ¢ 717' rA C? C tet AscotW L �... AscotW As ekMm,rdal,rl w . A.cotlriMi,tri>,1 v1 rnn.<1tw T-.- 1-,-., InlmDk '.l- "'i-� -v::�I � .•+.smwtmdars+bv�,Ilsrrm EnOrC;Wr EV41'y4vhefe lmrrtrk n. "art' o u'1I-,,. -ter: ,ol'....r W+'v:avrolt�m,r.a�r.eram Energy E=verywhere _ QfNERATOR NOTE: 1. STAND-BY OENfRATOR WILL BE MONITORED BY A V2RIZON WIRELESS TECHNICIAN. 2. THE lir NERAIOR 5YSTEN 15 LEVEL 2 FOR STAND-BY POWER. NOT EMERGENCY POWER. FOR REFERENCE ONLY Lir O N CD Z cr) T_O U Qw w � �— w ° W � W CD U) W L I SHEET TITLE: STAND-BY GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS r� ,A L N-3 2� T 0, CD GENERATOR TANK SPECIFICATION DRAWINGS I �-- I -E+* —CF � I O 1- -7 i Fuel tank 54GAL MS#431C000 IILH —TT—y—PAet NUiBEW mstihmlom 1 1 PLRCI[bWli1-6915NOI FM [EWL 2- Met 7 1 VMIB-lAFM-K FIV CAP.Y NVT 3 ! "Alit-74DWW' VENT.: HPT 4 i CH-LA021RT-7641 AsSlgBsln FJJN 19P rAV 5 1 5H-Np,N2HPTFIeSP IML IjI 6 1 5N•CLIRaNFF15-xF FM MUM 7 1 5H-1LhMP1620 FUL %IkM 1 11wl*-MRAHT Mv; iFN.r 4THi 1 IIH-NTMHkF Mrr, N2 NPT .-o DATE cz• By 0 0712119 rte! _y - 1 N t, Fuel tank 54GAL Nates 1. fill fog interior with, f'rotecto Cole 150 2. Pressure test al 3 psi 3 Use diesel fuel resistant senlnnt on nU MI-eads 4. Affix UL 14Z UPP, and warnrig labels 5 All, filling 14 he plugged More point 5. P7+'der Cool MIR 7. Took Capacities Actual 54 gallons Usable 46.5 gallons 8 Tank weight 254 lbs 9. Tork is dose top diked A4sc-& V 1 Ir ISSUE STATUS I REV DATE DESCRIPTION By 0 0712119 90% ZONING EG 1 0510709 90% ZONING EG 2 05,201'9 100% ZONING EG 306105119 100% ZONING EG 6 0710&19 FINAL SURVEY EG F, 'I INFINIGYB ENGINEERING, LLP 26455 RANCHO PARKWAY SOUTH LAKE FOREST. OALIFORN A92630 M3 HOMBEA 199-001 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THE RFORI.-MON CONTAINED IN TIS SFT OF DRAIN NIM ISFRDFRIETART R CONF:I)ENTIAL TO VERZON WIRELESS ANv LLSEOR DISCLOSURE OTI,ER THANAS T RFIATES 10�VFRIZON "FIFSS IS STRII FRI31111 O E W w� N 0 U 'C L L0 LO0 44 LO c o zcri Z (DU Z> Jo Wz Z) ui v � oW rn � r J W L Am SHEET TITLE: GENERATOR TANK SPECIFICATION DRAWINGS FOR REFERENCE ONLY "A 6, N-4 3 ■ UTAH ARTISTIC engineering Verizon 1 904 E EL 5ES'UND❑ BLVD EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 AEsims.com 877BAE.sims ACCURACY OF PHOTO SIMULATION BASED UPON INFORMATION PROVIDED 9Y PROJECT APPLaANT. :49V,40 EXISTING .,, .. All._ ,t PROPOSED ,� Moll. �► 1. A!N f ��i f ,. i,; �iP1146 PON PER IiIINd M.: 5e �� rA N Ii � iiOnce EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: November 14, 2019 AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Public Hearing An ordinance adding Chapter 9 of Title 9 of the El Segundo Municipal Code to establish regulations for wireless communication facilities in the public right-of-way. If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the regulations, the City Council will considerthe proposed ordinance at an upcoming meeting. (Environmental Assessment No. EA -1189 and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 17-03) RECOMMENDATION Adopt resolution recommending the City Council adopt the draft ordinance related to Wireless facilities in the public right-of-way, and recommending the City Council adopt the draft small wireless facility regulations by resolution. PREPARED BY: Gregg McClain, Planning Manager 041 APPROVED BY: Sam Lee, Planning and Building Safety Director BACKGROUND Since 1996, California cities are preempted from regulating various aspects of wireless communication facilities by both state and federal law. Cities cannot prohibit wireless facilities, unreasonably discriminate against wireless service providers, or regulate such facilities on the basis of radio frequency emissions to the extent those emissions comply with Federal Communication Commission (FCC) standards. On September 26, 2018, the FCC adopted a declaratory ruling which, among other things, creates a new regulatory classification for "small wireless facilities" (SWF). These are designed to accommodate fifth generation (5G) technology and wireless providers recently began to deploy 5G technology, primarily in the public rights-of-way. The FCC ruling is intended to facilitate the growth of SWFs and the corresponding deployment of 5G over a short period of time. It also requires state and local governments to process applications for SWFs within 60 days for attachments to existing structures or 90 days for new structures. These timelines are referred to as the "shot clocks." The FCC regulations also require cities to approve certain collocations at previously approved facilities and to allow for alterations to existing facilities if the modification is not considered a "substantial change" as defined under federal law. SWFs are primarily installed in public rights-of-way and can create concerns about traffic and pedestrian safety; land use conflicts and incompatibilities including the relative height of poles and towers; visual and aesthetic blight arising from cumulative number of SWFs as well as their individual physical characteristics; and the protection and preservation of public property, all of which may negatively impact the quality and character of the public health, safety and welfare. Regulating the installation of SWFs in the public right-of-ways is necessary to protect and preserve the safety as well as the aesthetics of the community. 33 The FCC Ruling sets forth new standards for state and local government regulations of SWFs and restricts the aesthetic requirements that may be imposed by local governments. Any aesthetic standard adopted by a local government must be (1) reasonable, (2) no more burdensome than those applied to other types of infrastructure deployments, and (3) objective and published in advance. Ad hoc standards are not enforceable. PROJECT DESCRIPTION These City initiated amendments to the EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) regulate wireless communications facilities specifically in the public right-of-way (PROW). Facilities on private property are already addressed in the ESMC. A new chapter in Title 9 is created by this draft ordinance that provides for procedures and standards that will be possible to process within the deadlines. Under the proposed ordinance, there are three types of wireless communication facility permits (WCFP) created, major, administrative, and ministerial. Major WCFPs are subject to Planning Commission review, administrative WCFPs are subject to the Public Works Director's review, and ministerial permits are processed by Public Works staff. All applications are major WCFPs unless they qualify as one of the other types. Administrative permits are determined by location, do not require an exception, and meet certain specified design and location criteria. Exceptions may be granted by the Planning Commission when strict adherence to the code will result in an effective prohibition of service. Location restrictions are spelled out in Section 9-9-4 of the draft ordinance and prevent administrative WCFPs in specified areas. SWFs are also evaluated through the administrative process. Any administrative application that requires an exception, or that the Director determines does not meet all of the criteria, will be automatically be converted to a major WCFP. Eligible facilities are a class of wireless facilities that are defined in the Code of Federal Regulations and are required by federal law to be processed ministerially, meaning without use of discretion by the approver. When an applicant presents an eligible facility application and identifies it as such, staff will approve it once verified that it is an eligible facility. Generally, these are modifications to existing sites that do not significantly change the physical dimensions of the tower. Specified colocation facilities also use ministerial approval processes pursuant to California law and are treated the same as eligible facilities. GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING CONSISTENCY: Pursuant to ESMC Title 15, Chapter 26 (Amendments), in order to recommend City Council approval of the proposed amendments, the Planning Commission must find that the amendments are necessary to carry out the general purpose of ESMC Title 15. The purpose of this Title (ESMC §15-1-1) is to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare and to provide economic and social advantages resulting from an orderly planned use of land resources. Planning staff believes that the Planning Commission can make the findings in order to recommend City Council approval of the proposed amendment. The findings are discussed in the proposed resolution. 2 34 ESMC Section 15-1-1 (Purpose, Title) states that Title 15 is the primary tool for implementation of the goals, objectives, and policies of the EI Segundo General Plan. Accordingly, the Planning Commission must find that the proposed zone text amendment is consistent with those goals, objectives, and policies. Planning staff believes that the Planning Commission can make the findings in order to recommend City Council approval of the proposed amendment. The findings are discussed in the proposed resolution. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed zone text amendment is categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 as a Class 1 (existing facilities), § 15303 as a Class 3 (new construction or conversion of small structures), § 15304 as a Class 4 (minor alteration to land), and does not constitute a "project" that requires environmental review in accordance with CEQA Guidelines § 15061(b)(3), because the proposed zone text amendment updates definitions and establishes comprehensive regulations for the development of various types of wireless communication facilities. ATTACHMENTS: A. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2878, recommending that the City Council approve the draft ordinance to regulate wireless facilities in the public right-of-way. B. Draft ordinance 3 35 RESOLUTION NO. 2878 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 9 AND 15 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE (ESMC) TO UPDATE DEFINITIONS AND ESTABLISH COMPREHENSIVE REGULATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF VARIOUS TYPES OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES. Environmental Assessment No. 1189 and Zone Text Amendment No. 17-03 The Planning Commission of the City of EI Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission finds and declares that: A. New legislation was adopted by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) and the State of California which changes laws in regard to the approval of certain wireless communication facilities; B. In response, the City initiated an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA -1189 and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 17-03 amending Title 9 and 15 of the Municipal Code (ESMC) to: (1) add Chapter 9 in Title 9 to establish regulations for siting wireless communication facilities in the public right-of-way, (2) update definitions in Section 15-1-6, and (3) delete and replace Chapter 15-19 in its entirety to establish regulations for the development of various types of wireless communication facilities throughout the City; C. The City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, etseq., "CEQA"), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, etseq., the "CEQA Guidelines"); D. On September 27, 2018, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the proposed amendment, including information provided to the Planning Commission by city staff and public testimony; and E. This Resolution and its findings are made based upon the evidence presented to the Commission at its September 27, 2018, hearing including the staff report submitted by the Planning and Building Safety Department. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The Planning Commission finds, without limitation, that the proposed ordinance adds Chapter 9 in Title 9 regulating wireless communication facilities in the public right-of-way, updates definitions in ESMC Section 15-1-6, and replaces in its entirety ESMC Chapter 15-19 regulating wireless communication facilities as follows: A. The City initiated the proposed amendments to the municipal code to make the regulations for wireless facilities consistent with the "FCC's" regulations under Section 6409(a) 100 and 47 C.F.R. § 1.40001, and California Government Code Section 65550.6, which was amended by Assembly Bill No. 2788, and California Senate Bill No. 649. B. California cities are preempted from regulating various aspects of wireless communication facility siting locations by both state and federal law. Cities cannot prohibit wireless facilities, unreasonably discriminate against wireless service providers, or regulate such facilities on the basis of radio frequency emissions to the extent those emissions comply with Federal Communication Commission standards. C. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations require cities to approve certain collocations at previously approved facilities and to allow for alterations to existing facilities if the modification is not considered a "substantial change" as defined under section 6409(a) rules 47 C.F.R. § 1.40001. D. The recent adopted federal rules apply to any type of wireless communication facility and the state of California adopted legislation that restricts the time in which cities have to review proposed installations and colocations. The new ordinance provisions are intended to remedy any conflict with Federal and State law. E. The proposed amendments facilitate the installation, collocation, modification, and maintenance of wireless communication facilities in the city, resulting in economic and social benefits for the community. F. The proposed amendments introduce various types of wireless communication facilities and each chapter describes the application requirements for each type of facility. G. The proposed amendments streamlines the review and approval of wireless communication facilities. It allows for an administrative review process for certain wireless facility improvement projects, consistent with federal and state regulations. SECTION 3: General Plan Findings. As required under Government Code Section 65860, the ESMC amendments proposed by the Ordinance are consistent with the EI Segundo General Plan as follows: A. The proposed project is consistent with the Land Use goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan. Specifically, the proposed project is consistent with Land Use Goal LU7, to provide the highest quality public facilities, services, and public infrastructure possible to the community. Allowing the construction and modifications to wireless communication facilities and associated equipment helps reduce coverage gaps in the City. B. The proposed ordinance is consistent with Land Use Element Policy LU7-1.7, because it establishes "standards for Wireless Communication Facilities, to regulate their location and design, to protect the public safety, general welfare, and quality of life in the City." 0A 37 C. The proposed ordinance is consistent with Public Safety Element Goal PS 7 because wireless communication facilities in the City help protect public health, safety, and welfare, and minimize loss of life, injury, property damage, and disruption of vital services, resulting from earthquakes, hazardous material incidents, and other natural and man-made disasters by expanding the wireless phone, internet and 911 service area and capacity. D. The proposed ordinance is consistent with Public Safety Element Policy PS 7-1.6 since it will continue to strengthen emergency communication systems and facilitate cooperation between the media and other emergency response agencies by expanding the wireless phone, internet and 911 service area and capacity. SECTION 4: Zone TextAmendment Findings. In accordance with ESMC Section 15-26-4 and based on the findings set forth in Section 2, the proposed zone text amendment is consistent with and necessary to carry out the general purpose of ESMC Title 15 as follows: A. The ordinance is consistent with the purpose of the ESMC, which is to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare and to provide the economic and social advantages resulting from an orderly planned use of land resources. B. The ordinance is necessary to ensure the orderly placement and maintenance of wireless communication facilities throughout the City. The intent of the ordinance is to update definitions, revise the design and development standards for wireless communication facilities, and streamline the review process so that it is in line with recent adopted Federal and State legislation. SECTION 5: Environmental Assessment. The proposed zone text amendment is categorically exempt from further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 2-1000, etseq., "CEQA") pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 as a Class 1 (existing facilities), § 15303 as a Class 3 (new construction or conversion of small structures), § 15304 as a Class 4 (minor alteration to land), and does not constitute a "project" that requires environmental review in accordance with CEQA Guidelines § 15061(b)(3), because the proposed zone text amendment updates definitions and establishes comprehensive regulations for the development of various types of wireless communication facilities. Therefore, the proposed Ordinance constitutes an action that does not have the potential to cause significant effects on the environment and no further environmental review is required. SECTION 6: Recommendation. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the ordinance in a form substantially similar to the draft attached as Exhibit A, which is incorporated into this resolution by reference. SECTION 7: Reliance On Record. Each and every one of the findings and determination in this Resolution are based on the competent and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings and determinations 3 MV constitute the independent findings and determinations of the Planning Commission in all respects and SECTION 8: Limitations. The Planning Commission's analysis and evaluation of the project is based on information available at the time of the decision. It is inevitable that in evaluating a project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the project will not exist. In all instances, best efforts have been made to form accurate assumptions. SECTION 9: This Resolution will remain effective until superseded by a subsequent resolution. SECTION 10: The Commission secretary is directed to mail a copy of this Resolution to any person requesting a copy. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of November, 2019. ATTEST: Sam Lee, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney By: David King, Assistant City Attorney Ryan Baldino, Chair City of EI Segundo Planning Commission Baldino - Newman - Hoeschler - Keldorf - Wingate - 0 39 EXHIBIT A ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 9 ENTITLED "WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- WAY" TO TITLE 9 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH COMPREHENSIVE REGULATIONS, STANDARDS, AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY The City Council of the city of EI Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. These amendments to the EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) regulate wireless communications facilities in the public right-of-way (PROW). The provisions in this ordinance facilitate the installation, collocation, modification, and maintenance of wireless communication facilities in the PROW within the city, resulting in economic and social benefits for the community; B. On November 14, 2019, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application, including information provided by city staff, and adopted Resolution No. 2878 recommending that the City Council approve the proposed ordinance; C. On December 3, 2019, the City Council held a public hearing and considered the information provided by City staff and public testimony regarding this ordinance; D. This ordinance and its findings are made based upon the entire administrative record including, testimony and evidence presented to the City Council at its December 3, 2019, hearing and the staff report submitted by the Public Works Department and the Planning and Building Safety Department. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The City Council finds that this ordinance adds Chapter 9 in Title 9 regulating wireless communication facilities in the public right-of-way: A. The City initiated the proposed amendments to the municipal code to make the regulations for wireless facilities consistent with Federal Communication Commission (FCC) regulations under Section 6409(a) and 47 C.F.R. § 1.60001, and California Government Code Section 65850.6, which was amended by Assembly Bill No. 2788, and California Senate Bill No. 649. 1 ME B. California cities are preempted from regulating various aspects of wireless communication facility siting locations by both state and federal law. Cities cannot prohibit wireless facilities, unreasonably discriminate against wireless service providers, or regulate such facilities on the basis of radio frequency emissions to the extent those emissions comply with FCC standards. C. FCC regulations require cities to approve certain collocations at previously approved facilities and to allow for alterations to existing facilities if the modification is not considered a "substantial change" as defined under federal law. D. This amendment facilitates the installation, collocation, modification, and maintenance of wireless communication facilities in the city, resulting in economic and social benefits for the community. E. On September 26, 2018, the FCC adopted a declaratory ruling and report and order (FCC Ruling) which, among other things, (1) creates a new regulatory classification for "small wireless facilities" (SWFs), (2) requires state and local governments to process applications for SWFs within 60 days for attachments to existing structures or 90 days for new structures (SWF Shot Clocks), (3) establishes a national standard for what constitutes an effective prohibition on wireless services, (4) provides that a failure to act within the applicable timeframe presumptively constitutes an effective prohibition, and (5) limits the fees that can be charged for the facilities. F. SWFs are designed to accommodate fifth generation (5G) technology. Wireless providers have recently begun to deploy 5G technology, primarily in the public rights-of-way. The FCC Ruling was adopted to reduce regulatory barriers to the deployment of wireless infrastructure and to ensure that the United States remains the leader in advanced wireless services and wireless technology. The FCC Ruling is intended to facilitate the growth of SWFs and the corresponding deployment of 5G technology over a short period of time. G. SWFs are primarily installed in public rights-of-way and, consequently, create concerns about traffic and pedestrian safety; land use conflicts and incompatibilities including the relative height of poles and towers; visual and aesthetic blight arising from cumulative number of SWFs as well as their individual physical characteristics and that of associated equipment; and the protection and preservation of public property, all of which may negatively impact the unique quality and character of the City and the public health, safety and welfare thereof. Regulating the installation of SWFs in the public right-of-ways is necessary to protect and preserve the safety of the community as well as the aesthetics of the community. H. The FCC Ruling sets forth new standards for state and local government regulations of SWFs and restricts the aesthetic requirements that may be imposed by local governments. Any aesthetic standard adopted by a local government must be (1) reasonable, (2) no more burdensome than those applied to other types of infrastructure deployments, and (3) objective and published in advance. Ad hoc standards are not enforceable. 2 I. Federal and state laws and regulations require the City to act on wireless communication facility applications within a very short timeframe. These shortened timeframes, or "shot clocks," require a streamlined process that prioritizes those aspects of the review process that are most necessary to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of the community are not adversely impacted. This ordinance creates a streamlined administrative review process for certain wireless facilities, consistent with federal and state regulations. SECTION 3: Environmental Assessment. The City Council finds that the ordinance is not a project within the meaning of Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. The ordinance does not authorize any specific development or installation of any equipment within the City's boundaries. The ordinance is further exempt from CEQA because adoption of the ordinance is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment (CEQA Guidelines, § 15061(b)(3)). Installations of wireless communications facilities, if any, generally would be exempt from CEQA review in accordance with either CEQA Guidelines § 15302 (replacement or reconstruction), § 15303 (new construction or conversion of small structures), and/or § 15304 (minor alterations to land). SECTION 4: Chapter 9 is added to Title 9 of the ESMC to read as follows: Chapter 9 Wireless Communications Facilities in the Public Right -of -Way 9-9-1 PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY The purpose and intent of this chapter is to provide a uniform and comprehensive set of regulations and standards for permitting, development, siting, installation, design, operation and maintenance of wireless communications facilities in the city's public right-of-ways (PROW). These regulations are intended to prescribe clear and reasonable criteria to assess and process applications in a consistent and expeditious manner, while reducing the impacts associated with wireless telecommunications facilities. This chapter provides standards necessary (1) for the preservation of the public right-of-ways in the city for the maximum benefit and use of the public, (2) to promote and protect public health and safety, community welfare, visual resources and the aesthetic quality of the city consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the general plan, and (3) to provide for the orderly, managed and efficient development of wireless communications facilities in accordance with the state and federal laws, rules and regulations. This chapter applies to the siting, construction, collocation, or modification of all wireless communication facilities in the public right-of-way (PROW). Siting and construction of wireless communication facilities on all other property are subject to the provisions in ESMC 15-19. 3 WA A. All facilities within the PROW permitted by the city after the effective date of this ordinance will be required to comply with all of the provisions of this chapter. B. All facilities within the PROW permitted by the city which obtained encroachment permits prior to the effective date of this ordinance will not be subject to all of the provisions of this chapter, or required to obtain a new permit, and will be deemed a nonconforming use subject to the provisions of Section 9-9-12 (Nonconforming Facilities). C. All PROW facilities, notwithstanding the date approved, shall be subject immediately to the provisions of this chapter governing operation and maintenance standards (Section 9-9-10) and removal and restoration upon revocation or abandonment (Section 9-9-11); provided, however, that in the event a condition of approval conflicts with a provision of this chapter, the condition of approval shall control until the permit is amended or revoked. D. This chapter does not apply to facilities owned and operated by the city for its use or to any entity legally entitled to an exemption pursuant to state or federal law or governing franchise agreement. E. Compliance with the provisions of this chapter does not relieve a person from compliance with any other applicable provision of this code. In the event of a conflict between any provision of this chapter and other sections of this code, this chapter shall control. F. If the City Attorney determines that state or federal law prohibits discretionary permitting requirements for certain wireless communications facilities, such requirement is deemed severable and all remaining regulations shall remain in full force and effect. For such facilities, a ministerial permit is required prior to the installation or modification of a wireless communications facility in lieu of a major wireless communications permit (and exception, if applicable). All otherwise applicable conditions of approval and requirements regarding the time, place and manner of access and operation shall apply to the extent permitted by state and federal law. Any determination by the City Attorney pursuant to this section shall be in writing. 9-9-2: DEFINITIONS For purposes of this chapter, the following words, terms, phrases and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. "Accessory equipment" means any equipment associated with the installation of a wireless communications facility, including but not limited to cabling, generators, fans, air conditioning units, electrical panels, equipment shelters, equipment cabinets, equipment buildings, pedestals, meters, vaults, splice boxes, and surface location markers. "Antenna" means that part of a wireless communications facility designed to radiate or receive radio frequency signals. 4 !KI "Cellular" means an analog or digital wireless communications technology that is based on a system of interconnected neighboring cell sites. "Code" means the EI Segundo Municipal Code. "Collocation," for purposes of an eligible facilities request, means the mounting or installation of transmission equipment on an eligible support structure for the purpose of transmitting and/or receiving radio frequency signal for communication purposes. For all other purposes, collocation means mounting or installing an antenna facility on a pre-existing structure; and/or modifying a structure for the purpose of mounting or installing an antenna facility on that structure. "COW" means a "cell on wheels," which is a wireless communications facility temporarily rolled in or temporarily installed. "Director" means the director of public works, or his or her designee. "Eligible facilities request" has the meaning set forth in 47 USC § 1455(a) and 47 CFR § 1,5100, as may be amended from time to time. "Eligible support structure" has the meaning set forth in 47 CFR § 1.6100, as may be amended from time to time. "Facility" means wireless communications facility. "Ground -mounted" means mounted to a telecommunications tower. "Modification" means a change to an existing wireless communications facility that involves any of the following: collocation, expansion, alteration, enlargement, intensification, reduction, or augmentation, including, but not limited to, changes in size, shape, color, visual design, or exterior material. "Modification" does not include repair, replacement or maintenance if those actions do not involve a change to the existing facility involving any of the following: collocation, expansion, alteration, enlargement, intensification, reduction, or augmentation. "Monopole" means a structure composed of a pole or tower used to support antennas or related equipment. A monopole also includes a monopine, monopalm and similar monopoles camouflaged to resemble trees or other faux objects attached on a monopole. "Mounted" means attached or supported. "Located within the public right-of-way" includes any facility which in whole or in part, itself or as part of another structure, rests upon, in, over or under the public right-of- way. 5 "Permittee" includes the applicant and all successors and assigns. "Pole" means a single shaft of wood, steel, concrete or other material capable of supporting the equipment therein and/or mounted thereon in a safe and adequate manner and as required by provisions of this code. "Public right-of-way" and "PROW" means any street, sidewalk, pedestrian path, bike path or any "public way" as defined in Streets and Highways Code section 18609 and any successor statute. "Small wireless facility" or "SWF" has the meaning set forth in 47 CFR § 1.6002, as may be amended or superseded. "Telecommunications tower" or "tower" means a freestanding mast, pole, monopole, guyed tower, lattice tower, free standing tower or other structure designed and primarily used to support wireless communications facility antennas. "Utility pole" means any pole or tower owned by any utility company that is primarily used to support wires or cables necessary to the provision of electrical or other utility services regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. "Wireless communications facility," "facility" or "facilities" mean any facility that transmits and/or receives electromagnetic waves. It includes, but is not limited to, antennas and/or other types of equipment for the transmission or receipt of such signals, telecommunications towers or similar structures supporting such equipment, related accessory equipment, equipment buildings, parking areas, and other accessory development. The term "wireless telecommunications facility" does not apply to the following: 1. Government owned and operated communications facilities. 2. Emergency medical care provider -owned and operated communications facilities. 3. Mobile services providing public information coverage of news events of a temporary nature. 4. Any wireless communications facilities exempted from this code by federal law or state law. "Wireless communications services" means the provision of services using a wireless communications facility or a wireless communications collocation facility, and shall include, but not limited to, the following services: personal wireless services as defined in the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 at 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(7)(C) or its successor statute, cellular service, personal communication service, and/or data radio telecommunications. 9-9-3: PERMIT REVIEW PROCESSES A. Major Wireless Communications Facilities Permit (Major WCFP). All new wireless facilities or collocations or modifications to existing wireless facilities shall require a major wireless communications facilities permit subject to planning commission approval unless otherwise provided for in this chapter. B. Administrative Wireless Communications Facilities Permit. 1. An administrative wireless communications facilities permit, subject to the director's approval, may be issued for new facilities or collocations or modifications to existing facilities that meet all the following criteria: a. The proposed facility is located in any area identified in Section 9-9-4 (Location Restrictions) for administrative permitting; b. The proposed facility complies with all applicable provisions in this chapter without need for an exception pursuant to Section 9-9-5 (Exceptions); C. The proposed facility is on a new pole that replaces an existing utility pole and is located within 10 feet of, and is no taller than, the utility pole being replaced. The diameter of the replacement pole may not be more than 20% larger than the utility pole it replaces at any point along the pole; and d. If the proposed facility is a new facility that includes a new communications tower and the proposed communications tower is no taller than the tallest utility pole within 100 feet in either direction along the right-of-way, or 45 feet, whichever is shorter. If the City Attorney determines that state or federal law prohibits or otherwise limits the height restrictions in this subparagraph, the director may approve the facility notwithstanding the height restriction, provided the height of proposed communication tower is restricted to the maximum extent practicable and to the maximum extent allowed by law, and further provided the facility meets all other applicable criteria. 2. In the event that the director determines that an application for an administrative wireless communications facilities permit does not meet the criteria set forth in this subparagraph, the director shall convert the application to a major wireless communications facilities permit application and refer it to the planning commission. The applicant must pay any additional applicable fees associated with a major wireless permit application within 10 business days of the director giving notice of the conversion of the application. C. Ministerial Permit 1. Eligible Facilities. 7 i, a. Eligible facilities requests require a ministerial permit issued by the director in lieu of a discretionary permit, and will be processed pursuant to the requirements of 47 USC § 1455(a) and 47 CFR § 1.6100, as may be amended from time to time. b. The applicant bears the burden of asserting rights under 47 USC § 1455(a) and 47 CFR § 1.6100 and any application filed for an eligible facilities request must prominently state that the application is for an "Eligible Facilities Request" and must include all facts and information necessary for the director to ensure that the proposed facility qualifies as an eligible facility. C. All conditions of approval set forth in section 9-9-9 will apply to eligible facilities unless, in the opinion of the City Attorney, state or federal law precludes imposition of the condition. Specified Collocation Facilities. a. A collocation facility that meets the requirements of Government Code section 65850.6, as amended from time to time, requires a ministerial permit issued by the director, in lieu of discretionary permit. b. For purposes of this subsection, "collocation facility" has the meaning set forth in Government Code section 65850.6, as may be amended from time to time. C. The applicant bears the burden of establishing that the proposed facility qualifies as a collocation facility subject to nondiscretionary approval under Government Code section 65850.6 and any application filed for a Section 65850.6 collocation facility must prominently state that the application is for a "Section 65860.6 Collocation Facility" and must include all facts and information necessary for the director to ensure that the proposed facility qualifies as a Section 65850.6 collocation facility. d. All conditions of approval set forth in section 9-9-9 will apply to collocation facilities unless, in the opinion of the City Attorney, state or federal law precludes imposition of the condition. D. Special Provisions for SWFs; SWF Regulations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, all SWFs are subject to an administrative permit as specified in the SWF Regulations adopted by resolution of the City Council and as amended from time to time. The SWF Regulations are intended to supplement the terms of this chapter. The general terms of this chapter shall apply to SWFs unless a more specific term is set forth in the SWF Regulations, in which case the more specific term of the SWF Regulations shall control. M E. Notice; Decisions. The provisions in this subsection describe the procedures for approval and any required notice and public hearings for an application. 1. Planning Commission Hearings. Any permit application under this chapter subject to planning commission approval shall require notice and a public hearing. Notice of such hearing shall be provided in accordance with Title 15, Chapter 27. The planning commission may approve, or conditionally approve, an application only after it makes the findings required in Section 9-9-5 (Findings). 2. Director's Decision Notice. The director may approve, or conditionally approve, an application only after making the findings required in Section 9-9-5 (Findings). The director's determination must be in writing. 3. Notice of Shot Clock Expiration. The city acknowledges there are federal and state "shot clocks" which may be applicable to a proposed wireless communications facility. That is, federal and state law provide time periods within which the city must approve or deny an application for a wireless communications facility. As such, the applicant is required to provide the city written notice of the expiration of any shot clock, which the applicant must ensure is received by the city no later than 20 days prior to the expiration. The applicant must provide such notice by a means reasonably calculated to be received by the city within 24 hours of being dispatched (e.g., overnight mail with delivery confirmation or personal delivery). 4. Written Decision Required. All final decisions made pursuant to this chapter shall be in writing and based on substantial evidence in the written administrative record. The written decision shall include the reasons for the decision. 5. Appeals. Any aggrieved person or entity may appeal a decision by the director or the planning commission as provided in accordance with the provisions in Title 15, Chapter 25. Appeals are reviewed de novo. For SWFs, the appeal shall be conducted in accordance with any applicable procedures adopted in the SWF Regulations. 6. Administrative WCFP Appeals. Any aggrieved person or entity may appeal the director's decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny an Administrative WCFP. The appeal will be considered by the City Council. Appeals are reviewed de novo and the decision of the City Council will be the final decision of the City. An appeal by a wireless infrastructure provider must be taken jointly with the wireless service provider that intends to use the wireless facility. Because federal law preempts local decisions premised on the environmental effects of radio frequency (RF) emissions, appeals of the administrative decision premised on the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions will not be considered. a. Appeals must be in writing, filed with the director, and must detail all of the reasons for the appeal. Emailed appeals are not acceptable. The appeal 0 MWI must be accompanied by payment of the applicable appeal fee as established by resolution of the City Council. b. An appeal of an Administrative WCFP must be filed within four business days of notice of the administrative decision. Any appeal must be conducted so that a timely written decision may be issued in accordance with applicable law. For SWFs, the appeal shall be conducted in accordance with any applicable procedures adopted in the SWF Regulations. F. Other Permits Required. In addition to any permit that may be required under this chapter, the applicant must obtain an encroachment permit and all other permits or approvals required by other city departments, or state or federal agencies. Any permit granted under this chapter is subject to the conditions and/or requirements of other required permits or other approvals from other city departments, and state or federal agencies. G. Eligible Applicants. Only applicants who have been granted the right to enter the public right-of-way pursuant to state or federal law, or who have entered into a franchise or other agreement with the city permitting them to use the public right-of-way, are eligible for a permit to install or modify a wireless communications facility or a wireless communications collocation facility in the public right-of-way. H. Speculative Equipment Prohibited. The city finds that the practice of "pre -approving" wireless equipment or other improvements that an applicant does not presently intend to install but may wish to install at some undetermined future time does not serve the public's best interest. The city cannot approve any equipment or other improvements in connection with a wireless telecommunications facility permit when the applicant does not actually and presently intend to install such equipment or construct such improvements. I. A COW shall be permitted for the duration of an emergency declared by the city, county or state, or at the discretion of the director. 9-9-4: LOCATION RESTRICTIONS A. Facilities requiring a major wireless communications permit. 1. Located along the following street segments: a. Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), entire length; b. Imperial Highway, PCH to Aviation Boulevard; c. EI Segundo Boulevard, Illinois Street to Aviation Boulevard; d. Rosecrans Avenue, PCH to Aviation; 10 Wo e. Main Street, EI Segundo Boulevard to Oak Avenue; f. Richmond Street, EI Segundo Boulevard to Holly Avenue; g. Grand Avenue, Richmond Street to Standard Street. 2. Adjacent to city parks or designated open space. 3. Anywhere within the coastal zone. 4. Anywhere within the city when an administrative wireless permit is not allowed due to not satisfying the design criteria of section 9-9-7, the conditions set forth in section 9-9-9. B. Facilities requiring an administrative wireless communications permit. Anywhere within the city, except as described in section A above, when the criteria in section 9-9-7 are met. 9-9-5: EXCEPTIONS A. The city council recognizes that federal law prohibits a permit denial when it would effectively prohibit the provision of personal wireless services (as defined in 47 USC § 332(c)(7)(C)(i)) and the applicant proposes the least intrusive means of remedying a service gap. The city council finds that, due to wide variation among wireless facilities, technical service objectives and changed circumstances overtime, a limited exemption for proposals in which strict compliance with this chapter would effectively prohibit personal wireless services serves the public interest. The city council further finds that circumstances in which an effective prohibition may occur are extremely difficult to discern, and that specified findings to guide the analysis promotes clarity and the city's legitimate interest in well-planned wireless facilities deployment in the public right-of-way. Therefore, in the event that any applicant asserts that strict compliance with any provision in this chapter, as applied to a specific proposed personal wireless services facility, would effectively prohibit the provision of personal wireless services, the planning commission may grant a limited exemption from strict compliance subject to the provisions in this section. B. Required Findings. The planning commission cannot grant any exception unless the applicant demonstrates all the following: 1. The proposed wireless facility qualifies as a "personal wireless services facility" as defined in United States Code, Title 47, section 332(c)(7)(C)(ii); 2. The applicant has provided the city with a clearly defined technical service objective and a clearly defined potential site search area; 3. The applicant has provided the city with a meaningful comparative analysis that includes the factual reasons why any alternative location(s) or design(s) suggested by 11 50 the city or otherwise identified in the administrative record, including but not limited to potential alternatives identified at any public meeting or hearing, are not technically feasible or potentially available; and 4. The applicant has provided the city with a meaningful comparative analysis that includes the factual reasons why the proposed location and design deviates is the least noncompliant location and design necessary to reasonably achieve the applicant's reasonable technical service objectives. C. Scope. An exemption may be allowed only to the extent necessary for the applicant to reasonably achieve its technical service objectives. The planning commission may impose conditions of approval as necessary to promote the purposes in this chapter and protect the public health, safety and welfare. D. Independent Consultant. The city shall have the right to hire, at the applicant's expense, an independent consultant to evaluate issues raised by the proposed exception and to submit recommendations and evidence in response to the application. 9-9-6: APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. All Applications 1. In addition to the information required of an applicant for an encroachment permit or any other permit required by this code, each applicant requesting approval of the installation or modification of a wireless communications facility in the public right- of-way shall fully and completely submit to the city a written application on a form prepared by the director. 2. If a wireless communication facility will require installation of fiber or other cable in the right-of-way, the two components are considered to be one project and the fiber/cable component must be included in the application for the wireless communication facility permit. The fiber/cable component may not be separated from the facility that it serves for permitting purposes. B. Application Contents. The director shall develop an application form and make it available upon request. The application form for a new wireless communications facility installation in the public right-of-way shall require the following information, in addition to all other information determined necessary by the director: 1. The name, address and telephone number of the applicant, owner and the operator of the proposed facility. 2. If the applicant is an agent, the applicant must provide a duly executed letter of authorization from the owner of the facility. If the owner will not directly provide 12 51 wireless communications services, the applicant must provide a duly executed letter of authorization from the person or entity that will provide those services. 3. If the facility will be located on or in the property of someone other than the owner of the facility (such as a street light pole, street signal pole, utility pole, utility cabinet, vault, or cable conduit), the applicant must provide a duly executed written authorization from the property owner(s) authorizing the placement of the facility on or in the property owner's property. 4. A written description of the proposed facility and its purpose. 5. Detailed engineering plans of the proposed facility and related report prepared by a professional structural engineer registered in California evidencing the structural integrity of the pole or other supporting structure. 6. For applications seeking a new pole, a justification study which includes the rationale for selecting the proposed site and configuration of the new pole; if applicable, a detailed explanation of the coverage gap that the proposed facility would serve; and how the proposed facility is the least intrusive means for the applicant to provide wireless service. The study must discuss all existing structures and poles evaluated for potential installation of the proposed facility and explain why said alternatives are not a viable option. 7. Site plan to scale, specifying and depicting the exact proposed location of the pole, pole diameter, antennas, accessory equipment, access or utility easements, landscaped areas, existing utilities, and adjacent land uses. 8. Scaled elevation plans of proposed poles, antennas, accessory equipment, and related landscaping. 9. If applicable, a completed environmental assessment application. 10. If the applicant requests an exception to the requirements of this chapter (in accordance with Section 9-9-5 (Exceptions)), the applicant must provide all information and studies necessary for the city to evaluate the request. 11. For a facility that is not categorically excluded under the FCC regulations for RF emissions, the applicant must submit an RF exposure compliance report prepared and certified by an RF engineer acceptable to the city that certifies that the proposed facility, as well as any facilities that contribute to the cumulative exposure in the subject area, will comply with applicable federal RF exposure standards and exposure limits. The RF report must include the actual frequency and power levels (in watts effective radio power ERP) for all existing and proposed antennas at the site and exhibits that show the location and orientation of all transmitting antennas and the boundaries of areas with RF exposures in excess of the uncontrolled/general population limit (as that term is 13 52 defined by the FCC) and also the boundaries of areas with RF exposures in excess of the controlled/occupational limit (as that term is defined by the FCC). Each such boundary shall be clearly marked and identified for every transmitting antenna at the project site. The RF report must also indicate whether the facility will be categorically excluded, as that term is used by the FCC, using the radio frequency (RF) emissions exposure guidelines checklist contained in Appendix A to the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) "A Local Government Official's Guide to Transmitting Antenna RF Emission Safety." 12. A traffic control plan when the proposed installation will involve the placement of equipment within any street. 13. Certification that applicant is a telephone corporation or a statement providing the basis for its claimed right to enter the right-of-way. If the applicant has a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) issued by the California Public Utilities Commission, it must provide a copy of its CPCN. 14. If the applicant believes that one or more federal or state "shot clocks" limits the amount of time within which the city must act on the application, the completed application must prominently indicate the applicable shot clock time period (including both the total number of days in the shot clock period and the last date of the shot clock period), the applicable statute or regulation that establishes the shot clock, and the reasons why the applicant believes the shot clock applies. 15. An application fee, and a deposit for a consultant's review as set forth in paragraph G of this section in an amount set by resolution by the city council. 16. If the application is for a SWF, the application must so state and must detail why the proposed facility meets the definition of a SWF. The application also must contain all additional information required by the SWF Regulations. 17. Any other information and/or studies determined necessary by the director may be required. C. Application Contents—Modification of Existing Facility. The content of the application form for a modification to an existing facility that does not qualify as an eligible facilities request shall be determined by the director. D. Application Contents --Eligible Facilities Requests. When an applicant asserts in writing that a request for modification qualifies as an eligible facilities request for modification of an eligible support structure that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such structure, the applicant need only provide documentation or information reasonably necessary for the director to determine whether the request is a qualifying eligible facilities request. The content of the application form for an eligible facilities request shall be determined by the director. 14 53 E. SWF applications will be governed by any additional terms set forth in the SWF Regulations, and in the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this section and the terms of the SWF Regulations, the SWF Regulations will control. F. Effect of State or Federal Law Change. In the event a subsequent state or federal law prohibits the collection of any information required by 9-9-6, the director is authorized to omit, modify or add to that request from the city's application form after consultation with the City Attorney. G. Independent Expert. The director is authorized to retain on behalf of the city an independent, qualified consultant to review any application for a permit for a wireless communications facility. The review is intended to be a review of technical aspects of the proposed wireless communications facility and may address any or all of the following: 1. Compliance with applicable radio frequency emission standards; The applicability of analysis techniques and methodologies; 3. Any other specific technical issues identified by the consultant or designated by the city. The cost of this review must be paid by the applicant through a deposit pursuant to an adopted fee schedule. No permit can be issued to any applicant that has not fully reimbursed the city for the cost of the consultant. H. A permit or approval granted pursuant to this chapter does not confer any exclusive right, privilege, license or franchise to occupy or use the public right-of-way of the city for any purpose whatsoever. Furthermore, no permit or approval granted pursuant to this chapter shall be construed as a guarantee or warranty of title. 9-9-7: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Unless otherwise specified, all wireless communications facilities located within the public right-of-way must be planned, designed, located, and erected in accordance with the following: A. General Guidelines. All small wireless facilities (SWF) must designed and built in accordance with the SWF Regulations adopted by resolution of the City Council. 2. Within or adjacent to areas zoned R-1 and R-2, and the Downtown Specific Plan: The applicant must employ screening, undergrounding and camouflage techniques in the design and placement of wireless communications facilities in order to ensure that the facility is as visually screened as 1s 54 possible, to prevent the facility from dominating the surrounding area and to minimize view impacts from surrounding properties all in a manner that achieves compatibility with the community. b. Screening must be designed to be compatible with surrounding structures using appropriate techniques to camouflage, disguise, and/or blend into the environment, including landscaping, color, and other techniques to minimize the facility's visual impact in terms of size, proportion, style, and quality. 3. All other areas. The applicant must employ techniques in the design and placement of wireless communications facilities in order to ensure that the facility is as visually compatible with surroundings. B. Traffic Safety. All facilities must be designed and located in such a manner as to avoid adverse impacts on traffic safety. C. Blending Methods. All facilities must have appropriate colors and non -reflective materials that blend with or complement the materials and colors of the surrounding area and structures. D. Equipment. The applicant must use the least visible equipment possible. When practicable, antenna mounts must be designed so as not to preclude possible future collocation by the same or other operators or carriers. Poles. 1. Facilities shall be located consistent with Section 9-9-4 (Location Restrictions) unless an exception pursuant to Section 9-9-5 (Exceptions) is granted. 2. Only pole -mounted antennas are permitted in the right-of-way; all other communications towers are prohibited. No new wireless communication poles are permitted in the public right-of-way unless the pole is replacing an existing pole or an exception is granted pursuant to Section 9-9-5 (Exceptions) or Section 9-9-1(F)(State or Federal Restrictions on Discretionary Authority). 3. Utility Pales. The maximum height of any antenna must not exceed four feet above the height of an existing utility pole, nor may any portion of the antenna or equipment mounted on a pole be less than 24 feet above any drivable road surface. All installations on utility poles must fully comply with the California Public Utilities Commission general orders, including, but not limited to, General Order 95, as may be revised or superseded. 4. Light Poles. The maximum height of any antenna must not exceed four feet above the existing height of a light pole. No portion of the antenna or equipment mounted on a pole shall be less than 16 and 1/2 feet above any drivable road surface. 16 55 5. Replacement Poles. If an applicant proposes to replace a pole in order to accommodate a proposed facility, the pole must be designed to resemble the appearance and dimensions of existing poles near the proposed location, including size, height, color, materials and style to the maximum extent practicable. Alternatively, the director may require the pole to be designed to achieve a look or character specified by the director. 6. Pole -mounted equipment, exclusive of antennas, may not exceed six cubic feet in dimension. 7. Unless otherwise allowed pursuant to this chapter, an exception is required to place a new pole in the public right-of-way. If an exception is granted for placement of new poles in the right-of-way: a. New poles must be designed to resemble existing poles in the right-of-way near that location, including size, height, color, materials and style, with the exception of any existing pole designs that are scheduled to be removed and not replaced. Alternatively, the director may require the pole to be designed to achieve a look or character specified by the director. b. To the extent feasible, new wireless communication poles that are not replacement poles must be located at least 100 feet from any other wireless communication pole located along the same side of the public right-of-way. This minimum spacing requirement will not apply if the applicant demonstrates that compliance with the requirement would have the effect of materially inhibiting wireless service. c. A new pole justification analysis shall be submitted to demonstrate why existing infrastructure cannot be utilized and demonstrating the new pole is the least intrusive means possible including a demonstration that the new pole is designed to be the minimum functional height and width required to support the proposed facility. B. All cables, including, without limitation, electrical and utility cables, must be run inside the pole and hidden to the fullest extent feasible. For all wooden poles wherein interior installation is infeasible, conduit and cables attached to the exterior of the pole must be mounted flush thereto. F. Space. Each facility must be designed to occupy the least amount of space practicable in the right-of-way. G. Wind Loads. Each facility must be properly engineered to withstand wind loads as required by this code or any duly adopted or incorporated code. An evaluation of high wind load capacity must include the impact of modifications to an existing facility. 17 M H. Obstructions. Each component part of a facility shall be located so as not to (1) cause any physical or visual obstruction to pedestrian or vehicular traffic, (2) interfere with any ADA accessibility standards, or (3) incommode the public's use of the right-of-way. I. Public Facilities. No facility in the public right-of-way may be located or operated in a manner that interferes with access to a fire hydrant, fire station, fire escape, water valve, underground vault, valve housing structure, or any other public health or safety facility. J. Screening. All ground -mounted facilities, pole -mounted equipment, and any screening must be installed at least 18 inches from the curb and gutter flow line. K. Accessory Equipment. Not including the electric meter, all accessory equipment must be located within the pole or underground unless the director determines that there is no room in the public right-of-way for undergrounding, or that undergrounding is not feasible. An exception is required to place accessory equipment above ground. L. Landscaping. Unless otherwise expressly authorized in a permit, each facility must be installed so as to maintain existing landscaping on the site, including trees, foliage and shrubs. Any landscaping that is removed or damaged during the construction of the facility must be replaced to the satisfaction of the director. M. Noise. Backup generators may only be operated during periods of power outages, and may not be tested on weekends or holidays, or between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. N. Security. Each facility shall be designed to be resistant to, and minimize opportunities for, unauthorized access, climbing, vandalism, graffiti and other conditions that would result in hazardous situations, visual blight or attractive nuisances. O. The installation and construction approved by a wireless communications facility permit must begin within one year after its approval or the permit will expire without further action by the city. P. SWF Design and Development Standards. SWFs are subject to those design and development standards and conditions of approval set forth in the SWF Regulations. 9-9-8: FINDINGS No permit can be granted for a wireless communications facility unless all of the following findings are made by the decision-making authority: A. All notices required for the proposed installation have been given. B. The proposed facility complies with all applicable provisions of this chapter. 18 57 C. If applicable, the applicant has demonstrated its inability to locate on existing infrastructure. D. The applicant has provided sufficient evidence supporting the applicant's claim that it has the right to enter the public right-of-way pursuant to state or federal law, or the applicant has entered into a franchise or other agreement with the city permitting it to use the public right-of-way. E. The proposed installation will not interfere with the use of the public right-of-way, existing subterranean infrastructure, or the City's plans for modification or use of such location and infrastructure. 9-9-9: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to compliance with the design and development standards outlined in this chapter, all facilities are subject to the following conditions of approval (even in those cases where approval occurs by operation of law), as well as any modification of these conditions or additional conditions of approval deemed necessary by the director at the time of the approval: A. The permittee must submit contact information on a form to be supplied by the city. The permittee must notify the city of any changes to the contact information within seven days of any change, including a change of the name or legal status of the owner or operator. This information must include, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Identity, including the name, address and 24-hour local or toll free contact phone number of the permittee, the owner, the operator, and the agent or person responsible for the maintenance of the facility. 2. The legal status of the owner of the wireless communications facility. B. The permittee must notify the city in writing at least 90 days prior to any transfer or assignment of the permit. The written notice required in this section must include: (1) the transferee's legal name; (2) the transferee's full contact information, including a primary contact person, mailing address, telephone number and email address; and (3) a statement signed by the transferee that the transferee accepts all permit terms and conditions. The director may require the transferor and/or the transferee to submit any materials or documentation necessary to determine that the proposed transfer complies with the existing permit and all its conditions of approval. Such materials or documentation may include, without limitation: federal, state and/or local approvals, licenses, certificates or franchise agreements; statements; photographs; site pians and/or as -built drawings; and/or an analysis by a qualified radio frequency engineer demonstrating compliance with all applicable regulations and standards of the Federal Communications Commission. Noncompliance with the permit and all its conditions of approval, or the failure to submit the materials required by the director shall be a cause for the city to revoke the applicable permits pursuant to and following the 19 procedure set on in Section 9-9-11 (Removal and Restoration Upon Revocation or Abandonment). C. At all times, all required notices and/or signs must be posted on the site as required by the Federal Communications Commission, California Public Utilities Commission, any applicable licenses or laws. The location and dimensions of a sign bearing the emergency contact name and telephone number must be posted pursuant to the approved plans. D. Permittee must furnish a performance bond or other form of security approved by the City Attorney's office, which must be in effect until the facilities are fully and completely removed and the site returned to its original condition, to guarantee permittee's obligations under these conditions of approval and this code. The security instrument's coverage must include, without limitation, removal of the facility. The amount of the security instrument shall be calculated by the applicant in its submittal documents in an amount sufficient to guarantee the obligations covered by the bond. The security instrument must be submitted to the city before issuance of any building permit. E. The wireless communications facility shall be subject to such conditions, changes or limitations as are from time to time deemed necessary by the director for the purpose of: (a) protecting the public health, safety, and welfare; (b) preventing interference with pedestrian and vehicular traffic; and/or (c) preventing damage to the public right-of-way or any adjacent property. The city may modify the permit to reflect such conditions, changes or limitations by following the same notice and public hearing procedures as are applicable to the underlying permit for similarly located facilities, except the permittee shall be given notice by personal service or by registered or certified mail at the last address provided to the city by the permittee. F. The permittee shall not transfer the permit to any person prior to the completion of the construction of the facility covered by the permit, unless and until the transferee of the permit has submitted the security instrument required by Section 9-9-9(D). G. The permittee must not move, alter, temporarily relocate, change, or interfere with any existing structure, improvement or property without the prior consent of the owner of that structure, improvement or property. No structure, improvement or property owned by the city shall be moved to accommodate a wireless communications facility unless the city, in its sole discretion, determines that such movement will not adversely affect the city or any surrounding businesses or residents, and the permittee pays all costs and expenses related to the relocation of the city's structure, improvement or property. Prior to commencement of any work pursuant to an encroachment permit issued for any facility within the public right-of-way, the permittee must provide the city with documentation establishing to the city's satisfaction that the permittee has the legal right to use or interfere with any other structure, improvement or property within the public right-of-way to be affected by applicant's facilities. H. The permittee must assume full liability for damage or injury caused to any property or person by the facility. ZO 59 I. The permittee must repair, at its sole cost and expense, any damage including, but not limited to subsidence, cracking, erosion, collapse, weakening, or loss of lateral support to city streets, sidewalks, walks, curbs, gutters, trees, parkways, street lights, traffic signals, improvements of any kind or nature, or utility lines and systems, underground utility line and systems, or sewer systems and sewer lines that result from any activities performed in connection with the installation and/or maintenance of a wireless communications facility in the public right-of-way. The permittee must restore such areas, structures and systems to the condition in which they existed prior to the installation or maintenance activity that necessitated the repairs. The permittee must complete such repair within the number of days stated on a written notice by the city engineer. The time allotted for corrective action will be based on the facts and circumstances, danger to the community and severity of the disrepair, as determined by the city engineer in his/her sole discretion. Should the permittee not complete the corrective action within the time period allotted the city engineer, the city may cause such repair to be completed at permittee's sole cost and expense. 1. No facility can be permitted to be installed in the drip line of any tree in the public right- of-way. K. Insurance. The permittee must obtain and maintain in full force and effect, until the facility approved by the permit is removed in its entirety from the public right-of-way, an insurance policy or policies of public liability insurance, with minimum limits of $2,000,000 for each occurrence and $4,000,000 in the aggregate, that fully protects the city from claims and suits for bodily injury and property damage. The insurance must name the city and its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, consultants, employees and volunteers as additional named insureds, be issued by an insurer admitted in the State of California with a rating of at least a A:VII in the latest edition of A.M. Best's Insurance Guide, and include an endorsement providing that the policies cannot be canceled or reduced except with thirty (30) days prior written notice to the city. The insurance provided by permittee must be primary to any coverage available to the city, and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the city shall be in excess of permittee's insurance and shall not contribute with it. The policies of insurance required by this permit must include provisions for waiver of subrogation. In accepting the benefits of this permit, permittee hereby waives all rights of subrogation against the city and its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, consultants, employees and volunteers. The insurance must afford coverage for the permittee's and the wireless provider's use, operation and activity, vehicles, equipment, facility, representatives, agents and employees, as determined by the city's risk manager. Before issuance of any building permit for the facility, the permittee shall furnish the city's risk manager with certificates of insurance and endorsements, in the form satisfactory to the City Attorney or the risk manager, evidencing the coverage required by the city. L. Permittee must defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless city, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, consultants, employees, and volunteers from and against any and all claims, actions, or proceeding against the city, and/or its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, consultants, employees, and volunteers to attack, set aside, void or 21 Me annul, an approval of the city, planning commission or city council concerning this permit and/or the project. Such indemnification shall include damages of any type, judgments, settlements, penalties, fines, defensive costs or expenses, including, without limitation, interest, attorneys' fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind related to or arising from such claim, action, or proceeding. The city shall promptly notify the permittee of any claim, action, or proceeding. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit city from participating in a defense of any claim, action or proceeding. The city shall have the option of coordinating the defense, including, without limitation, choosing its counsel after consulting with permittee and at permittee's expense. M. Additionally, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the permittee, and every permittee and person in a shared permit, jointly and severally, must defend, indemnify, protect and hold the city and its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, consultants, employees and volunteers harmless from and against all claims, suits, demands, actions, losses, liabilities, judgments, settlements, costs (including, but not limited to, attorney's fees, interest and expert witness fees), or damages claimed by third parties against the city for any injury claim, and for property damage sustained by any person, arising out of, resulting from, or are in any way related to the wireless communications facility, or to any work done by, or use of the public right-of-way by, the permittee, owner or operator of the wireless communications facility, or their agents, excepting only liability arising out of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the city and its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, consultants, employees and volunteers. N. Should the utility company servicing the facility have the ability to offer electrical service that does not require the use of an above -ground meter cabinet, the permittee must, at its sole cost and expense, remove the meter cabinet and any related foundation within 90 days of such service being offered and restore the area to its prior condition. An extension may be granted by the director if he or she finds good cause therefor. 0. Relocation. The permittee must modify, remove, or relocate its facility, or portion thereof, without cost or expense to city, if and when made necessary by (i) any public improvement project, including, but not limited to, the construction, maintenance, or operation of any underground or above -ground facilities including, without limitation, sewers, storm drains, conduits, gas, water, electric or other utility systems, or pipes owned by city or any other public agency, (ii) any abandonment of any street, sidewalk or other public right-of-way, (iii) any change of grade, alignment or width of any street, sidewalk or other public right-of- way, or (iv) a determination by the director that the wireless communications facility has become incompatible with public health, safety or welfare or the public's use of the public right-of-way. Such modification, removal, or relocation of the facility must be completed within 90 days of notification by city unless, in the opinion of the director, exigent circumstances dictate a shorter period for removal or relocation. Modification or relocation of the facility shall require submittal, review and approval of a modified permit pursuant to the code including applicable notice and hearing procedures. The permittee shall be entitled, on permittee's election, to either a pro -rata refund of fees paid for the original permit or to a new permit, 22 61 without additional fee, at a location as close to the original location as the standards set forth in the code allow. In the event the facility is not modified, removed, or relocated within the prescribed period of time, city may cause the same to be done at the sole cost and expense of permittee. Further, if exigent circumstances so require, including those of immediate or imminent threat to the public's health and safety, the city may modify, remove, or relocate wireless communications facilities without prior notice to permittee provided permittee is notified within a reasonable period thereafter. P. Permittee must agree in writing that the permittee is aware of, and agrees to abide by, all conditions of approval imposed by the wireless communications facility permit. No building permit for a wireless communications facility can be issued until a signed affidavit of acceptance of conditions is filed with the city. Q. Prior to the issuance of any encroachment permit, permittee may be required to enter into a right-of-way agreement with the city in accordance with the city's past practice. 9-9-10: OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE STANDARDS A. All wireless communications facilities must comply with the following operation and maintenance standards at all times: B. Unless otherwise provided herein, all necessary repairs and restoration must be completed by the permittee, owner, operator or any designated maintenance agent within 48 hours: 1. After discovery of the need by the permittee, owner, operator or any designated maintenance agent; or 2. After permittee, owner, operator or any designated maintenance agent receives notification from the city. C. All facilities, including, but not limited to, communication towers, poles, accessory equipment, cabinets and the facility site must be maintained in good condition, including ensuring the facilities are reasonably free of: General dirt and grease; 2. Chipped, faded, peeling, and cracked paint; 3. Rust and corrosion; 4. Cracks, dents, and discoloration; 5. Graffiti, bills, stickers, advertisements, litter and debris; 23 M 6. Broken and misshapen structural parts; and 7. Any visible damage from any cause. D. Each facility must be operated and maintained in compliance with all conditions of approval. E. No person shall install, operate or maintain any facility which in whole or in part rests upon, in or over any public right-of-way when such installation, operation or maintenance endangers or is reasonably likely to endanger the safety of persons or property. No facility located in or over the public right-of-way may be installed, operated, or maintained in a manner that interferes with a public utility, public transportation, a governmental use, ingress/egress to any residence or place of business, or any traffic sign or signal, fire hydrant, mailbox, permitted sidewalk use (e.g., outdoor dining), or permitted street furniture. 9-9-1.1: REMOVAL AND RESTORATION UPON REVOCATION OR ABANDONMENT A. Cessation of use or Abandonment: A permittee must notify the director of the intent to vacate a site at least 30 days prior to the vacation. The permit for any facility that is not operated for a continuous period of 180 days shall be deemed lapsed and the facility considered abandoned unless (1) the city has received a notice of the intent to transfer the permit to another service provider; and (2) the transferee has resumed operation of the facility within 90 days of the city's receipt of the transfer notice. B. Upon revocation of a permit or abandonment of a facility, the permittee, owner or operator must remove its wireless communications facility and restore the site to its original condition, except for retaining the landscaping and any other improvements at the discretion of the city. Removal must be completed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The facility must be removed at no cost or expense to the city. C. Failure of the permittee, owner or operator to promptly remove its facility and restore the property within 90 days after expiration, earlier termination or revocation of the permit, or abandonment of the facility, is a violation of this code. Upon a showing of good cause, an extension may be granted by the director where circumstances are beyond the control of the permittee after expiration. The unexcused failure to abide by the timeline provided in this section shall be grounds for: Prosecution; 2. Acting on any security instrument required by this chapter or conditions of approval of permit; 3. Removal of the facilities by the city in accordance with the procedures established under this code for abatement of a public nuisance at the owner's expense; and/or 24 63 4. Any other remedies provided by law. D. Summary Removal. In the event the director or city engineer determines that the condition or placement of a wireless communications facility located in the public right-of-way constitutes a dangerous condition, obstruction of the public right-of-way, or an imminent threat to public safety, or determines other exigent circumstances require immediate corrective action (collectively, "exigent circumstances"), the director or city engineer may cause the facility to be removed summarily and immediately without advance notice or a hearing. Written notice of the removal shall include the basis for the removal and shall be served upon the permittee and person who owns the facility within five business days of removal and the property removed shall be preserved for the owner's pick-up if it is feasible for the city to do so. If the owner cannot be identified following reasonable effort or if the owner fails to pick-up the property within 30 days, the facility will be considered abandoned property and the city may dispose of it as it sees fit. E. Removal of Facilities by city. In the event the city removes a facility in accordance with nuisance abatement procedures or summary removal, any such removal shall be without any liability to the city for any damage to such facility that may result from removal. In addition to the procedures for recovering costs of nuisance abatement, the city may collect such costs from the performance bond posted and to the extent such costs exceed the amount of the performance bond, collect those excess costs in accordance with this code or other applicable law. Unless otherwise provided herein, the city has no obligation to store any portion of a removed facility. Neither the permittee, owner nor operator shall have any claim if the city destroys any portion of the facility not timely removed by the permittee, owner or operator after notice, or removed by the city due to exigent circumstances. 9-9-12: NONCONFORMING FACILITIES A. Nonconforming wireless communications facilities are those facilities that do not conform to this chapter. B. Nonconforming wireless communications facilities located within the public right-of-way shall, within ten years from the date such facility becomes nonconforming, be brought into conformity with all requirements of this chapter. If, prior to the expiration of the ten year amortization period, the owner wishes to expand, modify or intensify the facility, the owner must bring the facility into compliance with this code at that same time unless the City Attorney determines that such a requirement may not lawfully be imposed under the circumstances. C. An aggrieved person may file an appeal to the city council of any decision of the director made pursuant to this section. In the event of an appeal alleging that the ten-year amortization period is not reasonable as applied to a particular facility, the city council may consider the amount of investment or original cost, present actual or depreciated value, dates of construction, amortization for tax purposes, salvage value, remaining useful life, the length and remaining term of the lease under which it is maintained (if any), and the harm to the public if 2s .d the structure remains standing beyond the prescribed amortization period, and set an amortization period accordingly for the specific facility. SECTION 5: A subparagraph (D) is added to ESMC § 15-19-3 to read as follows: "D. Wireless communication facilities in the public right-of-way are subject to the regulations in Title 9, Chapter 9." SECTION 6: Construction. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 7: Severobility. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 8: The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be entered into the city of EI Segundo's book or original ordinances, make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting, and, within fifteen days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. 26 C: SECTION 9: This Ordinance will take effect 30 days following its final passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of 12019, Drew Boyles, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA j COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the day of 2019, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2019, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk 27 .: