2019-01-23 Sr Housing Board MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING EI Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Board Corporation Wednesday, January 23, 2019 Park Vista Senior Housing 615 E. Holly Avenue, EI Segundo, CA 90245 CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting and special meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at Park Vista, Vice Chairman Stone presiding. ROLL CALL Members Present: Paula Rotolo Paul Lanyi Patricia Gerber Martin Stone Members Absent: Jim Latta Others: Neil Cadman, Property Manager, Cadman Group Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent Monse Palacios, Administrative Analyst A. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Janet Rivas- Would like to address the rudeness displayed by Jim Latta in the previous meeting. Arecia Hester informed her it has been addressed. B. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Motion: to approve the November 28, 2018 meeting minutes was made by Member Gerber and Seconded by Member Lanyi. Motion carried 4-0 C. NEW BUSINESS 1. President's Report None 2. Financial Reports and LAIF (Local Agency Investment Fund) Motion: to received and file the LAIF as submitted was made by Member Gerber and Seconded by Member Lanyi. Motioned carried 4-0 3. Parking Vista Tenant Parking Rules Member Lanyi will schedule a time to speak to Neil regarding parking rules and rates. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Arecia informed the board that Public Works has received the report and a representative from their department will attend the next board meeting and provide a report. Member Lanyi inquired on the bids for the resurfacing of the parking structure. Neil informed him Public Works does not have an objection on the bids. Member Lanyi would like to add this item to the agenda for the next regular scheduled meeting. E. MANAGEMENT REPORT Neil Cadman informed the board of Dorris passing. The apartment renovation cost will be $5,000. Gerardo Garcia was called to do maintenance and janitorial work as needed while Estevan was out on vacation. This was not authorized by Neil therefore the facility was reimbursed for his expenses. F. CITY STAFF REPORT Recreation Supervisor Ryan Delgado thanked Recreation Specialist Ben Martinez for the great Christmas dinner. He did a great job. The next event is Elderfest. Nomination forms can be submitted along with a written paragraph. Recreation Specialist Ben Martinez invited everyone to the first pickle ball tournament in April. Arecia Hester informed the board that City Council would prefer a staff report with precise needs of the board. The discussion would be done during a council meeting. Member Lanyi would like to wait for the outcome of the assessment before moving forward with a report to City Council. G. RESIDENT SUGGESTION BOX Estevan is busy and Teresa does the cleaning work. Why don't they have a maintenance person? H. BOARD MEMBER REPORT Member Stone asked to add new board elections in the next meeting. I. PUBLIC COMMENT Janet Rivas 211- Parking structure is not secure. People follow residents into the parking structure. Tenants keep parking spaces even when they do not operate a vehicle. Rules need to be followed. Donna 204- She was under the impression the meeting with city council would be casual. Member Lanyi informed her that a formal structure must be followed. He meets with city council members informally and has ongoing conversation. Sally 107- Remote control to the TV is gone as well as the fireplace control. Margaret- The garage is filthy and should be cleaned. Residents should have a key to a small door next to the garage. She thanked the board for donating their time. Janet Rivas 211- Since Tito left, where is that funding allocated? Donna 204- The Brown Act should be read out loud. She doesn't agree that the board cannot answer questions. Member Lanyi asked Arecia Hester if she can go back to the Brown Act and informed them if they are incorrect. Virginia Tracy- Would like to know when the floor will be installed. Neil informed her it would be installed the second or third week of February. Park Vista Proposed Budget - Neil reviewed the proposed budget. Motion: to accept the budget as submitted was made by Member Rotolo and Seconded by Member Gerber. Motion carried 4-0 NEXT MEETING: February 27, 2019 ADJOURMENT: 7:58 p.m.