2019-04-24 Sr Housing Board MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING EI Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Board Corporation Wednesday, April 24, 2019 Park Vista Senior Housing 615 E. Holly Avenue, EI Segundo, CA 90245 CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting and special meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. at Park Vista, Chairman Lanyi presiding. ROLL CALL Members Present: Jim Latta Paula Rotolo Paul Lanyi Patricia Gerber Martin Stone Others: Neil Cadman, Property Manager, Cadman Group Ryan Delgado, Recreation Supervisor Monse Palacios, Administrative Analyst Ken Berkman, Public Works Director David King, Assistant City Attorney A. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Steve 207- He feels the management fee is a bogus account. Financials should be stated correctly and be transparent. B. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Motion: to approve the Wednesday, March 27, 2019 meeting minutes was made by Member Lanyi and Seconded by Member Latta. Motion carried 5-0 C. NEW BUSINESS 1. President's Report Lanyi thanked everyone for the opportunity to be president. He thanked Donna for helping with the questionnaire. He will arrive at 6:30pm before the next regular scheduled meeting to speak to the residents if they wish to. 2. Park Vista Building and Financial Update Public Works Director, Ken Berkman met with Neil Cadman and the consultant to review the report. The final draft will be presented to City Council on May 71". Ken will present a 20 year overview of the facility needs assessment. Over the course of 20 years Park Vista will be in a 9 million dollar program. The plumbing is planned in two phases. First phase starting in 2021 and second phase in 2022. Paul Lanyi would like to know if there a must do list? Also, he was under the impression the board would be able to review and discuss the report before it was presented to City Council. He would like to create a subcommittee to meet with Joe and Ken. Jim Latta asked if there was a plan on how the city will contribute. He would like to see the report and compare it to the reserve study. Ken informed the board they will received the report through Neil. As far as the contribution it will be dependent upon the general fund. Paul Lanyi would like to schedule a meeting with Ken and Joe to discuss the financial plan. 3. Financial Reports and LAIF (Local Agency Investment Fund) Neil Cadman explained that as of March 31 st the financials have been reconciled. Paul Lanyi- He noticed a $1,300 expense for carpet deposit and he would like to know if it is due to a new vacancy. Is $6,000 reasonable for a vacancy repair? Neil Cadman replied by saying yes it is a new vacancy. The current vacancy was occupied for 31 years therefore many repairs were made. 4. Brown Act Review Assistant City Attorney David King provided a brief explanation regarding the Brown Act. He explained, anyone that is appointed to a committee or sub -committee is subject to the Brown Act. The goal of the Brown Act is transparency. Brown Act requires an agenda every meeting and it must be followed. Action cannot be taken if the item is not on the agenda. The public can comment on any item on the agenda. 5. Review Contract for the Resurfacing of Parking Area Neil is working out the details with Public Works. The original quote was over $10,000, it was suggested that he go back to the contractor and change the scope for a lower price. The contract will be created and the item will be in the next agenda. 6. Additional Meeting Date Information on the Senior Housing Board Agenda President Lanyi would like to list the three upcoming meetings to all the minutes and agendas. 7. Special Subcommittees President Lanyi would like to create a subcommittee to meet with the Public Works and Finance Director. It was determined that Paula Rotolo and Paul Lanyi will be part of the subcommittee. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None E. MANAGEMENT REPORT Neil contacted Spectrum for a Wi-Fi quote for the main area. For a 100X10 connection the cost will be $49.99 per month plus $4.99. For a 400x20 connection the cost will be $89.99 plus $4.99. Paul Lanyi will like to add the Wi-Fi discussion to the next regular scheduled meeting. Emergency preparedness meeting was held on April 17th. A total of 30 tenants attended. F. CITY STAFF REPORT Recreation Supervisor Ryan Delgado invited the residents to Hometown Fair Saturday, May 4t" and Elder fest on Saturday, May 11 t" G. RESIDENT SUGGESTION BOX None H. BOARD MEMBER REPORT Jim Latta is excited to know that Park Vista is on the cities map. He thanked everyone involved who made it happen. Tennant review is in June and he would like to invite city council. I. PUBLIC COMMENT Margret 201 — She is a certified fitness instructor and would like to give a free fitness class for the seniors and was told no. She would like a written explanation. NEXT MEETING: May 22, 2019 June 26, 2019 July 24, 2019 ADJOURMENT: 8:05 p.m.