2019-07-24 Sr Housing Board MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING
EI Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Board Corporation
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Park Vista Senior Housing
615 E. Holly Avenue, EI Segundo, CA 90245
The regular meeting and special meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. at Park Vista, Chairman
Lanyi presiding.
Members Present: Jim Latta
Paula Rotolo
Paul Lanyi
Patricia Gerber
Members Absent: Martin Stone
Others: Jeff Robinson, Property Manager Cadman Group
Daisy Epifanio, Property Management Coordinator Cadman Group
Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent
Monse Palacios, Administrative Analyst
Juliana Demers, Revenue Manager
Motion: to approve the Wednesday, June 26, 2019 meeting minutes with the changes stated
was made by Member Lanyi and Seconded by Member Latta. Motion carried 4-0.
Paul would like to add that the June 26, 2019 minutes did not reflect the request to obtain an
update regarding the Park Vista building assessment.
Paul believes the conversation regarding the parking resurface was not reflected in the minutes.
Monse Palacios, Administrative Analyst will review the tape and report back.
Paul will email Ken and copy Arecia requesting another meeting because he would like to
review the assessment before the financial report is passed by City Council.
Paula would also like a correction in the minutes under new business. Minutes should state
there are two vacancies of one bedroom one bath units.
1. President's Report
A revised questionnaire will be finalized soon. The questionnaire will asks questions regarding
parking concerns and meeting times. He encouraged everyone to complete the questionnaire.
Hand written questionnaires are accepted. Residents can submit the questionnaire to Teresa.
2. Financial Reports and LAIF (Local Agency Investment Fund)
Jim noticed there were three notices to vacate. Daisy said they were all due to health reasons
and a death.
3. New Prospective Resident Questionnaire
Paul reviewed during his President report.
4. 2018 Park Vista Audit and Audit Fee
They will table the item for the next regular scheduled meeting. Paul asked if the audit fee is
the same as previous years. He asked if the Cadman group can verify and email the group.
1. Transfer of Funds
Paul will follow up on this item with Joe Lillio and will report back during the next scheduled
2. Amendment of the operating agreement between the City of EI Segundo and Park Vista.
Juliana Demeres, Revenue Manager attended the meeting on behalf of Joe Lillio, Finance
Director. She would like to seek board approval to increase the discretionary limit of expenses
for repair or minor maintenance from $10,000 to $25,000. This will help to expedite facility
repairs and not have to wait on City Council approval for amounts below the $25,000. If the
board approves this change it will be taken to City Council for approval.
Paul, who will we approve this authority to?
Juliana explained it will be to the corporation via Cadman Group the management company.
Jim would like the amount to be higher. Juliana explained the spending cap will follow the
other departments spending cap. Finance would like to keep it the same for everyone.
Motion: to approve the increase from $10,000 to $25,000 was made by Member Paul and
Seconded by Member Jim. Motion carried 4-0.
Jeff Robinson Cadman Group Director of Property Management invited the residents to the
Annual anniversary party which is Casino Theme scheduled for August 4th
Paul asked for an update on the inspections. Daisy informed the board there is one more floor
left which is the 4th floor.
Paul and Paula informed Daisy they are both available to help complete the inspections.
Recreation Superintendent Arecia Hester clarified item #4. Will the item be tabled?
Paul said yes or it can be reviewed via email.
Arecia also mentioned the new City Manager is touring all facilities.
Paul would like to invite the new City Manager to one of the meetings and to tour the building.
Is there any chance that residents can have the same tile in their kitchen homes as the one
installed in the kitchen hall?
Paula conducted her inspection and noticed people do a good job of keeping up their homes.
The current units being renovated look very nice.
Paul thanked Teresa forgiving him a tour of the facility. His email has been posted on the
community board.
Jim thanked Arecia and the Recreation department for a nice 41" of July event.
Donna- Who is this person over here? No one has ever introduced her to us.
Janet- A building will be taken down and new units will be building with underground parking.
She would like to know if anyone has heard anything regarding the topic.
Diane- Laundry room machines money gets jammed. Can we get better machines installed?
The machines are breaking down often.
Resident- She feels laundry machines need repair not necessarily new machines. She also
said a courtesy sign will help. People will save money by not using it while it is broken.
Paul can add this to the questionnaire and receive feedback.
Paul would like to add the laundry machine topic to the next meeting's agenda specifically
market rates and current cost.
Resident- The dryer filters are disgusting. They need to be replaced.
August 28, 2019
September 25, 2019
October 23, 2019