El Segundo Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - Full VersionCity of EI Segundo 2020 to 2022 Strategic Plan t� 1It * +�1 Y August 2019 r L a Prepared for the City of El Segundo by Management Partners Manaqemen# Partners Drew Carol Boyles Pirsztuk Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Chris Pimentel Councilmember Dr. Don Brann Councilmember Scot Nicol Councilmember August 2019 Table of Contents Messagefrom the City Manager................................................................................................................................ 1 StrategicPlan Overview............................................................................................................................................ 2 Opportunities and Challenges Facing EI Segundo........................................................................................................ 4 City's Mission, Vision, Values and Culture.................................................................................................................. 5 TopCouncil Priorities for FY 2019-20.......................................................................................................................... 6 Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service and Engagement................................................................................................... 8 Goal 2. Support Community Safety and Preparedness.............................................................................................. 10 Goal 3. Develop as a Choice Employer and Workforce.............................................................................................. 11 Goal 4. Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology....................................................................... 12 Goal 5. Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability.......................................................................... 14 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................................. 16 AttachmentA. City Overview.................................................................................................................................. 17 Attachment B. Strategic Plan Approach................................................................................................................... 18 E sEsu This Page Purposely Left Blank Message from the City Manager Message from the City Manager F Page Members of the City Council and Valued Community Members of EI Segundo: On behalf of the City organization, I am pleased to present the City of EI Segundo's Fiscal Year 2020 - 2022 Strategic Plan. The plan serves as a roadmap for EI Segundo's vision as a "hub for innovation where big ideas take off." With this Strategic Plan, the City will continue its work toward making EI Segundo a premier place to live, work, recreate and visit. Our citizens and business community expect us to provide a high level of service while keeping the community safe at all times and by providing programs and services which enhance the quality of life. As we implement the projects and programs outlined in this strategic plan, we will continue to work with our community and build upon the partnerships we have established. I am excited about joining the EI Segundo team and look forward to being part of achieving the City Council goals for EI Segundo. Success will be a team effort between the Council, staff, and community, and I'll do all I can to support each person's work. Respectfully, Scott Mitnick City Manager August 2019 City Strategic Plan M August 2019 Strategic Plan Overview Strategic Plan Overview 7 The City initiated its strategic planning process in 2016 to chart a clear path for the future. The Strategic Plan has five long range goals, each of which has objectives to be met. City staff provide a quarterly update showing progress on each of the activities within the Strategic Plan. Key performance indicators (KPIs) have been established within each department and improvements are made on the basis of information learned through those KPIs. The Council and executive team update the Strategic Plan annually. The intention is that the plan be modified on an ongoing basis to ensure that the stated goals are aligned with the needs of the community. City Strategic Plan ONE August 2019 Strategic Plan Overview Multi -Year Goals MM N�MNNNN=_= r rags L A Through a series of outreach efforts, the City identified five key goals to advance EI Segundo as "a hub for innovation where big ideas take off." The goals and a brief description of what we are seeking to achieve by each goal are provided below. Goal 1. Enhance Customer Service, Engagement, and Communications • EI Segundo provides unparalleled service to internal and external customers. • EI Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. Goal 2. Support Community Safety and Preparedness • EI Segundo is a safe and prepared community. Goal 3. Develop as Choice Employer and Workforce • EI Segundo is a city employer of choice and consistently hires for the future. • The EI Segundo workforce is inspired, world-class, engaged, with increasing stability and innovation. Goal 4. Develop Quality Infrastructure and Technology • EI Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an appealing, safe, and effective community. • EI Segundo's technology supports effective, efficient, and proactive municipal operations. Goal 5. Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability • EI Segundo promotes community engagement and economic vitality. • EI Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. N+ LA Opportunities and Challenges Facing EI Segundo L Opportunities The context for this Strategic Plan is a series of opportunities and challenges facing the City of El Segundo, highlighted below. • Attracting new technology businesses through access to land, employees, and transportation. • Improving our downtown and supporting existing businesses. • Determining the future of the east side of the community. • Attracting young professionals and families to EI Segundo. Challenges • Growing pension liability. • Replacing outdated technology. • Growing infrastructure replacement and maintenance costs. • Planning for future development on the east side of the community. • Engaging the community more in emergency preparedness. • Recruiting and retaining employees in a tightening public sector job market. City's Mission, Vision, Values and Culture iiw� 1 A Values and Culture EI Segundo's values define how we serve and EI Segundo strives to create a working culture manage our City. We practice... of... • Accountability • Innovation • Productivity • Support and recognition • Ethics Stewardship • Leadership by example • Service • Proactive action • Challenging ourselves • Problem -solving — getting to yes • Continuous improvement and reflection City Strategic Plan August 2019 Top Council Priorities for FY 2019-20 •Obtain an "Age Friendly City" designation. 4 •Consider guidelines for use of potential revenue from golf course lease. •Identify areas within the community that are appropriate for housing. �Z r rags L A In June 2019, the City Council identified their priorities for FY 2019-20. Their nine top priorities for the year are shown below. The full list of strategic plan activities is contained in subsequent pages of this document. •Determine future of the Teen Center. 5 •Identify further infrastructure and downtown improvements for Main Street. ( 8 •Conduct a study of repurposing City Hall. 3 •Continue to advocate for EI Segundo's interests regarding LAX expansion. 06 •Attract senior living facilities to EI Segundo. 9 •Develop a unique value proposition for attracting new businesses. August 2019 Top Council Priorities for FY 2019-20 Page 7 Goals, Strategic Direction, Objectives, Planned Activities, and Key Performance Indicators i This section includes each of the five goals, the Council's strat each goal and the activities planned under each goal. Key per Vindicators (KPls) are also shown for each of the goals. E FEsuCity Strategic Plan August 2019 Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service and Engagement Uge Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service and Engagement Strategic Direction Our team of dedicated City staff are committed to creating an environment that supports our community and encourages people to be engaged. Staff are proactive problem solvers who understand the needs of our customers and offer innovative solutions to address underlying challenges. Information and outreach materials about our programs and services are designed to be accessible and easy-to-use. Objective 1A: EI Segundo provides — unparalleled service to internal and external customers. - ; - • City operations are unified and integrated. • City services are convenient, efficient and user- - : w friendly for all residents, businesses, and visitors. ! - Council Priority for FY 2019-20 1. Obtain an "Age -Friendly City" designation. Activities 2. Complete the implementation of the new building and planning permitting system. 3. Complete the business center for increased customer service and efficiency. 4. Implement the City's Communications Plan and launch website, intended to enhance communications externally with the community and internally within the organization. 5. Clarify roles and expectations of the Council, committees, boards, subcommittees, and task forces. 6. Strengthen relationships between Council, executives, and staff. 7. Streamline the contract policy for greater efficiency and effectiveness. 8. Enhance collaborative teen programs between Recreation and Parks, Library, and other agencies. 9. Develop options for expanding Library services. 10. Develop a Veteran's Recognition Program. 11. Provide GIS software access to basic property information and relevant documents. Key Performance Indicators ✓ Average time to process various plan check reviews ✓ Average time to process film permits ✓ Turnaround time to process all City contracts Rag@ Goal 1. Enhance Customer Service and Engagement (Continued) Activities Objective 18: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. 1. Obtain customer feedback, assess customer satisfaction and use it to improve services through surveys and other methods (e.g., annual resident and business survey, transactional and event questionnaires, and personal outreach throughout the year). 2. Proactively identify City successes and highlight them to the public. 3. Update the website and create a mobile app for full interface with the website. 4. Expand the use of social media as a communication tool. Key Performance Indicators ✓ Annual report on Net Promoter Score for resident and business satisfaction surveys ✓ Enrollment in programs offered and event attendance Physical and E -Book Circulation Metric Annual Library Visits per Resident Goal 2. Support Community Safety and Preparedness Strategic Direction A prepared EI Segundo is a safe EI Segundo. We are actively preparing to be ready to respond as soon as possible during times of crisis. Our outcome -focused approach to reducing risk and crime is bolstered by detailed planning and accreditation efforts that help us recover from disasters while meeting industry standards. Activities Objective: EI Segundo is a safe and prepared city. Key Performance Indicators 1. Initiate a fire accreditation process to include a response ✓ coverage study. 2. Establish and maintain a local all -hazard Incident Management ✓ Team (IMT). 3. Increase community awareness of the need for preparedness; ✓ increase the number of people who are prepared for a disaster and involved in CERT services we offer. 4. Be proactive in filling vacant police positions. WD.- Monthly report on Crime Statistics Monthly report on Priority 1 response times Number of CERT members trained annually Average total response time — Fire and EMS calls Number of service calls per sworn FTEs Goal 3. Develop as a Choice Employer and Workforce Goal 3. Develop as a Choice Employer and Workforce Strategic Direction EI Segundo's ability to provide quality programs and services depends on our ability to attract and retain the best staff. We support our inspired and engaged workforce by encouraging innovation and celebrating success as well as through our robust and meaningful training and development programs that promote thoughtful succession planning for key positions. Objective: El Segundo is a city employer of choice and consistently hires for the future, with a workforce that is inspired, world-class and engaged, demonstrating increasing stability and innovation. Activities Key Performance 1. Implement new phases of employee engagement. Indicators 2. Improve our employees' experience in our organization and ✓ Vacancies: metrics for enhance employee/management relations. citywide vacancies ✓ 3. Enhance employee safety and reduce accidents and costs. Recruitment Metric:Recruitment Average 4. Conclude labor negotiations. Timeline from opening 5. Conduct a review of part-time classifications and wages to ensure recruitment to onboarding the City can attract and retain needed staff. 6. Develop a new approach to human resources that will position the City for being a choice employer and meeting future workforce needs. Goal 4. Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Strategic Direction EI Segundo's small-town charm is due in large part to our beautiful tree -lined streets, award-winning parks, and well-maintained public facilities. Protecting and investing in our physical infrastructure assets is vital for the well-being of our community. We perform preventive maintenance and look for opportunities to enhance and replace existing assets to improve efficiency and safety. Council Top Priority for FY 2019-20 1. Determine the future of the Teen Center. Objective 4A: EI Segundo"s physical infrastructure supports an appealing, safe and effective community. Other Activities 2. Develop a plan to utilize increased transportation funding 3. Identify funding and commitment to future infrastructure needs. 4. Monitor the desalinization plant project of the water district. 5. Conduct a public transportation assessment to identify alternatives. 5. Identify funding and commence improvements identified in the completed facility assessment study. 7. Implement adoption of required State building standards code. s. Update the City's housing element as required by State law. 9. Develop a plan for renovating the Plunge. Key Performance Indicators ✓ Quarterly report on status of capital improvement plan implementation ✓ Metric on Citywide Annual Paving Program and measuring the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) City Strategic Plan I I August 2019 Goal 4. Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology (Continued) Objective 48: EI Segundo's technology supports effective, efficient, and proactive operations. Activities 1. Successfully implement new technology as prioritized in the Technology Master Plan. 2. Use the full potential of software. 3. Implement paperless goals. 4. Install Wi-Fi in all critical City facilities. 5. Digitize document imaging of historical plans and records to aid in public accessibility. 6. Implement an emergency operations center (EOC) software. Key Performance Indicators ✓ Status update of IS master plan implementation ✓ Monthly analytical analysis of City website traffic: number of visitors (hits), what webpage was most viewed, and how many inquiries were made from community via web tools Goal S. Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Strategic Direction We promote economic growth through programs, public relations, marketing, and communications strategies that promote the benefits of locating within EI Segundo. Our modern office developments, low tax rates, highly skilled workforce, and range of corporate office and manufacturing space make us uniquely poised to attract new companies. Our business -friendly practices are balanced with the dedication to ensuring our local government is financially sustainable. We are committed to maintaining a structurally balanced budget with appropriate reserve levels as we provide the highest quality services for our community, now and in the future. We champion financial transparency and accountability. Objective 5A: El Segundo promotes economic growth and vitality for businesses and the community. Council Top Priorities for FY 2019-20 1. Continue to advocate for the City's interests regarding the impacts of LAX. 2. Identify further infrastructure and downtown improvements for Main Street. 3. Conduct a study of repurposing City Hall. 4. Attract senior living facilities to the City. 5. Identify areas within the community that are appropriate for housing. 6. Develop a unique value proposition for attracting new businesses. Other Activities 7. Complete the lease negotiations and enable development of Top Golf. 8. Secure funding and commence design phase of Park Place. 9. Consider a fee (1% of commercial project valuation) on development for art in public places. 10. "Re -imagine" the downtown, which includes developing a vision, beautification, promoting the downtown and creating a funding source for marketing it. 11. Implement the economic development strategic plan to promote business attraction, retention of existing businesses, and industry diversification. 12. Refine our focus on economic development to define who we want to attract and why. Key Performance Indicators ✓ Tracking of economic indicators and tax revenue annually ✓ Website engagement and metrics ✓ Increase in NetPromoter score ✓ GovDelivery Metrics ✓ Social media engagement metrics City Strategic Plan August 2019 Goal 5. Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability (Continued) Objective 58: El Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. Top Council Priority 1. Consider guidelines for the use of potential revenue from golf course lease Other Activities 2. Continue on a sustainable financial path, solve future structural deficits, and maintain reserves. 3. Continue to pay down unfunded pension liabilities. 4. Bring proposed business license tax to City Council for a future ballot. 5. Provide for an annual adjustment of the master fee schedule to consider CPI. 6. Conduct a water and sewer rate study to ensure the adequacy of rates to support the water and sewer system. 7. Enhance existing revenues and look for new revenue sources (grants, economic development, tax measures). 8. Conduct a development impact fee update. 9. Explore developing a strategy in collaboration with other cities to get relief from low property tax with the potential of working toward a future statewide ballot measure. 10. Evaluate creating a risk manager position to establish a coordinated program of management and reduction of costs associated with liability claims and workers' compensation. 11. Determine the right reserve level so excess reserves can be used for services. Key Performance Indicators ✓ Online v. manual transactions ✓ Measure the unfunded pension liability per capita ✓ Investment policy compliance Conclusion Conclusion V The EI Segundo City Team looks forward to continuing to achieve our mission of providing a great place to live, work and play during FY 2019 - 20. N Attachment A. City Overview z With a mission to provide a great place to live, work and visit, the City of EI Segundo is committed to fulfilling our vision of being a hub for innovation where big ideas take off. The City's organization chart is provided below. CITIZENS OF ELSEGUNDO CITY TREASURER CITY MANAGER CITY CITY COUNCIL CLERK CITY ATTORNEY INFORMATION SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES FINANCE POLICE FIRE PLANNING & BUILDING SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS RECREATION & PARKS LIBRARY Po —W City Strategic Plan August 2019 Attachment R Strategic Plan Approach City Council provided leadership for the strategic plan Process Input was provided by the Council, members of the City's boards and commissions, and the executive team in preparing this update to the City's Strategic Plan. The City Council and executive team held a one -day strategic planning workshop on June 11, 2019, during which the Council set its annual priorities, and department heads reported key results of the prior year and their major focus for FY 2019-21. Strategic Plan Components L Vision Mission Values Goals •Desired future of the City *Purpose of the organization •How we will act -Our focus and direction Objectives and Activities _k •How we will achieve our goals r 41PK m M- 41i:�w Adr