2019-12-17 CC Agenda - Public Communications related to Item #11 - PlasticHarada, Patricia From: Shilling, Mona Sent: Monday, December 16, 2019 2:02 PM To: Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: Plastic straws, stirrers, and utensils "upon request" - CA Restaurant Association Attachments: EI Segundo - Upon Request Policy.pdf Patricia, Public Communication for Item No. 11 on the December 17, 2019 City Council Agenda. Thank you, Mona S From: David Juarez [mailto:djuarez@calrest.org] Sent: Monday, December 16, 2019 11:50 AM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS Cc: Allen, Jasmine; Berkman, Ken Subject: Plastic straws, stirrers, and utensils "upon request" - CA Restaurant Association Honorable Members of the EI Segundo City Council, Hope this message finds you well. Please see attached a letter on behalf of the CA Restaurant Association in regards to the proposed plastic straws, stirrers, and utensils "upon request" policy in tomorrow's city council meeting. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at (323) 774-2559. Sincerely, David Juarez Director of Local Government Affairs Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Kern Counties California Restaurant Association P.O. Box 32482 Los Angeles, CA 90032 T: 323.774.2559 di uarezO,calrest.org 00C.I/ CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION Membership matters. Check out the CRA Member Benefits video here! 1 (X1)f_j CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION LOS ANGELES CHAPTER December 16, 2019 EI Segundo City Council City of EI Segundo EI Segundo City Hall 350 Main St, EI Segundo, CA 90245 RE: Plastic Straws, Stirrers, and Utensils "Upon Request" Dear EI Segundo City Council, On behalf of the members of the California Restaurant Association, I am writing to express our position on the proposed plastic straws, stirrers, and utensils "upon request" policy for the City of EI Segundo and offer suggestions that we believe will help change behavior, reduce the environmental impact of plastic straws, stirrers, and utensils and at the same time allow the local restaurant community to continue to focus on running their business. As an industry that shares the ongoing concern over litter by routinely partnering on litter abatement efforts at the state and local levels, the restaurant community is also concerned about overburdening landfills and has engaged in public policy to encourage recycling and reduce food waste. Comprehensive efforts should be aimed at reducing all composition of material in the landfill and littering in our beaches and waterways. To these goals, CRA has maintained a long-standing history of supporting and advocating for packaging mandates that require all food -packaging materials to be recyclable or compostable. As the City begins to review single use plastic straws, stirrers and utensils "upon request" policies, we ask that you consider the following: 1. Upon request policy should include the self -serve dispensers at casual dining and quick service establishments. The CRA worked to create statewide legislation, AB 1884, as a first step to abate the unnecessary distribution of plastic straws by enacting an "upon -request" only model for full- service restaurants. Key elements of this workable "upon request model" include the ability to self-select a straw from a receptacle, so as not to disrupt restaurant operations, while creating consumer awareness of straw use and waste. We believe this solution mitigates the negative reactions from patrons that become agitated that they have not received a straw from the restaurant and allows them to choose whether or not they want a straw. This policy can also apply to plastic stirrers and utensils. Quick service establishments with drive thru service must be able to provide or at the very least offer straws and other food service products. California Restaurant Association P.O. Box 32482, Los Angeles, CA 90032 Drive thru service is most challenging for our community in relation to food packaging restrictions. Restricting a restaurant's ability to provide drive thru customers with the products they will need to consume the food and drink they have purchased while in their vehicle will cause significant customer inconvenience, frustration, and backlash towards employees once they have driven away from the restaurant. Additionally, there is concern for the safety of our customers while consuming food and drink in their vehicles if not given the expected food packaging materials. For these reasons, we believe that drive thru windows should be excluded from the "single -use plastic straws and utensils upon request" policy or instead have it be an "upon offer" policy that allows the restaurant to offer straws and utensils to customers. 3. Any upon request policy should include a public awareness campaign period in which enforcement is delayed to allow the time for the industry and customers to change behavior. We know that this policy is driven by the desire to abate the use of unnecessary single use plastic and the impact on our environment. We also recognize that changing public behavior is difficult and takes time. It is essential that as the City moves forward with a policy that it includes a public awareness campaign and a delayed enforcement to allow the industry and our customers to become accustomed with the new rules. We suggest including in the ordinance something similar to what the city of Los Angeles did and implement the policy in various phases. Have this policy take effect in restaurants with 26 or more employees in three months and restaurants with 25 employees or less in 6 months. This will allow the city to do thorough outreach to all restaurants and other food establishments in the city. For these reasons, we respectfully request that any upon request food packaging policy considers the issues we have addressed in this letter and appreciate your time and consideration of our position. We remain committed to working cooperatively to help the Council design food packaging policy that will create a public awareness of the environmental impacts. We believe a workable policy that considers the impact on our hard-working employees and the business community is a win-win for our industry and the environment. If I can be of any assistance when drafting the upon request policy or educating our members in EI Segundo of a new regulation please don't hesitate to contact me at (323) 774-2559 or at divarez@calrest.om. Sincerely, David Juarez Director of Local Government Affairs California Restaurant Association cc: EI Segundo City Council California Restaurant Association P.O. Box 32482, Los Angeles, CA 90032 Harada, Patricia From: Shilling, Mona Sent: Monday, December 16, 2019 8:47 AM To: Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: City council meeting agenda #11 - PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Patricia, Public Communication for Item No. 11 on the December 17, 2019 City Council Agenda. Thank you, Mona F. Shilling -----Original Message ----- From: Kimberley Pierce -Lynne [mailto:kimberleyepierce@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2019 8:43 PM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS Subject: City council meeting agenda #11 To all - As a resident of EL Segundo, I very much agree with agenda item 11. 1 have always disliked being given plastic utensils,etc. when I have not requested them. I have drawers of them that are not used and it's so wasteful. There is definitely no need for plastic straws or stirrers anymore. Many other biodegradable options to choose from. It's upsetting that so much plastic is being given out for no reason. Please consider! Best, Kimberley Lynne Sent from my Whone