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2019-12-03 CC Agenda Packet - PRESENTATION E - Chevron
Chevron human energy' EI Segundo Refinery SCAQMD Rule 1180 Fenceline Monitoring Project December 3, 2019 © 2017 Chevron M n • In December 2017, the SCAQMD passed Rule 1180 which requires fenceline and community air monitoring for all refineries in Southern California • Chevron worked collaboratively with the SCAQMD in the rule's development • Real-time measurement data will be available to the public via websites hosted by Chevron and the SCAQMD • Chevron EI Segundo has had other forms of fenceline monitoring in place for several years such as our "eye in the sky" • We were the first refinery to have a monitoring plan approved and have been actively engaged in construction and testing to meet a January 1, 2020 "go live" date 61t11(61r1t16 n u W Refinery Fenceline Monitoring SCAQMD Rule 1180 -Overview © 2016 Chevron Chevron NWOM two Table I- Air Pollutants to be Addressed by Fenceline Air Monitoring Plans Air Pollutants Sulfur Dioxide Total VOCs (Ion -Methane Hydrocarbons) Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acrolein 1,31 Butadiene Styrene BTEX Compounds (Benzene, Xylenes) Hydro en Sulfide Carbonyl Sulfide Ainnionia Black Carbon Hydrogen Cyanide Hydrogen Fluoride+ If the facility uses hydrogen flumide. Toluene, Ethylben7ene, 3 Refinery Fenceline Monitoring System Design and Piloting © 2016 Chevron Chevron wo W FTIR Analyzer and Retroreflector UVDOAS Analyzer •1111r011111111• • The monitoring equipment utilizes state of the art technology measuring to the lowest detectable scientific limit • Multiple types of monitoring instrumentation is being utilized as part of our comprehensive system 5ingle Point monitoring Shelter • Monitors encircle nearly all of the refinery taking into consideration the location of major process units and meteorological conditions • The system required significant engineering, design and construction •11119019111• E W Z Af%dw UabbW rnRUI •.A � +. J OnSA_."14 fty �h 7� w Valero Wilmington '` ■ rt .. s■ �• w} .1 .✓ ls��c �7 FAIRUpen•p•tlhFflRand LIV 4 ac. H2S Mani,■rs P66 Carson I Marathon Carson and Wilmington 01111101r1♦10 i ` I' } Jh GZm Jew PBF Torrance Psrl,a■ ' P66 Wilmington =0'01 tpp caxuw�x, es, ept9 Refinery Fenceline Monitoring Websites Will Be Hosted By Chevron And The SCAQMD �,p�atlp home about tlala resources nollhcatlons Q ime.�a=.ona,..pon a -: oo.. aye V^r.n Bea[h El iegu,d, 100 PM November 25, 2M - 1 -HOUR AVG Ammonia — .pbN#wnn an Vnil�Y„aY�r?�raWwatl�+ny40C»t- am CD CD CD ca am < Q m CM SM —M CaE syrcmrxe crape xal, Map Display t� xwnlwmz ancyd,u r+n� apw,tla^i xm�ana a�va}wm a�,=,+,.�i� u peoge for rtz cze mmary M1ouunoio iia mo�.nai nxanerz. scrim NMrnoraa What is it? VOCs are a class of many carbon -containing chemicals including alcohols that easily evaporate into the air. Most scentsfodors are from VOCs. W harem does it come from at in refinery? At refineries, the major sources of VOCs are associated with the production of fuels, storage tanks, pipelines, and waste areas. Vl hire else do you find it? There are both natural and man-r-nade sources of VOCs. VOCs are released during wildfires and man-made sources include fossil fuel combustion, motor vehicle exhaust, various industrial processes, and solvent usage" At home, VOCs may be emitted from printers and copiers, from building materials such as carpet and linoleum, and from a variety of consumer products including paints, cleaning products, cigarettes, adhesives, arts and craft supplies, candles, air fresheners, and pesticides. WhV rreeasure it? VC)Cs are major contributors to smog. About 78% of VC)Cs in the LA air basin come from on -road and off-road vehicles or man-made products. About 636 comes from industrial sources that include chemical plants, steel mills, refineries, power plants, and hazardous waste incinerators. Hoye might it affect my health? The health effects of short-term exposure to various VC)Cs may include eye, nose and throat Erritation, headaches, dizziness, and visan or memory problems_ Long-term exposure to VOCs may include nausea, fatigue, loss of coordination, or damage to liver, kidney or central nervous system. Some of these compounds can cause cancer in humans or animaIs. What canceirt.;a ions of VOCs are typicaily found in air in the South Coast Air Basin? 0 average, the concentration of tota€ VOCs is 238.17 ppb, vvith concentrations ranging from 17.12 to 3,725.76 ppb. NNNOM © 2016 Chevron two 8 0 is IF201909-17 The Fenceline Monitoring System will be conducting a scheduled maintenance from Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019, through Friday, October 2Sth, 2019. IF IF III. The Chevron EI Segundo refinery fenceline monitoring system measures 17 chemical compounds and is composed of 18 measurement locations around the refinery's fenceline. To serve the communities of EI Segundo and Manhattan Beach, this website provides the public with near -real time concentrations and historical trends of these compounds. This fenceline monitoring program aims to increase public awareness and understanding of these compounds as they relate to refinery operations. 41111K61■11[0 • If a threshold has been temporarily exceeded, a homepage notification will include a "click on" link to the monitoring station and constituent level • A homepage notification will also then indicate when the monitoring data from the location no longer exceeds the notification level • For quick reference, the homepage will indicate at the top of the page in green "All Compounds Are Below Notification Thresholds" • Residents can make inquiries via the website and a 24-hour call line that will be established when the site goes live M n • The SCAQMD has held several public information sessions throughout the rule's implementation with two more planned next week • The upcoming information sessions will take place on December 5 at 6:00 p.m. in Carson at the Carson Community Center, and on December 12 at 6:00 PM in EI Segundo at the Jocelyn Center • General information on the rule can be found at www.agmd.gov/Rulell80 and as always residents with questions about the EI Segundo Refinery can call our 24 Hour Community Hotline at 310-615-5342 61t11(61r1t16 n u