2019-11-19 CC Agenda Packet - ITEM #D12 - PRESENTATION - Investment PortfolioCity of EI Segundo Investment Portfolio Report September, 2019 Presented By: City Treasurer's Office November 19, 2019 Security Type Reserve Portfolio Government Municipal Bonds Corp. Bonds SUPRA's CD's Union Bank Trust Liquidity Portfolio CAMP - J PAP LAI F Immediate LAI F Sr. Housing LAI F - LAWA LAI F Subtotal Total Invested Trust Acct. Cash Chase Bank - Cash Total Portfolio September Portfolio Summary Cost 21,089,451.46 5, 388, 771.50 11,012,413.62 3, 731, 360.50 23,167, 267.61 64, 389, 264.69 2, 657, 347.10 12, 214, 906.28 1,140, 358.22 61,766.63 13,417,031.13 80, 463, 642.92 271, 219.77 6, 524, 578.00 87, 259, 440.69 Market value WAM % Yield Market % of Total 21, 211, 632.50 2.87 2.05% 24.14% 5,445,854.30 3.88 2.33% 6.20% 11,150, 824.84 1.96 2.45% 12.69% 3, 757, 240.00 1.15 2.12% 4.28% 23,445,125.05 2.67 2.29% 26.68% 65, 010, 676.69 2.63 2.24% 73.98% 2, 657, 347.10 12, 214, 906.28 1,140, 358.22 61,766.63 13,417,031.13 81, 085, 054.92 271,219.77 6, 524, 578.00 87, 880, 852.69 1.00 2.22% 1.00 2.28% 1.00 2.28% 1.00 2.28% 1.00 2.28% 2.09 1.00 1.00 2.24% 0.00% 0.45% 2.24% 3.02% 13.90% 1.30% 0.07% 15.27% 92.27% 0.31% 7.42% 100.00% Interest Income Month I nvested Cost Interest Received % Yield July 82, 967, 850 1765158.74 2.55% August 80,371,167 134,480.58 2.01% September 80, 463, 643 116, 652.62 1.74% Avg/Total * 8151 267, 554 427, 291.94 2.10% FY2019 Totals 80, 378, 666.17 1, 787, 606.27 2.22% * Note: the monthly fluctuation is because interest on most bonds is paid semi-annually, with LAIF paid quarterly, and some investments paid monthly. Compliance Partial List of Allowable Investment Instruments for Local Agencies Ma)amum City of EI In Maximum Minimum Quality Investment Type Specified % of Segundo Compliance Maturity Requirements Portfolio Investments Y/N Local Agency 5 years 10% None 6.20% Y Bonds U. S Treasury 5 years None None o 0.00 /o Y Obligations US Agency 5 years None None o 24.14 /o Y Obligations Negotiable Certificates of 5 years 30% None 26.68% Y Deposit Medium Term 5 years 15% "A" Rating 12.69% Y Notes Collateralized 5 years None None 0.00% Y Bank Deposits Local Agency Investment Fund N/A None None 15.27% Y (LAI F) SUPRA Nationals 5 years 10% "A A A" Rating 4.28% Y Commercial 5 years 10% "A -1/A" Rating 0.00% Y Paper Joint Powers N/A 30% Multiple 3.02% Y Authority Pool Additional Compliance Investment Type: Medium Term Notes, Supranationals, CD's & Commercial Paper - As of: September 30, 2019 Ma)amum MinimumS&P City of EI In Investment Type Issuer % of Quality Rating Segundo Compliance MARKET VALUE Portfolio Requirements Investments Y/N Medium Term Notes TOTAL 15% "A" Rating 12.69% Y 11,150,825 Medium Term Notes AMAZON.COM 3% "A" Rating AA- 0.58% Y 508,690 Medium Term Notes AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE 3% "A" Rating A 0.57% Y 499,715 Medium Term Notes APPLE INC 3% "A" Rating AA+ 0.58% Y 508,235 Medium Term Notes BANK OF AMERICA 3% "A" Rating A- 0.57% Y 500,535 Medium Term Notes BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 3% "A" Rating A 0.57% Y 503,830 Medium Term Notes CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SVCS 3% "A" Rating A 0.58% Y 505,540 Medium Term Notes CISCO SYSTEMS 3% "A" Rating AA- 1.14% Y 1,003,560 Medium Term Notes COCA COLA CO. 3% "A" Rating A+ 0.56% Y 495,310 Medium Term Notes DANAHER CORP. 3% "A" Rating A 0.57% Y 500,735 Medium Term Notes IBM CORPORATION 3% "A" Rating A 0.49% Y 432,169 Medium Term Notes JOHNS HOPKINS HEALTH SYS 3% "A" Rating AA- 0.17% Y 148,126 Medium Term Notes NEW YORK LIFE GLOBAL 3% "A" Rating AA+ 0.57% Y 502,785 Medium Term Notes ORACLE CORPORATION 3% "A" Rating A+ 1.14% Y 1,005,585 Medium Term Notes PACCAR FINANCIAL CORP 3% "A" Rating A+ 0.58% Y 508,370 Medium Term Notes TOYOTA 3% "A" Rating AA- 0.58% Y 512,575 Medium Term Notes TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP 3% "A" Rating AA- 0.57% Y 499,875 Medium Term Notes WAL- MART STORES INC 3% "A" Rating AA 0.58% Y 507,050 Medium Term Notes WALT DISNEY CO 3% "A" Rating A 0.57% Y 499,505 Medium Term Notes WELLS FARGO & COMPANY 3% "A" Rating A+/A- 1.72% Y 1,508,635 (Supranational Obl. I TOTAL I 10% I "AAA" Rating I I 4.28% I Y I 3,757,240 Supranational Obl. IADB-INTER-AMERICAN DEV 5% "AAA" Rating AAA 3.70% Y BANK 3,255,860 Supranational Obl. IBRD -INTERNATIONAL BANK 5% "AAA" Rating AAA 0.57% Y FOR RECON & DEV 501,380 Municipal Bonds TOTAL I 10% I "A" Rating I I 6.20% I Y 5,445,854 Municipal Bonds CONNECTICUT STATE 3% "A" Rating A 0.58% Y 509,715 Municipal Bonds GOODRICH MICH 3% "A" Rating AA 0.35% Y 307,584 Municipal Bonds HOUSTON, TX 3% "A" Rating AA 1.14% Y 997,450 Municipal Bonds LA QUINTA CA REDEV 3% "A" Rating AA- 1.17% Y 1,024,690 Municipal Bonds LAS VEGAS, NEV 3% "A" Rating AA 0.64% Y 564,805 Municipal Bonds NEW YORK, NY 3% "A" Rating AA 1.14% Y 1,005,660 Municipal Bonds OREGON ST DEPT ADMIN 3% "A" Rating AAA 0.59% Y 519,345 Municipal Bonds TULSA CNTY, OKLA INDP 3% "A" Rating AA 0.59% Y 516,605 Commercial Paper TOTAL 10% "A -1/A" Rating 0.00% Y - �Commercial Paper 3% "A -1/A" Rating A-1+ 0.00% Y - CD'S TOTAL 30% 26.68% Y 23,445,125 Joint Powers Auth. Pool TOTAL 30% 3.02% Y 2,657,347 JJPAP CAMP 30% 3.02% Y 2,657,347 City of EI Segundo - Treasury Department Continuing Education Tracking - As of September 30,2019 Requirement YTD Hours Excess/(Deficit) Notes Treasurer 5.00 25.60 20.60 GI OA 3/19+CMTA 4/19 Deputy City Treasurer II 5.00 34.60 29.60 GIOA 3/19+CMTA 4/19 Deputy City Treasurer 1 5.00 17.00 12.00 CMTA 1/19 + others Portfolio Asset Allocation INVESTMENTS BY SECURITY TYPE Bonds, $11,150,825 SUPRA's, 3,757,240 Municipal Bonds, 5,445,854 Goat Obligati( 21,211,633 Cash Immediate, $6,795,798 .IF Immediate, 112,214,906 r LAIF. - Senior Housing, $1,140,358 LAIF - LAWA, $61,767 —CAMP - JPAP, $2,657,347 X45,125 $16,000,000.00 I I $14,000,000.00 I I $12,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $ 8,000,000.00 $ 6,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 0.00 Securities by Maturity Investments by Maturity Date s ■ Par Value 111 aa p ��a ����a �a o ea o �a tio C�ti� 3.00 2.80 2.60 2.40 2.20 m 2.00 as c 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 US Treasury Yield Curve U5 Treasury Bonds Yield Curve as of 9/30/19 (+11/5) 2.18 7 77 • 1.91 1 1.56 IMO f 1.56 19 MAn 2.a9 � g7 1 _75 1.75 1.71 1. 3 1.58 1.62 1.63 .0- 6 My 1Yr --4lb-6f28f2019 f 9/30/2019 2 Yr 3 Yr 11/5/2019 1.76 1.66 1.55 5 Yr 2.50 1.50 KID] 0.50 :TIN] DailyTreasury Yield Curare Rates Imo 3mo 6mo 1 y 2 y Syr Syr —12/29#2017 —12/31/2018 —3/29/2019 —6/28/2019 —9/30/2019 —11/5/2019 Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates Date 12/31/2014 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 12/29/2017 12/31/2018 3/29/2019 6/28/2019 9/30/2019 11/5/2019 1 mo 0.03 0.14 0.44 1.28 2.44 2.43 2.18 1.91 1.56 3 mo 0.04 0.16 0.51 1.39 2.45 2.40 2.12 1.88 1.56 6 mo 0.12 0.49 0.62 1.53 2.56 2.44 2.09 1.83 1.58 1 yr 0.25 0.65 0.85 1.76 2.63 2.40 1.92 1.75 1.62 2 yr 0.67 1.06 1.20 1.89 2.48 2.27 1.75 1.63 1.63 3 yr 1.1 1.31 1.47 1.98 2.46 2.21 1.71 1.56 1.63 5 yr 1.65 1.76 1.93 2.20 2.51 2.23 1.76 1.55 1.66 New Investment Yields vs. Treasury Yield Curve 3.00 ,r 2.45 2.50 7.5f1 12.45 2.53 • 2.50 2Z.W.40 2.40 • 2.3Ij 2.30 2.30 • 2.25 • 2.25 • 2.20 • 2.25 • 2.16 2.22 2.0500 1.95 2.00 • 2.05 luk 1) -O+f-W 6i 1.95 • 1.90 1.92 a 1.79 • 1. • 1.8580 • - - 1.81 • 1.80 •" • 1.724' 11" 1.75 475 1841.65 1.76 1.71 1.50 1.63 A) 1.56 1.56 1.55 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 Duration 19/30/2019 16/28/2019 0 YrM @ Cost Cash Flow Analysis Rolling 12 Month Cash Flow Analysis 25,OOO,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 S 10,000,000 5,004,000 4 Oct -19 Nov -18 Dec -18 W-14 Feb -19 Mar -19 Apr -19 May -19 Jun -19 -4-Total Receipts 4 -Total Disbursements Jul -19 Aug -19 Sep -19 10,000,000 8,000, 000 6,000, 000 4,000, 000 2,000, 000 0 (2,000,000) (4,000,000) (6,OOD,000) (8,000,000) (10,000,000) (12,000,000) Net Change in Cash Rolling 12 Month Net Change in Cash +FY -2017/2018 -ii-FY-2018/2019 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Current Activity • From July 1— September 30 — Purchased 17 CD's for $4,151,000, 3 Municipal Bonds for $2,500,000, 5 Agency Bonds for $4,000,000, 1 Corporate Bond for $500,000 and 1 SUPRA for $750,000. We had 1 Agency Bond for $900,000, 2 Corporate Bonds for $1,000,000, and 6 CD's for $1,470,000 mature. We had 2 Corporate Bonds for $1,000,000, 3 CD's for $735,000, and 3 Agency Bonds for $2,188,000 called. • Since September 30th, we have not made any purchases. We had 1 Corporate Bond for $500,000, 1 SUPRA for $500,000 and 2 CD's for $490,000 mature during this time. We also had 1 Corporate Bond for $500,000 called during this time. • Net Change in rate on invested vs. matured Securities for FY2019 is + 0.566%. (Purchases yield of 2.353% vs. Matured yield of 1.787%). • Net Change in investments for FY2019 is $12,518,000. • We are actively managing bank balances, LAIF, CAMP and short term investments to maximize interest income. 2. 2. 2.1 4-1 0 L 1.9 1. 1.7 1.6 Economic Indicators Average GDP Projections pills llyll] September projection PINI 2022 Longer run —0— June projection Unemployment EN 3. I I �4 01118 03118 05118 47/18 09/18 11!18 01/19 03f1 05/19 07/19 09119 Month 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 °6 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Inflation Rates by Month —0---2018--W-2019 Jan Feb Phar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 3.00 2.50 2.00 e° 1.50 1.00 0.50 l Average Fed Funds Rate Projections Current Rate 2019 2020 September projection 2021 2022 Longer run June projection