CONTRACT 5798 Grant Agreement CLOSEDAgreement No. 5798 (Cal OES Use Only) Ia 22412 li I C/m37• •x"2412 I I' Cal OES # FIPS # VS# Subaward #rc'd- 'a • I P HMEP 19 CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES GRANT SUBAWARD FACE SHEET The California Governors Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) hereby makes a Grant Subaward of funds to the following: 1. Subrecipient: EI Sequndo, City of la. DUNS#: O 7 7Z (' `4 (0 -1 ci 2. Implementing Agency: City of EI Segundo Fire Department CUPA 2a. DUNS#: 3. Implementing Agency Address: 31y r tl, i�1vur EI �.,.�.c� CA `io2 it s 2 (strner) 4' tlyi ('tlp�4t 4. Location of Project J I y m tl;1 �M-�r � 1 '+J `� r rev LW -102* G, (CIN) (County) (Zip+4) 5. Disaster/Program Title: 2019 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) 6. Performance 10/01/19 to 09/15/20 Period: (Start Date) (End Dale) 7. Indirect Cost Rate (please circle): idV v 1 10% de Minimis Federally Approved ICR (if applicable): Item Grant Fund A. State B. Federal C. Total D. Cash Match E. In -Kind Match F. Total Match G. Total Cost Number Year Source 8. 2019 HMEP $0 $24,965.95 $0 $0 $0 $24,965.95 p 9. 10. 11. 12. Total Project Cost 1 $0 $24,965.95 $24,965.95 $0 $0 $0 $24,965.95 13. Certification - This Grant Subaward consists of this title page, the application for the grant, which is attached and made a part hereof, and the Assurances/Certifications. I hereby certify I am vested with the authority to enter into this Grant Subaward, and have the approval of the City/County Financial Officer, City Manager, County Administrator, Governing Board Choir, or other Approving Body. The Subrecipient certifies that all funds received pursuant to this agreement will be spent exclusively on the purposes specified in the Grant Subaward. The Subrecipient accepts this Grant Subaward and agrees to administer the grant project in accordance with the Grant Subaward as well as all applicable state and federal laws, audit requirements, federal program guidelines, and Cal OES policy and program guidance. The Subrecipient further agrees that the allocation of funds may be contingent on the enactment of the State Budget. 14. CA Public Records Act - Grant applications are subject to the California Public Records Act, Government Code section 6250 et seq. Do not put any personally identifiable information or private information on this application. If you believe that any of the information you are putting on this application is exempt from the Public Records Act, please attach a statement that indicates what portions of the application and the basis for the exemption. Your statement that the information is not subject to the Public Records Act will not guarantee that the information will not be disclosed. 15. Official Authorized to Sign for Subrecipient: Name: Christooher Donovan Title: Fire Chief Payment Signature:Mailin Address: 314� air)Te^e Ci EI Se DUa ed0 hpd"'od _® 16.Federal Employer ID Number: 5' (o O DO 1 Q(p (FOR Cal OES USE ONLY) f" �p� I��•�-� 'Ile 1416 t)r•rr11 n 7w-�rnraknowledge that budgeted �urr1sonlobBeFortheperiodartl s d above IV Od) OES Fiscal 019 t) . (Dale) tCtaP OE' Dlrec ax rat Dwig-nee) (Datel ENY:2019-20 Chapter: 23 SL: 14879 Item: 0690-101-0890 Pgm: 0385 FAIN # HM -HMP -19.001 09/30/19 - 09129/22 Fund: Federal Trust AL#: 20.703 Program: Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Match Req: Match Met with Training Match (. roerd ID; OE'S19HMEPGOD012 Amount 524,965.95 tlyww L 7 Pt SC: 2019 - 14879 03n1333,11 9taimoon 6WZ � 0 AUN Grant Subaward Face Sheet Cal OES 2-101 (Revised 08/2019) IgZ_/-o 0 26 RECEIVED OCT 16 2019 CAL OE5 FIRE & RESCUE Agreement No. 5798 (Cal OES Use Only) Cal OES # � 037-22412-00 d FIPS # 1037-22412 1 VS# Subaward # J HMEF191 CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES GRANT SUBAWARD FACE SHEET The California Govemoes Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) hereby makes a Grant Subaward of funds to the following: 1. Subrecipient: El Segundo, City of Ia. DUNS* o'-7 -7 2. Implementing Agency: City of El Segundo Fire Department CUPA 2a. DUNS#: , 6A 10 3. Implementing Agency Address: Iq MOCIIstreoij C 2 tyl (Zip+0 4. Location of Project: Jr,1140;1 I'c"I 10 lCovntA (Z!P+4) 5. Disaster/Program Title: 2019 Hazardous Materials Ernergency Preparedness OMEP) 6. Performance 10/01 /19' to 09/15/20 Period: dStod Date) (End Date) 7. Indirect Cost Rate (please circle): N/A 10% de Minimis Federally Approved ICR (if applicable): % Item Grant Fund A. State B. Federal C. Total D. Cash Match E. In -Kind Match F. Total Match G. Total Cost Number Year I source 8. 2019 HMEP $0 $24,965.95 $0 $0 $0 124,965.95 9� 1 10. Total Project Cost $0 $24,965.95 1 $24,965.95 $0 $0 $01 $24,965.95 li 13. Certification - This Grant Subaward consists of this title page, the application for the grant, which is attached and made a part hereof, and the Assurances/Certifications. I hereby certify I am vested with the authority to enter into this Grant Subaward, and have the approval of the City/County Financial Officer, City Manager, County Administrator, Governing Board Chair, or other Approving Body. The Subrecipient certifies that all funds received pursuant to this agreement will be spent exclusively on the purposes specified in the Grant Subaward. The Subrecipient accepts this Grant Subaward and agrees to administer the grant project in accordance with the Grant Subaward as well as all applicable state and federal laws, audit requirements, federal program guidelines, and Cal OES policy and program guidance, The Subrecipient further agrees that the allocation of funds may be contingent on the enactment of the State Budget. 14. CA Public Records Act - Grant applications are subject to the California Public Records Act, Government Code section 6250 et sea. Do not put any personally identifiable information or private information on this application. If you believe that any of the information you are putting on this application is exempt from the Public Records Act, please attach a statement that indicates what portions of the application and the basis for the exemption. Your statement that the information is not subject to the Public Records Act will not guarantee that the information will not be disclosed. 15. Official Authorized to Sign for Subrecipient: Name: Chrlistooher Donovan Title:....... 10-Cllig—f Payment Mailing Address: Poin Street City: El Sealundo Z.jp,Code+4: 90245 Signature: Date: 't 00 1 Q('P 16.Federal Employer ID Number. (FOR CW OES USE ON(.Y) I hereby certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are avallable for the period and purposes of this expenditure stated above, (Cal OES Fiscal Officer) (Date) (Cal OES Director or Designee) (Date) =A' TO FORM: K IF CITY AT T 01,'w� � Ey ATTES�' City Clerk "'T,11 of El Segundo Grant Subaward Face Sheet Cal OES 2-101 (Revised 08/2019)