2019-10-15 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Top Golf - 2018Shilling, Mona
Friday, September 14, 2018 2:46 PM
The Lakes, please keep the Lakes intact
To the EI Segundo City Council,
I have used the driving range and the golf course for many years.
It provides a nice outing and opportunity for the community to do something healthy and enjoyable.
EI Segundo has done enough to create more 'commercialism' with The Pointe and the Whole Foods shopping areas. It's
Please work towards a solution to maintain the Golf course and driving range (as Chevron's gift intended).
The community needs less commercialism and more healthy activities.
Jan Karl
Shilling, Mona
From: Shelley Tucker <toddy90277@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2018 1:36 PM
Subject: Psresservation on EI Segundo golf course
This matter of preservation vs. major changes to The Lakes has been on the table and under much discussion for the past several
years. The golf course is something that the residents hold near and dear. I am a senior citizen who lives at Park Vista senior
apartments, and I can tell you that so many of us have enjoyed the quiet atmosphere at the golf course when going there for breakfast
or a brunch.
I can remember going to PatMars as a child for drive-in dinners and lunches. The architecture of the current building at The Lakes
always takes me back to those times long ago an the happy memories I hold dear.
I do believe in progress and in staying solvent, however I think an entity that would come in and turn The Lakes into a gaming facility
is the wrong choice for El Segundo. I agree that the property should be upgraded, and am all for a company that will assume financial
risk and remit rental payments over and above so that The Lakes can repay its debts. I would enthusiastically support an organization
that can maintain the architecture and perhaps add more building(s) using the same style, thereby creating a space for weddings,
banquets, and other revenue producing events.
I think gaming facilities should be held in larger facilities like the Forum or the new development taking place in Inglewood. I think it
is more important for El Segundo to not just "talk the talk," but to also "walk the walk" when it co,es to preserving the small town
atmosphere it prides itself on.
I was born in Santa Monica, California nearly 75 years ago. Santa Monica used to be a fabulous, Mediterranean feeling town with
parks, architecture, and facilities that reflected that. Due to overcrowding, and over commercialization, it has become an very
unpleasant place to visit now. The focus has been on attracting more people, more revenue, and unfortunately as a result, more
homelessness and congestion. Sure, it attracts many tourists, but are they really adding to the value of the community that once
was. Please don't sacrifice what El Segundo is in exchange for more flash and dash with potential residual problems in the end.
Shelley Tucker
Shilling, Mona
From: anti.craapos <anti.craapos@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2018 9:22 AM
Cc: Petit, Meredith
Subject: More on our coalitions' stance on RFP Process @ The Lakes
Bravo. Applause.
The back & forth from the dais during this past City Council meeting ( 9/4/18) @ subject of the RFP results related to
sought improvement at The Lakes seemed well rehearsed ( but then again it's purely conjecture on our part ). What is it
that Abe once said about " .. fooling some of the people ... " .
Very clever too about not just giving the nod to you know whom & then parsing the remaining 'contenders' from 3 down
to 2 and in so doing dropped the one developer / proposal who aimed to improve but retain the entire 26 + acres as
normative to the traditional game of golf. Of course it is way easier to later on drop one from contention & give the nod
( surprise, surprise ) to you know whom. Versus dropping two, after more 'study' ( some may call it pretentiousness, but
not us ). Plus the added advantage gained by playing 'the waiting game' to see what challenges might be coming down
the pike, hearing the outcomes / results & only after give the final nod. A double-edged sword. Multi -tasking at its best.
But others can play the waiting game too.
We are close to deciding which of the other submitters to possibly clue -in ... and let them make their own decisions as to
'what next'. Not very smart to have trimmed down the list to only consider 'Hi -Tech' offerers. Question that begs to be
asked now is why have wasted man-hours of non -Hi -Tech submitters for nothing, if the majority in CC seemed so
inclined, at the end of the day, to only consider 'Hi -Tech' submitters. Seems to us that the CC should have provided the
RFP Task Force instructions from the git-go about such preference ( but didn't ).
From a legal standpoint we are of the firm belief that the buck should have stopped with your City Attorney is refusing
to accept that late submittal a day or so prior, versus placing the responsibility unto the 7 non -lawyer members of the
RFP Task Force after being read verse & chapter of Article VIPs Right to Reject, even though its one sentence in Article X
that needed emphasis & proper action BY A LAWYER, some days prior to the voting. Considerations on what WE do next
re' this questionable & pungent matter still under discussion.
We have made some phone inquiries to a representative of the Department of Conservation & have received hopeful
feedback about wanting to see selected documents. A trip to Sacramento might be in the offing.
Shilling, Mona
From: Craig Kessler <CKessler@scga.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 5:52 PM
Subject: American Golf Corporation
Dear Mayor Boyles and Members of Council:
During last night's deliberations regarding the long-term fate of the Lakes @ EI Segundo a suggestion was made from the
Council dais that the American Golf Corporation was getting out of the golf business. Please be advised that nothing
could be further from the truth. In part to develop the liquidity necessary to self -finance these Drive Shack products, the
American Golf Corporation has sold off some of the golf properties the company owns; however, in each of these sales
the Corporation has retained long-term contracts to manage the facility on behalf of the new owners. With respect to
the myriad municipal and other golf leases American Golf currently holds — nine of them with Los Angeles County and a
master lease with the City of Long Beach entailing 5 separate golf facilities — the status quo holds. American Golf
remains the largest golf management company in the State of California and is actively working to add more courses to
that number.
Thanks for allowing me to correct the record.
Respectfully Submitted,
CRAIG KESSLER I Director, Governmental Affairs
3740 Cahuenga Blvd. I Studio City, CA 191604
818/980-3630 ext. 320 1310/941-4803 (cell) I scga.org
Your Passion. Cur Purpose
Shilling, Mona
From: Heather McCaulley <hjmccaulley@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: The Lakes at EI Segundo
Dear El Segundo City Council,
While I am disappointed with the decision made last night, I do understand why it was made. I hope, for the
well being of our City, that Top Golf proves to be the cash windfall you expect it to be. I ask that while you are
in negotioations, you keep in mind the exceptional junior golf program that was in place at the Lakes, and make
it a priority to incorporate a junior golf program at the new facility.
Thank you for your time,
Heather McCaulley
On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 9:59 AM Heather McCaulley chimccaulley&mail.com> wrote:
Dear El Segundo City Council,
My name is Heather McCaulley, and I am a homeowner and almost 8 year resident of El Segundo. I have two
sons. One who loves traditional sports and is on the lacrosse and soccer teams. The other, like many other
kids in town, does not find joy in traditional sports, but he has found a love of golf. He has been a participant
in the Good Swings Happen youth golf program for a year, and I could not be more impressed with the quality
of instruction he has received there. Without Good Swings Happen, you may be taking away any chance a
golf team at El Segundo High School in the future. This could mean the loss of potential scholarship money
for some El Segundo kids. I have watched all of the proposals in their entirety, and Billy Casper Golf is the
only proposal which puts community first and preserves the true parks and recreation nature that The Lakes is
meant to be. It will enhance what we already have, benefiting not only junior golfers, but many others in the
community as well.
I have been to the Top Golf facility in Denver. Was it fun? Yes. But it is NOT real golf. Furthermore, the
building itself is a monstrosity and an eye sore and not something that fits in with our community. What is El
Segundo going to do with it once the Top Golf fad passes and we are left with an unusable facility? Top Golf
is not the answer to our city's problems, and not the right fit for El Segundo.
I urge City Council to consider the character of our community, and in doing so, you cannot deny that Billy
Casper Golf is the right choice for OUR El Segundo.
Thank you for your time.
Shilling, Mona
From: Robin Kirk <robbiekirkla@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 1:56 PM
Subject: The Lakes
We are definitely against anything like Top Golf coming to The Lakes. My husband and I use the driving range
frequently and love the small course too. Is there anyone on the table who is proposing keeping it as is but
maybe adding lights for night golf?
Thank you!
Shilling, Mona
From: Diego pascarelli <diegopascarelli@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 11:25 PM
Subject: Top Golf at the Lakes
My name is Diego Pascarelli homeowner and business owner in town. I would really like to see Top Golf at the
Thank you,
Diego Pascarelli
ArchiLectric I LIC#882850-C10
PO LOX 1384. El Segundo. CA. 90245
T: 310.748.4904 1 F: 310.356.3276 www.archilectric.com
Shilling, Mona
From: Jamie Burkhard <jamie.burkhard@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 6:54 PM
Unfortunately I can't make it to the meeting tonight, but I still wanted to get my thoughts in regarding the Lakes
If I could be there, this is what I'd say...
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak today. With regards to the Lakes proposal I'd like
to voice my concern about a couple things. First, I want to point out some language in the proposals.
Top Golf is "open to discussing further programming of the venue that will ensure the
ongoing success of the instructional programming as well as junior golf initiatives " versus Billy
Casper's proposal that "Recognizes the importance of providing an exceptional outdor recreational
experience for residents and user groups... transforming it into a recreational asset for the entire
community." I'm sure you agree from this wording that one of these proposals has a substantial stake
in residents lives and the recreational value of these property, especially considering the spirit in
which the property was deeded to the city by Chevron.
The second issue has to do with research. I have tried to do some very basic due diligence with
regards to these proposals. The most basic googling reveals an ongoing legal battle with the City of
Redondo Beach and Centercal properties. I understand legal battles can happen to anyone, and
should by no means preclude someone from this RFP process. However, I want to emphasize that
one of these proposers has filed four lawsuits against our neighbors to the south, Redondo. Four ... To
a city that was their "partner." It is also likely that this group "persuaded" some residents to personally
sue these city council members. Crudely following lawsuits and money trails is not within my
expertise, but this was troubling at best. This situation essentially occurred because the council
approved a project that citizens did not support.
Regardless of the legalities, I urge you to learn from their situation. Listen to the residents of this city,
and uphold our hometown values. Those values are not reflected in the proposal from TopGolf.
Jamie Burkhard
Shilling, Mona
From: Kevin DiCerbo <kevin.dicerbo@celibre.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 5:50 PM
Subject: Save the Lakes
My name is Kevin DiCerbo. I am a golfer and 23 year resident. I support the RFP process to find the best
solution to save the lakes. To continue to provide golf for our community but at the same time have the Lakes
become self sustaining.
Kevin DiCerbo
Shilling, Mona
From: Lara Carrigan <lara@voiceworksproductions.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 5:49 PM
Subject: Golf Decision
Importance: High
Dear Council Members,
I would like to share my opinion with you as to The Lakes at EI Segundo.
We moved to El Segundo in 2105 from Marina del Rey. At that time we knew very little about the city, and we had planned on
buying a house in the Marina or Santa Monica, but upon the advise of our realtor I spent an afternoon in Rec Park with my
daughters, then ages 9 and 7, to get a better feel for this community. That afternoon I met several mom's and their kids and
had lengthy conversations about the quality of life in EI Segundo. The friendly vibe, sense of community and recreational
opportunities available to my girls really excited me and eventually I met a local realtor who sold us our house. The reason I
am writing this note to you is because both of my girls have special needs. My oldest daughter has Autism and is high
functioning but does not do well in team sports or aggressive sports as her coordination skills are really lacking and she has
had many bad experiences with kids teasing her when she has tried to play soccer and basketball. My youngest daughter was
born with life threatening congenital heart defects and required 3 open heart surgeries before the age of 2. She is doing very
well, but she is unable to play most team sports and often has to sit out during PE if it is too strenuous.This is very difficult for
a girl who just wants to have fun, be a kid and play with her friends. This year, both girls asked if they could play a sport. I had
to delicately discuss the pros and cons of soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball, tennis and baseball with them. To say the least
they were very sad when we all concluded that they could not participate in any of these sports with their peers. That is when
my oldest daughter said she would love to try golf. Both girls got very excited about the prospect of learning a new sport in an
environment that will nuture them.
I believe the city should protect The Lakes and continue the legacy that was started so many years ago.
I would love to think that my special girls could be part of a Junior Golf Program that will take them through their middle
school and high school years. It would finally give them a chance to be part of a growing sport that doesn't see disability.
Lara Carrigan
Shilling, Mona
From: Mkeldorf <mkeldorf@marinacq.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 5:43 PM
Subject: The Lakes RFP
Council Members,
I am writing to voice my support for the Top Golf proposal as submitted during the RFP process. Based on the
scoring criteria as established by staff, the Lakes Task Force and approved by the previous council, Top Golf
best meets the needs of the community while generating substantial and necessary local revenue. I respect the
resources they have invested in maximizing both.
Michelle Keldorf
Shilling, Mona
From: Geoffrey Lister <mrlisterg@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 5:15 PM
Subject: The Lakes RFP
Several months ago, the City Council made a decision to continue with the RFP process for The Lakes. I
applauded the decision of that Council, and I support the current Council's efforts to continue the RFP
process. It is exciting to see the enthusiasm in the proposals received and I trust that the Council will choose a
solution that will bring the much needed revenue to the City, but will also provide a recreational facility for the
El Segundo Community.
Geoff Lister
1208 E. Maple Ave
Shilling, Mona
Dick Croxall <croxa111@earth1ink.net>
Tuesday, September 04, 2018 4:59 PM
Lakes Discussion Tonight
City Leaders:
I urge you to take a careful look at all the options on the table tonight. It appears there is a largely
anonymous campaign that is strongly and specifically opposed to Top Golf. The reasons cited in
the various media distributed by this group contains unsubstantiated bias against Top Golf for
reasons I still cannot understand. In the beginning, The Lakes was part of Recreation and Parks
(where I was involved as Commission Chair) and titled a "park". The underlying longer term
strategy was always to make the Lakes a revenue generating self sustaining enterprise not a
park. Some of the rationale in the opposition includes maintaining the Lakes as a "park" for the
benefit of residents. That was never the original intent and the Lakes has never been operated or
been advertised as an EI Segundo Public Park. The City desperately needs revenue and the Lakes
still represents a great opportunity to accomplish that. I'm hoping you leaders make the best
business decision for the City on the future of the Lakes. Thanks for listening.
Dick Croxall
Shilling, Mona
Lopez, Adrian <ajl408@yahoo.com>
Tuesday, September 04, 2018 4:40 PM
The Lakes Task Force
After having read through the TF's reports and watched hours of presentations, the answer is clear that the Top
Golf proposal is the most professional, organized and well -considered proposal of those presented. I urge you to
agree and move forward with negotiations with Top Golf.
Kudos to Drive Shack as well.
Adrian Lopez
Sent from Yahoo Mail for Whone
Shilling, Mona
From: Jeff and Beth Schodorf <schodorf@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 3:46 PM
Subject: Save the Lakes
Mayor Boyles and City Council Members,
As much as I would love a mini Greek Theatre close to home, the best solution for the Lakes and fit for El
Segundo is Top Golf.
I urge you to trust the RFP process and vote for Top Golf plan.
Beth Schodorf
Resident since 2005
Shilling, Mona
From: Lisa Frei <Iisafrei360@gmai1.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 3:32 PM
Subject: The Lakes
Dear Council Members,
I'm not going to bore you with a long email, but I wanted to voice my opinion that I would like to see the
driving range remain as it is, and the Lakes continue as a Parks and Rec facility. I don't think we expect Rec
Park to be a money maker, and neither should the Lakes. I appreciate being able to use the faculty with my
family, and would hate to see it change.
Thank you for you service to our community!
Lisa Frei
750 West Sycamore Ave
El Segundo, CA. 90245
Shilling, Mona
Dear EI Segundo City Council —
Dean Dierks <Dean.Dierks@dynamicsystemsinc.com>
Tuesday, September 04, 2018 3:30 PM
Lakes at EI Segundo RFP Process - Citizen's Input
My name is Dean Dierks and I am a 21 -year resident of the city of EI Segundo as well as a business executive in the city.
As a frequent user of the Lakes at EI Segundo, I have followed with great interest the long saga of the facility and Top
Golf. I think the City Council should be congratulated for initiating an RFP process, something I suggested when I
addressed the Parks and Recreation Commission a few years back. You now have a good idea of what a golf facility is
valued at. It is a fair statement to say that the facility is under-utilized currently but the same could be said of many of
the Parks and Recreation facilities - so that should not be the driver in this case.
My concern is the use of the land for business / entertainment purposes that have been presented by various groups
during the RFP process. I am sure that Top Golf and Drive Shack will provide increased revenues to the city — but is that
the objective of the Parks and Recreation Department — the answer is simple and clear— no Top Golf and Drive Shack
are bars and restaurants first — and entertainment facilities second — they are not recreation facilities — and certainly not
When Chevron granted the use of the land for the Lakes, I doubt they ever imagined that the city would try and re -
purpose the use from a Parks and Recreation to business and entertainment - with substantial revenues being derived
from alcohol sales.
There are golf options available to the city that will keep the Lakes a Parks and Recreation facility. At the same time,
these options will invest in and enhance the Lakes at EI Segundo, relieving the city of any financial risk while at the same
time paying the city substantial rent. This is a win-win.
Please consider the future of golf in EI Segundo carefully when making your decision. A vote for Top Golf or Drive Shack
will turn a Parks and Recreation facility into a business / entertainment enterprise. One that does not provide ample use
for recreational golfers or junior golfers learning the game. A vote for anything other than a "Golf As -Is" venture (as
listed in the Agenda Item Statement) opens the door for an RFP process for every other Parks and Recreation facility in
the city — and I would assume that is not a path you want to take.
Thank you for your consideration.
Dean Dierks
Shilling, Mona
From: Alisa Pasternack <alisa@pasternacks.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 3:18 PM
Subject: Save the Lakes!!
I am an EI Segundo resident and I know you are holding a City Council meeting tonight. I hope you will make the right
choice for the Lakes. I support the efforts to have you go through with the RFP process to find the best solution to SAVE
The LAKES and not save the range!
Sent from my !Phone
Shilling, Mona
From: Jeff Brown <jeff@eaglerider.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 2:40 PM
Cc: Jeff Brown
Subject: TopGolf
I am a big fan of the TopGolf proposal and want to see it come to town. I am a resident of EI Segundo and live on 1448 E
Palm Ave. I just wanted you to know my position before tonight's meeting. Thank you for your consideration.
Chief Administrative Officer
Jefto_eaglerider ccm
P: (310) 536-6777 ext. 1111
C: (310) 704-6260
F: (310) 536-6776
11860 S. La Cienega Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250
Shilling, Mona
From: Earley, Michael <Michael.Earley@elliman.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 2:33 PM
Subject: Please push forward with the RFP process
Thank you
Michael Earley
1 310 490 3068
Shilling, Mona
From: Charles Fisher <CWFisher@verizon.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 2:24 PM
Subject: EI Segundo values
As a long time resident of El Segundo I am quite concerned as to the direction I perceive EI Segundo to be going vis a vis
residential vs business interests. It appears to me the last few councils have put the latter as their prime interest. The
motivating reason, at least in the past, in spite of the obvious negatives of noisy airport polluting the air, hypernion,
and refinery, to move into EI Segundo was the small town family friendly atmosphere. While we can not go back to the
1950's we should be able to find some middle ground. The Lakes may be a start. Business development may have its'
financial rewards (but it appears council and staff can find a way to spend any excess money that comes along) but it
may rob us of a family orientated town to a commuter town. I have watched the gradual transition from the building of
the "Prudential " buildings on Sepulveda to the current business orientated mentality. Please tone it down and keep it
all on the East side.
Charles Fisher
Shilling, Mona
From: Wayne Craig <wayne@waynecraighomes.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 1:51 PM
Subject: The Lakes Bid Proposal Review
Attachments: City Of EI Segundo 9-4-18.pdf
City of EI Segundo
Mayor and City Council
350 Main Street
EI Segundo CA 90245
Re: Bid Proposals - The Lakes EI Segundo
Dear Mayor and City Council,
I am a resident of Redondo Beach and typically not involved with development issues in EI Segundo. This situation is
unique as you consider development plans for the Lakes EI Segundo.
If past actions can be an indication of future behavior you should be cautious of doing business with CenterCal
properties. They are part of the Top Golf/CenterCal proposal.
Before I go into the reasons I urge the Mayor and City Council of EI Segundo to speak with Redondo Beach Mayor Bill
Here are some concerns about CenterCal:
1. Violated their agreement with the City of Redondo Beach by not paying for a Draft Environmental
Report. (Currently owe Redondo Beach at least $1.21VI for this report.)
2. Sued Redondo Beach for allowing a citizen led ballot initiative to be put on the ballot.
3. Sued the Redondo Beach because the same ballot initiative won in a landslide after wasting nearly $603,000
fighting against it.
4. Filed a SLAPP Lawsuit—As stated by legal experts are apparently behind a SLAPP lawsuit filed against Redondo
Residents and politicians by two alleged CenterCal proxies.
It's a baseless lawsuit filed against the community group Rescue Our Waterfront, Mayor Bill Brand, his volunteer
Treasurer Linda Moffat, and Council Member Nils Nehrenheim. All because of how they voted, and in retaliation
for their miserable election loss in March of 2017.
Violated a Court Order - A court rejected the Environmental Impact Report for their proposed Harbor Mall. It
also forbid CenterCal from speaking to the California Coastal Commission about the project. Public record
requests show they continued the very next day.
6. Gave False Testimony — CenterCal President JP Wardy at a Redondo City Council Meeting said they had nothing
to do with delaying a hearing on their proposed Waterfront mall with the California Coastal Commission. At a
Coastal Commission meeting on 4-9-18 commission staff reported CenterCal requested the delay.
Suppressing Free Speech - At the Coastal Commission the attorney who was the assistant treasurer for
CenterCal's failed campaign and "coincidentally" the same attorney for alleged plaintiffs handed out numerous
subpoenas. This was to every person who spoke out against their proposed development.
8. Possible Election Law Violations - CenterCal CEO Fred Bruning stated he was told to donate $30,000 to the
Redondo Beach Firefighters PAC at a city council meeting. Within a few days the money was used to pay for
mailings in support of candidates who supported CenterCal's Waterfront Harbor Mall.
Later under oath Mr. Bruning stated he was asked to donate the $30,000 by former Mayor Aspel who was
defeated in the last election. Most of the funds (close to 85%) went to candidate mailings for Aspel in what
many have called a quid pro quo.
The residents of Redondo Beach have learned firsthand the type of business partner CenterCal can be.
I hope you carefully review the bid proposals and can find a developer that will actually work with, and not against the
community in EI Segundo.
Wayne Craig
RE/MAX Estates Properties
"Your South Bay Specialist"
Shilling, Mona
From: Laura Jane Boushell <Boushell.Laura@tusd.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 1:51 PM
Subject: Save the Lakes
My family support your efforts of going through the RFP process to find the best solution to "Save the Lakes".
Thank you very much for taking your time to fully understand and make the best choices for our beloved El
Mrs. Laura Jane Boushell
M.S. in Reading and Literacy
Towers Elementary School, 1 st Grade
Shilling, Mona
Ocean Fine <oceanfine@gmail.com>
Tuesday, September 04, 2018 1:17 PM
RFP Process for The Lakes
Dear El Segundo City Council Members,
I am a resident of El Segundo and want to state my request and opinion in favor of following an RFP process to
determine the best solution for "The Lakes".
The Lakes is an asset that I hope can continue to operate for everyone in El Segundo and the surrounding towns
to enjoy, but not at the financial burden of the town of El Segundo. The Lakes has lost money year after year,
and is not sustainable as it is currently operating. It's current model of operation is not in the best of our town,
residents or taxpayers. As a group that acts in the best interest of El Segundo, I ask that you follow the RFP
process and work for an outcome that brings in a company like Top Golf that will create a positive cash flow
and financial outcome for the city. We should all be in favor of an outcome that:
1) allows the town to make money from the operation of The Lakes
2) allows a much needed upgrade to the current facilities
3) allows residents to continue to enjoy The Lakes facilities and golf there
I am personally in favor of The Top Golf solution as it provides the city with the needed funds to
actually "Saves the Lakes". It puts millions of dollars into the golf course and clubhouse while providing
residents with a place to still play golf, and enjoy an upgraded golf range. I hope that you will encourage the
RFP process and find the right solution for El Segundo, a solution that allows the 3 outcomes listed above.
Thanks for your time and service,
Ocean Fine
Shilling, Mona
From: Carol Wingate <cwingate@socal.rr.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 1:12 PM
Subject: RFP
Save The Lakes by continuing the RFP process. It can be an income producing asset and source of recreation for EI
Segundo Thank you for your consideration Carol Wingate
Sent from my Phone
Shilling, Mona
Lindsey Breeden <lb@lindseybreeden.com>
Tuesday, September 04, 2018 1:02 PM
The Lakes RFP & Decision
Greetings Council Members,
I am writing on behalf of myself and my family regarding the upcoming decision on the Lakes. As a resident
and avid golfer, I take my son often to the Lakes to hit balls at the range and play the course, taking full
advantage of the facilities. We all know that the Lakes doesn't make money, the facilities are deteriorated, and
we need to make a change. That change needs to be Top Golf.
I used to be against Top Golf, until I took the opportunity to visit one. It is an incredible establishment that I
feel will be a huge benefit to not only our residents, but the corporations and business who will take
advantage of team building exercises at the facility. Our city needs the revenue from Top Golf and choosing
any other option is a mistake for the future of our community.
Thank you for your consideration,
Lindsey Breeden
Shilling, Mona
From: Home <jim_bonnie@prod igy.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 12:51 PM
Subject: The Lakes
Council Members:
I am writing in support of the continuation of The Lakes RFP process and any recommendations made by The
Lakes Task Force.
It is to be expected that the few individuals either making a living or otherwise personally benefitting from the
current operations at The Lakes would be very vocal in their desire to maintain the status quo.
But the numbers are clear and the status quo is unsustainable and irresponsible for our city.
As an El Segundo resident and voter, I implore you to continue The Lakes RFP and follow the
recommendations of the task force that was established to look out for the best interest of our city and residents,
not a small, vocal, self interested minority.
Thanks your for your dedication to our city,
Bonnie Kerker
920 E. Mariposa Ave.
Shilling, Mona
From: Krystal Robbins <Krystal@epitaph.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 12:42 PM
Subject: support for RFP to move forward
Dear City Council.
As a resident of ES for over 13 years now, I would like to make my voice heard in support of your efforts of going
through the RFP process to find the best solution to "Save the Lakes" and sotto "Save the Range". I think we need a
solution to this on-going problem with the likes of a Top Golf or something similar that can help with the rising costs of
running our city. We need to listen to the residents and NOT the golf pros at the Lakes on this situation.
Thank you for your consideration.
Krystal Robbins
Krystal Robbins
National Director Radio Promotion
Anti / Epitaph
Shilling, Mona
From: Kara Baldino <kara.baldino@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 12:16 PM
Subject: I support Top Golf
Hello EI Segundo City Council Members,
My name is Kara Baldino. My husband and I have lived in EI Segundo for 14 years. I have taught in the schools. We bought
out first home here. We are raising two boys here. We are involved in the community.
We love the city of EI Segundo and only want the best for the community.
In line with wanting the best for EI Segundo I would like to express my support for Top Golf. The Baldino family feels strongly
that supporting Top Golf is in the best interest of EI Segundo.
Thank you very much for reading this, for trusting the RFP process, and for supporting Top Golf.
Kara Baldino
ESUSD music programs funded by Ed! - the El Segundo Education Foundation Nv—wvv.ESEdF.org
Thanks Ed! Foundation for pledging $1,500,000 to ESUSD for the 2018-2019 school year helping to fund ....
more. Our Ed Foundation is all of us coming together to bridge the gap in our public education here in El
Segundo — please support and/or donate at hLtp://www.ESEdF.or
Shilling, Mona
From: Mark Whitener <markwhitener63@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 11:45 AM
Subject: The Lakes RFP
I have reviewed all of the The Lakes RFP responses and the summary documents prepared by the Task Force and I
strongly believe that the Top Golf proposal is the strongest. Additionally, Top Golf has spent a sufficient amount of time,
money and resources over the past year or so to get to know our City and our unique environment. This is something
that the other bidders have yet to do. All said, Top Golf is the best positioned Bidder to get the job done as quickly and
efficiently as possible.
Mark Whitener
(310) 343-1184
Shilling, Mona
From: Jeremy Stahl <jstahl@jsmco.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 11:40 AM
Subject: The Lakes Facility
Dear City Council:
My son, my father in-law and myself (ES resident since 2011) have all used the Lakes facility for golf over the past 20
plus years. I moved to the South Bay in 1998 and have played the golf course, used the driving range and took lessons at
the Lakes facility. My son, who is now 13, started his golf game there when he was 4 or 5. He now has played with the
Junior PGA through Good Swings Happen for the past 3 or 4 years as well as taken lessons, played the course after school
with friends and practices weekly on the driving range. My father -in law has used the facility for his own practice and
fine tuning of his game as well as spending countless hours with his grandson teaching and playing the game of golf with
By changing the facility into a Top Golf facility, you are taking away a community park and making it an adult
entertainment complex. It has no pure golf aspects other than you are swinging clubs from booths at targets for
points. While this can be entertaining, it is not the correct approach for people to learn the game of golf or to practice
their skills as they grow with the game throughout their lives.
While I see that it represents short-term income for the city well in excess of the "The Billy Casper" proposal, the
questions remains, what happens should Top -Golf fail in the next 5 to 10 years? What would be the economic impact of
that and what costs to the city would there be to convert the property back to a golfing facility? If the council hasn't taken
that possibility in to consideration, it could severely impact the cities future in a very negative way. The other question is
why are we turning our community park facility into a commercial enterprise? I haven't seen anything done like that for
any of the other park facilities in town. Should I be concerned that once we turn one park over and it becomes a revenue
source for the city, then we should look to do the same for Rec Park or Campus facilities?
I greatly appreciate the council's time and effort given to evaluate each proposal and to do what is in the best interests of
the city now and in the long-term.
I will be saddened by news that Top Golf is taking over the facility where golf become a part of my life and my son's life.
Jeremy D. Stahl, CPA
Executive Vice President
Jess S. Morgan & Company, lne.
Business Management & Investment Advisory Services
5900 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2300
Los Angeles. CA 90036
T 323.634.2435
C 310.428.8338
Shilling, Mona
Shirley Shoda <shirleyshoda@gmail.com>
Tuesday, September 04, 2018 11:30 AM
Please Save The Lakes!!
Dear El Segundo City Council,
I am the mother of 2 children who literally grew up at The Lakes Golf Course.
My son, who is now 22 and out of college, was first introduced to golf through a summer camp where he met
Scott Robert and became hooked on the sport. My 15 year old daughter, now a sophomore varsity golfer for her
high school team, also spent countless hours practicing and playing at The Lakes as a little girl.
Our entire family is heartbroken to imagine The Lakes being anything but a welcoming facility for youngsters
and families to enjoy the sport of golf.
I understand that Chevron first donated the land for the local families to enjoy as a community recreational spot
and I strongly feel that if it was turned into more of an entertainment facility targeting customers who are not
necessary there to enjoy playing golf but are there to party and to drink alcohol, then The Lakes will most
certainly cease to be the warm and friendly place that it currently is to many of us here in the beach cities.
Please help us keep The Lakes the way it is and help us preserve it as a place where kids, families, seniors,
beginner golfers and scratch players can all come together for a fun golf outing.
Thank you!!
Sincerely, Shirley Shoda and family
Shilling, Mona
From: Talia Alcala <talcala3@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 11:03 AM
Subject: Lakes Proposal
My name is Talia Alcala and I am a long time resident of the El Segundo and an ESHS Almuni.
In all the years I have lived in El Segundo I have not once visited The Lakes and most likely never will should it
strictly remain a golf course/hitting range.
I have read over proposals from both sides and spoke with many El Segundo residents who support both sides
as I wanted to be properly informed before writing an email.
After many discussions, I was and still am pro Top Golf. I have visited many Top Golfs around the USA with
family and friends and we have enjoyed ourselves each and every time. My family would utilize Top Golf, my
work would hold work functions at Top Golf and many friends, who are El Segundo residents, have stated they
would enjoy having a place to go for family night.
Our city needs revenue and this is something that could help provide that revenue. Most of the people I spoke
with who are against Top Golf are not El Segundo residents. I ask that you please listen to your El Segundo
residents when making this decision and not be influenced by those are do not live in our city.
Talia Alcala
Shilling, Mona
From: kristiesherrill <kristiesherrill@aol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 11:18 AM
Subject: The Lakes
City Council Members,
I am so glad the council is taking the time to go through the RFP process for the Lakes. We need options that
will work to make the facility profitable.
I personally support the Top Golf proposal. This plan will service more residents of El Segundo.
Kristie Sherrill
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Shilling, Mona
From: Melissa McCaverty <melissamccaverty@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 11:09 AM
Subject: Save the Lakes
Dear Mayor Boyles and City Council Members,
I am a long time resident of El Segundo and felt I needed to speak in favor of the RFP Process to find the best
solution to make the Lakes golf course a wonderful place for people to visit that actually makes money for our
city vs. continuing to be a drain on valuable city resources.
I have 3 children in this town, ages 9 and 7 (twins) and they have each been to the Lakes ONE time with my
husband. In my 16 years of residency, I too have been to the Lakes just one time, prior to having my children
and it was with my husband to hit a bucket of golf balls (who promised me In N out if I went - so of course, all I
cared about was the In N Out). So basically - the McCaverty family falls into the less than 10% of El Segundo
Residents who actually uses the Lakes.
More concerning and relevant to the issue at hand is the lack of revenue brought in by the current model of the
Lakes. The simple fact is that the Lakes is not able to sustain itself as it is currently operating, and is actually
losing money at an astronomical rates, is beyond concerning to this resident. It makes sense and I believe is
your duty as representatives of us the residents, to bring in one of the companies like Top Golf or Drive Shack
as their proposals both have the city actually making money from the operation of their facilities, promise much
needed upgrades and still allow residents time to golf.
I am very concerned about the misinformation in our community - a full page article in the Herald to "save the
range." I mean - come on - I would love for my children to have the time to become members of the Gundo
Golf League, and I fully support our children learning how to golf. I do not agree with the supporters of the
status quo. They have very specific goals - to keep things the same. And it seems like these members of our
community are afraid of losing the charm of the Lakes or that one of these companies will take over and there
will be no more opportunities for Junior's to golf. I don't believe this to be true.
I've often analogized a large entertainment golf course like Top Golf to "Bolwero" in Westchester. I spent a lot
of time at the old El Dorado Lanes in the early 2000's. However, I've spent much more time at Bowlero - with
my children. They offer a summer pass deal that cannot be beat! It's air conditioned, entertaining and allows us
to spend quality family time together playing a really fun game. I can only imagine a company like Top Golf
providing a similar environment for the McCaverty's to spend quality time together and have fun together
learning a new sport. We've been to many birthday parties at Bowlero and I can't wait to have another venue
like a Top Golf/Drive Shack or similar company fix up this facility and make it a viable option for resident's to
have parties and other social gatherings.
I'm sorry that some of our residents are short sighted and are using Norman Rockwellesque ideals to urge you to
keep a broken down golf course around for the few El Segundo residents and the many Manhattan Beach (and
other cities) residents that utilize the facility in its current state. Further, Golf Professionals that make money at
this facility are not pleading with you to save an abysmal facility. They are looking out for themselves! They
want to keep earning their living at the detriment to our entire city. Please don't be afraid to do what is right
financially for the future of our city because of a very few residents who are being very vocal against something
that could actually be an amazing asset for our City and all of our children.
Thank you,
Melissa McCaverty
Shilling, Mona
From: Ray Beckett <Raymond_S_Beckett@raytheon.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 10:55 AM
Subject: Lakes Golf course input
To EI Segundo City council:
Please consider the other options than Top Golf:
Top Issues:
Top Golf's main revenue source — serving alcohol
City Liability of approved for (recreational use) as main revenue is non -recreation use
City Liability of mixing drinking and use of clubs (has police incident reports at Top Golf facilities been reviewed)
Note: March 24th 2018, Recent San Antonio Top Golf shooting in parking lot 3 shot in critical condition
Thanks for considering this input
Local Resident:
Ray Beckett
Shilling. Mona
From: Christine Sherrill <jake90245@aol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 10:45 AM
Subject: Top Golf
Attention Council Members
I am sure you are aware of survey being circulated via the internet. Please consider the validity of the survey. There is no
mechanism to prevent someone from taking the survey numerous times. Originally it was mainly circulated to those
opposing Top Golf. The results either pro Top Golf or pro the Casper group will be false and should not be used as an
Please consider what is best for EI Segundo which I believe is to approve Top Golf as a valued member of our EI Segundo
Community. Money aside, which is a huge factor, Top Golf will provide entertainment for all ages. Also it will be selling
point for the local hotels. It's a win win for all.
Thank you for your consideration.
Christine and Lee Sherrill
Shilling, Mona
Jason Taback <jastaback@gmail.com>
Tuesday, September 04, 2018 10:44 AM
Continue Lakes RFP Process
Greetings council members
Please continue the RPF process in accessing the best way to have the Lakes be self sustaining/profitable or
identify alternative use for the land that benefits of the entire community.
Thank you for your service.
Jason Taback
El Segundo resident
Shilling, Mona
From: Tracey Miller-Zarneke <traceymz@socal.rr.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 10:42 AM
Subject: The Lakes Task Force/RFP
Hello, all El Segundo elected officials -
I just want to commend you for establishing the Lakes Task Force and RFP process in your effort to figure out
what the best solution to fixing and sustaining The Lakes will be. I encourage you to stay focussed on the
evaluations that the Task Force completed at your behest, and to trust the process more than LIMITED,
BIASED public outcry. We elected you to make smart decisions for the future of our City: I believe you will do
so, and trust you to do so.
Thank you for all you do for our City, and best wishes to you in moving forward in the most sensible, efficient
and logical manner.
-- tracey
Tracey Miller-Zarneke
Resident, 501 Oregon Street
Shilling, Mona
From: Georgina Gossom <ggossom0506@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 10:32 AM
Subject: In Favor of TopGolf
Good Morning
My name is Georgina Gossom and I am the current owner at 770 W. Imperial Ave.
Unit 79 El Segundo CA 90245 and I am writing this email to request for you to vote in favor of Top Golf. Not
only will families benefit from having TopGolf at that location but our city will reap the benefits as well.
Thank you,
Georgina Gossom
Shilling, Mona
From: Chris Keldorf <ckeldorf@fusionetics.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 10:31 AM
Subject: The Lakes RFP
I support your efforts to continue the RFP process and find the best solution to "Save the Lakes"
I favor "Top Golf' as the solution.
All my best,
Chris Keldorf
EVP, Sports
+1 (213) 590-0165
0 14 Z _41 E
I ckeldorf fusionetics.com
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Shilling, Mona
From: Heather McCaulley <hjmccaulley@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 9:59 AM
Subject: The Lakes at EI Segundo
Dear El Segundo City Council,
My name is Heather McCaulley, and I am a homeowner and almost 8 year resident of El Segundo. I have two
sons. One who loves traditional sports and is on the lacrosse and soccer teams. The other, like many other kids
in town, does not find joy in traditional sports, but he has found a love of golf. He has been a participant in the
Good Swings Happen youth golf program for a year, and I could not be more impressed with the quality of
instruction he has received there. Without Good Swings Happen, you may be taking away any chance a golf
team at El Segundo High School in the future. This could mean the loss of potential scholarship money for
some El Segundo kids. I have watched all of the proposals in their entirety, and Billy Casper Golf is the only
proposal which puts community first and preserves the true parks and recreation nature that The Lakes is meant
to be. It will enhance what we already have, benefiting not only junior golfers, but many others in the
community as well.
I have been to the Top Golf facility in Denver. Was it fun? Yes. But it is NOT real golf. Furthermore, the
building itself is a monstrosity and an eye sore and not something that fits in with our community. What is El
Segundo going to do with it once the Top Golf fad passes and we are left with an unusable facility? Top Golf is
not the answer to our city's problems, and not the right fit for El Segundo.
I urge City Council to consider the character of our community, and in doing so, you cannot deny that Billy
Casper Golf is the right choice for OUR El Segundo.
Thank you for your time.
Shilling, Mona
From: Kirsten Sharaf <kirsten.sharaf@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 8:24 AM
Subject: The Lakes at EI Segundo
Good Morning,
As a resident I would like to voice my opinion to KEEP The Lakes facility true to its roots as a city parks
facility. My family and I DO NOT want Top Golf to replace any part of the current facility. It is now and has
been a fantastic local resource for us, as are so many of the other city parks facilities, and we hope to maintain
that wholesome nature for the future. Please consider these parks as a piece of El Segundo's amazing character
as we do and not for pure capital gain.
Shilling, Mona
From: Ben Yeaton <benyeaton@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 8:15 AM
Subject: NO for Top Golf!
Good Morning,
As a resident, born and raised in El Segundo now in my early 30's, I spent much of my childhood at The
Lakes. I value the safe and wholesome atmosphere at the course and wish to be able to introduce my son to the
game the way I was by my father. The addition of an arcade -style/ concessions -based business replacing any
part of The Lakes facility is NOT something I am interested in. I have very fond memories of this El Segundo
parks facility and continue to use it in the same fashion. Please pursue financial gain for the city in other
ventures, and retain our city parks as they should be; family -based and for the community as a whole.
Thanks for your consideration,
Ben Yeaton
Shilling, Mona
From: Linda Pollard (via Google Docs) <yeaton507@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 10:30 PM
Subject: Letter to EI Segundo City Council for 9-4-18
yeaton507@gmail.com has attached the following document:
Letter to EI Segundo City Council for 9-4-18
Snapshot of the item below:
Public Communications related to D-2 on the 9/4/18 City Council Agenda regarding The Lakes
Golf Course site
To All EI Segundo City Council Members,
As a concerned citizen of EI Segundo, I have followed the considerations involving The Lakes Golf
Course for several years. I have attended many City Council meetings as well as several Lakes Task Force
meetings (including the two days of the five proposal presentations) and the most recent Recreation and Parks
Commission meeting as I have tracked the process of determining what happens to The Lakes. I also have
spoken out in emails to Council members, at the podium at meetings, and in the press. As I reviewed the
history of this process and my communications over the years in preparing for one more communication with
the current Council, I became even more aware of how crucial it is that this City Council makes a decision that
puts the heart of El Segundo at the center of the outcome.
Previous Councils have been embroiled in controversy over the backroom nature of the initial talks with
TopGolf/CenterCal and the deal's violation of sections of the City's General Plan and the terms of the
agreement with Chevron, not to mention the Recreation and Parks Mission Statement. The promise of the "pot
of gold" one councilmember saw in TopGolf/CenterCal's initial offer of $210,000 annual lease payments was
enough to bypass an RFP process and patron/residents' input. Voices wishing to be heard were ignored and
marginalized, whether those at early meetings or the almost 1,500 Save the Lakes petition signers in 2013 and
the majority of respondents in The Lakes at EI Segundo Survey in 2014 or the majority of resident respondents
in a commissioned survey in 2016 or the many people who continued to speak out against the idea of
commercializing the gem of our parklands and forever changing its unique character and
culture. Questionable financial analyses, lenient studies and EIR results that minimized potential impacts, land
use issues, potential conflicts of interest, and continuing concessions to missed deadlines and responses
plagued the process over the years. And as negotiations lurched along, TopGolf/CenterCal's offers increased
and the promise of more and more money for the City became the only ultimate goal.
When the last City Council chose to walk away from further negotiations with TopGolf/CenterCal, an
RFP process offered a "fresh look" at opportunities to release the City from financial responsibility at The Lakes
while complying with the City's Vision and Goals. As I said to the Council at the time, I hoped that the RFP
process would be an opportunity for open minds rather than a sham exercise in futility. The RFP document
clearly states that the criteria for financial performance be "self-sustaining" and that revenue to the City not be
the deciding factor, that proposals must be compliant with the Grant Deed from Chevron, and that submissions
received after the deadline will be returned unopened. Yet, somehow, again, CenterCal/TopGolf, with its top
financial bid and cash donation/bribe to the City, was given a pass on the requirements.
When the decision, years ago, was either our neglected and financially -struggling golf course or a
commercialized entertainment center promising substantial cash to the City, the idea of the TopGolf/CenterCal
project seemed to some as the answer to a portion of our budget problems. "We need the money" and "it
sounds like fun" should no longer be acceptable reasons to choose to put a commercial entertainment
center/sports bar/arcade/nightclub on our parkland that will permanently and dynamically impact it and forever
change not only its hometown character and culture but its intended purpose as well. Nor is keeping The
Lakes as a traditional, hometown community golf course having to settle for more of the same. Viable new
options now exist that comply with all of the conditions, requirements, and timelines of the RFP and the City's
own Vision and Goals; assume all future financial liability and expense of operation plus guarantee annual
revenue to the City above that of the "pot of gold" sum that was so exciting in 2012; improve and enhance the
entire property (while preserving open space with minimal impact to the site); and further develop and maintain
treasured and long-standing programs and amenities at affordable rates and unrestricted hours that serve our
children and adults of all ages and abilities, while keeping EI Segundo at its heart.
In all the words I have spoken or written over the years, they all boil down to this: NO amount of
promised money is worth making a decision that so permanently affects, not only our community, but the
values that make this the place we want to live. It's not only impossible to balance the City's budget of the
back of The Lakes, it's wrong to try to do so. The crown jewel of our parkland should not be given over to the
highest bidder for mega -development. "Revitalizing without super -sizing" is now a possibility. Moving forward
doesn't need to mean selling out. There is a win-win solution that you won't be sorry about in the future. Don't
be the City Council that is forever remembered as the one that valued money over its citizens and greenbacks
over greenspace; the City Council that took away the crown jewel of our parkland, our gift from Chevron, and
rezoned it for commercial use; the City Council that chose to follow through on an ill-conceived idea that is a
bad fit for EI Segundo. This truly is a watershed moment for our community and you as our current City
Council have a final chance to get this right.
Linda Pollard
Google Docs: Create and edit documents online
Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA Google
You have received this email because someone shared a document with you from Google Docs.
Shilling, Mona
From: Linda Pollard (via Google Docs) <yeaton507@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 10:28 PM
Subject: Public Communication related to D-2 on the 9/4/18 Agenda regarding The Lakes Golf
Course site
Pin507@gmaii.com has attached the following document:
Public Communication related to D-2 on the 9/4/18 Agenda regarding The Lakes Golf
Course site
Snapshot of the item below:
Public Communication related to D-2 on the 9/4/18 Agenda regarding The Lakes Golf Course site
To all EI Segundo City Council Members:
As a 60 -year resident I remember when parts of the old Patmar's drive-in building was moved by local
businessmen to the existing Lakes site as its first clubhouse/starter's shack so local residents of all ages could
begin to enjoy what has become the Lakes golf course. My family and I have enjoyed The Lakes since then as
the most wonderful feature of our recreation and parks system. I have played there for decades and enjoyed
being able to play there with my son. It was a safe place for him to learn the game of golf and he played there
throughout his childhood until he left for college. The generosity of Chevron, at the time, made that all possible.
Don't consider turning our Lakes over to TopGolf. I don't think that a TopGolf high-tech entertainment
center and sports bar facility is a good fit with our hometown. Plus, because they have no experience running
a golf course, how can we trust that they will be able to find some company to do so at prices that we can
afford? Will they restrict affordable use for residents like they will with the driving range? Will the course be
truly kid -friendly once the entertainment center/driving range is there? There are too many negatives,
especially when there is a proposal that will totally rehab the site and keep the local golf course feel, take over
running it, and pay the City a guaranteed income. Please don't just follow the money.
Rodger Yeaton
Google Docs: Create and edit documents online.
Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
You have received this email because someone shared a document with you from Google Doc
Shilling, Mona
From: Shannon griffin <ssgriffin325@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 4:08 PM
Subject: The Lakes Proposals
Dear City Council Members,
We are a family of four and have been residents of EI Segundo since 2000. Our 13 year old son, Griffin, has been playing
and practicing at The Lakes since he was 6 years old. Just as Rec Park and Brett Field support the EI Segundo baseball
community The Lakes does so for the EI Segundo golf community. Parks and Recreation facilities should not be looked at
solely as revenue earning assets. They are a large part of what makes our community so special and family friendly.
I'm sure there are many companies who could take over the land where Brett Field resides and bring in more revenue
for the city but we, as a community, wouldn't dream of doing that. Why is this happening at The Lakes, which is a Parks
and Recreation facility?
Thank you for your time,
Shannon and Ben Whitney
Sent from my iPhone
Shilling, Mona
P NORLUND <pnorlund@sbcglobal.net>
Monday, September 03, 2018 2:28 PM
First of all, thank you for writing what you did in the Herald last week and for the opportunity to respond. It couldn't have been said
any better....
We thought that the Top Golf situation had been "put to bed", but apparently not. However, if sounds as if there are other very viable
options of management companies who could take over the golf course and bring it up to acceptable standards, and also keep the golf
programs for the kids in tact, etc.. So, if that is the case, why not just do that?!
Also, don't forget the cafe with its wonderful patio. There is no other place like it in El Segundo where one can have breakfast or
lunch on a nice day in such a beautiful setting! Granted, there needs to be improvements made here, too, but if this cafe goes away,
there will be a lot of disappointed people.
We feel that the golf course, cafe, and the many programs have an identity and value worth preserving for our city and its citizens, and
our neighbors in surrounding communities. It would be a real shame to lose this! So, please, please don't let this valuable property
fall into the hands of Top Golf - that would be a huge mistake!!
Thank you for listening! Pat Norlund, Jeannette Martin, Bill Lloyd, Bob & Mona Fierro, Delores Smith, Fern O'Shea, Donna
McCarthy, Liz Diaz, Teresa Campbell, Irene Sierra, David & Irene Turner
Shilling, Mona
From: James Armstrong <jim@marchcp.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 12:31 PM
Subject: South Bay Citizen
I am an often customer of the Lakes at EI Segundo and have supported the facility through charitable donations and
their club programs. I have been informed of the bids being considered by the City Council and hereby voice my support
for the Billy Casper management company bid. The reasons are I believe it is the best combination of an upgrade to the
facility while still maintaining the community value of the facility. The Lakes has always been a focal point of the South
Bay Community for golfers and non golfers alike.
Jim Armstrong
303 N Dianthus Street
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Jim Armstrong
March Capital Partners
Shilling, Mona
From: Myron Klafter <klafter@hotmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 11:38 AM
Subject: The Lakes
To the EI Segundo City Council
Hi, my name is Myron Klafter and I reside at 848 Loma Vista Street. We relocated to El
Segundo from Manhattan Beach in June of 2014. As we decided to downsize there were no
other options as to where to move to; I had worked in the Outreach office for 10 years and
had fallen in love with the residents and the way of life in EI Segundo.
Now our city, as many others, face a crisis. Budget shortfalls and changes in the demographics
have presented challenges to us as we move forward. We all know we need more revenue,
but hopefully not at the sacrifice of our beautiful, "Mayberry by the Sea". Let not the growth
and influences of "Silicon Beach" affect us.
The Lakes is a fun, challenging golf course. It is very much a part of this city's culture, and
please do not take it away. I know you need to make changes, but please do not replace with
entertainment centers, such as Top Golf, who care nothing of our city, its residents, and the
Lakes, but only to make money, and possibly bring to our city the issues that large, alcohol
serving, entertainment centers bring.
The decision you make in the next few weeks could affect us for a very long time and may be
irreversible. Manhattan Beach has learned the hard way, that careful planning, thinking of the
city culture and its residents is of utmost importance.
Thank You.
Shilling, Mona
From: Jason Haffley <jasonhaffley@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 10:41 AM
Subject: The Lakes -- a few thoughts from a resident & business owner
Dear Council,
First, please let me share my sincere gratitude for each and every one of you, and for the countless hours you
devote to the care of our City. I appreciate your energy, effort, ideas and dedication. There is no question that
it is a tough job, and I know that many of the decisions that you must regularly make are not so easy. Thanks
again for all you do.
In relation to The Lakes, as an El Segundo resident and business owner, I'd like to share a few thoughts....
1) I'm most appreciative that the Council decided to go to RFP to fully explore the now numerous options we
have to consider as we try to find the "best fit" for the facility and our town. The original sole -source push to
get TopGolf into El Segundo was flawed. It was also surprising to me that so many in the community felt it
near treasonous that some of us said "slow down", or "let's look at the numbers", or "we're not sure if this is the
right fit".
- Early TopGolf proponents said we HAD to move forward with TG because nobody else would have any
interest in the property ... That has now been proven incorrect as we've received 9 submissions from
interested parties. It should be have been obvious to all that this is a very special property and that it
would be highly desirable.
- Early TopGolf proponents said the original $300k-ish deal was the best that TG could offer and that we
were silly for not taking it immediately because TopGolf would just move on to another location ... That
has now been proven wrong as TG has raised its offer more than a few times during the process, and,
even after a long 6 year process they are still here.
- Early TopGolf proponents have said that too few El Segundo residents use The Lakes in comparison to
people from Manhattan Beach, etc. Perhaps that is true, but do you think the proportion of ES residents
to total users will improve with a new attraction that pulls even more people from even further
away? That just doesn't make sense either.
- Most importantly, if we are trying to find a solution that improves The Lakes both fiscally and
physically, but that adheres to the grant deed, and is in alignment with the brand and identity of El
Segundo, and the values of our Rec&Park Dept. then we feel — and have always felt — that TG is not
the right fit.... The only problem here is that once the TG proponents are proven wrong on this topic... it
will be too late.
2) "Swinging for the fences" vs. "a solid base hit" .... It is obvious that ES has the need to generate more
revenue. However, I don't believe it is necessary to take the risk of going for the home run of "maximizing
revenue" at this property and in this one deal. There is tremendous value in The Lakes and in current
programing, beyond dollars, that must be considered. Also, I have full faith in our very smart, business -minded
Council to find a variety of other ways to move us in the right direction fiscally. A good base hit perhaps
something like the Billy Casper proposal that would turn The Lakes into the highest revenue producing Rec &
Park Facility in the City, all while maintaining a commitment to our youth, our seniors, etc— is a good call at
this time.
3) After being born here in El Segundo, I had the privliedge to live in 7 states over the years. In each, I resided
in fairly affluent suburbs of a major city. I've seen examples of small, special towns that moved too quickly in
the name of "growth, expansion, progress" only to reach a point where they wished they could "go back" a few
steps. They learned, too late, the truth of the "everything that glitters is not gold" lesson. With The Lakes
decision, I advise caution. I like to anticipate good outcomes, but we must also consider what happens if the
property is significantly changed to cater to a particular IP or brand, one that could certainly become
obsolete. To be fair, the TG tech as it stands is already inferior to other performance -centric technologies found
in other RFP responses that include club feedback, flight -path tracking, etc.
4) Identity & Brand We all have a personal brand and identity. The business owners in this group
understand, too, how important branding and identity is. Since the early days of TopGolf s arrival here, I've
been concerned with their wavering identity. They originally portrayed themselves as "the party place" .. until
our community stood up and said that's not what we wanted in this outdoor recreational location. TopGolf
quickly changed how they presented themselves online, but it always felt hollow to me. Fast forward a few
years, and once again it's clear that TopGolf is very much a "nightlife and entertainment company" not an
"athletics and recreation" brand. One note of evidence of this is the recent selection of a new CEO, a man who
spent years running House of Blues facilities. My general feeling is that El Segundo can still be progressive in
ideas, be business friendly, etc. and yet retain a little more of a conservative, or traditional hometown lifestyle.
In fact, it is THAT very idea that makes this town so special and so desirable to both current residents and those
that aspire to one day call El Segundo home. We don't need a big shiny gimmick to make El Segundo attractive
to more companies.. it is ALREADY attractive, for all the right reasons.
One more thing I would point out about the "El Segundo" community is that we ALWAYS step up to support
and supplement when it comes to the things that matter to us most. We're dedicated to two specific groups in
our town. We step up to support our kids. (The ED! Foundation is a shining example of this.) And, of course,
we also cherish and care for our older residents.
My assumption is that if the community had a better understanding of the extraordinary, award-winning ways
that current programs at The Lakes are molding young lives, creating better citizens, and preparing young
people to be positive, powerful leaders by developing character and and charisma.. then we would be reluctant
to put that programing in danger. My assumption is that if one went down to The Lakes on an average weekday
morning and saw the families on the course, and the groups of elderly women who gather for conversations,
coffee and card -playing ... the we would be more willing to find ways to keep The Lakes closer to what it is
today rather than seriously considering taking it in a much, much different direction.
The gap that exists between what we could receive monetarily from TG and the revenue that would be received
from a more traditional approach to course and driving range operations is significant. But, I assume that there
would be others, like me, who would be willing to donate dollars — and time to helping raise dollars — to help
narrow that gap and ensure that our entire Rec&Park Dept has the resources it needs.
There are a variety of other noteworthy facets to this issue and subtopics in this conversation, like the overall
change in vibe from a serene green space to a facility with OVER 200 HD TVs, the increase in cost for the user
and especially the ES resident, the potential risk, the deviation from the intention of the grant deed and the
essence of Chevron's generous gift, the unfortunate precedent potentially set by sacrificing a community gem
for $$$, etc.... but, other people will surely speak to those ... and, I also know that there are many people
voicing other perspectives in support of other options.
So, my apologies for the long-winded email and, again, thank you so much ... Thank you for doing your best
during this process, for staying open-minded, for looking at the options, and for listening to and representing
our community. Thanks so much for allowing me to share these thoughts with you!
All the best,
Jason Haffley
514 E Mariposa Ave
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 975-5667
Shilling, Mona
From: Mona Shilling <gmshilling@icloud.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 10:12 AM
To: Shilling, Mona
Subject: The Lakes at EI Segundo RFP - 9 Proposals Ranked by the Task Force
Sent from my Whone
Shilling, Mona
From: MarkT@BOO! <mark@boo-i.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 8:22 AM
Subject: EI Segundo Lakes Future
Attachments: etandmt.png
Hello team,
I just wanted to voice an opinion as a nearby resident and frequent user of the Lakes facilities.
Yes, it needs need updating and some TLC, but the facility has been a really important part of my child (and
many other kid's) upbringing in terms of a) being a local park in a very urban area b) introducing the golf game
to them - which is a marvelous hobby for life and a very valuable personal development game c) keeping them
away from visual games - be it video, electronic or device led d) meeting other kids in the area with a similar
They get out in the fresh air and concentrate on something useful and foundational - developing skills, manners,
integrity and teamwork.
Therefore I wholly support the Billy Casper solution. It will enhance the area, further the ability of kids to learn
and keep the park properly family oriented. My son has taken part in many of the Camps and Clinics that Josh
Alpert organizes and his passion and commitment to our kid's development is extraordinary.
What's more, The Lakes has made my relationship with my son broader and stronger than it could ever have
The Top Golf solution is pure fluff. It damages kid's (and adults) opportunity to practice and learn. It's not a
place where you can go and pound 200 balls in peace and quiet. It's Vegas. It's Florida. It's Texas. It's crass. And
it will bring potential DUI problems and draw a weekend crowd that El Seg and MB don't really need. It goes
counter to the feel and brand that the area is. Most of all it let's down the kids who want to learn and practice
this great game.
I believe that if you vote for the Top Golf solution you will be inheriting problems and though the short term
profitability maybe useful, the long term effect will be detrimental and damaging. We've had enough of short
term thinking and the lessons learned from its pursuit.
I ask that you vote for the Billy Casper solution.
Thank you.
Mark and Evan Tall
Hermosa Beach.
Shilling, Mona
From: Katherine Chang <kellaray@aol.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 2:14 AM
Subject: The Lakes - bids
I like the Billy Casper Golf bid — keep it local and focused on the community and families/kids. This proposal is much
more about the long term and the council will be hailed as visionary. Thanks.
Sent from my Whone
Shilling, Mona
John Gutt <john.gutt@ymail.com>
Sunday, September 02, 2018 10:08 PM
The Lakes at EI Segundo Comments
The Lakes at EI Segundo Comments.pdf
Please review the attached comments regarding The Lakes at El Segundo.
Thank you,
John Gutt
437 Maryland Street
El Segundo
Shilling, Mona
From: Mike Kalan <mkalan@verizon.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2018 9:18 PM
Subject: The Lakes
After reviewing the various proposals for the future of The Lakes, I am fully in support of the Billy Casper group bid. It
does the most to keep the spirit of The Lakes alive.
Thank you.
Mike Kalan
Sent from my Whone
Shilling, Mona
From: Rob Sowder <robninsyry4@gmai1.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2018 7:41 PM
Subject: RFP for the Lakes.
Dear Council,
Josh Alpert and the Billy Casper Golf Company are the best option for the Lakes and the city of El Segundo.
Josh has more passion than anyone I know for this site and for the well-being of the City of El Segundo. I am
not against corporations or Top Golf for that matter , but it would be a travesty to turn that location over to
them. Some things in a community should not be looked at solely for the bottom line income to the city by
rather the greater good for the community.
Rob Sowder
robninsy�r +4Ca,.,amail.roCli
Shilling, Mona
Team GbK <info@GolfbyKids.org>
Sunday, September 02, 2018 7:35 PM
The Lakes Golf Course
Dear Council,
I am parent of three Junior Golfers. Two of our children are now playing college golf at D1 level. Our
daughter has a significant learning disability yet is excelling in golf. She will play in college after high school.
The Lakes is CRITICAL and IRREPLACEABLE to Junior Golf families.
I support Josh Alert and his group. Josh has demonstrated leadership and integrity at the Lakes for as long as I
can remember.
His commitment to Junior Golf is second to none.
No other option can compare to Josh and the Billy Casper group.
Robert Brown
• Getting Kids Into Golf
Shilling, Mona
Boyles,Drew (Mayor)
Sunday, September 02, 2018 3:02 PM
Re: The Lakes- Our City _ EI Segundo
Thank you for your thoughts Mr and Mrs Storm.
Drew Boyles
Mayor I City of EI Segundo
See My Linkedln Profile
On Aug 30, 2018, at 13:53, keithandmaryla <keithandmar la mail.com> wrote:
First we are not golfers. So then you ask, "So why are they writing?" And, we answer, because we care
about our City, EI Segundo. No, NOT GUNDO. For God's sake who ever thought of belittling our great city
by making it into a cute little fun name. Horrible.
We have never been for Top Golf. We have been around their facilities in other cities around the
country and there was zero- nothing about the CITY in the establishments.. Cold, just for the bucks and
nothing else. Nothing homesy at all. All we can see is misery for our residents if TOP GOLF takes over
THE LAKES; lots of overbuilding, never enough parking and huge amount of traffic, bringing in more
party animals driving our streets drunk, Our children and teens will not be able to go there any longer
and seniors will not be comfortable being in that environment. Our City golfers will have to go
elsewhere. We are for other options in keeping THE LAKES for the city for the folks of EI Segundo.
Some in our good City of EI Segundo have lost sight of what our EI Segundo is to most of us- Small town
Mayberry USA. Some in our city want to turn it into a party town and try to be like one of the beach
cities with lots of young people running amok, drunk or drugged out of their minds and causing mayhem
everywhere. We saw plenty of that with the flying scooters recently (I say flying because they always
drove so fast running us off the sidewalks and walkways) and thanking God we have some level headed
people running our City that put that to a stop. We have watched previous City leaders ruin the
appearance of our City by tearing down beautiful trees and leaving gaping holes that expose us to
horrendous views of the refinery, making parking on Richmond crazy enough that we and most others
avoid that area altogether otherwise we chance getting hit by a car backing out onto us as we drive by.
And to hear someone wants to put this kind of parking on EI Segundo -just horrible horrible -another
street we will be avoiding- can't imagine those huge refinery trucks traveling down a two lane road and
all the workers going to and from the refinery and the people living and visiting EI Segundo use EI
Segundo as a main thoroughfare. Restricting the lanes in such a horrible way will not only cause
hardship but also cause much more traffic and accident problems. Build parking structures in the right
place (like the unused one on Grand).
Keith Sr AMa►ysmrm
Home 310-640-8323
Cell 310-918-6260 (M)
Cell 310-227-7845 (K)
Shilling, Mona
From: Tony Camp <tonycamp@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2018 11:11 AM
Subject: The Lakes at EI Segundo
To Whom It May Concern:
I am a resident of El Segundo and I frequently use the driving range and I also have friends
who have their kids taking golf lessons at The Lakes with the Pros that are onsite. In addition,
we also frequent the restaurant and occasionally play a round of golf.
I feel that the City Council should consider the neighborhood atmosphere that The Lakes
provides and keep in mind the family friendly recreational opportunity that Chevron intended
the property to be for El Segundo residents.
Therefore, I ask the City Council to consider these things in their selection from the multiple proposals
they now have to choose from and ask that they keep in mind that quality toward the community over
maximizing revenues should be their utmost concern.
Thank you.
Shilling, Mona
Saturday, September 01, 2018 4:12 PM
The Lakes
August 30, 2018
To: EI Segundo City Council Members
What makes EI Segundo unique?
Over the years, part of its charm has been the ability to embrace traditional values and a
hometown atmosphere, while encouraging business. We are the town that promotes Girl
Scouts and Boy Scouts. We are the town with our holiday parade, 4th of july Community
Picnic, Halloween Haunt and Easter Egg celebrations. We are the town who loves all kinds of
sports. Yes, we've also encouraged business and won awards for our business -friendly
attitude. However, our pro-business attitude was not in competition with our values.
What also sets EI Segundo apart is the character of our city: The focus on services, quality of
life and opportunities for Youth, Seniors and all residents has been at the heart of EI Segundo.
Recreation has always been a big part of life in EI Segundo. Its programs and classes add to
other opportunities in our city to make it a very special hometown. So it's a delicate job to
balance the need for change and the need to keep our hometown special and unique.
Change is necessary to move forward, especially in this day and age. New restaurants and
businesses are a welcome addition. However, change must be measured and monitored and
balanced carefully, with an eye for what sets EI Segundo apart from its neighbors... its focus on
residents and enhancing their quality of life and opportunities.
The Lakes has been a valuable part Of our community for the last twenty-five
years. It has been a place of lessons for residents of all ages to learn a new sport. It has
been a place for youth camps to encourage new skills. It has been a place to meet with friends
and walk the course and enjoy the sunshine while getting some exercise. It has been a place
to have breakfast/ lunch with family and friends. It's even been a special venue for weddings.
Don't kick it to the curb because it's getting older. The Lakes has been in limbo for at least 5
years. Now we have an opportunity to fix it up, make money for the city, give it the attention
it deserves and encourage residents and neighbors to once again embrace this venue for
outside recreation. If it is kept as a municipal golf course, we stay within the vision that
Chevron intended when they deeded the land to the city for the recreation of its residents.
That's a WIN, WIN in my book. The Lakes could once again be a jewel within our city. Please
be a gatekeeper to maintain the integrity and values of our city. Please don't be tempted by
outside interests and the smell of easy money. Please keep the best interests and values of EI
Segundo residents at heart, not the pocketbooks of others. This is NOT just a business
decision. You have an opportunity to embrace the values of this city by choosing an option
that improves and maintains the Lakes as a self-sufficient municipal golf course.
It's important to keep our city unique. It's important to keep the vision that
Chevron intended. Please look elsewhere to find money to solve EI Segundo's fiscal problems.
Don't give The Lakes to outside interests. You are the stewards with the task of maintaining
the character and values for our city. Please keep The Lakes as part of our city's treasures.
Thank you for listening.
Jan C. Neal
Shilling, Mona
From: Duane Plank <theplanks1932@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2018 9:11 AM
Subject: Lakes
Good morning,
Count me amongst the folks who would like to see the Lakes stay the Lakes, with needed golf -related upgrades.
I utilize the range (love the 2-forl range balls in the morning), the putting green, the tiny chipping area (definitely needs an upgrade),
and, when I am on work hiatus during the Summer, take advantage of the great monthly- pass course deal for us senior citizens.
I attended the Billy Casper Golf presentation earlier this Summer at City Hall, and was impressed. Liked their plans.
I see no need to turn a family-oriented golf facility into a Top -Golf -type destination for wanton debauchery, cocktail -swilling, and
cigar smoking.
Duane Plank
Shilling, Mona
From: Lance Ralls <Iralls@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2018 8:35 AM
Subject: For Tuesday
Hi Council Members,
Unfortunately I will be unable to attend the meeting this Tuesday. I know you all to be very capable and doing
what's right for this community, so I know that you will be doing the right things. I've been very impressed
with all of your work you have done in the few short months together.
So, I'm confident you won't be fooled by the "Astroturfing" that is going on. The RFP proposal is important to
save the Lakes and to make it viable for many years to come. The Golf pros don't care about the Lakes, they
care about the Driving range and making money. The Golf pros at the Lakes are trying to rally people and pay
people to their cause. They are rallying folks in Manhattan Beach and trying to do that here in El Segundo. The
paid Ad in the El Segundo Herald without a mention of who paid for it is wrong and that is a problem that
should be addressed with them. If you are going to pay for an ad like that, you need to say who is paying for
it. Again, could just go back an Astroturfing scheme.
If you are not familiar with Astroturfing, it is people basically paying to rally people against a cause making it
look like more people are on their side. You can google it or John Oliver recently did a spot on it. He can be
crude at times for a joke, but he does share valuable information about it and what is going on in America. We
are going to see more of this in local politics just as you will see in the John Oliver video of a Camarillo city
council meeting:
This is a long email to basically say that I support all your efforts like most of El Segundo and don't let a few
Astroturfers, some from outside our city limits, sway you in any way from the correct path you are on. I'm
confident you won't.
Shilling. Mona
From: Vone Buckels <vonevlteach@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 11:33 PM
Subject: Keep the golf course@
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Shilling, Mona
Dear Council Members
Gail Gmail <gail.campeau28@gmail.com>
Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:58 PM
Subject: The Lakes of EI Segundo RFPs
I am a 60+ year resident of EI Segundo. I have have witnessed many changes in the city as it has grown over the
years. The one thing I'm most proud of as a resident of the community is the commitment of prior city leadership to
keep/preserve the small town charm of EI Segundo as they dealt with business and residential growth challenges.
Our community is well known for its focus on providing something for everyone (all age groups) and has earned the
reputation of being a great place to live, raise a family and retire.
My hope is that this council will continue the legacy of commitment to ALL residents, not just the 18-34
demographic, as you consider the RFPs for the Lakes property.
Gail Campeau
Sent from my Whone
Shilling, Mona
From: Donavan Alberga <donavan_alberga@hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 4:27 PM
Subject: The Lakes at EI Segundo
To whom it may concern,
I stumbled across your'Huge Decision for EI Segundo' post in the August 30th Herald. I found it both
educational and intriguing. As an EI Segundo property owner and resident for a mere 5 years I had no idea
that The Lakes was actually a gift to the City from Chevron. I am very curious to learn more about what the
precise 'recreational hopes' of Chevron actually were? Is that documented? If so, where? Was the property
already a golf course when it was gifted to the city? Other questions that enter my mind are pertaining to the
rumors I hear of The Lakes losing money. How is that possible?!! I've been a patron since I've moved here and
absolutely love that we have one of the very few courses and golf facilities around. Though the price for a
large bucket of balls seems quite elevated to me, I always see patrons swinging away. I've also witnessed (via
having a child participant) in the amazing junior golf programs put on at the facility and their extreme
popularity! Moreover, I was absolutely floored the other day when I found out that our own EI Segundo High
School (and Junior High for that matter) do not have golf teams! Yet I see that Mira Costa sending their
students and team up to practice and play at our facility all the time. It's quite asinine.
In the end, I don't know the history of the gift given, the terms of that transaction, etc. but I do know that it
would be an absolute travesty to turn the keys over to Top Golf or another company to manage that facility
and land for us. It would be even more of a travesty to cash in on that land by eliminating the already scarce
recreational resources that we as residents have. I am your ally and I am willing to get involved.
Donavan Alberga
EI Segundo propery owner and resident since 2013
Former Small Busniness Owner
Former Corporate Sales Manager
Golf Aficionado and Perspective Golf Course Manager
Perspective High School Golf Coach
Shilling, Mona
From: keithandmaryla <keithandmaryla@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 1:53 PM
Subject: The Lakes- Our City _ EI Segundo
First we are not golfers. So then you ask, "So why are they writing?" And, we answer, because we care about our City, EI
Segundo. No, NOT GUNDO. For God's sake who ever thought of belittling our great city by making it into a cute little fun
name. Horrible.
We have never been for Top Golf. We have been around their facilities in other cities around the country and there was
zero- nothing about the CITY in the establishments.. Cold, just for the bucks and nothing else. Nothing homesy at all. All
we can see is misery for our residents if TOP GOLF takes over THE LAKES; lots of overbuilding, never enough parking and
huge amount of traffic, bringing in more party animals driving our streets drunk, Our children and teens will not be able
to go there any longer and seniors will not be comfortable being in that environment. Our City golfers will have to go
elsewhere. We are for other options in keeping THE LAKES for the city for the folks of EI Segundo.
Some in our good City of EI Segundo have lost sight of what our EI Segundo is to most of us- Small town Mayberry USA.
Some in our city want to turn it into a party town and try to be like one of the beach cities with lots of young people
running amok, drunk or drugged out of their minds and causing mayhem everywhere. We saw plenty of that with the
flying scooters recently (I say flying because they always drove so fast running us off the sidewalks and walkways) and
thanking God we have some level headed people running our City that put that to a stop. We have watched previous
City leaders ruin the appearance of our City by tearing down beautiful trees and leaving gaping holes that expose us to
horrendous views of the refinery, making parking on Richmond crazy enough that we and most others avoid that area
altogether otherwise we chance getting hit by a car backing out onto us as we drive by. And to hear someone wants to
put this kind of parking on EI Segundo -just horrible horrible -another street we will be avoiding- can't imagine those huge
refinery trucks traveling down a two lane road and all the workers going to and from the refinery and the people living
and visiting EI Segundo use EI Segundo as a main thoroughfare. Restricting the lanes in such a horrible way will not only
cause hardship but also cause much more traffic and accident problems. Build parking structures in the right place (like
the unused one on Grand).
FeWli & Mary.Str rim
Home 310-640-8323
Cell 310-918-6260 (M)
Cell 310-227-7845 (K)
Shilling, Mona
From: josvarda <josvarda@socal.rr.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 1:10 PM
Subject: September 4 meeting
Please consider all possibilities to protect The Lakes property. I have lived in EI Segundo since 198, raised my sons, and
have seen many changes in the past couple of years that I feel are changing the hometown feeling. It's very sad.
PS Thanks for getting rid of the scooters.
Joanne Svarda
Shilling, Mona
From: Brenda Pluntze <bpluntze@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 12:58 PM
Subject: The Lakes
I don't golf, bit I have enjoyed events at the Lakes. It is a little jewel for El Segundo.
Yes, the property is valuable and could be developed, but please work to safeguard this precious golf course.
Brenda Pluntze
Sent fi-orn Yahoo Mail on Android
Shilling, Mona
From: Jason Brandlin <brandlinjason@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 12:44 PM
Subject: The Lakes at EI Segundo Staying a True Rec and Park Facility
Attachments: Letter on The Lakes.docx
Dear Council Members and Clerks,
Hello my name is Jason Brandlin and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to read this message. I have
attached a letter I wrote earlier this week on how valuable of an asset The Lakes at El Segundo is to our
community as a parks and recreation facility and why it should remain this way. Please take a moment to read
my letter and seriously consider keeping The Lakes a part of the city of El Segundo through the recreation and
parks department so that we can maintain our already strong sense of being a connected community. Thank
Jason Brandlin
Shilling, Mona
From: Lloyd Carlson <lecmh@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 12:15 PM
Subject: The Lakes
Please do not do anything that will depreciate the social value of our dear town. We have lived here since 1962 and love
it dearly. Please protect it for us.
Lloyd and Maura Carlson
Sent from my iPhone
Shilling, Mona
marie smith <vmssmith@yahoo.com>
Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:58 AM
The Lakes Golf Course
I've attached a letter I've sent to the Herald to be published as a letter to the editor. I'm a supporter of keeping
the Lakes a golf course, a normal, dull, run-of-the-mill golf course. I don't see the value (other than money) of
turning it into a combination bar/video game establishment.
Marie Smith
V. Marie Smith, Ph.D.
My husband and I have lived in El Segundo for 33 years and have played many
rounds of golf at the Lakes. My children learned golf there. We strongly support
the Lakes because it is an important recreational facility for El Segundo.
Criticisms of the Lakes include: 1) it does not support the recreational needs of a
majority of residents; 2) it is not profitable; 3) the land could be better used for
additional green space.
1) None of skatepark, soccer fields, baseball diamonds, the Plunge, etc. support the
recreational needs of a majority of residents and none are profitable. There are
essentially no recreational facilities for senior citizens — there is no pool hall,
bowling alley, nature trails, or hiking trails.
2) The Lakes can increase profitability by increasing prices (even though using the
Plunge is still free.)
3) Rec Park and Constitution Park are underutilized so more green space (only
accessible by car) is unneeded.
I am voicing my support for the Lakes and I encourage other golfers to do the
same. The Lakes, as a golf course, is an important asset for all El Segundo
residents because folks from 9 to 90 can play golf.
Marie Smith
Shilling, Mona
From: Bob Turnbull <rturnbu11361@me.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:55 AM
Subject: The Lakes = TopGolf
Hello All,
Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the upcoming September 4, 2018 Council Meeting.
In my absence, I'll share this concise communication to urge you now more than ever to move forward with a successful
partnership with TopGolf to better enhance the business and community engagement in the 400 block of South PCH and
the failing sport/hobby of golfing.
Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully,
Bob Turnbull
1200 block of East Acacia, ES
Shilling, Mona
From: Craig Kessler <CKessler@scga.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 4:26 PM
Subject: The Lakes at EI Segundo
Attachments: SCGA Letter to EI Segundo Mayor and Council re The Lakes at EI Segundo.docx
Dear Mayor Boyles and Council:
Attached please find a letter that the Southern California Golf Association (SCGA) would you like you to
entertain as you begin the process of considering the fate of The Lakes at EI Segundo for the next two
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Respectfully Submitted,
CRAIG KESSLER I Director, Governmental Affairs
3740 Cahuenga Blvd. I Studio City, CA 191604
818/980-3630 ext. 320 1310/941-4803 (cell) I scga.org
Your Passion, Ou
Shilling, Mona
From: Claudia Solberg <csolberg@socal.rr.com>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 12:53 PM
Subject: Say NO to Top Golf
Dear Council and clerks,
Come on guys, you spent 5 years negotiating with Top Golf and finally made the
right decision not to allow them to take over the Lakes driving range. Now, after
Top Golf's late proposal, you face the decision again to see if you want to
commercialize the driving range or keep it in the community as a public facility.
Choose a sensible alternative to manage The Lakes like the Billy Casper
Group. They will add a soccer field ,keep the driving range public, allow the
teaching professionals to keep their jobs, and preserve The Lakes as a hometown
facility that our community thrives on.
Please say NO to Top Golf.
Claudia Solberg- 30 year resident
730 Lomita Street
EI Segundo, CA
Shilling, Mona
From: Les Eisner <les.eisner@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2018 8:28 PM
Subject: The Lakes
Dear Council Members —
While I know some of you but have not had the pleasure of meeting the remaining council members, I apologize for the
group e-mail and not contacting you individually. But I wanted to express my thoughts regarding the future of The Lakes
Golf Course. As I know you're busy, I'll be brief.
Clearly, our town is changing. While we've long known the city is a premier place to live, work and play, the secret is
out. What once was a little known hamlet tucked between LAX and Chevron has caught the attention of the greater
area and beyond. I understand this can (and should) be a good thing for EI Segundo. And I respect the need to further
develop and position the city for longterm stability and greater success. But I caution somewhere along the line we run
the risk of losing some of the character and charm that, at its core, is the foundation of the spirit of EI Segundo — small
town values, a safe environment, a subtle innocence and a friendly community with a very small degree of separation
among its citizens. I believe The Lakes is one of them.
As we, as a city, take the long view, let's not shed some of the things that have made EI Segundo truly special. I'm not
suggesting keep The Lakes in its current form. I'm asking as you deliberate what lies ahead, please take into
consideration the meaningful benefits The Lakes and its programs provide to our community. They're important on
many levels that extend well beyond the driving range and golf course. To lose them would be unfortunate.
Keep The Lakes local.
Thank you for your time and consideration; and thank you for your service to the city.
Best regards.
Les Eisner
824 Lomita St.
EI Segundo, CA 90245
M: 310/779-5605
Shilling, Mona
From: Drew Boyles (Mayor Pro Tem)
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 12:30 PM
To: Petit, Meredith
Cc: *ALL CITY COUNCIL; Carpenter, Greg
Subject: Re: The Lakes RFP - Mandatory Pre -Bid Meeting - Update
Excellent - thank you for the update.
Drew Boyles I Mayor Pro Tem
City of EI Segundo
See My Linkedln Profile
On Apr 25, 2018, at 14:17, Petit, Meredith <myetit _ elseRundo.org> wrote:
Good Afternoon City Council,
A quick note to provide a brief update on The Lakes RFP...
Yesterday we held the Mandatory Pre -Bid Site Visit Meeting at The Lakes at 10:OOam. The turnout was
exceptional, with about 40 individuals in attendance representing about 27 different companies. A little
over half were golf -related, with about 3 interested in soccer/baseball facilities, 2-3
restaurant/entertainment concepts, and the rest unknown represented by real estate or developer -
related companies.
The meeting included an overview of the project site and a tour of the Clubhouse, Kitchen, Pro -Shop,
Driving Range, and Maintenance Facility. Those companies who were represented at this meeting will
now be eligible to submit proposals. We are accepting written questions through tomorrow at 2pm, and
will be posting an Addendum with responses by 5pm on Tuesday, May 1St
Carol Beck and I were pleased with the amount of interest that was evident yesterday and look forward
to the proposal due date of June 14tH
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Meredith Petit
Director of Recreation & Parks
City of EI Segundo
(310) 524-2880
Shilling, Mona
Michele Totil-each <micheletotileach@gmai Lcom>
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 5:41 PM
The Lakes RFP Process
To whom it may concern,
I find it appalling that the city council is considering going behind The Lakes Task Force and issuing an RFP with what appears to be a
shortened timeline and incomplete information. Why rush the process, which has lasting financial implications, as well as affects the
reputation of El Segundo and the way we conduct business?
Any appearance of impropriety will reflect poorly on the members who vote to circumvent a fair and impartial process. Be
transparent and fair so we can achieve the best outcome our community.
Michele Leach
307 E. Walnut Ave.
El Segundo, CA 90245
Shilling, Mona
From: Luna, Janet <Janet.L.Luna@marriott.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:45 PM
Subject: The Lakes
As an EI Segundo resident, I am confused to the speed for a Request for Proposal for the Lakes. It took years for Top Golf
and this will get immediate time frame? Where is the third party review? And why would we forgive a $5 million dollar
loan? I have huge concerns about this rush and forgiving this loan.
Janet Luna I Director Event Planning
Marina del Rey Marriott 14100 Admiralty Way I Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Janet.luna@rnarriott.com I T: 310.448.4886 1 F: 310.448.4825
Book your Southern CaIiI ornia
adventure today
w r~
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Shilling, Mona
From: Tracey Miller-Zarneke <traceymz@socal.rr.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:11 PM
Cc: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Subject: The Lakes Project (on Tonight's Agenda)
Hello Madam Mayor, Honorable Mayor Pro Tem and Esteemed Councilpersons-
I wanted to speak at the podium tonight but my nagging cough is not something I want to share with the chambers, so
I'm sending the thoughts this way and will let others speak in person.
While I cannot know all the discussions leading up to this point in time, it is hard to respect a seemingly rushed RFP
when the first round of considerations on this project took FIVE YEARS with just one potential partner, and that did not
even include a standard RFP process to set up that partnership—and these are factors for which you have already heard
plenty of criticism, so why invite more now?
If Council took the time and concern to form a knowledgeable Task Force on this phase of the project, then why not let it
serve its duty to develop a well -formed RFP with a sensible calendar built into it? The proposals you receive are sure to
be more informed and useful if the RFP process is set up as thoroughly as possible.
In related considerations, I do not think it makes sense to forgive the $5,000,000 loaned to the Lakes when the City may
still find the right project partner to finally turn a profit at the Lakes and pay that sum back as intended. The City funds
already seem to be too few to cover all the looming pensions as well as the never-ending request for greater public
safety, so why take this potential repayment off the books?
Thanks for listening, and I will hope to see a logical, rational path mapped out towards a lucrative future for both the
Lakes and our City.
-- tracey
Tracey Miller-Zarneke
501 Oregon Street
Shilling, Mona
From: Melissa McCaverty <melissamccaverty@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:08 PM
Subject: Recreation Parks Agenda Item on tonight's Agenda
Dear Mayor Fuentes & City Council Members,
When each and every one of you took your oath of office before stepping foot on the dais, you pledged to
support and defend the United States and California Constitutions against all enemies, foreign and domestic and
you vowed to bear true faith and allegiance to both of those Constitutions.
You took that obligation freely, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion and said you would well and
faithfully discharge the duties upon which you were about to enter.
So now I ask, by rushing the RFP process, are you — the City Council and the City staff are acting in the best
interests of the people of El Segundo? Here are some concerns I see after reading the Agenda item and RFP.
1. The RFP has never been reviewed or discussed by the Task Force you appointed.
2. The consultant hired by the City recommended a third party engineering assessment of the clubhouse to
determine the present condition and what repairs has been done. This has NOT been done.
3. The numbers relied upon for the repairs needed to fix the clubhouse are not reasonable, thought out or based
on any study (See above).
4. The staff report states a normal RFP process has responses due between 42 -56 days, but in this case, staff is
recommending to shorten that response time to just 34 days.
5. Under (3) of the staff report there is a discussion of clubhouse needs:
However, without the time to hire a third -party expert to fully assess the structural systems (i.e. plumbing,
roofing, mechanical and electrical), the full extent of the Clubhouse needs remain unknown. Staff requests
the City Council to identify the degree in which funds are available to contribute towards improvements at
The Lakes.
To enter into an agreement without the specific answers to the above mentioned questions is yet again binding
the City to an unknown.
6. Under (5) of the staff report there is a discussion regarding through legal review by the City Attorney and
thorough review by other city departments — this hasn't even been started yet - How can the City Attorney and
other City departments possibly get this done within this tightened up time frame?
I do not understand how rushing through an RFP process, after 5 years of virtual stagnation, culminated by a
"Perry Mason" type showdown with the executives of Top Golf fulfills any of the above obligations you
promised us, the residents of El Segundo?
Isn't the point of the RFP process is to have an open and transparent process to select the best company to run
the Lakes? Why are you, the City Council and Meredith Petit not willing to let the process run its course and
rushing this?
I cannot fathom any other reason you are wanting to rush this process other than to prevent the new City
Council from making the decision on the golf course, a decision you've had PLENTY of time to make but did
It further appears you are catering to a small minority of people who want our City taxes to subsidize cheap
My biggest question for you is why? Why do you want to "stick it" to the residents of the City you swore to
protect? This is reprehensible and the definition of abuse of power.
Forgiving a $5 million loan is unfathomable. Your own city website has outdated information on it. Your
Committees, Commissions and Boards pages is so outdated, it shows term expirations in 2016. Your
government services page still shows Don Knabe as the County Supervisor representing our district. Perhaps
instead of forgiving a $5 million loan, you could collect upon it and use the money to update the websites, for a
You could also use the $5 million towards the new pool owned by Wiseburn instead of taking money from our
school district that should be using its limited school funds for desperately needed school improvements and
safety procedures.
Please remember your oath tonight as you vote.
Melissa McCaverty
Shilling, Mona
From: Stephanie Sauter <ssauter@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:00 PM
Subject: The Lakes RFP
Good Afternoon.
I'm thankful that conscientious neighbors alerted us to the fact that it had been decided to rush the RFP for the
Lakes in order to have the current city council vote on an outcome. What is going on down there?
This is an issue that has clearly divided the community and been long -discussed. What would possess the
current city council to decide that the issue has to be resolved before the upcoming elections? Whose idea was it
and whose interests are being served? Clearly, not the interests of the community.
The point of the RFP process is to have an open and transparent process to select the best company to run the Lakes. The
current council does not seem willing to let the process continue to run its natural course.By rushing this RFP process, the
council is not acting in the best interests of the people of EI Segundo.
Additionally, a $5,000,000 loan from the general fund is being asked to be forgiven. The city simply cannot afford to forgive this
The RFP process should not be rushed. The decision of what the city will do with the Lakes should be made by the new council and not be
rushed through by the current council, There is something unseemly about this sudden attempt to accelerate this process. The citizens of El
Segundo do not deserve to be treated this way. More transparency, more thoughtfulness, more integrity, please.
Stephanie Sauter & Paul Kelly
Stephanie Sauter
Shilling, Mona
From: Kristie <kristiesherrill@aol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 2:06 PM
Subject: Lakes RFP Process
Dear City Council Members,
I would like to express my concern over the way the RFP for the Lakes is being rushed through. The standard time for an
RFP process process is 6-8 weeks, not 34 days. The Lakes task force was set up to assist in this process and is also not
being utilized.
I do not support the following:
- Decreasing the amount of time for the RFP Process to 34 days from 6-8 weeks
- Forgiving a $5 million dollar loan that is owed by the Lakes
- Bypassing the Lakes Task Force in making this decision.
There is no reason to rush this decision.
Kristie Sherrill
EI Segundo Resident
Shilling, Mona
From: Michael Briney <briney.michael@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:37 PM
Subject: Fwd: The Lakes
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Completed
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Briney <briney.michael@ mail.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 1:35 PM
Subject: The Lakes
To: Suzanne Fuentes <smfiientes rr aol.com>, "carylesedf.org" <carol [r,esedforg>, Mike Dugan
<du ie marcdu an hoto.com>, Drew Boyles <drew. boyles@ 1800 ot'unk.com>, Don Brann
<dsbrann@sbc lg obal.net>
Cc: Barbara Briney <esbbrmev ,gmail.com>
We were very much dismayed to see this accelerated process for this RFP. Rushing something through will not
allow the best product to be considered by potential developers. This rushing process is also not fair to the
incoming city council. Not all of you will have to live with these rushed decisions, dumping it on the incoming
city council. Please follow your internal, defined process and take the appropriate amount of time to consider
this important decision.
We were also concerned as there has been discussion over forgiving the $5M loan provided from the city for the
golf course. This is just wrong. Maybe what should be incorporated into the golf RFP is a plan for this loan to
be repaid. This loan was "our" money and we believe it is inappropriate for minimally 3 of you to forgive this
We appreciate your consideration.
Mike & Barbara Briney
Shilling, Mona
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
To whom this may concern,
Todd DeAngelis <todd@signalsay.com>
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 12:13 PM
Lakes RFP Task Force
Follow up
PLEASE act in the best interest of the city and go through their unanimously -voted Task Force to get a valid RFP with a
valid timeline.
Todd DeAngelis I CEO/Founder
Los Angeles: (310) 645-9855 126 Penn St., EI Segundo, CA 90245
Palm Desert: (760) 698-9109 77885 Las Montanas Rd., Suite B, Palm Desert, CA 92211
www.signalsay.cflm I todd si nalsay.com
Elite Platinum
Confidentiality Notice: This email is intended for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)
and may contain confidential or privileged information. No one is authorized to copy
or re -use this email or any information contained in it. If you are not the intended recipient,
we request that you please notify us by reply email and destroy all copies of the message
and any attachments. Thank you for your cooperation.
Shilling, Mona
From: Shemaine Smith <shemainesmith22@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 11:44 AM
Subject: Tonights Agenda
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Completed
To The City Council of EI Segundo,
It has come to the attention of many of the residents of EI Segundo that there is a RFP in the works
for a third -party organization to manage The Lakes. There appear to be three significant issues
which run counter to a fair and transparent process.
Timing. Many residents have reviewed the RFP document and timing and wonder, why are we
rushing this? We spent years getting to a point where you rejected Top Golf, but this RFP process
has truncated timing which is less than the minimum recommended or reasonable. I strongly urge you
not to move forward with this request from the City Staff.
Third Party Assessment: the RFP consultant hired by the City recommended a third party engineering assessment of the
club house to determine the present condition and determine what repairs are required. This has not been done. Why would we
proceed without this? The RFP is incomplete and we will not have informed responses to the RFP.
Review of the RFP by the Lakes Task Force. According to a member of the Lakes Task Force, this draft RFP has never been
reviewed by the Lakes Task Force. How can you in good conscience take this RFP and the request under review if the group
you selected to work on this did not have a chance to review?
Please table this request to move forward with the Lakes RFP and work with the Lakes Task Force to develop a RFP and timing
that will have a positive result for the City. As is, it flies in the face of an open, transparent and reasonable process.
Finally, it has been discussed that City staff is also asking the Council to potentially forgive the $5,000,000 loan from the general
fund to the Lakes. That's $5 million, not $5,000 or even $50,000. Please do not even entertain forgiving this loan.
I wish that I could be at tonight's meeting to express my concern and dismay over the Lakes RFP process and the potential
"forgiving" of the $5,000,000 loan. Neither of these are in the best interests of the City.
Thank you for listening,
Shemaine Smith, 9 -year residents. 403 Indiana St #2
Shilling, Mona
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
City Council of EI Segundo,
It has come to the attention of
Christibelle Villena <christibellev@gmail.com>
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 11:43 AM
Meeting agenda of the City Council
Follow up
residents of El Segundo that there is a
process in the works
for a third -party organization to manage The Lakes
that the timing is to be shortened, and that the City may potentially forgive the $5 million loan
There appear
to be three significant issues which run counter to a fair and transparent process.
In fact, it can be argued that this is intentionally damaging to the City and its residents.
Timing. Many residents have reviewed the RFP document
and its timing:
why rush? We spent years getting to a point where you rejected Top Golf, but this
request allows
that is significantly
less than the minimum recommended or reasonable. I strongly urge you not to move forward with this request
from the City Staff.
hird Party Assessment
he RFP consultant hired by the City recommended a third party engineering assessment of the club house to
determine the present condition and repairs required. This has not been done. Why would we proceed without
this? The RFP is incomplete and we will not have informed responses.
Review of the RFP by the Lakes Task Force. According to a member of the Lakes Task Force, this draft RFP
has never been reviewed by the
m. How
can you in good conscience take this RFP and the request under review if the group you selected to work on
this did not have a chance to review?
table this request to move forward with the Lakes RFP and work with the Lakes Task Force to develop a
RFP and timing that will have a positive result for the Ci
.As is, it
stands against
an open, transparent and reasonable process.
Finally, it has been discussed that City staff is also asking the Council to potentially forgive the $5
loan from the general fund to the Lakes. Please do not even entertain forgiving this
$5 million
I wish that I could be with you to express my concern and dismay over the Lakes RFP process and the potential
"forgiving" of the $
5 million
loan. Neither of these are in the best interests of the City
and the residents do now that this to happen
Thank you for listening.
Christibelle Villena
El Segundo resident
Shilling, Mona
From: Jeff and Beth Schodorf <schodorf@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 11:14 AM
Subject: The Lakes RFP
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Completed
Dear Mayor Fuentes and Council Members,
After spending 5 years negotiating with Top Golf and ultimately voting against a deal, we are outraged that the City Council now
wants to rush a decision on The Lakes.
The City Council should not shorten the RFP response time.
The City Council should not bypass The Lakes Task Force.
The City Council should not forgive the $5M loan made to The Lakes from the general fund.
The current City Council should act in the best interest of our City and not rush to a vote before the new City Council
takes office.
Beth and Jeff Schodorf
EI Segundo Residents
428 W Palm Ave
Shilling, Mona
From: Lopez, Adrian <ajl408@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 9:46 AM
Subject: Lakes RFP
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Completed
Council Members:
It should go without saying that no action should be taken on the Lakes property in a hurried manner just to close gnx deal. The
conversation regarding the Lakes has been going on for years and it is in no one's interest to rush such major decisions. In fact, the
haste to act smells very fishy. This process needs to see the light of day, including the forgiveness of a loan.
-Adrian Lopez
El Segundo Homeowner
Shilling, Mona
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Dear City Council Members,
Ann Mazuk <snowspout@gmail.com>
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 9:44 AM
Vote No to rush RFP for The Lakes
Follow up
Please do NOT rush the RFP process and do NOT forgive the $5,000,000 loan from the general fund to The
There is no reason to rush this process. The City has been waiting over 5 years to decide what to do with The
Lakes, the City can wait another 6 - 8 weeks to go through the formal process.
It is very upsetting to see that the City Council wants to rush this important decision before the election and not
have it go through the formal process that protects us as a City. In addition, it is incomprehensible that this has
not be drafted nor reviewed by the Lakes Task Force.
From what I understand, the City cannot afford to forgive the $5,000,000 loan so I am shocked to find that this
is even on the table.
Thank you for your consideration and I hope that you vote NO to rush the RFP process and NO to forgive the
$5,000,000 loan.
Ann Mazuk, Resident
El Segundo, CA
Shilling, Mona
From: teswanson@ sshdwr.com <teswanson@sshdwr.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 8:06 AM
Subject: Golf Course RFP
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Completed
The effort to now issue an RFP, Five years into negotiations and planning for the golf course is clearly a last ditch effort
by those on the Council who oppose TopGolf to lock up any other deal regardless of what is best for the city. With the
exception of two members, this Council has shown the most unfriendly business attitude towards not only TopGolf but
many other large business's attempting to enter our town.
Top Golf is a $800,000,000 a year Company. They would have done all course improvements at their cost, enabling the
Lake to not only turn a profit but also pay back their $5,000,000 Loan.
You are now asking the $5,000,000 Loan to not only be forgiven, but also asking companies to take on an RFP that will
better the Top Golf Deal? Or if they cannot you will award based on merit with part of the cost to reconstruct being
covered at the cities expense? How would you pay for these improvements? Pass a Bond? The city could not even afford
a new swimming pool, it was paid for by private donations, and years of volunteers services. Our Schools rely on the
Education Foundation, our City Events are covered by Chevron and Continental Development. Take the Centennial
Celebration which was largely paid for by Continental Development and Mr. Lundquist. This event took place on the
heels of shooting down TopGolf due to the impatience of certain council members who could not await his review. A
review which they requested.
This entire process has been financially irresponsible and now rushed as a last ditch effort by 3 incompetent Council
Members who are not interested in the wants and needs of the city regardless of their constituents voices.
Troy Swanson
Operations Manager,
Door & Frame Coordination
S&S Hardware Co. Inc.
1111 E. Grand Avenue.
EI Segundo, Ca 90245
Phone: (310) 322-9404
Fax: (310) 322-4818
Shilling, Mona
From: Matthew McMillon <mcmillons@mac.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 12:44 AM
Subject: The Lakes RFP
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Completed
As a long time resident of EI Segundo, I want to voice my concern for what seems to be a rushed RFP process to decide
on the next 20 years of the Lakes management. From my understanding there is a task force put in place by this city
council that is not being consulted in the current RFP process. It seems to me that the normal RFP timeline is being
rushed to get a decision made before a certain date that coincides with 2/5's of the city council being decided by general
I am strongly against forgiving/dissolving any debt or loans the Lakes owes the city of EI Segundo without a complete
and thorough RFP process that includes; plenty of time for communication and plenty of time for additional RFPs from
many interested parties that may or may not include a plan to repay the debt.
It seems to me that this is a last ditch effort by a city council to force through their agenda before the people of EI
Segundo get a chance to voice their opinion in this matter through the ballot box. I would strongly recommend that this
become one of the top topics that each potential candidate takes the time to communicate their plan and thoughts on
this matter as they earn the votes of the people. I ask that the existing council continue to gather information but that
no decision be made until after the new city council has been elected. Please allow the people to make this decision at
the upcoming election through their vote for the new city council members.
I have lived in EI Segundo since 1999. My wife Danielle and I have served this city and its families for several years in a
variety of ways. I have coached softball and soccer teams through the local recreation leagues now for 6 years. I have
served on the board of EI Segundo Girls Softball for 3 years and am currently the President. My wife is currently serving
on the Richmond Street PTA board. She also serves and protects our local beaches as a Captain on the Rescue Boats with
the Los Angeles County Lifeguard. I write all this not to brag as many in this city serve just like yourselves to make this a
great place to live and raise our children. But I write this to show we are are committed to El Segundo and have a lot
invested in what it is currently and what it can be in the future. Please take my concerns and requests seriously.
Matthew McMillon
Shilling, Mona
From: Samantha Lee <sammyselter@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 10:14 PM
Subject: The Lakes RFP Agenda Item - City Council Meeting 2/20/2018
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Completed
Dear Elected Officials of EI Segundo,
I have great concerns regarding the City Council Agenda item regarding a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Management and
Operations of the Lakes at El Segundo Site currently on the agenda for the February 20, 2018 El Segundo City Council meeting. After
a review of the Agenda Report prepared by El Segundo City Staff and the actual RFP itself I feel compelled to urge all Council
Members to vote NO on this item.
This entire RFP process is being rushed, and to what end? The City Council spent 5 and a halfyears negotiating with Top Golf. Now
the City Council wants to rush through an RFP on the same issue (what to do with the Lakes) in less than 1/11th the amount of time.
WHY? There has been no sufficient answer given to this question. The only reason 1 can see for the rush to complete this RFP process
is for the current city council to take action before any new council members are sworn in from the upcoming City Council election.
The City Council formed a Task Force to determine what company is best qualified to run the Lakes, via an RFP process. However,
to my knowledge, the Task Force has not had an opportunity to review the RFP which has been developed by Staff due to
time constraints dictated by the City Council. The staff report even points out that the a normal RFP process allows for responses to be
due between 42-56 days. However the current version of the Lakes RFP allows for only 34 days for proposers to respond. Yet another
example of just how rushed this RFP process is.
Included in the Staff Report is the discussion about possible forgiveness of a $5,000,000 loan made from the City of El Segundo
General Fund to the Lakes at EI Segundo Enterprise Fund. As a tax paying resident of El Segundo I urge you to vote no on this
portion of the staff report as well. I simply do not want my general fund tax dollars used to "supplement" the users of the Lakes. A
municipal enterprise fund should, at a minimum, break even. Ideally a municipal enterprise fund should make a profit. Forgiveness of
the $5,000,000 loan from the general fund would be an incredibly poor financial management practice.
One thing is for sure this RFP, and the last 6 years of time and energy spent on negations with Top Golf, is an example of incredibly
poor public policy from an elected body. In my opinion any action taken by the City Council to move forward with this RFP in this
rushed and incomplete format, and any forgiveness of the $5,000,000 loan is not in the best interest of the people of EI Segundo.
Thank you for your time and attention to this critical matter.
Samantha Lee
Shilling, Mona
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To All Elected Officials -
Tom Stebbins <bruindiving@yahoo.com>
Monday, February 19, 2018 7:01 PM
The Lakes
Follow up
I am opposed to forgiving $51M debt The Lakes apparently owes the city. I am also opposed to rushing through a process
in which our community will be under contract for an entire generation moving forward. Please take your time with
finding our next operators. Please make sure that the city and its citizens will benefit to this long term deal.
I appreciate your time.
Tom Stebbins
Resident EI Segundo
Shilling, Mona
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To whom it may concern,
Chau Nakada <cnakada@me.com>
Monday, February 19, 2018 6:10 PM
Chau Nakada
RFP and the Lakes
Follow up
I do not agree with rushing the RFP process.
Chau Nakada
Shilling, Mona
From: kirby weaver < kdweavers@yahoo.com >
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 5:02 PM
Subject: Lakes RFP Process
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City Council and other City officials,
I strongly disagree with the rushed RFP process that the current Council is attempting to force. I have
participated in many RFP's in my professional career, and there is never a good reason to rush this process. All
this can accomplish is to guarantee that we will not receive the best possible bids/bidders that will most benefit
the City as a whole. The only reason that I can see to rush the process, is that the current Council want to make
sure that they control the process so that they can set their personal agenda above the needs of the many citizens
of EI Segundo.
We just worked with Top Golf for 5 years on a proposal to overhaul and run the Lakes, and now you would like
the citizens to believe that you are going to accomplish something better in only 34 days? I find this to be
extremely unethical, and borderline criminal.
Please do not let your personal agenda continue to rule your decision making process when making decisions
that will affect all the residents of El Segundo for 20 years.
Kirby Weaver
Shilling, Mona
From: Dick Croxall <croxalll@earthlink.net>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 3:47 PM
Subject: Lake RFP Release
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Flag Status: Completed
Council Members and City Officials:
I am emailing to strongly protest the effort to issue an RFP for the Lakes before adequate study
has been completed to understand what modifications to the clubhouse and surrounding
infrastructure is required and the ridiculously short RFP response time of thirty four days. As a
former Northrop Grumman executive who oversaw and evaluated many major business
proposals, this process and response time will preclude the City from getting the best possible
high -confidence response from bidders. The Mayor, who also worked at Northrop Grumman, well
understands all of this and yet continues to push a totally inadequate process and time line on the
RFP. It is quite clear that the current lame duck 3-2 majority of the council is trying desperately to
get this decision made on their personal preferences before the new council is seated while not
allowing the council -appointed Lakes Task Force to complete evaluation/validation of the RFP.
This behavior is at least unethical and belies our resident's trust in the council to "do what's right
for the City" and not what they want to see.
More to consider .... in making the 3-2 vote to terminate Top Golf after FIVE YEARS of "good faith"
negotiations, the current council ignored the unanimous recommendations to proceed with Top
Golf by the Planning Commission and Economic Development Advisory Committee, and cut off
Richard Lundquist from completing his review of the Top Golf proposal which would have resulted
in a better deal for the City. The council had asked Richard, who has been a long time major
contributor to the growth and future of EI Segundo, to restructure the Top Golf deal to the benefit
of the City. Draw your own conclusions, but this is far more than circumstantial evidence that the
council majority was voting for their personal preferences as opposed to what is right for the City
and our residents.
Dick Croxall
Former Recreation and Parks Commission Chair (Chair of the original Lakes Development Advisory
Former Member of the EI Segundo Board of Education
Shilling, Mona
Alisa Pasternack <alisa@pasternacks.net>
Monday, February 19, 2018 3:29 PM
The Lakes task Force
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I am hearing some unfortunate news about the way you are handling our city decisions!!
I hope you are thinking things through instead of rushing through decisions.
Please vote in the best interest of our wonderful town of EI Segundo and agree to use the unanimously voted task force
to get a valid RFP with an appropriate timeline!!
We all want what is best for EI Segundo. You should too!
Sent from my iPhone
Shilling, Mona
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Dear Council Members,
Carol Wingate <cwingate@socal.rr.com>
Monday, February 19, 2018 2:01 PM
The Lakes
Follow up
Please allow the next city council with its newly elected members decide what to do with the Lakes. The new members
will reflect the current thinking and wishes of the residents of EI Segundo.
Thank you,
Carol Wingate
Shilling, Mona
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Dear EI Segundo City Council,
John Telfair <jrtelf@aol.com>
Monday, February 19, 2018 11:11 AM
The Lakes Task Force
Follow up
understand that the Lakes Task Force was created, by the City Council, to create and administer a Request for Proposal to
determine what company is best qualified to run the Lakes. Now I hear the council wants to rush the process of the RFP. I
don't understand why you would want to rush the process, if you asked for the RFP in the first place. Why not let the process
run it's course? This (Lakes) has been an item on the council for so long, what's another couple of months?
Also, I have heard, the Lakes has a loan from the city that they have not paid back. It sounds like the Lakes needs some
help. If this RFP does not come up with a company, the council can agree on, then maybe it's time to look into the Lakes
Please consider letting the RFP run it's course.
Thank you,
John Telfair
EI Segundo resident
Shilling, Mona
matt tyler <tyler9856@yahoo.com>
Monday, February 19, 2018 9:53 AM
Due Process for the Lakes
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Completed
The current City Council must act in the best interest of the city and go through their unanimously -voted Task Force to get a valid
RFP with a valid timeline for the Lakes, this should not be a question at all.
Shilling, Mona
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Hello City Council Members,
Kevin DiCerbo <kevindicerbo@yahoo.com>
Monday, February 19, 2018 8:26 AM
Lakes RFP Process
Follow up
As a citizen concerned about the status of the expedited Lakes RFP process, I would request that you reroute the process through the
unanimously voted Lakes task force so that we may get a proper RFP and proper bids using a proper timeline for the process. Trying
to expedite the Lakes RFP process would be another mistake in a long line of missteps in the handling of this process. Thank you for
your consideration.
Kevin DiCerbo
230 Virginia Street #14
El Segundo, CA 90245
Shilling, Mona
From: Dave Collard <dave.collard@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 6:46 AM
Cc: Hon
Subject: Hello. I just heard some news that was cause for concern...
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Flag Status: Completed
.. that you had changed the RFP guidelines.
Please act in the best interest of the city and go through their unanimously -voted Task Force to get a valid RFP with a valid timeline.
It's very important that after all the rancor, this is conducted in an above -board manner.
All Best,