1119-02 - 2045 MARIPOSA AVE EVERSION 12.2000 OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION, I hereby affirm under penally of papery that I am exempt from the Cama:Ms ' Lfbroe Law tor ere Meowing reason ISec 7031 5. Business and Professions Cade My city or county 'which regtres a permit to construct, alter, Improve, dema(Mx or repair any structure, price to its Issuance. also regales Me appMant tar soon permit to fide a signed statement that he or she Is licensed pursuant to to provsions of the Contractors Done Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Set 7000) df Dry 3 of Sir' Busmen and Professions Code) or that he or se is exempt therefrom and me basis for the aleged exemption My vldabon of Sec 7031 5 by any applicant fora permit wbyeas the appbard to a tlil penally of not more than five hundred dollars (5500) ) I, LJ as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as Its sole min per same. MI do the work, and the structure Is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec 7014. Business and Professions Code The Contractors License Law does not apply to an of property who buads or improves thereon. and who does such work himseUforKKherself or through his or her own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however, the building or an - armament is sold within one year 01 Completion the owner -comer we have ore Baden of proving that he or the did not mad or Improve la me purpose d sale ) 11 I as owner of the properly, am exclusively contracting with licensed con - to consbua the project (Sec 7044 Business end Professor), Code The Contactos License Law does not sooty to an Amer d property who trams or im- proves .. and who contacts to such protects yam a contactor(s) license • rsuto the Contactors License Law ) ,, I am exempt under Section B SP C for OM reason ♦ Ii 13/51''1/4 3. a. geta48, Data Signature of Owner LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of penury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Dws 3 of the Business and Professions Code and my license is in tun laze ect license Class Number Expuabon Date Date Signature of Contractor WORKERSMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of penury one of the following declarations 0' I have and MT maintain a certificate of consent to setinsure for workers oompebaaon, as provded for by Semon 3700 of the Labor Code, for to per- formance ol the yak for Moth tors panne Is Issued t nave am Me maintain waiters compensation insurance, as reeeret by Sec rw or ore Labor Code to me performance a me work to when ells perm is issued My workers' compensation insurance carder and policy number we Came No - - - PM spa once not N meowed low Fermi • bee sewn Bees dewlo sal certify that in the performance of the work for which des permit is issued I not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the workers astion laws of California, and agree that d I should become subject to the ors' compensation provisions of Sec 3700 of the Labor Code I shall fprthvath comply with those provisions m ISOMMEgMpt w FAILURE 0 SECUREISOMERS'TPEN EN COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL. AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO O CRIMINAL IESANDCVILMSUP TOO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS S NDDmN TO FCCOTTOF COMPENSATION.DAMENASPRVaaSECTIONMS OF sdE LABOR COOE IMITRESI.AND ATTORNEYS FEES. . CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of penury that there Is a construction lending abncy fa the performance of the work for which this oempl Is issued (Sec 3097 Co C I Lenders Name Lenders Address I portly tat I have read this appkcabon and state that the above mfonnaton Is erred I agee to comply with all oty and county ordinances end state laws re - bung to building construction. and hereby autmnze representatives of iris OW to enter upon the above -mentioned for mspecm /h/yJ aQ4 Vale lAopped�alcrorAgent BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION COMMUNITY. ECONOMIC S DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 we........ r r.... ..a•m w. 'Sr it ADDREESS, 20c . S IDENT1FYIN6 NUMBER ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER BOot PAGE PARCEL PLIC ('AMA PE$0rafir -DATE ll—I—oz. R S PHONE NO CITY STATE eat"k.J ZIP t, - r PROP,ERTY OWNER C�1. N -� o NE my �9oyr AD CITY sopf* &4 P6t-arm STA C4- ZIP V /DS ARCHITECT /VoNcr- PHONE NO ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ENGINEER PHONE NO ADDRESS CITY ZIP SLNTRACTOR17�Vs(a�S) et //& et (NGC CITY LIC NO ADDRESS PHONENO'. ! CITY STATE ZIP PLAN CHECK/PERMIT NUMBER: / / / Q ... `1._. NEW JIRESIDEMIAL LIP USE TELUG AREA CMP USE BLDG AREA _ ADDITION COMMERCIAL x LMPU SG AREA two ALttRAIIUN i. IPTI6ND TQ�� WORN ce !. IIb4 nor cxcwsi✓ y r6,v 7 # f gp r E,rP/,eey bet e',eu 3; al REF I OCC GROUP(S) WPM OFJCONS 1RUCTIOt SOUARE FOOTAGE NO OF STORIES IYES FIRE SPRINKLERS NO STA(ISTICALy�S. IFICATIOr UNIT(SI CaDE IN EFF C 5 �sLr PLAN CHECK FEE E ENERGY PLAN CHECK 5 I2.0•00 VAL UA 0 2 tic, n/q 'ECIPT NUMBER I INITIALS DATE E PLAN CHECK FEE 5 ENERGY PLAN CHECK E REVISED VALUATION RECEIPTNUMBER INITIALS DATE 2 %0 PERMIT FEE E /� W RETENTION FEE 5 SMIP FEE 5 ACCELERATED FEE E TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE 5 (� . eel a��-- a / (� (Jc2 • SC) FEES PAID DIST PAID WORKS FEES PD PERMIT OBTAINED APPROVAL APPROVAL APPROVAL WASTE APPROVAL _ SCHOOL _ HEALTH DEPT il SANITATION FIRE DEPT r1 PUBLIC I—I1 SCAOMD r—I OSHA rr INDUSTRIAL RPTIAIR/ / /Y/�' INRIALB .J('J/e� DATE iSlov 1 ow-t \ f/ DATE 5WI/0 W C r v_ Z m r n 0 NO INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR REQUIRED BUILDING INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS 81 Lo abort and setbacks 82 Sot Engineer's Approval 83 FandaboMrench form Ba . _ s . Seuaeial remote slab on grade 85 RaSed Boor framing ., BB Under Blow nsubbn 87 Fyn level Boor sheathing BB Second level floor sheathing B9 Tired level floor sheathing 810 Roof shoaling 811 Concrete clods• 1st Grout b 2nd Grout hat 3rd Groot N en Gout IS 612 Steel haling B13 Fire Dept frame inspection 614 Budding Dept frame nspamm B15 Fire sprinkler hangers 816 nsulabrsMPame sbppng 817 mute te$B enNw dyeal ' • BIB Exterior Lath ,.. 1319 Rated floor/Calm assemblies 620 Rated sal assembles 621 Rated opwwlg protector 822 Rated sha*conslucton 823 T-0ar wings 824 tel drainage B25 Nanning Dept Approval B26 Fn Deg Approval B27 Pubic Works Dept Approval B26 Fnal Budding Inspecban approval DESCRIBE COMPLETELY THE INTENDED USE OF ALL SPACE APPLICABLE TO THIS BUILDING PERMIT The following statement must be signed by the Building owner. (When approved by the Building Metal, the owners agent may sign for permits other than the Initial or shall building permit We me appicarn or future buldq occupant luMe a hazardous mate= or rw[aue containing a hazardous nmWfW equal to IX greater than the arrant specified on the hazardous materials nlomlmon 9tada? Yes of No treat II me answer to me question was yes. we the proposed burning or modified fault be wrmn 1000 feel of me outer boundary of a school? Yes or No toast I have read the hazardous material nhxmabon guide and the SCAOMD permitting thedclst I understand my remiremen under the State of Ca fame Health and Safely Code Section 25505 25533, and 25634 concemng hazardous materials reponng Yes or Ho ?east NAME SIGNATURE INSPECTION NOTES: a. inteo NOW 13 '02 15:35 FP MATTEL-REAL ESTATE 310 252 5256 TO 5/224167 P.03/03 RE: 2045 MARIPOSA AVENUE EL SEGUNDO. CALIFORNIA 90245 This letter shall incorporate the new lease provisions for the above referenced property, and be an extension of the lease terms and conditions for the existing lease agreement dated for reference purposes only December 11,1996, by and between Nissensson Realty Investments, a California Partnership ("Landlord") and Mattel, Inc., a Delaware Corporation ("Tenant"). Premises / Area: That certain improved real property located at the street address of 2045 E. Mariposa Avenue, El Segundo, California. Approximately 24,000 sq. ft. of warehouse/office space. Term: The term of this Lease shall be for two (2) months commencing on November 1, 2002 and shall end on December 31, 2002. Rental Rate: 512,000 Gross per month Commencement Date: November I, 2002 Permitted Use: Warehousing of such goods and other items as may lawfully be present on the Premises. Landlord's Notice Address: Nissenson Realty Investments; 2027 Santa Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Tenant's Notice Address: MATTEL, INC. ; 333 Continental Boulevard, El Segundo, California 90245-5012; Attention. Managing Director, Real Estate Holding Over: In the event Lessee stays beyond the Lease Term then the rent shall be 5600.00 per day. Landlord shall give tenant fourteen (14) day nonce to vacate Premises. Janitorial: Tenants responsibility Utilities: Lessors responsibility Marketing: Tenant is aware that Landlord will be marketing the property for lease and will use its best efforts to give tenant as much notice as possible. Landlord Access Landlord also reserves the right to enter Premises for the purpose of installing a new roof and/or refurbishing existing office space and restrooms. Such notice will be at least twenty four (24) hours notice to Lessee. Agreed & Accepted by: Michael E. Nissensson (landlord) Date Managing Partner lcp(71 l2.00 Z, (Tenant) Dare By Mattel, Inc. 05.210210W5 Mapco Amendment BLioc NOW-13-7? 15.35 *w TOTAL PAGE 03 +w* 310 252 5256 76: P.03 NOV 13 '02 15:35 FR t1ATTEL-REAL ESTATE 310 252 5256 TO 93224167 P.02/03 r..uc us t Plc v 01 Or t h at. r t.ea.r I Ca.pnw 1t0-8.3-5t26 a.2 This ktbr Ad Warpath tbe aaw kas anon as aces amtnloe of the Ise aata wOY(.. Para cats' team t..eir.ptdared for reference sawed .eb D■anma tot nss � aOty Ian.. Cattania t ') W Matt'l. tat. a De4r. Cayersilon aepn rar• Ito Woo of that Lena sha0 be for ae(2) seta mMmeaetbi on *amber I. 2002 AU aha0 cad es D•amber 31.2= - . GmULSam i12,AMtan penman QUOMPurnaFar Novat t e I.2002 baramsft W rchumin of such ram and ma "ass a may lavMly be moat on laaab..M, as _ ..-- _ mac mammon sat, Irmo maw; 2027 Saga Hen toot S./Oa Barba%CA PYIOS Arytam y man tog T wlri..00dgarc W MATtOL. paC,: 333 Canaan Pkabaad. !J � Cebfoo.te 90tta3Jall 01:: flea Amoco Oustaa. iat Ewa ano n CrowdR71 puree towed a Or saw MansCM E. Stagop Art=4 E1 Geom. A99 moldy 24,000sq. ft...tte ate ofp allgulter tab, L. bildra(E. ilebx-� n .at±pai�aetea LL(// Haan D'+yr�ltL Li nee.rap Lane nap beyond tole Last Tam mta tbt tat dull be S61a 00pe• del Iandia) dal pee w foots (ter) day bare w .ante Negate Tama aapaubday Law teepoer'.lay,' Tanta .wntttlatLowman will bema.kAaigee papa , fnr naa and M0 ace R Slat to goo tart as Mora versa at n1 n La.Aoed she toava menela w enter flame fa ehe P9 vflaealltnj i aaa trofamnj r jai teams and tmrmetimt Sea a wales et& be et Aar fannyteeny burr ate m Leana *AWE .ao+ryatfby: RECEIVED NOV 067002 MARK D. W.NG I'd NOV-13-2002 15:35 6SC0 SSA 2IC Nin71 f'V?IR Wft-a wv.nr.0 Yowls.-cPi-1 I 310 252 5256 98%. P.02