1142-00 - 2031 MARIPOSA AVE EAPPL,cA € rry icr/1 me (yI-1 tt el ADDRESS 'S 52 i'iin4inen+rtl Nit)ziPC:A 96;14 D c ?4 Q - ADDRESS.) 7J� '/7,n•F�rxe tHON .� CITY E o Q STA NAME Ltr d& aLt-C-&-Sk& Oa 42-0 iY tft Co° ADDRESS PHONE BUILDING PERMIT Building Safety Division Community, Ecanomic,BDevelopment Services Dept. 350 Main St., El Segundo, CA 90245 - 24-HR inspection Request Line (310) 322-7069 :10J a5Q,-99.)•i PLAN CHECK ACE//7tR-"" SLIP Gil�� / / C ' BULLRING ADDRESS an,& I F• /Lla-r/ 7(iC_. TRACT - BLOCK/PAGE LOT/PARCEL - CITY STATE/ZIP NAME ADDRESS PHONE CITY NAME a STATE/ZIP MAIUNG ADDRESS neve CITY /^ l/r TELEPHONE will20 WET STANDPIPES TYPE OF CONST T USE ZONE C' GROUP , REO'D YARDS NO STORIES ra USE OF BUILDING (wit SPRINKLERED SIZE OF CONST. r UBC ED. YES) NO ZIP ,061 STATE CITY UC N di/ DESCRIPTION OR REMARKS: YES — NO NEW I ADOmON I ALTEFjATION I(CerrirMmeing with of herebyalmm under petaaY ape jr.y area1am licensed ever prates,° StTen2.h¥I - pro Y-e1Ye 17 Division 3 at the Business and Preemies add my Mete ishIuPNlafjne edecL %�% -72i tw n. _-. I I/i•. _ .. _ I I en n. _ , . NO 77 L Cans. gaiG <LeLLS Sic Corny r WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION CITYr NAME DRAWING NO. I ram? Mal I have reed the al>Ole:aeon old state me de above adernuen is coned I I hereby affirm under palely of peen one of he following declarations •• • • agree to comply with and county ordinances and sin Inca Mang to Wtmr9 I have and willsmaimeind s certificate on consent of to woo Co for wormers non I e , ern err e,�y `(', ' mm*01*fruprorlddd Aar b1'Sapmi 3700adte Leiser Caw tar Onepe Iv sae 1�///tJt71y�/J //JAM--,- \N^/•-et. of the work for whip, this ports is aced (y� APT: i— I have end will maintain welters' compensation insurance a required by Section V 3700 or the Labor Cow, to the performance or the work for which this perm My wp Isar and ppKYn / 'A/ Comer i Policy Number $4 YVY -v/ (TM ro sepn need not if mis be completed e permitfor one hundred tiara (S100) or teas I certify that in the performance of the work fa which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any merrier e e to soothe subject to the workers' compensation Laws of California. and agree that if I should Marne subl to Me worker ' peen provisions a Section 3700 a sae labor Code. I shall I Irk plyngry6m//peg Provisions n, / A//� r PLANNING PARKS/REC Dab / !l/—a) Signature 'W wll�Y V\ oi WARNING. allure 11�� segue workers' compensation coverage is unlawful and Mall CD - PUBUC WORKS subject an employer to criminal penalties and Civil fines up to one hundred thousand doles (3100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for in d Section 3706 of the Labor Code interest and attorneys tea construction. end hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon I. above green* of Applom or Agent APPL REC BY I hereby Slim rinwr penalty of penury mat 1 sum exempt from i.eIContractors License Law - for the following reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code) Any pry per county with requires a print to cone/vetoes. improve demolish. or repair any structure. prior to its (nuance, also requires de applicant for such permit a file a atoned statement mar he V or she a kceneed pursuant to M provisions of the Convectors License Law (Chap 9 (commencing the Section 7000) of Devon 3 of the Busmen ere Professions Code or C mat he or she is exempt dierelrom and the basis to Me alleged evempoon Any violation ti re Section 7031 5 by any Mohave for a permit subjects the applicant b e evil penalty of not more man live hundred dears (3500)) ( 1 I. as owner of me property or my .... wren .� .. as their sole compenetron will do the work, end the structure is not i .v er . . per see (Sac 7044 Business end Preston Code) The Contractors Li `, does not apply 10 en owner of a properly who builds or Niorovea thereon. are w sits work himself or through his or her own at s employees. provided that din ... :.. �... not intended or ollered for sale II however. ere budding or i .. , .site .. w in one year of completion me owner builder will have me burden . proving mat or she de not bond of improve for Its purpose of see) () I. as owner of the • piety. sum exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to Oneuct me proyict Siceon 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractors License Law does not apply teen owner of properly who builds of improves thereon and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(,) license pursuant to the Contractors License law) () I sum exempt under Sec_ e a PC for inn reason Date Owner BLDG SAFETY FOR DEPT. USE ONLY FIRE DEPT DATEI/(//j o CMP USE BLDG. AREA CMP USE BLDG AREA CMP USE VALUATION OF JOB 4i S.M.I FEE CAT e BLDG. AREA ENERGY PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE rG 0_1. o tic,. 'are" PLAN RETENTION FEE TOTAL PERMIT ISSUE DATE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby Minn under penalty or perjury that there is a coristrucion ending agency for Me performance of the work tor vi idll this permit is issued (Sec 3097 Cn Cl Lenders Name flijh Lenders Address READ CONDITIONS BELOW The work authorized by issuance of this permit is subject to W the rules and regulations set form in the arenarice and emendni.us Of me City a El Segundo. and sae laws of the State of Caaprpe m regard to such work. and all emendmere mreto This permit becomes null and void it work d not ddtmuenced tether one hummed eighty Or days 'rem date of issuance or it work is suspended at any one dump nuebon tor the same period of time, ore any won is done in violation of the City Ordinance or State laws governing same Oadmtmon WHITE (Dept) YELLOW (Appeca t) (Ds FORM B-102 Rev 193 VALIDATION p1— 38y.. octio�/ r -' INSPECTION- RECORD Plan Check No. " APPROVALS DATE . INSPECTOR APPROVALS -' CTOR �DA- 1D/Y'/ �. EXCAVATION .- DRYWALL -- - -- �I "u_ FLOOR JOISTS .. STEEL ' ( . - WALL FRAMING ; q to -3 .0- ROOF .._ BOND BEAM INSULATION Th I. PANELS 1 RETAINING WALL LATH, EXTERIOR LATH, INTERIOR _- MASONRY - ACOUSTICAL - . , FENCE ENERGY FINAL ^{ t1 G1) 'm lib ,/ REMARKS 4 I ,J [.i (..) \ APPUCANT 95 ZOSHEL AIR C000itlde.fjvt(e U ADDRESS 14fn26 S• og y7A1£ AYE CITY 70.22.EwcE' ZIP CI* 'G'oSo2 L. Me PHONE :Io_S23-0_%j .NAME LCC oADDRESS MATTE 3Ii cow ,{yp E I CITY EL SE6kj1'tD0 STATE/ZIP�TECk 4332 yV Y A = La t NAME ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATE/ZIP iit o W NAMEJOuDECOI. QJSI.IEg_ Ait Comp. ADDRESS1gb2G S. AIOiZMftgN.IVrarNE 110•S23.9916 CITY Tea Aucz STATE/ZIP closet ca Q cc CI La NAME pis gEl At COuotTitwtA43 MA1JJNNut�OZGRES. MORJNAU9. 6 AVEpI� CITY TQe ixt4 C.6 TJ histE21-a6016O STATE�A nPg0502 CITYtIg 2 /p L hereby on (commencing my Utensil ism License Cow Date 2. under penalty of penury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 with Section TO(p) al Division 3 0l the Business and Professions Cotle. and fulJoroemil n `_`O Uc No l lee 1 Contr Signature 2 O s- LM! C O LS y CCmammon, k CDam 3 WORKER'S COMPENSATION I hereby alumnd uer penalty at perjury one of _I have and will maintain a candidate of consent compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 27a work for which this permit is Issued 31i have end will maintain workers' compensation 3700 at the Labor Code, for the performance My wo/keire��' compensation ispuurralence cart r and GenerywG. CJJD�LVE415 i�rfolicy (This section need not be completed it the perms _I candy that In the pedomande of the work employ any person in any manner so as to become Laws of California, end agree Mall! I should become of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, Prov{, isionL.lu Jae Stria DE ARATION %/ tl the following dearatons To to seglnsure for workers' i� of the Labor Code, for the performance insurance as required by Section of the work tor which this permit is issued policy nu. beer_ ete_H a Number (ion%'I/L e7 is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less for which this permit is Issued I shall not subject to the workers' compensation ject to the en' compensation I short f hwdnimnnp to /i•� WARNING: Failure to seders workers' compensat crage is unlawful, and shall subie t an employer to nominal penalties and cwll ii up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in edditon to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, Interest and attorneys lees W() 0 ..•n it. C I hereby affirm tinder for the following penalty of perjury that I am reason (Sec 7031 5 Business permit to construct, alter, Improve, also requires the applicant for such pursuant to the provisions of Section 7000) of Division 3 of exempt therefrom and the basis by any applicant fora permit hundred doers ($500)),) the progeny or my e the structure Is not intend The Contractors Llama thereon, and who d• - Metsuch improve • - . , or improvem - -, d within the burden of • . t he or the pit •. , . exclusively ✓• ... ... Business and - at apply to an owner of property such proper with a mnraclor(s) under Sac_, B 8 PC for this exempt Irom the Contractors License/1lm a and Professions Code) Any city or My demotun, or repair any stru '. e, prior permit to file a signed sum ant mat he the Contractors License (Chap 9 the Business and Prof - ons Code) or for the alleged a than Any violation su tests the ap• cant to a civil penally of ith w-. - as their sole compensation will oil .. for sale (Sec 7044 Business end ,- apply to an owner of a properlywho su mseti or through his or her own ere i ed or offered ton sale. it, one year of completion, the owner she did not build or improve for the contracting with licensee contractors to Professions Code Tne Contractors who builds of improves thereon and license pursuant to the Contractors reason which requires a d its issuance, or she is licensed (commencing the that he or she a of Section 7031,5 not more tan live I, as owner of do the work, and Professions Code) builds or improves employees, provided however, the building buider will have purpose o1 sale) ( ) I, as owner of construct the project License Law • • . who contracts . License () I - xerupt Date Owner ili Yr CONSTRUCTION LENDING I hereby Winn under the performance of the evrork fa which rml Landers Name AGENCY agency for 1 c 97 C ) Lenders Address t 0 0 2 iIECHANICAL PERMIT N City of El Segundo BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT Bung 2031 E. MARIPofa A+eu�iding No. Address Tract Block / Page Lot / Parcel ••-• e I certify I agree constr mended that n have read to comply with ion, and hereby pr this application and state that the above information all city and county ordinances and state laws authorize representatives of this city to r in lion purposes 212.6[94 is correct. relating to budding enter upon the above Sign :/1e of Applicant Or Agent Date P C No P k N-5 - X of PlansV Resift -�fy ��N��o Date Y2-fr Comm Indus i U M C Ed Quantity Fees Fuel burning heating Appl Air inlet and Air outlet 2201,•&./V Conditioned Ceding Air Vent Hood Boiler or CCi repressor Htccr POMP 7L .50. fop Air Handling Unit Evaporative Cooler Ventilation Fan Incidental Gas Piping Fire Dampererr itt— Smok Control Damper 3 / S dv Smoke Detector 2• al r6t Thermostat Z et>'� [/�.67 PERMIT FEE (Sub Total) / 4 44.nC� t� REMARKS Plan Check Fee / -fr Plan Ret Fee it OD v '� • Issuance 00 Issuance Fee---��� p� �7 err (���$15 Issue Date y/�! //Jd TOTAL FEE READ CONDITIONS BELOW The work authorized by issuance of this permit Is subject to all the rules and regulations set tort In the ordinances and amendments of the City of El Segundo, and the laws of the State of California in regard to such work, and all amendments hereto This permit becomes null and void If work is not commenced within one hundred eighty (180) days from date of issuance, or if work Is suspended at any time during construction for the same period of time, or If any work is done --- - in violation of the City Ordinance or State laws governing same N Distnbubon GOLDENROD (Dept.) YELLOW (Applicant) dbs FORM M-105 Rev 1/95 INSPECTION, RECORD DATE INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE LOCATION DUCTS COMBUSTION AIR CIRC. AIR GAS TEST VENT & CAP BOILER DATE INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING FIRE DAMPERS DUCTS CONDENSATE LINES MISC z 1599 ALA) REMARKS