1113-02 - 2031 MARIPOSA AVE E (3)VERSION;imaa OWNER-BURDER DECLARATION u/Mw penalty of Why _ that I am exempt horn the Contractors Law b the taexng reason (Secec 7031 5. Business and Professions Cale My city or county Midi requires a permit to construct, altar. Impose. demolish, or reps any animas, aria tom issuance. also requires the agora^ to axle permit to Se a signed statement that he or to Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Sec 7000) of Dn Oct the ' Business and Professions Code) or that he or the M exempt thGatrom and the basis for the aaeged exemption My violation of Sec. 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit s e the spoken! to a ass petty of not more than five kindled dollars (5500) ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages a3 tier sole di. peraaba4 MI do the work, end the etumoe is not intended or ared for sale (Sec 7044. Business, end Professions Code The Contractors se rawdoes not appry to an wma d prtpey wfo or Improves . and who does such work rinsed Or herself or trough Ns won provided that such improvements we not Intended or for If. however, the Sodding or im- provement is sold within one war . the aagrawder won have the burden of proving that he or sere ma or RCMP* for me artpose a tale ) I, as mwier of the property, a sN contracting with hcensed con - to CadaesLicensethepro)ect iBup�aid ProfessionsCodeThe contractors License Law spay .-y]lI of as rof a sro anode hf prates thereon and who tracts for prof with a antraihl(s) karma pursuant to the License Law ) Q lames err Section BSPC for this reason Date Signature of Owner LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION - !hereby efem under penalty of perpny that I am icensod under prmvtms of Chapter 9 (commencing Mtn Section 7000) of DMslon 3 of the Business and Profession and my license Is In lull force and fled - - 75F z 2 3 / ii-o Date Date Signature of Contractor WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penally of perfuy one of the Idiwwng dedarabms Maya and wt1 maintain a col tale of consent to self -Insure for rakers' - compensahon. as provided for by Section 3/00 of the Labor Code, for the per- formance work la mach to permit W Issued • ad wet CodeQt wales' compensation eorth insurance. t rewired by d w rmor(:ode rot the pen arse aTarodicto wrath We Damn Derma Is Issued My workers' Iarce adpol number are Carder or a xe . - - Cara No Iila seam nisi is se wiped Ire men a toy ma M1w•a mare Wooer w lot I certify that In the performance of the nark for which this permit is Issued I ss�� not employ any person m any many so as to become subject to the workers' oorrymaaan laws of California, and agree tut if I should become sabred to the went' canparea&on provisions of Sec 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall IoMm �snplv with Dices onTlaimb Date SMatre o Appaa .. WARNER) FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COaPEIISA ION COVERAGE C UIMIAIrTUL, AND SMALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND Chia FINES UP TO ONE HUMORED THOUSAND DOLLARS Nr00.000A N AoomoN to ME COST OF COIPBISA TRW, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR N SECTION S708 OF THE LABOR DGDF WTEREST AND AT rrwtn:f FEES CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm Oder penalty d penury that there Is a constriction lendig agency for the performance or the work for which this permit Is issued (Sec 3097. Ch, C I Lender's Name _. _ _ _ Lender's Address _ __ _ - I certify that I have read ties sodiatm and tale that the above Tfatnation Is pared Iagree lo dryad and state taws re - Mann d her authorize dm oh Men the n ed 00)- Dale of Mdrcant or Mont BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION COMMUNITY. ECONOMIC & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT - 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 SITE ADDRESS 031 C Vet fa - SUITE / IDENTIFYING NUMBER ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER stun PAGE PARCEL A 1ANT/CONA RSON, Ai �66-/ DATE qa — RESS sh _ PHON -, J5STATE„''' S (A cio8o? ere nPHONENOKi-/lAe,r) - r'i ADDRESS 7,220 °DelftrWnh ,li 1 STATE - on CT /repM 'T \iin PHON6 "%/g07g5 I •RESS CITY STATE ZIP ENGINEER PHONE NO ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP •+ ' • OR'S NAME al,rcy.Sur ,,2 CITY LIC NO . 23 2 / ADDRESS - - a/Jf/¢ PHONE NO r6 n` CITY eViA4G f-/G�i1�(r1 TATE s-cd P l 5>4) '€ " PLAN CHECK/PERMIT NUMBER: lit 3- Z ✓ CAP USE BLDG AREA NEW RE IOEMIAL I,MP USE . i BLDG AREA( AWFIION LOMMERCI9/. t T I. USE EEIRA)I SLUG AR�kJA�/� LMrP ,,/' O/ C I LC_Na < LALI WORK / lI-!V S/ %' C r r "/4j� 7 1•.. -k /f-4.? Cp. tt-4r .,ll goi iced _war, tei in, , TYPE(S) FIRENKLERS�U� OF NS SQUARE [/�p�71p�`Tp$'/AGE NO •F STORIES STATISTICAL CIASSIFICATIOI eo/ry�y/� UNIT(S) C•• EFFECT /T I`//�J $ / ✓/ `-"-"' / PLAN CHECK FEE (/ / / ENERGY PLAN CHECK B// 7 7 d• l ' VALUATION /� 4-A 33 /tECEIPT NUMBER - INIl 'ALE DATE ( o-31 D 2- 5 LAN CHECK FEE $ ENERGY PLAN CHECK 5 F REVISED VALUATION RECEIPT NUMBER I INITIALS DATE PERMIT FEE S 1) /i RETENTION FEE S SMIP FEE Ct'%5 ACCELERATED FEE S TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE 5 �q•� O /y} .5�js t el l / 3a OD i 9. 95 . �q(/'t�,,{�Jtr/+/� /-� "\•� r / .Y�./ FEES PAID 'I DIST PAID WORKS FEES PO PERMIT OBTAINED APPROVAL APPROVAL APPROVAL WASTE APPROVAL. _- SCHOOL I HEALTH DEPT . SANITATION IMIM FIRE DEPT rn PUBLIC I—1 SCAOMO I —I OSHA r—I INDUSTRIAL RECEIPT NUMBER DAT 1? ffIj/. rDAEE$J7! 0,3 W C r v_ Z v Ton ry 3 ri n 0 i —j NO INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR REQUIRED BUILDING INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS BI Location and setbacks 112 saes Engineer% Approval B3 FoundaboruTre dt forms ' B4 Structural concrete slab on grade 115 Rarsed floor framng 88 Under floor isolation BT Fast level rem slaathng 08 Second level floor sheathing Bg Bird level floor sheathing BIB Roof sheathing all Concrete block 1st Grout NI 2nd Gout MI I 3rd Grout In aN Grout lm , • I 812 Sled framing 813 Fre Dept frame nspecbon Bf a 13uddrwg Dept frame napecmrw //' Ifl -O Z C♦l - //yytt..//�� �� 7T r�/' `-+ 815 Pre sprmkler hangers /T r 816 Insulation/weather stripping 817 Interior lath andor drywall BIB Eaenorlam 819 Rated Ibor/Cedng assemblies E120 Rated well assemblies 821 Rated opening protection B23 Rated shaft certsbdmon u B2 radmgs /WQ-kw. /1):CrEtif 824 Lot d banapa 825 Planing Dept Approval 026 Fee Dept Approval 827 Public Works Dept Approval B28 Final Bulking Inspection approval ' rl / ) zf�3 /w` !/ / '_l.y-K...-- DESCRIBE COMPLETELY THE INTENDED USE OF ALL SPACE APPLICABLE TO THIS BUILDING PERMIT The following statement must be signed by the Building owner. (When approved by the Budding OfNe at OM owner's agent may sign for gamins other than the initial or shell building permit We the applicant or future bolding occupant handle a hazardous matenal or mixture containing a hazardous material egual to or greater than Me amount apeted on the hazardous matenals Nlonnabon guide? Yes or No (won If the answer to the question wes yes, ve the proposed baking or modified Malty be within 1D00 feet of the outer boundary of a schools Yes or No (rat I have read the hazardous maternal nfauaben grade and the SCAOMO pemlmng cheddet I understand my requirement under the State of Cdibma Health and Safety Code Section 25505 25533 and 26634 concerning hazardous matenals reporting Yes ' or No cool SIGNATURE INSPECTION NOTES: W. In10>