110-00 - 1940 MARIPOSA AVE EAPPLICANT 5/yN q/ti _,-1.ScA2 an4SAF/ ) ADDRESS / UAL `7(iita(.i aWit CITY ZIP !/9/_ P�ezfd2 holy Ncy,,os f'o i 3 z 4 z NAME c�.YICAL Ppnij m/ Cs ADDRESS /990 E. LIAR/Ai:HONE o STATE/ZIPeA 902 µ E CITY .EL . s 4,4 divo 9 V = ICCITY NAME ADDRESS PHONE STATE/ZIP ENGINEER ', NAME ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATE/ZIP WORKERS' COMPENSATION r I CONTRACTOR NAME pANOVISION FNTERFIalCrc 1NC MAIUNG ADDRESS sS) 22 /Cfsi a v/€ CITY 0A/y J TELEPHONE 7,4C-4 CI UC NO I I �t STAT&ICM 21-9P / (OrV I hereby affirm under penaltythat of perjury I am Donee under provisions (commencing with Section 7000) of DMalon Sot the Business and Professions �seOOa"sln"�force /""" lr No 7/ 6 of Chapter 9 Code, and 4? n Date /--,27-S`orre Signature WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARA I hereby affirm under penally of perjury one of the lollowing declarations I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to sea -Insure for workers' compensation. as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the 0 work for which this permit Is issued I have and will maintain waken' compensation insurance, as required 3 of the Labor Code, to thethe wont performance of woten which ma My workers' compensation Insurance �urrrrrroejJ and policy number are Gamer q7�,y�./' hay Number AIZCRO by permit n issued 619?Gs Trr. (TN Ma need not bS completed if the permit sentry that In the performance of the work employ any person In any manner so as to become Laws of California. and agree that if I should become of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, Prov Dale I .- 2 7 - 2c 4n is for one hundred dollars for which this permit is issued, subject to pre workers' (5100) or lass I shall not compe tam those sublet" to a w I shall forthwith mpy w name WARNING' Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is wtul, subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one erred dollars (S100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation dams es as Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and atorney's lees and thou d provided for in CC W 1I V S W k CZ I hereby affirm under penalty of penury that I for Me following reason (See 7031 5 Business which requires a permit to COnevup, alter. improve to es Issuance, oho requires Me applicant for or she is homsed pursuant to the provisions of (commencing the Section 7000) of Division 3 that M or she a exempt therefrom and Me basis of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit not more than five hundred dogma (S500)) ) () I, as owner of the property or my employees do the work, and the structure is not Intended Profusion Code) The Contractors License who builds or improves thereon, and who d • - employees, provided that such Improve. Is however the budthng or nmprov n sold builder will have the burden o • mg that he purpose of sale) () I, as owner of .......sill exclusively construe! the p •- - (Section 7004 Business License Law • -a not apply to an Owner of properh who cont ' for such projects with a connector(s) License eel () I am exempt under Sec_ B & PC for this am exempt from the Contractors end Professions Code) demohsh, or reperr such permit to ale a signed the Contactors License of the Business and Professions for the alleged exemption subjects the applicant to Ivan wages - n sole or oiler. • sale (Sec 7044 Law • a not apply to an - - work himself or through are not intended or offered within one year of completion or she did not build or improve cprbacercg with licensed end Professions Cow The who burros oI improves license pursuant to reason License Law Any city or county any structure, pnor statement that he Law (Chap o Code. -r An • aeon penalty at compensation will Business and owner of a properly his or her own for sale If Ins owner for the contractors to Contractors thereon and the COnoactors Date Owner W xthe wel CONSTRUCTION LE AGENCY hereby rem under penalty of perry ere u s construction lending performance of the work for this permit Is issued (Sec 3097 Lenders Name agency for CIv C) Lenders ss BUILDING PERMIT City of El Segundo DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY •c• PIAN CHECK NO 110...00 DRAWING NO BUILDING ADDRESS / 9.30 F= •MA%.poSA TRACT BLOCK/PAGE LOT/PARCEL TYPE OF CONST GROUP USE ZONE REO'D YARDS NO STORIES SIZE OF CONST. USE OF BUILDING SPRINKLERED UDC E9 1 YES NO WET STANDPIPES ESCRIPTION OR REMARKS YES NEW/ NO ADDITION ALTERATION ewe Iwo F MoboviaNe 3 -9" x l - 1 Omty that I hake mad thle lipplicsbon and state that Om above inkarn morn is correct I agree to comply with all city and county ordmsncss and slate laws relating to bonding construction, aM henpy/authonxo repreM sever ol Onmealy to enter upon the above mentioned nature of Apprise APPL REC BY! FOR DEP7. USE ONLY m1/Ql_ 27 -too Date BLDG. SAFETY FIRE DEPT loo PLANNING PARKS/REC PUBLIC WORKS CMP USE CMP USE I BLDG AREA BLDG AREA CMP USE BLDG AREA VALUATION OF JOB S N ■ / • W u. PERMIT ISSUE DATE S M I FEE CATS ENERGY PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE PLAN RETENTION FEE $ TOTAL\ S READ CONDITIONS BELOW The work authorized by issuance of this penittl Is subject lb all the rules and regulations sel lath in the ordinance end amendments of the City of El Segundo. end the laws of the State of California in regard to such work and all amendments theta This permit becomes null and void d work is not commenced within one hundred eighty (180) days from date of issuance or rl work is suspended at any time wring conavucton for ter wow period of time, or d any work is done in violation of the City Ordinance or Slate lime governing same ALIDATION Dranbuhon WHITE (NM/ YELLOW (Applccam) dos FORM B-102 Rev 1/95 4" INSPECTION RECORD APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR EXCAVATION FLOOR JOISTS FRAMING ROOF INSULATION LATH, EXTERIOR LATH, INTERIOR ACOUSTICAL ENERGY Plan Check No. APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR DRYWALL STEEL WALL BOND BEAM PANELS RETAINING WALL MASONRY FENCE FINAL lila= REMARKS APPLICANT r7 ' / ^ A � e Lileac_ � ADDRESS Cn"2 J \ion N 0 CITY_ If{ P\° y �- 11 Iasi,`,/I, JP q ► -1 ( 8(1-- 3N'a NAMgyp (�uJ��J' S Gincinel Ida c G` _ lZ✓l r S TE2IP .. ARCHITECT NAME ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATE/ZIP lie O it NAME ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATEIZIP WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1 CONTRACTOR NAME L VI: G T6RPwLIC-9- )lc MAILINSADDRES9y2S k-SS7C& A- G. CITY U 4 N �/ 7I TELEPHONE C8N �t 6.2 STATCE ZIP CITY N «jj78 1 A 9/ �// r [ i 3 I hereby amrm under penalty of prepay Mall am licensed under provisimns (edrnmenafg with Section 7000) of Deleion 3 of She Business and Probations license my is in lull force endy�. W Sass Class twirl- L No 3 el Oapter g Code, end I" Dab ► 2 % TlaCona Signature WORKER'S COMPENSATION I hereby one of eate700 Section 37pD DECLARA ti the tottering dedaranons a Mensesfor wo of the Labor Code he the insurei, e. as required Of the work for which this permit and peaty numkn are lay N bat HZCRO6Z.9Zc Morn under penalty of perjury _I.nhave and willsprovded ar compenaron, as provided for tbyi d work for which this pe pe men me Pena a issued 40111eve end will maintain workers' compensation 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance My workers' compensation Insurance Carter Gamer Cji47N N3 FiAWP P by Is iss (rbs coon need not be compbted If the permit is for one aeMy that in the performance of the wont and which this employ any person In and mariner to as to become subject Laws of California. and agree that d I should become subject provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall foahwdt Provisions 14I� Dab I ".2 7 .- 2,00Z Signature hundred dollars permit is Issued (S100) of less I snarl not compensation compensation those to die workers' to the workers' comply ith WARNING' Failure Failure to secure workers' compensation cover g s la subject an employer to animal penalties end and Isles up to o hundred dolars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, ages as pr Section 3706 of the Leber Code, interest and attorney a lees , a I sand ided for in CC W tzi ..e �T S W * 3' C I j I hereby affirm under penally of perjury met I for the following reason (Sec 7031 5 Business whIch requires a paring to construct. lair, improve, to its issuance, also requires the applicant for or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of (commencing The Section 7000) of Division 3 that he or she is exempt therefrom and the bees of Section 7031 5 by any applicant tar a perms nal more than five halted dopers (35001).) ( I I, as owner of Me property or my employees do The work, and the Structure is not intended Professions Code) The Contractors License who builds or improves Conlon and who • employees, proved that ouch prov sib providedim however, the bulking or improv- If sold builder will have the burden of • mg that he purposed safe) () I. as owner of Ole ..... . am exclusively construct me proje • Section 7044 Business License Law .. not apply to en owner of property who contracts for such projects with a connexions) License Law) O I am exempt under Sec_ B A PC for this am exempt from the Contractors and Professions Coo) Any demolish, or repair any such 'vermin to hie a signed eta the Contractors License La of this Business and P . for the alleged ex .,.n Llcenae Law sty or county structure, poor Met he sip B • Code) or Any violation subjects die ap • nl to a civil with w .. ea their sole compensation or . • for sale (Sec 70.14 does not apply to en owner e such work himself or through are not intended or offered for within one year of completion or she MO not build or improve contracting with licensed contractors and Profession Code The Contractors who builds or improves license pursuant to the reason penalty of will Business and o e property his or her own sale If the owner- for me to thereon end Connectors Date Owner LENDER CONSTRUCTION L - •a G AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of gar) '' there is a construction lending Me performance of the work for w • This permit is issued (Sec 3097 Civ Lenders Name agency for is Lenders Ado BU ILDING PERMIT City of EI Segundo ` DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY WAN CHECK NO.) I 4)0 BUILDING ADDRESS t_1 v{ ('� i TRACT BLOCK/PAGE I' �•� U��� DRAWING NO v LOT/PARCEL- Os TYPE OF CONST GROUP USE ZONE RECTO YARDS NO STORIES USE OF BUILDING SIZE OF CONST SPRINKLERED YES NO WET STANDPIPES YES NO DESCRIPTION OR REMARKS' NEW ADDITION ALTERATION _ I cefely that I have read pis applcabbn end abate that pat above mbmlmlon Is COMIC I agree to comply With Dry end county odinanCee and stale laws relating to building cansnuctlgn, and — iuRWnu n eMtBbvei 01 asic city to enter upon Mee above property- Inspection p sea i Signature of FOR EPT. USE ONLY APPL REC BY ✓eL DA Ca Q BLDG SA FIRE DEPT PLANNING PARKS/REC PUBLIC WORKS CMP USE CMP USE BLDG AREA BLDG AREA CMP USE BLDG AREA VAWATK)N OF JOB 3 S M I FEE CAT ENERGY PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE PLAN RETENTION FEE PERMIT ISSUE DATE TO AL e71 D READ 0 NDITIONS BELOW The work authorised by issuance of this permit is ub)wct to all the rules end regulations at tent in the ordinance end amendments of pie City of El Segundo, end the laws of the Stele Of California in regard to such work end all amendments me-eto This permit becomes null and void if work is not commenced wean one hundred eighty (180) days from ate d issuance or it work is suspended at any time during construction for the lane period of time, or deny work is done in violation of die City Ordinenelier Sate laws governing same ALIDATION - Ostnbuiion WHITE (Dept,) YELLOW (Applicant) dos FORM 8-102 Rev 1y85 INSPECTiOS RECORD APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR EXCAVATION FLOOR JOISTS FRAMING ROOF INSULATION LATH, EXTERIOR LATH, INTERIOR ACOUSTICAL ENERGY, Plan Check No. APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR DRYWALL STEEL WALL BOND BEAM PANELS RETAINING WALL MASONRY FENCE FINAL CD REMARKS OM *BAD OWNER GROUP PERMANENT LATE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO T & EttilLW $AF ;TX_r, OBOE TYPE CONST TEMPORARY PLAN (NECK NO I?$-00 ROUTING DATE SIGNATURE RCHITECTURAL/STRUCTURAL_ '/Z.1/ao )'wrw'-C Tjry�r ENERGY STANDARD (T� ELECTRICAL MECH & PLUMBING 'tee PREVENTIO ‘45LANNING 2-7OO ',1BLIC WORKS 2 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DIV. OF BUILDING NG SAC A P E D All design & lost ions shaft comply 19.UMPCRIYC & 1996 ED. NEC. The approvalt0plans,specifications shell not be deemed an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of any codes e shall polii made ies antorced by the city. No changesor on these plans without vmtten consent of the ndl Department of Planning end Budding Safety.11 as fieldInspectiony no �N ce es me plans are Inaccurate, then approvals 6JAA, r S11v\x S1- on bvild� to RECEIVED JAN 2 7 2000 BUILDING SAFETY DEPT. 1 q'ND -s 'r^Pvt ?op% \The CO LQ4O et N4W/FCCi' • • 1 5 t— t o0 1- DISTANCE FROM CURBFACETO PROPERTY LINE: MML/Pe/A AvG• Feet Street Name Distance Feet Distance / 27-o4Feet Pubis Works Dept. Date 'his information is provided for your -onvenience, and is not intended to serve as Irgal establishment of )(our property lines. &So •D Name eM — -Arad MA / � z 9 s 2 _ 9Z3: xo s -%E • —1\\ yLt) C•, DIk i_ SEG r EU!LDj::G Y All design & instal at shall comply with 1 7 ED UBC UPC/UM & 1996 SO NEC. The approval of per ta, plans, or specifications shall not be deemed an pproval of ny violation of any of the provisions of any as or po CMS enforced by the city. No changes or alto ons shall b made on these plans without written consent of he Department of Planning and Building Safety. If a field Edon Indiana the plans ate kt ate, Use e maY no keeper be syld,- 11 `CO _. o 01/24/2000 09:49 V. E10909057^_ SIGN ALL PPE 0^ CITY OF EL SEGL,vi DIV. OF BUILDING,'' A P Al shall Comply with 19.97 ED PJpC" n NEC. The approval of pe'mns -'r 1> anu,e: jpaCtijCMYptat shall not be deemed an ai.N n al I any Natation of any of the provisions of any codes or >ohmes enforced by the city. No changes or alterations she be moot iraof da on these plans without written consent of the D p f. �e thenty. apPovals may If a fieldinspact n Bribe valid Y • 4- •t r R WED JAN 7 2C60 UILDING SAFETYDEPT. a • 01/2i/2000 09:49 8189890572. 9 =+ 5I131 ALL PAir 03 m sate sign • These site sighs are used in flout of buildings or at the street entrance to a building. ks H H 5H .5H an II - inw l may W Signage Note All signs should adhere to logo. spacing, end typographical guidelines set out in the beginning Or this manual. A logo for eaCl hushes, unit is ' provided in EPS format on the PrinterCD-ROM for use in creating sicgtage Corporate ^".".liar y GENERAL. �AMICs Armament Systems A General Dynamics Company CITY OF is1 DIV. OF BUtESING SAFETY AP - �kigo All design 61 ns shall comply with 1997 ED. nndPoCIUMC 819913 ED. NEC. The approval of permits, plans r specifications shall not be deemed f n codesvorl F any violation of any of the provisionsany • enforced by the city. No changes or alterations shall be made on these plans without written consent of the Department ntllant o f '--'-���. .�'w, y. If a field inspec tion 1/6ate plans are Inaccurate, then approvals ma . Gosh craft lag * asaw • • ;7 • *BAD OWNER t GROUP \e);1pERMAMEAIT 'ATE _ �^-' ROUTING � DATE Ss �ARCH4TECTURAL!STRUCTURAt /2-7/ ENERGY STANDARD ELECTRICAL MECH. & PLUMBING =IRE PREVENTION 'LANNINS ' IBLIC WORKS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO pT QF QlJILDII &-Ty TEMPORARY PLAN C-iECK NO 10 IGNAT�/✓ GYw1.'G(//y) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DIV; OF BUILDING SAFETY AP),F ED An assign a InstalteaClts shall comply WEll 1907®. MAMBAS & 19ae ED. NEC. The approval at perms. glade, Me specifications shall not be dented as worm:al Nolaton of any of the pipsldons at any soap at eaforeea by the city. No changes or etteregana ba tns on arose pin *Moat written comas of the Ospaynma d Plowing and ElulktIng Safety. it a field bs peottMl bidtaltall the plans an Neatens' Mal warm* way no twartesis RECEIVED JAN 2 7 2000 BUILDING SAFETY DEPT. \Qrcp A40 td Mariam Op CITY, O DI A DISTANCE FROM CURBFACE TO PROPERTY LINE: M47024-94 Ave Feet Street Name Distance Feet 7'. 6treet Name Distance � /�— /-2)-o't) Feet Public Works Dept. Date This Information is provided for your convenience, and is not intended to serve as a legal establishment of your property lines. ELSEGUNDO LDING E � installations ' with 1997 ED. UacIUPCNNC All dosign9 NEC.comply & igga ED NEC. The approval of permits. Pla^a• and/or specifications shall not be damned an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of any codes or policies enforced by the city. No changes Or alterations shall be made on these plans without written consent of the Dapartmcm of Planning and Building Safety If a field inspection Indicates the plans are inaccurate, then approvals may no longer be valid JAN 2 7 2000 BUILDING SAFETY DEPT. 0 1140 r. �y an NM e 4O 1 I ''pe t4, -n m ro D G. PEOrtiesitruettrir I/411=I'-0" 10'-0" GENERAL DVNAMI CS Ubr'Idwfde Telocomnunscai lon %stomp i 1 1 a. 7141 `z,'Q 1vv0.;.t e MATE) LH C 1 I- C C C C i u U) F 0 b] 01/21/2000 09:49 810989057: • SIGN ALL PAGE 03 eU t(ft War Sys t se • fle m SBe sieve Signage These site signs are used In front of buildings or et the street entrance tail building .5H H .5 H .a H Note: All 9lgns should adhere to logo. spacing. and typographical uldA' e e this man towing of r"�-. _ ... proved In creagri A AB design 6 natal elo shall corn* vdtl.1BD1 E AIDCAMCNIAC 6 MO E. NEC. The approval of permits. plans. apedlViolation mroval ;deny aMt tany of this arm/Ilona of any Oons shall not be clamed an �aOs pada �C,,aaY� any. No dress ot allarollOns Saabs nadir retain written o hdhulMal -- .....��j login* nib AMICS "' Subsidiary caNBnat -'DYNAMICS Armament Systems II I-HSWI- .06211W H a Height or logo. W - Wroth or logo General Dwwvnln Idaseity Standards for use :!fr'^&tea w 7 7 C RECEIVED JAN 2 7 2000 BUILDING SAFETY DEPT CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DIV. OF BUILDING SAFETY .,,. AO design,. ......, comply with 1997 ED. UBCMPCNYC II 1- ^• y. NEC. The approval of permits. plans, and/or specifications shalt not be deemed an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of any codas or policies enforced by the city. No changes or alterations shall be made on these plans without written consent ci the Department of Planning end Budding Safety It a field inspection indicates the plans are Inaccurate. than approvals may no longer be valid.