1027-02 - 758 LOMITA ST (3)OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION Marcia affiml under penalty of pequry that I am exempt horn the Camadas license Law kr the following mason (Sec 7031 5, Business and Professions Code My city or county which requires a permit to mnsburl, alter Improve, dertdrsh or repair any structure prior to as Issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to fie a sighed statement that he or she rs braised pursuant to the prowsbm of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 (commenting with Sec 7000) of Div 3 of the Business and Professions Code) Of that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. My violation of Sec 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit sub)ects the applicant to a calf penally of not more than five hundred dollars (S500) ) I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the wodi, and the structure 1s not Intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Cede The Contractors License Law does not apply to en owner of properly who builds or Improves thereon and who does such work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provxkd that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however, the building or improvement Is sold within one year of completion the ownenbusder will have the burden of provug that he or she did not bald or improve for the purpose of sale ) I as owne• of the properly, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Cade The Contractors License Law does not apply to en owner of property who builds Sr Improves thereon aria who contracts for such propels with a contractor(s) license pursuant to the Contractors License Law I I am exempt under Section B P C for this reason Date Signature of Owner BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 350 Main Street Elsegundo, CA 90245 24 HR Inspection Request line (310) 524 - 2379 SITE ADDRESS. 758 LOMITA ST PLAN CHECK/PERMIT NUMBER B'1056.03 DATE: 9/9/2003 1 0 9:1 "D3 NEW CMP USE BLDG AREA 0309-084 Ve 1027-03 RERWFNTIA CMP USE BLDG AREA ADDITION COMMERCIA CMP USE BLDG AREA ALTERATION LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLRATION I hereby affirm under penalty of pequry that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (mmmlencmg with Section 7000) of DMsron 3 of thc Business and Professions Code and my license is in full force and effect tic Class tic Number Date Signature of Contractor E Dale SUITE / IDENTIFYING NUMBER - ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Book Page Parcel DESCRIPTION OF WORK FIELD CHANGE TO 972-03 Out of Scope Residential REF # OCC GRyIP(S) TYPE.7) OF,ST SQUARE FOOTAGE 0 NO OF STORIES FIRE SPRINKLERS YES NO WORKERS' COMPENSATION P CLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of pequry one of the!'. . declarations o n I have and wig maintain a ceMkate • .-eat to self -inure for workers compensation as provided for by Section 37 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit a issued I have and will maintain workers' pensaton as required by Seaton 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of a work for which this permit a issued My workers compensation insurance at -r and policy number are Carder Policy Number (Pus section need no( be pieta dew permit a far one hired Dolores nickel a bell I ossify tat to tie performs .- U eve woes Ice Mesh an permit is awed I win rot employ aIy person in any manner w es to rubles 10 tie waters mrwaatm law of Calif emla and agree mat 41 should become sublet- . to waters CMperaelm someone N Sec 37C0 cf the Lffi.x Cede I shaftsee.no comply r,m...,provalom Date Signature of Applicant APPLICANT I CONTACT PERSON SCOTT GERBER ADDRESS 1734 W 139TH ST GARDENA CA 90245 TEL (310) 515-0505 STAT CLASS 0/S R UNIT(S) CO.JE IN EFFECT CBC 01 OCCUPANCY $0 00 PLAN CHECK FEE $ 3 0.00 STORM WATER $ VALUATION ENERGY PLAN CHECK $ 0 00 0 00 PROPERTY OWNER SCOTT GERBER ADDRESS 1734 W 139TH ST GARDENA CA 90245 TEL (310)515-0505 RECEIPT NUMBER CLERK DATE 9/9/2003 ARCHITECT ADDRESS TEL $0 00 REVISED VALUATION ENERGY PLAN CHECK $ PLAN CHECK FEE $ 0 00 0 00 RECEIPT NUMBER CLERK TC DATE 9/9/2003 WARN • FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAG IS UNLAWFUL AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO GRIM PENAL TIES AND CIVIL FINES UP 70 ONE HUNDRED THOU 0 DOLLARS (S100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMP -' SATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 370E OF HE LABOR CODE INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby : - am under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the pe of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097 Cry C ) Len a ers Name Lenders Address ENGINEER ADDRESS TEL PERMIT FEE $ RETENTION FEE $ SMIP FEE $ ACCELERATED FEE $ TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ 0 00 3 00 0 00 0 00 33 00 I certify that I have read this application and state twit the above information is correct I agree to comply with al city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building constructon and hereby authorize representatives of this city' to enter upon the above - mentioned property for mspeciaan purposes Dare Signature of Applicant a Agent CONTRACTOR OWNER BUILDER ADDRESS TEL CITY BUSINESS LICENSE [D] SCHOOL FEES PAID LI SANITATION DIST PAID sl PUBLIC WORKS FEES PD IJ OSHA PERMIT OBTAINED ICI HEALTH DEPT APPROV [] FIRE DEPT APPROVAL SCAQMD APPROVAL ICI INDUSTRIAL WASTE APP CITY COPY RECEIPT NUMBE .st/ L7r FINALED BY ISSUED BY E� DAT o0Ic DATE' - Chill Toe Undei Retainin4Walls - EFP=30pl:f - - - ° - - - - HT ft Stem t in Fig B ft Fig T in "X" Steel Fig Steel - - . ._ H Steel KD in KB in Key Steel ' 1 6 1' 12 #4®24"o c. #4@24"o c #4@32" o c 0 0 None - 2 6 1'-3" ; 12 #4@24"o c #4@24"o c #4@32" o c 0 0 None ; 3 6 1'-9" , 12 #4@24"o c #4@24"o c #4@32" o c 6 ' 6' None ° 4 8 2'-6" 12 1 #4@24"o c #4@24"o c #4(W32" o c 8 8 None 5 8 3' 12 #4(6224"a c #4@24"o c #4@32" o c 12 12 None - - • -6 --El,- -- 3'-6" -' - -12-- --#4@8"o c or #5@16o c- #4@16"o c- or #5@ 24"o c #4@32" o c 16 12 -#4@ 24" o c 7 12 - 4'-3" - 12 #4@8"o c or #5@16"o c #4@ 8"o,c or #5@ 16"o c #4@24" o c 18 12 #4@ 24" o c 8 12 5' 12 - --•#4-®-8"o c _ - -_ -- #5@ 8" o c #4@24" 6 c- -- 20- - 12 @ 24" o c - 9_. _ _16 5'-9'__ __ 16 #5@8"_o c. or #6@16" o c._ #5@ 8" o,c of #6@ 16,"_o c - #4@16" o.c, 20 12 #4@ 247._O.c,_ 10 16 6'-6" 16 #5@8"oc or#8@16"oc #5@8"oc or#6@16"oc #4@16"oc _ _ 22 - 12 #4@24"oc _ •. f :;_ ti ii'h : itt-tr[Divrj7Ot ::J::Y?\LarlOdllOA:!I:Fi l - _ Ij 2 CL,e E d� t I-` Mf RI //SrF�L r • r' 1-1 • --a de, 7r& _7;-ok.' of D"m11 G' -s, Unc•ot ' _ .ST-Et! f';?_. r• r pit- en 'ccu by tilt oly Inc N A • { • •a- ' ' , r '_Ltn: 1. ttt r.II� ,.t- jj v-r.:Ic+ t r, . - 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#4@24" o c 0 098 3 375 0 062381 0 2963 0 901 20000 380 497 #4@16" o c 0 147 3 375 0 093572 0 3490 0 884 20000 439 731 # #4@ 8" o c 0 295 3 375 0 18778 0 4532 0.849 20000 548 1409 ' 8 #4@24" o c 0 098 - 5 375 0 03917 0 2434 0 919 20000 808 807 #4@ 16" o c 0.147 5 375 0.058754 0 2890 0.904 20000 943 1190 # #4@ 8" o c 0 295 5 375 0 117909 0 3818 0 873 20000 1203 2306 # #5@24" o c 0 153 5.313 0 061866 0.2953 0 902 20000 939 1221 # #5@18" o c 0 230 5 313 0.093001 0.3482 0 884 20000 1086 1800 # #5@ 8" o c 0 460 5 313 0.186003 0 4517 0 849 20000 1354 _ 3460 12 #4@24" o c 0 098 9 375 0.022457 - 01907 0 936 20000 1962 1434 # #4@ 16" o c 0147 9 375 0 033686 0 2281 0 924 20000 2315 2122 # #4@ 8" o c 0 295 9 375 0 067601 0 3063 0 898 20000 3021 4139_ # #5@24" o d 0 153 9 313 0 035294 0 2327 0 922 20000 2327 _ 2191 # #5@16" o c 0 230 9 313 0 053057 0 2770 0 908 20000 2726 3240 # #5@ 8" o c 0 460 9 313 0 106113 0.3666 0 878 20000 3489 6267 16 #5@24" o c 0 153 13 313 0 02469 0 1989 0 934 20000 4114 3170 # #5@16" o c 0.230 13 313 0 037115 0 2379 0 921 20000 4852 4699 # #5@ 8" o c 0 460 13 313 0 074231 0 3182 0 894 20000 6301 9124 # #6@24" o c 0 221 13 25 0 035833 0 2343 0 922 24000 4739 4499 # #6@16" o c 0 331 13 25 0 053668 0.2783 0 907 24000 5541 6631 # #6@ 8" o c 0 663 13.25 0 107498 0.3685 - 0 877 24000 7093 12843 24 #5@24" o c _ 0 153 21 313 0 015422 0 1609 0 946 20000 8645 5143 # #5@16" o c 0 230 21 313 0 023184 0.1934 0 936 20000 10273 7643 # #5@ 8" o c 0 460 21 313 0 046388 0 2617 0 913 20000 13562 14915 # #6@24" o c 0 221 21 25 0 022343 0.1902 0.937 24000 10056 7331 # #6@18" o.c 0 331 21 25 0 033483 0 2274 0.924 24000 11862 10834 #6@ 8" o c 0 663 21 25 0 067028 0 3052 0 898 24000 15474 21092 I 4' Concrete Footing Allowables t in Steel A in2/ft d in Ft psi e Mn ft lbs/ft Mn/1 7 ft ibs/ft Min Steel 200"12"d/fy Temp Steel 0025Ag Mall ft Ibs/ft 12 #4@24" o c 0 098 8 75 40000 0 0009 2550 1500 0 53 0 36 1125 #4@18" o c 0 131 8 75 40000 0 0012 3398 1999 0 53 0 36 1499 #4@16" o c 0 147 8 75 40000 0 0014 3808 2240 0 53 0 36 1680 #4@12" o c 0 196 8 75 40000 0 0019 5054 2973 0 53 0 36 2230 #4© 8" o c 0 295 8 75 40000 0 0028 7487 4404 0 53 0 36 3303 #5@24" o.c 0 153 8 69 40000 0 0015 3933 2314 0 52 0 36 1735 #5@18" o c 0 204 8 69 40000 0 0020 5220 3071 0 52 0 36 2303 #5©16" o c 0 230 8 69 40000 0 0022 5871 3454 0 52 0 36 2590 #5©12" o c 0 307 8 69 40000 0 0029 7781 4577 0 52 0 38 3433 #5@ 8" o c 0 460 8 69 40000 0 0044 11368 6687 0 52 0 36 5015 #6@18" o c 0 295 8 62 60000 0 0029 10981 6459 0 34 0 36 4845 #6@16" o c 0 331 8 62 60000 0 0032 12258 7210 0 34 0 36 5408 #6@12" o c 0 442 8 62 60000 0 0043 16108 9475 0 34 0 36 9475 #6@ 8" o c 0 663 8.62 60000 0 0064 22800 13412 0.34 0 36 13412 16 #5@24" o c 0 153 12 69 40000 0 0010 5769 3394 0 76 0 48 2545 #5@18" o c 0 204 12 69 40000 0 0013 7668 4511 0 76 0 48 3383 #5@16" o c 0 230 12 69 40000 0 0015 8631 5077 0 76 0 48 3808 #5@12" o c 0 307 12 69 40000 0 0020 11465 6744 0 76 0 48 5058 #5@ 8" o c 0 460 12.69 40000 0 0030 16888 9934 0 76 0 48 7451 #6@ 18" o c 0 295 12 62 60000 0 0019 16291 9583 0 50 0 48 7187 #6@16" o c 0 331 12 62 60000 0 0022 18216 10715 0 50 0 48 8036 # #6@12" o c 0 442 12 62 60000 0 0029 24064 14155 0 50 0 48 10616 # #6@ 8" o c 0 663 12 62 60000 0 0044 34734 20432 0 50 0 48 20432 # #8@18" o c 0 524 12 5 60000 0 0035 28017 16481 0 50 0 48 16481 # #8@16" o c. 0 589 12 5 60000 0 0039 31289 18405 0 50 0 48 18405 # #8@12" o c 0 785 12 5 60000 0 0052 40884 24049 0 50 0 48 24049 # #8@ 8" o c 1 178 12 5 60000 0 0079 57052 33560 0 50 0 48 33560 18 #6@18" o c 0 295 14 62 60000 0 0017 18946 11145 0 58 0 54 8359 #6@16" o c 0 331 14 62 60000 0 0019 21195 12467 0 58 0 54 9351 #6@12" o c 0 442 14 62 60000 0 0025 28042 16495 0 58 0 54 12371 # #6@ 8" o c 0 663 14 62 60000 0 0038 40701 23942 0 58 0 54 17956 #8@18" o c 0.524 14 5 60000 0 0030 32733 19255 0 56 0 54 14441 #8@16" o c 0 589 14 5 60000 0 0034 36590 21524 0 58 0 54 21524 # #8(4212" o c 0 785 14 5 60000 0 0045 47949 28205 0 58 0 54 28205 # #8@ 8" o c 1 178 14 5 60000 0 0068 67654 39796 0 58 0 54 39796 24 #6@18" o c i 0.295 20 62 60000 0 0012 26911 15830 0 82 0 72 11872 # #6@16" o c 0 331 20 62 60000 0 0013 30132 17725 0 82 0 72 13293 # #6@12" o c 0 442 20 62 60000 0 0018 39976 23515 0 82 0 72 17636 # #6@ 8" o c 0 663 20 62 60000 0 0027 58602 34472 0 82 0 72 25854 # #8@18" o c 0 524 20 5 60000 0 0021 46881 27577 0 82 0 72 20683 # #8@16" o c 0 589 20 5 60000 0 0024 52493 30878 0 82 0 72 23159 # #8@12" o c 0 785 20 5 60000 0 0032 69144 40673 0 82 0 72 30505 # #8@ 8" o c 1 178 20 5 60000 0 0048 99460 58506 0 82 0 72 58506 30 #8@ 12" o c 0 785 " 26 5 60000 0 0025 89521 52659 1 06 0 9 39495 #8@ 8" o c 1 178 26 5 60000 0 0037 131266 77215 1 06 0 9 77215 VERSION lT 2000 OWNER BSIILOER FECLARATION I huge', an sin under 'sentry a perjury alai I am mama Irons she Com:scams e ins. l as la use IWowrq season Dec COS 15 Busman and Professions Lode ns srly 01 0.01/ el.,lr r eamr asa pc mtla cons4uq alley mpro.e demolish a' d. renpm. m ns issuance also natures me appaunnn Sum Pena to lad a soy rid sunrnenr Mal Ire oe she is kern! CO pursuant la the pionsans of she Cams ains s Lcone la.. (Chap*. 9 lmrnmencuro mac Sec 70001 N Orr 0 on ma Il•umess and holes stone Loam or man Ire Or she is exempt Inereboat and ay oasts the Steed exernplron Any .*Matron of Sec 70315 by any sppbranl be a perm)! Is the seaward to a and penally of nos mole Mien five hatred deems ({500)1 I as Owned W II* property or my employees with Waxes as Melt sole can ppsa� n Jsa do the soil End the suumee is nol Wended o offered for sale MSoe. 1 Dawes and Professions Code The Conlsaclors License Law does nos apply wan cans ol properly who dyads or Enpsoves thereon and who does suds work Mansell Os hes sell no IMagh his or hes own employees trended this such mR9ovensenls are nol mlerded os dieted lot sale II however Me building Or hs peovemenl is sold ...run one sear oil completion Inc Owner Duddy will have the (moon a pru.uw Iran be a she did rya Duna Or unpra.e hoe me purpose oh sale 1 I as ow,,., of the properly am esdunvely conic soma mush Ecensed can paths loconsbualne aged [Sec 701A Business and Prolessdns Code TM I oar atlas license l air aces not apply to an trines a propeyy ono brads or an proves Prerear and who conlncts or such prgecli wnh a conll actor(IT license fag suanl soma Cornraclors I Kens awl 0 lam exempt under Season it B 6P C Mr las reason I• gnelure of Owner LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penally OI pesNry Thal I am licensed under pmnswns ol Chaplet 9 (cmonenung mlh Senron 7000) ^ Denim 3 ol the Business and Floe irals Lode and nny hcense rs us I ce and WW1 License Class Dam mbar Expiration Dale Sgnalaa of Conlraclar WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby allum under penally of penury one of he loaowmg dedarabons 0 I have and we Maeda. a ceebfcale ol conseni I sell Nsuse (or wad es compass anon as provided for by Season MOO of the ba Code for me pet Immense of the work Ice Minh Pas pernel Is issued I hare and sc. martian wsees canpensa Mauled as Mauled by Sec JUJU a Inc Lame LOde Ira aIna nmance i the work foe Wfu4Pas s pem,l Is issued My workers canend pensauyilsu�yuce and policy numbs: ass Carver ins swamalWSlslmis YYl `^) Seedily Mal in the perlamancce wok fa Mitch las perms, Is Issued 1 shag no. employ any person in any so as le become sugecl to me wakes canspens elect laws ol Caldaaa and agree Iha1 III should become stabled to the wales calpemanon provolone d Sec 3700 of the Labor Code I shag lalhmei Comps mum hose leawswrrs Dale Sgnaluse d Aoplicanl WeRNwa Fas{URE CO SECURE NORNEAs COMPENS4 DON COVERa6E IS UNLAWFUL AND Stall SUBJECT AN OWL oyER CO CReuiNµ PENAL DES ANO Chit RISES Up CO ONE HUNDRED heouslNO DOLLARS 11100 000) WADDISpN 10 THE COST OF CO.ePENSA nose DAM4DE5 As PROnOEo FOR IN SEC DON lie, of HIE LABOR COOL MTERESF ANO AITORNEYS FEES CONSTRUCTION / ENDW D AGENCY I baeby allM,n under penally Of Darla; that mere Is a consbuctmn Issuing Rieke for the pellamance d me was la which (Ns denml is issued (See 3097 Civ C I L enders Name L endo a Adaest 1 teddy the I have mad Ws s r calico and stale teal the above Inlamalldl Is noised I agree so comply web S dty -- d epYdy adnances and Male laws se 'Anglo building construction •. her-. at ;scant m reolesencve sol lMs my R so en e upas* yabove mesh' dor_.v. mpec .n Purposes lure of Actaeon) or Aeenf ENGINEER ADDRESS CITY Ap�StebT 9CA J ADDRESS SITE ADDRESS BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION COM MUNITY ITY ECONOMIC 8 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ISO Mein Mosel El Segundo, CA 60265 bLEQESNpp ReowsLLlne. L31015N 13111 X'SUITE F7IOEMIFYWsG R71 '/4 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER •Doll Pats APPLICANT /CONTACTPERSON .kt2-c fGerbt✓ 75Ci (cm/M CITY lSTATE E/5eNENun.iv C. PNl1PER1Y e/r,���) C ' •-�ita C73-6?! 1ST TE CITY I STATE PaRCEI DATE PRONE NO ZIP 02V5 ONE NO 2P 2(15 PHONE NO ZIP PHONE NO CiL LARACWITS NIWE I STATE ZIP CRY TIC NO PHONE NO u/S 6wo3e °3 PLAN CHECK/PERMIT NUMBER 9 72 -0 CLIP USE BLDG ARIA LISP USE BLDU AREA t� CAP USE BLDG AREA DES CRIPTION TIDN bWO RK N ADDITIO N EW µTel-Wil1N FERCI& 510EN1MI %CFrt.,✓iry ( 'Aft [RJACL�S REF * SQUARE FOOTAGE OCC GROUPIS) NO OF STORIES STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATIOIj UNITI51 NO TYPE(51 OF COHSTRUCIIOr IRE SPRIIMIERS lES 110 CODE IN EFFECT 6 x trod/ (re> VALUATION RECEIPT NUMBER T PLAT/ CHECK FEE S ENERGY PLAN CIIECK { 2700 REVISED VALUATION RECEIPT NUMBER SNIP F E IINITIALS I DATE PLAN CHECK FEE I ENERGY PLAN CHECK { IINITIALS I DATE PERMIT FEE REIEN MOIL FEE ea f C_ ACCEL RATED FEE TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE cetr- $ c)e) Ey, 0 0 rsa _e V SCHOOL FEES PAID I I HEAL Ili DEPI APPROVAL O SANITATION OUST PAID I I FIRE DEPT APPROVAL Q PUBLIC WORKS FEES PD I I SCAOMD APPROVAL 1-1 OSHA PERMIT OBTAINED I I INDUSTRIAL WASTE APPROVAL RECEIPT NUMBER 'SI/SALAD BY IINITIAy$- DATE 8/,2 ILIA 1(03 03 C r 0 0 In xi -71 n Q Czty,1&'St10 Building Safety Division Community, Economic, and Development Services Dept 350 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 Phone (310) 322-4670 Fax (310) 322-4167 24-HR Inspection Request Line (310) 322-7069 CONCRETE MASONRY 6" BLOCK WALL FENCE DETAIL 6'-0" ' GHT MAXIMUM 6"x6"x16" Concrete Block (•) #4 Vert 0 24' o.c. Alternate Finished Surface 3" CLEAR (1YP•) $3 Horiz. O 24" a.c. or 2-3/16" 0 Galv. wires 0 18" o.. (7W.) #4 Vert 0 24- o.c. v N GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS & NOTES 3-#4 Horizontal Continuous - u 1. Concrete mix for footing to be 1 part cement to 2 % parts sand to 3 % part gravel with a maximum of 7 %&gallons of water per sack of cement. Fc - 2500 psi. 2 Concrete block units shall conform to U.B.0 Standard Number 24-6 3 Reinforcing steel to be deformed and conform to A.S.T.M specs A 615 Grade 40 4. Concrete block units are to staggered. 5 Concrete block units to have vertical continuity of the cells unobstructed All cells containing reinforcing shall be solid grouted (vertical and horizontal reinforcement) 6. Mortar mix for concrete blocks to be 1 part cement to '/ part lime to 4 %2 parts damp loose sand 7. Grout mix for concrete block wall to be 1 part cement to 3 parts sand to which may be added no more than 1/10 part lime Sufficient water to be added to produce consistency for pouring without segregation of the constituents. The grout may contain 2 parts pea gravel, maximum size of 3/8 8. Foundations need not extend above grade level 9. Block fence may be placed to either edge of 'I" type of foundation. 10. First inspection to be after trenches are ready for concrete and all required steel is tied in place Second inspection to be when first horizontal bar is in place, with vertical and horizontal steel, but not grouted 11 Foundation must be poured against undisturbed soil with no appreciable slope of side walls on "I" type foundation PAbldg\form s\blockwall-detail 4 Lay of Cat Jegundo Building Safety Division Community, Economic, and Development Services Dept 350 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 Phone (310) 322-4670 Fax (310) 322-4167 TYPE "A" WALL H T W A Bars B Bars C Bars 4'-0" 8" 5'-0" *4524" 1 - 1 #5@12" 4'-8" 8" 5'-0" #5@24" - I4 #5012" 6'-0" 12" _ 6'-0" 1 - #6(524" #6424" TYPEA&B. - Grout all cells solid - Provide for drainage and back drams. T 8° 8° 12° CLEAQ L D'¢4.j1l-P2' %i,-, Ortir, Mat; A2 ". 1bYr$ CT'fp) Rewiring wall TYPE "B" WALL W 5'-0° 5'-0' 6'-0" A Bars #4(ai24' #5@24° 2/Sn H/N. B Bars #6@24- 24'4 Z'GLR 264. 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