- 858 LOMA VISTA ST (3)NV CS County of Los Angeles DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION Field Office Address C fry OF Cc S"e6udOO STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT FORM STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION means the visual observation of the structural system, for general conformance to the approved plans and specifications, at significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system Structural observation does not include or waive the responsibility for the inspections required by Sections 108, 1701 or other sections of the Los Angeles County Budding Code (Sections 106.4 5, 1702) // Report No This report includes all construction work through tv' — day of Iletel 6elz 2005 Page No. / of / Project Ad 8s1 Coyle J(si* Building Permit No.: oral Otiaervatbn bIlea r Shuetinal Observer of Rxard (SOR): Zit itiali1 OV-E Observer Professional LIcJRog. No. SOR Phone No.: (.3%o)VSL-&ro0 Observer Phone No. OBSERVED STRUCTURAL ELEPA FOUNDATION WALL FRAMES FLOOR PORTION OBSERVED, IF NOT WHOLE ».Foothg, Stem Walls, 0 Concrete 0 Steel Moment Frame O Concrete Gq a4404 g. Mr o Mat Formdatkat 0 Maeomy O Steel Braced Frame 0 Steel Dods &Ain te %rise - l 2-/G' r O Caisson, Plies, Grade Beams *Wood 0 Concrete Moment France %Wood 0 Retandng Foundation Hlllebo Speetal Anchors o Other: 0 Masonry Wall Frame O Othem: o Sier>: 0 OBuerm NOTES: 5*'QQ L-& s T singe S/OL' OF Afar _ a /4- 2 -2.c4 /r1 Lral OP 3ittl3 CtCEz7 flvL Oa pis OLmwS -arc OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES: "-oust( f +b-/.(1(r Qoop D/R7NMAo r ,uAtaa/c. -A/oA6 .i,* -- 6✓/hse.4- uc/aNE Stht9?2- 7741r✓eFees - ,u/o vE ricOdwA/S-/t/oive / effoE -tuff- Non 6 I DECLARE THAT THE FOLNOING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY IONOWLEDGE: 1. I AM THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT RETAINED BY THE OWNER TO BE IN RESPONSIBLE C THE STRUCI'UR&L GeSERVATICN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OF C L N 2. i. OR ANOTHER ENGINEER OR ARCHTECT WHO I HAVE DESIGNATED ABOVE AND IS UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE CHARGE, HAS PERFORMED THE REQUIRE) SITE VISITS AT EACH SIGNIFICANT CONSTRUCTION STAGE TO VERIFY IF THE STRUCTURE IS IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIRCATIONS; 3. ALL DEFICIENCIES WHICH REMAIN TO BE CORRECTED HAVE BEM INDICATE) ABOVE 4. IRE�•�•!.TACGIYTaNCE OF THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS BY ThalNIY OF e� GvUNf/ BE WITHHELD UNTIL ALL OBSERVEq YeAra DATE STAMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD sod doe - LARUCP Structural Observation Report Fonn (V1 0 - 52000) Page 1 of 1 12/08/2005 08.26 FAX 310 342 7260 R F INT'L Ij001 County of Los Angeles DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION Field Office Address Col OF Cc Se6urvd d STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT FORM STRUCTURAL OBSERVAI7ON means the wsual obsen20on of the structural system. far general conformance to the approved plans and specifications, at significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system. Structural observation does not include or waive the responsibility for the inspecions required by Sections 1013, 1701 or otherseejons of the Los Angeles County Building Code.(Sechons 106 4.5, 1702) This report Includes all construction work through ‘711 Project Address: - -- 6s-b A,*A Jrsf1?- &dlding Punult No. FOUNDATION "-Footing, Stmn Walls, G Met Fw°datior O Cal PIM; Grade Hine O Robi^ e.g Foundation thus... 5pedal Anchors O Others: Report No. day of De4311 , 20.4j Page No. / otL Structural Cp /min of Record ( : Area-ifI Structural °bradogb omamntt Professional Llear gNo:&d r✓ res - rhri OBSERVED STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND zf THEIR CONNP4 ECTIONS WALL O Concrete O Matmuy $Wood O Omer: FRAMES O Steel Moninil Franc O Steel Brayed Frame O Camels Moment Frame FLOOR O Concrete D Steel Dedi %Wood SOR Phone No.: (/e)sti-6•Sbo Observer Mire No.: PORTION OBSERVED, IP NOT WHOLE Roust' A21.101 /ArC— write 7 46 - /Y/g/ ( O Masonry Wan Frame O ODen: O Others: NOTED- S/(004 r 4%u4 a de ass of Q c AAP _ 0 K- ? /nr G OP s okra' ow cons -arc OBSE -D DEFICIENCIES: FgAirder- rats- //owl 1 DECL +r . • WT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE 1. IA C ENGINEER OR AAyRC:WIEST�REETTAAIINNEED BY THE OWNER TO BE IN RESPONSWLE t, Wary i n. O C�otJA21YSN ACCORDANCE WITH WE REQUIREMENTS ow.✓S 2 L- -.TNER Et4WNEER OR ARCHITECT WNO I NAVE DESIGNATED ABOVE AND IS UNDER n. . Pmr n NAS PERFORMED THE REQUIRED sae VISITS AT EACH SI. mama NT CONSTRUCTION STAGE TO VERIFY IF THE STRUCTURE B IN GENERAL Cc .JUICE WITH APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: I A. iENCIES WHICH RE&WN TO SE CORRECTED HAVE BEEN INDICATED ABOVE; 0. 1; EN pryCE OF THE STRUCTURALA V o BE Wmnm n unitBY _ s FI GUNE5 D. TY r\ /2- sort do. _ ..P Structural Obaervaa0n Revert Form ,V7 0 - 5r200011 DATE sums OR STRIucrusa OBSERVER OF RECORD Pager or 1