- 515 LOMA VISTA ST Los Angeles Regional Uniform (LAR U CF oFauetaL]Tor eu._a,.a"��.An;; Code Program STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT FORM STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION means tyre vaeudl observation of Ilia stuctural syswni forgenerel conformance to the approved grans Ono specrucartons, at s/gndicant conotnrcbon stages and at comprdnon of trio stuctural system structural observation does not include or N,In a the rnsporismduy tot the rn,.,ecrrons rcquticd Dy Section 106 1701 or ornerseCDons of the code _ t� n� Q Report No f Tnls report mcluaes all construction wol through �I 1 day of ( Cu/1 20 U Page No of / Prolett A0 irc5s i Structural Observer of Record(SO14 Phone No Of SOR 5(l V (s'UF E2 StcZo✓rn JEFFWARLING 818-363-B272 Builaing Penns No Structurd Ouscrbatlon Ponunnea by Professional be/Reg No of Observer Pnone I , No Of Oemr JEFF WARLING C 43743 818-3638 1 OmEXe tU]1 Nun tUXAL ELtlIE1Q5 ANU 1 ntlX CON0.tCl IUw] FOUNDATION WALL FRAMES FLOOR PORTION OBSERVED,IF NOT WHOLE �(Foobny Stem Wally D COnd1 eta ❑Sical Moment Frame D Concrete ❑ Mat Foundation ❑Masonry D Steel Braced Frame ❑ $teEl ❑Caisaon Pyes, Glaue Bcams D Woea ❑CdnCfeta Moment Frame ❑ WOoo ❑ Retaining Foundation ❑OUrier D M"onry Will Frame D Others Hillside Special Ancnors 'Others S-eA- ulr- D UtnerS OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES ry I DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARETRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE QP�FESgj� OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES BY THE OWNER TO BE IN RESPONSIBLE 1 1 AM THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT RETAINED Q CHARGE FOR THE STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS hQ � P• 2 1,OR ANOTHER ENGINEER OR ARCHITEC r WHO I HAVE DESIGNATED ABOVE AND IS UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE CHARGE, HAS PERFORMED THE REQUIRED SITE VISITS AT EACH W -3743 1.0 Z a SIGNIFICANT CONSTRUCTION STAGE TO VERIFY IF THE STRUCTURE IS IN GENERAL �'O7 z CONFORMANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, 3 ALL DEFICIENCIES WHICH REMAIN TO BE CORRECTED HAVE BEEN INDICATED ABOVE, 4. 1 RECOMMEND THAT ACCEPTANCE OF THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS BY THE CITY OF LOS Of�gLIF ANGELES BE WITHHELD UNTIL ALL OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES ARE CORRECTED ST raP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD S N-IURE ( D„TE _,DF.S tteG F nn 5 tom.i i r e,t,_,vf., env,guy ary