- 700 LAIRPORT ST S9C0000151 APPLICANT tow s „704,9aeZ �J�a�. a ADDRESS/ (, ezcftwootfiv y�EN LO0/ 083 �.l /�S.L./[.1975 CITY JW 4'S,`,6te iiip �t PHONE- //'� 9S26a CC a o lair. , ES ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATE/ZIP ma = R NAME ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATE/ZIP ENGINEER NAME ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATEIZIP 0 u a Ly /�'^ NAME (A%/LS,✓D� let ,p MAILING ADDRESS 5 ,r c /i'4y s' ri ovE ry `TTELEEPPHHONE CITY • STATE ZIP CITY LIC NO r) 1 I ` 1/ )W / I hereby licensed under provisions or Chapter 9 3 of the Business end Professions Code and No q 96 affirm wider penalty of perjury but tam (cammenatp with Section 7000) of Division my license is in lull force and sheer Gass Cl" tic c _I�CMse `If\D tiro Z.Conti Signs e WORKERS' COMPENSATIONI WORT ER'S COMPENSATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of I have and we maintain a ceituicate of consent compensation as provided for by Seaton 3700 of the work for which this permit is issued I have and will malntan workers compensation 700 of the Labor Code for the performance My workers eohncarriercarrier D A TION the Meowing declarations to sett insure for workers of the Labor Code for the perform insurance es required by Section of the work tor which this permit is issued numb/LatePolicy Number 709?t ZS is for one hundred dollars (S100) or less for which this permit is Issued I shall not subject to the workers compensation subject to the workers compensation I shell forthwith comply with those (This section need not be completed if the permit I certify trial in the performance of the work employ any person in any manner so as a become Laws of California. and agree that d I should become prayi:ons of Section 3700 of the Labor Code Provrslone Date /Fa ZO/a0 Signaturesubje a Wto securean m gremarkers . hulowfdl shall subject c an wnemployee to criminal penalties and card I uDTTT hundred thousand dollars (3100,000). m addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of be Labor Code interest end attorney s fees LENDER OWNER/BUILDER I hereby Shunt under penalty of penury that I for the following reason (Sec 7031 5 Business which requires a permit to construct attar improve to its Issuance also requires the applicant for am exempt from the Contractors License Law and Professions Code) My cry or county demolish or repair any structure pri• such permit to file a signed statement the Contractors License Law (C - of the Business and Proless:. - Code) or for the alleged exit . .on Any violation subjects the ap• ht to a curl penalty of with . ,es as their sole compensation will or . :red for sale (Sec 7044 Business and w does not apply to an owner of a property such work himself or through his or her own are not intended or offered for sale It maim one year of completion the owner or she did not build or improve Mr the contracting with licensed contr moos to Professions Code The rector who builds or r es thereon and license ant to the Contractors re or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions or icomrnencvig the Section 7000) of Division 3 that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis of Section 7031 5 by any applicant ton is permit not more then five hundred dollars ($500)) ) ( ) I as owner of the properly or my employees do the work and the smrcrura a not intones(' Professions Code) The Contractors Licens. who builds or improves thereon and w. does employees provided that such icy - emana howevei the budding or impro l is sold builder will have be our . , . proving that he purpose of sale) ( ) I as owner of property am exclusively construct the pr• (Seaton 7044 Business and License La ... not imply to an owner of property who •• . as for such projects with a contiector(s) Licen Law) ( am exempt under Sec_ B a PC for this Date nee CONST TION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under pre of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for me performance of work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097 Cry C) Lenders N Lenders Address ELECTRICAL PERMIT City of El Segundo a. BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT Atlmg 700 U4l4poRr4VE - BuliErrlgriceS 9 Tract - Blocky Page Lot I Parcel `e .9 C. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information Is correct I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representauyes of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes essesa / 41/416 Dale rg•tat of r P C No - No of Plans �• Reed Ni, Date " `-' Canon / _ Indus SERVICE / NUMBER EACH FEES Service Sae Service over 600 volts 60 00 Additional Meters 5.00 Panel Board 10 00 / SWITCHBOARDS (other than service sections) First Section - 35.00 Additional Sections 3010� 60.00 Over 600 Von Sections Additional Sections 55 00 OUTLETS Switch, Light, Receptacle 50 Lip>ht Fixtures 50 aa1 fiance (Domestic) 4 00 Appliance (Commercial) 8 00 POWER EQUIPMENT HP OR KVA UP TO SHP 6 50 50 1-100 HP 33 00 5 1 to 20HP 10 00 Over looHP 50 00 20 1 to 50HP 15 00 Temporary Power ':: 20 00 Permanent - • :r Pole - 20 00 Fire Wami Communlcat . - . Emergency, Control Systems, Smoke Detectors 8 Si q . •: em - - - QUANTITY Control Equipment for above systems ll 1 Z ic7� .. • t .,/ dl,l A QUANTITY - Investigation Fee 100 00 PERMIT FEE (Sub Total) I a VC) REMARKS Plan Check Fee Plan Rat Fee Issuance Fee $15 0,0�1fm' Issue Date I Ifit%� ! TOTAL FEE 31 !W The work and regulations Segundo, and all amendments This permit hundred eighty any time during in violation of READ CONDITIONS BELOW authonzed by issuance of this permit is subject to all the rules set forth in the ordinances and amendments of the City of El the taws of the State al Callfomia in regard to such work and thereto becomes null and void if work Is not commenced within one (180) days from date of issuance, or if work is suspended at construction for the same period of time, or if any work Is done the City Ordinance or State laws governing same VALIDATION t Dstnbution GREEN a BLUE (Dept) YELLOW (Applicant) dos FOAM E 103 Rev t195 INSPECTION RECORD APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE TEMP POWER POLE UNDERGROUND ROUGH WALLS CEILING SERVICE UTILITY NOTIFIED FINAL NOTES EMARKS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO —/ CD t(.%'- T ' EPARTIVIENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY ': AN' MO BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION SPECIAL INSPECTOR REPORT Each inspector must complete this report and mail it to the Office of the Building Safety Division. Daily ❑ Final l8' Building Permit Na 9135 - ?? /1/-c,-?? Job Address iehelier /i eo,cr a. %4 5'-V Mr hirvrigcncio C4. Vas General Constraaor Poyni A Jane go • Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete 0 Masonry 0 Hi -Tensile Bolting 0 Prestressed Concrete 0 Grading/Fill 0 Spray -Applied OGypsuther Specifym Concrete ❑ / - Welding ❑/MiS Fireproofing 0 17' e Description of Work Inspected: 94x,' /i izIez novas C/isOAI rnsaroo . • AT" /07LT-op Sup/o%g AS troeious 1Pfieemenr Ott i0 fics , gine %tie,o AS Wei ''f e'Sren/gtocnor Q0/in 5 11-6"4 "s%y° lionn2nw2Eas- TfJ chi % p//asiers f'n crony. aids .vim E7/S7/n7 awn, s - Location in Structure c Sod/me ,4 erlQN, /— 6 7yft or gal/ used: aus0 drA - Oct 7000 • Remarks I// waive C'Ozniflefir inf ioraion .&rupee ,pqz oOqectif /DP -Ai ))eki fit/0/nc/S1 pin's clehils s/7/. /�5 !'�O,,'. Jai>"onip/'. ace- GV/ L i - e' - £o,o4//'P J. All work on this job to date has been satisfactorily completed and conforms to the approved plans and requirements of the Uniform B Code. /2 -17- 9 9 C 'Mk ,P 2,aWSI Ssuw- N 9P-3567 r137.20 Date Special Inspector Certifmtico/Regstration Na