1106-00 - 2300 IMPERIAL HWY E (3)• cas( A{RZT Dt44-310 , � U/Imre CA- cro'895 31D iffac 1 i 1 i NAME PEoFiCal 11 CRPIT>4-1 - ADDRESt,c vItSldlaF e . limaYin 914 1 11 :VS AE .FS ('f4 sTATEepn9C fp-WA-tot, 9T ADDRESS fl Ai j g pQPH0NE31o• %z4e-qu t CRY tORamoc&i (A- cli T IP- _ INAME oaaA.) A- QDeiRy 1 MWiA s, ADDRESS IIµ( �II.Ir�ig, ifi,iEPHONEflj q4.3. a CITY LDS AtiAgiuwA L.- STATEmpaor , NAME TC linnf'S&YIAC&i10Y1 C t • MAILING_ ADDRESS l Iq I,� Sr und'"� I1 � o E Eo40-Da�,p II cmEl STATE (A_ 0 BUILDING PERMIT Building Safety Division Community, Economic,& Development Services Dept 350 Main St , El Segundo, CA 90245 24-HR Inspection Request Line (310) 322-7069 DRAWING NO PLAN CHECK NO / 067 BUILDING ADDRESS Z VI M7tJDA(, WA/WA4 BLOCKAGE LOT/PARCEL TRACT k. TYPE OF CONST USE ZONE GROUP REO'D YARDS I✓ v NO STORIES SIZE OF CONST USE OF BUILDING O}.Y, UBC ED Q} SPRINKLERED NO WET STANDPIPES DESCRIPTION OR REMARKS NO ADDITION ALTERATION I hereby a0im under penally of penury Net i at 9bensee tinter provisions of Chapter 9L (cprmrlm_Jrlg ate Satan 7030) 01 Dalian 3 of the Bermes and Professions Code and myadaiwe tam hip Watt. GI • rr Lic ense Clan �Lie No Sas tat 1f Dab "1 I�IJI ) Cane did v� - 7, , ERS'COMPENS4flON WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I tweet' enem under penally of pefplry one of the following dederatawn I have and will maintain a r eab of consent to self insure for workers IIDI compende0On as provided for by Seaton 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance et work anfor which this perms is ensued !� I have d will maintain workers compensation insurance asrequired by Section 1/ of the Labor Code for performance of the wink for which this pryer a waned My Wed( ton a ranee carrier end policy n Carer Policy Number (This section need not be completed if the permits for one hw,dr{d dot$irs (S100) or less I certify that in the pedormenM of the work for which Its perms is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become woman to the workers wmpenietn Laws el California and agree set it I should become subs - to the workers compensaton provisions ofn 3.7/r0w_� of the Labor e Code I shall I •yy' .. . ty,BF those Prowl � I Sign 6I60 Date v` w WARNING Fmtare to taeun workers companion coverage is unlawful and shall tabled an employer to criminal penalties end civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (S100 000) in addmn to me cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code interest and attorney a fees -ithOur I MrCcii9loJTS ff5P— ? PLA5t 1 '! EL O',Mtn210LK5�5 L1.606 nr 1%U)TPL T FfiWeirFiri - I catty Mall nave reed en appYa♦➢pn and stab 0W the above information a correct I agree to comply with all city and con0 orNmroas end Mate laws relablg 1 bunting construction end hereby auplpnia rePreaantOnes of con NNW tomb upon the agovm mentioned properly for inspection purposes Signature of Applicant or Agent FOR DEPT. USE ONLY APPL REC B -A 0 I I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors License Law for the following reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code) Any My or county which mount a permit to wneauo Oho improve demolish or raper any structure prier to Its Issuance alto requires the applicant for such permit a bole a stoned statement mat his or she is bawnsed pursuant to the provolone or err Contractor License Law (Chap 9 (connancn g the Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business end Professions Code) or that he a she is exempt therMnm end be basis for the alleged eaemptin Any yofatn of Section 7031 5 by any applicant Ian a permit subjects the applicant toe corn penalty of not more Nan live hundred doles (S500)1) () I es owner of the property or my wan wages compensation will do No work end me at'uban Is not m or offer safe (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code) The Contractors not apply to an owner of e property who builds or improves thereon and w such work hamsen or through his or her own employees provided that such me not intended or offered for sal II however the Wilding or n nt is n one year or completion the owner Wilder will have the b al proving lee she did not build or improve for the Purpose al sac) ( ) I as owner the properly am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Section 7044 Business and Protestant Code The Contractors License Lew does not apply to an owner of properly who bursas or improves thereon and who contract for such projects elm a contractors) license pursuant to the Contractors License Law) (I I am exempt under Sec_ B a PC Ior con reason Date Owner y I C BLDG SAFETY FIRE DEPT IPIT-5-3o-01) PLANNING PARKS/REC PUBLIC WORKS O CMP USE BLDG AREA CMP USE BLDG AREA CMP USE BLDG AREA VALUATION OF JOB S I U-ED Ion a Ob W W S M IFEE CATS ENERGY PLAN CHECK fly/ PLAN CHECK FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE PLAN RETENTION FEE $ SC .5 /S,7, CT TO AL PERMIT ISSUE DATE Of I (I Ind W co LEA CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby ammm under penalty of pw0ury that men is a construction lending agency for the performance of me work for this permit is issued (Sec 3097 Cw CI Lenders Name READ CONDITIONS BELOW r The work authorized by issuance of this permit s subject Sall the nab and regulations eat lath m the ordnance end amendments of the City of El Segundo and me taws of the Sob of Casana in regard to such wont end all amendments Narita (' Tura permit becomes null and void ft wink is not commenced within one hundred eighty (ISM days from date of assuanp or it want is suspended at any ems barmy consVuebn to the sane pared of time or d any work is done in violation of the City Ordnance or State laws governing same Lenders Address Oistrtuwn WHITE (Dept) YELLOW (Mplean) dm FORM 8 t0o Rev U95 VALIDATION r p 039 cos / 0030(#& 5' r _'_ �r/J �J1 `A/JdY V eil MI / 19Y) 1S 0 Air Ca Q9 12 1 SSavwSa / �C 10 � I 1YNld AOtl3N3 r :_t. �1! 3 TIOl1Sf10oY AdNOSYW U0W31N1 'WY 1 T1YM ONINIY13tl uo0431X3 11LLY1 S13NYd NOILY1f1SNI dOOH M V3S ONOS TT QQl L�\1 ONI14 81sawuOOoOli 13 ,33J.s �/ 11YMA1lO NOLLYAYOX3 110103dSNl WOO S1YAOtlddV SOL23dSN1 31YO STI'AMI:MY "ON )IO494O Wild 011033H N01103dSNI