1081-99 - 2260 IMPERIAL HWY E (3)a/70 Slimier/iv A 1 APPLICANT A i CAS lJlYi ADDRESS Aar S. 44/PU4y v #vot CITY.45yr ZIP PHON 6 - OD ni¢ al 9/79d -42 -o1aJ"" NAME- - O 54%Ce .4 ct/Jn N'f1 ADDRESS - PHONE CITY STATEJZIP ARCHITECT NAME de if 2GOG J ADORE PHONE CITY STATE/ZIP gg ill- 4/ NAME ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATE/ZIP ,WORKERS' COMPENSATION I CONTRACTOR � NAME15/B �ii/IP/L•„ aid t,.0 MAILING ADDRESS' - —• /fl -'Jai Xi-- /era CITY/ -I i1/9A,7 J QyE_ FetP T: nit ZIP9 STATEr w 720 CITY LIC NOgO9r I hereby aahem under penalty y of penury that I am lksnnd a provisions 01 Chapter 9 (commuting with Seddon 7000) of !Won 3 of the Busmen and Professions Code and my bdenseatin Ng htge qd effect 9 / License Class / Ix No F�yG �P• S Date /1 Z /- f r Contr Signature WORKER'S COMPENSATION I hereby ahem under penalty of perjury one M I have and will msnleb a certificate al consent DECLAR ON the following declarations to se0•Insute for worker of me Labor Code far the n asmpenaabon, as provided for by Section 3700 tee this work which permit is issued 01 have end will maintain workers compensation Insurance as required by Section 3700 of theLaborLabor Code, for the performance d the work for wwluch ens permn re issued 1pimpertemben Insuferlo comerand Comer t CAR`% N �bern=" 77 net N% (This eemon need not be completed a the perms is for one hundred dollars (S100) or leas - I minty Dal In the performance of the work for which this permit a Issued I shall not employ any person In any manner so 5310 become suggest to the workers campenesbon Laws of California end agree mat III should become su0pet to the workers compensation provisions M Section 3700 of the Labor Code I shall lormwit com oate /11 HI 5ro nabs - WARNING Failure te segue workers compensation age Is unlawful and shall subpa an employer t0 cnminal penalties and civil lines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100 000) in addition to me cost at compensation damages as provided for in Section 3708 of me Labor Code Interest and enomey s lees W_ rti W 3 C I herby affirm under penalty M perjury that I for the following reason (See 7031 5 Business when t.Rudn a puma to construct sitar improve Io its issuance also requires Me applicant for Or she is licensed pursuant to the prOVISIOne (commencing the Section 7000) of Division 3 that he or she u exempt therefrom and the basis al Season 7031 5 by any applicant tor a nun not more than Iva hundred dollars (S500)) ) () I es owner d the properly or my employees do the work and the structure is net intended Proleuhna Code) The Contractors License who twigs Or Improves thereon end who does employees provided mat such Improvemen. however the building or improvement Is • Mal wall have me burden ol pray -I he purpose of sale) ( ) I as owner of the pro • -- am exclusively construct the project ( 7044 Business License Law doe, • gayly man Owner of property who contract; - such projects with a contracogs) License a under () a � *mot uer Se[_ B 6 PC for this ant exempt tram the Contractors License Law and Prolesslons Code) Any city of county demollch or raptor any structure pnor such nand to eh a signed statement that he of Irk Contractor License Law (Chap 9 of the Business and Professions Code) or for the alleged exemption Any v damn subjects the eppllmnl 10 a av ark of with wages as . • Ie compensabon will or offend for a. Sec 7044 Business and Law does • apply to en owner of a propry $ - 0n himself or through his or her own - not Intended or altered nor sale If within one yew Of completion the owner or she did not build or Improve for the contracting with licensed contractors to and Professions Code The Contractors who builds OI Improves thereon and license pursuant to the Contractors reason / Date Owner tc W Q kW rrwl CONSTRUCTION L I hereby affirm under penalty of perju 1 me the performance of the work for cola permit Lenders Name G AGENCY n Is a construction lending agency for Is issued (Sec 3097 Cry C) Lenders Ad UILDING PERMIT City of El Segundo RTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY PLAN CHECK NO l ;®h J L fl -DRAWING NO BUILDING ADDRESS TIoc96O r '!" /M� VW TRACT BLOCK/PAGE LOT ARC co G TYPE OF CONST GROUP Z USE ZONE REO'D YARDS NO STORIES SIZE OF CONST USE OF BUILDING 7»c7 of SPRINKLERED WET STANDPIPES 41, ere SF UBC EDa NO NO IPTION OR REMARKS NEW ADDITION ALTERATION A/Cr t.Sfvo bus - cc/Gia AceO,Fy e c7- c—as Acey71 C ySTE&iL wit b I wiry mat I have read coo appllnem and stab that the Wove Imblrrlaboll is mired. I agree to comply with all aty and mlmty ordinances and Mate laws relating to building 9ume050 rapreeenh5vat 01 that dry be enter upon the wove P conatruceon mentioned Signarur AP 14nt APPL REC BLDG SA h J SD 0 FOR DEPT. USE ONLY .%1rMi✓e FIRE DEPT PLANNING PARKSIREC PUBLIC WORKS N CMP USE CMP USE BLDG AREA CMP USE BLDG AREA BLDG AREA VALUATION OF JOB $ W W S M I FEE CAT ENERGY PLAN CHECK 69, Poe , BO $ PLAN CHECK FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE PLAN RETENTION FEE T Is T$/g._ 0 i 1 r 5 PERMIT ISSUE DATE REA CONDITIONS BELOW ••.. The work authorized try Issuance of mr permit is object to W ma rules and repulaborls she forth m the ordinarce and amuamuts M the Clry of El Segundo and 01. laws 01 me State M Calffomla in regard to such wool and all amendments the eto Thu permit becomes null and void 0 wOm is not commenced within one hundred echly (180) Jaye from data of Issuance of d wbk 15 suspended al ;any time anmg construction (b tge ayry pel5Od of time or a any work is done in violation of the City Ordmence or Stab laws governing same VALIDATION Date NFITE (Dept ) YELLOW (Applicant) rbs FORM B 102 Rev Irg5 INSPEt' ION RECORD , Plan Check No. APPROVALS DATE v. INSPECTOR APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR EXCAVATION ' DRYWALL FLOOR JOISTS - STEEL FRAMING - WALL ROOF BOND BEAM INSULATION PANELS LATH, EXTERIOR RETAINING WALL LATH, INTERIOR MASONRY ACOUSTICAL FENCE ENERGY _ _. __ _ _ __ FINAL - l 101 _ REMARKS ( (V 0 I cvt_ L,6U1.Ptinisi