1152-02 - 2222 IMPERIAL HWY E R9 (3)4 OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of penury that I am exempt from the Contractors innse Law tar me t000Mrto reason (Sec. /W 15 Business end Pretessrons Lode My any or county which requires a permit to construct attar improve demolish or repzr any structure prior to Its Issuance also reglees the applicant for such pemle to he a signed statement Nat he or she us licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors License Lew (Chapter 9 (commencing with Sec 7000) of Div 3 of the Business and Pmtessiols Code) or mat he or she is exempt therefrom and tM bass for the alleged exemption Any violation of Sec 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit sueds the applicant to a cad penalty of nol more than five hundred delete ($500) ) I as 'owner of the property or my employees with wages as thee- ado wn- pensators we do the work and the structure Is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon and who does Rich work tensed or herself or through Ns or her Own employees provided that suds improvements are not mended or offered for sale II however the budding or im- provement its sold within one year of completion the owner-0elder will have the burden of prang that he or she did not build or mprove for the purpose of sale ) I�I I as owner of the property am exdusvey contracting with licensed coo- t ore to construe the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Ice proves thereon and who contracts for sudi projects with a contractors) licensee pursuant to the Contractors License Law ) I am exempt Section under B aP L. to Ins reason Date Signature of Owner LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty Cl perjury tut I an licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (menenog with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Prolessions (ode and my license is In we tome and effect /5-( i/ 2 y 7-M1 License Class Nun, Emraton Date (l - /3-air Date of Contractor WORKERS C SATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penally of one of the following declarations III I have and will maintain a to of consent to sellinsure for work IL compensation as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the per / 1 of the wok lot which bus permit ts issued I have and will maaitail workers anpesabal insurance as renaed tic of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which INs permit is workers compensation insurance ia7y and policy number are Carnet + fie-4 / nt policy No viUKG( acoy/ tie r.tiai Mild rot a mrpxMa in p.m* Straw Mesa dollars NKendteal I 21I certify that in the performance of the work for which Was permit is issued not employ any person In any Tame so as to become subject to the workers campensahon laws of Caillama and agree that d I should become subject to the waken compensation provisions of Sec 3700 a Labor Code I shag forthwith comply with Ouse provisions //-/1-c7-- Date' of Applicant WARNING FAILURE TO SEC 3 COePEN3A TON COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL HALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRINIALAL PENALTIES AN CML RUES UP !DONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (3f00000), INADOONIN TO THE Cos? OF Cn1RFAMATIOIE DAMAGES AS PROVED FOR W SECTION lee OF PIE LABOR COOS WTEREs7, AND ATTORNEY" FEES CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of penury that there Is a construction lending agency for the performance of the wok for which INs permit Is Issued (Sec 3097 Cry C ) Lender's Name Lede's Address I certify that I have read this application and elate that the above information Is correct I agree to comply with all ay and county ordinances and state laws re- lating to balding alnsbucton and hereby ze rein Wes d ws ore to enter upon the above -mentioned for in Purposes /-/7-at- Caro a of Aopllcant or Agent BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION COMMUNITY ECONOMIC & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 SIZE ADDRESS 1.22 z E r l M pSi2 4 fit f+w y SUITE 7 IDENTIFYING NUMBER .F3I-v4> R - R ADUIt IONAL INFORMATION / LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER e136 RaE 005 P o3BOOK 3 APPLICANT I CONTACT PERSON C PHONE NO &so) *to-2r)t FAX N J 31.),5,2-I -0212 PROPERTY OWNER R-hy1+taorf PHONE NO ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ARCHITECT 6/u- K/ M 4 A 3° c- PHONE NO , 44g0-2-1�7+- ADDRESS z$ 616? ✓l Sit- enAD6R-4 CITY STATE C4k- ZIP Crav7r /Li✓ ENGINEER - a//.t /<LM d- - AtSn_ PHONE NO ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CO RACTORS NAME AJG • PHONE NO 313-DDSs AD ESS 2 3 9 2 S a, -te ran , L., F ire CITY // Trail v70la /t STATE C4 ZIP 9toi O PLAN CHECK/PERMIT NUMBER // _0 7-- ZAP USE BLU(• AREA NEW TESIDENTIAL CAP USE ttLDG AREA ADDITION tOMMElli J� LMP USE taLUl• AREA rNAIIUN?X DESCRIPTION 0 WORK fNi -os- 1-601 tAifit, 6.MWI /plctgPP, MLSan- Pam Luen P ST4-Let. At:a pat-t,, 4.1 6#/ r vie , 2oo11-5 A'Na FYN7 ft%-C-s nip 4-R- R-Cf-fl&•o Mt—ce- w ATro a'- L /t-I d-A-z_ un /2—Ka OCC thou. 3 riPEfSI OF CCNsnNCTioN f 1rcL- Z NO a STORIES fo E FODTNGE / / t� S f- l FFf15 SIM4 PRERS REou Eo SP "� NO sTwresrAres qw7 NO Ise-tsl r� O C00Et 998 Gil G ///�f/� �/j' s / ` 0 G - PLAN CHECK FEE E 13 33a MMLVNWI/b! / RECEIPT ENERGY PLAN CHECK s • ADDITIONAL FEE S REVISED vuwtaN RECEIPT AUDI IIONAL ENERGY s L� 1• RECEIPT PERMIT FEE S OW 0 RETENTION FEE S I I. 5 a L SMIP FEE sS L I I (OTHER) S TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE S ''%V' 2- 3 ail • I if r-I SCHOOL FEES PAID 1---1 HEALTH DEPT APPROVAL _ SANITATION DIST PAID _ FIRE DEPT APPAL PUBLIC WORKS FEES PD SCAOMD APPROVAL r i OSHA PERMIT OBTAINED M INDUSTRIAL WASTE APPROVAL a a <•_ 1SSUwev �,a CIO ISSEDOA t� /f 11 V� %.rnr 4'77,.49Y- Few. rim .) Il U 1017 W C r O aZ/a� -v mm ry an r 0 NO INSPECTION I DATE INSPECTOR REQUIRED BUILDING INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS 81 Location and setbacks 82 Sods Engineer's Approval 83 Foundation/Trench fans B9 St'uciu,al concrete stab on grade B5 Raised floorhamsg B6 Under floor nsulalzn BT Fnst level floor sheathing B8 Second level floor shoal/dog B9 Third level flax sheathing B10 Roof sheathing B11 Concrete block " t - t 1st Grout lift 2nd Grout kft t 3rd Grout eft 4th Grout lift B12 Steel framing B13 Fee Dept frame nspecbon B14 Budding Dept frame Inspects n 1315 Fee sonnet( hangers 016 Insutatnweather stripping 817 Mterer lath and/or drywall B18 Ertersr lath B19 Rated floor/Ceding assemblies B20 Rated wall assemblies B21 Rated opening protection B22 Rated shaft c nseuclnn B23 T-bar ceilings B24 Lot drainage B25 Planing Dept Approval 826 Fee Dept Approval 827 Public Works Dept Approval 828 Final Binding inspection approval DESCRIBE COMPLETELY THE INTENDED USE OF ALL SPACE APPLICABLE TO THIS BUILDING PERMIT The following statement must be signed by the Building owner 'When approved by lb. Bending Official, the owner's agent may sign for permits other than the haldal or shell Wilding permit Will the applicant or future budding occupant handle a hazardous malenal or mixture containing a hazardous material equal t0 or greater than the amount specified on the hazardous materials Information guide? Yes or NO ta.a.l d the answer to the quesoon sea yes wts the proposed addssg or modified lately be wNun 1000 feet of the cuter boundary of a school'? Yes or No tone I have read the hazardous material nfonnaton guide and the SCAOMD permitting thecldisl I understand my requirement under the State of Catania Health and Safety Code Scram 25505 25533 and 25634 mwenwg hazardous rretenats rewiring Yes or No tenth NAME ' SIGNATURE ' INSPECTION NOTES. w. rntos Cty O/e/sequicio DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SAFETY 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Phone: (310) 322.4670 Fax: (310) 322-4167 DEMOLITION DISCLOSURE FORM PROJECT ADDRESS: 7iz zZ e- - - -PERMIT NO.: //5j a - D J- Effective January 1, 1991, Assembly !El 2791 requires applicants for demolition permits to comply with certain Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) regulations concerning asbestos containing materials. (SCAQMD Hotline (909) 396-2336). The following questions must be answered before your application for a demolition permit can be processed. 1. Have you complied with the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management Dider Rule 1403? ( V \ YES (� 0 - Follow SCAQMD notification procedures` Z. is the structure asbestos free? ( you are uncertain, you should contact an asbestos consu to investigate the , = before answering this question). ( ) YES ( %% 0 - Follow SCAQMD notification procedures' 3. Does the proposed demolition affect less than 100 square feet of asbestos containing material? ( 5YES (*) See rev Signatur ( ) NO - Follow SCAQMD notification procedures* rse for S s QMD n Tel4" Styr -� Print Name ( _,)-Owner ( ) Contractor ( ) Architect ( ) Authorized Agent cation procedures. //-/7 -° 2-- Date