1149-02 - 222 IMPERIAL HWY E R9 (3)Dais- /31 X VERSION 12-2000 OWNER I hereby affirm under penally of License Law tor the lotlwano reason -BUILDER DECLARATION penury that I am exempt from the Connectors (Sec toil 5 Business and Professions Code a permit to consaud Mar Improve demolish. or Any city or county which regimes radar env strums. prior to as issuance to llle erected d statement that he Contractors License Law (Chapter Business ad Professions Coder for Me alleged exaryedn My violation suEoxb the amacnl to a av0 penaltynot I also rewires Use appaznt for suds perm I or she s Revised pursuant to the damsons of the 9 (commenting with Sec 7000) of ON 3 of the or that he or she is exempt therefrom and me oasis of Sec 7031 5 by any applicant for a peens of nmore than five hundred dollars (S500) ) or my employees with wages as their sole rem structure is not Mended or offered for sale (Sec Code The Contractors License law does not bulds Or oldens thereon and who does suds Ns or ha wen employees provided that such offered for sale If however the budding a im- Of rSrtWmar me awneroudder win nave the de not bold Or mawe to me purpose or sae I am exclusively contracting with licensed on 7044 Business and Professions Cede The apply 10 an Owner Of adoerte do builds of m- foe such projects with a mnbada(s) license as wear of the Weeny pensabon rib do the work end the 7044, Business orb Profession apply wan wear of property Mho work himself or herself or though improvements are and intended a provement is and warn one yea Ierdar of promo that he a the InEiI as owner el the properly rs to construct Me project (Sec Connectors license Law does not enses t eren and who contracts pursuant to the Clnoactors License Law ) • I am exempt under Section B VP C to Its reason Date Stonature of Owner LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby aeon under penalty of penury Mat I am licensed under prows.ns of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Drwsin 3 of the Business and Professions Code and my license la In tun once and meth /� /�a�� • e0(al .i Z J pira on to 'AleO1license Class Yf�ti/ A bows I`- ber m a rebate 'Alec�f SgnaMe of Contractor - WORKERS COMPENSATION I hereby Ohm under penally of 133.1 have arid will maintain a compensation as provided for by of the wadi for Mich tee Inn and will mani. workers of Vie Labor Lode -Milne IS My workers compesabon Garner STATE DECLARATION perjury one of the following declaration 2 certificate of consent to self -insure for Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the per permit r ssuad----it- compensation meurance as required by ) } Denomance of Me work tor which Ines permit Insurance camel and polio; number ale COMP. /NS%TRALE rug Policy No 044 -e j VAITT 60 I948) nip sae rare m be mewed I AI certify Vial in the performance not employ any pasty m any compensation laws of California. workers compensabon provisions comet' WNI M.WB provisions 13DertC-oz a 7e pen. . a are tested &Ian WOO w a..) of the work for which the paint is issued manner so as to become subject la the workers and agree II I Shoup become subject to the of Sec 3 Labor Code I shall inhwlh ``"- - bate - - - - WARNING FAILURE COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, CRIYNAL PENALTIES THOUSAND DOLLARS COSMENSA RON. DAMAGES rue UMOII CODE. S./nature of Applicant TO WORMERS CLMPENSA nee AND SHALL SUBJECT ANEIWLOYER TO AND CNB ROES UP TO ONE HUNDRED (511apmA AN ADDITION TO THE COST OF AS PROVIDED FOR W SECTION 3706 OF N(TERES T. ANDAI nnaenet a FEES. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of penury that mere Is a construction lending aaeney for Me performance of the wont for which ass permit Is issued Sec 3097 Cev C I Lender's Name Lender's Address I candy that 1 hare read this appkcabm and stale that the above Infoematon Is correct I agree to comply with all city and • y ordinances and state laws re wing to bussing construction and her .•. a - representatives of this city to enter upon the above -men • ,, bonb 13L-O7. llliLr a.roxe Dale - ianatae M Applicant or Aped BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION COMMUNITY ECONOMIC 8 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 350 Main Street El Segundo CA 90245 SNE ADDRESS 22z2-, , IMPl * - *t.&* -r Ft. aro 9 oaq - SURE I IDENTIFYING NUMBER f3Lc R-9 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER �q 00041 � j, Co PAGE V V S FUKII 0 33 APPLICAM IC NTACT PERSON J .C. 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(� 5 vAl TION ENERGY PLAN CHECK 4 33 5 I�'7�� NEl.EyTllLlFj@E H_ /� /�j L/fi• INITIAL OAj� /I SQ- I Z 5 PILAANNNN CHECK i FE 5/I REVISED VALUATION ENERGY PLAN CHECK S RECEIPT NUMBER INITIALS DALE a.1 /e��/ PERMIT FEE $ 3It'•`�•Ty-//e�/Y •''� /// RETENTION FEE 4 / / 5 f� SMIP FEE _) 4 / ar� ACCELERATED FEE (J� S-//r TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ I w! e.^1 a a I I SCHOOL FEES PAID I= HEALTH DEPT APPROVAL M. SANITATION DIST PAID MS FIRE DEPT APPROVAL [-1 PUBLIC WORKS FEES PD I—'-1 SCAOMD APPROVAL jJ OSHA PERMIT OBTAINED rl INDUSTRIAL WASTE APPROVAL RECE T U BEF': V INITIAL se 4'-7 DATE .( 13-al i INALF 8 _Ai _ - U; \ t "1 U9 co 'C r 0 Z 0 -o Ten -o ,I .-1 Z • • MD INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR REQUIRED BUILDING INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS BI Locaber, and seeds r B2 Bole Engnw. Approval B3 FoaWmn'r,eneh Wnd er Sbuobsal concrete Slab on Owe 115, Rased Ear bambg 0$ Under Poornnstatbn 137 Fret bevel Boa shgNag BB Second level Sow sheathing 09 Third level boor ehaat rg 1310 Roof sheathng B11 Grimm block ID Grout eft End Grad m - - 3rd Grad Id em Grew Bl 1312 Steel training S13 Fey Deg frame inspection B14 Butane Deptbamenspecem B15 Fire spmM,hangers BIG msulabonMeama sbjpitg B17 Interior lath andla drywall ale Ettenr Wm BID Rated Poor/Ceding assembes 020 Rated was assannbas B21 Rated opening protection e22 Riled Mao construction B23 T-0er prongs $24 La Orange B25 Planning Deg Approval B2e Fre Dept Approval E127 Pubic Works Dept Approval 13217 FmaI MAIM lespecbpn approval DESCRIBE COMPLETELY THE INTENDED USE OF ALL SPACE APPLICABLE TO THIS BUILDING PERMIT The following statement must be signed by the Building owner Mien approved by the Build rip WERE (be owner% agent may sign for penults other than the Inldal or shell bulkOng permit We the aspecan1 or Mute puking occupant IWlde a hazardous material or meows conlaufl a hazardous mutual equal M or greater than the amount speeded on par hazardaH materials nhanabon guWi Yes Of No rnal If as answer to the waster yes yes ea the proposed addrg a raddled Wray be eNltn t000 teel of the order boundary a a school? Yes or No Imes I have mad the hazardous natural inform/bon guide and me SCAOMD pemutnng Nerkbsl I understand my requrement under the Sate of Calome Health and Safety Cede Serum 25505 25533 and 25634 mncemrg hazardous matenals nwwvuy Yes or No tau, NAME SIGNATURE INSPECTION NOTES \�11i„ U>, 40 SuLra \cur SLAG wog AWe -- nn , I 0 \05 li cti imrJ Alta.) a.. /oleo