- 2060 IMPERIAL HWY E S3A (3) APPLICANT ��� - = 5 PLUMBING9un PERMIT N4 City of El tdo- ADDRESS 4r�6 64s BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT CITY ZIP PHONE I B tlingptiffso f Building No 5-3A i Tract Block/Page Lot/Panel NAME 1.5 ADDRESS ` E I cenity that I have read this application and state that the above lnfom tRWn IS correct. 3 1 agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building o CITV 'lux C STATE/ZIP O constructio dhereb uthorize representatives of this city to enter up the above me bo prpr myyy�fo++r 1 epection purposes I� NAME C __�.L� •1._ ' = ADDRESS PHONE Signature of Applicant or Agent ate U C CITY STATE/ZIP cc NAME PC No No of Plants Resld = ADDRESS PHONE m� CM, Date odPrin� a Indus W CITY STATEJZIP NAME Mg—el PC Ed Quantity Fees MAILING ADDRESS / '2QLj 5 Each Plumbing Fixture IU J 1 %k CITt-, W L A TE Sewer t4 STATE Crq ZIP CITY LF,NO Q Water Dispensing Equipment = I hereby affirm under penalty of perfury That I ant licensed undw Provisions of Chapter 9 V (commencing wait SaVort 70D0)of Division 3 of the Business and Prot at code,am _ my umnseu Mf Water Pressure Regulator I iceex Class Lrc No Dote /"/0 - 00 Canis sgnaar Potable Water System WORKER'S COMPENSATION DEve :rluths ION I I I hereby affirm under penalty w poNry one of Me followings Gas System _I have and will maintain C wrbficate of consent to sae I x compensation a,provdeo la by Section 37M of Me Labs Code for me Performance Wine work for which Mrs permit its issued Water Heater I:. I b9ve and will monism workers'compansabon luaaance as hapa" d cy section Water Heater Vent y f die Labor Cade, r me parformancs of Me work to which Mrs permit Is helped; W My workers uraaro caner and polity hum aze wv��a JJ W�� canter Polity Number �W^9FlI/��? (TMs aeawn need not a canpood ff ma pernlil n ICr one huMreO Jolla,(slab)a less Swimming Pool _I Firmly mat In die penomenco of the work for which M13 Permit d I shell rot Spa employ any Person In any manier so as to subject m M chisels compensation compensatio y aws of Cwdomie vntl vg ee cow II I should become sub e w n orprowswns w section 3700 w me Labor Code I Shen to wi hip im iho,e Solar Systems Collector Provuwns �^ R Signors Solar Storage Tank 3 WARNING Failure to secure workers coin rise uon coin lawful and anal) wgxt an employer ro Rlminal genetics antl crvd hoes M untied thousand motors j$100 000) inMaintain to me eat o1 compensab a as provided Ia m Back FIDW Device Section 3706 of the Labor Cade Interest antl artaney a I s I hereby affirm under penalty of penury coal I am exempt from the Conuwtom License Low Lawn Sprinklers to Me following reason(Sac 7031 5 Business and Professions Codef Any city or county which reams a pammt as compup after Improve demolish or repair arty av Prior to Rs issuance also squires Me applicant for such permit to hie a aignad amp nt Mat he Vacuum Breakers or sM Is(caved pursuant to Me pmvpens of IM Conireetora'peas. aw hap l) (commencing Me Section 7000)of Deviation 3 of Me Business and Prose m Code)or Mat he or she a saempl Merohom bad Me basis'or his wfeted eaem n Any violation d a of Section 7031 5 by any applicant'or p permit aublecrs IM appliCa to a null penally ill Vt / not mom in..Irv.hundred dollars($500))I PERMIT FEE (Sub Total) Q O I es owner w in.property or my am'"ins,with wage,a an sole compensation well //���(•7 G do Me work and me avuwuro is not mended or adored Ior a(Sec 7oM Business end REMARK3l VX —V v Plan Check Fee Professions Code) Tne contractors Lic,nso Law does I apply to an owner of a property who builds or improves Masan and who such Cult mmsell or Through his of her own �} 2 employees prowled mat such improvements ae t intended or offered lot sae a Plan Rot Fee / _ LJ l/ W hoverer the budding or affor ,asmeni u sold wand one year of completion ma owner x builder will have Me burden o1 proving that 1)a or she tlW not x hat or improve for in. 3 Issuance Fee $15 OD purpose of safe) C ( )I as owner of ttw property eat skdvsrvely convecting with Iironsa0 contractors to construct me project(Section 7044Igusiness and Professions Code The Contractors Issue Date TOTAL FEE `+'•Q� scene Law does not apply loan owns of property who builds of improves motion and READ CONDITIONS BELOW who contracts far such proleev with a conbacotsl license pursuant to the Contractors The work allthorized b issuance of this License Law) Y permit Is eubfect to all the rules ( j I pm exempt under Sec_ B a PC Io the raaaon and regulations sat forth in the ordinances and amendments of the City of El Segundo,and the laws of the State of Caldfomla In regard to such Work,and Data / owner all amendments hereto This permit Becomes null and wtud if work is not commenced within one CONSTRUCTION LEND( AGENCY hundred eighty(1B0)days from date of Issuance,or If work is Suspended at oC hereby dam wdw any time during construction for the same period of time,or If any Work is done W penny w pe0ury mat Mar a conawrnon ending agency far in violation of the City Ordinance or State laws goveming same f, me performance of me work for which cob it is Issued(sac 21N7 Cry C) 2 W Larders Name VALIDATION J Leaders Address Distribution PINK (Dept) ; Ow (Applicant) dos FORM P IN Rev 1i'95 /-"-_4 '� "�:. v',fir. _ '=hd+^.•r,� -_r.-.__ t _ •h _ - �" .- " .v^,"r-!', :-.a. �-- ''T:,.'f'.t_. INSPECTION' RECORD APPROVALS -- - DATE _ INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE SHOWER PAN� - J! HOT WATER HEATER SEPTIC TANK PLUMBING FIXTURES SEWER GAS TEST UNDER FLOOR WORK UTILITY CO NOTIFIE ROUGH PLUMBING GAS PIPING GAS VENT FINAL REMARKS i t