123 - 2201-2221 EL SEGUNDO BLVD ES. APPLICATION FOR HEATING, VENTILATION, AIR CONDITIONING OR REFRIGERATION PERMIT City of El Entinde DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN PERMIT FEES No. Ran Pee Forned•alr or 7-type Furnace fuel. ducts and Tents. floor Furnace p to f00,00V0 U.T.V. 160.0000D T.U. Healer —suspended typo Heater -recessed type Heater --floor mounted Appliance Tent —only Holler. Compress:.. Absorption System S i P 2 H.P. 16 HP.• Is H.P. 10 H.P. So H.P. 60 H.P. Up to 100.000 A.T.V. 100.001 to 60f 000 W.T.V o 1.000.00E000.000 tU.T.U. 1.000.001 to 1.760.000 R.T.T'. 14.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.TO 4 T 60 2 1000 11.00 'moo Over GO H.P. Air Handling Unit Incl. ducts Evaporative cooler (non•portatde) Vent fan/single duct Mechanical esh. hood 1 Over .760.000 U.T.1' Under .I IP.000 C.F.N. Over 20.000 C.F.N. Ctmtm.fndus. Incinerator Repair, alter. addition to each beating appl.. refrlg. unit. comfort Cooling unit. or system is cl. controls Any OOulp regulat•Id but not Incl. above. PUN CNICR Tit PIRMIT HE TNER—.....EO AUIaIM ON IN r. MO POISON MALL SE HOME TO MEOW MOM AMBER tNIM PERMIT IN T7OATi0N Of TM WON CODE or 774E STATE Of CWFOONK I WWI RAT! TWIT I AM PNOPUILT LICMUD AS RE OUIRO er flume re17.1 Or mg STATE MINUS R PNOTWloln COPE ice CLAIM mama °NCO SIMON 70r4) SIMATOH Of OWNER III OT*U SIIROOI) JOB snittraarines arm CleoUl.to BfaNtj Pser,rn .•" Frit a ter ()Ain. -: GrumMl REPu(3LUa9IP c trie0:: moms- Jo9 A/A fl torPe2M m s �_ en km a 1471.et 4 I OESCRSI10N OF WORK, • •/: ; d ';` { REFRIGERATION _t1104 EF,mmm ❑ MR �ammolaREFRIGERATIONCIYDIIIlAum j� " "J rir^ OVUM MINIM WORMS . _1. A. IRV SRD& . OW flan AS vAga D itarr 'un mar PUNS urn 7 110 - OCCIIPNR7 ORGY► • M1< MOM MSRCRON RECORD Mumua LOCATION Ono I]@nTOR tantitt 011CTS COMRunom All CIRC. AIR GAS TEST vprr A CAP LER 25.00 3.00 6.00 1.rn 2.00 on 2,,.00 OO 4.00 2.00 SUBTOTAL :.SLOG 24.4-0 3.00 So*AA.t. R,R.. r. l/ SAME A.S4 --,m z Q'S z 1 NEMT COMM MAT ! PAM REAP MO WHIM DM APaLICATION V MOW TN1 TO II AND CMIERT. ALL PROVISIONS Of TAWS AND ke IMPATIOR 011/11ut lcER COTAIME nee un or MONK MILL SI COMPSH= MIN WN6 AO CONOITIMME PHI DAMN= DUCTS CMOMSAT Lila MIIO, VALIDATIM 441. 1 I 4,4 .'t S.b. I' T Wi:. vC i S .• OP. ., APPLICATION FOR HEATING, VENTILATION, AIR CONDITIONING OR REFRIGERATION PERMIT City of EI Sande DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN J PERMIT FEES o 'tit w: • pansies Met nuts and v C Up IKONB.T.V. 100.000�13�.T.0 Sack 6.00 Ploor Tomato 1.00 Hots!-ooaptnd.d type 4.00 aeateT-nausd type 1.00 Haste —Boor mounted 1.00 Appliance vent —cony 2.00 Boller. Campmate. Absorption System fH.P. Up to 100•000 B.T.U. I10 3 H.P. 11 HP. 05001 to 300.000 B.T.U. T 56 16 H.P. 30 H.P. 26 M.P. 60 H.P. 600.001 to 1.000 000 B.T.O. 1.000.001 to 1.760.000 8.T.1•. 1000 IO.On raver 60 N.P. Over 1.750.000 15.00 Alr Handling Unit Ina duct. Mvaporatlye cooler fnun•Porttal.) Under 10.000 C.F.M. 3.04 over 10.000 C.F.M. 6.00 Vent fan/mingle duet 2.00 Mechanical ash. hood ton Comm.ytndu.. Incinerator 20.00 Repair, alter. addition to each heating and.. retrlr. unit, comfort cooling unit. or system :earl. controls. Any .oulo r.gulated but not Mal. above. 4.04 1.00 /Oli011ll • MN CMS m M • 3.00 a, tom ToM7�� SOLOT COT,, THAT I NATI ROo MO BOWIRD Tim AIILRATINI Aa MOW TI M MANS TO 01 n01 AM CORRIOT. AL. novisi IS OI LANR MD ORDINANCES GO64N1110 17111 TM Of HORN RILL S1 CONDIID wins 11R6 TNO MPDInW NOON OR NOT. NO ►BI10N BALL 01 MLOND TO WORN WM wwa TNR POLAR IN 'CATION 0I TM LABOR 0000 Of TR0 Cat 01 CAt1I0BII► 1 FURTHER EMU IRA? I aN PROPULT tR01OD AS R1• WARD IT SECTION r 0I 1111 STATE ... Nm A PROFUSION' 000C MI MAIN a urrousAve P0111R In N0. 1 NONANRE 0/ GRAB Of ORiia aIDBO / area *an 52.0 / EL .frieW »Q '&M& q anon TY M B al B'T CtYR?r ADRm SAINe- 1 FDR APPLICANT TO FILL ON • o .' gin (Sl, 5e6 NKPO ,tan,IICt011 516 C.. It - - %l e Ate= I?.1/7 4. Aittnt AS • IMO LN. 114 gI�Ifll1. 4, pfa niON *situ • 0 RUTINO ❑. _ r_, MR COIMI IORIIIC'p r c RITRIOAATION ❑ YDROATIOII um Minna '• Ca M►1 JAY Colt Y- ems Baum KOHe- 'MOMS Md MI0a O Ale YAuuTla • QSA 'mow *WARS a0 taps upe,"I -fir DEPARTMENT USE ONLY. RANI ROSIIODr TO SO 1 OCCUPANCY ar s RIIfFlCIION RUMS UCATNMI 0107E C0I8USTION AN UM AA OILS TEST 0615 4.2-ia rs.aea Pa^- CODUIYx Culp Ntp. F/NAL VAR-2t40 383203 VALIDATION U a ; A trot/ D &ev i e ..l al i7r✓__ s 4� a /:ter i OI PMO It/ZIP •- tin t pm ..de it pan ens 0 1ptar ib trarKIfg with Section 7000; of Division 3 of the Business and Pro - fedora Code, y license is In full fora and of •. CIS - 0 Lk NOlitste Can :"tee hereby affirm that I am trot from the Contractors Urgers Is for the fat. sardtg awn nee. 7031.8, anomie Banta and Profeuion Code: My City ` jllnett prealm a permit to eternal, Met. rmpan, demolish or reear ern IIn. ,deiced to n Mint, also roam the applicant Isech arpermit to file a cotenant Sit he Is c lama edntreler Pinworm to the oroyitlem of the ' Canttaeta% License La (Ch.0 (twiemine with Sae. 7000) of OH. 3 of diet • i P.C.) or that he b' nript therefrom end the beds of the maid namptton. • • Any nation of Sao'.7034a by any speller for a permit cubism the Welted *a al pinta of Its more Nan fist Mnrdred dollars Na00.0121.1: '0 Lai sole owner of the property. or my maven with wan al their sole eemen.doa. will do sire work, end the mauve I, not intended or stand for -• a s.Ne..701a, B. • Pt,: TM Contractor' Lane Law does not apply to an imat who don such ma him.. �through his own .snpllcyes. proeld thereon. Of Pear mho builds ar improves mat -al or imprawrmnn en not in. 'el gala or altered for St. If, lamer, the amine as Ineromment is ad within `i vOrie yew of conipteton, the ownerullder rxl how the been of peeing den he dId rot build ar semis la the Pinson of sac.). O I. ass ow..,, of the property, an a dulhNy contracting MN tinned eon. (2 Inca to construct the project Ills. 7044. B. 8 P.0 : The Contractor's Ltame m Landoe not Maly re e a—. of pram who Wilds or wyrans th,r.on, ant • who convects for wet protects with a convectors, i.cam•d want to the I Corneetor's Liens Lew.l. " 0 Iwo exempt under Sec. B AP C for this reason. • ' ',W•` KE ' •MNSATION DECLARATION I -1iMeby' aflhm that I have a certificate of consent to self•insure, a e certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance, or certified copy thereof (Sec.7e00, Lab. C.). - Ibiky No. Crummy Z. ! CO/4i'Zit'S'9Jti✓ n Certified copy Is hereby furnished. CT' Certified copy Is filed wit, the county building inspection department Sr county doper ,: - t i r' ,' Oose ..t -t' ' CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE TAB section need not be completed .1 fee permit is for one hundred dollars 01001 or lee. I certify that In the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I Mall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers• Compensation Laws of California. Data Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. after making this Cerilmate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Waken' Compenuoon provisions of the Labor Cade, you must forthwith comply with such pro.isions or trim permit shalt be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby elfintt that there is a continulion lending eq•ncy for she per antra of the work for which this permit is issued ISec. 3097. Civ. C.). Name Lender's Lander'' Addrad • certify that I have reed this application and state that the above info, Ion IS correct I arse to comply with all city and county radian Stec laws relating to building construction, and hereby authori canvas cf this city to enter ups _„ . above -mentioned property purpalat l.� Date Distribution: GOLDENROD Idiot) YELLOW (Applicant) • MECRA Tic& , • ER • . Cray of El Sewudo •` • , DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY- • - •ate_ r oui IN A R 83 G✓7•i:. - EL rS$._su.EJb. t�a TRACo 7 eLO&JPAGe : , .1.' ' /PARBSL n -. _ N`e5NMM/7-Ant te.eac4 ; .- . •_'. Lyf' iAltit- an .- re APPL. REC'O BY�"It DATE ���II Br�di PC NO. �d. : ,- '3UMG EOT*:.. -•'0-�. PLANS • • _ ,� v„ PL'OTJ.,77Mf%ry37 VALUATION OP JOB S"' 'i .'• e ..;': _ ._ - ,__., A. AM Off#110filNOWN REFRIGERATION•.tDl..'. t'YENDA'TION', ' -, • PERMIT fEMS ,.. . . .. „ •s- ^;,•,NO: 'SAW v- y,` a RCEO-A; t GRAVITY-TYCE y f FURNACEE 78 DUCTSSAND NO VENTS Tp • 1 9.TJJ. �''4.d0. Wit•+"^. I •' �-li .O. � - B.� . Y.� FLOOR FURNACE -. 1 . I -. ' }'• n ..� : i ;LX -s--, NEATER-BUSPENOEO'YFE U • :1 . ' AAB, ... .7.. HEATERAECESSEDTYPE_JI .- : O,j , <OOL i. xr' 'MR, 7do 00eT&{.5: ro . _ ' ..: : ;•4: 't3 p:• ' id i i7. ; _v - 0.._ Thif•f COMPRESSOR, 3aiit •aiLd� ."••, ->, * . , . ABSORPTION SYSTEM 38 NI: 7,71 � ik-%: ` �, - lei° :'tt WO . p L•'7lt7,0oadygp ttu. Z tit, MR HANDLING i0 Jd. • 7J6 . I ' Y. UNIT INCL. DUCTS p1[ 7nApo C. M: - EVAPORATIVE COOLER new•Pd abe) , , - .-r SAD Tr' yti VENT FAN/SINGLE DUCT _ leo r..r`.#.r MECHANICAL EXH. HOOD • - .Yect REPAIR, ALTER, ADDITION TO EACH HEATING APPL., REFRIG. UNIT,COMFORT;/ COOLING UNIT. OR SYSTEM INCONTROLS - •. ` ' e 'fed o attiPAggSYLATe0 Bu,O aemn Worn) REMARKS: SUBTOTAL - is LeMsc(e( L.,/�or'k .vs - PLANCHECK S . - Cot, t}t..aspf ce✓Oft ✓ dale -PERMIT FEE _IL 3.0 Pie f t I 4e . TOTAL S "feld -"!p� "He PERMIT ISSUE DATE iH € READ CONDITIONS BEL ' - --- Is to all the sires The work authorised by Issuance of this permit eabjeet in of no City ot and regulations set forth the ordinances and ensndneno El Segundo, and the laws of the State al California In regard M Pad. y and all amendments thereto. v�h, c This permit becomes null and commenced sold If work is (setcommencedsattMn' Mkt N Is hundred eighty (1801 days from date Of lasseina. Or work et.Marided it, any time during construction for the sdaae period 0$ One, ar R any we4 d' done in violation al the City Ordinal or State Nes goiremMS sere.. ai VALIDATaON-, 25H01183 Ill IA: 103Raa'f80'-' t�a a wT t 00 INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTORS SIGNATURE DATE, INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE, ,r. ` ^ �' LOCATION REFRIO Ss DUCTS COMBUSTION AIR�- COMBUSTION DUCTS - 1" 4•ie,. , CIRC.AIR GAS TEST C 9ENINSN SP �_ �•� '' �.I MISC. n BCAP fi�e4- �tf4PL BOILER. ' - . :4 REMARKS /2:2Q-Pf 2au duel too tic OLc i d it AZ4eael - fin' Ike tep40G.4Cs jy , yh , 4II lni----i—l'= rp: r" ' P2�wtef %r Pe. a% PP' tM •l'orr/do. Gera!/r r//�- a6. -. If �{loa✓ 4P a.' ✓CYOc% Lan /J. !/le rr ' tie ' f�an. QM o/o' Cl kPw/ %el ,PMP/raCO r-th n0tf C°°,. 41 /1./,/ rnajy -9/e cee h7 7e4t) 'i! ✓niET le a' 0P ° '-r° f .fir kits, 2- ' eon"rete.hr 4re•wo- .f sin /hosed p-at•1,,it a�i► ^ l4et,1(re.. 114P Q4efeeto) IL rnlKr2 i.i ¥►SAPP - '- '•' ccrnder /f et. fr2JPt1 r •Ct• 1+7Ph» y{'• 4 Yrc. o,/Sct.,o eso" / Zr 0071 ,, ] _,: +,r rem der O rrgt ° , C X' ,L • r' fit L' EtTv iE O raAME P nONEs LSCEr*sE (4IONE LIT a NAME CCNSE T[Dowass SYATE/ZIP I-ereby MEmt titer I ern licensed under provision of Chapter B EXernnes eng with Seetlon 7000) of Minden 3 es Pro. of the B ninend N6 Olken e, IDp my license Isforce In full and e442.. y e~ boom G� b 0 Lk.No./State j �/ (Nq ne 4 —177 Conttor 'uM,1 i /rr /per"' .r ''4LSS Maim that I am *moot from dm Contractors License urn for the fel- „ e MIENrealm tarn 7011.1. California Bunn and hONebnV Cola: AM Ow , +N EB wows a permit to construct, aim, Improve, demeanor rem* y is. } Si. y11a' re le Ieuii*, Ma maim the eoMtat for win prat to Me a .:. Nand aemnu* that M in mated teMneta warm to the pra.Wma or the 'Loribectts Lima m Lae KT. a 1Coneneine with Sc.. . 7000) of D3 at the O. Pa P.CI a that he Is nine t enfrom end the baps of the Meted a, den. My Weeder of Sit 7071.a by any sooner far 'permit suborns the ao lS t pushy of not mat this. five hundred done (tSC0.04.1: t a-L a le owe of 0w oaowN. a my eploea with peps M Ask Se taupe... -L that do the nark, and the structure Is not Intended or offered far {ae..7044, L 0 PLtTIe Conblmra Lies law does nal WON Sr el vp.wy ante AAA Or maws dmeo. eat Sw Can such work New Or n resell ice own ginigefiek VcLied the teen imare.trrenn we not h• Or offend tor use. If, hammy. the .aumrg or hgrovernent b end within lama year bto rpYBpe, the mmedplde wen hat the burden of proeag that he w 'titre Sidra Impros ter demesb ppow of.). !' a awe of the prawrt in esdwiwN ..... t see with Inmid tow ;sy tiliaop. to new S. e boonds or hews ntrary an .So[plsea to sues waken with a cantreclnd Iltareed wren to the .} Llama tors . , 0 lam menet under Se, S.b P.C.m this meson. _� WORKERSCOMPENSATION DECLARATION I 'Bele / affirm that I kern a certificate of consent to setbinsure, a a) eiNifbm of Waken-' Compensati Lon Insurance. or a certified copy thereof Pii, NC ,Lae._ _ C 1�rCorr16hrw �//1,t(_cpie, (4./S(/6'ZAti {pintos* copy Is hereby fumidtd. r�?01Afied cony a filed with the county building inspection dpanment tat ,'udr Wpnty 1;ieq 1 7�Si- Appl Qr CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' A • e G'/ COMPENSATION INSURANCE gg The faction need not be completed if the permit is or one hundred dollars ,Stier'_ R1100) ot lampee : 1 arnfy_ that In the performance of the work to which this permit is issued. a Mit not Mnptoy any person In any manner so to to become subject to the h ytaka.YCstlpenaation Lawn of CMilomie. I ',. Die Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making thn Certifieee of Exemption. rrW MAIM became subject to the Workers Compensation provisions of the ' l.ab0f Cade, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit t a be deemed revoked. [t, . . CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY L. I hereby aplmm that there e a construction lending agency for the per. if)inp�et of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097. Cir. C.1. Lift lefs Adds S I.pdty then I have red this application and fete that the tow infra. ration Is canna I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances aid mete laws relating to building construction, and hereby authonn fereeantoties of this city to ent, pare the abort -mentioned property �Olrt n WTwes• / — 7?_ o 2f�IlaNry of Applicant Or Agent Date Dlatrmuteni GOLDENROD (Dept.) YELLOW (Applicant) •_ tyll ` , CHANICAL PERM/ City of El Wanda • DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING $ SAFETY' BU TRACT. A APPL. REC'D BY PC NO. PLANS VALUATION OP JOB B BLOCK/PAGE UMC B ea PLOYP OM; HEATING • . r AM P.Qfj01TIORI •I: REFRIGERATION � VBfeftu.ATIOiE" PERMIT poRCBD•AIR GRAVITY •TYPE FURNACE INCL. DUCTS AND VENTS FLOOR FURNACE HEATERSUSPENDED TYPE HEATERMECESSED TYPE BOILER. COMPRESSOR, ABSORPTION SYSTEM AIR HANDLING UNIT INCL. DUCTS Loegni O.TA) EVAPORATIVE COOLER (nongafada) VENT FANMeNBLYBVCT MECHANICAL EXH. HOOD REPAIR, ALTER, ADDITION TO EACH HEATING APPL., REFRIG. UNIT COMFORT COOLING UNIT, OR SYSTEM INCL. CONTROLS Not rNCLIPAp6$ELATED BUT REMARKS: 3na__< .. S/< ' of 41—,CIWAstesr 4/ sac, i ,e191 s RE - O CONOITIONS SEL The work authorised by Issuance of the permit le subject to en the Mork and regulations al forth In the ordinances and aaMnMlp of ale CItydli El Segundo, and the eras of the State of CMifemi In regard to ed% viorty\ and an enedmenn thereto. • t\t This permit becomes null and void II work is not alter IWMIM Sw hundred eighty 1180) dins from date of Suese, a H clears N leseee ed St any time during construction for the same period of time. are If any wort h done in violation of the City Ordinates or State Norm yearning sine., SAO t• 400 q 5; 400 ten c ^] 4t too 7.00 SUBTOTAL it PLAN DECK f PERMIT FEE B SAO TOTAL VALIDATION PAW dba Form M;LESRoc7180 ".-5 14JAIi� 1810042 .; 4 OtICII COMINSTIOR AIR CIRC. AIR OAS TEST. VINt5 CAP nAte - --,,a1cw-tgesa=earmasCaftstene="Nie • o INSPECTIO 1% RECORD IRSRICTOR1SICAIATURR arc • LIR A IPMGtRATION COUDITIONING- /Mt DOOMS ' CONOINSATE 1.01fS MISC. REMARKS • ' r • I AT.' . INIRECTOR1SIGNAILIRE • a S 623 •.- Co-' 0 -.Tr • • re- ) 9 ; t AMC APAC) L-jd- Tom ,%Jr,k.r-l- fa- tlic .57 PHONE `-9.7 lea! C/' 9JdoL. 71 1• iIEa.)fL�L..tiA.. —f� ,Alfl gADOnEadJ' p ✓/ U /r , CITY STA1EJEW t NAME 1 3 ADDRESS PHONE CITY STAT:JZIP q IS l C� E`. NAME ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATUES, NAME .4 WA A krt 4 es- Gal. l L. I .NA G Omit m°f' ".rvl./4-l.ir r-f OF li"no•%t.I atCute,•eta.ia�rpm" s 'CILYP•N O. i01" STATE SC ZIP o L CITY WC. NO. , S2 Wee... was flan •Gnaws • pore, ter• ., 1111101S10. .1, and., )MP) M CMYrI) S le Mar top/1 a— fir. MI in, Nara wY j,i(MLC („a}00} Lew Car ILL the w. a G 4A OMat Va in f[ el 3 WORKERS COMPENSATION I tomb! Warn Mar fairy Napa, JNr WIWI M1111111611114110alle rrNw Y sap MOM )NEra CLARA TION S /OI pal ILrr.E rash:•/ erpwrt r . art' use Clr.r we Wren star 5••M1/L n•OM • Puma is nnrta !wall ••we,. saws r.rr.abwf tarMlbrr aawa.rwm•wtr "alma weal' lea Wan a tram .r Oar? ft... .t' absa./✓.irpi.tfta MOM a In Cs. -le pn•••••rM Marine, ,a mi.L fra...+- roan Car w • ar MO rearm r at Nes secs nowt as be covento i re lea AN _Ina* On w a.---Y ton ow lean Iva wn+.. P mt"Mr.1' ••aata•• -rr1 M OWN. I WI ~eat In Y FOw a re yam M CYw1., N ate N l l rrY /I.••a MT3/5Cr»I.rGr.l M,r rNal Mt11..Ir lama mart ambme'rnp ✓.ea•t m wwMMi. "m1.+ OP wn. ""tor p.,.br aY tame RIWAMI. • mama to re gem mtoy mar., Omen r ranee tor a Sew Ms at M ram Car. awns and Seri IS WI Q S a) yet X QS MPS Pt Espies4trr la Dever , OYm,1a alllw a p.ai Mel Gm away ,tam owl nal a W.... el,C, llmwl a pas a wart Sr. boo.a .,, rsNl tow. Camp M tot •are — In/ mown.. ma* n nwwta as mart Wan Cons. I. L pion mar pare amiss Cr. N_•__-, Swam TOMI • area Mara ... Ito " essay' MMa as U.S r%ow AM )bop rota * p pros M were M Se ire•• saws 0.503711 I I. es sew flange,. a ,M rprrbt a Pt eab. WA M r.W re rasa. )a awe bus w M Male. M.aab.l re,"« •eain. • ton .ter w wmb.rm, seI.sue dosTPr aaseto • yr•p p.a..w. Ca) t Cr. I. sap .re man a wan% ".ton. as ark r...i r err -I r M. tor. r rsa r lea L M_"ras• weave ms acts W M ta—a oars w teal • arrow m. wm Me n• se e 5W a ...a.* lea. sensat .a. irony., loa.a.• aUpw.w err TM Caxton a tom carat. nose. wrier. a ) wows 0101a1.1 a re Gnat Ma rerb Iw.s. w Whim a • lie saw -Our 1. pew ...M ern spat a let I alb aaa no a a0a...l eaMbmM n ANN TPr Wass taw la a la a in ewe • we, w ..et Meer seta bwawl II nary.••.• Erg a a PC Ye 7.t Da 0a— 15 Q 2Ir• CONSTRUCTION I near par Wail reap • pawl ley LENDING AGENCY Imps *s a b anginas Wart* Ma. Oa Ps..- _ et ones* ern we ras a oast ear. Won Ma Carpal Addis One nQRMCn MaI Valle* moan: p paw rail *r UN MECHANICAL PERMIT , 01nen SataNp Enna& A Ganonnd Raglan Orr t. r - awq Nw a •e-- T IR b I anstoRsi Ilea Nana 290RO lM O annawa SAYltaaYnbeanal and Ninarsa b wane 4",. , 'Son y LONE DEC,,*/ aglaaCREME cony cans Ea1St 11.NAa ansnineautlaEM.elbGAt own norty P IS • M Gana _ -= agnate of AOaIGAI a AOEn P.C. MMD. /If • It / Net a Pro X,'I'" -a. No. ES _. - - OYtlICIF -• fact - ). Fur bumbl0 beano APO. - - ' not and AM at AM aunt -I- c' �c i_ o CCrdllbnad Calm Ns _ w -- Bann at COmon nalr - - — Alt Nanddna USt - _, E porn s Gnat • . ... • .. Vaublbn Fan ' Ia asmal Gn PTpMIa Fla Damps Sax** Carnal Dann _ Smdb Deana —. -/4 _ _ Ttmnmm � REMARKS POW PER ale PEA Taw 199.a ' Casa PM PM Rat Pa % : — `) ' basnPal �% / - Ise Ow • b */LID TOM BISON - stanGsCO* dare PdAo CONDITIONS en Tn. an sumern0 A barina grab ea Ndllbbaee M tem In nasnen ard®rebi SaOeM4 and the roach Slats aatbnua nban.Qb rpean admitrG, E a matIlMitds rapima bows maadladleMraawwaadiddinle barndespy 0051One nadir Ol lossaUEtaalalaallpaadEat mS an das Cry .Oatermatates a MLna Eum'TIOM . ton S°7 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO4,a,30g Building Department '" c a' o eerie Permit o N' 4779Locon1 o, N IS HEREBIf�� ��� �3 � 1NTED C F:"`i"" iam e Sothic w , Q x ., bede,Aq/Lfj o' e with end orbiter to the provisions W the O I Segundo, California - - OF /07 . 'e ire . �. v .. • Permit No........_.._. .SO — .5 • utlerr at.05c on•n ( II.P.) at ...... _ ea. TOTAL FEES SG.LEO' IEP ELECTAI ?crtr' oF, EL' SEGUNDC ` ; r euiidieg Department • t Erectile Permit N? 481 o PiRMI5GOHNTED IS HEREBY /r/ i4.0'(iA'« Io accordanee with sad !abject to the wislo the CI, of ElSegundo, CaWwnie. PfO m of the O+B LOeW10N Ou �' WORK /07 Permit Poe SuppL to Permit No. d0 3. TOTAL PEES COLLECTED e"•�—r 011EP ELECTRICAL t — Id Voien�a _ :o .ITV- OF EL SEbtthDO., Building Depertrnent f A - -Ar/o °a !chic Permit No,.: 4 804 -A: ^ t 0 o caste" REDIS HERBY ,cfio W4 eal as with xa°ndo, Ga lotn�4f/the p of du Ordj� /��7 Permit No. ._—^�•`"'�fro .50 .25 lets et .Aye on (.... 4P.) at - e(/ TOTAL FEES COLLECTED CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPE 4 1et 41 �. °t.• ,j; • L. \' . , ° c.', .. ` ALL APPNOgTro!o MDST E8 Raip'ODT n APPLICANT f:3`Depariment ed :Electrici ogxlw fwm ra ttea ere ° t, ^(J 1t k . 1 o f °Yeilq I"d a9�. _���� itch tat dhpeet Whey atia �ea WU .4 miWt ahethe ♦ e R to d en.e.d aRork will mmo b� mmart be ean n and CD 4 M} h, da• Ilb4. trmhmee ser'AeaU lhdea Atr s, aim r• ; • • l f! �o Oa ODser' eati �° DrT1mt beeehoYtee yid Anil , oas ° 0 Sr11 Dta0V Ihroe!+.ase.a;.�� tee f t0e yM ,e 9 l ° rti d . ^L"r ° toetlnlM1PaO)Id Igaaa @ �ht11� oimWA 0h nw0,Eh1°h.� �t�!, k• A Jy OettalCdhe. 41 �..✓ yY0a .,•1. o _ �l At the.P2.1112nr: to- ltso nor alto ;ark Tina Fly et lc SeihdAB�, '. it brtM:twit.v.Paitniat h. • Lk". Nctrnicity A Dana. _ - Pradeue eeciriw Ppn,tj» - r r dpliona N,. • ,)_ • • N.. Fs OWE uncurl DIAGRAM OP PROrose° WORK ON RSTSRSg SIDS NERSOP b te.b, mrsertltyghat I have erebW mamba& sad read the &lira °f the _a d m et. and tila the t the Im W er 1a d M b to. le dope I° naccordance on O with by the eeme 2 malty that I am the md°nde. and elate Imam .nether henln eM'W - net. for which hoar a garnet is tene�q°I -m net ter am rlml eneenl and teat le an perteernee,ee M eehe mesa to the Naettlee. of the Labor Ode at Ire nab M Canteen Lanni to In any ea eseornambemum ba�e meets°! E_— ��� FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY I Dab hen when permit Is lameI Oteeetleated end team le conform Ito OHlemee rate Wm. eta 44 SO Mean e<amMeent IMP IUNINITIrle Iri— al MU MOW IMP • ERRING INFORMATION flpnrnLcd 'IM'f't,i/1 "eV ly Lim IOTICZI RS CANNOT INCROACN MITT, PIAUI SRAM! ADORRII nits accoraaDouble parffil taffnhar ed in 24. I warn Fal ITAO ea hi yin NM Ns gairmacts nu MC Attli FRAM non NI CLIO tact:Fun MOMIlleatrireFIRSIT 111111Altuirtraugas.‘ 100 NAM wan arm /SA inturannaannarinour------ AAA V41031131011 Tune 29, 1973 Nee rint.--&allakItaArara moms 4 , 39, ' • ihaseatilaiik .44,•••• • INSPECTION RECORD OATE INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE -' INSPECTORT; IMMATURE REFRIGERATION - LOCATION AIR CONDITIONING DUCTS FIRE DAMPERS • ' COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS _- .: ' ' C, : �\ AIR GB CONDENSATE LINES TEST. GAB TEST MISC. - it - - .- - c 3 - r. � j VENT y•�-. _ - BOILER _'; _ t:?'r' REMARKS ., - •'i .'ll�.. r Q.''4) �- c. yam.. • _ -.. ..`1 o 4 0 w...s06618Lt'I'.; a 3 A.0 23d d V. J2 VSDNiallne'do ? Al' ""' "1330A110 (. 4 _.W w3 n�Je,:.'_.m wwu,ur.. u. ;: :.0 ::..'u•�/�♦.. 9(// 12 W ,4J so ;Arm Dq... JO:aix:..•.• -t.aw w n• / Lwow 4'40 p ifwaGe a wo. a ;,:: u.,....; ;:i:.n.. ri . 1..%•T • e4...tv,' e ':•1,7;')•::2i1Tt;cd` "*.it'' • II' tcr..-1»,;•.:.•...i.e. • -,e••••••s, • • P'• .--e.trAtt .11 .-••••,, ..01,42:1:,$••?,.4.. Vs.3.• ••••• ir .•• • • • •• • V 7 . • . ' • "' .1 • '' • :r1'‘ ' ; ' ' r;itejc L;A•1 S I, • 4",' C., A • C • ' 'C'• V ' Si Si cc:••••;, ' t‘•Ic. • • ; /r.' • I • • ; • I "‘ • • \ • " ' • as. ' • n: . • , • ' , ' ' c • .7.1 ' • ' .1.0)„ • :1 • , ' % I., • ::,. ,7. • • ; 1.1 • •':' I :7 ' • '••;. • r .• • • 7- ;.I • •••••1• I .* ''• '.; • 4 141 ,.: •;.?,1 , (V n.; h, • 47 •-• A :;(:I. /: • • --tn. f y of El Segundo, California DING DEPARTMENT "UNIFOILIA BUILDING COW .DING PERMIT N? 4329 ra. !MIAOW. 46-41.222:: kt? firm"' IINV .1 Is irr ray RAMID TO relcifra247 RITS AlIDRESS nUt i• haled LOOM 'main pions and specilkailuoi I, And dr". a written apNisolion duly Oiled In this unich are hen* reletred mind an& a pen hero lo all it.. Mitt and metal tarn set bulb in it.. ihe City of Fl Segundo and laws nI ihr Stair of regard to ia..Pi seek. and ell amendments therm rISING M/PlirDTAii N. Sa 0 Cl StalVFli S_J.0.2_01 • LOT Group Division trP• - 11?* 20414. Ph ::, c 0., it,,,,. ,. oh, ,. • .7_ C ) ‘.- ,,t1i,( ,.--i'... ..1; . ; ' •i . :.' e ...' '41••r/v,if.'1.., .1. ; .• 1.- - ,.. .‘,.•‘ • .„v,.,. • . ,.... i.` 1,, \, ., .. ., , ..; n .1 /t. ,,, ' . • .' Adam of klandlno.--.192.ngin..ffina ...... Paoli ..1.9.7..._ 'St. Munn. 'SAT, lain Al ASCOTARID ST OA /Mt 171012t7ivarolittittu uswasa CO. DAflsflAtg allaDi3 Mathias Shope)