1005-02 - 2004 EL SEGUNDO BLVD EVERSION 11.200 OWNER.U1LDER DECLARATION I 'ar.oyawn ✓•err penal).NpW .. pmat I on neap Nan IM Cwa W.on lacOnse Irk the IMwwna reason ASK teal S, lsWys MO Mammas coo.. My lily O corny ANOI (spares a 4NTY U s.✓.Wall allef. improve, aaw,A or v .Eactu. as iStuSeae also I saute.. O4 K00E0l to such pwmr Co lee a mote stamen' MR he a she ii ranted pusWnl 101M Fowlwpns u pre COnpxtn tmwlm. La. (Chapter 9 (ccmmenbp aim S.c 70001 el Div 0 a( the Wows. and naessnns cede( Of Na M a vI r. a.w0F tile/.Iron and the Das' Irk the alleged carapace My .Wyra d Sec 103I S tr/ any W WCW.I la a Mont tola s Ne�la mote a Ore pematy of n. than :m Itorn IEs00) 1. I, as d Nit FCO.m,' a Any .mVov... with craps as thew ado am. pNaL (. hW Oa ow MTh. era the L co:. n nor wenAM or on.I.d log al* (Sea 1044 %Wren end Pldesaons Code TM Cauaaas Lana. Law don not agar t0 an owner d properly veto builds or unpae> 0NVeon, and afro does Nit week anwnt Ca MI%l o ttagd a> at My o.n smFaye.L ao.W.d Nat such mpaemoms era ml lntndod a Waal /or sae 9, however Or palmed I. Soy o+ WI One mar 01 Oiryyslan Uw 0*CW'b NMr .W budding Me too.,' apNwl4 OW M Or Ina Wool DWO a nwOa la W Prpoa4 d y41 ` J I .s Mw. of Me property, an. ..orw.n/ CON: a.Ng mar Yarned Can. UO. la GalWud W protect (Sac 7044 Burnes( end P,Ne»ms Cede The CLNwas L Rome Lew hoes no apply 10 an owner or property woo Grata n. proves Swoon and qto colkaci> toe WN (a9..Is w.N a COnIIaClb(.) Kegs pawa.era to (pWacicr> lane Law ) Ql m.alma weal SecuonSEPC LT, Na ILNaI Dale Mute d was LICENSED I.uNTRACTORS DECLARATION ritel101q a loll alder penally penury I am Yceys nsad under owvan Chaplind NI 9 ('omrnenong .an S.CDon TOLD) or Oam>al Oat Inc Buena. ale ndeaae. Coot aM my tante u in Tull K.'.I and enaa cape Class License Number Esotatwn Date Dar. ued Caneaaw WORKERS SOAR PENSAT W1: DECLARATION ()lig.se acola penury petrel)n. 4 tn. lu Oloeuvres/vv.wpoeuvres/vv.v. n. urd I here and rM Meagan a arylnwye Cl iaasenl U see nude Ia wagers' wmpensaion. es goaded toe Dy Section 1 '00 d the Lurk Coat tot ow pen lanlance oft. work Irk wtaL gas pmond IS oven. hare ante ws many'/ woofers' Compensation alumnae, as N.eun.° Dv Dec glee ate t zoo Woe W yW senamance a N ael. la New h Ws puma ter Issued Mt waiter. umpenurnn aka en, a unman anal pdIY ^✓Kan ale Cann, Pµcy No .w in wok• vet I [early erathe penal -name d tot k for usual Yu> pvma I. (aster, I nog employ any person in any manner so as subfeCI lo compensator, lava ofCaodae, M agree a l should become Nn(KI to Co alA.. campy well Wµonatian�H t of Sec S]100 M a Nl v'as sloe UD Ionnwh Asoticant w WARVNO:P./IURE MUCUS, WORKERS'COY.ENSAy,ON Cana aIS Yp1NWl AND Scans Sail aaNEWLOseR CO CNIW%AL MAUVE AND Cot FINES UP TO DI ERUDyaD MOUSAO DOLLARS D1a501, IN ADDITION TO ISE COST OP CVpEA 0000 DWAGIS AS MONWO EOSIN SEC 00w new ME I AMR COOS w' afar :NO Annie, Y3 FEES CONSTwr ton LENDING AGENCY I((duos Lash imam penals a penury that UM. IS a coral amen le/MO agency Id the peHamance el the wag (o welch Ms pernw t issued (Sec, 309T. CN C ) IuIWM> Thar «a✓s A.' 1n I Candy NMI bare Lead eve apoeasm and Nat BM no Mewcoma i woe nlama on h tap to DaumtcoluNgmcomply n, are a.'. all city W SAO IS sew t elate upon the above lRy^E nOtsuntarlmwset MIS WV st;...'. purposes BUILDING PERMIT SI IE ADDRESS 2004 E. EL SEGUNDO BLVD. EL SEGUNDO CA SUITE I IDENTIFYING NR BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION COMMUNITY. ECONOMIC Si DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 350 Main SNEet El Segundo, CA 90245 Insoertlon Reopul L lie' 13101521-2379 BUILDING E3 P Mr. MAARTEN OVERSIER ,,�. HAJNAL & ASSOCIATES 62s WILSHIRE BLVD. ITE 750 CITY .0S ANGELES STATE CA ,YTHEON 000 E. EL SEGUNDO BLVD. L S;:G'JNDO CA t.IVID BACHLE ASH ei ASSOCIATES ESS 772 BOLSA AVENUE MMUS ASH & ASSOCIATES 772 BOLSA AVENUE STATE CA CITY IUNTINGTON BEACH Paatt, 310) 445 3 90025 NMI (E-3) 90245 92649 895-20i2 ZIP 92649 INN SI SEE�- PLAN CHECK/PERMIT NUMBER: /00 _ -C)^) Man= C— ewer AREA NEW t.MYAU4t DU, ANEA AWhICN irevin CIAO USE AESCRIPTION ARIA A)ISRA UDN WORN: F/ Pie P«look LA,3 [no d i e 0;41. 11Eri 7IXA GRWPIE TYPE(aP�j 11 • AG NO.OF STORIES iIRE4 RINKIER S STATISTCAL CLASSIFICATIOI 8 110n UNITS) CODE N EFFECT p 8o, 0 CO HANCHE:AFEE s Sy ,7Fya, VALUATION (/ ENERGY PUN :NECK E ! y°' i/ AEt I➢TNUMSER I341LVS 5 PLAN CNEC<FEE REVISED VAIWTION ENERGI PLAN NECK S AECEI"T NUMIEN IVi f Orr PERMIT FEE $ RETENTION FEE $ SNIP FEE S ACCELERATED FEE S TOTAL MALOIfM PEnIT FEE 9 SCHOOL FEES PAW _ NEA.L• 4 DEPT. ARP 4OVAL r, SANITATION DIST. PAID NM FIRI DEPT, APPROIAt O PUBLIC WORKS FEES PD Q SCADMD AAP> (A. I— I OSHA PERMIT OBTAINED r1 INDt *TRIAL WASTE APPROVAL RECENT NUNBEN I INITNLSCIIMICTIR DATE DAME co C r 0 azA�•vA ME -o mmI N V r— _r C) --I 0 Z < .9 .v City of Pi Segundo Department of Community, Economic, and Development Set ices Plan Check Correction List • 1s` Checks PROJECT INFORMATION Address: 2004 E .El Segundo Blvd, El Segundo Plan Check #:1005-02 Date: October 23, 2002 Occupancy Group: B Type of Construction: V-N Code: 1990 CDC, CEC, CMC, CPC (with city amendments) Use: Office Valuation: 580,000. Project Description: Raised floor No. of Stories: I Plass Examiner: Surest Tyagl P. E. Phone: (310) 524-2351 350 Main Street a -malt: styagi®eingundo.org El Segundo California 90245 Important IRsintedroxr. Comply with all corrections marked iu red on the plans, thefs lewtag corrections listed below, and any attachmears prior to plan approval Indicate in writing, either on this shut or on a separate report, the response to each correction and specifically where the plans or calculations have been modifed Additionally, clouding, revision nark or another method shall identify changes to the plans. Corrections that contain specific notes and details at mere mention of the code section are insufficient Resubmit this bit along with the marked plans and two corrected reproduction sets (no inked on corrections) after all corrections have been completed Additional corrections may be regrtired deposal on your responses. The approval of plans and specifications does not caalsorite orpossft the Wolatian of any section of the building codes or ordinances. (NOTE: No changes shall be made to the approved set of plans, whether interior or exterior, without the wrist' at approval from the Planning and Building Divisions) Call out applicable codes on first sheet of plans (see block above for applicable codes).,;a&E =rr a nr, r I /� Return the originally checked plans along with the resubmittaL Califoria liceenced to sign sheet S -1. . ,., z Provide RHO evaluation report number for raised floor and call out allowable dead and live load for the new floor. 6,' Show ramp handrail details such as height, extensions and clearance from wall. c - Engineer to check existing structural members for additional loads. • "'. c - • r . ay, , Show accessible restrooms and parking, 20 percent of valuation amount to be spent of IC; cr 5 'bitty features of the building .: f ' 1 Kr ' .rr._ Submit Title 24 mew escalations_ Suresh Tyagi P. 4i -,f Check Engineer -7"" / ?/l/ y l/ y /a. 2-- Rechecked by/ Date Park Check • gages >/r 'raga R ?.r9FFP,r .nf £Ta3WC Ulf f4 WJt'f -tuna resit t rn'a est. as iOa5 0 P40rii1 lrr.tn At /.• �..• •�.w•.� NUL, I UFJ%L. (.ALCUL/i I IUNS FOR Raytheon Systems Company El Segundo, California Building E-01 Cleanroom C&A JOB NUMBER: 5912.00 DATE: August 2, 2002 R CASE & ASSOC'A?ES E\G14EERNG & R30y!1ECIURE (7'4)895- 2072 HUK'4GT3h BEACH, C4 Registration Expires On: 2/ 0 49".." N i N < Calculations to be vand must bear the Engineer's signature in ink. A reproduced signature is not valid. CLIENT PROJECT ,Ii o4'0 C/ Ga E.F.✓ CALCULATIONS FOR CASH & ASSOCIATES ,¢yp/ es ,,,n_ 54U/PME.4/7 (24'u) !1/E/qyy t fiuc7!-✓o/{ K 4A7isoliti JA M/sc yif/tiWt e lidg 1E164 2 � c /a. 67 ' GL / ao'r S//nt< 12 JP / / ,PL !W6K /I 00 6-4(50 2000,f' foe o Joe No. 51/Z, as SHEET 4 MADE BY GV CIIECwED sr_ OF DATE_ DATE_ Cash & Associates Title : Raytheon, ES; Bldg E-01 Cleanroorn Job 8 5912.00 Dsgnr: cv Date: 8:01AM, 1 AUG 02 Description : Renne• useKW.OW90 Ver 55 e. 25-Sep.200I I(c)1553.2001ENERCALCEngneenngSoftware Multi -Span Steel Beam Desc-iption AHD Support Platform enlral Information /r 2 Page 1 I c `enerralc15912 ecwCalculeeons Fy - Yield Stress 36.00 ksl All Spans Considered as Individual Beams LSpan Information Description Span Steel Section End Fixity Unbraced Length Loads Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Load Duration Factor 1.00 ft ft Lag beam 14.19 Wexte gn.Pn 7.10 Live Load Used This Span 7 Dead Load Live Load Point 81 DL LL @X Point tt2 DL LL @X FR-sauna Mmax @ Cne @ X = Max @ Left End Max @ Right End ib : Actual Fb : Allowable fv : Actual Fv : Allowable Seen Beam 9.50 WSX10 en -pm 7.19 Harper Beam 16.67 WeXts Pm -am 10.67 k/ft Wft k k ft k k ft No 0.282 No No 2.000 2.000 1.420 3.570 2.000 8.610 k-ft ft k-ft k-h psi psi psi psi j Reactions & Deflections Shear@ Left Shear @ Right Reactions... DL @ Left LL @ Left Total @ Left DL @ Right LL @ Right Total @ Right 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 Max. Deflection in, -0.288 -0.049 -0.089 @ X = fti 7.09 4.62 4.84 Spar/Deflection Ratio I591.3 2.311.9 1,433.0 1.89 2.11 1.33 0.67 ;Query Values Location flu k; Moment k-ft Max. Deflecton in Shear 7.10 7.09 0.00 0.00 2.68 1.46 0.00 0.00 4.73 3.56 0.00 0.00 10,909.4 4,115.3 5,845.9 17,726.3 17 536.3 21,600.0 Bending 0K Sending OK Bending OK 1,491.7 1,574.3 966.0 14,400.0 14,400.0 14,400.0 Shear OX Shear OK Shear OK kl kk I kI kIk 1.89 0.00 1.89 2.11 0.00 2.11 1.33 0.00 1.33 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.00 2.00 000 0.00 0.00 1.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.33 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I o-zs knt►II/f► tki:: ,:1 - 1 , i., _ 1....r f : I - rd, i- Ot React/di - 2.000 k u Reaction 0.000 t Taal Reaction . 2.O03 k 20t Ct Reaction - 1.888 k Lt Reaction 00 0k Taal Reaction . 1.886 k IX Reaction - 1330 k tit Reaction - 0 000 k Tots `action - 1 330 k [tilt, ittttttttttttfttititiii 0'26 kM 14.1911 kknn . 7.09 k-It at 7.091: Iran let On.. a .0.2879 in at 7.09 It From left LONG ,5L-A 4 9.50 It Mne- - 2 67 kit at 195 It from kit Omar . -0 0493 in at 4.62 It from telt S.11:OF T 3E i 1061 It Mma.. 473 kilt at 3-55 It from left Dma. a-0.0893 mat 4.83 It From kit /1A N6ER 8 A./4 Di Reaction - 2.000 k it Reaction - 0.000 k Total Reaction . 2.000 k 2.0I k OL Reaction . 2.111 k LL Reacton . 0.000 k Total Reaction - 2.1 11 k Di Reaction - 0.4C9 k LL Reaction . 0.000 k Total Reaction - 0.669 k i CASH & ASSOCIATES CLIENT H4/,#4O1, fi!l PROJECT ,e4P4 I-o/ Cit A3/40041 CALCULATIONS FOR MADE SY - DATE CHECKED BY DATE �s too/raid rQ,/ 4;r A1/.✓ r t e y/ 477 Aso Ikt, sr-/vatv;9 f, SB/S#0111!� c 5o /,v" = o, 3o x Jon' ,B.4,o-a L e /(-sa� Z, (7e°) L= /7 /6 / Zo x /: ,fC/y .S7) / .biz) le /to x• 141/4'xs dGGo!✓ f (4,4/,4e5c,' .) r 7 x/ $fl CA CLIENT PROJECT , Ayygeog, ES CALCULATIONS FOR CASH & ASSOCIATES ...... ,- ti ,c I'//NCs tart/tone"( (8a)'vA/47/1 a 6oCo I ,0F0G7,✓O.f/(, /L,07,04AI f Af/SG - taco JOB NO SHEET CHECKED BY N . 'coo aft 6//ec1( 6x/.5774 ,W/f x ¢ o 85,4M /4111 41767141 G4I ca14-7/0"...r iadc d#A.MM A Gc1 J/L t o. Mg f� x /o, 91 e /, /2D V LL s Apt r /6,67 < G,f%i 'rV tt/PMENt, Du&74/c/Q', /1A7f04n 0,H/ie-- DL-, M9x ten. B$A-,y loco ,¢ r 2cre tX/5//ds 'Milli A/o /rl/d`r perLdieN> Sy/n61; / 6, / % C / g .P/ S/(Eli�1,Q� 461-c//cA eO G,¢SB AltdAr /17e 6 13c770,41, f f 21700 ts/ >- F ,1 i' Ba77CM Cc✓1, ,oLAto _Oma11 / 9, /Jo f /, // _00/5ee'44P k dY//o4tP /443G,Of G/(, 1o11oM 41 ' ,si < 4 Cash & Associates Rer 550t00---_---- User NW Cat). Ver 5 5O.2SSeR250i k119e3.2W i ENERCALC Eneneerng SpN;ye Title : Raytheon. ES; Bldg E-01 Cleanroom Job a 5912.00 Dsgnr: cv Date: 9:33AM. 1 AUG 92 Description : Scope: Composite Steel Beam Description Beam B wl AHU Loading L Ul IU LIUIIS I : Transformed Page 2 I c renercalc5912.ecw Calculations Bnfnm 75 a Pit! n.. Construction Loads Only After 75% Curing Total Uncured Deflection Composite Deflection IReactions Load Combinations... Dead + Constuceon Composite Max DL + U. 6,641.38 in4 Shored +...,o wow wows removes./ 0.000 in 0.179 in 0.425 in : L / 858.3 0.604in : L / 604.4 : Effective Unshored turn 0.000 in 0.179 In 1.064 in : L / 336.7 1.263 in : L/ 289.1 5,353.96n4 left 40.05k 15.54 k 55.58k 1 Riohl 38.41 k 17.24 k 55.65 k Analysis Values Maximum Moments Dead Load Alone Dead + Const Live Load Only Dead : Uve Support Shears Shear a Left 55.58 k Shear a Right 55.65 k Election Properties Section Name Depth Width Flange Thi%c Wets rood Weight l.stoel S steel : top S steel : bottom 388.46 k-ft 368.46 k-ft 165.73 k-ft 553.50 k-ft W24X76 23.920 in 8.990 in 0.680 in 0.440 in 22.400 in2 76.0866 PM 2,100.00 in4 175.59 in3 175.59 in3 Fb :Allow n : Strength n : Deflection Ixx : Steel Section I transformed Straps : top Straps : bot Sbans : eft a bot n•Strans : Ef Q lop X-X Axis from Bat Vh Q 100% 23.76 psi 9.29 9.19 Eti_:.tive Flame Width... Based on Beam Span Based on Beam Spacing 2,100.00in4 6.625.71 in4 855.21 in3 279.89 in3 250.32 in3 6.154.3 in3 23.67 in 403.20 k Effective Width 7.605 ft 30.420ft 7.605 ft —Ccntruct,on toads /f 3'Yk f b.Ylk 6 30.42 ft r!-•55.583k M Deal loaf s 388 45 k is M Ol*It= 55350L-It Ma 5nor441 04Iect.on 0.6040 In Mat asnorcd Deflection 4 12628 •r. ri J Rr- 55.449k CLIENT PROJECT 4.4V77/Eoi✓, g5 BGaG t o/ G644d400 y CALCULATIONS FOR CASH a ASSOCIATES .-. - PI r_ %K/tM/N4 Z "5i s /6y> fl/x7a46T v / 114°4 /e a7t4s e 2 /y/sc JOB NO '57/L. oo SHEET 4/6 OF MADE BY G ✓ DATE_ CHECKED BY DATE I fit < /6 /tt (/{/f e4/cl') die /o /sf L 4. /d ft` (f- c-ozcz6G t 4>tic. ) DL>'/G fee, Aft //M/f/NG .OEF/EG>/c 1/ p o.Q 14 /5 Alf d L /f¢- dL / < G = Z. /s` 4 , LAre) ( Ve4 4) Jo/s7s L 4 ///✓/t'4M 6tL, W= z4/sf X 4'x 4'= 310/ U4//574e/' /Voo° //GLof W t no 1 Z /c.C7' R4fl jt/, Zo%os` x ¢1x/o,67L ff4f 16✓/s741e,> A5doo fttob✓, r✓_ ta/ 7// a Ax.0.1/146XOM=if17Y A 4 1 Cash & Associates r Rev 550100 - 1 uxr Kteeof: vxssa.zs-S.04PCr Descript'-m Beam A w/ AHU Loading - No Reinf Design Input Title: Raytheon, ES: Bldg E'01 Cleanroom Job a 5912.00 Dsgnr: cv Date: 8:15AM, 31 JUL 02 Description : Scope : Cntnnnet+n Ctnnl f]n.,m /a Page 1—i c lenercal,i5912 ecw Calculations Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UDC Requirements Section Name W18X40 Beam Span 32.000 ft Beam Sparing 10.670 ft Slab Thickness 7.500 in Dock Rib Height 3.000 in Rib Spacing 12.000 in Rib Width 4.500 in Rib Orientation Perpendicular Beam Location Slab Both Sides Fy 36.00 ksi Pc 3,000.00 psi Concrete Density 145.00 pcf Stud Diameter 0.750 in Stud Height 6.000 In Beam Weight not added Using Partial Composite Action Elastic Modulus 29,000.00 ksi Dead Loads ( applied before 75% teeing) Full Span Uniform Loads... Point Loads... A 1 1.120 k/It Clve Loads ( applied after 75% curing) Al 2.000k 9.500ft Full Span Uniform Loads... Point Loads... tt 1 0.854 k/ft p 1 k ft Summary ' Overstressed I Using: W18X40, Span = 32.00ft, Slab Thickness = 7.500in. Deck Rib Ht= 3.00in, Rib Spac= 12.00in, Rib Width= 4.50in w/ Slab I Stress Checks for Shored & Unshored Cases... Q Bottom of Beam Actual = 28,100.2 psi Allowable = 23,999.8 psi fNG iinkhAiiir ilmorrg,{ ----AR76Lrri Pn5Z0,11sk==:=:dUW1➢abl9=>_23;999.S psi NG Actual Shear Stress Actual = 5.850.9 psi Allowable = 14,400.0 psi OK Unshored Stress Check.... PllifSnallP94P—aargata-r isir17_s swami, =-2_%0(FtrAsk.=-,-aNG MII / Strans(top) Actual = 279.5 psi Allowable = 1,350.0 psi OK Alternate Unshored Stress Check : (Mdl + MII) i Ss 46,022.9 27,360.0 psi Shored Concrete Stress Uheck....(Mdl + no)/ (Strans:top • n) 670.7 1,350.0 psi [Shear Studs & Shear Transfer Actual k Studs 10 per 12 beam span Stud Capacity 11.50 k V'h : min Total req'd 1/2 Span 19studs Vh Q 100% 212.40k Vh : Used Zone 1 from 0.000 ft to 5.. 62 it . Use 4 studs Zone 2 from 5.262 ft to 10.524 ft , Use 4 studs Zone 3 from 10.524 ft to 15.787 ft , Use 2 studs Zone 4 from 15.787 ft to 21.191 ft , Use 3 studs Zone 5 from 21.191 n to 26.596ft . Use 3 studs Zone 6 from 26.596 ft to 32.000ft , Use 4 studs 212.40 k 115.00 k Cash &Associates I uw-xw-rrm,,. L icp983-2001 ENERCALC Enereenn9Software Title : Raytheon. ES: Bldg E-01 Cleanroom Job # 5912.00 Dsgnr: cv Date: 8:15AM, 31 JUL 02 Description : Scope : Composite Steel Beam Description Beam A w/ AHU Loading - No Reinf [Deflections /7 - dye s clenerrakl5912 ecw.Calalaeons I : Transformed [Reactions Before 75 %';udng Construction .Dads Only After 75% Cunng Total Uncured Deflection Composite Deflection 2,593.30 in4 Shored 0.471 in faller shores removed) 0.000in 0.335 in 0.471 in : L/ 815.3 0.807 in : L/ 476.0 I : Effective Unshored 1.593in 0.000 in 0.335in 1.593in : L / 241.1 1.928in : L/ 199.1 2,069.8en4 Load Combinations... Dead + Constuction Composite Max DL ♦ LL kAnalysls Values O Lefl_ 19.33k 13.66k 32.99k f5 Right 18.51 k 13.66 k 32.18 k Maximum Moments Dead Load Alone Dead . Const Live Load Only Dead • Live Support Shears Shear Q Left Shear a/ Right 153.01 k-ft 153.01 k-ft 109.31 k-ft 262.25 k-ft 32.99 k 32.15 k Fb :Allow n :Strength n :Deflection 23.76 psi 9.29 9.19 Effective Flange Width... Based on Beam Span Based on Beam Spacing Effective Width 8.000 ft 10.670ft 8.000 ft iSection Properties Section Name Depth Width Flange Thick Web Thick Area Weight I -steel S steel : top S steel : bottom W 18X40 17.900 in 6.015 in 0.525 in 0.315 in 11.800 in2 40.081 Mt 612.00 in4 68.38 in3 68.38 in3 Ixx : Steel Section 612.00 in4 I transformed 2,588.31 in4 Strans : top 505.16 in3 Strans : bet 127.65 in3 Strans : e8 @ bet 111.99 in3 n•Strans: Ef o@ lop 3,620.5 in3 X-X Axis from Bot 20.28 in Vh@ 100% 212.40k 1 - the Lomb.- /a8 "`11►►/rr►trt►►rlr►Ilitlftrifrt/lltttllrtlt/1r�trI12kilt 1 I 0.85 H1t tt►yt?ttlllitrlff ltfftf►►if$►r l ltttllltt/t►t e0.05Mt -Construction Loads - 32 00 It RI 32590t retc 500 i'+4 9etrer Rtbs M Dead toad . 153 01 k-It Id DL + LI 262 25 bR Mat Snoret Detbctrn = 0 8088 to Ma Unanxed Detection = 17[63 in 0 Rr • 32_ I77 Cash & Associates Title : Raytheon, ES; Bldg E-01 Cleanroom Job # 5912.00 DSgnr: cv Date: 8:15AM, 31 JUL 02 Description : Scope: nev 550100 1C/199]-M ERCAL5.0. ES5 �5 Composite Steel Beam �eneenng Sryir¢re p udiieiipiikni -dean) A w/ AFIU Loading - Add Bottom Cover Plate Design Input Section Name Beam Span Beam Spacing W 18X40 /9 Page 1 I c lenercalc5912 ocwCakuiaeons Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements 32.000 ft 10.670 ft Slab Thickness 7.500 in Deck Rib Height 3.000 in Rib Spacing 12.000 in Rib Width 4.500 in Rib Orientation Perpendicular Beam Location Slab Both Sides I.Read Loads ( applied before 75%curing) Fy 36.00 ksi fc 3,000.00 psi Concrete Density 145.00 pd Stud Diameter 0.750 in Stud Height 6000 in Beam Weight not added Using Partial Composite Action Elastic Modulus 29.000.00 ksi Full Span Uniform Loads... Point Loads... # 1 1.120 k/ft #1 2.000k 9.500ft Live Loads (applied after 75%curing) Full Span Uniform Loses... Point Loads... # 1 0.854 WB # 1 k ft einrinin Summary Using: W18X40, Span = 32.00lt, Slab Thickness = 7.500in, Deck Rib H1= 3.00in, Rib Spec= 12.00in. Rib Width= 4.50in w/ Slab I Stress Checks for Shored & Unshored Cases... Q Bottom of Beam Actual = 19,750.6 psi Allowable = 23,999.8 psi OK —.etroanz•pr- 3dlbWORTr 999'.1Thif:.�_:NG Actual Shear Stress Actual = 5,850.9 psi Allowable = 14,400.0 psi 0K Unshored Stress Check.... (Mdl/Ss + MiwStrans) Actual= 26,535.4 psi Allowable= 32,400.0 psi OK MIl / Strans(top) Actual = 234.2 psi Allowable = 1,350.0 psi OK Alternate Unshored Stress Check : (Mdl + MII) / Ss 31,370.5 27,360.0 psi Shored Concrete Stress Check....(Mdl + MIt) / (Strans:top • n) 561.9 1,350.0 psi `Shear Studs & Shear Transfer Actual # Studs 10 per 1/2 beam span Stud Capacity 11.50 k V'h : min Total req'd 1/2 Span 5studs Vh CO 100% 212.40k Vh : Used Zone 1 from 0.000 ft to 5.262ft . Use 4 studs Zone 2 from 5.262 ft to 10.524 ft , Use 4 studs Zone 3 from 10.524 ft to 15.787 8 , Use 2 studs Zone 4 from 15.787 ft to 21.191 ft , Use 3 studs Zone 5 from 21.191 ft to 26.596 ft . Use 3 studs Zone 6 from 26.596 ft to 32.000 ft , Use 4 studs 53.10 k 115.00 k Cash & Associates I Rev EEO. Oft I User KW-06493 Vw550 2S.4nMn1 L loll Wn-2a01 ENERCAIn Engineering Software Title : Raytheon, ES; Bldg E-01 Cleanroom Job If 5912.00 Dsgnr: cv Date: 8:15AM, 31 JUL 02 Description : Scope: V V111)JVOltli VILVUI 1-.04111 Description Beam Awl AHU Loading - Add Bottom Cover Plate Deflections ir /0 Page Clenercakl5912 ecw(:alwlatMb 1 I : Transformed Before 75 % Curing Construction Loads Only After 75% Curing Total Uncured Deflection Composite Deflection 3,606.15 in4 Shored 0.341 In (aver shores removed) 0.000 in 0.243 in 0.341 in : L / 1127.1 0.584 in : L/ 658.0 I: Effective Unshored 1.239in 0.000 in 0.243 in 1.239in 1.482 in 2,861.30n4 L/ L/ 309.9 259.1 [Reactions Load Combinations... Dead + Constuction Composite Max DL + LL t& Left 19.33k 13.66 k 32.99 k CD Right 18.51 k 13.66 k 32.18 k 'Analysis Values Maximum Moments Dead Load Alone Dead + Const Live Load Only Dead + Live Support Shears Shear @ Left Shear ® Right 153.01 k-ft 153-01 It-ft 109.31 k-It 262.25 k-ft 32.99 k 32.18 k Fb : Allow n : Strength n : Deflection 23.76 psi 9.29 9.19 Effective Flange Width... Based on Beam Span Based on Beam Spadng Effective Width 8.000 ft 10.670 ft 8.000 ft Section Properties Section Name Depth Width Flange Thick Web Thick Area Weight I -steel S steel : top S steel : bottom W18X40 17.900 in 6.015 in 0 525 in 0.315 in 11.800 in2 40.081 It/ft 786.66 in4 74.51 in3 100.32 in3 Ixx: Steel Section I transformed S9ans : top Slrans : bot Spans : off @ bot n'Strans : Ef @ top X-X Axis from Sot Vb @ 100% 612.00 in4 3,598.37 in4 602.98 in3 180.53 in3 159.34 in3 4,304.2 in3 19.43In 212.40k Optional Bottom Flange Cover Plate Plate Width 5.000 in Plate Thick 0.500 in ..Dun la+ee- // 1-121.It • - - . - tttt►t►tttttttttt► titttittritttrttrttr tttrtriri'-'zkn` 0.05 tAt l-1- 1 - I ttfr►ttritt;ttt►tittrit iitut ttitt itritt tttt rl 0S5 Mt --Const.,cton Load,.. = 32990k 32.00 It M Dead Lain = 153.01 k.It IA-IX♦LI=^e225k-,t Mat Snared DdIation = 0.5035 m Mu Un. rred Deflect.on = 1 4819 in -o- W = 32.177k i iA I CLIENT /' Yr/ifoi, Es NO. sy/Z.Oo PROJECT ,BGG� t-o/ CLBAN,QOGen SHEET 1 /2 OF _U I , CALCULATIONS FOR� _MADE OV GDATE_ CASH & ASSOCIATES CHECKED BY DATE_ 6ito f( tX/57/,070% /1/24 K 76 d ron e /4o,N oR/.1/,t/4L CdtCdt.47/04fr fier4 Agbd-Al P PL g G;//o '�� r A c7 K fo ' - 3716 /s' it ° o,o¢f k /o,62 .- 3s 7/,17'( £qu/PAfew>, ._Oaefa/c,Q/i, /6A27-a/f yl f y/sc P aoz ((000%) t ZOGo 1' f tt000r 2/3 e/g33f C e 32, of - (6, 02 / $ s l o, ¢ . XMCS7t / g, /,/¢ f /3 6/%lt 67440 L/4/fd' (E p Are /lcaaP1 6X/S'/Nli Adt4e its ., Ac>u•AL o/ t(.>,{Css /s /1/S 7,414/ /%/o/CA>G/2 Put �a'G fo: L 6id,'4.. : /. MAX/ IUM S57/,4t4reo ae/G/dcC G •,ao at f fsf (s/>tey /. i6) /5 Geis fmt,✓ /O /: i axe, /,c/ O/f/.r/d',¢/ G,¢G ca 4 4//04f, A BEAM /t/5/6//1 t ¢o /°Gt1/4, 6/ 1 t LAC Asi /f m y 77,f,✓ ,S,// a..° /,✓ «/.t/,✓44 cdbcKL.H/4,4; 3 li/44it .t 4/ewy 0 76 pit Xis riff fist /s Lest 7s/i1/ 6 /fi u✓co .id "We/,:a 4AG ea ef//',l.r, 1 6-g6 s,i4 > /, f) 4-e a,1G a't/l/i'1 Sf "Wee e ;too /QG'Ja11/1/4 t f , Jt oc f ! n4o f f44 G✓/°/6f/1 ail` ...40e/c%,{e, A///ian,t I M/sc /S tXctft/r&, 1 Cash & Associates [Lite S5010) k1t9JJ400i ENFgCAIC Eng. =coop Software Composite Steel Beam n- ....oC7INi%Sri Beam a W/ ANU Loading Title : Raytheon, ES; Bldg E-01 Cleanroom Job # 5912.00 nsgnr: cv Date: 9:33AM. 1 AUG 02 Description User KW L5030. Ver 5 5.0-25Sew:DOI `Design Input Section Name Beam Span Beam Sparing Slab Thickness Deck Rib Height Rib Spacing Rib Width Rib Orientation Beam Location Slab Both Sides Dead Leads (applied before 75%curing) W24X76 30.420 ft 30.420 ft 7.500 in 3.000 in 12.000 in 4.500 In Parallel Full Span Uniform Loads... # 1 k/fl #2 kilt #3 Wft #4 five Loads (applied after 75% curing) Full Span Uniform Loads... # 1 tun # 2 kit( Summary Scope : �/? Page 1-1 Calcu attnn, P•e ncslgcsd to 7JSC arh Edition ASV and 1997 WIC Requirements Fy 36.00 ksi is 3,000.00 psi Concrete Density 145.00 pd Stud Diameter 0.750 in Stud Height 6.000 in Beam Weight not aide t Using Partial Composite Action Elastic Modulus 29,000.00 ksi Point Loads... # 1 37.560 k 9.880ft # 2 37.560 k 20.5409 #3 2.000k 6.310ft #4 1.333 k 9.880ft Point Loads... #1 #2 16.390 k 16.390 k 10.670 ft 21.330 ft Using: W24X76. Span = 30 42ft. Slab Thickness = 7.500in, Deck Rib Ht= 3.00in, Rib Spat:= 12.00in. Rib Width=0(Overstressed) w Slab I Stress Checks for Shored & Unshored Cases... @ Bottom of Beam Atual = 26,534.0 psi ;_s Allowable = 23,999.8 psi (NG) ZtaelggptZr-:.':AObtv3tltSr•'r9ggffp¢7=:_NLT Actual Shear Stress Actual = 5,287.4 psi Allowable = 14,400.0 psi OK Unshored Stress Cher':.... MI!/ Strans(top) Actual= 250.4psi Alternate Unshored Stress Check : (Mdl + MII) / Ss Al37.827,le = 1,350.0 psi OK l 37,836.1 21,350.0 psi Shored Concrete Stress Check....(Mdl+MII) / (Strans:top • n) 836.1 1,350.0 psi ------ ----------- — Shear Studs 8 Shear Transfer Actual # Studs Total req'd 1/2 Span 18 per 1/2 beam span Shid Capacity 36studs Vh Q 100% 11 50 k r03.20k Zone 1 from 0.000 ft to 5.070 B . Use 6 studs Zone 2 from 5.070 0 to 10.140 ft . Use 12 studs Zone 3 from 10.140 t to 15.210 ft . Use 0 studs Zone 4 from 15.210 ft to 20.280 ft , Use 1 studs Zone 5 from 20.280 ft to 25.350ft . Use 11 studs Zone 6 from 25.350 ft to 30.420 ft . Use 6 studs V'h : min Vh : Used 403 20 k 207.00 k