- 500 DOUGLAS ST N 98 0 0 0 9 6 4 ELECTRICAL PERMIT ��� rnPr rnhr City o1 El Segundo of Uz, #M( BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ADDnISS �tx �' �.ptesyx�i tlulldmg- ru BuikOng +•�-!g Address O CITY ]I✓ Psl NE j G�� T+ecl ---r OIOckIPAge 1.o1/Pelt I NAMF 1 Cadify that I have read Thus apWlcalron and State that the above iniwmatan is-Orr--- 1Lla.I)fLn ✓v /ilv - u 1 :— y� v + n�a.., a•yn v v. r a roe to eompty vnlh all city a t co my ortlmane96 end Slate laws releling to Duad,ng x ADDFIES, c ,/ I`�d� PHONE ���� u str n.and herefJy aulh Ixo _Preaemohars olthls city to Sneer upon the ebord 3 (` MAQ�+ W �� m 5in props for heath Ion mpgses..— Cr Iclry 4 a� &L S*MDL9t}n 47 STjyTl/)Ir b2 Si 4 _ e + r - aiu of Ao ------_-- - D / SI i ADOnESS/� Cn�r� �y(,_ ='TyONF.,f' 7,off P.C-No.. No.of Pk.Y f _Reatd___ c I C.I?Y r A)fi FXY7�'W O�Y+d�rShTAT //�� q NAME N.E.C. Cato- Comm,.,_Indus. o ADD 1 r� J�y� r�eQ��J� �rNE 'S`t ���1/y�� \ SERVICE _ NUMBER EACH FEES W CITYLOIIY_ Le�!sC STATE P, ,- / +/ Seroice Ae _ NAPAF�I �- J C , Service over 6DO VO116 6Q,QQ ! MAILING OygNE / �t tlditi I Motors 5, _ ✓S/7/�- - ._L?�_V _ Panel Board i o _ _ - j� /(p- :5 � SWIT.:HROpRDS(other than service sections) Air�T_ r .m i clry H �� First Section _ 35.00 I' 1 / dilionel Sect O I MDM1y form l~ren.sy OI pel!sny met I.m kccnt,d under wovnwns or CMp4r 9 9d 12m-- D Ic«mnen«n4 wrens 100/tl os svr.rJam•lwslnessaw Prerestwr.s^ye.fno ,Qmt- VO11 SOCl1Ons .QQ eeryhulcl L,c nnrW la ar�/p• lxUnsa cr / `� ess = l� _ No 4/`1- Additional Sections Cenu Sig If _ k _ �,.OUTLETS ! Switch, LI ltl, Receptacle .50 W flKEfl'S COMPENSATION D LARATION LI hl Fixtures .50 I -_I Ill 0 ltrm underpaWry olpewry one or me to %un,allwor Z ' _-Inl+n end wr-mM4ne0-rNKa»of ara,sem to aen.immU«woners'-76 A banes Demeatlo 4.00 .1 vue. .fomap:oaMee l«eY'Senwn J)00d1M L•eor Cone.Iw me pedwm rf A pliarro(Contmorelal S.QO O � of ew wwA r«wnwn errs perms n wu,e. � .P y � I hf th." ICede.1.wmsro.......I un, k,elr<vcnene,s,c,•«' POWER EQUIPMENT HP OR KVA 100 of me CJtpr CWe,l«p•.edormance of Ilw'awt 1«wmcn d,"p,:m,l rf ntuw — W urwonoi % se))�ar}�okanrw-carnor eaD:vy mr)r/Der-7 UP TO SHP 650 _ 50.1 -- lOHP 33.00 Cy UP Po.• Nr,mM,(��rf0- _Z $ I lims> rw-d rotes cpnp4lw Bore pmmnisloronehurorendreass lStoola4 5.1 tO 2ONP tO.00 �O vod 10OHP 50.00 O ! _J Story Wlnos.p•ewmenrn olw work lawmen mspennnn nsrud lsnwn°I 20.11O 5OHP I A 1150019n.rAb U ! rmproY end piton m eny m.rvwr se as n eecwne avq.n b Ue waker�comp,nsapon y ' Lew,ul C.aheres,luld eye-mall'I should tlec«ne.ugecno Me.orkes'coreD,n,rhon TOmpOrery Power PO!0 2Q.Q0 porltwns d 5•cW J100 Uw Cods,I srwk B,dh ah romps w,m t 'a+ Permanent Power Pole 2C y r:mr,rons �-Ihe Fire-War gin COmmunicalions, Emergency. Control Sys 'Smoke) 3 I ,VANNINe:F to swve wwkert 2==. vl.W ll Wla ,and shad Velecler5 Si nal S stem I suelfcl an--PI-1-1Ill--alpeea!ues end to one hundred ueusand QUANTITYoouan lS IoOW).m m adlu b me cost or co damages as gorged lw n t,nwv 3105a Ore Lee«Code.,nWenerld oxxn.,,tees Control Equipment for above systems f lnemey aormuedpr pnmryd penury Senn em oert.pt In. Clear.nan enaalsw - QUANTITY - nr 10teenq rensanis, 1031.5 outmess and Pml,sswns CweMl.P�'L. An --cS.ry Invosliglaun Foe 100,00 nneA rcau.re,epmmnbavr>uun.aner.rmpme.demWfn. (6...... Ch.,9me bun Iw Ins g .,n,fron of Sa[iwn)OJr 5 EY enY aDprcvm 1 a K)'nn wtye Nt epracxm 10 a a.Y rrenA!r d eJ1,Mua man try.hundred d.. .N I WO _ 1 11_a,oxMr e1 V,e ppp,nr w� !m e nN wage,a Irgn wee cCmpenSalmn wdl j 'J (/d l me.«, w me suuaun, o e or on«e nw sa:e Is<. lose Business and —_- PERMIT FEE 1Suh Tota0Up ('__--_ _ � r,_et.,pns cmel ins cmuaaas 1 n t n+ ms nu.vm.r an cwn<r a a naw:n. nnc ummso vnpo.es•naew..an hodcesu ,nwk n.nsnl onmo•.y.:vsm lwr onn I�lrR iK$_,__ ___ _ _Plan CAeok Foe ern",ens.wmw.d M.I.noes O e1I.t�.,we1.nen+,r.e'r.llm..-4prn-,e,rwltls.epcpxyrnw laonl ao namroi,ro«sps ranopd rnrryr cwroms s see,ueudr sdn,I w.ov,.v+e u,upm,•vcnpd..o..e4rrs m^,vrs.waoa 4rura.on1snr1 w. eM S. I w,emeqp . nln vy <elde,w ar.-m r ( � //��t �5/5 -V Q I.♦n1_/_ Plan Re:. S '",dr) -"--- - <D1wpoperq.anh mu.."eem nnto Issuance Fea_315.e0 _ Issue Dae_ 7 _ TOTAL FEE ux onU Ior su,n poK.»nun a ew.aaelalq I,nnse nmwnm m me Conua(lo•a ' trense La.)wl READ CONDITIONS BELOW l I I em eremDl undw sec_B A pe 1«mn reetw .__.__ __ The work allthonxed by issuanco of this permit is sublect to all Ma rules __ ,__ and ragulairons$ot forth In the ordmencaa and amandrnems of the City of El __.__ O,i• ow,wr_ Segundo,and the laws of the Stale of California in regard to such work,and —-- All amendments thereto. i - CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY This peruse becomes null and v01d it work is not commenced within one rm,eur start under pna hundred eighty(160)days llom data of issuance,or if work Is Suspended at [ W rJ WWWpypxY Nel Nou na.ensuucuon4Mep epenq l« an lima during Ind p-nupnaxa or Lcky,en fi p•rrm If`s,u•d Is.e 3091 c,v cl Y 9 eonslt)pwn for the same period goner in If any workis d'ma m violalien of the Ci Ordinance or Stele lava governing servo ti 1<ndns None _ �_ --- ------ -- vauuanax - :girt t ln'R .1•a.[, ,In(.v„A...r[a,.- r,dtl l nit. •.. INSPECTION RECORD A PROVALS DATE INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE NOTES: � [U�D�RGR�UNU I ROUGH;. [SERVICE U -UTILIfy­Nofun I r W AL REMARKS ELECTRICAL PERMIT City of El Segundo )PPLTCANI nt ,.It;a✓ikl r Eru'ICA BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT a�p M--1 i111 �gy I AEdless �`z%1-I, t3ir'yr -71 ICITV ZIP P110NE - I Tr¢d BIOckIPAgp LOIIPOrCPI „y� \LA lr naj `)6ele7. (re"i) �}(ri•CaCsPXr .r f NAM( 1 cenity ihal l Aavo tead this apphcalron ant• 'ale that the above Infurmatlon Is coUtecl _ .... _ —b.I. .sal-n Dr,.wmn I2 (ADDR ra:T ESS <,q-i L1. kq�FFi PHONI: - construction,and hereby 9uthalda fepresenlalwos of this City to enter t above j tnontiorcid properly for inspection purposes. O (A CITY Fa> litYTl13-IfiY� STATE(ZIP c r' C C 7o2h NAML - - - p _ e N App6 nt o�Agent Dalo W ADDRf SS -... . PHONF _Res+t PCE. ._ Gale No of PlaaA No N. _ 0; CITY STATEIZIP - - - - I q1 ranm� ,—_Indus.-_ 2 NAME C. ` �— 1 i ADORE-r, PHONE (_�! SERVICE NUMOE FACH FEES CITY SIATF1711' Service 5lz I NAME So Ito oYot 600 volts �• ILhx✓TVIAt [t_U II'I�r>• CAI-tiF:r-ra}x> (. Addlional Meters •0 ) MAILING ADDRt SS 1°»rrL lJw•!'lo}? Pn,vn 41A a.>i ... Panel Roar 10. EPMON o CITY TEI �aA Ill"l1ET'- E Pi'<- 45-cs�Ar<' SWITCHBOARDS(other than sarvlce sactlons) t u STATE PF 711' 1 LYarr2 f CITY LIC NO 171 Filet SgCtign 00 ? I n.by&alm unit pwoMa MALVY N,1 I un acan3ed un « n 9 nero! obs a Cb+P1lr II 1 P Ion 30' Iromm!«xy w,D Secaon)oon)or pwnron a of uw Buttress end prde,snm Cnd1.ebd Over voll Sections KOD m)vein„is in lee r«a,rq enen Additional eCD 55.00 i Kens<Cla>3 C LK HO rry ri j( _ Dar!_ } L 1=�7J Cu.•ru 5gnamle�,�l lr.!<._,_{'_Fd-sJ OUTLETS Switch, Light Rece lack) WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION /. Light fixtures to _.the ,nvm unnr Mruera u+tun ones Telalownq orfurauon3 / 111 Inn.and wN m,IManadmrKell Of[On3nnry 3en Mwe f«wOArr'i, �` � 'Appliance Domestil: � • 4.00 _ 2 mm1>ensa'Jpn,a3 pro.rdadfu tw s«Mn a)Na Dn Lee«Cade.rot rre pen« r `j Appliance(Commercial) 8.00 p or ass.ork l«wnKn a,n prrmrr n n,u<d _ I-- msm+nce.e>11yn.N bt S<uhn POWER EQUIPMENT HP OR KVA h 9)N of Mt,pw Cn<.nn Pa pawmaaYa Ae ww\Iw vruN inn.permin n3uM 2 � uY woxeawnpen3.ron ww+nce•array end Dr+KY err^'-•+re UP 1'05HP 6-50 50.1 — 10fIPI 33.00 cal Caner v ld�—_—_Poury nomeer _(.'Lr%fL y 1{Hl�-� — 5.1 to 20HP 10.00 Over TOOHP 50.00 S 1 ttm> n.I,aMeanil. 6com. nine PaysIu�r11onel'Ie.1 rJonars Iittvlw1e1+ <n:ry out n De pan«marld�a Da w«u«wn:cn u3,«rnn Is n;:..d..S110 MI 20.1 10 50HP 15.nD U i empbY,rry panMnanY menrKr tanwD3ceme mpcaunre woraeu'ccanpensabrn Temporary Power Polo y La,>.ICIOIUUI!!.tIIIvWe eeR>lal>nWb baomt>uDletlUpm•r«le•.<CamPbla wr 20'DD w I «ovrsron,a s� aJ a w J< D,.ens,l smn«D.m mmprY wen lose Permanent Power Pole 20.00 x PrwoKns�y n! �' l ./j ty t, Fire Warning Communications,Emergency, n6ro Systems, Smoke IY Daro_ Sgnemrs-f„_(L[___S'_11 I wANNINO:F .DO. ew sari nmp<niatgA mrnepen uNewlulan roan Detectors&Signal S'Flom i '.brea en er1...6S,vmnws,nd'bd fin.,uP m one bnud nnu3an QUANTITY donaz3lSloo,ope),m a0Eeal b are cost of ccmpansewb,damages es Dev:a,d fern �- ITS Sscxo3ToadlMLebut Code.Moist an ewMr's lest Control Equipment for above SYSti) 1 MreDY edam uner"May d Wrjw,Inal l Dinn m D eo,li e Cwu&cr«3 trans.taw QUANTITY f«arbbwegreason lSea.JN1.5 Wannv ere prolcaann3 Ccdq Any ory w1e n4' InVeeO a1100 fe0 00.00 j wMNreQV903ep<rMl b!OnaVVCl nll<q oTCOee,demdOn.w mpa:t an'(.C, NSSr b ns raWYC<.Na0 r.9uaas dN,pp4bnl for aVfA patine to lea a angnN/p.remenf Net ts Or its:3 aren>N pYr3V,N rO Vre prOvngn>OI V.I COnUa[I«3 LKant{(aw((:Mp 9 � i Del be«IcomnreN.y Its S«Dan)OOOId DrrnK..awvK evsvwu end Proles]:ons CrAe)w —1.�1a�- i -- sre sellmpr lbw.b.bi ww Pe Dsrs lw its D,,D'a eaempWn ArY.K:aoon Gf 1 0SDcaw)0315by,MayplKamte,a'-m.t abKdjvni,ppacam l03rnapensrry of •mwe D;..aub h.UVed don,rs fs5'J0e tt r 1 I,e>onror d Vn PrODenY(.r .t 9mePf yan waJH a3 men wN 30'•�NMelgrr x8 l J W du en wmt.en vn savcw,nett rmeneoG rw hen.3vt?:er 1y13^avrKs]aN Rlrltf EE (Sub DWessam(3Ne) Tbe Cenvacml>LKae3.La«d ``y.u3;%man p»N•r a e prc" �' a +r.o bwla]«unpove3 u»:aur.aM..dMss :�•a l�.Jen w:ray.r9n rys orlw o.r. Ift�atARKS Q/L.L Ch' _--_ Check Fee _ — �_ PrNbYle),CrOvled Dal,«an n➢(ROvemenl3 bra ImIPMr;.w treated for aalU If, YJ Mwoer Its Oebu�a rnprrrf rrsnl n soU w:Dn one Year N mnPlelnn,De o»net- _ Plan Rol.Fee An Z : DJJdsr.o rev.Vra D«J)nof«p•eg Wait re,«see drd MlU.:w«rmDrbve lw the 3 . pwPO•A dsNe) If 0 � IIL+S Oarwr IpN pfe(vr1'.am eadUaneM CMV,CIrry rM Y.a grid ConVitl«ab — � — Ia${naMe Fair on3vrK1•JwD:JSa«Isrcera3)Od BV>IMSS UA PIOI<]S:MI]Co:fe Its COnVLCIw3 qf� tunas Uydu+a.d 0.oNa IO en owre 01,1-ciV win dubs-Innpa.n Derasn,en ISsuO Dale -_ __—_ __ TOTAL FEE wro cwrvaus rw uxD«oKcraw:Dr.-::ea:Y''.A er ease prwnarnmwe Convulon I READ CONDITIONS BELOW vH e.ap I,YI unn uanN undw s.d_.B a Pc r«:nu rroswr ____ The works set loth by issuance of INS perme is subjecmums f t all the rules _-'— and regulations set lonh m the ordinances and amordmenl5 al the Coy of El Segundo,and the laws of the Slate of California in regard to such work,and all amendments thofeto. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY This permit becomes null and void it work is not Commenced within one hundred eighty(100)days from date of issuance,or a work Is suspended at :MrabY,Uam ubd,r P+M:ry a xrw:Y Dar Diu n.wnsu«Iron Iennq,pwKY I« any lima Ourklg COnslrutilOn for the same period of time,or it any work isdone q 4b pdoUnvror of use w Ior which bu Derr..s r%S d lS<a a091.('n C) in violation of the City Ordinance or Slate laws governing some. VALIDATION Lenw.n Adbav___�-. ,e«, pet N It OLHL IDtp1t VI ILOW IAWC U,1- 4. rOnnl 1 103 11<, 161 INSPECTION RECORD APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE NOTES: POINEW10LE T IH-6--- LUND TEI'I" 6NOrRGROj Ro or M UG "" LI NG I SERVICE TLITYN FINAL - ----------- A_ fy�J.a ELECTRICAL PERMIT 0 �-+ �+ \ City of El Sogundo APPLICANT - I and Pazn S�; BUILDING S FETYIQ Tt3-�� 3d�wi`.' PNio4/4;}L 50 AODRFSS y &lild:ng —__- h�:!'J ft�l'• /[i' P (owt nACr,"% ev rfi� _) Amreie Rb0 N [7n1C LAS 5 CITY ZIP 4wONE Tr Dlockl Vege��'(r -_ 2n�<,i�-'_ - S _ I_ - r "-' - - -"- '— ".wwR..then l.a.w..en lh,a nrva'volt,n and Main lMl Iran above lnhfine110r11st4r1aci- "- I nnFte a�' - - 4 /Y.DR �}l t��_� - _ _ .- _Y ., I ogres to comply with all city end county ordinA[><ea end slab Iawe reletlrp to building __ i rAf1DR4SS - HONE xonslru I n,a dhal by out norixe represenlelnw Uthta city to seta upon tlu above 3 .- ---Cirri_K[LS ylt7"_W4YI _ .331 -71J3y.---- 11 for inapeFlion purpems. o CIIY 6TATE170, m • ! '- NAME a t• < _-t.�_ Da rynmws of Appficn of Agent bete 1 ADDRESS YVIiONE .__ 4 L•I7Y STATEILIP . _.. ._ P.C.No._ __ _ NO.W4n Pe Rnid_ r7 1 ¢ rail_:5E� NAME_ N.E Oa �"le. _ a� � ,_. M _ m ___ ua. 2 ADDRE5ye: N Gf yC-r WA . PHDNE 33J -7 q f 1i- _ SERVICE N 'u U rF'' EACH FEES u sx[r CITY .. n L; srAT011P qn ,y` Service$IY / AddiServtional over VOIIs •00 NAME cT(- ` [,716R MAILING ADDRESS o Ali n 1 Motors P ntl Board clTv T LEPI+� SWITCHBOARDS(olh>r than service sections) o _ll,4ttLtfLL�RNf_____ �zt4J3l_'_G.6_y-3._ _ STAT. IP 1_090CITY LIC.NO " Flfe neU�n35.00 Additional Ilona I Mlepy N'rm under pMM d WNl'chat I un Ksmed oMN proeNams d CPepar 9 V (comenerrrrp wrch 6scem7eN)Vl Cirifwnaa uw oYa++>swardas.wnt eow.am 30.00 Ovor WO Volt Sections 60.00 my scsnieb mlua lwMMect LK.Ne. ! 3 Additional SeVions t IWnM Cuu_.{rom=lam ��p iDau,f!'7�" �� ___toms.s•gnmwe ,[[�. OUTLETS WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Switch, Light.nd4a tittle .Sv U� Light FtzApptures .50 .� I IM b7 eX+m undarpM:yd prry7 oM olIM IwM+np er,cbrarom' 4,� ' bve aM wa malnlamauM1+na1<oltmfmtlo sMmswf la waM1a IIAOCO DOmeS11C 2 rom ansabon.st povbsd rw Dy Sacunn otooame Leba C[Me,sa mt pow �. Applianee COmmtrcial 5.00 O wwa la wNch nYf permit h raurd j ti inay.andwe maWaln wabri car�.ema5enmwums,es requedW Secu POWER EQUIPMENT HP On KVA h u Cl mf lobo Ccde,lw m.W.cW a.am warfa wM[A AreDwxla if rued I Z N7xaYAlY[OTDaneatLMNtwaKa[NMr arld DdlY r.✓��rl��({��<. UP TO SHP 6.501 50.1 - 10HP 33.00 lu CnMI:.T�F/I��LyI %t.'Ak9Posry Numpel.�.Q 834JYaa�0L $ 5.1 l0 20HP 10.00 Over 10011P 50.00 RNa secede rWd rot M comp4bd d me prmn b lot one XvnW<d donan(f I00)w Ires p _I ce[bh chat h Nit ans men e d me wort for which W a plume rs Issued.11M0 na 20.1 10 SOHP 15.00 _ V omploy toll isrfwl m Na manner so Y or MCOma wbiocI 10 lM one"*canpNaeM fh tewa el CeNorn4.sM agea glaldl snoYH Moome tYbirotaew y'ten'compnsapon Temporary Power Pole 20.00 w paisraw asacunn nroa m.lAba Gode,lfrusTenn signoras, I mm wim mote Permanent Power Pole 20.00 rlon.bM�� �r //'J Ft;a WArning,Communlcalions,Emergency, Control Systems, moko O WARNIxa:Fssws to secede woners'mnpeneaMn ovaage awbe/ul.end anon r_ftt.;l0rs&Simnel$ 6ty em 3 W*d an emp iss to punvestpnaNes and civil ins.Yq to hr Mred lhou"M r QUANTITY _ OMan(ef 00A0D),m eddum W the cost or compeniauon.damaps a pmaiad for as Section 7706d me Labor Cols.Alereu aM MwmYsless. (,'Wlr01 Equipment to flbOVe systems I MIebY aXarnuMer prWHdprjay marl am sasmrl hemme C:neaclorsllcenu!. QUANTITY Ia W1oWr'rguum(See 7o7Lseusnassnd Pref....a,Co).).Any or,a rom? IOV05II ati00 Fto 100.00 wnkm rPf(adH a permitb mni Wcn,alYl,Impore,demdnb,w npu tnY aWCIYb,DnX ((� rp a bauarce.e]o regvnf M appa[enl for WM plmd to nN a INned abYm<nl mat M w aM n pdfnsed pnuam b me povisrMf d ma Cemramas 1 tense lax Iena 9 (commamLM ere Saeedn 7000)of D Islon 3 d me aysneiis AM Pro!esuo Syota ' enlMwfM Mlampl ewmhom aM me OaVsrO'Na+t['ged earn My ndaMn a.`eddon 7eJ15 by sM appnmrwa permit tub: n aoil, msaeepnalhot a j q MI more sun In,hundrad dollars I$Soo)LI I I L n onrwr a.me;e mmy or my emP'++Y...wwr es as Inanole compws.lm nit [ W PERMIT FEE (Sub iofall— do me wow.aM me aunty la rol mlena< or 4 led la sa'e t`e[ 70a1 eualness am OPmftaelom Code) TMCenuaClai Lr[en• nwoeesna 4ryt an owner drawoperry an.bolds or rnpo+a mueen,an[ Goes sucn xora vn w ou9A nif or Mr own REMARKS_ Plan Check Fee 4 erapsnyses,povreed thel such .emannap not mle I ulld lorsale noxeeer.me pu:drrga mp amam.,Ian w.mn oM d+wnpeoon,m<ownw. Plan Rot.Fats I prNMr wW Mra eK bn apDvavp matMwlMdg lhudi orl'an ve la lM —'— - — O Corpse olsW) _____ OI.ns owner Papally ameaddslveN'mb¢nnz wim Mmzed ronvaaon to __ IKUinCi FoeTt16_=00 [Onibo[t CMa 15eCMn 795/nw!ness mM PlelaLonf Code Tha lcenaiiba roteppyrosrlwMrci(.vopM*M.u.Nswrtpovea Vrreon,sM Issue hale—!4)_� . _—TOTAL FEE .,._+1,/_-_ wMc Vallrs la sYds Volt"wim a mnvawwla)uensa prwad to aN Cana, R'eAD CONDITIONSBELOW Ixcna feel, The work authorized by issuance of this permit Is subject to all the rules (1 I.m..wnp uMe'S.e_a a PC for Wi'aa.m.—_ end regulations set lonh In the ordinencos and ameMments of Use Cityy of El ua• __ __-rTvMi — Segundo,and(he Is-"of the Slate of California In regard to Such work,and -—--' all amundm ruts the are. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY T This Permit becomes null and void If work Is not commenced within one hundred eighty(180)days from date of issuance,of If work Is suspended at f Ius by ademundar Penury a P rm trust olaanaednsvucnon kMaq agency la any flme during construction for the same period of time•or if any Work redone 2 I the rNmusws oI W W"Ia wMnihls rrul It� 3A7.CN.C) In Violation of the City Ordinance of Stale TAWS governing soma. ,Wy LaMele Name�� l VALIDATION leMen AdLaf_� - p..•nb•Im .nLFq s 11111E i0[DII vt ll r•:V IAFe'tami rue FOlnl tdOJ Ilea Iq5 A INSPECT WIN r.flEQ0RD APPROVALS ]_ DATE NOTES: ._ TEA1P.POWER w CEILING SERVICE UTILITY N-o-TIf:IE?----� FINAL REMARKS INSPECTIDNeREQQR•D APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR'SSIGNATURE NOTES: TEMP.POWER POLE UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WALLS, rcU INf __ UTILITY NOTIFIE7 FINAL — REMARKS i 1 i 9s 0 0 0 G 2 q _ �� ELECTRICAL PERMIT I APPLICANT! _ City of El Segundo 1 ( BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT Af1Ul{ES Bugdinp a IeyHar � r 1• U(TV`!yj Building Nol„�rT 1 �ln ��111 U �W D K' _ Aad esD N In fi V'�'� CITY ZIP PHOilown [ _ Ttsel Uiau rYgn NAME „' 1'#torg v YK G,z*x 1 9 ity theft pY rthetc nand coy ryndina191ir and Star* laws surfed. _ 3`' v`^! _ _ ___..________ Io !ee to tom with theft city and coon oMinenaf9ard scaly laws rMeUng toe above s IAnnsIFAc 41?L f1 Yf+, Li eG/T PHONE 5 construction,and hereby authwize reprssentativaeof INS dhy to enter upon Me above 4 ._. _rw r tr laws!_._-. _ _—_._. ._ `f mentioned Propattspe'.wn VwPo>as• - CITY giATF{LN 4 Jfr�J - Hl.ME T gamulo of Apphcnnl or Aaent --- Oslo i ADDRESS PHONE P.C.No. ._. No,of Plane.._flndA Oc CITY STATE@P N.E.C. (G72Dale_�/�v - Comm._ Indus. w NAME /J ADDRESS PHONE SERVICE N MBE EACH FEE C•f _. tZif CITY STATF171P SgrviCe Size NAME n,,,�•lt�.. Service ova r 500 v0118 60.00 Additional Meters MAILI 0 ODR SS Panctl Boar I alv T PR SWITCHBOARDS(other than service sections) C�NO. — Q STATE AA ZIP �aloo2 CITY LIC.NO. it tl I lweW semn Undar 11 r' II O Wn•llyq perlwt'mat l sm kronua undH oebvhbnswen w9 V (cammerwq w,m 5scaonl<Oolw paabnagw ovflnaff(nd Owfes>rma eaN.and Over 600 Y211 822112n, m euukiG lwGp, aMM l No �/(n-�"1� Additional BC IO 9 LKeris,ensei'Yfs ---- �/�/y3,a OUTLETS Bar, __ .$gndNre - _ _ _ Switch,LI hg 1,Racglaclo 50 I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 LI hl Fixtures 1 -50 —1h'aa.dundsrpnialrydPerpryofolmnt to winaeiis. slrro: 'P/ri ill Appliance Domestic- i22 I IMwsrM w,meissid for by r *Af consent to see mwra.0," vl II $ compeafetNn.nPlwidM la Wsegron alDOgwLaea Cade.rotwpanamann A IlanCe l'.OmmOrCl91 8 •00 4 O w d.3"kla wNU Nf permlu lsaVee. f IMYr Nd MtC malnlYFf»(ANYCGr'pensdlUll NaGlaMe.tlreV-'radWSK4M POW ER EQUIPMENT HP OR KVA A_oDo1 ma Law code.to,wp�norm.nc.of me vmlk foe whch Vill peswln-sued. sly waken' s w,6apse rei 1.M pwkv nvmMl.ayv v UP TO 5HP 6-50 50.1 — 10HF` 33.00 to c1,M1:t�_rlL7*'wKy xrmear.-C--YY"- " 9e 5.1 to 20HP tO.Og Over TOONP 50.00 'tececa rued nor M compbud a sie perms I.far one WNW ddMn t3160)G Ias. O <MtdY mat VI w pedoom .of w woes IG whkh Yea parmrl n nad.d.1 shell not 20.1 to 50HP t S.OD j V n,eby any,,mon In any m, wr to ae uMcom.sublerl w w wenan'companaauen Temporary Power Pole 2D•� r y L.wa e1 C.IEGnu.sod a9iee out it 1 i, G W wrol suoiect io aw wakes'comp.nxsan W pov!abns q$.cwn 3700 ft tago,Cede,I aMa raNwnh comply wah mesa Permanent Power Pole 20.00 Prwdune. �r L Flro Warning, Commldnicatlons, Emergency, Control Systems.Smoke �o oaud7_"'_�_ .'ere.1 !U Detectors&Signal S taco S I wAaNINO:F •aernns waYui Compen3nl rbwugvnunlswlq,.Iq)hall i .noted an ampbyerbalmwlr.namesaM U.a lNes rp to cna nurMed fnouanM QUANTITY dwlal.Iateepee).In addikon ro w eo3t of cempeMaaon,damages as pwked for N Sacmn aloe of w Lao«Cw,se-1-tt aM.dOlneys less. Control Equipment for etXryB s stems TiWaeMm 4rppVGlMgpa:Mymellemef •p1I1MmIGMUKIGaLKMMLaY QUANTITY ' 1w wsYow,g +:?st l$ee loaLeaft.,1 ve ,Pi ash.oCode).Any oh Ge p.. Invostl anon Foe try100 whKh ucwes.pNlM Hwna4'ua,ehus,lm!.:e:a.dxmoksh.GrePax erg aawl�.prwr � roMnsuar:�a.sw lequr.>wappHanllG svwr Mrmdlo lJe ssyMd xab NmuM ' uaMUM.naed pw>Umlrome gwiaionfUmeCrnttaaic:f Oars.l.w Mpg itr.GmmerarpVa.'.r:n'f 1oC4)w OFlipnlwme llofNa3s eM Proles aCode)G mgMGfMnmmyi¢a:dreg.slaw Ms•a lw cai•sae >.Ar'.-NeI+N of .1I.I..W wyoallw!G•pelm•l augecls Yu spy.•,roarive ponaRl or Y� rulmur men raven�iea xa>1s(>s00)1 • � —� ��•� w j ( )I,a3(MM(q me TVOMn/GmI M-f .f111 t1:.fVra' r.ce fob Came.nfe'�Yi wr9CPEIIMIT FEE ub Toial)____.lesCo M Yb wMk,Na me sOVClWela 1pl Nl J oY.eredl Ale t$e[ 1Ni EVfNYf1 aM 1a vI Prwau,onf Code)-Iw C.Uadas 1. ensv:a..Loe�sla ananowna or.pso'mIIC/ �^ :a I *noiwy:,e smpofefwren.sod woo dce.auto.Nk h„n;ee or INIph N1 of Ms own RE ----- P Uwek F16 I emWyces.awned mat such Ynyoveme-:.�ol.4N4.d G oeercd to,sak.If. ! Ipawn, i3 me san Ina Widnga xnpave'._•1 aeW mY,lNateAl°l canple4yn, er• ui a,:rs1»a ow sb` --- --- R91.F66�— , ,�. yyn;�iNPavNg Na e013MN urld G unpiore tar lM 1'+Ipafl or dab; IO � ( )I.a•.mnrrgwpoPGey.ame ' swely coma .a MrKensN rMPaClGa to --- --.-- la&ta11e6 Feb—.S!i5_g0_ i !il ..:nsuvct ma F'geU l`+^c4cN lffl'i livae,e;s ally Plwes3r MCode Th6c u.0ols �ry��� ?1� •W i l r.Mse tsw dose net sPP", fn oanm of p•opry wee e:cHs or an3Yb aawreon.YM Issue Date_—� `— (S___TOTAL FEE arnii woos...iGsutltp a»Iwaaonuecw(s)acansaanuanno wConuaculs READ CONDITIONS BELOW lx.n..l awl. The work e!nhorixed by Issuance of this permit Is subject to all the rules t l I wa eaemp Sae_e a PC roe dw loaod,- and ra fulalluns sot forth in the ordinances and amendments of the City of El Wit tdo.and the laws of the Stale of California in regard 10 i uch work.Bad t all amendments thereto. I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY This permit becomes null and vold if work is not eommenesd within one hundred elghly(180)days from date of Issuance,or if work Is suspended at bc j I h.lsW seem uM.l p..so a penoey 0.1 mai.b a rnavuclor.wMrq•9•nw la any time during construction for the same ptarWrif time.or if any work is done e u, ' Ow gn.. .q ma lankr cue lr s,, paml n wa sued fsec. r.car,) In violation of The City Ordinance or Slate laws gaverning same. «rxaxaw__—}Ins{ _ -- ----- VALIDATION _- -r, 1-fi'tN a K", (Uepl.` YIHOrr:Appx.r.l Crs I(XiM 1: 104 nmr 195 INSPECTION RECORDt. APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE NOTES: TEMP POWER POLE T -T_- - ROUGHWALLS-- _ CEILING SERVICE - UTILITY NOTIFIES_ T INAL REMARKS 4 -- j z 0 5 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICAN` - - -- w � ` City of El Segundo BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ADDRESS I' Z kltTt IE �Jt,VYJ 'FN-'S3 b 'Address Ru�aeing atuldinp Noo2 f1 f^ LITIpa 5� A F.t?Mn�A'J i - - - - -- --- CI'I V 21P P17UNE Tract .61ak f Page Lot Parcel ull+rri�tY. gorr� o_._a)e 4.5_ _ f .. . •-•—_ 1�Mrn�lY,n la rvwrYa I agree to comply with all city end county ordinances and elate laws totaling to building 2 ADDRESS .� PHONE construction,and hereby suthwizefeP,esentetivm of INS city to enter upon the above STATFJTIP menikined property for inspection purpose!. rA CITY I�L�uN� � C U __ _ b NAME f li MP cant ,gent o _----_ Y- '4 �— --'--- --'—'--- ���� = OMe ADDRESS /`( PHONES P.C.No. __ No.of Plans. RsskL_ R CITY STATEI2IP N.E.C. 9R,r-i/ .-f-{-E-�-e - NAME _ Indus. ADDAESS p�-y- PHONE SERVICE NUMBER EACH FEES_ 4x1 CITY STAiE(LIF Service Size II.Iia.v�p(Af. F,Lec�ucAi�1pnLTp,�rj �> L'fb Service over 600 volt! 60. OD NAME Additional Motor MAIUN3 ADDRESS ISM WIirTnta� &y �'?" Panel Bo CITY TE EPHO o V___AT_ HI low- _ _L E 5 0 ITCHBOARDS (oth3r than service sections) STE TIP 90/ CITY UC.NO. I�J +� First tMnby aeon under plWa/dpa'hry lull sm[pored ardor rravn,mselCMpNr9 Additional Sections U (camnenanp pint Sec'xsi]^00)or Ownlm3dlM Nsveff•nO Prdessena Coda,nroQyAt WO Volt SwIIGn! mykamneMlWls"M Caen. ���d G JAdditionalCIIO 5 .nn Ocensa C:as• r7 ppc .rc.No. _�.C__'h,''—__ Case Cona.S.pnah,o_1�(k �&�-,Al OUTLETS I --sf—�— Switch Light,Receptacle I .60 •fin WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLF,RATION LI hl Fixtures .60 I I Waspy AM m must pMairf of pgury coo of 4. x m—mIp'urva 9aaL a.pets awls ty saclnn 3]aoasauw Lana ccae,mIa M L pert mantX _Pppllance( 00 ardwiamarllsin a Willi otcon ADDliance CornmerNal 8,00 I rJ qPw wGkla wNM Uva perm!!!nswd. ' i ti Ihave ud aiamW4MwMef mrepanfoaMnsaanee.mneYrM sy Seaton POWER EQUIPMENT HP OR KVA y17M of Me Lahv Code,for Ma porle,M oa d sea ask lot Much Val whim IS i»us f. T MywkaIohlnu, m,ld end TO 5HP 6.50 50.1 — IOHP 33.000 Pnry41 CN e7--_ 51 to 20HP 1 110.001Over 100HP 1 1 50.00 HNa NaomplelMeMMrmil if lcronHnalrea dDeps(SIiP)a Nla O _I eatery Ml In M% aneemahea or lM was for which M9 lermn is Issued.I Men rot 20.1 to 50HP 1 116.001 V I empte,My Mnm Many manner so at to te,oma suspect k sea waken'caepnsaem ( Laws of CUdabs,am o9ma Mar A l fhwAW sarome eugacl V Ma waken'eompehai6las TP—.IfarNry Power Pole 20.g0 4 poduoes d sectors 37n0 of Me�Labe:caw.I ants forehand,comply whit these Permanent Power Pole 20.00 ¢W Novisbn �/ y� �{""� Gore_,SpJ� P Ssunanna„[a/[?✓ �=�•,.+ Fire Warning,Communications, Emergency, ntrol yslems.Smoke ! 3 WARNING:Alawa 10 1WdAW0rken'tvmpnaee ta'+enr9lb,rNawtu'i,r Jshap Detectors&Signal System sedtKl N amp ,Ia Wnata Miss**,and the INaf PD r3 act hYMred 11WfaM QUANTITY drams(11100.000).eI sde mm:o sea tort of mmpnfaYon.da,aa9ef of povdad fa M I sectwn3706d the,Law CO .threats only nsaney-slees. Control Equipment foraboves tems 2mby.thms" .pn.M et p'NYaetl am easmDl hram NsCmvamaaikMule.r QUANTITY Me lopowng warm(see-703Ls eu:MasD and Ploto.Pms coda).My07 orcaAOY investigation Fee 100.00 I which repueee a prmit to mnwutt,seer,improve.demolish q iepaa any fvunule,pwv W 01 ssean:e,boo Ipwoa Mait saMl la such pima to NO asgnediilatemenl MalM w she n etensed Msuam to de povmona of the Comnsm,s License Law(Cho 9 rpvnee„w,p the 34(1Nm 7000)DI Gbls,'n 3 of Me evsvess ant Pm:efslonf Code)N Nat M orlint is aae.or"101 rsend Ms oast Ia Me 1°1914 aaempaon.My masaan al sseaen 7031.s t any opeahlla. rmn augaels lM opkconl to a ah)pthalry of rolmas Man tna=ad does"is 11 (Il,newm dMa po ys pble fs wish waves as Mee sold comp,mdw,we �C)(J WO ffAMIT FEE (Sub Totatl_ do Vm wat,eM Ne feuc' 3. .neMMa M<rad lta lab(Sec]Wefle3lnrsi and Plolessions Coda).iM m "Le,.ro.I w does na apply 1.M h.",a. ,h'm Llkr*q - J wM twWs er rnpovaa oars an o micas sum won mmsee or Nm,.rJh sea er na own REMARKS_ _Plan Check Fee employees.provdM Nall emanla ue nor,aerded aodewdimssle.d. W 1,awar,,.Ne su,k,npd mptos arts sold w,lM,ma Year ulcanplenm.lM o.ner. d/[iffl(A+ Plan Rol.Fee! �f, DnlGr wd Mve Ve hYy(rt 0f w that his or ant did net eWd he=Plo,n la UN S papslo'.) Q III,as Pwna of Ma poMM.amettlmwehy ConVn9op w,N ettmM canes^.AaU I / ��r+++ —Issuance Fee fiG'0�_ amfsvn ue pgec•lSecton/o3.euf+waa and P,o4ssbnf Code.Ton Conua„mn � � TOTAL FEE I(�GP LiCenH I W deaf MI Fppf/b b,Ow.la oI powM wh,bJ.Mf a enpe.ef Ve:VM,and IaSUa Dale_ who coneans la fvcn po'pw rN,a con0aclor(q a<enno Fwt:ua to ve Conkactora READ CONDITIONS BELOW 1 rce W am Uw) 1 1 uamp under ear:_a A PC for Mla reesm The work authorized by Issuance of thispermit is 6bled to all the roles '--� and regulations set!only inthe ordinancess and amendments cr the City of El eoener -� Segun l).and the lees of the Slate of California In regard to aueh work,and -- all smandnsOnts thereto. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY This permit becomes null and void if work Is not commeenced within one 1 MeU enem under hundred eighty(1e0)days from dale of Issuance,or If.York Is susponded at tt1 y porwryd DnluM1'"vuwle consapcosf Ismege9aneyla s,ly lime during Construction IN the sense period of time.or l!any work is done q ice p Rxlhasme d Ma wwh IN when e.,s and N Iowa Isee,ptg7,cre.47 in violation of the City Ord)nsnm or Stale laws ry governing game. LwdanNarro /-( _ VALIDATION L9M1n A0Ha39__ D.,!, -on GfUM A IILIIL (Uupl YI-1111Y(Appcaml WS sonM b1p3 ne+ IrJs INSPECTI©N `RtCORD _ g I APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR'S S.GNATURE NOTES: TEMP.POWER POLE UNDERGROUND ROUGH WALL) CEILING _ _ __...... SERVICE _ I UTILITY NOTIFIED _ _ - FINAL •� " -- REMAPAS _ f l � r c3lrt�j— ME ELECTRICAL n� ~ • ' _ � '� ELECTRICAL PERMIT `APPLICANT, w City of El Segundo BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT --.�PHONE.�t/ AOCreas)))- CIT) NP Tra ��l- o.,� 9ock/Page Lolf Partll rirl!_� __ n• NAMTYJIL�iY.PD.G� /��`_f-"T" I Namneclers At7D ES - -"- PHON ,?l Mailing - o C�iYrJS .- sf11�f.Qsr1—.__ 3,�'!_-,� -3/l_ Adarese CITY G" STA I ratify � ty —"' eTlee7wne"e No. ' - � NAME �.Jwt G ,late L c.No. ZTry Lie.Tlo: C I ADDRESS/ PIfONE L1 _ �'-2_ _-Z� P.C.No. - ,.. N0.of Plane Resld" f't - - Y ¢ CITY �i �STAT I ¢ I NAME as N.E.0.93 Dale Comm InOus. v I ADORE Sl/ �,Mf, �r t 7g ,Mi $ERVIr� U RER FEE' w CITY C. STATEIl.IP ,7 I Service Size I NAME F� 1 Service over 600 volts tiq . 'IP Gye� T f rt1AII,1yyG ADDR Additional fe _ Panel Bar CITY TELEPHOf+S ev 3- rii_d SWITCHBOARDS(other than service sections) V STATE z-21P ---- CITY LIC.NO. / ( . ) Lirsil Section 2 IMrnb/Y.mm uMer penal of perjury cal I am boatload omen ptovlsbn,0 chapter eddltlonal Sections V (ao•rmana�with Sxron 700t)d Oration 3 of me easirwaa says Plol{,,clans Coot,cad over 600 VoltCIBnS 60,001 my L".,#N in N o;te eavct Lk<nte claw_r"1 _—Let.No. Addillopal Sections 1 1 65.001 OUTLETS WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Switch,Light, Receptacle .60 f I ay eylnm uMer irlan a c ,NW ono of e,10 self i ottbutwor /_ LI ht Fixtures ,50 I Pre and*IN meetemace,UKateW ronserllo sex,mue for narke,i � ` ±Py5anC0JDom0sIIc) 4.00 x , nmDrmsatun,ee plarded Il,M'Secmn 3700 VI ms Labar coca,to,W pedamann I A lianco Commelclaf 8.00 O i of eworkl l WNmA9tis t•l worei Loped. I. I inayseM wn mNNeinwMn,'oomponsatmr mwrs"e,as leavaad try Sevres POWER EQUIPMENT HP OR KVA ce31M0 ate LPba ClM.Irama pado,msre of me walk 10,*Iwyt our renal k issuM. 2 MYwwkei mnyensavon Wwa,Ks cNric,andpncynum'ceraro: O y1UP TO 5HP 6.60 60.1 - 10HP 300 say caniw:h/2�? a = Pach736Y OVBf 0otl ov J to 10.00 0(Thessectbnnaew b I clMy MelmdM podamerw'e WWwork 70,wMch at pelmillsus,mL l sh.VW 20.11, .',UHP 1S.00 V taws*enY pemtm MY manMfSodto Dew,rra tuairdbnp ao,ke•i eanM,nAacn y l'awsofCUdomif.anda9,eemalal>noWRLweamfsuDjen)pp wmkuicon a Teml r8 Power Polo 20 4 pmrisbnsal Snc 370 W"Ubw Cods.1"1. In rOa ynMl s lu Permanent g, Pole 20im >< Praiswn�// ao cma_r'7 -• Fire Warning,lAmmunitatlons, Emcdgency, Control Syst@ms, Smoke WARNO{@radwslo saewewotkeri cemf✓msa novena sunir«hn.and snag Detectors 8 Signs ls diem '�' I bajTYtemplmrye,to Grminel Danebes entl chilMsq to M,e lgMudNWsaM OUANI ITY dolbls(5100.000).in addevrs 10 fee east of romWrss'nn,damages as Worst"br In Seawn 37M of ee Lebpr CMe.mN,eslaW Wornejs lees. Control E ui meat for above systems I Priebe teem under penalty of perjury tnal l am HCmpl from tM CdntAtlas'.Kense law .,QUANTITY I,lea lMe,e„w)reast sft,7031.50urins",no Pmlassro,n CMq Anymy acount, InVesill atiOP Fee loo.00 Whah le,ar.,a Palma to coasuat after.tmr,ave.amolnh,or lapse any aWCiure.Dtiw tod,sssoance.Nsorpuues ms sppEcenl tvi solo pe,mil to abss,9n"slmrmwnl math or sM is erased rytsuanl to one pronsi o1 tM chorale,urns!..aw(Chap 9 (eomm,n fta ma Seceon 7000)of Orvemn Sol me Gosmess.w P,w.,rns CMa)or that M cranes nempl maindnmendK:H111'1 yel mo or eaempboa Any Waleson 01 Secson)031.5 by n.;opWKsn Ia arn a aDWKant Id0cra .SIa1. /�-\\I )Lasowner adores., yor n.;sat has men sale(omgnsatMwm PERMIT FEE / Vo red for aa,e 1.^.ec-10<40uslMss W ($@b T0191)—may y I Pmhisgni Cod!)TM CttK Lrcense L t ncl apf{y to on owner OI s p,aPrM A A �/ mJ wMD,nbsa,mpausmer eMwMaonsa,<nwwaromse:Imnvo,gPNsorM,ow:t REMARKS MWInChxAFee..t2'L rmployeet,PrastM in uch unr.son, Is old W.11eMed or offered to,sale.It, �1 Wft.evet,mabmrd'r unpmvaminbs saw fahrs",.ir dcdnplev..lha awnr,• / ('"G 3 i wldetwmhav Wadan of provurp NalMwsM dq ncl c•itlo or,mWaelq lM - Plan Bet.Fea--16 --� I p,apos.olsn O 1 )Laslrrnerdu,e Woperry,am mCushelY sronvacu,g n,m ksnsNctuaaau to --- Issuance Fee___.61600 _ consmrct the p,ol<tl LSecson)Osi Ousmcss a,d P,Wwmons Code:IDe:aMatlde � 'y [[I' I Lcenso taw does not apply if an maer of ptopearry wM Drabs or,mprowes pw:.on•all issue Osto— s� L TOTAL FEE t wMCOnV.ltflar sYdt pmtni,..in.muaclou)Item.pbWNl b"ccaru .'. L...1.fan} READ CONDITIONS BELOW 1)l em asmnpt urar sea_.0 s pe lix Ws oast — _ -- The work authorized by Issuances of this permit is subject to all Ike rules Ina regulations of forth In the ordinances and amendments of the City of El "?gur do,and the laws of the Slate of California in regard to such work,and as shandmenle thweto. I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY This permit becomes pull and void if work is not commented within one cc I Mncy ores..Mur hundred eighty tills days from dale of Issuance,or it work is suspended at cenJry olpwryry that ln.unsMMu tbna ern la Y 9 period of time,or if any walk is done W I -----' ^ !W 9 % — an Ili Burin contlr,fp.L,n for same ales pMormance of me wars for wPkP Ws pe "I b wu (See_I Cn.C) in Violation e'the City Ordlncpee or Slate laws governing same. to Lerdera NUM " VAUOATION UMers Addtess _ D-Iro,,I n Mr EN 3 @LUE (Npl) YELLOW IAPP'aanh dba FWlbl E.qp Iles. M5 INSPECTION AMOVALS DATE INSPECTORISIGNATURE NOTES: i cmn wncn rv�c -_� UNDEROP,WHD ROUGH WALLS CEILING SERVICE UTIL-lY NOTIFIED $ FINAL REMARKI I I i i F - 98000 623 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICANT - > City of El Segundo ADDRESS BUILDING, SA"ETY DEPARTMENT I•/-�f-w "it if 11v . PUIr7 r'N"!s'5-& sins €iCn'N'�ILIf 1 �P•-to' NReJP M �� C CITY W14tittej? ZIP ejki02-__(PPHONE t4s Trecl -� BlmkIPage Lot IPascal NAME k.V'r•`,7tCa 1 Cs I cattily that I have road this"fration and stale that the above IniourNlbn Is corset - u 2 - �- +- --- - --- - - -_ . ..__._.__ ; Iagree to wmpfywntn en city endcomryordinances e:M stale lava retetirrp to Wildmp ADDI11i55�ta�.t�ry�llr`� -__ PHONEs� construction,and harebY aultarixo reprexnlebvee of this city to tiller upon the above CITY ILLi s CA - -� STATEIZIP --_-- -- 4 Inenlito7 property let inspection pupuwa. NAM' -. 3rgaalum-o1 Applirnnl 0r Agent -�— Date �- 2 ADDRESS VHONF. - _--_---- r -_ Itr Cltt - ------- -- --- - ----STATEILIP - P.C.No. _, _ _ Na W plans_ Resid W NAME IOFi �ZI N,E.CS�� Date�+e L Cornm Indus. 2 ADDRESSraL 44,i�-t t,�,s„ PHONE iJjls 144Oj V; r SERVICE NUMBEA1 EACH FEE 2 CITV �T� - - -- - �'iCll►.t1yV•(�� srnT_IZIP �t� z-� Service S1ze NAME II•ItAV5T1iAL L-t.l'>r VWAL CLN4'tk`1ti1.;> L-)I Service Lwer fi00 volts _ Fi0.00 MAILING AODRE u Additional Metals 7 L1.1 Nu _�i _�y:j-;i_- Panel Board _ 1 CITY , 7R�,EpItOt+F wltl�Tlt fl-_ _ C.�9 6 -q'?-; U(lFl�!___� SWITCHBOARDS(other than service sections) _ STATE .1 CITY LIC.NO/3 ry It Section IIleG , LIP Llo4e'1 7 I Ma at«m un',er •I I ll q p«,aMap.dury mall am iCensed.INM prwisansd Cnapb,a Ifornn,anaM M•a section Tom)of Dlveion 3 a IN aosm.>s aN P,ana4na Cod.,asa Over 600 Volt Sections .00 my sc.n..4 in IW race aN.M¢ �� „ t,cenw('l(afsa ,,�L'_lI� L¢.ta _�j[7�1'3 Adilional SertUlns 55,00 �b �Cow S•pamra .y!✓��j S r �`�a OUTLETS Dale c ° Svtilch, Light. Receptacle .lin (,�WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION / 1 Mre reur under NI a (1� Light Fixtures .5g by p rl ndic.1 wolearabw:nOosNWatmns "/v/^I IMv.aed wO nYNbH aC.A&ale olcM3Mllp Seah'YN.I«xell.en' 1 A Ilanoe(Comeslic)compensationw . as _ Ak pnamaras r 1J 1 wet 1«wM[A wa pllml 1.Ia.1Nd. 6.00 A lance{Commarcfal) tilnrn ens wa reaelat, Ni cocpenw4on madoNa.ns mquuM by scum POWER EQUIPMENT HP OR KVA d Ca Labor coos.,IN"Wo"Won 010.moo IN aidhth.'rermars reared f kp werkv nsawn in.wanc.ton.,and pdry numb,tie UP TR vHP 6.50 50.1 - 10HP 33.00 cur»,: ^ ' '�}tEuktt _1�1.- It (ttu adKm n.M rot cemp4s.osMms perm t. r«MSWNraO donu.(,lM)«4sa fi.i to 20HP 10.00 Over l00HP I I50.00 t, i«deyAelm as pedNmansw a t work IN whkh wapermrl,a i's,ad l,hall ml 20.1 if VIP 15.00 V .mpoY a,ryp.raonberq mamcrwa.bMcom.wD(.<Ibpa xcrke,a'canpensatim y levee olCasoMa,and name eatlllsnaad Mco,ra wD)edbM wNnen'romnmsaeen IaMp2Lag Power Pole 20.00 d. pes+srona of��$bccrww4en J1 0l Va Labor r:oa.,I aM.Mmwah wrtpiy wain sal. Y rrovnroN// Permanent Power Pole 20.00 0 Sonann..�,,L[�!!g!_L2-,X%•�r:,_ Fire Warning, Communications,Emergency,Control Systems,Smoke 3 WARNINo.Fors,to sore woof compansa' cov.,age a uaawlN,one shall Detectors&Si nalSstem wyecl M smisi 10 aaaMs psnalae.wd five Mrs up I.me mrnmad esusaa, QUANTITY douu 0),m a(,100,00 addiam Ill me cost 01 compensaeon,damages is,s ardsir rot b I Sf<wnJ7a5a Ns uba crw,bl,restw.nar4y,4.a. Control Equipment for above systems I Mroby am.m under ponally a parj,Iry;hellpm ea.mpl iron Pa Canvacror.licens.Lsw QUANTITY I«the,loMw'vq wasap(set,miI.s eV.il,eaaaN Probsabns Coe).My orC.-, Investigation Foe to 100,U0 xnxnuqunn is Ndv corarWi,past,improro,dernnlnh,er,epmrp pure,ps, -- lod.nsu•A'+,na rpuueih appvcanlrw a«sperm.to M14au dal•Mmenl math orIM.,hoomM pumast to ere prod,,N,of Ne convadasL slaw(Cop9 ice ,N,tsrs fM Se on 70M)of[Nation 3 N tie euun•v Pmrea:hnsLNe)N Ono«sMneaompiVaRUom aN aw Dau>IN maN ed e•empPM.Myvml•unn la Sewon 203151ry pry nppecMHor.Wm,wets', apPeaa ld.are psealry of sol mare Ihao e,e Mrbmd dobq(F:)) Of. lowneramaposedeamy +pees wages*+bent Lo4 fompenu,anwi O do IN M.orb ins smKlma L•Nmn Ned offered mr sera(Sec.loss BNm.,o.M PFAMIT FEE (Sub T01B1)__�•SV V P,dle»bM CwN)_TM Calpefl«3 toe does all asp,a an owner a a do,d, tit" i xM Wads«unpoves parson.andw a «swots hantee or wo.,9l,Ns or Mrawn REMARK6�O:b 'b Wan Check FYa= empbyees.porbed mat auU-To me b le nobntend.d a Nie.ed l«sa's.11, WI.owerer.IN Wtdaq«rmn_,— Nees..as,or<year NcanpepM.Va owner. �M 6� Q C blalderwJNmalMgrbnd orvq tMlMN Ma db rot tr,•sarmpon la pa �--� --•--Plan R01.Fee__. o�,aV__ 5 I paposew.d.) 1)hai owne,NlMp rty,amefrrvsrceM wnva«a,gwam a«need comMonb — __ Imanee FBa__3'15.00 nay.Kl Me pg.ct{(((((SGc« ]Oss BV>me50 orb Polelsicns Cope.IN Cmuoctors h ello I.w doe espy 1.Mpwn.tN protein,is,Wassam,I%✓nsr Wonsan.I N Issue Dal. � �a ^• TOTAL FEE I •�!) t.Moselecbl aYM poYas wain pconV•G«(s)icense p.....'A a._anpaebre lama L•w), READ CAINDIT101 IS BELOW I I I sm aabrep aver see_e A M to wa m.on The work authorized by Issuance of this perms 1s subject to all the rules and regulation,pet forth In the ordinances and amendments of the City of El Oo, r _ _ Segundo,and(he Iowa of the Slate o:Cel:fornla in regard to such work,and all amendments thereto. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY This permit becomes null and Vold if work Is rot commenced within one W I IMr•yperm padar p.NW0pel)urY mat met.is a consuatan londbp.perky la hundrad eighty(I80)days from date of issuance,or If work b suspended at q IM pMamuK.asr wok la nweperrta slndnd ls'+c,Jw1 Cn.C) any lime during eaieVUClIon lot Ills nano period of time,or It any work is done 2 any o11M City Ordinance or S:a(a laws governing rams. v Len0.10 Nun. _ �"L — _ VAUOATN)N AEFN nLUb (Dept) YELLOYI(App:aave d,,,fGI.A i no, Irg, _ - L /7 INSPECTION RtCORb- APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR1 SIGNATURE NOTES: LIND ROUGH WALLS CEILING SERVICE UTILITY NOTIFIEI)--L FINAL REMARKS T 1 ss o 0 o 621 x ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICANT - City of El Segundo IE CI BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT 6 1'W12 Wool* PJLUf7 #H-g33 — -- Idufd.ng �b�T1I�+JP `� t�. i�t1uX�, ealdngtro.� G Address Q CITY r� -- - - ZIP HON Tract Lucca/Page ~� Lot Parcel ) JJwla(m I NANp • I_-._,r-•• I INrlily the,lnevu rendlM1,i OrWkn11M]PM e101.that the OMdn iD]MIMIWI]a MrrW z u "F -1" I - _ - __..___ (agree to tempo with all raly anticounty ordinances and elate lawx raising to Euild,ng 2 ADDDRDR ESS a: �f,.l-•����i� PHONE construction,and hereby authorize(epresentaint"of We city to"far upon lM abow ___ .__ -- - mentioned properly for inspection Purposes. 1 CITV �L'".ns C9 U1-Ltp eA STATFJ7.IP - -- - _ C U NAME __- e _ •^`-"� " 71 et ____ I Dale S- !; ADDRESS PHONE P.C.No. —_ No.of Plana Re•io C CITY STATERIP ! NAME N.E.C.I n y Date� .� Carnm Irbua. I-ADDRESS/�„(� ��7-n+�ap PHONE SERVICE N MRER EACH FEES V l w I CITY 1511-'aeC�uµt�;.� ( STni F171P - - -- Service Size NAME�tODL1 (rCA Servic over 5 00 Volts 60.00 Mauwly�Ly 1 : • Additional Motors 5.00•t'iL.Up_�la g3� Panel Boar a uL �la(NtTTila2 _ _ P%�gN�(�5-(pGQ�(o SWITCHBOARDS(other than service sections) STATE A. ZIP �ax2 CITY LTC.NO- I- _ - _--- Firston — IZE Ihereby aesm serdet psnaayofIte"Star l.m scensee Order Wmltbns a charter Aitloflal Section$ V lcawreatan w:m Seceoo 7000)o1 Dwblon3011M fbiuess era PrdessWM Lode,and Oyer EDO Volltl My]crnta IS In lW form�!Ord effer. Additional Sections 5. Dab y 2q-L'b+u-sgnalaD ((Ll.�-! L�'7 OUTLETS I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Switch, LI ht, Receptacle I �� Light Fixtures .50 I rweW eXrm rrrosr pngy a perp+ry err a ma roaOwNq decrarabns: 1 I _INvaM wf mrinsemaatVlruleolcantentfe[eX mta•1«wo,a<n• A hence DOme$tic 4.00 x mmpentaaon,aspumped for by Sactma 3700 a m•Law Code.for me SwWmanWAppliance Commelcial 8.00 t S ame waL lawhrm Ws"Wi,issrre. 1 ti lblutr•ua wrmmlam wakera•armpenwborrmwanc•.as reWa•e or s.roon POWER EQUIPMENT HP OR KVA 0 31000 m•UW.coos.la me p•Aamaaa oftM work l«wMm mis p•Imin ssmao. - t 4 Nywakes 'oompensetan vtsw.rw tank(eas po!KY hum y- /r,tJ UP TO5HPD 6.50 _ 60.1 - IOHP 33.00 CvnN: T) pol"NOmeer. (L_a•(Q_ 1 uec4m[�I�b tomplw a M piing I I"'One by ffd eoXarg31oo)a lass 5.11Lf H. 10.00 Over 100HP 50.00 p larvrym•m me peddmanor d er wax lawnkh this permnrs 151.1d.I man Mt 20.1 to 50HP 1 115.001 } L7 Lawso Cl p•nM Yr Nyiesog d I etb DWwa Sal# t101 SrIkoro0mppeasear ig Laws of canrdr:i•,ark aprs•ma d I enWd fxaKM suborn to m•waken•compenaayen Temporary Power Pole 1 20.00 o: portknsa S.cecn 0700 iha ba Croe,lshaa ldVMM comDl with nqN W 1 Permanent Power Pole 20.00 f P:onslms. �7 a I Omo__ f 9�sgnaNrs U Fire Warning,Communlc6llens,Emergency,Control Syslema,Smoke f 3 wARIAW:rahvs to e•Cmssoikeri tempest, mwbge is uuwlm,and shall Defectors R Signal s 0161• s]rleel an amployr b cSMSMSI a artaro•a and eira rrr.vD b one Wrested thousand OL+NTI iy dollars(s100,OJ0).In a66W to m.,cost accmpnuwn,d g.s as~0loto I salon 3706 a She,Lab$code,Ma.art am mom.yl teas. Control E it then, s��YOs stems I I hemb warm esker d IY.JA�7:cry r Ir^.I7 perlvylMllam aa.mpll«n meCaV>clastXenN new f«err foecw%ngtuton lSPo.703t reutin•N aro ProbNbnt cods).Mraya count' !mecti aflrn Fou 100.00 wh.hmabr0a.p MVI 10 fenfbWL.l•.r,rmpb.•,de IS any stirrer,q!^! b Vf y]t'a::-i,drO(pureeIM ayyb[aM1er curb pamrl blbaeight alerap a erne rslr.•nt.d puavrtl b dr poe::..'^.f d 1M Lenuedon(Ken Law(LINO B oommencaq me Secooa 7o00)et nraibn 3 d me ewwess eM o!esi:ons Code)a malMaaMseuompllMNlmm.nd me ash ld me e.ege N,npm,Anyrrolabon oraee_..eDi.S by any aDfAranlla.p nsugras ew Dbunuo amepwayor art.m.nlwa Mtndndeoaa,+(sy) 1 R Ol,es owMram•pop.rty or mY• ..a wnh ges as their lose mmpmsavon wd pao tM work,va use abernn h Ml rrgeo w e .d l«terse(ser l0a Lusiness era PERMIT FEE (Sub TOINI. 1•QQ PO11s54na Code).TM LNieerlas rxtnse l dos' ror eppy b en owns d a pOpe[y 5 wM bOkt or vnpOrea erreon,erne cane a urn won remseu a through Ns or ha can REMARKS ILLAX-CLI AVAA;2 t I Plan Cheek Fee emllbyeH,pm pee mal sum mpora Is me nor mbroedaoaved for ub it. �,�r���g QnDw.ret,rN Ouadrlg or•namernenl "Warn Oy'AL year orcanplel,M.Itr owner- ' /� '•atI Plan Rel •� x OUWer wrB Mr•IM dndend pm mat nn or e]ylror anWaunPrer•IwW .Fore_ 3• pus'seolsa'e) ()I,.s ownoraar pay ,.m•awsbey b. rgnm named canbadasb -_ �— _-_IsrAlartee Fee 115.00 consbr.Kt W A 1rt0s 1rry who habtd•npore[tror•m ark Issue Date__ a4d/ /1L_-_TOTAL FEE_ !1'se wrist aomVaolor($)$tenter ptrrwWfoWCd]kKbra '7 Wanu Lewb READ CONDITIONS BELOW / r 1 1 Lin•aerngrurker S•c_B a PL f«Wt nsDn The work aulhrn¢ed by IosuenctI of this permit I$subject to all the rules i _ and regulations sot forth in the ominenees and amendments of the GIy of El o y_ prune,. __ _ Segundo,and the lavro of the Slate of California In regard to such work,and {-- as amendments thereto. i CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY This permit becomes null and Vold it work is not comrnerlrad within air@ at, of I Nretry mum Droer parWy a wtryry m •is a come (call serq hundred eighty(I80)days from data of faSuance,or if wof k Is suspended at W 1np' �B asanry f« any time during construction for the same period of lime.cir it any work is done w Mrlamanua Xr was la wnr id/Fn] sued ee.oog7.Cn.q In Violation of the City Ordlnance Or State laws gty•aing same. yLendets Name__T _ VALIDATION lwq•n AONws_ )'I '-[or, entnN 8 nwe (DIMI YEuav(Area . 1) utS FOR$1 103 J., i,% Z INSPECTION RECORD APPROVALS OATS INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE NOTES: TEMP.POWER POLE _ UNDERGROUND ROUGH _ WALLS CEILING SERVICE -•-- UTILITY NOT$-1E9 .- i. FINAL - REMARKS 1 se 0 o s 1 / ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICANT IECI. ,� City of El Segundo BUILDING SAFETY DEPARTMENT ADDRESS ►ten _ --su-�.. - --''-- _ ,� k1HITTIEC ilM Tr l!•QAh AdOreao . I� s.s. n 1r ..., ram_ t$u king NO. datoI CITY.- _ _- ZIP •�p Tfact is call t Block I Pagel Lot/Parcel qo,�z 6 T NAME ;Jar44�� N-;h �'p2 Icertify that I have read this apPlkalionAM state that the above information iscontact, u -- — elaaree to comoh,With oil CRY and County ardinancesand stale tavx,alalhle to hiukinn c 1/VI,- .a YHUNL construction,and Mteb authotuef rasemalivae at Blta Oil to emor 3 _ _�Jtril'7 f-I L{J(1L.46 _ — _ I CID Y awn Maabow CITY SIATEItIP _ __--_ : munl property lot inspection purpossa. } _ w�X.4Ul•�YXJ NAME ,ynar0ln Of Applicant Of ,t Date x AUORE5S _ pHONF IS: CITY . 'StATE1Z;p P.C.No..__. .� No.*1Plans _Reaill_..__•_ , NAME / ri �jyt N E.C.1 Delo � Colnm,�.__..IMua. . ... __ ._._ . ----- - .. w 'I- �ADDRESS PO /7�), ��� CCp J Ir CITY eA STATE;;Ifr . ___ Se ice it NAME 10bu! VIAL. SB7V'e over 600 V01 60.00 t1 MAILITyr�ADORE �f•M�`^' Additional r 1 >�-,1{11SPE* E t) N O133 nBoard c ciTr Wit 11 __._ _ IO` Z�C ���^�1pfJ(p SWITCHBOARDS(other than service fractions) eSTATE AA Zip(�CtfL� CITYUC.NO. 13y3t5 --_ Flrel tlon abY L M MI P<rR'Tr q htp.re Addi(lorial.WIOnS IM, elfem iuWl N a nellem wN.i.duMer DrifYMlf aC U hnrnraI"wan Stcton 700:4 a 0ir11on 0 adw bvse.st am Pfolets",Core,am QVIRT YOlt SeCtl " mT bCarse M In he Iola am select e , Lkehle Gut_(C,((Z_,_ Lie No._ I10GA:3 Addiknal Sections L s5.00 1` core__� ��1L�or✓..SgnaNr .{f1�CT_ L 'Yj OUTLETS SwBCh LI hl ReCe laele Gy7 WORKER'S COMPENSATION ECLARA.TION --'— :� 6 Light Fixtures _ I _jhe W VmarAwry afafuryo 1 ofeu Iabwmym.1.Wk iheva NCI wa m+IN<Napr41iuU 01 coniM,l lo,<ainew<IIX rCrArr<' 400 Zt eompanlaw.as gordad for by Sechod 3100 of INS labs coca.for u»aname.w Appliance Commerelel 8.00 Oojm<wdtln wNN Wf permit is a.Ia4. ]�Ihave sm"maintat,sraken'compen%,Mn mswance.na reeun.e by Stow POWER EQUIPMENT HP OR KVA v7 700 of au taUa cote.IN Uw Nrtormara a She wakla.N<h Pee parc.I is aw'. 2 Wwakw+�garrlya,rsyeannfpuMeuuw:endpakyn�mber e. o UP TO6HP 6.50 50.1 •- 10HP 33.00 W CafMr' ��ft lltt •df1iL[_yA___Pawy""bal _ =�,f _ ^ S Ijlva uu,a,Nw mtacanp.rwam.wrr,vinlor on.nomr.00ean(Sioo)a4s+ 5.1 to 20HP 10.00 Over IOOHP 50.00 p Icapry dratnrNPRIMMan<.aeuwwl,IN wWh INs peens Ise,wd.I Shea not 20.11050HP 15.00 U empty Nry WINS In any mMMl{O pat Jew<fldjY-4IM work,a'<anpenp40r1 � •�• y ta.n aCahlaNa,am eprn arddlelgdd become aW.n<r to n.won.M'eomwnuibn Tem ra Power Pele 20.00 rc gons,m.a Cacdon a7aodrM UOa Ca4,Isbaa!atlrwM a:wpl .in obsr Provnion+. y Permanent Power Polo 20.W 4o Fire Warning,Communications,Emergency,Control Systems, Smoke 3 WARNING:Feawh r se<we Walaf'Nxrptn ",,age I, nla-M,am"I DeleC10f8 8$'"gal SIOm +Viol`+ylNO"$b ervn All wna401 and 140 fine,W 1,.0 humr.d lMuatm QUANTITY LGI•lA'1 (fO.GT- o "are(3100.000).n amTuon a, ar Or ,lol comyansabon,demay,s as pIN"tan I Seceen 3706 of ate tabs cede inaativM ahaMTs Seat. Control E utoment for above systems I TMOb,Sea.NlNr peN:,ya pelr rTa:atl am A<mpl Iran She CMVN1at OCMN Iaw QUANTlTV W aawo+:rll.a,0.(se<.7031.5 ewnea,a,d pe•raeron,ewq.Any ary�<r.,,ay Invesli atlon fee _.t f00.00 wMch requva,•pvsvl IQ wnswa,Star.vngore,demnsh,or upw w.,DCclun,q.v ton,I„Uamo.6sol.auko,e,e eppk.nrIIX saAppfmn IO Nevi vyn< (t4mtnl n.the _ a am 11 hwed pert venllo Ne pWregN IIM CWIraCIar LK< rAwlCnapa Irommerr�sy the Sector 7M)of Owh an.a-.n.S, ,elessbns Code)N —� War ha a$he a eeempl IMNI,Om be."IN V,e am n.mPaen.My nathOn a Pe<M<t 7031.S by any ap7ac.n11 naf wbtecn appa<arn to a<xl p.nanya MImIX.Vanlrr.hIXrS.O doau+( g CIk ()I,u oafuradu pry.rryN my.mpbyeea ,n way.+at nevi so4 wfnpensepenwa PERMIT FEE d Den"wak,Wate sby<Mei,Mt WrM aeaerNlO,esia(Sec 7W4Ovswst and (Sub �+ Pmbssrons Ca4) IM ConUa<rors 1 se lnw nos.na spp4 m an nwrxr a a NoMM 5 ..m WklSamgovr.U.•.on, MC,v.rf�A woM1 Nm.fealHr:ugn N+U free awn REMARKS_a'w'vr-41's� "L —Plsr,sack Fee._{� a emdoy.e.,gordX eMl m!Pmw soli<rPO for u4.n. �t""'i'nMIIs. wIQrnpPlafI Rot.11.aT6.00 _ t)LnowntrMe.rAuwery cenuachrrdwmucear TI co Nn:.CIb .— laWanCafN ._, tunNutt V,e}•�IM(Stceon TOfa BvuMN am Pmt<sswrf Code IM ConVanms Lken,a tav(do.,na aplx;ban o.M,of gow.ry wMou4ea repo...Ina"" Issue Oaia=y�---_ TOTAL..'-EE._.�[.�_ _ I wM".6w.Ia tl/l po»ctf W,n a fMaa<rorlt)......NO.-ant b pry t'.erly..Iaa �_—_ U.ens<I..). HEAD CONDITIUNS OELOW (Ilem010-0 cadet Set_.;0 a PC 1a fban,fon The%Vrkaulhowed by fe3U&nCi3 o1 this pum>is subleet Ica all tharules and tovl lions set lodh In the ofd+tenCaa and arroW tans of the City m EI J Segundo,and the laws Of 17e State of C81it0rnia Ill tagard b WCII wake and —�-- as amond"nis thereto. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Th13 Permit bafxnnes mil and vNd it work Is not commented within One a I luruby anrm wda,pruNp a rw)wy sal eau U.cnn.Vueain 4M a . b hundfed eighty(Y,u)days from dale of lasneaC%Of it work is suspenflad at q wpwfae.n aa•xaA lOxnkh M pwa I,uwed(Net.awl,r°.I.•.c) any gore during•,onatrWIon for fix,sauna period of gate.0,11 any work la dons W � m In violation of As City Ordinance or 81810 laws governing came. �. LNd.p NNM VALIDATION Lemwt Ada... D.anwlrn .IIEEN a BLUE (Npij 'Itt LOW(ApAganl) w.FORM E100 ntr N;5 Hilo