1260-03 - 436 BUNGALOW DROWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I tgrJJy affirm undo/ Penn of Cu,Iun NMI am °secant I.om the Contention. License Low for the &Athens reason (Sac 7031 E. Butner. aim Pmlessons Otto. Nay thy or county which mochas a pmmd L, covect Math Improve. demolish, or repair any .nnxturo. owe to M Hsueae. also teethes the applicant fir such permit to Ire a send Mammoth that he or the Is thiamin pursuant to the provision CI the Coot/actors L,Mlmn l.aw ICMolor 9 (avnmarlct•q with Sac. 7000) a Ow 3 or the Business and Fiore, Hes Coal) at Ma: ha or she Ia exempt Ilnrolronl and the Last for the alleged o[CTµgn. Any violation of Soc 7031.5 by any nppaulnt for a permit subject to (noon's' to a chid tenth, of not mare than live nundrod dollars ($00075. I, CIS uwrot of the property. or my employees "het wages a their the compmnsatlon, W S do too work, and the at .leturo Is nut intended a offered for that (Soc. 70.14. owner or propers wwoot and oWia+ C. throOodir ws uCnwed. and slWorseow such wodoes rk nm1lq heatld or through Na or her ow,. employees, rovidcd MN such Improvement are not Meade, or Worth for idea it however. the building or improvement Is sold wdhln ado ,ear or ComeithOn. sin wmeNsuMet ions hew rho burden of proving that no or ails did not wad or improve for The pury0sb of sate.) :, as owner of the "opfrty. e n ruclusvoly contrasting with ICentad amintlWr to ruwlruct MuprgM (Sec 7044. BunM'u sty Pm/thanes Coda- The Contractors Lcense Law doe, not apply to an other of C tony woo builds or improves lhotton, and who conwas for such month, with a tonbaMi) license pursuant to Inn Contracture License Law.) t sin (Comp! under Section _, a B.P.G. for this tension Dote _,___Sgnetum or Jan ne_, ._-___ _ BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 350 Main Street Elsegundo, CA 00245 24:'R Inspection Request Line: (310) 524. 2379 SITE ADDRESS: 436 BUNGALOW DR PLAN CHECK/PERMIT NUMBER: 1260.03 DATE: 11 /3/200 NEW ESIDENTIA CMP USE: ADDITION COMMERCIA CMP USE: CMP USE: E 129 3-(.3 BLDG AREA: BLDG AREA BLDG ARE?.: ^6E9CRIsTION OF WORK RE -ROOF OVER COMP SHINGLES 1 LAYE , NEW COMP SHINGL ES Ou: of Scope Residential LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLRATION I homey than under penalty of oopury !hall am IKu1LUN Wide' pmwcnns of Chapter 0 ;canmonong with Soebon 7000) of Division 3 o! the Buss -trio and Pmtueaions Code. I. U my Icorife rs in (WI force and efK: . pass C39. WC LKNember (1432atc Cap Darn ...1.1]0l10M Ijfare.// 0%41__-tnature of C01,014.1.4c4e.-:E' -•� WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I Mteb)" aintnundor pantry of punury ow of !no b li:nting otclratroni, I hays And ale mpnhan a Cetfoato of consent to set -Insure for pnrahNnCJ camnsatan. as PmvdO ed for by Seve 3700 of (Inctro Labor Code, for the t the work for warm tfna permit a tanned, I Nave and'wll maintain workers' co npc,sitan. ac tnquee by Section 3700 T • 1Code for the ceralwhet of the work for Mach this punt: H Issued. My waknm' throe +•n:a• nsurnn:e came, and poky number MS Carrier DALLAS Fi^c___ Policy Number ()WC 02301 Ma b eon rood Ml be sin a1it SwMml aIM Ono Ana d Daum, Math or bet) w ww o«twmww• w uw w... Air ion rue. wan e/. wow.1 u..,.• amw*IN w Rego y manna. Goof plaalwv.Woct b the scars. Wr.auctw kiwi of CM•wMa. ant *Iry ?nil di NnN aMTnvatrt toRenew:Cwnpnma Po.aknaaSC J70001N0kmtCcq,a .aa,OnMa¢mdjMn nom,nowiee. dmCA QY - e7 &Walquo n yuili'- V MNING: FAILURE TO CURE WORKF RS' COt.1PER::AT10N COVERAGE ISUNLAWFUL. AND SHALL SUDJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND OP/IL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (1100.000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION.LLABOR CODE, INTEREST, >Oe OF AND ATTORNEYS S FEES. SUITE / IDEN i IFYING NUMBER: /1rr14-C / ci Mini.:-i d q m' t,.P ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Book, 4135 Page: 032 Parcel: 002 REF fI PRE INSPECTION REO OCC. CROUP(S) f"E(S) OF CONST SQUARE FOOTAGE 0 NO. OF STORIES FIF E SPRINKLERS YE is NO: r. APPLICANT I CONTACT PERSON: FRANK RICHARDS ADDRESS: 22029 S. FIGUEROA CARSON, CA 90745 TEL: (310) 320"0224 STAT CLASS 0/S R UNIT(S) $3,400.00 Cc DE IN EFFEC T r:E C 01 PI AN CHECK FEE 5 _ _ _ O.UC STORM ':/ATER b 0.0C^ VALUATION ENERGY PLAN CHECI 0.00__ PROPERTY OWNER: VANPFLT DAVID & TRACEY Y ADDRESS: 436 BUNGALOW DR EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245-4043 TEL: RECEIPT NUMBER CLERK EG 0I TE 1113/20(3 ARCHITECT: ADDRESS: TEL: CONSTRUCTIOt1 LENDING AGENCY I hereby ran ulagpumaty of penury that there w a construction imams agency for the performance of thesock for which tNs pem!il in .saaM (Sec 3007. Civ. C.1 Lenders Name Lenders Address ENGINEER: ADDRESS: TEL: _ _ $C.00 PLAN CHECK FEE C __0.0) REVISED VALUATION ENERGY PLAN CHECK $ 0.0) RECEIPT NUMBER CLERK D \TE EG PERMIT FEE RETENTION FEE SMIP FEE ACCELERATED FEE $ _ 63,G0.___ _. $ _1,03 $. 050, $ 0.CD TOTAL FEES COLLECTED S $4J0-^ CCNI5 term I have reed 1hth appl Winn and ,late that teo than information S correct. I . ccmpfywth all city and county ordinances and state Ian rolatt a to building (ion. and haoby authorize roptesontbves of this city to ea lot upon to, sbovo- propeM for Inspection purples /7 /y l/ na i—o $grawm-!asap// �/it 4-`CL—_-- CONTRACTOR: A-1 ALL AMER ROOFG ADDRESS: 22029 S FIGUEROA CARSON, CA 90745- CITY BUSINESS LICENSE: 13419 CITY COPY TEL: (310) 320-0224 12/31 /2003 SCHOOL FEES PAID SANITATION DIST. PAID PUBLIC WORKS FEES PD. OSHA PERMIT OBTAINED HEALTH DEPT, 4PPROV ; FIRE CEPT. APPI?')VAL SCAOI AD APPROL AL INDLts "'VIAL WAS FE ARP RECEIPT NU s BEI ISSUED BY EG FINALED BY: (LATE I DATE 5 ;ac .Boa • •