1115-97 - 231 ARENA STOWNER/BUILDER te APPI cm EL SEGUNDO PLATING ADDRESS 231,233.229 ARENA STREET CITY ZIP PHONE as 4 I BUILDING PERMIT City of El Segundo DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY EL SIASUNDO CA 90245 322-15$5 PLAN CHECK NO DRAWING NO. gj ADDRESS 4304 THE STRANMONE 5455?o01101 G ADDRE / r CITYMANHATTAF BEACH STATE/ZIP-CA 9U26(, TRA BLOCK/PAGE NAME TYPE OF CONST GROUP NAME STUART SACHET ADDRESS PHONE CITY STATE/ZIP NAME Thomas N, Cover _ ADDRESS 231 ARENA SvTREBTONE 322-1585 0 CITY EL SEGUNDO STATE/ZIP CA 9022-45_ NAME SWUNG ADDS 2 CITY I TELEPHONE STATE ZIP CITY LIC. NO. I hereby affirm under penny of pokey Mt 1 am Lronsed mew Median of Chaplet 9 /"e"- . (t nvMndnp wan Swann 70001d DiScn 3 M Me Business and fidessioro Cods. and my kern* is In I W Wm and idea licenseClass tic. NO. Dale Conti. Sira de • WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I teuSis aibm order penalty a perjury one of Me Iaowitg deauston,: �I have and we miter a earlcote of consent o sea -Nave la waters' compeno aon.as Marled Vol by Section 37000AOhe Lana Code, lo, the pad&mance CI M ee work la *Mi t Inds permit is loosed I have and we ma/ M weans' Oornpenyaal rnsvande. as reryn'td by Seam 4 3700 of Me taboo rpda,yor the p4*rmance of the wad la wt� tls peend m Issued { My waters' ccrpwvydnnimance censer aMP015' number we: W Canner. X (Tis seam need Ad be Compiled d a permit a lao a hundred dorm (S100) a)ns O ._I wily that n Ma performance of the work to vmlcn Ws derma Is Issued.I shun not �' angst any moon n any moaner so as U become subject b me wmker>' faapen>aMA y laws of CekomOa, and agree tatd t sound become sub) Kr to Me wo*ns'mManaale W Moriins a Section 3700d the tabor Code.' shall yoMwilh comply wlth Vs >,g Provisions. ODate ___ Shgnape 3 WARNING: Uwe o sews. workers compensation mange Is Imixnip, and snail aubleci an employ., N &bind 'manias micro/ Imes up b one hun&od pd0sNd dollars (i1OO.OMI. m addein loth, costal cnmpens.On. damages as ps0 ided Ica in SMmn 3706 a the Labor Code. nlere31 and attorney's Ito. I hereby affirm alder pena:M N pnM1ry that I am exempt from the Connectors Leanse Law la the IoOuweq:eaten (Sec. 7031.5 Business end Prolnsiv Cade). My ay or wry which lequees a pe(nie b construct eker. improve, demosas Cr ever. any sbuclu:e, pot to Ns issuance. also tittles' the *flaunt ler oath perms to Me a sgned Statement that N M she Is Icntea pendant loom MovM),v al ate Contractors license law (Chpa to nnmeM+n/ye Section 7003) of Dimon 3 el to Buseess an, Plolesicns Code) or Mat be a she a exempt Ihererrom and the basso la to edopedsaempuon. My vwlaboon a S7akm 7031.5 by wry ppMydla a perm. opens Me Npplmvs to a curd penalty of MI mote (tan toe hundred dollars (SS00p.) WI, as owner ate pperty a my empbyps wdh wagss as Men solo ampensuaon wA Me work, and Ma sanctum is not intended or Mered la .Is (Sec 70n Busses, and Professions Cede). The CMVNlo,i License Law does not apply to M owner a a properly who bolds et anproses thereon, end wN does suds sort hinst) or though Ns or her own employs., purged Mel autA knMmement are not Intended a offered lot sale. II, Roam. IN butting or nnMovnnnl is sold yA1ms Me yen al compses&n eta berm. bother all cove the burden ol Hemp Mal he no she del not Gad a improve la the purpose of sate) () I. es owner of ere Mepepy. am evausivey centiaq)with licensed connelors In contemn the piped (Section 7044 Busahera and Peolessbns Code: the Canunlas License Law Nos not apply to W owlet 01 property who braids or sisplorss Person, and whoccabaR lot such Molten wen a emnbanks(s) lions. pisuenI to Ow License tan) O I em earned Morn Sec_ Ba PC for ads Nilson Dais.• �a DAp _ LOT/PARCEL USE ZONE HEO'D YARDS NO STORIES SIZE OF CONST. USE GE BUILDING /J _ _ _ ".�a SPRINKLERED ��/f ] YES NO WET STANDPIPES YES NO D RI ION 0171EMAcKS: NEW ADDITION ALTERATION CA4 Plot /zg SFr O c e I teddy Mal I have lead the epptcabon yyals. aasere Wlo armen la Canal agree so comply ails a5 ayu5kapdb ordinances end Ian relaying to 01io1 ansuuckon, foe home yluTiatie >prneuOsadi 0..p $ to Metupon Ole abase ... Ilmeneonednrcaelvfnfn.�i.......,...G . . C �l 1,t Sparer. o! Appbcanl or Agwm FOR DEPT. USE ONLY Dle/73 t APPL AEC C3 CC C FLOG. SAFE PLANNING PL'BLP. WORKS FIRE DEPT. II PARKS/REC CPR USE C) CMP USE t, N CMP USE BLDG. AREA BLDG. AREA BLDG. AREA VALUATION OFJOa., $ SALL PEE CAT II e __ Ji'. rNERGYPLANCHECK LAN CHECK FEE•�� BUILDING PERMIT FEE PLAN RETENTION FEE -1 TO l(gL IS PERMIT ISSUE DATE (I n 2 V e�jQ� C' STRUCTION LENDING AGENCY INWeby thxmu.• pa Iyol per Ham:.at a zontaucson Nn:ID.gemy log OW prbemanc. Cl` .e - permit N Issued (Sec. 3007. Ca.C) Lippert HaeN 1 Wien Address_ .' DVMWaan WARE eontl YELLOW (*scan). READ CONDITIONS BELOW The watt auth0naed by flounce 01 fur perms is sablea toes the Iola and IepY.ne eel loaf In Ow menace and amindmnts of Ma Cmy 01 EI Segundo, and Me MOsome Step elcelo ,n regard to seek •tens, end al amendment' Me:ep. This permit Semmes mil and sold dooms Is not romneaced within one hundred ethty Mk, days from dell ol Issuance a f work Is suspended at any time Outing eonesucbon I& Ile sale period01 erne cr N any work Is don. In eblebon ol d.a City (Manama or Epp Moe sown* setae. date FORM 0-102 Poe. INS VALIDATION